x THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY. MAY 28, called upon to ee you utisolicited acknowledgement of reais, RRR E. O'DONNELL, Woman's Riding Clnb, the fr mondntl eat value of Lydia etable Com- Ent For eight Set 1 had female trodble, falling of the womb and other SIAR ut A that time I was Tors Or iess of au In id and not much ing, until one day I - An Kia my hall telling of could perform. I became I Dough a bottle of Ly din table Come pound es} continued its and in seven months was cured, and that time h Dave had perfect Thanks, dear Mrs. Pinkham fa Jor the health 1 now enjoy." -- BENNIE NNELL, 278 East 31st 8t., Chieago, Ti. «48000 orseit if above testimonial Is not genui 'Women Suffering from any form of female ills can be cured 4 Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta~ le Compound. That's sure. De Pinkham advises sick wo- men free. Address, Lynn, Mass. CAPTURING THE POLLS. An Attempt Will Be Made by the Conservatives. Hon. Mr. Davis has warned the liberals about a scheme by which the conservatives expect to profit. on poll- ing day, It is to poll the conserva tives votes as early as possible, es pecially the newly registered vote and then by the perversencss of the seruti neers create sufliciont delay to prevent the polling of the full liberal vote This is not 8 brilliant conception The liberals are not likely to be idle when the conservatives are busy, and they will not be the slower in their ai now. that the plan of the ene my - revealed. The real signifi cance hah the talk about a vigilance committee is apparent. The idea is to take fjoasion of the polls as far as ~possible, terrorize the liberal voters. It ah not succeed, STAND POR. PRO PROSPERITY. A Change Might Pre Prove Very Dis- astrous. This sountry has hover h 8 23 of prosperity and de RAL er A rule, both Ottawa and Toronto, during the past fow yu. Wo would be worse than foolish to make a change now and lose the services of the rulers who have dope and are doing so well by us all, In this instance it is doubly wine to let well enough alone. With all the em AK Which the express, it asks rend Whig San he support of the liberal government of Ontario. Go early to the polls and mark your ballots for Penge, and so ensure the representa tion of the nding by a Suppartes of thé liberal government; which is cor tain to be sustained. -------------- A Sttange Interview. It Sor at ie aunt's house, os a thousand times recount od, het ford Melbonrne met Disraeli for the first time. Those were carly days, and Dissaeli, bursting with am hition, "Been unsuccessful in his at tempt to enter parliament. ; After lis ning 10 his expression of disappoint a Melbourne said good na ord well; now, tell me, what Se you tte be?" "1 want to he Er was the reply, Lord albourne, who did not expect ai that time to be premier himself, re th an excessive serioustess of that in our time. No can compete with Stanley when Jord Grey gives up." So went on with. repeated insistence the rian who 0 be minister in a few him who was to hens rank in thirty-five "who alone out of all the ime ministers was ¢ place in the per known 0 at ite lord May 28.--The Groat company hag decided city the chiel eastern , great line of Asiatic said, fhicially, THE SIDEWALK BROKE DOWN OVER 100 INJURED IN A NEW YORK ACCIDENT. Were Witnessing Parpde--People Were Precipitated Twenty Feet Into an Exeavation--One Man Killed and Many Severely In- jured, New York, May 25. lidge, cirenlation manager of the New York Commercial, was slinost instant ly killed and ahout one husdred peo ple were injured. visterday by the breaking down of a temporary side at Sth avenue and 15th street Some of those hart may die ihr who fell were part of a crowd gathor ed to watch the parade of militia in honor of the visit of the French Lo chambeau commission to this city Two hundred people, were on the side walk when it gave way, and they were precipitated twenty feet into an ex vavation for a new building and fell on piles of buildieg material. After viewing the body of Mr lidge and jsswing the necessary per mit for its removal, the coroner dered the arwest of contractor Cowan, and of J. C. Miller, the sab-con tractor. Cowan, however, had heard of the acvident and went