UR CA Sti CFT May Heaven Help Despon- dent and Hopeless Sufferers . From Kidney Disease to Accept the New Life so Dred gy Celery Compound i of people suffer through ] n th a some form o 'moy disease. In the majority of gaen, the poor wnfferers have n informed by physicians that there is wo rope, Thowsanidy living dea MM you arg g vietim of kidney dis- ese, take cotirgge' There is sav) Ju have not, is Paine's Celery @ompound. This grond medical prescription has con- Guered: a8 desper cass ma yours; it bas Power to pluck you as a brand from the y , if yon have but the faith to give it a trial. You may, oe, gek, " What i Hines Celery Compound do for e, that other medigines bave foiled i y Sccomplish 2 an poe nn #5 "aine"s Celery Compovnd will ac ; Seplish, y 'moge for you in' your distress than ye imagine, Its first great IT hae akiny is the purification of the lily stream from wanie pee result of decom position « tissues, It will re move all" morbid materinls, saving vou from' ura poisoning, which #0 often proves fatal in kidney dis hire. in addition to ry Bid r Teufierer | "agent 10 your ni all this Paine's Cel 3 will' éstablivh nerve force and nerve fibre; it will nour ish the weakened syutom anil restore the full vital. funstions of the kidneys. rH you value life, delay not the use ol Paine's Uelery Compound a singly hour. "Your present critical condi: tion demands the immediate use of this great lifesaver. « Mrs, J. Currie, Delawary Ave., Toronto, Ont., says ¥ No living mortal chp hmBgine 'thé sufferings 1 endured foilr woh owing to Kidney troulfles," dove hack pod prsduchis. I became very down ~arted a morose; amd though tried Bord to" Hap Ar 1 always dole T. wi have do give it up. I used many kinds of medicines and was under the treatment of doc tors, hut obtained no relief of anv con , aml my troubles would come hack worse than ever. I thank God for having mad of some won derful curex: theowgh Paine's Celery Compound, * 1 at once procured the medicine and used it, and am happy to state I have experienced on great change. © No other remedy has ever given me such wonderful results in so short a time. 1 now feel myself a new woman. now sleep. well, and 4 ing Mrength." arket Opinions" in fluancial in matbers, are of 4 determine the course sf sting cprlifions, than SG 2 experienced DDRESSED TO TIE wit until « ire, School of Practiosl , Plumbing. Venti i Teta | looking at S| Tot nS Fem barrack "given the name "Tete-de-Pont"" DANCER NOT YET PASSED RESIDENTS FLEE FROM ZONE OF VOLCANOES, Fifteen Hundred People Leave Fort de France for Other Re- gions--People Are Anxious to Get Out of the Island. Fort De France, leland of Marti mide, May 23.---All is quiet here to dey; er Up to the present nearly 2000 tons of supplies frig the United States have been placed in the governor's hands. The people, however, are stili more desirous of transportation out of the island than of any other relief which can be offered them, All Danger Not Yet Passed. London, May. 24/-A: cable despatch bas been. recoivea at the Mansion bousty from Sir Robert Llewellyn, gaverpop. of the Windward Islands, dated SC Vincent, Wednesday, May 2st, and expressing the gratitude of the islanders for the generous English contributions. The message continues : "I fear the distress is likely to con tinue for a long time. A fifth of the entire island is devastatea, the largest of the sugar estates are ruined and their crops eannot be renowed in less than thite years, if ever. The suffering of the injured from burns is beyond description, The rains due may revive vegeta- tion a little bit, but all the growing crops and fruit were destroyed. The sum of £7,000 (35,000) is required im- mediately to build huts for refugees of the devastatea ares, who have lost everything. "A violent outburst on Sunday brought in many fresh refugees for relief. 