Daily British Whig (1850), 24 May 1902, p. 2

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' ) 4 | | FI A ay that we § are justly "proud of. § Every new design and § } color combination. | We would be more § than pleased to show you. Truthfully speak- ing our prices are the lowest. We would 4 also draw your attent- ion to our large stock of wy A - W, ORL ics a All the newest pat- terns in widths from one-half yard to eight yards wide. We can save you from 10 to 15 per cent. on these goods. R.-FlcFAUL FURNITURE, Our 800. Chair~wa have a Jabee Sariety of Dindag lioom © wd, and legichier conte, from Ibe. og gr $10 en each, nla] sone sobilic A 1. BEDROOM SUITES * Lardh "Wovel Plate Mirror, handsomely car ved. We have 14, usual price 316 to $17. 'We offee them for balanos © nt $14 ath. These are genuine maps. ibs." your friewds in to see our 3 STORES, all Sodnated, on Monday, \ les thin soing ahead of 1801, Tiers re wood reasoms for this. We invite you 10 soe our large stock of English tre, Wiltoos, Velvets, Brussels, (we Jnpost these dirvet from the Old Comtry.) ar De I de run from 68. up to $1.25 vd, 1 posiry is extra value. Looks like LINOLEUM ~~ Sau pe we {i ted thie stock from 3 wd goo the best qualities at low est prices, 480. 00g, ete. OIL CLOTHS widibs, 200, $c. wml wp. Some pretty EE PARED SITE SAAPS--- a Jo Bultes 10 Siar tore and of Su not fast a 8 to "310 pach taken A f. HA HARMISON IN CO., . 91 2 "IN MEMORY OF VICTORIA. + Garrison erer, Simmons . THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 24. - ---- ------ EVENTS TO TAKE PLACE SUN- DAY AND MONDAY. Parade To.-.morrow Morning ~-- Arrival of United States Troops--Monday's Pro- grauune--The Excursions Com- ing. The events to and Monday are: : Sunday, st 10:45 am.--Garrison pa rade of '14th P.W.0. ifles: "A" ana "HB hattories, RC. FA; and Royel military cadets, to St. George's cp thedral, I p.m.- troops hy gers' wharf, 6:45 p.m troops 10 dist church. Monday, 10 a.m.-- cricket field. 1 pan.--Parade of troops wp Prin cess street to the fair grounds; also of the firemen, baschall and lacrosse teams, od by 47th regimental bana, 1:80 pom fair ground The baschall match between Ganano and Kingston * Ponies begins at two o'eloe From | pam. till 6 p.m., at the fair grounds, there will be horse races, in terspersed with military events. The former include 2:25, 2:50 ana running races. 'The military tournament con sists of disabled ordnance, Balaklava melee, gun-wheel race, Vistoria cross race, midnight alors, postithon race, on and off race, and borschack wrest ling. All excursion wsieamers will remain till half past six o'clock in the even Hg. transpire 10 morrow Arrival of 300 United States stoqmer America at Fol of United States' stroet Methodist Parade Brock Baseball match at March-past of troops at que Boats Will Be Busy. This aiternoon the steamer Amevicy makes her first trip of the season, with Capt. R. Carnegie on the bridge of of yore. She goes to Cape Vin cant to mect northern New York state excursionists who are coming to hingston to spend Suncay and Mon day. The America will arrive here to-night about a guarter-past nim o'clock with our Yankee cousins. On Sunday, at one o'clock in the afterncon, the America brings the United States troops over from the Cape. Then she goes to Ogdensburg. and arrives here at ond o'clock on Monday afternoon with excursionists from river points. The steamers St. Lawrence and New Island Wanderer will bring more ex eursionists from the Cape on Monday, and the steamer Pierrepont will at tend to the island {raffic. The latter will make an extra trip across at six o'clock Monday evening. The steamer Aletha and other boats will bring crowkds from bay of Quint points. There 'will also be other hoats up the river with large parties. Flags Flying To-day. The flags on public and busines: buildings, and on private residences, were flving today in honor of the vighty-thied anniversary of the birth of the immortal gueen Victoria, who, being dead, yet lives in the hearts of the British people. A WORD TO BUSINESS MEN. Kingston Can Have Its Share of The Trade. Every manofacturer, every man of business is interested in the creation of new markets, in the expansion of commerce and industry, in the com pletion and perfection of our systems of transportation. The railways en: covraged and aided by the govern ment