for Spring It purifies the blood and improves the tone of every 'organ in the body. $ ¢ A teaspoonful in a glass of water in the morning after breakfast. Sold by all druggists. PRANK SPEAKING This Is the Time for Pisin Talk to Our Rolatives and Fricods . Who Safle ------ WE SHOULD" WARN THEM OF PERILS AND DANGERS. Tell them of Paine's Celery Compound Nature's Specific for the Weak Brokendown and Diseased. Ry A------ Frank, honest speaking of husband to wife, wile to husband, and friend to friend is more upgently called for to-dily. thaw over before, In the spring season when the hus band notes that his wile's vitality is low--when 'he knows she has head aches, sideaches, is ner vous, sleepless, has lass of appetite and emergy, perhaps racked with the paint of rheamatism or neuralgia, it in criminal for Rim to try to console her with the thought that all will be well the fine summer weather comes in, I is the imperative duty of such husbands fo suggest--nay to in sist that wise and effectual treatment be at once restored to. Frank and pla spéakine ot the right moment will @ften save a precious life, ' att in the same way ds, when the first uy 1 health are apparent ri to friend giving kindly warning and advice, above all, wointing, to that marvellous spring healthrgiver Paine's Celery Com pound, | : Many & life has been saved hy the kind arid unselfish recommendations of those who have been made well and strong by Paine's Celery Compound, "The use of She Eng medicine has been rged sick, suffering and diseas od friends, and heaven has blessed their work. Honest physicians anid conscientious druggists have saved the lives of many by promptly recom: mending une of re Phat won de 4 % ile speaking to ae Maat, always give them tol ad Shae Paisivh Celery Compound wi without fail meet their nocessitios at this season. WAS BURNED AT THE STAKE TEXAS NEGRO CONFESSED HIS CRIME BEFORE DYING. Captured by a Posse With Blood- hounds -- Took the Prisoner Prom the Sheriff on Arrival of Train. Dalins,: Texas., May 23.---At noon yesterday 's negro, Dudley Morgan, who is alleged to have criminally as soulted Mrs. MeKay, wile of section foreman McKay, at Lansing, was burned at the stake at Lamsing. Accortling to a telegram from Hall ville, the nearest telegraph station, be was captured in the morning end tak- en before Mes. McKay for identifica tion, His first statement just before the fire was applied was: "Tell my wife good-bye and tell her how 1 went. Tell her 1 was guilty of the charge, and it all ocourred on account of Wha Hurd. He phrsuaded me to da it said he would do the same. He planned it at the section house be- fore daylight Saturday." Morgan it is el assaulted Mrs. McKay at Lansing, lest Saturday morning. He was captured near Mount Pleasant by a posse with blood hounds. ¥ Witnessed The Torture. St. Louis, Mo., May 23.--A special to the Post Despatch from ng view, Texas, gives these details of the burning of t negro at Lansing: "The mob at Lansing had elected a leader and all armed men were drawn up on one side of the track, and those unarmed on the other and every ar- rangement perfected before the train arrived at 11.50 a.m. When the sheriff and prisoner stepped off the train they were taken into custody by arm- ed men. The officers were taken away and the negro was marched to his victim's house, where he was identili- ed by Mrs. McKay and several dec- tion hands. "He eonfesséd and was chained to a railroad iron post already set into the ground, around which had been piled 'some old, dry cross ties, split up. At 12 o'clock the husband set fire to the pyre which consumed the vie tim, The negro gritted his teeth and tried to be composed, struggling and groaning only after becoming in- sensible, Mra McKay was driven near in a carriage and witnessed the tor- ture to the last. The negro's body was almost entirely consumed in thir ty minutes." MARINE INTELLIGENCE, -- Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels. Craig's wharf : Steamer Alexandria from Montreal this evening. Suis whar!l : Steamer King/Trom Ottaws. M. TF. company's elevator: Tug Bronson from Montreal, with three light. barges, and cleared down with four ba laden. Richariachs' elevator: Steamer Fr- in and consort Danforth from Fort William with 72,000 bushels of wheat; schooner Flora Cawveth, from Osha wa, with 13,000 bushels of barley ; schooner Granger, Trent, wheat ; schooner Lawes, D., Wellington, wheat. Saat ---------- Letter Eyota Rev. D: Laing. Kingston, May 23~Ta the Editor) ~Allow me to yoloe the. sorrow which has comje into the hegris of the best