1 fear all danger is not yet passed," ; I AN INDEPENDENT ESTIMATE, How the Toronto Outlook. The Weekly Sun has been referred to as Goldwin Smith's paper, because he writes" for itl. Well, the Sun, May 21st, hae been sigiflg up the political situ ation, and h this result : "The San Bas during the past week received a"flood of letters from wall- informed friends, located in different parts of the province, dealing with the political situation as it stands at the present time. These letters do not begin to ¢over the whole of Ontario, but they have been received in such large numbers and from so many dif ferent sources as to justify the state ment that they may be taken as fair ly representative of public opinion, Four points stand out prominently in the correspondence received : "1. A general feeling among inde pentlents, and reformers who are not absolutely tied to party, of dissatis faction with the present conditions. "2. An equally general feeling that Mr. Whi and This lieutenants are not likely to! give us a good, vigor ous "government in the place of the present one. "8. An appreciation of the value . of the service rendered by the Hon, John Dryden thro the department of agriculture, of the effect this is having in he lpirig to hold the ov ernment slipport' that would other: wise he i d' to waver. ' "4. An ation; partionlarly in the fruit distriet about Georgias Bay and in the manufacturing centres, of the development 'work done in pew Ontario." " ' LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, GE -- Which Is Correct ? : Kingston,' May "21.-(To the Edi tor): 1 wee present at a discussion between several gentlemen as to the proper expression, to be used whey speaking of the barracks here. The difficulty = to be settled was as to which is "etarect, TetedePont or du Pont. My 'ewan opinion is that Tete-dé-Pont is the proper ex pression, but as some of the cham pions of Tete du Pont quoted as their authodity a. French i professor of the Royal military wollege, I agfeed "to give. my: reasons why Tete-de-Pont should He'uwelt. 1 think that the sup- potters of Tete du Pont are under the impression that both terms mean the same thi but, that one of them. via., 'Tete Pont, is grammatical, and the other is matical. T'ete- de-Pont is ove 'wort, whereas Tete du Pont consists of three words, On the Century dictionary, the word Tete-de-Pont is found 'des eribed" a8 a noun, meaning a "bridge head" of wu fortifiention compianding the appwonch to 'a 'bridge. The words "Tote dia Port' "gre not to be Yom! in an English dictionary, nor is 4 such 8 word: as Teledu one. 'The word 'out over { at the barracks is Tete t, and it is to be =p poved thet 'this was done care was taken to see that it was corréef. The fact is that the 8 were Sun Regards time work was being. done in the dock vard at Point and before the bridge was somal KEM: ¢ ----------_---------- % pas "1. Stocking The Harbor With Fish. {he mt of | marive and > . Armstrong, of A fisheries, Ottawa, is in _ THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY. MAY 24. ROCHAMBEAU'S MEMORY. Honored by the Unveiling vi His : Statue. Washington, D.C., May 24 Tribu was paid to-day to the memory . ol Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimerue, viscomte de Rochambeau, when the Hamar monmsent to the illestrioes patriot and general was wnverled iv the privence of the president, his eab inet, a distinguished delegation repre senting the Fremch government - and many other prothinent guests. The statue is placed in Lafayette Square, opposite the Lafayette monument, where a vast erowd of people eongre gated this afternoon to witness the unveiling ceremonies. President Roosevelt spoke briefly and extolled viscomte de Rochambean. Sen- ator Henry Cabot Lodge, of Massa chusetts, sounded the clarion note of the day delivering the chief oration. Both addresses were sincere enlogies of the character, devoted fealty to the cause of liberty and the courageous qualities of the hero whose statue serv: ed to inspire the sentences. The president and his cabinet, to gether 'with the French visitors, were escorted to Lafayette square by a considerable number of troops. The countess Rochambeau had the honor 'of 'pulling 'the cords that loosed the 'drapery of French and Americar flags concealing the monument. The couhtess was given the signal and sh seized hold of the ropes with a quick, determined grasp. She gave one pull and then another. The erowd stood as one man, expectant and intent. She jerked harder, and within a moment the folds about the monument begar to 'shake apart. Gredaally they drop ped away, and all at once they fell from the moonment in a heap and the suf lighted the whole work. The statue unveiled to-day i¢ a re pliea of the one by Ferdinand Hamar, which' was unveiled at Hamar France, two years ago. It stands facing Pennsvivania avenue, west the White house, in a position corres ponding to that occupied by the me morial to Lafayette, which occupies the southwest corner of Lafayette park east of the white house. The status was erected with an appropriation of $7500 by congress. It is a hand some affair of bronze on a marble base and is said to be a striking