A display that we are justly proud of. | Every new design and color combination. 'We would be - more than pleased to show you. Truthfully speak- ing our prices are the lowest. We would also draw your attent- ion to our large 'Stock ' All th newest pat- ferns fim widths - oné=h1l. yard to éight yards wide. We can save you from 10 to 15 per' cent. on these fer mato R. McFAUL Kingston Caspet Warehouse, ® Shan, Sag, eat We have 4 suites of 3 pieces wach, wil we this week clear the 4 mn . oe IE emir your 24h wnd 26th, p he 4 in full blast, bat Suites. ato, rer repair and 2 x3 ee THEY BEST POLICY. Mr. Pénse Has Been as Loyal to Kingston as Mr. Ross Has Been to Ontario--Both Should be Returned Again. Keep up the gait- it's g winger. Pense stang¥ for good goverpment And now one Jong pull, liberals, and the battle is won. The liberals bate 5 week in which to make preparations to band King- fston to Ross. thee oF Tove more speeches, Mr. Whit: ney will have 4 policy in spite of him. self. Let well snough alone. None but a few interested politicians are satisfied with the present government Why not ? ery for g change is too ab stract to awaken any real response. The only man why, wants 4 change is the man whis wants office. The laws and institutions of On tario are being copied in other prov ince. Why should the people of On tario vote thet they are tired of them ? Good evening, have vou decided how to cast your ballot. The Ross govern ment will be returned to power and Pense ix the government candidate in Kingston, The liberals are not standing about and shouting: they are sawing wood. They will have years in which to do their shouting for Kingston will get the benefits of their work. ? Dundas Banner: North Wentworth is "naturglly a reform riding and the consefvatives ean hardly expect to hold on to it, its going over to them last (ime being merely An gecident. Ross talks like a man who is eon: fident of suecess. He believes the peo- ple are with him and he depends on them. Ontario will remain liberal, Kingston is counted to kihow what is best for her. The nominations are over; on to the polls, liberals. There's where the fight must he won. Keep strong, ag- gressive and alert. The enemy is not asleep and will nme every fair and foul moans to win, Keep your eye on their doings, Every day the Ross party grows stronger in the country. Prince Ed ward will be redeemed by Dr. Currie and in Frontenac Shibley is likely to do the same for his party. Every con servative seat gained counts two in the majority. The same with votes, boys. Workingmen are asked to study the id record of the government in relation to legislation passed in their interests---the best code of labor laws in. the wprld, which protected every right and interest of the great classes whose toil creates all our wealth and builds up the country. Mr. Pense is un good vitizen, 5 good speaker, 4 man of gffairs, 4 stirring, emflitious;, aggressive man. who would not be content unless he were doing something to justify his career ~to reflect credit on his 'constituents and himself--to. prove that he was in public life to take his fair share of work and make his fair share of rep- resentative display. = Vote for him. The Ontario Tory denoupoed Mr. Whitney as a mossback and an ob- structionist and now the Whitney or- dans denounce the Tory ae a fake lication. The truth is that the ory i edited bv E. H. T. Cross, a young conservative politician in good sta ¢ in Toronto, andl a remark- ably clever writer. Some people will never tolerate a eandid friend. The government of Ontario go to the country on practically the same policy which has proved ite tower of strength for the last thirty. years, and has never failed to carry it to vie tory--faith jn the country and. faith in the people; to administer. the af- fairs honestly and economically ; to develop the resources of the province; to encourage agriculture and to care for the unfortunate classes of the community. Hon. G. W. Ross at Owen Sovnd: As a proof that our school books are not only regronshble af to price, laut excellent as to quality. cgpelusive ev. idence is furnished in the adoption of the greater niwober of them in every province of the dominion. Quebec has adopted five of the text hooks used in eur public' schools; Manitoba hak sever, Nova Scotia five: New 'Branswick, British Columbia ard Prince "Edward Tsland, each four; and thé northwest territories three, (Applause. ) text hook on acri- cultare, authorized by the tion t three vears gop, is adopt: ed in every provipce of the dominion. is- Grand Military Spectacle. There will be a military tournament in the