How Well it Looks ! . ; all sav after using our nue if owrssives and genrantee it the be ---- varnish sot all hy best. stains, carriage Mitchell's Hardware. peor ' TO CONTRACTORS. KT ARE INVIZED UP TO 3 + May 28h, for the seve roauired in the rection ols He Knew. 4 "I understand you play the piano?' "l sometimes play accompani ments." : Le . " Accompaniments to singing ? "No; accompaniments 10 conversa tions." COMMERCIAL MATTERS, What is Going on in the Busines World--The Market News, Crop prospecis are generally bright, groin snd bay especially. At the present rate of progress Conadian trade will pass the $500,000,000 mark in four years. Canad possessen the largest Jobster fisher- jos in the worl, having over 800 canneries in operation. The dominion now ranks thind in the list of goMproducing coumries, $27 000,000 worth baviog been produced in 1900 Choese sales: Brockville, 104c.; Vankleek Hill, 104s; Tweed, 10fe.; Cowansville, 10e. Ottawa, 100; South Finch, Sfc. refused froquois, 10c:; Brighton, 9c: Winchester, 10; Perth, 10e. The total exports of the United States to Capada increased from $69,763.595 in the wine months of 1900 and $77,504.138 in the same period of 1901 to $80,999,004 in thw corresponding mouths ol the current your The Nova Scotia steel and coal company has decided to wanwfamure steel cars. Al present the demand for these in Conada ir The company expect to build ten which will require 150 tons of fall CRIOUS. mn day, daily Long Service Medals. The 14th P.W.0. rifles parade in ar tilery park to-morrow morning when several decorations will be presented by Col. Montizambert, D.0.C. Lieut. Col. Skinner, quartermaster-sergeant Donnelly and bandsman William Shea receive medals for twenty years mili tary service, Will Be R. 8. M. < R. 8. M. Long of the R.C.F.A. will receive the appointment of regimental sergeant-major of the artillery sec tion of the Canadian coronation con tingent. No better selection could have been made. Sergt.-Maj. Long is one of the finest types of Canada's stalwart soldiers, having a splendid physique and commanding appearance. curs stl Cannot Affect Him. The News may fill its paper with denunciations of Mr. Pense, with in sinuations, silly and venomous, but the Vhig will wage a loftier battle. It relies on the sense of the communi ty to repel the accusations. The re putation of Mr. Pense, in his native city, cannot be affected. Flags At Hali-Mast. Col. Montizambert received this telegram from the minister of militia: "Owing to the death of lord Paunce- fote, British ambassador at Washing ton, flags will be flown bali-mast un til further orders." -------------- Permission Granted. Last night word was received from the militia department granting per mission to the United States troops to land here to-morrow with their gide-arms and rifles. City Hall To-night. Every liberal in Kingston should at- tend the meeting in the city hall this evening, and hear discussed the politi cal questions which are at present be fore the electors. ------------ Adorn Your Table With our cakes. Stirling Elite cakes only at uson's, King street. Jelly Rolls, Angel Food, Lily White, etc. See our window. Theodore Bung has been released from New York state insane hospitals where he spent cighteen years. In 1854, Bung shot a man in his store, his mind being unbalanced. He was com: mitted as. ,. but has now recov- ered. All the prostoution, witnesses are dead. Tangerine marmalade at Redden's. | Flansel Suits. A fine line to se- 8] lect from in our | De , THE VAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 24 Sorte DID IT TO TEASE HER fhe Attack On a Paralyzed Woman, THREE LITTLE GIRLS CON- FESS THE CRIME. Only Wanted to Hurry Their Vie- tim, Whom They Beat With Sticks, Threw Sand in Her Eyes and Set Fire to Her Clothing. Palmyra, N.J., May 24. Helpless in bed, a paralyzed woman, eighty-five years old, is said to have been tor- tured by three little girls in a man ner that seems almost bevond belief The three children, however, confess that they beat the poor old woman with sticks, threw sand in her eves, poured scalding water on her hand then set her clothing on fire. These three little creatures admit the charges against them, and when arraigned yesterday they not only confessed to baving applied the tor tures to the old woman, but added Murder was the charge on which the three were arrestéd at first, but