christing people of our fair city since roading 'n. statement in the , last evening, that a company of Americay soldiers. would land: here on Sunday next 'at 4 pon' This means » com plete wpretting of our day of rest and religious _p¥ivileges. It meuns, to the extent Bf its inTuenee, the undo ing 'of thy results of 3 large amount of faithill, christian work ig the minds of young: It" megns that so far ad official example, or rever ence for things sacred is concerned, that it is thrown upon the side of evil, Why, sir, let me ask, should the nohlest religious sentiments of our very best christian citizens, thus rit hiosly outraged 2 Why should our young people be needlessly ex posed to such evil influences ? Upen whose authority is this dome ? ho Las the right and authority to pre vent it? for we who have au thority to save us from this Seldbath desecration amd evil influence, act promptly, and in so doing they will gain the igh swoval of our great hand of ble christian workers whe have the very hest interests of our youth at heart. Who amoncst us does not cherish a loving memory of our late nable seen? Who does not desire to honor her memory? But surely we nitst not seek to honor our dead queen by outraging the commands of the living God. Let us honor out noble king, hut' Jet us not forget that our Lord is * King of Kings." --D. LAING. Ridean -------- «Empire Day' Observed, Today wos ** Empire day," and it was apropeiately ohserved in the schools. Following the instructions issued by the minister education, tions, its literatute bi men, the excellence ite form of rovernment, references to the union. jack, ete. Special exercises were » ted: ify the _afterhioon, soo. sisting patriotic tations, aA readifigs by the pupils, d dresden Ly oie or tw trustees, ceremony of | the upion each lormed. ih cmpice, The wp of o bas a letter from Fv tors, wires, trolleys, etc. The co COUNTY TEACHERS ------ Met in Convention on Thursday and Friday. The aival convention 'of the teach ers' institute of ; Frontennc was held Thursday afternoon ana Friday, at the court house. On the first day of meeting these papers were given : "Nasre Study," Pr. Bpankie, 1.P.8; "Hints to Young Teschers,' Miss nm Caldwell, B.A; "The Relatigns of the 5 to the State," A. $ K. Conpol ly. Ther¥ a aliscussion on Ontario educational o ati ions. These officers were elected 1 Presi dent, RB. F. Fleming, Garden Island; vice-president, Mine A. Chatterton, Kingston; secretary-treasurer, R. S. Graham, Sydenham. Executive com- mittee, Misses S. Bawden, Kingston: E. Hunter, Westbrooke; Hiscock, Kingston; Masers, 1. Cosgrove and F. Whitmarsh, Wolfe Island. Delégate to 0.E.As H. Jamieson, Sydenham. Au- ditors, '8, Trascott and Miss E. Allen, Kingston. On Friday this was the programme of papers given: "History," J. E. Davidson; * Public School Grants and Teachers' Salaries," Dr. Spankie, 1. P. 8; "Cooperation," Dr. 8. Ayk- royd; discussion on homework; "Law of Habits and Habit," I. D. Bruaks, B.A; report from Ontario edweation- al association delegnie, Miss 8. Baw- aen; address, Rev. BE. Crummey; "The Need of Hiustrations and Pictures in the Public School Text Books," R. F. Fleming. Presentation To The Officers. A pleasant event took place in the officers' mess at Tete de Pont bar racks yesterday afternoon. It was the presentation of a handsome piece of plate by the honorary members of the mess to the officers of the Roval Canadian field artillery. Lieut.-Col. MeGill made presentation, and Col. Drury accepted the gift on behall of the officers, who were all present. Am- ong the hoporary members in attend: ance were : E. W. Rathbun, Deseron- to; Lieut.-Col. Smith, Prof. Martin, A. J. Macdonell, Prof. Macnaughton, John McIntyre, K.C., Maj. Panet, D, 8. Robertson, IL. W. Shannon, Maj. Strange, J. B. Walkem and Maj. Kent. & He Is Prospering. E. H. Newton, lately of Wississip- pi, North Frontenac, is prospering in the adjoining lend. Two years ago he left to superintend company mills at Van Buren, Maine, now he js leav ing-to take charge of the largest and most-uprtp-date 'shingle mill in the world, that of the Hastings com pany, Vancouver, B.C. He was recom mended for this post Ly the whole- sale lumber dealers of Moston, a strong proof of capacity and popular: ity. The Vancouver mils start June Ist, on a production - of 1,250,000 shingles each day of twenty-four hours. ---------- Will Be Remembered Here. Addison Jackson, youngest son uf Rev. Dr. Jackson, formerly pastdr of the First. Congregational church, this city, hut mow of Vermont, leit some time ago for New Mexico. A paper