to the po Hoe station where he saw the coroner. Cowan explained that he was not 10 sponsible for the accident, and pro mised to appear at the inquest in case he was wanted. He wax then allowed to go, The contractor, subcontract wr and foreman insist they warned the police to keep the crowd off the side walk, as it was not built to stand so great a strain. Elvin L. Uol walk Coo or Loughboro Township Council. Sydenham, May 206. Court of revis ion met at 10 'am. No appeals against assessment. On motion of C Truscott Edward Harker, the follow ing additions were made to the roll nod adopted : J. N. Glidden, tenant north part lot 10, Sth con; W. Knowlton, tenant, lot 15, 7th con; W. A. Embury, tenant, west half lots I and 2, 20d con. Council met for regular business at 2 pom. Alter the minutes were ved and adopted the following accounts were passed and orders same : Charles Martin, balance on job at foot of Dunn's hill, 85; C, O'Kill, job near Methodist church, $14; Henry Cos, twenty-one rods of gravel near W, Moon's, $1.20; L. McDonald, repairing bridge near W. Hart's, § James Koen, covering ¢ bridges near his place, $8.50; Edward Hingey, re pairing culvert near Koen's; 81; R. J. McFadden, job nur his place, $2, and witness fees re BAS. Buck's law suit, Council adjourned to meet at 2 pan, Monday, July 7th. hd given fon due Enterprise Etchings. Enterprise, May 28.---Allen Carscal lon returned home from Kingston last Monday. Miss Tressa Keech is in Napane Miss Addie Armstrong was in Napanee last week for a few days Miss Ethel McCoy, Iroquois, is visit ing relatives here, Wellington Lock wood has again started working on his new house. Mrs. W. J. Mellow spent. Sunday at Kingston, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gardiner. John Reid made a shipment of logs from here yesterday. Our band is doing very nicely now, and practicing sever al new pieces. May Weatherill is pro gressing very favorably. Enterprise division, Sons of Temperance, will hold a pienie at First lake on Satur day, lst 'inst. The senior room our school was closed to-day as Mise Baker, teacher, was attending a wed ding in' Moscow. Me, Chisholm, Kingston, arrived here on Tuesday. Picture Exhibit. collection of pictures 6 King street, The beautiful now on show at Na will be 'on view to-morrow (Thurs day), from 9 am. to 10 pm. Those who have aleeady viewed thgn were delighted with the display 4 pro- nounced them the best seen for vears. To-morrow being ladies' day, it ix hoped that all admirers of ari will avail themselves of the opportu nity 16 see these works of art previ ous to days of sale. E. O'Brien, who is known as a most reliable expert in pictures, Turkis rugs and general fine art goods, i in charge of these pictures and will be pleased to point out the gems of the collection to vis itors, J. WH. Mills will auction the entive collection, eominencing Friday, at 200 and 799 o'clock. Catalogues are now issued and visitors will be cordially received at the piace of ex hibition, No. 336 King street. ere Have Dong Good Work. The theatrical season is abouj over but the close cannot oecur without a praise being extended to manager Martin, stage manager Brapvigan and staf for their efficiency in pantiig on the various shows. The work has been done expeditiously and well, Kingstonians will x delighted = next seasom to find the "Ohi heads' still in their places for it will mean smooth and well staged ormances. Mr. Harti has shaun Tine business ah ty, the resu managerial ex- perience. The . ho Swithout "Hilly" "Martin ould seem a: strange placg. His Farewell Sermon. Glenvale, 28.~The hay crop will a oud one' grain Tooks fairly cl oll -- Sunday; he loa ht sermon. on for. bis now in. June, Lo hin 'closed MARINE INTELLIGENCE. : -- What is Happening Along the Wa ter Front. Craig's wharf Stcamer irom St. Catharines The schooner Clara Yousdl & receiy ing repairs in Davis' dry dock Crawlord's wharf : Schooner Brothers cleared for Charlotte Rathbun's whaef : Schooner New Dominion, from Oswego, with coal Richardsons" elevator Schooner Flora Carveth, from Bowmanville, with oats. Employes of the Ridean lakes navi gation company began placing buovs up the Rideau canal to-day M. T. company ele nockburn and consorts, William, with 220,000 wheat. Swift's wharf : from Hamilton; from Montreal; irom Charlotte er ---- Cataraqui, Cullings. May 28.