----Tarntiing Ba, a autem THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 15. 7 2 LC WITH + board, 10 Gon aewont. - FOUR GOOD FURNISHED 'ROOMS, WiTH with oli woders conveniences, of 191 University Avenue. THAT-DESIRARLE RESIDE? . 166 KING strest, y occupied by Major Baton Possession at once. For terms apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle. ---------------------------------------------- Ist MAY, BRICK RESIDENCE, 244 Brock street, Al condition, 9 rooms, moderns conveniences throughout. to H. D. Bibby. 201 Brock street. Ee Ee EE TER TE MONEY AND BUSINESS. - THE UBER, POUCH How It Is 'Hoped Yo Build Up Ontarie THE PROGRAMME OUTLINED WHICH WILL MAKE FOR GEN- ERAL PROSPERITY. Trunk Colonization Roads With Railways So As To Make Homes Accessible--To Manu- facture The Products Of The Forests And Mines. The policy of the Ontario govern: ment is briefly outlined as follows : 1. To wid settlement and increase ity by trunk eolonization roads and railways in order to make homes for the sons of Ontario, who other wise might seek a home in another provinee or under a foreign flag. 2. To apply a reasonable portion of the waste lands of the province in Liverpool, London and Globe Fire Insurance Company. FERRE RT he STRANGE & STRANGE, Aguis. The People Contented. The people know a good when they see it--ap- chase a good government they have it; they are contented to let, mot only well enough, but very geod, alone, and are not sposed to waste lung power in for a change, BT is no need for, and will be no change. There are good reasons for a quiet election contest in Ontario. CCCLLLECCEErLeCCxt« CLEC «y << Fo me The Toronte General Trusts Corporation Ofttes and Safe Deposit Vaults, 99 YONGE STREET, TORONTO CSaplital, - $1,000,000) Reserve Pund 880,000, Lh President 1 J0EN IN: Q.0., LiD. BEATTY, Po Director o vi HON.5.0. WOOD, W.H.' W. LANGMUIR, ening properties of porter with the milder aid of railways--the lands to revert to the crown if not settled withing: a rea- sonable tinse. 3. To assist the dominion govern: ment in obtaining the quick und cheap transportation of the products of the farm, especially of horses, cattle and dressed beef, to the markets of Great Britain and to improve local trans- portation within the province, by means of good roads, the removal of tolls, and cheap electric railways. 4. To expand and increase our agri- cultural wealth by improved methods of husbandry, fruit ing, dairying, cold storage, and the production of beetroot sugar, sud by reclaiming the undrained lagds of the province. 5. To centrol and regulate the rates for passengers and freight on all' rail. ways subsidized by the province, and the ultimate control of such railways by the expressed will of the legisla- ture. 6. Toy manufacture within the pro- vined, #0 far as practicable by Canadians, the products of our forest, such as pine and spruce, into lumber and pulp, and to smelt and refine our mineral products, such as iron, nickel and copper ore for the markets of the world, 7. To deal with our forest wealth with a view to its perpetuation by re- forestry, timber reserves and parks. 8. To insist upon the control of all local rights and franchises; as far as practicable, by the municipalities . to which they properly belong. 9. To maintain with a firm hand the #ights of Ontario against any other provige pf the dominion. . To enforge all laws enacted for the protection Bt publigsmporalityg with Srmngss and impartiality. RN, To i ve the practical educa- Sion of « aitisan clagses by the es- tablishment bf technical sehools as is now done in England: asl the Ubited States. : FATE 12. To maintain the efficiency of our yet of education and to adrmpinist the same in the interests of the whole people, irrespective of class or creed. WHAT IT HAS BROUGHT. The Yield If Cohservati ; Ruled. "iF age We have 288,000,000 acres of gulp- wood in New Ontaric (not counting several million feet pi pine.) This at 0 J td tt 2 , Rexsember This. ps If so thoro going & Cove who till a short time ago was leader of the party, finds it in the interests. of » the co to support the + Ross opment policy, no member of that par need fear to take the same stand Had RENENBER ROSS MRD PEASE THEY REPRESENT ONTARIO'S BEST POLICY. _ Mr. Pense Has Been as Loyal to Kingston as Mr. Ross Has Been to Ontario--RBoth Should be Returned Again. It's never time for a change for the worse, ? Ross and progress ! tario ! Omtario's handled. A good surplus is at the province's disposal. Let those who saved New Ontario develop it. How will Ontario profit by a Whit- ney victory ? Re on the right sidé and support the Ross idate / Wise electors will not vote to stop the development of the province. All progressive Canadians shoulo support the Ross government. , remember Ross, and do your duty towards him on election day. In Ros will be sustained and under his policy the country will continue to & finances are safely The province is prosperous and the Build up On- | HON. GEORGE W. ROSS The Man the Liberals Say Will Remain . as Premier of Ontario. vince in Canada. Yet Mr. Whitney wants a change. The motto of the government is to build up Ontario by building up our manufactories, creating trade and giv- { ing employment. Ontario has good reason to remem- ber Ross gratefully, and it will speak its gratitude very unmistakably when polling day comes ! Hon. GG." W. Ross has infused enter- prise and energy into the control of