after an autopsy had ' developed the fact that the woman had died of paralys- is, independently of the tortures, the charge was changed to one of atroci- ous assault. Mrs. Isabelle Bailey was the old woman. She lived at Wrightsville, and her three tormentors were Lillian Ro gers, eleven years old; her sister, Hes ter, eight, and Blanche Henry, also eight. All three are small for their age, and were the only companions of the old woman. After the death it was found that the old woman's clothing had been burned, and investigation ended in the arrest of the girls. Their confes- sion followed, and this, added to the testimony of Mrs. Mary A. Polk and Dr. J. D. Janney, resulted in their committal to the county jail for trial. Remorse seized the tots, however, and when taken to prison they wept and shrieked to be released, repeat ting that they didn't mean to hurt the old woman, but only intended to tease her. ERA OF EXPANSION, -- Let Ross Carry Out His Develop- ment Plans. flon. J. R. Stratton at Cobourg. ™ "Nothing succeeds like success." The government has won friends and sup- porters all along the line, not so much yy argument, not by trading on dead issues, pot by appeals to traditional sympathies or prejudices, but by the practical demonstration of the sound - ness of its policy aflorded by the growing prosperity of the country. Increased trade, orders in excess of the capacity to fill them, larger pro fits, more customers, a heavier bank account--these are object lessons that appeal to every business man however little interest he 'may take in party convention or political speeches. The business men will support a business government. They will not clutch at the shadow of vague and wordy promises and miss the substance of honest performance and practical effort. They realize that not only in their New Ontario policy, but in their ad- vanced line of action in the direction of encouraging industry generally, op ening up new markets, developing the export trade, and raising the standard of agriculture, the Ross government hav. shown a broader conception of their duties and responsibilities than has -préviously guided our administra tors. Thy people are prosperous. Commer- cial" interests are flourishing as never before. The era of expansion is upon us. Public confidence in the future was never so great. Enterprise never had had more opportunities before it for remunerative effort and investment. The public have no use for carpers and pessimists--for men whose only ef- fort is to obstruct the wheels of pro- The business men will support a business government. Deafness And Discharge From The Ears There is 5 wide-spread belief that Deafness cansed by aliscesses in the ears, with injury to the drum-head, is incurable, but the continued success of the Drowet treatment is a proof that this opinion is wrong. In fact, such an unusual nual le of cored cas es are reported in the Marveh 'Supple ment" to the Journal of the Deaf," that those who suffer 1 i hearing, caused by this form of ear i , will find this publication of t interest. - The case of Mrs. C. vole, fifty years, is 5 specinl proof of the success the Drouet method, as she was cured completely of Deafoess caused by abscesses of the ears, after treatment at a special "hospital hid "failed. © Her letter of thanks shows thie successful result: Hoa terrace road, Shei | of Newboro, are guests of Rev. i , 8. Shibley, Division street. that they did it all only to "tease { Mrs, 8 hibley vision her." INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Rine oranges at Ferguson's, King sireet. Bananas and pineapples, the best at Ferguson's. New yacht cape, 25c., Slc., 75¢. Bib- by's clothing house. Fifteen great thoroughbreds ran in the Brooklyn bandicap this after- TOON. Walter White, a burglar, was shot and killed by a New York policeman on Friday. 