--Great expressed at the death of Mr. Hoop er. He was one of Cataragui's old est and most respected residents, J. A. Wellwood, B.A. for the past year junior clergyman in the Methodist church on this circuit, has declined an invitation to remain a second year A great many improvements have been put upon the English church pro perty, that is oceupied by Mr Lan caster, John Berry is painting the exterior of his house, A dancing club has been formed Ly some of the young people. It is under the management of G. W. Haycock. Mrs. Foote, who has spent some time caring far her mother, Mrs. Mary Purdy. has re wirned to ber home. Mr, Caverley living in part of thé house owned hy his son-in-law, Mr Morrisofi, has with his family removed to their old home, at Inverary. John Simpson, re presented the Methodist quarterly board of this circuit, at the recently held district meeting, and was then appointed representative of the dis trict to the oon to be h at Sherbrooke, Miss Magic Grand, Toronto, at George Nicol's Capt. Barker, of the first South Af rican contingent, at J. Simpson's : Miss Sproule, Westbrook, and Miss Henzie, Kingston, with Mrs, J. McK. Cook; Miss May Purdy, teaching school near Arden, was home for the county convention, Miss May Black is home for a few dave. Mrs. H. Reese has returned from Toronto, where she wat the guest of her sister, Miss Wal ker, Persia Two SS. Ban Fort of Valor from bushels Steamer Hamilton steamer Algerian, schooner Faleoner Cataraqgui, regret is conferend (ue Barriefield Beholdings. Barriefield, May 28 Will intends starting a nursery, in Barrie field, of all the best New Brunswick fruit trees, R. P. ' Barker, son of R.. E. Barker, London, Ont., and grandson of Dr. Barker, visiting his amt, Mrs. A. Hora, has improved quickly in health in the. fine invigor ating air of our hills and the St Lawrence. . He will leave shortly to join his father and brothers on a trip to England. The voung man has made friends of all with whom he came in contact; and best wishes with him. Notwithstanding the se vere cold our fruit trees, both large and small, are giving promise of abundance Visitors: Miss Lulu Me Geen, New Mexico, and Miss O'Brien Kingston, at Mrs. M. Byrne's: Miss Dingler and Mrs. St. Clair, Utica, N X., at Mrs, Saulsbury's. William To ner is improving slowly from his re cont accident. The sisters of house of Providence catechism class, in Barrie field, will send six pupils to make their firet communion on Sunday. inom Allen Zo Harrowsmith Heraldings. May 27th.-~Last Sab Cram, B.A., B.D. fin in this locality, hav to Cobden, Many in his pew not be any Harrowsmith, bath, Rev. Mr. ished his work ing accepted a call friends wish hifn success field of labor. There will service in the Methodist church next Sabbath, as Mr. Perley will Le at conference. Rev. -- Mr. Laird, Cooke's church, © Kingston, will preach in the Preshyterian church next Sabbath On Monda¥ a van-load of your peo ple from Kingston drove to the i dence of 8. F. Stewart; after adding to their numbers, they went to Syd enham and spent the day picnicking In the evening Mr. Stewart had quite a display of fire works, and some of otir boys helped to celebrate by the firing of gems. W. E. Sproule, J8vee ville, spent Sabbath at home ¥, rani has returned from Bath. Miss Goshin, Newboro, is visiting at James Trousdale's. » Glenburunie Glimpses. Glenburnie, May 27.--8chool last Thureday and Friday to enable the teachers to attend the an nual county convention. Dairydarm ing is carried on- extensively in this locality. There are two flourishing cheese factories In our mast, Joss than a half mile apart, amd 4 load of milk is taken to the city daily by the Clarified milk company. Sunday schoot 1 held in the Methodist church every Sunday at two o'clock. All are cordially invited. Crops are looking well, and the prospects are bright at present for a good fruit year. Thomas Hill, Brower's Mills, is pushing for: ward the carpenter © work in connec tion with the new house on the Ran kin farm. James © McGrath, Mount Chesney, is doing the masonry. Leaving For England. Sergt.