like ness of viscomte de Rochambeau. From base to top the monsment stands over thirty feet high. of What Do You Think ? London Advertiser. Quebec has a debt of over $22,000, 000; Nova Scotia a debt of $2,713,302; New Brunswick a debt of over $2, 751,086, and British Columbia, a debt of about ¥8,000,000. Ontario, with a larger population than any of them has a surplus of over $2,000,000, 1. it time for a change? The late Dr. Grant's will has been probated. He left an estate of 816, 000, of which 810,000 wus in life insur ance." <W. L. Grant, M.A, Toronto, i: sole heir. Electors, mark the first the ballot. The name Pense, Vote for Pete agd good gowern ment, ' , A SLUGGISH INACTIVE LIVER, Brings Biliousness,Indigestion and Most Painful Bodily Derange- ments -- The Wonderful Cura- tive Influence of Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills. Not only is the liver the largest and ane of the most important organs i the human body, but when deranged it becomes the source of endless suf Jering. = When the liver is elogged by the inactivity of the kidneys and bow els, it besomes torpid and fails to fil ter the bile from the blood, thus pro ducing biliousness and a general im pairment of the digestive system. The topgue is coated, the bead aches, digestion is imperfect; there i: aching of the limbs, and' back, feel ings of fullpess, weight and soreness ower the stomach and liver; the ey Imcomes yellow and jaundiced, and the complexion muddy; the urine is seanty and highly colored, and the howels irvegutar, constipation and looseness alternating. There is little wse of treating the liver separately, as it can never be wet right until the kidoeys and bowels are made active in removing the waste matter from the boay. Mt is for this very reason that De. Chase's - Kidoey-Liver Pills have always proved so wonderfully sncoessfal in curing the most chronic eases of Hyver complaint, biliousnes: and complieatec ailments of the kid ney. liver and bowels. * Jamies Clark, Coneecon, Prince Ed ward Co., Ont., states : "Eleven years ago 1 was taken with pains in my hack, setiling in my hips and extend nam the on 0 is 2% 3 $52 8.3 Tn a A NUCH FOOD -IN FRUIT SKINS ------ A : i NUTRITIVE QUALITIES SAID; TO BE BRAIN FOOD, Besides Possessing Other Health- ful Qualities ~ Why Various Vegetables Are so Wholesome. There are more nutritive qualities hidden in the skins of fruits, cereals and vegetables than the average per- son Is aware of. In fact the great bulk of the brain building foods are in the skins of the fruits and vegetables we eat. It, as Savarin says, "the destiny of nations depends on their food," then the destiny, whether a bealthy long life or insanity or suicide of every unit of the United States depends on how he or she 1s fed. . If the breéd so much depends upon food, why should not every person ca- pable of normal thought seek to pro- cure such food as best sustains his or her normality? Brain starvation, through the lack of suitable brain and perve nourishment in eur daily food, is the sole cause of the craving for stimulants to supply, as they do, arti- ficlally and improperly what nature bas provided in a natural form in the skin of the grape, which contains the best part of the wine; in the skins of all fruits and vegetables, and if not in the skins of the cereals, how comes it that stimulating properties are extract- ed from them, as the inner kernel, the starch, is devoid of anything other than a heat giver? It has been proved by chemical anal ysis and demonstrated by microscopic experiments that the most valuable brain sustaining properties are resi- dent in all skins of cereals, fruits and vegetables, and as an instance of the great difference to the bealth resultant trom partaking or rejecting the skins here is an incident that oceurved in India, as told by an Indian officer: A regiment 'was stationed in a part of the country where grapes were the chief article of food. The officers, one after another, became so sick as to be ioyvalided as unfit for service, but it being considered remarkable that the troops were all well a commission of inquiry was instituted, when it was found that while every trooper in eat- ing grapes swallowed the skins the offi- cers followed the fashionable habit of rejecting them, It was then ordered that the officers should swallow the skins, which was done, with the result that they immediately recovered. Thus it will be seen that the skin of the grape, besides being a brain feeder, possesses other healthful and nutritive qualities necessary to the sustenance of the human body. The reason why as paragus, cabbage, string beans, lettuce, spinach and other green vegetables are 80 wholesome 1s that the skins are not rejected.