Daily British Whig (1850), 27 May 1902, p. 5

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Indigestion and nervousness are often] tie result of hurried meals, Abbeys "Salt Simulates and tonesthe digest. i organs enabling the stomach digest ectly. hy who der will find Abbeys Salt a perfect corrective all stomach cannot be cured by doc- ro effect. Abbeys Salt ron ee ley r0~ perly.~Amild \wxative. © disorders. the causes by enabling 5 "Atall druggists. Diamond Hall of Canada. Established in the year 1854, our business has experienced a steady advancement until the present day. Our stock of Diamonds, Fine Jewelry and Silverware is universally conceded to be the largest in Canada, and our reputation for fair treatment of our patrons is such as to [ confidence. Our handsomely illustrated catalogue will bring you in touch with our present stock and a copy of this will be cheerfully forwarded you upon RYRIE BROS, Lyege and Adelaide Sts, TO CONTRACTORS oBEALED TENDERS, ADDRESSED TO 0 THE plerstgnod aod. epdorsed "Tomder for Works," wi , received this Department watil "FRIDAY, MAY 23rd, at oe the Chemin. Mindny C stron, in coamoetion with the, School wo Venti ladon nd trie Work wo may be smb in separstely or iu Plans nt eoturd at this department. Dank cheque, yuyable te the wn Hive 'per ent. the above works men of the "wisue- ountfacts hu have been entered into ara and business ad securities must ao or hiv VR. LATCHPORD, Commissioner (the shove) this ad ER from the do Healing, Pluwbing, and specifications can be sen and on the gmount of ey aoch of ork So will be returned) Sor, not ba bound to ae Depastment of i Works, Ontario, May Bed, partment No BeaTiate: for receiving tenders for above work has been ex- tended to oon on SATURDAY, May Slat. FORTUNE FOR A "ROOSTER. WIDOW THOUGHT IT CONTAIN- ED HUSBAND'S SOUL. Relatives Solve Problem--Instead of Contesting the Wring the Heir's Neck and Thus Inherit. London, May man wf the name oi Silva, recently in Lisbon, Portegal, entire property' to a rooster. The man was gq firm believer in the trans migration of souls. She imagined that the soul of her dead husband had en tered the body of the rooster; there fore she caused a special fowl house to built, and ordered the pay particular attention to their mas ter's wanis, She was extremely jealous of the hens, and whenever one of' thew was found cogueting with Pedro, as the rooster wus ealled, its neck was wring, The disgust of, the relatives the woman's will was discloseq great, and a lawsuit would have fol lowed if ove of the heirs had not adopted the simple expedient of hav ing the wealthy fowl killed and thus becoming the next in succession. A wealthy wo who died left her wo he when was Was Kindly Remembered. On Saturday evening, the employees of the T. F. Harrison company met in the warerooms to ake a presenta von to! their fellow-worker, B. FE. Sills, who will in future travel for the Bailey broom factory, Queen strect, They tendered him a Hattering ad dress and a handsome silver having cabinet. The address was read hy H. Ross, and referred to pleasant asso ciations. 1. PF. Harrison then pre vented Mr. Sills with a handsome gentleman's desk, expressing the re gret he felt at parting with a tried and rusty employee, referring to the many good qualities which had Made his a valuable assistant in the ness, and 'incidentally urging upon the others the necessity of always keeping abreast or ahead even of their re spective positions, thus fitting them selves for the better positions when they presented themselves, Mr. Sills made feeling and suitable responses, referring to the kindliness of botk the management and his fellow-emplovees He had been in the present postion for seven years, and they had heen years of experienees such as he now appreciated as very valiahle to him, and he would alwavs cherish the re membrance of the time spent with the firm with the greatest pleasure. Mr Sills has been in the employment of the Harrison company since they started here. > Merchants Did A Big Trade. The merchants all did a splendid business yesterday-<the best in vears, and it ' was with a cheerful = counte nance that today they paid their promised subscriptions to the Victoria day celebration cpmmittee. The stores, especially in the forenoon, were crowded. There were over 5,000 visit ors in the eitw, and while them spent scarcely anything, great majority blew themselves, average expenditure would probably be 85 