-Maj. lames, for five years gymnasths instructor at the Royal wilitary college, will complete his term in August. when he will return to England to resume his position on the gymnastic stall at Aldershot. Tur ing his May in the ny ha proven oN 0 ba was INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, - The Spice of Every Day Life ~ What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Silk only, at Bibby's Vote and work for Ross and Pe The Rathbun company are building a siding from the Marmera railway to the Cgrdova mine, Rev. PP. L. Richardson, the bed of is father, E. Richarison, Brock street, Work, to-morrow means a win hiberalism And benefit will flow Kingston as a result of the work. The Hev. Norman Plass, of Williams town. has accepted the eall to the presidency of Washburn college, Tope: ka, Kas 'A great reception will be accorded the Toronto lacrosse team, when it arrives from its British tour on Sat uwrday wight. A man named years of age, was bun company's yards while shunting cars Young men who value their right to vote should bear in mind that but for the reformers they never would have had that right, London Truth. soggests Lascelles, Pritish ambassador many, as the bést diplomat coed the late lord Pauneefote Rev. G, L. Starr will leave trip to Europe on the S.8. Parisian sailing from Quebee on Jupe 7th. He will return to the city in August. The iceling the stredts to-day was stroogly in favor of Pense, and liberals were willing to bet that he woulda have from 150 to 300 majority Rev. Elias Gilbert, for many years a prominent member of the New York east conference of the Methodist Epis ¢opal chutch, is dead at his Home in Danbury, aged 91 vears Ping Vong only at*Bibby's one price Silk stoiks Dike, Montreal, is at de Rev. J for to Shandrew, seventy killed in the Rath- at Deseronto, to Ger: LO sues for a Conn. neckwear ho nse tocks, price at 25e¢. S30e.; others Bibhy's om house Ward W. Muchmore, of digging around the roots of a honey suckle vine day last week and found a diamond ring which was lost by his wile six years ago. A root of the honey-suckle had grown through the ring and nearly filled it. This morning, A. McNaughton, K. & P. railway agent, received several stalks of rve six feet in height, from a Hartington farm, where they wore grown. This is a remarkable growth at this early period oi the seasom, considering the cool weather. W. R. Gardner, a former well-known vesident of = Brockville, being founder of the Gardner tool works, since changed into the Smart manufactur ing company business, is dead gt Car ton Place. Mr. Gardver, after leay ing Brockville, went to Sherbrooke, where he was engaged in hardware tnanufacture for some time. -------------- Drive Of Lags Passing. Ferguson Falls, May 27. ~The drive of logs belonging to Wm. Nichgls, Carleton Place, passed through here last way to his mill at Carleton Place Mrs. Wes, Bol ton and family, Innisville, are vis iting at Jacob Morris'. MR: Kate MoGuire 'returned to her home at the Floating Bridge on Saturday, after spending a wonth in ou village. Mr and Mrs. M. Doyle, Place spent Sunday at Jacob Mr and Mrs. J. N. M attended the funeral of the latter's cousin, Edward Young, at Carleton Place, on Tuesday. en ---------- Morven Musings Morven, May 26.--N. improving his ling his house Newark, was one week on the Carleton Morris' ris Unger has |een premises by remodel n and out, W. T Wickett - and have gone west to their parents 'amd to attend a wedding. +8. Fralick, on the hia, x So what improved, amking, Mosco is siting Ga, Ww, 1 Vistling inside wile visit at i -------- Boy's First Communion Suits. A special line, just in this wi Good serge. Extra finish. Two and three $2.95, 83.25; 81. Jui kins rece COMMERCIAL. -- MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. Montreal, May 25. ~ Flour | receipts, bbls. patent b inte, $3.50 wo Bou; spring, $4 to. $4.20; straivht rotier 0 $3.00; suroni bakers, §3,50 3 tavio buys, $1.70 10 §1.50; Manitoba, ak Ste. to $2. Fdc.; poms, Whe i oats, barlgy, © By Tye, Ge. wheat, ¢ + om taped coriamad, $1.40 te $1.50 i Be. to We » 18e.; ps, 1¥e. to 20e; die to 18 SOO Patent Fu.00 to $3.00; wheat, } oor, 7 48c. to 19e 10 Gdo.; buck $2.40 10 $2 vork, $22 ida, w iw ---------- NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Open. Clove, Union Pueiic iu Jud SC Pua, Muonhavtam BR. Trams fag 1504 1324 633 12mg Jog dog Souchern Pacific. Ontanie & Western, Nowturn Union, Sena Sir F. 0.) dle the largs amount of MR. PENSE'S ATTITUDE. Hé Has Always Favored Labor And Unionism. item in several columns of of Mr, Pense, in the to which we call at tention is a char by Messrs, W. H Townsend and . H. Hendrie, that r.. Penve is opposed to unionism, This is a be. The typographical on ion is the oldest union organization in Kingston and fines its inception, it has been recognized in Mr. Pense's office. Not only that bur Mr, Pense, to conti harnony among the em- has adeised all incoming em to join the organization. however, from Mr. Pense's at which has alwavs been for la bor, Townsend and Hendrie are advised to ascertain what the conservatites have done for labor. If they will read, if they will consult the labor leaders, they will find that every good thing they enjov has come to them from the hberal party, eith- er at Ottawa, or Toroni« The con servative party has constantly Opa ed labor legislation and has over held for class against the mass. Liberalism has been trae to labor. Ralph Swith, M.P. and A. W. Wright, leaders of the labor intevedts, have both declared that Ontario's labor legislation as provided by a liberal government, is superior to that of any othe: coun try. The workingmen, as a matter of simple gratitude should, support Ross, The only slander and abuse News of Tuesday plovess, plovees Apart, titande, fessrs. FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. A Large Number oi Cheese Board- ed To-day. May 28%.--The Frontenac thi= afternoon at wok , day earlive account of the factories board Kingston, cheese board 1 halipast one o than usual on tion The following ed their make White-- Forest, 5); Ca Model, 60 Glendower, 30; Silver Nprings, Farmers" Friend, 120; Harti 100 Hinchinbrook, 30 Total, 4% A alored w Hill Ly Granite Howe | Morning Wolie Island, Hill, 85 i 5; one elec taragui, 60: Fam vald, 35; Central, 160; 90; Hill, 40: Glenvale, 70. Gilt Edge, : sland, 35; Keenan & Son, ¥ Star, 0 Elginbarg, 50 10; Tichborne, 30; Sand Lawrence, 35 Cold ntenac, 30; Arigan, 40 Thousand Island, 40 Rose Hill Rt Fro Glenburnie, 60; Total, 1 075 Fhe fol To Alexander at and Morning Star To Murphy at 9le.--~Walfe To Mackinnon at 9 5-16e Farmers' Friend, Glenbornie, Hill, Pine Hill, R Hill, Sand Silger Springs Hartington Howé Island made : Gilt Edge sales were 9 5 16 lowing Island Emerald Granite Hill, and CAN THANK THE TORIES. Engineer Rice Not Fairly Treated. Night engineer Rice, who has 1 signed hig position at the water works pumping station, denies the state a= published in the News that he aid =o for the purpose accepting a richer plum as engi neer on a steamboat. He states em phatically that' he resigned his posi tion because the conservative council wouhd int him permanently to the though his was the first application in and though he had given best satisfaction' for three months. He knew he would be dropped the very first meeting of coun ceil following the and so he dewided to wast event. The conservatives in the used him shabbily, and he resents it. "The rv formers supported mo, Mr "hut the me down. [| knew | after the and Night ment, last night, of not en position, elnetions, that council Rice turned would get fised that's why | haven't any vich plum in but will probably be out summer." enid to-day, conservative elections, of a » all A Substitute $ 1. me cigareties now.""' 'Yes: the doctor to use tobacco you ar® smoking has forbidden me Roher's Wonderful Clock. Washington Post The $16,000 automati clock built several vears ago by Theodore Roher, a German cbokmaker, was vesterday advertised for sale by the sheriff io liquidate a claim for 810 held against Rober by a butcher The clock stands ten feet in height, 'and ia five Teel Broad HE miechanisin is wonderful. Every hour the twelve apostles pass in review Lefore the Saviour, while the scenes of the crue fision js portrayed with fig wx inches high. Knights in full armor ride with lances agninst shields to strike the hours, and the denial of Christ by Peter ix portrayed, while the cock crows above, Roher wax once