- A Tough Negro. Stories of brute toughness and Ho- meric endurance are tenderly preserv- ed in the folklore of the water front ~how, for instance, Scipio Flanagan, "the biggest nigger in the business" supported the entire weight of an im- mense. packing case, weighing upward of 1.800, on his prostrate body. The negro beld the hand truck to receive the case, which in the hands of half a dozen men was being balanced at Just the right angle to slip into place, * But it hit the edge of the truck and knock. ed it away, and the pegro unluckily lost his foofing and fell flat with the great box on top of him. He shrieked In terror and groaned, it was said, like a siren whistle, but when a gang of fifteen men lifted the thing bodily and pulled him out all he did was to screw his fists into his éyes like a big child, strétch his long limbs grotesquely and return to work. Of course he talked about this feat for many a day. Lo Old Delusions, It is inexplicable how the old deln- sion that a man cannot eat one quail a day for thirty days holds its own. Any man ean eat one quail a day for thirty days. At Lawrence some years ago Will Upton ate two qualls a day i! LIVING IN LONDON. it 1s Rot & Good Place For a Man of Small Income. An American who in the classieal language of his country is at present "located" in London wants to know whether any city in the world is quite #0 niggardly as our town, He his been going the round of the Louden restaurants and has encountered in the management of them a spirit which distresses him. "There is, to begin with," he says, "a charge of from two- pence to sixpence for guarding your hat and coat in the cloakroom, and a tip | addition Is expected. You want to wash your hands--anofher twope! or another sixpence and another ti You take up the menu, and, belold, there is an intimation that a cha of threepence each person will be made under the guise of 'table money.' The charge varies according to the nature of the place. Threepence 1s the lowest and sixpence perhaps the average. At a great many restaurants it is 1 shil- ling and in at least two that I have vis. fted 1s 64. The only difference is that in the lower priced restaurants it is called 'table money" and in the high. er priced ones placed under the capti- vating heading of 'couvert' To my mind, an entrance fee frankly demand. ed at the door would be much less of- fensive than to find yourself asked at the end of a dinner to pay for the trou. ble and expense of cleaning up the eu}: lery you have used." His conclusion of the whole matter Is that "Loudon lives by imposing a fixed tariff on the accessories that in every other ¢ity I have ever been to are thrown in gratis" and he thinks that being a gentleman is oue of the most expensive professions an Englishman can have. He declares it to be an ut ter delusion that London is a cheap place to live in. "For the poor man," he says, "the man whose income Is less than £800 a year, there is no city where less caa be had in the way of comforts and even the necessities of.life. In New York it is only the luxuries that cost. The expenses of everyday living may be as great or as small as one cares to make them, New York, In fact, is laid out for the poor man. From the transportation system to the price of such fundamental charges on the household treasury as coal, fice fuel, meat, bread, milk and fruit, al mest everything conspires to bring him in a good return for a very small out: lay. Al these things are cheaper in New York than in Londen."--London Chronicle. Houses and Superstitions, "Real estate men are gradually for getting most of the old time supersti- tions which used to cause us much trouble," sald a dealer the other day. "I'he number of houses which cannot be rented or sold on account of being haunted or because some terrible crime | was committed on the premises is rap tdly decreasing. We run across only a few people who balk at living in house No 18. Even elderly men who have maile big fortunes are beginning to be. fleve that there is nothing in the old' saying that the aged rich man builds a mansion to die in" The Whip Tree, In the island of Jamaica grows a tree, with the botanic name Daphne! Iagetto, from the branches of which) native workmen make peculiarly stroug and excellent whips, which have the! handle and lash all