just. received by Col. Twitchell, Uni- tod States consul, states that young Jackson has recently been appointed physigian to the Island railway company, and. speaks very highly of his ability and popularity, He at one time attended the collegiate in stitute here. -------------- Cotton And Woollen Mill Em- ployees Will be interested to learn that the Scranton schools have purchased - the New Bedford Tertile schools, under the direction of C. P. Brooks, and have added thirteen new courses of tertile instruction. Overseers, designers, spinners, weavers, etc, should em- brace the opportunity to educate them: wolves 'in their trades. J. P. Healy, re presentative, 170 Wellington street, Returned To His Post. William Crawford, the temporary caretaker of the city buildings, was to- day taken ill of hay {aver Andrew Lanigan, city messenger, whe has been enjoying several months leave of ab sence; returned to his old duties. He iw greatly improved in health, and to- day received many con ratulations from the city fathers pes. his other friends on his return to his old post of duty. £0 Purchased The Rolling Stock. The (Kingston street railway com- pany hes purchased from. V. East wood, Peterboro, the rolling stock of the Belleville street railway. This in- eludes four cars, two trucks, five mo- stock will be brought to Kingston next week, Belleville has the track still left to look at. The Fruit Emporium. At Ferguson's, King street, you can find all the finest fruits at the best prices--strawberries, banavas, oranges, pineapples, ete. Fresh Picwon aspara- ges, Sc. a bupch. - Victoria Day. Is right here, You will feel better, look better and enjoy the day better if you wear one our latest Pearl soft. hats. George Mills & Co., Wel lington street. HELD THAT THE WRIT WAS IMPROPERLY ISSUED. : sir William Van Horne Attended the Meeting of the Dominion Coal and Steel Companies in Montreal. : Montreal, May 23.--The proceedings in the Gaynor and Greene extradition cade, instituted by the United States government, were continued in this city to-day, without the presence of the prisoners who are in Quebec. Judge Lafontaine, the extradition commissioner, had adjourned the case from last Momdsy until to-day, and when the court opened jailer Vallee was called upon to produce the pris- oners, but that official stated that he could not as he had been compelled, by a writ of habeas corpus, to deliv. er the prisoners to the Quebec auth- orities. Donald Macmaster, on behall of 'the United States government, claimed that the writ was improperly jssued after which jutlge Lafontaine adjourned the case until Tuesday, May 27th. Sir Wiliam Van Horne returned from New York to-day, where he spent several days on his return from his recent visit to Cuba. One of his first movements in the city was to join the _directors of the Domigion steel and coal companies, who are now meeting in this city, and are not expected to conclude their business before to-morrow. The bulls in the stock market car ried on a most successful campaign today, resulting in an advance of six points in Montreal street rail- way to 278, in Montreal power to 04, Toronto rails to 128%, Canadian Pacific declined to 133, and after wards rose 'to 134). The steel issues were dull and unchanged to any no table extent. ------ FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. A Drop in Price to 10jc, But Salesmen Refused it. Kingston, May 23.--~The Frontenac cheese board wet yesterday afternoon, when the following cheese were offered for sale : Colored--Odessa, 150; Emerald, 24 Glenburnie, 60; Glenvale, 80; Granite Hill, 60; Git Edge, 30; Howe Island, 39; Keenan & Son, 50; Maple Leal, 30: Morning Star, 30; Pine Hill, 60; Rose Hill, 30: Sand Hill, 65; Tichborne, 25; Thousand Island, 50; Elginburg, 45 Wolfe Island, 30. Total, 849, White--Cataraqui, 40; Forest, 45 Farmers' Friend, 140; Hartington, 40; Morning Star, 30; Model, 60; St. Law- rence, 29: McGrath's, 60; Collins Bay, 47. Total, 491. The highest bia was 10fe., and few factories were willing to sell at this price. Mackinnon bought the make of St. Lawrence at this figure, and Alex- ander the make of Sand Hill. The board will meet next week on Wed- nesday. Death Of Willian Little. After an illness extending over se veral months; William Little, King slyeet east, passed away at nine o'clock this morning. Mr. Little was 4 great sufferer, having undergone se veral operations, but the end came peacefully, The sed was a native of Kingston. He was formerly fore man pattern maker in the locomotive works, and was a mechanic of mark- ed ability. Mr. Little