offered £10,000 bis masterpivce, Centreville Clippings. Centeaville, May 27.Fishing parties are all the go now. We have seen very few fish, but heard plenty of fish wories.. The chose factory here is taxed to its utmost supucity to han milk daily rs cuived. * J. M. Lochhead gone west to purchase cattle. Thmas rT Pa ing, t it oe oydon. Visitors Tr L. Napance; . NM. Evass, Erinsville. | Boys' First> Communion Suits. Bota serges, good blaek well lin: od and pio ade, peciect Biting, 82.75 BE Td Ne, S0c., others bode thew, #ilk, | at) ? for + STRICTURE 1 guarantee my Latest Method Treatmen Varicocele and Stricture, without Caving, & Treatment to be a permanent and stretobing or loss of time. la "ia Vinsaceie positive cure for abxorta the # or worm 8iso all drains, thereby giving the Sy ay stores lost powers: in Stricture it absorbs the | che, e1e.. while in ail prostatic tro ment var excellence. So positive am I that wy Sreatment nervousness, weakness, va 20 dnlines air the grotos, per or BULTILION., ww vF SUReN the the parisand re. tissue, stops sensation, Stricture troubles it is the rear will cure A you oan PAY WHEN CURED You need edd TF Sothing ami pou are convinced that & thatoush and complete Bare has Meibod been estab This shoul convince you that I have nmy Treatment, kL 1 could not make you this proposition. It he no difference who bas falied to cure you, call or write me. Each Time You Call You See Me Personally, Or each time you write it receives my personal attention. The number of years [ am bas established in Detroit, and the eures { accomplished after Sivan up by other placed me as the foremost Paaiatia of of the country. wy mediolon for Gi Canadian patie ines nadian from Windsor, Can. All duty and express charges presi Noth or 208 WOODWARD AVE., write for blank for hisnk for those who cansios eall BOOK FREER DR. GOLDBERG, ATION FREE. or Ta home treatment for otbing sega C. O. TX COR. WILCOX ST. DETROIT, MICH. FREE CURE = WEAK MEN A FREE TRIAL TO ALL, Not Iv cured ay "hee what usw a Yack, ¥ WORLD, vou wand i for, so it thro way back the can me i ba ploty superior to Vin; never are gual alter raw Rivonia tism Positive eure for the asking wisl wouk mes's trou i fall, « for that hav an tind which can be one Sent to pay us i you are enue e rial" aml that is I mean, WH vou ase affficted. with rheumatism indiguntion, weak HOV OMe 5 or other trowlis, WW prepared 1 ed vou ARSOLUTE Fi on FAIR Ti IAL wy splevaisd tay 5} Beli, the STRONGEST won-vireger RELT IN THE un a postal cand, state what con arvEnge it proper sendl vou mv fapous belt attachments Yoh wear then if wstively cured, vou Hi pot cured, vou send and it will de all right ve perfected the most perfect amd com Flectric Belt ever, vowed. bt is fae? the over-advertised and comaus wr I is mover emt of onder. 10 Insgar, apd wmver bums Thess ve grea advantages ta fally for © thee yesrs. It hes curd sll otha tod Hodseia be had bv an man or women hand frow wovke, hottie Drop will te, with pron ths me for it belt nll I WILL ALSO SEND FREE New Madioal My satiful Hustirated I t This emiarge Book, which | deseribes ! aision bas jai mir bow pubs awl al ished, ht and will be ses A FREE GIFT Rew ry V ariooonk } Method cannot had for the askiog have improve ay me guar oun. So write Lo Cute suv oilfe Back, Kidney mind fail It is a cortuln cure, hour from You "DR. J. A. MACDONALD ELECTRIC CO. 2239 St. Catherine St., Montreal, Que. -- THE CANADA METAL COMPANY DOT Dow N| THE CANADA METAL C0, Solder and Babbit is the Best in the World. Manufactured by William St., Toronto. WEALTHY NEGRO'S WILL. -S1q emiurg § aIvUONIIN Pelo1o) i position of His Property | Harper's. Wook Col. John negro, died estate of and a MeReoe, the other several million odd way day, leaving an dollars inf and unex- | that of free-born, and who began work | at Philadelhi a in ) worked ina re emyplovey Hated in real estate, in ' he was of a Pre t 1 church and six grand children He left his danghier denth her five chil- | annuity of KW: An- | daaghter also an | The rest hbishop ihary 8 to build a He church, rectory, and com MeKee City ane to buaihd and maintain in Ploladelphia Col John McKew for white and colored male orphan betwe un twelv tighteen years old, who are