of a plece. The handle consists of a part of the stem! retaining the bark. For the lash the stein is deprived of bark and then split inte strips, which are woven together in a flexible cord six or seven feet in length. The proper taper is afforded by detaching more and more of the! strips as the end of the lash is ap- proached. Composite, Dashaway-Quilidriver seems to be a fellow of extremes--one who writes awfal slush and sublime prose and who is at the same time an idiot and a genfus, Cléverton--~Whove did you get such an idea? Dashaway-TI've just been reading the reviews of his latest book. Distinetly Original, Clara~But were the places described in Tom's book at all like the real places and did the men and women act and talk like real peoplo? Edith-~Mercy, ceo! The book 1s dis tinetly original. That is the charm of it, you know. Pleasant While It Lasted, "What would you do if you woke up "1'd turn over on the other side and try to dreax: it again." France $15,000,000 worth of chestouts a year and Italy $20,000,000 VARICOCELE AND ye cure STRICTURE Method Treatment to be » permanent and uy latent for and Strioture, wi cutting, oF loss of Sime. GEIR oon , aqualizes intion, stots pains Los hart or Be Sen TT ee tissue, «80. re o, stops smarting sensatic uEnens, a Ei rer ESE PAY WHEN CURED 0 cure you, call or write me. ne 16 you write ii receives my personal cures | ished rte TATION ieined for Candia pafigots Shipped DR. GOLDBERG, PENNILESS AND REJECTED. J. J. Kell, Who Answered Matri- monial . Advertisement. N.Y... May 24. Penniless and with his dream of love, happiness and a bome shatiered, J, J. Kell, of Richmond, Va., applied to charity clerk Kelly for work and funds 10 carry him back to the south. Kell Oswego, 'answered g@ matrimonial advertisement and corresponded with a wealthy wi- dow of this city. Every mail carried messages of afiection . to his sweet: heart, and he received pledges of un dying love in return. Atteacted hy visions of wealth and happiness he threw up his in Richmond and came to this city to claim his bride He stayed at a hotel herve until = his funds were oxhausted, and then the wi dow refused to marry him, Kell says he will answer no more matrimonial advertisements. Clork Kelly provided him with transportation to Syracuse. job DESERTER NOT TO DIE. Gen. Wheaton Disapproves of the Sentence. May 24.--~A military court convicted Arthur Howard, of desertion and sentene- ed him to death. There were various ahout this man. Jt was said 'that he was an American soldier in a California volunteer regiment Howard said that he was neves an American soldier; that be was born in England; that his father was an Eng hshman and his mother a. Spaniard, and that he went from Hong Kong to Manila in 15985 and that him his chief of artillery. Watson has disaj proved of the gentence on the groond that the iden tification was not complete and be CAuH Howard's recent services to the American government in the field, when he acted as a scott whder Gen Bell in [Datangas against the insur gents, Manila, vepently alias Walle Stories madd Gen Aguinaldo | Woaward Ave, Qor. DETROIT, MICH, SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE undersiguesd, and endorsed "Tasder fot Gym pasivm Miltary. College, K Mo owill be received at this office unidl MONDAY, Wh June, inclusively, for tho weetion of a Gym naxium at the Hoyal Military College, King ston, according to plas wed waitin 1 be seo on abd sfter Wed , Mav BSth, at the Department of Public Weeks, "Otidwa, amd Bt tho office. of Arthuc Bills; Lea, Arehi- eet, AIRE On. Thiers wil not ba ee ules pA owaidervd om farm, sipphd and sileod with ne signatares of w aaopied oheutin on a chartered a mynble doi dhe order of the M of Fuble Works. qual to Bu perp ph) of « AIBOURS Eo v cork ater ht ohpgue.. will ie 3 the rasky ih vomits or WEE to o complete work contracted for, wi be ret BOB ncoLPAB NOS of vp- der b 5 % The deparfuens dom A burt fall to an cept the lowest of ane r : By Order, va FRED. GELINAR, n od : Se A Secretary ¥ 4 ores, Dhiawa, iy, 1902 Newspapers inserting advertisameny without authovity from be department will rot be paid Jor ie Joyceville Jottings. Joyceville, May 23. ~The dredge Ri and the same jolly crew have made their appearance at the Bert Donaldson, ab- in now home, dean again same old spot sent for three years, { Mrs." D. Minanham, Ovange, NJ, spent a few days at D. NeCarey's, has returned home, accopupanied by i her nieces, the Misses Mamie Robar and Katie McCarey. Miss Mame Mur