belonged to the old volunteer fire brigade of King ston under chief Horsey, and with the present chief Elmer, gave splendid service to the city. He was fifty six years of age, and ig survived by a widow and several children, Mr. Lit- tle was connected with Bt. Andrew's church. His death is sincerely regret od by his wide circle of friends, who offer their deepest sympathy to those in the grief-stricken home. Is Fond Of Horse Stealing. George Parks appeared in the po- lice court this morning, and pleaded not guilty to the charge of stealing a horse and rig from L. Guess' livery, Bagot street, on Tuesday afternoon. The magistrate thereupon remanded him until to-morrow' morning, while some jries are made concerning lis past career. The prisoner was ar rested yesterday at Napanee, by the chief of policé of that town. In the evening police constable Aiken and Mr. Guess went to Napanee, where the lajter secured his horse and rig, and the former. got possession of the prisoner, whom he at onee brought to Kingston. The prisonér was to- day recognized as an ex-convict, who was liberated on the first day of May after having served. four years for horse stealing. : Last Night's Play. Blanche Walsh appeared last night at the Grand, in that original and emotional play, "La Madeleine." The audience was not large, bat those pre- sen} profiod the play high-class and enjoyed it ty; Mise Wath is both fascinating and clever, and fitst appears in the garden of the Pavilion D' uville, among the fast set of Paris. She falis in love and reforms, but is led into a trap by her lover's father, who is disguised os a priest, whereby she loses ber belov- ed and ends her life by poisoning herself in the church on his wedding day. Miss Walsh's costumes were gor geous. The whole cast was strong. ---------- Beware Of The Man Who trys to sell you a hat by say- ing "It's just as good as a Hawes." These famous hats are positively un- rivalled in Kingetos and are sold only by George M & Co., Wellington street. See Here, Mamma ! You will find the largest stock and pest values in children's straw sailors at Campbell Bros. shoes, t . A Young Girl Passes Away --A Fine Concert. Napanes, May 23.~The nominations held yesterday. resulted as follows Leanoxs-- Thomas G. Carscallen, con servative, nowinated by W. N. Doller, seconded hy Uriah Wilson, MP; Mar shall 8. Madole, liberal, nominated by Jobn Gibbard, seconded by Jasob H. Roblin, Adolphustown. Addington--James Reia, conserva tive; George Anson Aylesworth, lib eral. Carrie Hawley, voungest daughter of the late R. G. Hawley, died Wed nesday afternoon, aged fourteen years, For 'several months she had beens a wifferer from consumption One sister, Gertrude, and a brother, Clark. are left to mourn the loss of a loving sister. The funeral takes place this 'afternoon at two o'dock. TW. Casey, Piety Hill, is confined to the house. Word was received yes terday of the death, at London, Ont. of Henry Mell Grange, son of 'the late John Grange, ana sowinlaw of G. R. Miller, of Napanee. The concert in the opera house on Thursday evening by local talent. as sisted by Miss Armstrong, of Kings ton; Miss Ponton, of Belleville, and Master Jack Challes, of Toronto, was one of the best concerts "in a long time. 'The opera house wa# packed, and all present were loud in - their praise of the excellence of the pro: gramme. J. Garrett and son have purchased tHe stock and fixtures of A. G. Fair bairn, confectioner, and will shortly remove their bakery to their new stand. In the meantime they will oc eupy both stores. William Ferguson has begun building operations on his new lot on John street, recently pur chased from Johm Milligan. -------- Broad And Corbett To Meet. Denver, Cole., May' 23.--Unless the well-Juid plans of the Denver athletic chub slip a cog 'Young Corbett" will appear in the arena ol that organiza tion to-night to defend the champion ship title which he won from Terry McGovern last Thanksgiving day. His opponent is to be "Kid" Broad, who has high hopes of defeating the Den verite and thereby winning champion ship honors and the liberal purse hung wp by the club. As a result of eareful training, both men appear in superb trim and fit to fight the bat tle of their lives. Though the distance is limited to tem rounas, a hard and fast contest is expected. Tonight's encounter - will be the third meeting between the pair In the first bout Broad was returned the victor in four rounds and in the next Corbett won, the contest going the Jimit, ten rounds. ---------- Aid For Martinique Sufferers. Chicago, II; May 23.