each. By this reckoning, £25, 000 was expended in the city as a re sult ofthe celebration. Jt must be remembered that, in making this cal calation, mawy of the visitors spent two or three days in the city. busi of the The some Treat It With Contempt. The liberal government Ontario has been able, true, economical and wise during the past quarter of a cen tury. It would be just as sensible for the Grand Tronk railway sharehold ers to dismiss Mr. Hays, who has made a paying neern of what was formerly a ghaStly financial failure, and replace him with an untried man whose record as a railway manager was against him. Ne- sane business man, no shareholders in a company would pursue such a course, and yet that is just what Mr. Whitney and his friends have the "hardihood to pro pose to the people of Ontario. They will <reat the overtures with the con tempt they deserve. of The Skiff Upset. Aun employee of the Calvin company started out from Swiit's wharl yes teraay morning for Garden Island in a sailing skiff." When a quarter of a mile out, the boat upset. The ocen pant was rescued by several of the crew of the steamyacht Idler, who went ont in & vawl. Thomas Clancy arrived a few plinutes later, and brought in the upturned skiff, ---------------- Walked Through The Window. Workmen this morning placed the new plate glass window, by the side of the door, in Richardson's new store, Brock street. This afternoon while they were engaged in putting the main window in position, oné man was asked to go outside and assist. Fringetting that the side glass had been put in, he ram into the window, sinashing the plate glass all to pieces Two Toronto Possibles. The names of two Toronto men are freely connected with the appoint ment of principal of Queen's univers: ity, Rev. George M. Milligan, D. D., pastor of Old St. Andrew's church, and Rev. "Joh A. Masdonald; editor of the Westminster, and formerly pas. tor of St. Andrew's Presbytarian church, Si. Thomas. Let Them All Come. If she tories huive any morn lies to tell about Hon. 6G. W. Ross, his col or his candidates. trot them out. The truth will 'never defeat wo end a government ag an that of uf which . Ross is the honored Jeader ns ss will They, i servants to THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY. MAY 27. | 475 MURDERERS IN JAIL. The Mediaeval Fortress of: Vol- terra. { From ihe 84, James Gawette 2 The mediaoval fortress of Volterra i* mow. a fogpmidable prison house i When last F visited it there were 475 prisoners within its walls, ell of them npderers. It is an uncanny sensation to look upon pearly 300 hitman beings, eacl one of whom bas { taken the Ide of at least one other buman being. One hundred and forty | nine of them were condemned for life, amd that would mean murder -with and cold bloded description; the re mainder were imprisoned for periods ranging from fifteen to thirty years and that would mean murder wuth | extenuating ciraumstances--uogwder the result of inconstancy in a sweet heart, frailty in a wife, faith lessness in a friend. The confinement is rigorously solitary aod cellular; the exercise coprts are cellular; there are cellular smithies and cellular work- shops; nay, the very chapel is cellu lar. Two tiers of cells run one above the other, and the prisoner in each, while ' unable to see his fellow con viets, can through a lohg narrow loophole see the altar and the priest who is saying mass As 1 walked round the rampartz of the great fortress | could look down into the rows of high-walled exercise courts--not more than ten feet by ten, I should say--in each of which the convict was taking the hour of exer- cise which he is allowed daily. Every prisoner saluted respectfully, and shower his white teeth in a pleasant smile, glad at the sight of anv fresh fave. Italian prisons are models of order and cleanliness, and the rifulpess and natural patience . of the Italian temperament does much to lighten the labor of Italian prison officials, THe conviets get twa full beans, lentils, or paste, cooked in lard, and meat on Sundays and holidays. Every prisoner may spend 25 centesimi a day, if he has it or can earn it; therefore wine is by no means an unknown luxury in the prison. The system of rigorous solitary con finement leads to frequent cases of makiness. Indeed, there is often talk of the Italian government abolishing the systemn on account of the great ex. pense of maintaining namerous wim inal lunatic asylums. | | or or