skiiting rink, under the suspic es of the garrison, on T y even- ing, the 27th. There will be a musical ride by the Royal Canadian field ar- Aller, Col. Reade, commandant of the Royal military college, bas ind- consented to allow the cadets to ve some of their athletic exercises. The band of the 14th regiment, by L indlness of Cat Skinner, will be i 5 go to the South African memorial fund. PENSE REPRESENT ONTARIO'S | By the time Dr. Nesbitt has made | { About Various Interesting Battle. : field Incidents. David Scott, one of the Kingston troopers in the 2nd CMR, writes an interesting letter home. Describing the battle at Hart's river, he says that Lieut, Bruce Carruthers' troop and the other Canadian troop, which was bad- ly cut up, went at a gallop towards the Boers, leaving the other troops two miles behind, Trooper Scott was with ode of the latter, which twere un" able to gu abead so fast, else they would have run the risk of losing their convoy. Then the Canadians got into the trap mentioned in pre { vious letters, When the Boers began to fire, a number of the Canadians, including ; trooper Scott, left their grooming, land shipped out to fight. Their of ficer ordered them back, but they wouldn't return amtil he shouted that they would he cut to picves. This time they obeyed, and were sent by the ad- jutant to the opposite side to relieve anather party of their comrades whom they reached just in time. Trooper Scott says the bullets were whizzing past them in hundreds, singing like canariés, the big shells like crows, and the pom-powmns like sparrows. When the shells broke they sounded liké angen- gine shunting. Only one in his troop was killed, but he declares that was one too many. The writer gave an account of Lieut. Carruthers" brilliant stand. He also stated that trooper Marrison had a bullet shot through a stick about four inches above his head, a narrow es cay T, Hamilton, of Kingston, was Pals In the thick of the fight, but came out uninjured. Trooper Seott tells how they bury the dead. A hole is dug big enough for nine bodies which are put in together. He also re counts the Tragic death of a Scotch- man, who was shot by one of his comrades. He failed to answer the sentry who shot the "Seottie" in the leg. The poor soldier died from the effects of amputation, At the funeral the bagpipes played a lament. The Canadians were not starving, the writer said, as they got plenty of chicken, pork and meat, They got lit- tle bread though. Delarey, he says, is described as a nice fellow. He shook hands with one of the Canadian hos pital fellows, asked hun how they were getting on and if they liked to fight. He got some thing to eat, thanked the fellow and went away. CITY PROPERTY COMMITTEE. Various Matters Discussed At Yesterday's Meeting. The city property committee met yesterday alternoom, in attendance being chairman Alfoft and aldérmen Tait, Knapp and Sears. The chairman reported that the city solicitor wax looking carefully inte the complaint of market lessee Daly regarding the island market. Lhe sulxcommitiee, appointed to look into the watter of 4 dumping ground, reported that, ou the advice of the city enginwer, they had decided to use 5 corner of the fair grounds which required to be filled in. The dumping would done under the supervision of the caretaker, but no material in the way of nuisapee will be poceptod. A lease of the city's prover. ty, known as the smelting field (the part fenced im), was granted to Joseph Carrington, who offered $35 for the year, and to keep the fences in repair. Thomas Keats' offer was 25. The complaint of the underwriter's association that the by-law relative to the storing of explosives if being violated in Kingston was considered. This company stated that its repre sentatives had found 125 pounds in ane hardware store and 30 pounds in another. Alderman Sears stated thiat his powder was confined in. a birick vault, where it was quite safe, and that there was no cause for com: plant, The by-law revealed the fact that no person could keep more than seventy-five pounds of powder within the city limits, and that it must be kept on the ground floor, not more than twenty feet from the front door and away. from any fire. The mat- ter was held over for further consider- ation, Grand Concert By Sousa And His Choice Band. May 2nd, at skating tink Joba Philip Sousa, M.V.0 conductor; Lucile Jocelyn, soprano; Marguerite De Fritsch, violiniste; Are thur Pryor, Tromipne. Overture, "Di Ballo" (first time here.) . (This com- position is generally considered ag one of finest. creations of - Sulli- van's genius). Trombone solo, * Love's En