provincial: affairs since the day be ac cepted the leadership. t is never wise to exchange a cer tainty of progressive and successful | government for the chance of a lot of [ crude experimenters. During all the years of liberal rule the opposition bave never been able to point to ome dollar of the public money corruptly spent ! Ontario is the only province in the dominion free from debt. This is due | to the wise and honest acministra- | tion of the liberal party. | We have the substance, namely li | beral government--Who wants to risk {jt for "the shadow offered by Mr. | Whitney and. his friends. | The government has laid down a | policy und it is being carried out. | Mr. Marter says his party has done | nothing but, find fault. * Now for a long pull, a strong pull and a pull altogether, and for the ninth timé we shall see a, good liberal overnment established in power in has such » that Mr. ONTARIO _ LEGISLATION It Has Kept Pace With The Times. THE TORIES DID NOTHING THEY INTRODUCED NO IM- PORTANT LEGISLATION. Other Provinces and States Have Copied From - Ontario--Liberal Government Retains Ontario's Forest Reserves in Fee Simple For the Crown. Hon J, RB Seats st Port Dover. Ontario was the pioneer leader in legislation and departmental work of all the provinces. Her legislation bad at pace with the time. This was shown by the fact that no im portant legislation was introduced by the opposition in advance of the gov. ernment. Our crown timber regula. tions have been largely copied by the other provinces. Our Untarip fire act had been copied by Quebec, New Branswick and British Colombia. On- tario was the pioneer province in the fire-ranging system. This had been 0] y Lune and New Brunswick, and the dominion, as regards western timber lands, controlled by the de partment of the interior, and many of the United States had practically Foopied this system. (Hear, bear.) Qur cullers' examinations had been subled by Quebec. Our pulpwood policy of making leases or agreements conditional upon the erection of mills and the employment of a minimum number of men Tad been adopted by Nova Scotia, British Columbia and Newfoundland, though the Ontario agreements were much more strict than concessions granted by any oth- er provinee. ear, hear.) Uur saw- log policy, reqliring saw-logs cut on crown lands to be manufactured in Canada, was followed by British Co lumbia, by prohibiting export of pine cut on crown lands and export of pulpwood cut under lease. Newfound- land stipulates that the timber cul shall be cut at the mills of the lessee. The dominion prohibits the export of pine logs cut on the Indian reserves, and logs cut on the timber belt of the dominion in British Columbia. In our forest reserves we retain the land in fee simple for the crown. Ontario had the land, while Pennsylvania and New York state are purchasing land and setting it apart for forest re serve, Maine, Massachusetts, Michi- gan and Minnesota were all consider- ing similar action. FACTS SPEAK LOUDLY. There Has Alwa Been Clamo: By Conaffratives I Facts speak loud Ii liberal rule had not been economical as well as honest, is it reasonable to suppose the fact would not have been discovered be- fore now?! The return, term after term, of the Mowat, Hardy and Ross governments, speak more eloquently than volumes of print. The enemy eried "Mowat must go." But he didn't. When Mr. Mowat retired it was claimed that the liberal party were at the end of "their tether, but the independant electors who want the best the ballot can provide, decided that there was no good reason for a change, so that notwithstanding the fact that Mr. Mowat's strong hand had left the helm, the liberal party did not go out of power. And now with a man of Mr. Ross' strong personality in the front of the battle, the forces of tried and successful and business. like liberal party are sure to onéé more secure the stamp of public 'ap- proval on their standard. Can Offer No Improvements. Peterboro Examiner 0 stronger tribute could he paid 1o'wur school system than in ability of its eritite," mastly politi- wians, to find aif substantial fanlt or fo 'suggest any wdy of a supposed fugelt which is not already in force Of course our school system is not perfect. devised by human agencies finality ~improve- Mr, Whitneg!s Creed. Nothing reaches a id J " I don't believe in rail roads. ~ gha't beligve in mines, on't beliexe in any- thing new. il » I'm against the govern ment. I believe in Whitneyisni. We've been out of power too long. SPPIPRBIPBE BASSES IRIP EGY | ment mist and always will' be maile. The British constitution is not per fect; though it has been in course of owth for 5 thousand years, it is still in the formative stage. So with a school system. Changing condi- tions and the lessons of experience point out weak spots and all that » government can do is to add strength where neaded and remove defects which SXperishis may have disclosed. MARTER'S STRONG SUPPORT. ---- What He Said in the Ontario Legislature. It is also to be remembered that Mr. Master, formerly leader of the opposition, eft his party last session in order to. support the policy of the government in the matter of pulp concessions. In his. speech in the Ontario legisiature om the 15th of March last, he strongly defended this policy. Quoting his words : "§ feel s0 certain that what the goveriynent is doing is in the in tevests of the business men of this city and the province