Daily British Whig (1850), 28 May 1902, p. 3

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of 10 impress the truth of our testimony of a great ! testimonials, and we pre 8 to stand in lane with the 5 Hl you dg mos feel intsrested enough to slatement we or nov other ng an hopest busi: to merit your comfidence. be worth vour widle 10 "s Quone is lor stores, 0 sites, B50c. ond URNISHED ROOMS. WITH moder enjences, of ¥ ch BE 18, ROMAN CANDLES, CRACKERS, ETc, AY . THE GREAT EXPLORER'S ME MORY HONORED. X Monument Will be Erected on the Site Where He Built the First Boat to Sail on the Upper After two centuries "god more the name and fame of Cavalier de Le Salle has been honored by the erec tion of a monument bearing a suit able tablet, on the site where, in May, 1679, he built' the first boat known to have sailed the great upper fakes, the Grifion. November 15th, 1678, La Motte, Hennepin and fourteen others started from Fort Prontenac in a ten-ton brigantine for Niagara, and on De comnbe: Oth they roundea the point now known as Fort Niagara, and erept into the. Niagara river. They anchored thero--as they recorded is, "where no bargue had ever entered.' Message. Yom rain Klerksdorp, A 20. -- The liberals Kingston have my best wishes for success in the election. I wish I could be with my old colle to cheer on the boys. Tell all my old friends, political and other- wise, that now is the time to elect as ston's re- tive one who de- serves the bonor if any- body does. --Bruce Carru- thers. * S222 0320800 HPP PPPBBIRIY On December 11th, 167%, Hennepin said, the first mass over said in this territory. La Salle had leit Fort Fromenae some time after La Motte, intending to go to the site of the fort he projected at the onth of the Ni agara. However, he narrowly escaped boing shipwrecked, and landed at the wouth of the Genesse river. He visited the - chief Seneca village, met the chiefs; and obtained their consent to the building of a vessel above the Niagara cataract, ana the establish ing of a fortified warshouse at the mouth of the river, He immediately set to work to build the vessel. All the scols, rope, eie., were carried across the neck of land between Lewis ton, on the lower river, and the point seloeted by La Salle mbove the falls. This spot has heen well located on the Jackson Angevine farm, and there the monument to his memory and deeds has been erected. La Salle re- mained with the men until he saw the keel laid, and then be lod other men to the mouth of the river to take ad vantage of the permit of the Indians to erect a fortified warehouse. Two bloekhouses were built, and were later destroyed by fire while La Salle was absent at Fort Frontenac. La Salle arrived at Niagara again in August, 1679, only to find that his creditors ana enemies had well nigh ruined him. However, his boat, the Griffon, was ready to sail, and in the proceeds of a trading voyage be sought Gnancial aid. From that time the commerce of the great chain of lakes has heen ever on the increase, until it bas attained a magnitude of vast commercial importance, ------------ .A Good Flow Of Water. Freoman & Blagkhurat, Hartington, for the past couple of weeks engaged in drilling a well for the Clarified milk company, gorner Bagot = and Brock streets, completed their task yesterday, and early this morning left for Catarequi, where they have a similar job on hand. They were sue- cessful in striking a good flow of water on the Clarified milk company's premises. There is now fifty-two feet of pure water in the well, A------ Good Meeting For Shibley. A rousing © meeting in W. J. Shib- ley's interests was held on Wolfe Is land last night. Splendid addresses were made hy Mr. Shibley, Hon. Wil- liam Harty, A. M. Peterson, Cal borne, a Queen's aduate, and others. It was one of the best meet. ings ever held on the i l I ------------ ------" Returning Officers Instructed. veoeived their lies and instruc tions rom J. P. Gildetsleave, the re- turning officer, Every official was ia his places Coronation Contingent. The imperial = authorities have sanctioned the appointment of a we cond adjutant in connection with the coronation contingent. to Royal military college. -------- The suchess of Devonshire, du hess y and lady Lansdowne to. FROVINCE GAINED IT, If Toronto Did Have to Give it Up. I Toronte has lost assissment on loan compsnics, insurance companies, ete., the provinee has gained it. Form vriy Toronto taxed all these com: panies, beeanse they bad their head offices there, an all their pragincial business. In [999 changed thé Jaw so that Toromte could oply gssess these companies ac cording to the améunt of business done in that musicipality, and the governinent imposed a provibdal tax on these companies on the business done throughout the proviece. The province now gets the benefit of the | tax on provincial business instéad of Toronto taxing proviecial business. What Toronto has Jost, the provuicial exchequer has gained. The taxation on corporations Goes not came out of the people save in a very small degree. ailways do not increase their fares, or joan com- panies thelr rates, or insurance com and more, i the' government | i { | panies