3 Daniel Baboock, living near Redners- ville, died on y, aged sixty- eight years. Green fig and giuger marmalade at Redden's. There were many visitors in the city to-day, and business, despite the rain, was brisk, Eustin A. Batchelder, the leader of a gang of counterfeiters, has been arrested in Chicago. Strike rioters in Paterson, NJ. were sent to jail for terms running from one to two years. W. E. Futche, Cleveland, was again chosen as bead of the brotherhood of locomotive engineers. Men's summer fixings. New soft front shirts. Bibby's. Mrs. J. H. Singleton, and Hanghtor, and It is said that the 10,000,000 negroes of the United States will soon forcibly revolt against the lynch law. Supreme court justice George P. Andrew's, died in New York on Fri- day. He was in his sixty-fifth year. Pauline Sherry, an Albany, N. Y., girl, was fatally burned while start ing a fire with Kerosene oil on Friday. The Valdez, Copper River and Ukon railway company, with capital of 2, 400,000, will build a railroad in Alas ka. On the cricket field on Monday fore- noon the Athletics play 'the Odafel- lows' baseball team, weather permit- ting. The new double collars 2 for a quar- ter, at Bibby's furnishing house. Owing to directorate troubles, presi- dent C. H. Halcomb, of the Crucible steel company, of America, Pittsburg, Pa., may resign. Who is best qualified to represent Kingston in the legislature ? That is the question each elector should ask himself before he votes on the 29th. A German firm has offered the Chi nese government $15,000,000 annually for the exclusive right of selling opi- wm in that country. The officials are favorable. re. Christine H. Hinsdale, New York, has obtained a verdict of $40,- 000 against the New York Central railway company for the death of her husband jn a tunnel. Dr. Ulman, New York, who preaches in St. Panl's church to-morrow, is the head of the new summer school which is being established on an island in the St. Lawrence, below Gananoque. Mr. Whitney says he iz willing to give the pine on the land in ow Ontario to the settlers free. The lot {one hundred acres) would cost $40, and he would gét pine worth 87.000. How is that for g deal ? Mr. Whitney, in New Ontario, saw thousands on thousands of men at work. Prosperity was seen on every- hand. Mr. Carscallen saw nothing but distress and discouragement. You pays your money and you takes your | choice, The 8. 0. E. members and juvenile members will attend divine service at St. George's 'cathedral to-morrow moming. Members of 8t. George's so- ciety and all Englishmen are wel: come to attend. Faney hosiery, 25¢. Bibby's fufnish- ing house. Ontario has the lowest rate of tax- ation on the continent--one half less than the rate of municipal taxation in most states of the wnion, the aver age rate of rural taxation in Ontario being 9 9-10 mills, while the average rate in the central states of the Am- erican union was 23 7-10 mills. Combs, baic brushes, ete. Hall ries. Roche's old stand. E. C. itchell, John C. Brown, ex-M.P.P., of New Westminster, B.C., has a notable ar- ticle on the constitution, in the June Canadian magapine. He claims that the: constitution should be amended so that all' revenues would be paid into the provincial treasuries, and the government at Ottawa would be maintained by smbsidies (per capita) from the provinces. There are three essentials in build ing up a country--men, materials and a market. We have the right men in the Ross government; we have the in province, and we have old Ontario for a market for the pro- ducts the development of the = new country would cteate a demand Tor. The policy of the government is to extend the foreign market by provid- ing cold storage and other facilities. The government has adopted the only means of development--doing some- thing to bring it abeut--and it should be supported. Chaffey's Locks Laeals. Chafley's Locks, May 23. William ishley is erecting an addition to bis boarding house. It will contain sixteen betrooms, and will be a great i to his dwelling. D. D. # 1 A DIET WIE 10 CAI) A CABLE FROM ANTICOSTI TO MAGDALEN ISLANDS. Plan Prepared by Hon. Mr. Tarte ~Canadian Oats for Africa-- Halifax Band Will go. Ottawa, May 24.-The minister of public works purposes laying .a cable during the coming. summer between Anticosti island and the Magdalen isl ands, a distance of "116 miles. A cable already connects Magdalen islands with Meat Cove, C.B. The idea seems to be to give Montreal and Quebés di- rect connection with the Atlantic cables at Canso as soon as possible. The department of jagriculture has been advised that the imperial war oi- fice bas placed an order for 4,000 tons of oats with the Brackmen & Ker mill ing company, of Victoria, B.C. These oats will be supplied from Strathcona, Alberta, Nelson and Rossland, B.C., and other points along the Edmonton and Calgary railway. Additions costing $100,000 are being made to the