bhantment,"' Arthur Pry- or; © Suite, Sylvia'; Sopran Aria, Seene and Cnvatine--"' Ernani Miss Lucile Jocelyn; Finale to first act, "La Tosca," (new). (The toll ing of the castle bell, announcing the escape of the prisoners, intermingles x Mach. Ad. + Anat 3 2 ' nut Nothing © (new); Valse, " The Night Owls" (new); March, " The Invinei- ble Eagle " (new); Sousa; Violin So- lo, Fantasie, * en' Miss Mar ite de Fristch;. Theme, Variations ¢ i Scents in March, ** Imperial Edward" Thursday, A-------- Granted Him A Testamur, b eok | i { ; i 5 1 : i i | i = Er : Fa £ 8 "WAS THE BIT OF THE SEASD ys -------- "FLORODORA AN ATTRAC: | . TIVE OPERA. There Was a Fine Audience and it Fully Appreciated the Specta- | cular and Musical Enjoy- } ments of the Night. "Forodora" has come and gone, but the jingle and hum of its catchy eis has been left behind. Kingstonians above all things are fond of musical comeglies, but they seem to be especi ally impartial to the opera that was so ably sung at the Grand last even ing. The seats were bought up long in advance, and the house was crowded. And it is safe fo say that evervone in the audience was satisfied and pleased beyond their expectations. | The vivacity, vim and rapidity of action were more marked than in any previous opera presented here this season. The scepery was good and | attractively arranged, and every ! member of the cast thoroughly under- {stood the art of "makeup." The double sexteite in their song, "Tell ! Me, Pretty Maiden' was the hit of ithe evening if not of the season. NumePous encores were demanded, and graciously given. "Under the Shade of the Sheltering Palms," touchingly sung by Sidney Deane, as Abercoed, manager of the island of Florodora, was a favorite and deservedly so, The next best thing was perhaps the co- mic work of . Alfred C. Whelan, the sham scientist and phrenologist. In the second act he appeared as the hi puto musician Throughout -the-plasg he produced more fun and merriment than one could reasonably expect from a single human being. He was the favorite of the evening, and can safely be recommended as a sure cure for the worst case of blues. In the vo cal efforts, Miss Maude Lambert, as Dolores, carried the honors for the female participants. Her songs were clever and catchy and her acting very acceptable, Miss La Rush as Lady Holyrood was chic. Her singing was effective and her dancing unusually good. She played the designing widow with nerve and power. There were other features of brilliance. The final scene with Donegal's song '1 Want to be a Military Man," was stunning. Rarely has such a bewildering array of dress been seen at one time on a King ston stage. The chorms work throughout was good. The attractive grouping and the unison and vivecity in movement lending an additional charm. "Floro- dora" proved to be one of the most attractive and entertaining comic op- eras seen in Kingston this season. Got The Worst Of It. A few minutes before "the curtain went down at the Grand opera house last night, a fight took place in the ¢ortidor. A United States traveller, who had been imbibing too freely, got into an argument with a young citizen, who has been mixed up in more fights than one. The United Stateser ran down the Canadians, while the other stuck up for them. Before he knew what was coming, the young citizen had received a blow in the jaw which fevélled him on the floor. He arose, however, and return ed the compliment giving the Yan- kee a thrashing, The police fin- terfered and advised the stranger to move on. He thought differently and started to abuse the constable. - Ser- geant Snodden then marched him to the police statibn, from which he was soon afterwards liberated. Serious Results Follow. "old, clammy hands and feet, and pains in the back result from impov- erished blood. Serious consequences follow neglect. fron Tonic Pills make new, rich blood, tone up the system, add vitality to wasting tissues and strengthen = weak nerves. E box contains 17 days' treatment. Price 25 cents, at Wade's drug store, To Repair The Abutments. It is altogether likely that the ab. utments to the walls of St. Mary's cathedral will be strengthened this summer. Plans for this work were prepared by H. P. Swith last year, but the work was not dome. The ab- utments have become somewhat loose and weak. r ------ ' Stereopticon 'Views Shown: Stereopticon views were thrown on a canvas on the buildings opposite the reform committee rooms last ev ening. A number of pictures, cam: paign paragraphs, such as 'Whitney is a Wobbler," etc., were shown. large crowd gathered to see the pic tures. . "NO FRILLS" siti Just Sensible