their premiums, because of the | : small provincial tex on them which, | ricultural college the model of all the however, comes to quite 4 sum in the | aggregate for provincial purposes. A ------ The Reason. "1 wonder why nrinisters glherally marry "Matrimony is the only game of chance they are allowed to play." Women And Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, man-that is the order of a oan Phufaenoes. . tven that greatest all jewels, health, is often ruined in thd strefiuous efforts to save the money to purchase them. Jf 5 woman will risk her health to pet a coveted gem, then lot her for- tify berseli against the insiduous econ- sikjuences of coughs, colds and bron chial affections by the use of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. Jt will promptly arrest consumption in its early stages ana heal the afieoted lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It in not a cure-all, but it is a certain ewre for coughs, colds and all bron- ohial troubles. You can get this reli- able remedy at Wade's drug store. Melcombe Murmurings. Melcombe, May 27.--lnspector John- ston visited our school on Thursday and* found everything satisfactory. J. Flood; Treyelyon, . spent Sunday at John Lappen's, sr. Bome of our sports speat Monday in Kingston. rs. F. Keyes, Gassnogue, spent the past week with relatives bere. Miss abel McCormick is visiting in King- the last session of tne Lansdowne a grant was to build a substantial iron writlge - over the Black creek here. Benjamin Gavin, J.P,, was again ap- pointed returning officer for this poll mg place, -- Evenly Distributed Crankiness. Outawn Journgl. To some people all the trouble ia the world is due to whiskey. To some people most of the troable is due to gambling. Tobacco is the hugest evil to ga few. Athletics to some are the curse. And so on. Most of us gre cranks against something, and itis Jueky that we are so many difier- ent kinds of cranks that an average is Sombie which allows some. peace on earth. At ot ston, council a ------------ Gentlemen Who Are Bald pi. ans a Bo A at atish Am- erican hotel, on' , June 54h. and see his wonderful devices dn tou: apd. wigs arn. ob over 66.000 .. Esplanation dembusts tion free. Ladies take the trouble RF visit: This = post Panet," 1.8.0., of the |fooms and Speaking By The Card. News. Se. Trmmpen-~So your iriend Smith in the proud father of triphts, is he Lrumpenr--Not that 1 know of. Who ee Tappa Why talk ir, Lem 3 Fou were talk i last night and said: a kind, have pou that beats me, FACTS FOR EVERY ELECTOR TO PONDER. 5 rp A Vote For The Ross Government Is a Vote in Your Own * and the Country's Best Interests-- The Cleanest Government in Ancient or Kodern Times. A vote for Mr. Pense is a vote to continue in power a government that has established the erndit of the pro vince un a broad and lasting basis. Ii will he a vote for men who have pever spent a dollar of = Ontario's money unwisely or corruptly. ft will be a vote for what compe tent authorities have admitted to be the best and cheapest system of edu- cation on this continent. 1: will be a vote for' a government which has wisely fookea after the ag rieultural intevests of the province, has placed all our branches on a scientific basis and has made our ae states of the umion, It will be a vote for a government that has promoted the development of the vast resgurces of New Ontario by judiciously Sacournging railway con struction, thus making it comparative ty essay for settlers to reach the fertile soil of the north. It will be a vote of keep out of power a man who admitted that he could pot see past his nose, to sup- press the authors of electoral and every other kind of corruption on a wholesale scale. It will be a vote for a government against which no corruption was ever woven, for a goverment of which tev. Mr. Kenner, g Methodist minis tor, says ancient or modern history capnot furnish one so clean, unblem- ished or worthy of commendation. It will be a vote for a government, which, by carefully husbanding and administering: "the resources of the province, are enabled to run its af fairs without a dollar of direct tax- ation, and with a handsome cash surplus, while its sister province of Quebec, which started on the same hasis. has now a debt of $22,000,000. Who would turn out such a govern ment ? Vote for ity. Ross, Pense and prosper Tory Desperation. Torento Globe. The reputation of a grit leader is pothing--get the fellow out of the way, by a lie, il negessary. The vote of a grit is nothing--make it aseless by a gerrywander, stuff the ballot boxes, bribe the electors, steal the con- stituency if it dares to vote liberal When the control of the machine pass es out of tory hands, the game is to lie, lie boldly and insolently, and it is being ployed up to the limit in this campaign. What Js being done in this way is a warning to liberals, and for that mater, to conservatives who do not believe in class ascendancy, of what they ay expeet if the power passes into tory hands. They Met The Visitors. It 'was a thoughtful action of the 47th regimental band to go to Cape Vincent on Sunday to welcome the visiting American troops. As