will bring the trade of New On tardo to the cities and towns of Opn tario instead of its being diverted to the east, and going to build up Mon trenl. Do the various businéss men of Ontario fully realize what this means to them? Do they appreciate the great possibilities for extension of trade and increased prosperity, which have heen created by the energetic policy of the Ross administration ? List Of Returning Officers. The deputy returning officers at the varioms polling booths on Thursday next will be : No. 1=Edmimd T. Daley. No. 2-Isanc Kelly. No. 3--Andrew C. McMahon. No. 4-John E. Johnston, No, ! a H. Bibby. No. 6A... BE, Herod, No. 7-=Thomas Bennett. No. $---Jobn Campbell. No. 9--Dunean bell. No, 10-Patrick MeAxdle, No. 11+Wallace Montgomery. 12-0. Wesley Walker. . 13=R, W. Allen. 10--Geongs. Yonad ig vung. . 10 John Johnston, . I'"~-Edward Smith. . 18---Bidney W. Day. . 19-John J. Patterson, . 0-W. H. Miller . 2-George Reid. {o, 2b-Alfred A. Simmons. Went To Next Tenderer. In the report of the awarding of contracts for the renovation of A. B. Cunpingham's building on Marker street oy was stated that McKelvey & {| Birch had been given the contract for do the heating, and tine It was Flo afterwards, | dein that that firm had neglected to inch in, its. tender the gost, of the day awarded to ie he ee lower nd : Hef, Joes a oy pa > _ - : . FIRE AND pow comwrtrez. | AEMENBER BICC AND PENSE A Fireman Given Leave of Ab- sence--Brigade to Turn Out. A regular meeting of the fire and light committee was held in the city engineer's office yesterday afternoon. Present: Chairman Bell, aldermen Ring, McCammon, Mclarlane and Farrell A pusher of accounts were discussed awd ordered to be paid The Vietorin day celebration com mittee asked that the Lire brigade turn out on that day, gnarantecing £20 for expenses, Ald. Farrell moved that the request be grante »«d. This was earri Fireman Foden asked leave of ab sence of five weeks to emable him to go to attend the eoronation, he hav ing been appointed to a place on the contingent. On motion of Ald. Farrell this re- quest was granted, Mr. Foden allow- ing his pay to go towards that of a substitute and his anoual ten days' holidays not being counted against wie and for which he will be paid. Carried. Callman John Burns will be the substitute. Some necessary repairs to No. | fire station were referred to the engineer and the chairman of the city property committee. These gentlemen requested to act at once. The committee then adjourned. Business College Notes. The following students have secured positions : C. Loyst, gtenographer for Homo electrical protection associa tion, Toronto; Miss Consereen, 'w th Philip Jamieson's clothing establish. ment, Toronto; Miss M. Bowd,, with McLellan & King, lawyers, Toronto; Klwood Bearance, stenographer for the superintendent of the GTR. Un ton station, Toronto. J. Devlin, a stu dent of eommercial department, with the Dominion express company, city Thomas Doyle, a graduate of the com mercial and shorthand departments, on the stafi of the Ontario bank. Miss M. Gascoigne, a student of the commercial department, leaves on Wednesday for Sault Ste. Marie, where she has secured g position, Miss K. Brennan, Miss T. Thornton and Rene Grignon have completed their course in thé shorthand. department, and will be given diplomas of gradu ation. J. Yott, a graduate, paid the college a flying visit yesterday A number of new students registered this week for the summer session. Grand Military Spectacle. There will be a military tournament in the skating rink, vnder the guspic- es of the parrison, on Tuesday even ing, the 27th. Theré will be a mi sical vide by the Royal Canadian field ar- tillery, Col. Reade, commandant of the Royal military college, has "ly consented to allow the cadets give some of their athletic exercises The bard of the 14th regiment, by the Kindness of Col. Skinner, will he in attendance The proesds go to the South African memorial fund. Finance Committee Meets. The civic finance commitiee met last night. Mayor Shaw, the chairman, was not present, but the other mem- bers proceeded to business. Mrs. Al Jen's petition, asking to be exempted irom taxes on Pelle's Island, was re ferred to: the eitv solicitor for his opinion. Dr. Walkem"s -communica- tion re the distributing into sections of lok No. 21, was alse referred to the solicitor. The usual accounts were not assed, as it is expected that there will be no council meeting on Monday night. Will Be Much Condoled With. The sympathy of readers of the newspapers everywhere will be extend. ed to. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, Fenelon Falle, who had two children killed by lightning on Thursday, after losing two others through illnese with: in a month. It is inexplicable how, sometimes, misfortune seems to deal blow after blow upon one family, while others are passed over alto gether. Fine Assortment To Choose From. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, has surpassed any previous year in fine tweeds, wor- sleds, serges, cheviots, ete., for or- der work. Large variety of patterns to choose from a first-closs fit guar- an Election Returns. . Will not effect the guality of ous ite cream, It is absolutely pare; made from clarified milk company's pure cream. Served daily mm our cory dining room, or delivered to you mn quart bri de. Any favor; ready for use. . Hiscock. Young Men Will Remember. A liberal government enfranchised the young, and gave them a chance to register. Mr, Whitney's party op wosed manhood sufirage registration. (here then should en young man place his ballot ? The public appreciate the butgning we are offeritig at Roche's old store. They are bona fide, and won't last ne, so don't delay. E. OC. Mitch "BLUE MONDAY." No Use or It Any More. How good food put a good minister on his feet gain is an interesting story. He anys, "A littlemore than a commenced the use of rae fue Breakfast Food. At that ime 1 Dad Yeu suffering from dn Ba for about five £5. tried all the remedies ay Rlenvls told 'hme abone but with no permanent re Saf mth duties at that ti irvetrgial me and the follow' I was of no wee to myself or 1 he THEY REPRESENT ONTARIO'S BEST POLICY. Mr. Pense Has Been as Loyal to Kingston as Mr. Boss Mas Been to Omtario--Both Should be Returned Again. Hurrah for Pense. 'ense, support him. Work if you would win. Astend. the liberal rally ball to-night. "What is it worth to you to retain good government ?" Why is the conservative literature so silent ghout working men ? Whitney has no policy for the work ing men. Vote for Pense. This is no time for a change. mamfacturer will tell you that. School book "experts" appear differ' ascmuch as medical "experts.' The liberals have no doubt of Mr. Pense's election, as also the Ross gov: ernment. A man with the busincss record Mr. Pense is a safe for the provipee, Compare the candidates, personally, in the city Any to of man to legislate How It Is Viewed. The Toronto Telegram, a conservative paper, said a short time ago :-- "The financial and administra- tive record. of the liberal party is, on the whole, creditable. The resources of the province have been wisely handled." And the Montreal Witness, which cannot be said to be pre- judiced in favor of the On- tario government, said :-- "Ontario's splendid finan. cial position has been pre- served by careful, business- like, honest administration since confederation." And so say all but prejudiced politicians. > s > & * ® & ® ® --- POOTPOIOIOPPOPde publicly and politically. your judgment dictates. The wheels of progress are revolving as they have never revolved in this province. Vote for Pense. The elections are not exciting a great amount of interest--evervhddy being pretty well satisfied with every- thing. Wake times. This is periments, A vote against Pense means a vote to put Kingston in opposition again, because Whitney hasn't the ghost of a show in the eléction. The liberals of Kingston are as unit- od and solid for Ross and Pense as any body of men could possibly be. They are in to win. What has Whitney given us in the past ? What legislation has he nated ? What project in the interests of the country has he initiated ? Premier Ross's favorite days is that old Scotch favorite, 'Dinna forget me," and the people are doing the chorus. work. in great style. Now for the home stretch. Five days more and jt will be all over. The victory of the Ross administration is assured beyond the preadventure of a doubt. George Taylor, M.P., says "New On: tario 18 "only good enough to raise bull frogs and mosquitoes." Then why howl about the government giving it away ? In Belleville many electors who formerly voted for the opposition candidate will vote