generally that I know they will be a unit in saying, "Yes, give every concession that you can as long as they are rded by the fair terms contai in this agreement.' Again he said : "The opposition make two objec tions only to the government's mode of granting concessions. First, they say they should be put up at public competition, which is impracticable, on account of the immense expenses attending the delimitation and esti: mation. * Secondly, they claim that the dues should be regulated by the legislature instead of the government. If the present dues are not sufficient, is it not the duty of hon. gentlemen on this side to say by resolution what in their judgment they think they ought to be, and which they have not | Result Of Ross Policy. In New Ontario the peo- ple declare Ross' policy has wrought the following i= "Where once still waters were, there are ships and turbine wheels; where for- ests primeval there the hardy lumberman turning into gold the labor of a nation; where the deserted, unpeopled land, there the smiling, happy homes of generous people, contented and assured; where barren rock and umpromising wil- derness there the sound of hammer, drill, and sullen blast as gold itself and more common metals are reclaimed from their arch- aeian bed and subserved to the useful arts of man.' 000000000000 00000000000%0 0000000000000 0000000000 09 yet done ? That is a better way than finding fault with people who are trying to do the country's busi- ness. Any man or set of men can pull down and destroy, but it takes wise men to build wp. 1 have got sick and tired of listening to the innuendoes that everybody is a thief and. g robber, and so on. "1 am tired and sick of it, I say, sir. And I only ask for the privilege and opportunity of meeting hon. gentlenien who make such assertions when 1 will endeavor to convince gny audience in this country that this is a good business proposition amd one free from any wrong-doing." STEADILY OPPOSED. Mr. Whitney All Along Against Development. The government's policy of opening up new districts and developing the treasures of forest and mines, by which thousands of people have been firnished employment, and the wealth of the province enormously increased, has heen steadily opposed by Me Whitney. We ealls the concessions made to companies "gigantic steals' and would rather the timber should rethain uncut and rot, or be destiny ed by fire, than that it should be used in eommection with important and profitable industries. LIKE GOOD BUSINESS MAN. Have Affairs of the Government Been Handled. The government has managed the affairs of the province as a good busi ness man would manage his own busi ness, and it has a right to look 'to the public that it has served for ap proval of its course. The great busi- negs and financial concerne do discharge tried and efficient servants for the reason that they have served them well many years." Nor will the electors of Ontario. LIGHTNESS OF BURDENS. Brought About By Good Govern- ment. The people of Ontario could scarcely be better satisfied than at present, and their condition is due' in 5 meas ure to the lightness of public Gurdens Economy in provincial administration and the husbmiding «4 (natural re- sources in the public interest have had the natural result Better linea of policy may be possible, but Mr Whitney has not discovered them. Nearly All New Blood. "Thirty years is long enough for any one body of men, however exesl: Jent, to be in offices" Is there one man in the legislature who has been "in office" thirty years? Not ons. With few exceptions the men in the legislature have not been there over ten years. New blood and new ener gv bas comstantly been infused. Nothing To Tarnish Name. A speaker pointed ont that in thie ty long years of its administration' it had yet to bo said $hat the Ontario government done anything to ter nish the honor of the citizens of the province. The Sver "#130,000 not, IN THE SPRING THE SYSTEM IS LOADED UP WITH IMPURITIES, After the bard work of the winter, the cating of rich and heavy foods, the system becomes clogged up with waste and poisonous matter, and the becomes thick and sluggish, This osuses Loss of Appetite, sess, Lack of Energy and thas tired, weary, listless feeling 80 prevalent in the spring. The cleansing, blood-purifying action BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. | eliminates all the pent-up poison from the The Best Spring Medicine. \ Wedding Needs. in our handsomely illus= trated catalogue you will find full lines and prices of ail that is newest In wedding rings, bridal presents, bridesmaids' favors, wedding lnvita- tions, etc. A copy of this catalogue will be cheerfully sent you upon application. Ryrie Bros., Yonge and Adelaide Sts., TORONTO. WE PREPAY CHAROES AND REFUND MONEY IP DESIRED, The Dandy Shiner NICKEL PLATED HOLDS SHOE RIGID. FITS ABY SHOE A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. It hoids any sised ihoe. Three lasts (man's, woman's, aud child's) go with each shiner, IT PREVENTS BACKACHES, if sot obtatmeble from your show of Mrders denier 1t will be forwarded oe receipt of BI. L. MH. PACKARD & CO MONTREAL. ubber | Rubber Tie | Tire For Ease and Comfort In driving you should have RUBBER TIRES put on your carriage by JAMES LATURNEY 390 PRINCESS STREEL. Pineapples. Pineapples, Bm fringer. See the word MA GI upon every bottle of genuine CALEDONIA vA TER. The only mineral water in Canada imitated.