the troops disembarked from the train the band played ' 'Yankee Doodle," and as they were marching on boar the steamer St. Lawrence, they struck wp "The Stars and Stripes Forever." In friendly retaliation the 39th separate company's band, of Watectown, N.Y, playea "The British Grenadiers," an action much appreciated by the boys in red. There was a jolly time on board coming over. How It Will Go. "A Kingston man who bas travelled through Ontario and knows the con stituencies well, declares that the Ross government will bave a majority of at least seventeen seats. There's not the slightest chance of the sovern- ment being defeated, and a vote against Pepse is simply given against Kingston's best interests. Election Returns. Will not effect the guality of our ice cream. It is absolutely pure; made from clarified milli company's pure cream. Served daily in our cozy dining room; pr delivered to you in quart bricks. Any flavor; ready for use. J. Hiscook. 2 In Horton, at the home of her nep- hew, Joseph Knight, Miss Jane Pat: terson passed away on Saturday. The deceased was one of the oldest settlers in Adamston, and for nearly half a cenfuty was post mistress at that office. * 1 Will Care You of RHEUMATISM Neo Pay Uatil You Know It, Aiter 2.000 i I hav learned how to. cure, Rhcumhin. ve in; thpt is impossible. But I can cure the disease always, at any stage, snd for HE Eis An Incident In the Career Qf Alex- ander Tromblay. : The life of the professional hunter and trapper, while paturally attend- ed by a certain mmount of denger and hardship. is not utterly devoid of amusement. It is, perhaps, rue that such men are move easily amus- ed than the jaded brain-worker and mechanic in our modern centres of civilization, and what affords . en- tertainment to one might not appeal to the other. For instance, Mr. Alexander Tr , the well-known hunter and trapper of the Yarry Sound district, would sooner spend twenty-four hours in the woods than the same length of thue in a. thea tre, though the latter might ofier a bill to which even the heart of a callous first-nighter would respond with something akin to enthusiasm. Tremblay, on a recent visit to Te ronto, went to see a performance which had been réceived with favor by the critics and the public. I wearied him the crowds bothered him; the artificial light and the close atmosphere were not to his Hiking. The only incident in the whole show that gave him any pleasure was uo clever act by a number of trained dogs, and that only because he was confident that some of the canines would bave made good hunting dogs had they been trained from their puppyhood to "the great game." "Péepul, peepul.'"" he said in his quaint broken English, when speak- ing of his visit, "nothing but pee pul, an' stone an' brick, an' coal smoke. No tree, an' all the street so straight they run, onhe's head go swim. For me the woods, the lak', my gun an' pip'. What more'n dat to satisfy?" Fualed by His First Bear And some of those that heard sympathized because they under- stood, and those who did met quite catch his meaning joined with the others in demanding just "'ene morg story." He told more, and was persuaded to tell still another, pieced out at times by the comments and interjections of several who had witnessed with him some of the in- cidents he related His first bear, ""hee's verry fir't,"" fooled him, he says, with a merry twinkle of his decp-set eyes. It occurred when he was wandering through the nor- thern wilds of Quebec with the In- dikns who had adopted him, 'or whom he had adooted, "just w'at you HK'." He was at this tine about thirteen years of age, and the prod possessor of a musket, the first firearm with which be had been entrusted. Behold, them, not much taller than his weapon, and eager for adventure, setting off on his first lonely hunt. With every nerve strained he walked along, scanning the ground and brushwood for a trail. At last he found it--that of a fair-sized bear, With heart beat- ing high be followed it, until at last he found the animal, a bear of the male persuasion, vigorously tear- ing at a rotten log Child as he was, the inherited instinct of the hunter came to his aid and checked a sudden desire "to give vent to a vigorous whoop. Carefully he aimn- ed and fired, and the shot found its homie in bruin's shoulder, Mad- dened with pain, the animal thresh- ed wildly with its forepaws for a few moments and then started to run, Tremblay reloaded and fol- lowed. 