to have a repres entative who will be in the confidence of the government. The liberal government of Ontario was the first in Canada to adopt ef ficient legislation for the safety of employees and the protection of the workers in factories. The liberals who have won for Brit ton in 1806 and 1900; for Harty in 1800, 1804 and 1908, and for Harty in 1901, can win again for Pense and Ross. Stalwarts, {o your posts ! Whitney is the friend of William Smith, the self-convicted boodler of South Ontario; of Macdiarmid in West Elging elected by personation; of Brower, in . Past Elgin, unseated for corrupt. practices, and of Lackner in North Waterloo Why did Mr. Whitney sit silently by while his supporter, Dr. Barr, of Dui ferin, insulted the young men of On tario by asserting that they were more open to hribery than other peo ple. What answer have Mr. Whitney's friends to make, or explanation to of fer ? The government comes to the ple with confidenée, relying past record, and the coniprehensive liberal and patriotic programme which it has laid down for the fa ture. The pust record of the govern ment is one of which any party might well be proud, The opposition ask vou to abandon Mr. Ross and pin your attachment to Mr. Whitney, to foresake the firm rock and trast to the whifting sands, to ton down - the man and the govern ment that have with co te ahi lity governed this country so long and take the chance that the most inconsistent and uncertain politicians that this country has wn for many a day, will do something better, Is this, in the best interests of the country, iz this patriotic, is this slike ¥ Then vote as no chances with the good Good times kill complaint not a time for making ex- Wig ong, 1 solo these peor on its Get Ready For Monday. New shirts, new ties, new hats, up- todate fixings, Bibby's furnishing house. The man calling himself Newman, wpe on a $200 jewelry charge, denies that be wax ever in Brockville or that he ever went by the name: of McKenna or Nicholson, yet he ac ers Regular 25. fine; at Roche's old stand. E. {immediate relief, AA MARINE INTELLIGENCE, ------ What is Happening Along the Wa- ter Front. The steamer Melbourne this morning. Craig's wharf to-morrow : Steamers Ocean and Cuba down; Persia, wp. Thessteamer Cglvin and consorts clear from Garden Island this evening for Port Colborne. Swilt's wharf; Steamers from Hamilton; Hamilton, treal; . North King, Sanday. Crawford's wharf : Schooner arrived from Charlotte with coal: schoasiers Tradewind and Two Bro- thers arrive irom Charlotie with coal on Sunday Last night the steamer Pierrepont went to Gananoque and towed to Kingston the steamer Valeria which broke her shaft yesterday. The Val eria will be delayed bere several days for repairs. Richardsons' elevator : and consort cleared for schooper Maggie L., ports with grain are the Colborne passed uj Algerian from Mon from Charlotte, on Acacia Steamer Frin Fort William; arrived from bay To arrive to-morrow schooners Katie Fecles, from and the Jamieson, from Whithy, both with barley M.T. company elevator : mount and consorts, the steel barges, expected from Fort William Lo morrow with 218.600 bushels of wheat, the largest cargo ever arriving in Kingston harbor by a single tow; tug Thomson arrived from Charlotte with two goaldaden barges, and ¢lears tomorrow for Montreal with three barges, laden. The new steamer Montreal, R. & O.N. line, was to' leave Torontc at daybreak this morning, and was expected to mach Kingston this after noon. On her arvival here she will lie at Swiit's wharf until Sunday morning, when she will go down the river, and shoot the rapids, if the wea ther is favorable. Capt. Batten, is pilot With him are Capt. Booth, the steamer Toronto, and Capt. ford of the steamer Kingston S88. two Rose: new of the of Fx PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Frederick and John Wilkins, Tren ton, are spending a few days in th city. Mrs. Dingman and Miss Disgman Gore street, have returned from a three weeks' visit in the west. W. L. Grant came down from Toron to today to spend Sunday and Mon day at his oll university home. Miss Ada Adams, Ottawa, arrived to-day to spend the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Adame, University avenue. Arthur Stevens, the penial steward of the steamer Rideau Queen' will start on Monday to fit up that eraft, pry