a -- -- Fw 5 "tract, together with forms of tender, furni : is ANGLIN & CO THE DAILY W HIG, THURSDAY. MAY 29 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Varnisn Stam FOR FURNITURE AND WOODWORK Imitates the natural woods--stain- ing and varnishing at the same operation... .. . sx wi. There's no better article made for this purpose. It is easy to apply-~works well under the brush. It wears well. It is right in eVETY WAY. . + + » Geta color card. . SOLD BY CORBLIT'S NAKUWAKE. PENITENTIARY SUPPLIES. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED "IN spectors of Peoitentiories, Ottawa," amd wo dored "Tendir for Supplhs." will be re ovived wath MONDAY, loth of Jape, in clusive, from parties desirous of eonteacting for supplies, for the fecal vear 1902-1903, for the fotlowing institutions, namely Kimngwion Penitensinry St. Vieoent de Paul Penitentiary. Darchester Povitentinry, obs Penitentiary. British Columida Ponitentiary, Regine Jail. Frinow Albert Jail. Nepmrate tenders will he received ol following classes of suptlies © Flour (Uanadian Stromy Baker's) Beal and Mutton (fresh) for each Forage. Coal (anthracite and bituminous). "ordwood. sroceries, Cogl Oil (in barrels). Dry Goods Drugs and Medicions Leather and Findings . Hardware, Tinware, Paints, ete. Bremaanaun= - i . Lumber Details of information as to form of con will be on applications (0 the Wardens of the various institutions. All supplies are subject to tha approval of the Warnkn or Jaller All terslers submitted mst specify clearly institution, or institutions, which it is proposed to supply, and must bear the an dorsation of at least two responsible sore ties, Papers lneerting this notice without au thority from the King's Printer will not be paid wherelor, t DOUGLAS STEWART, GEO, W. DAWSON Tuspestors of Panitentiaries Department of Justice, Ottaws, May 12, 1902. The Theifty Housewife When she makes a cake or a pudding, desires to have the richest and choicest cream. That is the only kind supplied by _ CLARIFIED MILK CO., Cor. Brock & Bagot Sts. Phone 367. OUR STOCK: es Is In Good Order. IT COMPRISES Pine, Hemlock, Maple, Oak and other Woods. Foot of Wellington Street. . 000 OBOPOOONNOORNIGS The efficacy in rheuma- tism, stomach, liver and urinary troubles of the Caledonia Springs Waters and baths is unparalleled elsewhere. Season now open. Send for a guide. Paine's Celery Compound Will Secure for You the Health | That Uther Mosicies Dan- i poi Give. IT STANDS FIRS! AND HIGH EST IN PUBLIC ESTIMATION. -- (he Use of. Oue Bou» Convinees the Bg. ptic ani U bali ver. The tone, character and quality of the testimonials publishea in favor of Paing's Uelay Compound have firmly established its position in the homes of all intelligent and thoughtful peo ple, Paine"s Celery Compound has al ways appealed to the sick and gulier ing with honest statements and solid facts. Some doubters-with horest purpose--have taken + trouble to write to, and in many cases have in terviewed the writers of published tes timonials. In every they have heen thoroughly satisfied, and con vincod that Paine's Celery Compound effected cures that weré marvellous, astonishing and happy. Poine's Celery Compound claims 4 field not successfully filled by any other remedy known to medical sei ence. It is the medicine on which the poor aisappointed sufferer can rely after all other medicines fail; when doctors give the patient up as incur able. To the weak, debilitated, nervous, broken-down and despondent, Paine's Celery Compouna gives a new and joyous existence. It strengthens the digestive powers, renews the blood, and acts in the vitalizing, curative, thorough manner that makes it the grandest help to sufiering men and women that the world of medicine af fords. The best test that can be ap plied to Paine's Celery Compound is to use it, cave TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS, ADDRESSED TO THE undersigned sod endorsed "Tender for Works," will be received ot this Dipartment uwutil noon of FRIDAY, MAY 23rd. for the ereotion of the Chemistry, Mining and Gelogoy Building, on College streew, in connection with the School of Practical Science, excepting Heating, Plumbing, Vent lation and Electric Work endure may be mmt in separately or in bulk. Plans and specifications can be seen and forms of tender procured at this department An accepted bank cheque, payable to the mn fersigned, for five por cent. on the amount of each tender for the above works will be required. The cheaties of the uwnsue cessful parties tendering will be returoed when contracts have been entered into the several works. The bona fide signatures and business ad drewnes of ine parties ae scourities must ac on tender, The department will not be bound to ae oupt the lowest or anv tender ¥. R. LATCHPORD, Commissioner Department of Public Works, Ontario, Mav ard, 1902, Newspapers inserting (the above) vertisemert without authority from partment will not be paid for it this ad the de N.B.--~Time for receiving tenders for above work has been ex- tended to noon on SATURDAY, May 31st. The Toronto General Trasts Corporation Oftice and Safe Deposit Vaults, 99 YONGE STREET, TORONTO Capital, AON. 8. 0. WOOD, AD. W. H. BEATTY, Esq Director ties are a ------ tl A -------- NOTHING LIKE Ee (MALT BREAKFAST FOOD FOR HEALTH RESULTS. A breakfast grain food that fails to BE 18 at an h i wue, it is th how ha- eee wh i Gh fu i / i 7 I fF 5 It ™ | ; i THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR fre mises way belong to the few, | GREEN-GAYNOR AFFAIR. DAILY BRITIBN WHIG, published | onch , st SUe310 King Stress, at $6 per year Editions ot 2.30 sad 4 o'clock WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 1f pages, | published every Thursiay morssag ot $1 of Attached is one of the bust Job Printing | Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish and cheap | work; mine improved presses EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROIMRIETOR. | {HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbess Dicor.' ATEST OF IMMIGRANTS. - The United States congress is rying over the immigration question It is estimated that at least 5.000 000 wor immigrants have located in America since 1590; and a large proportion of The result are unlit for some occu these have been illiterate, is that they pations, that fect the labour market, and that they the they unfortunately af constitute venal element in poli tical life. Congress is disposed to adopt some plan of saving the country from the men who are not calenlated to becgine good The stiggested is the educational one, the citizens, only test so