'The blood-spattered tmuil was easily read for a considerable distance, and then hard and broken ground was reached; the signs grew fainter, and at last were alloge- ther lost. For two or three hovrs the lad searched, keen disappoint- ment and hope alternately in his heart, until at last his perseverance was rewarded and he found the bear lying close to a fallen tree, There flashed through his mind stories of the cunning of wounded animals, and he approached cautiously, halt- ing to fire another shot at the pros trate body. Not yet satisfied he fied again. Both shots found a mark near the bear's shoulder, and the animal made no sign. Trem- blay's imagination, however, was in full werking order, and he was con- fident that bruin had moved a paw and blinked an eye. He waited for stronger signs of vitality,-and then, in order to make assurance doubly sure, threw some stones at the ani- mal's head. Still the bear lay low, and at last young Tremblay walked boldly forward and nid a hand on bruin's side "Heem's near cold quite," he says when telling the story, "'an' heem's die of the first § shot. Wat's dat for hee's (I) heen fool?' Tired as he was he covered the animal with the heaviest slones he could lift, and returned trivughy ant, but with aching limbs, to the tent of his Indian friend, Bokko In the morning the whole family moved to the spot where the car- case lay, and did not leave it until the last edible morsel of bear had been disposed of. It would be a verv Solomon of bears that could One of the first duties undertaken ty Lord Dufferin war a toyr of Can- it then was (1872-78). He i i a . | | | Paine's Celery Compound Cures 3 Lady's Neuralgia. Ban- ishes Nervous Debility aud Builds Up Hr Whole System. The Wondrous Medicine Gives a New and Happy Life After a Long Term of Terrible Suffering. Neuralfic sufferers are lable to profound Wderangements of the nervous system, such as paralysis, epilepay, hypochoundriasis, of the brain and insanily Neuralgia is wally seated in tw face or bead, attacking some tnport ant nerve or Berves] it may exist in any part of the boay. The pains are violent, sharp and reading The constitutional causes of neural gia are, general impairment the health, menta! or physical depressing influences, sleeplessness, debility and rheumatic H you neuralgia, your condition is extreme ange Rest assured there is so royal or se leet road for any man or woman the goal of security and health. You need the virtues of Paine's Celery Compound, the + medicine which has rescued thousarcs of neuralgic suffer ers from danger and death which now prescribed hy our best and ablest physicians for dangerous neuralgia. Mrs. M. Young, Jarvis Btreet, To ronto, writes as follows: "1 war a terrible sufferer from acuralgia and nervous debility, and was extremely weak and rundown. While in this con dition 1 tried shuost all Kinds of we dicines without a shadow of improve ments My sister finally persunded me to try your Paine's Celery Compound The first bottle helped me wonderfully, and, after having used six bottles my health is westored and | am pew woman | am pleased to say that Paine's Celery Compound all vou represent it 10 be--a banisher of disease and a health restoter, | thank God and Paine's Celery Compound for my nenewed health and strength." softening ol ie nde noes, waffer from ane of now a = Armstrong's First Comnunion Shoes Ask to wr our MePhdrson's Sox oll balk woltaed soles, $3, made txavtly He a man's whow Seguin Gabure's patent call bal FOR GIRLS. Weston & Soa's colt patent Albain, $1.68, Weston & Son's dosgols kl Alain, 81.80, Woston & Ron's patent hal $2.50 others 820 Awd several Inspection invited ARMSTRONG'S, ose Keeping Up The Home ? Working For Yourself ? Are you kewping your own laws in or are vou owring fur that of some lord 7 Just 88 sasy tocare for your Just ms easy $0 pay rent to vosrsell have the properties, give won terms thal satisly, and are as oraslil of vour jutereste as you ocvuld desire. D. A CAYS 346 KING STREET. Out of the Hair and absolutely banishes any diseases of the scalp Sold by Druggists A. BR. BRENIR 00. Limited TOHONTO CHICA0 NOTICE Is hereby given .the public that I propose making it warm for all persons using my coal pext win ter. Your order is solicited. P. Walsh, 55-57 Barrack St. lA COSY BRIGHT FIRE Ende FREES BOOTH'S COAL. Phove 18. Poot of Week Sues Arhainid HH HEH HG ia LTE SEALED TENDERS ADDHESSED 70 THR undersigud, and entiorsed "Tomder fot G nasiums Militory College, Kingston," will received at this offoe unill MONDAY, June, inclusively, fur the orvotion of & Gy nasin at the Hoyal Military College, ston, according to plans wml spetiSeltion be soem on and alter Weliesday, May og at the Deparment of Peblic Works, Otten, ard at the oftes of Arthur Ellis, Key. Archie wet, Kingston - Tenders will not be ocusidersd uvolons made on the form supplicd: aod signed with the actual signateres of the tenders, An noowpted cheute on a chartered snvahie to le order of be Minigter Public Works, equal to ten por oom (10 po) of the amount of tender, must atcombahY each wmder. The cheque will iw forfaited the party decline the comtinet or fall complete the work eonteasted for, be returned in came of pom-accepiencs of tape ther The departaese does am bind itll to ae oept the lowest or any tender By Oder, FRED. GELINAS, Becretary, Department of Public Worke Ottawa, 23nd May, 1902 Newspapers inserting this Mcinartiosmety without antheonity from the department not be beid for it ni -- Rubber | Rubbe Tire Tira For Ease and Comfort In driving you should have RUBBER TIRES put on your carriage by JAMES LATURNEY 890 PRINCESS STREE). Provincial Election, FOR MEMBER FOR KINGSTON, EDW, J. B. PENSE. For Good Government, Bullding up of Ontario, and Kingston's best Interests. Auction Sales. PT Bapierios ALLEN & BROWN,

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