meals of MARINE INTELLIGENCE, What is Happening Along the Wa- ter Front. Craig's wharf: Steamer from Montreal. z Swift's wharf : King from Ottawa; er from Charlotte. The steamer India timber laden from upper arrived at Garden Island On account of the heavy wind and yesterday, the Cape Vincent steamers had to go around the foot of Wolfe Island. The steamer next month Alexandria Rideau Falcon Steamer schooner and consorts, lake ports sea forth style were Kingston comes in even grander than 'when the royal party aboard her last October T. company elevator: Tug Broh- son cleared down with three grain laden barges; tug. Bronson arrived up with three Jight barges. Richtyddsons' elevator : Tug Daunt less and two grain-laden barges clear ed for Montreal; sloop Granger clear ed for Gananoque with wheat, So thick was the fog in the harbor on Sunday morning that vessels had difficulty in landing. They succeeded in getting in by whistle calls and re sponses The big steamer Montreal was com manded entirely by Kingston men. On the bridge were Capts. Batten, Booth and Esford, while Alexander Milne was chief engineer for the trip The new R. & 0. navigation com pany's steamer Montreal, arrived at Swift's wharf early on Sumlay morn- ing, and during the day was viewed by throngs of people. On Sunday afternoon she cleared down the riv- er. On Saturday the tug Edmund consort Columbia arrived at Car rington's tannery with a load of | tan-bark from Bedford Mills. It has been many years since such a cargo has come down the Rideau, and it was a reminder of the old days when the shipping of tanbark was a pro- minent industry. and A Young Girl's Sudden Death. A particularly sad death was. that which took plage on Sunday night when death robbed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Clark, 36 Rideau street, of a fair young ddughter. who was just budting into womanhood. Caroline, their third daughter, was taken ill on Thursday, and expired very sughienly on Sunday night. She was aged eighteen vears, For some time she had been employed in the millinery department of Crumley Brose." store, and was very much es toemed by all her young friends, and acquaintances. The blow is a sad one for the parents, who have much sym: pathy in their bereavement. The do ceased young lady was a first cousin of the late Beatrice Holland, shot a few weeks age in Frontenac school. The funeral takes place to-morrow. A Liberal Rally. The final meeting of the liberal workers--and every liberal is a work- er--is called for. Wedne y night in the Golden Lion block. Let there be a bumper audience. Young and old lib- orale are expected to turn out and work and shout for Ross, and goed government. Fresidant Suspenders. no pulling fort, Sc. a pair, Jenkins sosure on the INCIDENTS OF TRE DAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UF BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Life -- + What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Sir John Bournot, Roval society, is ill. William Coxall, Colborne, on Sunday, aged fifty nine years In yesterday s running race, Nomin ator and Labona divided the pars Carters of Meldrum, Montreal, are at work. again at #8 per, week all the year round. A. E. Ames has subscribed $1000 to the Toronto university convocation hall fund. Pr, E. Leprobon, Montreal, has been appointed commercial agent for Bra secretary of the Ont, died zl for Canada. The small boys danced and howled around many a bonfire on a street corner last night. Another lot of those choice pineap ples just in this afternoon. Secure ear lv. W, J. Crothers. The annual meeting of the society of Canada is ocourring at ronto upiversity. Dr. A. Lane, visiting his brother, C, W eller, yesterday, The Misses Stanton, guests of Mr. and Mrs. E, P. University avenue. George T. Bruns, New York, in a jealous fit, shot his young wife and then committed suicide. Miss Alice Chown has gone to De troit to attend the international eon- ference of charities. JA. Nash, at one time city apdit Ottawa, has been appointed as rk in Dawson Carrie Bajus, Kingston, guest of Miss Jennie Stevenson, Bridge street, Belleville. The the Dominion trans port company, Montreal, are still on strike, cans ing. much trouble. The C.P.R. and Canadian Northern railways announce reductions on coke and coal tariffs in the west: The 14th and 47th regimental bands didcoursed splendid music yesterday afternoon-at the fair grounds. Union, S.C., was visited by a