Food Cured Him. Sometimes 5 good, healthy com- mercial traveller suffers from poorly selected food and is lucky if be knows that Grape-Nuts Food will put him right. i A Cincinnati™ traveller, John N. Case, jr., says, ' About a year ago my stomach got in a bedfway. I had 4 headache most of the time and suffervil misery. For several months I ran down until 1 lost of out seventy pounds in weight and finally bad to ive up a ition a go, & Cranfont's wharf ; Schobner Acacia cleared for. Charlotte. Craig's wharf : Steamers Ocean and | Aberdeen from Montreal. v The government dredge Sir Richard has gone to Bath to do sgme work there. Richardsons' elevator : Tug Daunt- less and grainladen barge cleared for Montreal. W.. 6G. Craig intends having the ap- proach to his wharf deepened to fifteen feet. It is now only about twelve feet, too shallow for deeply laden ves ails. Suretching out from this wharf | is a large shoal, and dvnamiting will have to be done before a dredge can opevate, : The new R. & 0. steamer Montreyl will leave the Bertram docks some day this week for Montreal. . The vessel will go at the earliest possibile moment, in order to take advantage of the present high water for her trip through the rapids. The Montreal is By Jar the largest vessel that has ever attempted to run the rapias, and theré is much speculation as to the result of the experiment. Every pas sible precaution will be taken against possible accident, some three of the best St. Lawrence pilots having been engaged to take the steamer down the river. A powerful tug will gecompany the steamer on her trip. It is expect- ed that OC. F. Cildersheve and other officials of the company will make the trip. The navigation company does not assume charge of the vessel until she reaches Montreal. ey Cem-------- rot PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Aré Yaying And Doing. G. Wi Dawson, assistant inspector of penitentiaries, is here to-day. ev. J. FE. Richardson, a superan- nuated Methodist clergyman of the tity, is in poor health. Arthur Shibley, of Westmount, Mon treal, an old Kingston boy, is vis iting friends in the city. R. Kearns, attending the summer session in medicine at Queen's, left to-day for his home in Ottawa, where he will spend the summer, Miss Pearl Chown, the guest of her uncle, T. J. Lockhart, Colborne street, for the past month, has returned "to her home in Stella, Amherst Island. Rev. W. T. Wilkins, Trenton, - the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Craig for the past two days, left this morning for his home. J. J. Roberts, a genial travelling agent of a Port Hope company, was in town this week, Mr. Roberts re ceived some good opders while in town. | Contracts Awarded. To-day the contracts were awarded for the remodelling of A. B. Cunning ham's building, which runs from Market to Clarence streets, one door north of the . inland revenue office This building will be converted into first-class offices, with 4 pressed brick front of modern design. H. P. Smith is the architect, and to-day the con- tracts were awarded as follows: Ma son work and carpentry, Free & Lit ton; heating, plundbing and tin smithing, McKelvey & Birch; paint. ing, W. M. Lemmon. To Arrive Sunday Afternoon. The United States eoldiers, coming to Kingston for the Victoria day cele- bration, will arrive at Folgers' wharf on Sunday afternoon at one o'clock. Correspondence is now taking lace hetween the governments of the two countries relative to the visiting troops' sidearms, permission to bring in which will ho doubt be granted as it has in past vears. In the evening, the visitors will parade to Brock street Methodist chutch, where they will attend service. What They Needed. London Tid Bits. "You should get your ears lopped, O'Brien," said a "smart" tourist to an Irish peasant whom he was quiz zing: "thev're too large for & man.' "An'; beaad," replied the Hiberni "T'was ~~ just thinkin® vours wo" want to he made larger; sure they too small for an ass." ' To Report Ona Injury. A medical board will sit here sho! ly to make a report to the war offie regarding ap injury Surgeon Lied: Ross received to his hand while South Africa. Dr, Rose had one of fingers poisoned, amd &ver since has been stiff and almost useless. ------------------ Cordial Invitation. . The Sons of England will attend vice at St. George's cathedral Sunday morning, bei the date ne est to Victoria day. The members Bt. George's society and all Engli men are cordially invited to join this excellent observance. Spring And Summer Coats See the new long rain coat $12. the mediam length smart coat See the snappy box coats, $10 