plant at the dominion government assay offices at Vancouver in anticipation of increased deposits of gold from the Yukon and British Col umbia. The Halifax garrison band is to ac company the coronation contingent, and not the citadel band of Quebec, as at first arranged for. There were dif- ficulties in the way of the citadel band going. The minister of justice, Hon. Charles Fitapatrick, is to speak at the dinner of the Canadian club at Philadelphia to-night. Frank Geneisio, 108 Lyn street, re ports to the police that his three children and $3,000 in cash are miss- ing. A brother-in-law and his wife are also missing. He is an Italian and is an employing agent on a large scale, furnishing squads of his fellow countrymen. He stated that he had left Ottawa, Thursday afternoon, to pay a gang of laborers down the Can- ada Atlantic and had returned yester- day morning at eleven o'clock. Ac cording to his story his wife and fam ily and relatives, trunks and cash were missing when he arrived home. Gene isio stated that the following money was missing to his actual knowl : Twenty 850 bills, fifteen $20 bills, five 810 bills, ten Italian geld coins, value four dollars apiece, and one thousand dollars in Italian paper money. He believes more has been taken. Geneisio had every confidence in his wife and the money he stated was within her reach in the house. The children are : Salvatore, four years of age; Gionne, two years of age, and a girl, Marie, four months old. The wife's brother was Ponfilo Romunno and his wife An. nina Romunno _ According to the Canadian Gazette, issued to-day, the deposits in the post office savings bank for April totalled $961,465. The withdrawals were 81, 112,875.87, leaving a balance of $40, 646,357.26. Just $139,847.64, less than the month previous. The appointment of George Haddow. Dalhousie, N.B., as collector of cus- toms, was gasetted to-day. Murdock McLennon, Port Pinlay, Al goma, Ontario, has been appointed as wharfinger at that port. Since the first of May there have been thirty-six new post offices established in Canada; eleven were closed, leaving a net increase of twen- ty-five. 5 Prof. Robertson sailed Wednesday from Liverpool by the steamer Majes tie. It i= said that his mission to England has been successful. He has made such arrangements as will in- crease Canada's meat and produce warket in Great Britain. _ The Canadian section of the joint interzational boundary survey will leave Ottawa to-morrow. The purpose of the trip is to resurvey the interna tional boundary hetween British Co- lumbia and. the United States. The Canadian party will include a geolo gist and a botanist. Careless George. "Oh! George! there goes my en- gagement ring." "You didn't find it ? Don't you dace in this boat." li Open To-night for the Sale of Stockings LADIES' FAST BLACK COTTON BTOCKINGS, 13je., 10e., 16e : 20e,, Bde. LAVIES' FANCY STOCKINGS, 280., 850., 89a LADIES' LACE S8TOOKINGS, 180, 85e., 800., 40e., 750. LADIES' SUMMER CASHMERE STOCKINGS. This make is very light in weight but is durable wad comfortable, 25e., 89¢., 490. GIRLS' STOCKINGS in Ootton and Oashmere, & most somplese new stook. You will fiod our prices lower than you expest 10 pay. BOYS' BTOOKINGS--The famous LEATHER KNIT. This is wear and we are Sole Agents in Kiogsion for this make. Prices from 18e, to 350., according to size. Gloves LADIES' KID GLOVES--New Grey snd Fawn Bhades. $1, Black Kid Gloves, sofs and fine, plain aud fancy stitched backs, $1 and $1.25. LADIES' SILK GLOVES--Black, Oream, White, Grey and Fawn. 28e., 86e., 460., EOo. CHILDREN'S KID GLOVES, 506. pair, very special make. CHILDREN'S SILK GLOVES, all colors. J. LAIDLAW & SON. efoaded and Re-amanged. Everything in Apple Pie Order for the Big Seturday Rush. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE PEPPPPPOPPILPT PPPPPPIPIIY Resolution of The Daughters of the Empire, "Wherenn, the importation of Amerisas snd other foreign goods bas greatly ineressed, sod, wheres large contracts are 'being' let to American firms in preference to Brith firms, this national thapter of Canada, of the Tas perinl Order of this Daughtes of the Haipire msambled, do bereby record dep reeret st the state of affairs and pledge ourmives in dividially to purchase wherever possible, goods of Canadian or British mapuisctars." EMPIRE SODA BEST FOR BAKING Is a Purely British Product, 4 Quality and Qu