ter rific tornado. Four deaths 'and consid erable los& of property resulted. Rev. Father Traher, late pastor of Mary's church, London, Ont., was buried in St. Peter's cemetery. D. J. McFeggan, route agent for the Dominion express company, is in the city on an official visit to the local office, There Toronto partment stitnation, Mrs. T. H. Fitagibbons and friend, Miss Gleesettle, Watertown, N.Y. are vigiting Mrs PP. Lyons, Ordnante street. Mrs. W. her bed, since the am Little, Williaa Harmon Lané, a negro, murderer of Ella Jorden, and her two children; was hanged at Philadelphia this morning Peter Gallagher, aged thirty-five, wall known among the butchers of Toronto, was foynd dead on Meunday night. An iE will be held. On Sunday afternoon. the officers of the R.C.F.A. entertained the visiting United States officers to dinner at the mess at Tete de Pont barracks. The six-vear-old daughter of Mrs. Harper, the postmistress at White Sand, Assa., was drowned by faNing into an unused well while playing Michael Morrison, a rancher who settled in the Knee Hill district, fifty miles from Calgary, N.W.T., about a vear ago, was found dead from ex prairie Archdeacon Worrell is in Belleville and will meet the congregation of St. Thomas' church to-night. in regard to the bishop's offer to him of the rec torship of the parish At Springfield, Mass. Philip Garrigan, vice rector of the Catholic university of Washington, was raised to the episcopate and con secrated bishop of Sioux City, Towa Premier Ross concluded his western Ontario tour on Monday night by ad dregéing a crowded meeting in the Glencor opera house This was Mr. twenty-first speech in the Royal To was ew Syracuse, N.Y, Lane, of Montreal, are Jenkins, the West is carters of St seven cases of smallpox in and the health de anxious about the are ospital, is rather Little has been confined to under medical treatment, death of her husband, Willi Rt. Rev. Dv Ross' cam paign. A. Hoffstatter, a . truckman, killed on the G.T.R., near Bronte, Monday. He was working on was on the track and did not get out of the way, in time. Hoflstatter lived at Petors burg, near Stratford. Additional discoveries of rich bodies of hematite, close to the Canada Northern line, around Split Rock lake, ig raising a good deal of excite ment and numerous prospecting per ties have startec ont. During the whole of last night ashes from. the volcano on the island of Martimque fell at Roseau, Ieldand of Dominic, B.W.I., in greater quantity than ever experienced since the out break of Mont Pelee. . > At Sudbiiry, Me. Whitney, hy his carpings and fomplaints, turned a strong conservative over to the literal wide. This conservative has been the means of gaining one hundred votes for the Ross government. The British empire league announces that it will do evervihing in its pow: er to provide facilities for Cal. Deni son to express his views before cham bevs of commerce and other important badies in England. The marquis of Lansdowne, secre tary of state for foreign affairs, and and his wife, entertain the king and queen at dinner on June Mth, the Your grocer may tell you that he has something "just as good" as MON- SOON. What is his object is telling you this? A larger profit is the only explanation. What is Going on in the Busines World--The Market News, of sugar is 0 In largely increased Eogland * bought from $15,000,000 worth of egos. The dominion government will tracle gommissioner to Great Hritadn The gold output from Rhodesin for amounted 180,888 ounces, that of the The in Germany price Rassia last wear appoint a 1901 to pemrly double year 10e.; Cornwall, Sie. oe at preceding Cheese nies Ottawa, Belhoville, 9c. to 9 oi Watertown, N.Y. welling Largs at that vrice Perth, Pie 1oe to to Patatom are Sc. a bag ot Ont make from Norwood Norwood shipments are being Rich gold mines have bem discovered at Chinn. The coal mines un worked for wearly Tongsban and Tingsi, wt thes plates have bes a century The bridge Great Balt lake bridges Southern Pacific railway is building » a portion of of the finest long over It wil be one world. forty miles in the Confirmation At St. George's Confirmation service was held in St cathedral on the after noon of Sunday, at half past three o'clock. The bishop was accompanied by the dean, Revs. G. L. Stary, canon Grout and Stearne Tighe. Before the putting of the question, the bishop addressed the candidates at length, explaining the rite and giving practical advice regarding the chris tian life. The prayers. of the congrega tion were askid for the candidates and after a short pawse for silent prayer, during which the hymn No 207 was ng. the bishop proceeded with the "laying on of hands For tyfour received the rite, twenty-one males and twenty-three females. Dur ing the offertory the hymn, "0 Jews I have Promised," wags sung, and the service. concluded with the benediction and the recessional "Thine Forever, God of Love, ------------ Rebellion Subdued. 