value, will a pected in a small Cecil Rhodes. He a native Vir ul twenly-one very stable, taurant, married daughter, spec ot rich He HAT ax wa ol ma inter is danghter vived him a year dren rece ther grand annuity of $50 tats ney POT Vou of his Ryan, as Catho om ar college nna » Fereive 8 naval education as nearly sible like that given at Ane Ten men, ch y tholie clergy o Philadel phia, are to he dive of the college. The will also provided for am equestrian statu of the founder of the college, to stand in front of the main gate, aml directions as to the testator's ral, which were mot carvied out, as he was buried before the will was read, The test, aproli wen annuaily the Ua fore gave fame heirs will make a hare of uy gests natural aml may get a tate, but no reason con the eet a Philadelphia ! | dersigoed TO ; CONTRACTORS. SEALED fervagn TENDERS, ADDRESSED TO TH mloreed "Tendor for Works, at this Department wut "FRI DAY, MAY 23rd, for the ere of send Chis ujatev College wl of Pract Plumping, Ventd: Mising nders way be set in separately or in Plans and specifications oun be sets and { forms of Jontler procured at this department, At nocepted bank cheque, payable to the wy fiw five por cent. on the amannt WM each tender for sach of the above works will be required The choties of the unsies owenful parties Wndering will be returned when the contracts have bess entered into for the several works The bona fide signsiures and business side dresses of two parties as securities must as company. each. tesder he department eept the lowest will not be of any tend FR LATCHFORD Commiseioner Ontario, May bound to ae of Pallic W {nent rhs, 1g Newspapers inserting (the nbove) vertisement without authority from partment will not be paid for it this ad the do N.B.~Time for receiving tenders for above work has been ex tended to noon on SATURDAY, May 31st "Elephant" That name stands for the of the wil out, Perhaps why the main proposition should not be earried lawsnit may disele bow the got into his head ideas unusual, and. jn view of bis business carear, and church and amily relations, utterly wmexpectod. man "0 0 A Scene At Windsor On Whitsunday, the christian church comumetnorateos the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and dis | ciples in the upper room at Jerasa Jenn... This... great. event, which . is usually symbolized in' eoclesiastical art by a pure white dove, was being duly celebrated in All Saints' choreh, Windsor. Canon Hincks was repeling the gospel for the day which tells "the story, when snldenly a milk white dove entered at one of the open windows and circled about the nave and chancel over the heads of the congregation, finally peeing out again. On one of the stained glass win dows of the beautiful old church the artist has depicted the descent of the spirit in the form of a dove on the Savieur at kis baptism in river dordas, sad this hae been placed over the font to signify that gift in baptisn still, and all who witnessed Sanday's happening sould not fail to be ingeessed by its significance. [Ontario Election Returns. Full returns af City hall, Thereday ight, May 2h, by GNW. and © . telegraph companies. Admission, 25 cents. Boy's First Communion Suits. A special line, jot in his week. Good gorge. Extras finish. Two and piece. B27, 8335, ., i BEST READY-MIXED PAINT on the market. You get it at STRACHAN'S HARDWARE, FREE! 22:5 pe PENNYROYAL TEA. ElRolnd" Ruevy rusher snd ny heal vay, hy Tad picteuity TA CH ry ie TAS Ph BENERIEAT 8! STAMPS AND MARKERS, 1 UBBER STAMPS OF ALL Rios, SELES hyjdnent Markers, Susls. Sissi PA Al, DISTRICT DASHES, News of the District Condensed From the Whig's Exchanges. Rev. Dr. Benson, Armprior, meceived a oablegram from Buenos Avees, South America. oa Saturday last, ga noupcing the birth of a won to Me, pnd Mrs. Joseph BE. Egstagend. A. A, Benson, whose death. oveube- od hy falling from a window in Peter borough was a son of the late John Benson, Bophisshurg, and a brothee of Miss Francis Senson dnd W, A Benson, Vieton, The following mon of the Ganuno 2 field battery, are ned to go ta wndon, part of the contingvnt i Sergt, Maj, H. FV. Gomdy. Serge C. EB. Sweet, Bergt. Willeed wood, Bergt., Abdgue MeDonald dy The remnios of Miss Grams G Arai ¥