phy, sufiering from rheumativm, has recovered, Many valuable dogs have been poisoned lately, Ouf school is { closeted owing to the teachers' con vention ---------- Vote for stbstuiice, not for shadow, for deeds not words, for work atcom- | plished, not promisek, In other t words, for Ross, 'not Whitney. | "Read the coronation article in to- TET -- PAIN 1 A Tria! Bottle of tho World's Greatest --------p---- Kiduey Ours Bent Absolutely Free to Every R adet of the Whig Who Buffers from Kidvey, Liver, Blad. der or Blo.d Disease, or What is Commonly Keown Among Women As "Female Weakeos." IT IS YOUR KIDNEYS! Thousauds of Mon and Women lave Kidney Disease and Do Not Know ItUntil T¢ I s Too Late, THIS SIMPLE TEST WILL TELL: Put some morning urine in a gla four hours. I then it is milky or cl sediment, or if particles or germs flo This is the moment : arrest all these un nnmistakable symptoms of kidney di vod have any doubt im your m epse in your system, send us a samp analyze it and send you a report wit saved supreme or's Core to test Are yon tired 2 Low spirited ? We drobbing ache in the small of your b pain when vou wrinate? A frequent with sleaplégstices ? Have von beadac find vour food doses not pourish your red 2 Have you ga bad taste in vour any of these symptoms youre kidoeys for kidaey diseases seldonr pat out » working several months and the tissues ense, You have every reason to be per's Safe Cure at once. You will 6 Warner's Safe Cure is guaranteed to Bright's disease, diabetes, uric acid p rheumatic gout, liver complaint, fem {teniaic weakness amd regular peciods sve Caused by glectedi, too frequent desire to writs blood disease, indigestion. and besduches. AT these kidoewe. If the kidpers were healthy form their work properly, there would NER'S SAVE CURE is purely vegetable and comtaine vo it contaigs no seaiment and is pleasant by ail druggists, or direst; Be 70 harmiul drugs; not constipate. Said $1 a Bottle. Less Th WARNER'S SAFE PILLS move cure Refuse substitutes, There in pone inet as good mv' Warner's, g2 or bottle; let it stand for twenby- oudy or contains a reddish' brick-dust at about in it, your kedneys are dis when vou should begin to take Warn natural conditions, for they are the If, miter you have made this development. of the dis and our doctors will pa nd as to the fe of vaur urine, h advige, fre, WARNER'S SAFE CURE Pr. Ty Vogel, 1123 Pratt Ave, Ro- gers Park, HL, says :, '1 prescribe WARNER'S SAFE CURE and find is cures all cases of kidoey and bladder troubles and alse female weakness; it induces sleep, ainl gently yet vigorous+ Jv drives the disease ont of the sys tem, thus health quickly and permanently." Mise Mary Ronark, 3% Thomas Ave, Memphis, Tenn, Vice Prosident of the Women's League, writes : © "WARN ER'S SAFE CURE hax cured me of which came om wr I have had no rheur: I took WARNE] restoring rheumatism acid poison tic pains wince SAFE CURE." CURES KIDNEYS George Dessun, )54 Filth St, Cin cinnati, Ohio, Major of the Christian V eehun ter "} had 'gravel pnd inflasamation of the urinary argaos, aus] by exposure in condueting out door mwetings. | found no velief un. til T took WARNER'S SAFE CURM It hat absolutely cured me. May Cod bless you jor sonding such relief fo suffering humanity." ak and flabby ! Have you ga omstant ack * Fave vou chills 7 Soalding and desire to urinate? Are you troubled het 1x your appetite bad? Do you body and make vour blood rich and month in the morning 7? Hf you have have heen diseased for a long time, neh symptoms until they bave been have heen eaten sway with the dis alarmed, and vou should take Ware od full directions with each bottle, eure any form of ki trouble, olson, inflammation of bladder ale we add i he inthe y in the #0 that | could per- thers complaints. WAR fhareotics or w take; it does fe, gravel, stones und #ir be none an One Cent a, Dose. and aid a speedy Tnvint the bowels gently of (he genie Warner's Safe Card, whith always cores. Substitutes con téin harmisl droge which imjure thew Re TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. The manufacturers so firmly believe thet WARNER'S SAFE CURE wilf condition kidneys, shwolytely amd p say sermmnently care liver, hludder or blood) they will £1. Toronto, and men ond 5 trial Bottle, i¥ vou write Worser 8. To , ah slain having edn this liberal offer iw the Kington Bh Write the medical department for advice. wedical booklet, diagnos & g n of the witheet any cost to you wre Company, #4 analysie, which will be sent you free of charge {sate