--The relief fund for the Martinique sufferers will be increased by many hundreds of dol lars as a result of the mammoth the atrical benefit "held 'at MeoVicker's theatre this afternoon. The afiair was one of the largest of its kind ever seen in Chicago. All the prominent plarers now appearing in the city contributed their services and their ef forts were rewarded by the applause of a fashionable audience that packed the house from the parquette to the topmost gallery, and overflowed into the aisles and foyer. ------------ Fine Assortment To Choose From. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, hak surpassed any previous year in fine tweeds, wor stedd, serges, cheviots, etc, for or der work. Large variety of patterns to choose from a first-class fit guar anteed. Has Agreed On Terms. Hazelton, Pa., May 2. --Matthias W. Schwab a small independent "oper ator; has started wp his colliery, at South Heberton. All of his miners are to receive the wages demanded by the mine workers, The output will be for home consumption exclusively. It commands -86 a ton at the breaker. What Colds Lead To. The Opinions of -Great Doctors-- Protection and Safety Found Dr. Chase's Remedies. -------- Contrary to the common belief, the best doctors tell us that very many of the most painful and fatal diseas es have their beginnings in a neglect ed cold. Kidney disease m particular they 8&y is very often brought, on by catching cold as a result of exposure, to cold and dampness, and noe it is that so many teamsters, railroad men and laborers suffer with aching backs, and diseased kidneys. The wise way is to check the cold at once hy the use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine This preparation is so thorough and i in its effects that while easing and loosening the cough, it . the puvesiiill of lung of i . If the oc already settling on the kidneys, and you are suffering wi , irregular or constipal- ed bowels, scanty, highly-colored ur ine, pains in the hips and logs, and a gemeral Tondi- jon of the system, Dr. Chae's Kid- ney-Liver Pills will prove wonderfully in 0 BEAN Te Setar rw gould po Bas failed to cure you, call of wii You need pay nothing un been established. stond sowrner yo Ke 30 le. Each Time You Call You See Me Persona foremost DR. GOLDBERG, for 25c¢. a pair. We show 50¢c. and 75c. a pair. only $1 a pair. Finer Cutains $5 a pair. We show big w many patterns, 8c. to 38e. a yard--all colors--all widths. Stair Plates, Blind Rollers Drapery Pins. BLE LACE CURTAIN several beauties Our big leader--a Great Seller-- from $1.85 Curtain Muslins and Nets, Art Blinds, complete, or by the Curtain Poles, in' White, Oak or Mahogany, 5, 10, 12 feet long. White Cotton and Sills Curtain Tassels and Art Blind Laces, Or each time you write I} receives Po i 7 established a Derrois. aud the ures] Mecomplianed afer given up of the eduniry. QONBULTAT placed me write for blank for bisak for home eatmens. Winsor n Fepand Sepress A neat and pretty Lace Curtain | at to alues. in yard. and Tatil LACE CURTAINS WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PRETTY AND DURA. S$, ALL MARKED AT QUICK. SELLING CASH PRICES. Floor Oil Cloth, 1, 1}, 1} and 2 yards wide, new patterns, 25¢. a yard. English Floor and Seotch Lino- leum, 2 and 4 yards wide, at cost price. Tapestry Body and Stair Car- pets at clearing saly prices, Wool and Union clearing sale prices: Wool and Tapestry Squares at clearing sale prices. ; Carpets at Japanese Matting, new designs, 12})¢. to 350. a yard, When looking for your new cur tain or carpet call.on CRUTILEY BROS. One of the Leading Millinery Stores vf Ontario. -- ------------ A ------ D. & A. * Straight Front No. 297. The picture shows you the effect. Our reputation assures you that the From workmanship, and durability' cannot be excelled. ---- D.&A. Genuine Straight Front $1.00 to $2.00 a pais. sm -- Dominion Corset Mig. Co. Quebes Montresl Teotante JAS. from 7 po (12pm a --_,e;a THE CHEAPEST CANNOT McKELVEY 69 and 71 Brock Street. a ------------------ Of the razor that's important, No matter how the rest of the razor is made the quality of the steel must be flawless, OUR Kivi RAZORS Are Made of the Best. Our name is on every rasor as a guarantee, If you don't- like tie razor after using, it may be 1o- turned and money refunded, We have also a good line Shaving Brushes and Straps & BIRCH, of - sisi BE THE BEST} ) LABATT'S Is Undoubtedly The Best Ale On The Market. 47 It Is Remarkable For Its Purity. ---------- McPARLAND, ING EDWAR until AGENT. Our bablit works, day and wight, in ofl kinds of besrings, The. i,