then take your choice. The H. Bibby Co. Y Just For To-day. Ferguson, next the Whig office, selling the celebrated Picton aspa us 'at only Bc. 5 bunch. It is nest grown. The York street drain is being pidly pushed to completion, A rock cut, tem by four feet, has del i the work somewhat. e Soft shirts, perfect fll thé reason we co rtrol thee snd the canlity is AT. Special The B I. Bibby <>, oie b Oc. and |} * Me. and We. A The Spice of Every, Day Iife -- What the People Are Talking ! and Gallet, About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Swell. summer Bibby Co. Read the day's issue, 4 have your mattresses, odd chairs or parlor setts, made over, at James Reid's. hats a The HD. coronation article in tor The careiaker's rooms at the Y.M. CX. building are w be repaired and altered, Lever's V-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder. dusted. in' the bath softens the water ai the same time that it disiafects, x6 5 Chickering, Now ceived at MoAuley's book store. Bay's Norfolk suits, navy hive serge $1. $1.50. Bibby's Oak Hall The company in the Grand night was nearly as well dressed the company on the stage. Caps, caps, caps, for vhe 4th 206th, new line 28c., S0c. and Bibby's. The Y.M.C.A. Intermediates and the Crescents play baseball on the fair grounds on Saturday morning. Mille#'s Headache Powders cure . in five minutes. In boxes 10e. and 20e., at Wade's drug store. Our cream is undxcelled. Ring up 567 amth--we will send you a quart promptly. The Clarified milk com- pany. Ellis and autocheck last as and The. Goltermann's rapid flow § fountain syringe--the best syringe made. Hall price at Roche's old stand, E. C. Mitchell, A meeting of the Williama cigar ma chine company (Canadian branch) was held in T. J. Rigney's office yester- day. The old directors were re-elected: Martha McCulloch Williams'™ nature studies are representative of a high order of American literature, She is conducting an interesting series on animal life in Success. Men's holiday fivings. Hats, tics, collars, cuffs, gloves. Just the ramet thing at Bibhy's one price Louse, This morning's market was a small one, only a few rigs putting in an appearance on the square. Politics and planting are engaging the farm- ers' attention just mow. Steamer "North King" leaves King" ston, Sundays, at 5 p.m., for Roches ter, NY. J. P. Gildersleeva and J. P. Hanley, agents. Every one should decorate their stores and residences for Victoria day. The city should be bright in colors, and made attractive to the thousands of visitors who will be here. applications of Peck's Corn Salve will cure hard or soft corns. In big boxes. 15c., at Wade's drag store. M. De Witte, secretary of the Rus- sian imperial tegasury, is one of the very few Russians who has risen from its down-troGden peasantry. Such a feat in that country is almost war vellous, M. De Witte has given his in- teresting life-story to Success. Soaps galore, all 10c. soaps for Sc., 156. and 26¢c. soaps for 10c., or 3 for 20¢c., buttermilk soap, 5 cokes for 10¢. Roche's old stand. E. C. Mit- chell, Common sense is the genius of this intensely practical century. The age of the theorist, the dreamer, the mere bookworm. is past. The hurrying world of realities, with manifold pro- blems whiting for solution, demands men of action, earnest workers who can transmute their knowledge into power, and who will help progress to take another step forward. Better embrace this opportunity you want a $2 pair of B. Laurance's spectacles for, 25c, They are going fast at Roche's old stand. E. €. Mis chell. Smith's White Liniment is the most penetrating liniment known, and a positive cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, snd, humbagp.,, Tn bottles," Hie, "at flavor to those who deink it." 4 | SENG Sole agent for Kingston, J/ Henderson. y if "EUREKA 11 ehry sha' | 5 S LEATHER ¥ PREVENTS CRACKING * : oo "The : Best Odors Of Lundborg, Delettres, Roger Lubin, ete, are here in bottles at ; : 7. -- Mitchell, Old Stand, 1819, Phone 230. LUMP STANDS BY 1TSELE.-G00D cohl~80 much solid fre. After reaches the surface of the earth. fr ew, a are picked cut 'hy acres anveral Umes it teaches vou, and dirt, slate, ete, have 50 chanos, if the dealers are We am very L yoor of Queen St.--'Phens § tad bhbiktal For Even Heat Swift's Scranton Coal Ask Cook! JAMES SWIFT & $0. * Hare's a clean, ohaoks--- whic iil provide alee for what ib ois EE THE RATHBUN CO, -------------------- NOTICE Is hereby gives the public that 1 propese making it warm Jor all persons using my coal next wine ter. Your order is solicited. P. Walsh, . 55-57 Barrack St. A COSY BRIGHT {)