27.--The rebellion in Chi has been practically sub inhabitants of the complaining loudly of the forces under Yuan Shai Kai, the governor of Chi Li, and alleges that his soldiers, in inflicting penishment, do distinguish between the guil ty innocent, George's some Pekin, May province but the province, are dued, not and the Another Government Wins. Brussels, May 27.~The Belg tions passed off without the slightest disturbance Though the returns are incomplete tt is known that the gov ernment is assured of a complete tory. This strengthen the ent regime postpone the chances of universal some vears to come. rian elec vie will pres and suffrage for Boys' First Communion Suits. lin cy vm $2.75, good black, well made, perfect fitting, Jenkins Botany serges, ed and £3.25, MM. Paul's church on Sunday fourteen. candidates were con Hie lordship's At evening, firmed by bishop Mills Address particularly interesting At morning service Rev, Dr. Ulman, New York, the preacher. He de livered - a powerful sermon on "Dex trine," "A'" company, 1th P.W.0. rifles were photographed yesterday morning at the ot was was armouries COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. Montreal, May 28.-Tiour recupts, blis.;, patent winter, ) to $4.00; spring, $4 to $4.20; suaight roller, Ww $8.00; swrong bakers, $3.00 tw $3.90. tari begs, $1.70 to $1.50; wheat, No Manitoba hard, Shc. to 82c.:. scorn, T0c. to T3¢.; pens, 80c. to Hic oats, 48¢. to 49¢ barley, $0c. to 62¢.; rye, 63a. to Gdo; buck wheat, 7c. to bY; oatmenl, $2. 20 tor 2 Et cornmesl, $1.40 to $1.09 lard, Se. to Pq. y 12¢. to 13c.; cheess, lle townships, 19¢. to 20; 17¢.; exws, lle. to 13ec 500 patent $3.50 On : hams, batter NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Open: Close, May 27th Union Pacific St. Paul Maubuttan R. Transit Sugmr People's Gas US. Steed . US, Stel, Pref Tem, Coui& lrom Miss Pacific, Southern Pacific Ontario & West!rn Western Uwmion Erie Renshing NYC. Baltimore Lamis. & Nasi. Rock Is Pennsylvania Ry Texan & Paci... day after the coromation, 'to meet the Ca guests. B mses. Tirackman & Kerr, Victoria, 0. a cargo of oats for the imperial army in South Afrien. This thith sarge will load at Seattle. the cats being have received a third order for! Newiread Tob = " Com... - 554 Pred or a gh & home. oy 14 1a 6% ey Insist on getting _ This Slater THE 33rd DEGREE. pr Foot fitting is a matter of degrees! There are 1716 degrees in Slater fit, These degrees are represented by 26 ghapes,--in 11 sizes,--6 widths,--and 83 styles, variety, carried in The Stores, and authorized Agencies, admits of no excuse for misfit, Makers price stamped on the shoes, $3.50 THE CHEAPEST BE THE BEST. LABATT' Is Undoubtedly The Best Ale On The Market. CANNOT It Is Remarkable For Its Purity. EE Beauty. strong it is beyond compare. Best Grocers Sell it. A. P. TIPPETT & CO. Spring neces ere en It will cost nothing to made. Wes material and method ble. In summer weigh |JAS. McPAKLAND, Youth, Health, in yg clear skin and complexion. Marrow keeps you young. call it * The Elixir of Life. Sterilized. For dyspeptics it is the ideal food. For the well snd AGENT. The better health that comes if you eat Wheat Marrow forbreakfastshows itself quickly Wheat You can almost Wheat Marrow SELLING AGENTS, MONTREAL. Things Garden - making requires Garden Tools and spring house-cleaning and repairing makes' other hardware ne~ cessary. Garden Things Grass Hooks, Hoes, Baki, Shovels, Prusiog Knives, Lown How, Loews House Things Tacks Maps, Casoline, Broows, Patnte, Carpet Whips; Sup Ladders, C Mender Spares, Trowsls, Mowers, Nails, McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. . SEE THEM ANYWAY. see the finest U and with confidence as we know the anufacture are the very best possi- Combination SUITS, SWEATERS, : and WESCUTS, ts are now on sale at all firstejass dealers. See them and judge for yourself. Ey MANUFACTURED BY

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