paratory to it leaving on its first trip on June 3rd. Mist Ina Miller, turned last night from Riverview, N X., where she visited her friend, 'Mies Florence Irvine, who accompanied her to kingston to remain for some time as her guest. Colborne street, re mii -------- Read This List. Pineapple marmalade, Lime fruit marmalade. Tangerine marmalade. Tomato marmalade. Ginger and pineapple marmalade, Green fig and ginger marmalade. Cain's home-made marmalade. tobertson's Scotch niarmalace. Lemon jelly marmalade. Crosse & Blackwell's marmalade. Batger's marmalade. Southwell's marmalade in 7 1b, jars. Jas. Redden & Co, The Reason For It. A good conservative remarked that Whitney would win this time becanse Ontario was conservative,' as was shown by the dominion elections. In answer to that let the independent conservative Toronto Telegram speak "Ontario has been atrociously gerry mandered by the conservatives, that it has, gone conservative in minion elections." 80 do A Sunday Car Service. The street cars will run to-morrow between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m Have you seen our $1 The H Breegy toggery. new soft front shirts at D. Bibby Co. A citizen, just returned from a trip through New Ontario, says that five wats are assured in that section for Ross, with a sixth in doubt. The people overwhelmingly endorse Ross for his good government aid to the new land. Summer clothing. New summer wear. Bibby's. The street reilway company=have de cided to run the cars to-morrow, but say they they have no intention of continuing the Sunday service. The ears aré placed in commission for the benefit of the New York state excur sionists and troops, Serge suits. Fine blue. RBpecial £10. Bibbhy's one price house. Liberal gathering at the city ball to night. God save the king. Outing clothes. Bibby's goods for at, A STUBBORN COLD OR BRONCHITIS. yields more readily to Scott's Emulsion of coddiver oil than to anything that you can take; and if persistently used a few days, will break up the cold When you awake in the night choked up and cough- ing hard, take a dose of the Emulsion, and you will get where no cough medicine will give you relic, It has a soothing and healing effect upon the throat and bronchial tubes. Send for Veer Sample. SCOTT & POWKNE. Chaise Torsntc DIS ARRIVE HOME. They Went to South Africa on Their Own - Account: and Ser- Johannesburg Mounted Rifles --Boers Are Treacherous. Licut. W. A, McCant ant H. J Paradis," in the Transvaal for the past vear, have returned to the city, and will bereaiter follow the pursuit of peace. The former's parents reside on Montreal street, and he was form rly a popular mg conductor on the local street railway. Trooper Pa radis is a nephew of Joseph Paradis, proprietor of the Ontario house, On aro street Fhe young mon went out to Sotith Africa on their own account not quite ohe vear They enlistea in the Johannesburg mounted rifles, a colo: nial volunteer corps that had just wen raised. With this body they erved in the Eastern: Transvaal, where they saw plenty of fighting they were under the command of Gen. Stewart for the most part; and ware both wolinded. Both Kingston inns took part in the engagement pear Scheeper's Nek on September 17th, when Maj. Gough was so. badly out up. The boys alse served unger Gen, Bruce Hamilton, and for a time inder lord Kitchener, the commander- n-chief The while ¥o ago Johannesburg mountea rifles, not participating in any gener J engagements, had plenty of small scraps and other work to attema to Night marches and surprises were its forte, and many a long aml weary night march did it make, but it carcely ever failed, the Kingstonians say, in rounding up several hapdred Boers, cattle, supplies, etc. When the troopers left South Africa things wore then in an unsettled condition, with no pr wt of peace., The Boers, ler they are eaptdred, generally ad rit that they wo glad to be oul. of he' fighting, but the first chance they ret to ape they take advantage of it, and soon get back to the fighting ne agamn Neither of. the any stock in the peace proposals. Doers, they say, are probably at their oli game again, and morely looking for a breathing spell. The hove do 'not think a great deal ®f South Africa; and it is not theif in tention to weturn. The report that Lieut, MeCann had heen awarded® 'a N.8.0. is pot true. "That story was the work of an enterprising Montreal reporter," said Mr. MeCUann last even- ing. Both the young mén are in the Best of health and strength, and, judging by their appearance, the cum airn agreed well with them. They still wear the khaki uniform and broad hat of the Johannesburg mounted' rifles A CANADIAN APPOINTED. two Kingstonians take The Pr. C. Pr. Johns, Kingston, Honored in London, Eng. Word has been . received that Dy Charles P. Johns, son of ex-alderman Thomas Johns, of this city, has »e cured a very Ueairable appointment in London, Eng. He has selected from a number of applicants as as sistant medical superintendent of Pancras infirmary, in the eity London. It is a genera) hospital - large and is up-to-date in every partioular, It contains 450 beds, which are ocoupied most of the time, The Parcras infixmary has no visit ing physicians or surgeons; the resi dent doctors attend to the patients This position will afford the doctor plenty of practical work and will doubtless prove a very velushle &d dition to his experience. Dr. Johns spent a year in the Kingston general hospital as house swwrgeon, after fin. ishing a brilliant course at Queen's in arte and medicine. Since going to Lomdon he has taken the degrees of MRCS. (England), and LRCY. (London). The board scale of directors of Pancras infirmary well realize that they have not made a mistake in selecting the voung Canadian as assistant medical superintendent, His many friends know him to be a young man of exemplary character, amiable in dis position and thofough Tn his 'work. He will certainly prove himself a credit to the institution. Brain Food Nonsense, Another ridiculous food fad bas been branded by the most competent authorities. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part. of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or pre vent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy mil lions. A few doses aids digestion, sti mulates fhe liver to healthy action, purifies the blood, and makes you fee buoyant and vigorous. You ean get shis reliable remedy at Wade's drug store, Wanted To Wipe It Out. As Whitney voted to do away with the public works department, thus wiping out of existence thie important hranch of govermnent, which for twenty-five years has been under the control of a Catholic minister of the crows. On March 20¢h, 1999, (p. 249 Journals) » resolution of the committes A shovky wat opposed by an opposition a ment, which read ; "that the resolu tion be not now concurred in, but be forthwith referred back to the com- mittee of supply, with instructions 10 reduce the item by 81.950, being the salary and expenses of the public works department." Victorian Order Of Nurses. The Ontario government t in a ressharion on March 30h, 1809, voling B00 for lady nb, Jum, [Ch Victorian okies of purses (p. 259 Journals). Strangt lo to say, Mr. Whit. ney voted this small vote for such a deserving philanthropy. The romaine of the little daighter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Page, Centre street. wore imterved this afternoon in the Wolie Isiafid cemetery. HH tuner from LIEUT. M'CANN AND TP. PARA. | ved For Nearly a Year in the | of J late as the session of 1509 Mr a ------ ARE BACK FRON THE WAR Auticipate Your Drug Wants Now. There's Money In It For You. All drug sundries at lar prices: « Goods 'are 'all 'marked in figures. Cul that price in and the prticle is youps: | hall regu. plain two wt Roche's Old Stand. E. C, Mitchell, Our Gal 5 3 Sen 25, Thug I Were Washed and Brushed. EACH LUNP STANDS BY TISHELF, GOOD wold wo meh solid fire, After Sol replies the surface of te sarth from mites, Impurities ae picked gut © by Therealter it In stresnnd several times it reaches vou, and dirt, slate, wie, really o no chance, Hl the dealers are oarsbuly he ane very osreiul. Foot of Boren St.--'Phone § SGP P 0000000 Even Heat Swift's Scranton Coal Asic Cook! JAMES SWIFT & 90. "Phone 135: THINKING OF COAL ? Pp tan Ton was al sons toa at any season » thant kewps the fee werven the best purpows an ny to the best advantags cent, clear Shunke which will pro valus for what (4 ovis THE RATHBUN (CO, Is hereby given the public that 1 propose making it warm for sll persons using my coal next wine gor. Your oxder is solicited, P. Walsh, 55-57 Barrack $t A COSY BRIGHT {} dil

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