far according to it, to of the American constitution and to possess immigrant being expected, read some portions the intelligence necessary to enable him to know what the law of the land requires of him. That idea is resisted on the ground that it would close out of America a class of people who may be verv use ful, who may be 'able to in use fulness in a new land and conditions, and it is argued that it is not fair to debar these or to deny them the exercise of a reasonable ambition So the issue hangs fire, Congress is rise pretty anxious in demanding some re striction, but it is very much divided as to what that should be. There are times when it is evident that in the mnititude there is wisdom, but it is not apparent in congress at the present time, so far as this ques restriction tion is concerned. THE CITY. so nimbly GAMBLING IN The fakir at the fair grounds on Monday, until he collided with the American diers und the police, has got a lesson he will not soon forget. He disgorged all he attempted to from the soldier-complainant, and so the pro- secution of the charge did not pro ceed. But he was held as a common gambler, and yesterday the magistrate found him guilty and imposea a line of §25. The question is, How do these gamblérs get a foothold in the fair grounds ! That is a city property, and the city's ordinance gambling is stiff enough to make the violation of it undesirable. No man should be allowed to erect the appara with which to fleece the unwary and unsuspecting. The mere appear ance of it should be sufficient to war police who operated sol steal against tus rant an arrest, and when the are vigilant the gamblers are not at all aggressive. It is to be hoped the Victoria day committee not hold: out any encouragement to these men to plun der the cidens. There never was a man who could beat the fakir at his own game. They appear to be losing money sometimes, but they are not. I'hey are simply playing into the hands of cappers, whose occupation is the most degrading that the mind does can conceive of. A CRISIS AT HAND. The great strike in the Pennsylvania coal district and there does not seem to be any solution of the difficulty so far as the parties directly affected are concerned. It is pointed out that the men, the toilers, went out on strike against the judgment of their president. He did not oppose the strike, however, be cause he was not in perfect sympathy with the distress of the miners. He knew only well that they were suffering av' of privations, that dig and delve as they would there was no hope of them saving any money. In consequence theirs was a condition oly slavery. He hesitated about "going out," because he realized that it woull take millions of money to break the operators' yoke, and he knew the treasury had not recovered from the effect of last year's strike. But if the president of the miners' organization hesitated the vice presi deat did not. He was a sufferer from the impositions of "the company, and he was determined to put an end to them if possible. He reasoned that it were better to strike than live on ond suffer and die, and become the victims of a coal trust's torture. The best wage paid was £30 a fort continues, ton {it 1¥ but the many are dependent on them have fel undertake, by and must the somehow. So the legislation, to of the the whole people Perhaps the may so far possess government may bring about & settle. ment strike in the interest of spirit of congress that it may proceed to seize the mines, work them in There is a limit behalf of the nation which it i bevond | deagerous for even the strongest mon opol¥ to go. THE IMPERIAL BREAD TAX There are signs of a serious disagy British party over the grain and flour Public reement in the mindsterial tax. sentunent is running stroaugiv against it, so much so that some of those who favoured the tax are now opposed to it. There is a dissatisfae- tion on the part of the government to trim, to recede from the advanced position it bas taken. The ery of the "down with the is "having its effects, and it is workingmen, bread tax," suggested that the budget be revised, if possible, and the new taxes repeal ed, The against man that stands out that proposal is Mr. Cham- herlain, who was evidently at the hack of the tax, the suggester of it, and its present strong defender. His ple is a erafty one. First he intim- ates that there is no attempt of pro tectionism, but a sort of reciprocity with the colonies which Cobden him self would have fittingly approved Then he points out that there general movement among the protect themselves by fis- measures, while they make in one 5 A great powers to cal roads upon Britain's trade and com merce through her open doors. "At the present moment,"' said he in @& recent speech, 'the empire is being attacked on all sides and in our isolation we mast look to our selves. We must draw closer our in ternal relations, the ties gf sentiment, the ties of sympathy, ves, and the ties of interest. If by adherence to economic pedantry, to old shibbo leths, we are to lose opportunities of closer union which are ofiered us hy our colonies; if we are to ppt aside occasions now within our grasp; if we do not take every chance in our pow er to keep British trade in British hands, I am certain that we shall de serve the disasters which will infalli bly come upon us." The language is strong, and it goes to show that the colonial secretary is the chief advocate of the tax, that weakening in regard to it he bread while others are remains firm To Canadians the situation is interesting It suggests that out of the colonial conference something may come which Mr. Chamber reference © to justify the course Hie relationship will lain has pursued colonial goes to show that this conference is to play its part in the future policy and plans of the imperial government. EDITORIAL NOTES The new professor of English liter ature in Yale, Barrett Wenda)l receives a salary of $5,000. Teaching pays at that figure. A Toronto paper remarks it as curi ous that Mr be a fly on the wheel in Mr Foster was content to Whit oey's electian campaign, Sagasta, Spain's grand old man began life as a newspaper man. That accounts for the success of his policy He got his training in the best of all schools. volcanoes is the popular oteupation. Some of Mr. Ross' op ponents will not have any particular hankering today's ex perience. Studying for it after At the liberal rally last evening the Whig was referred to as having con ducted a clean, dignitied and vigorous campaign. But the Whig is paper. a News People are laying the rain falls to the undue disturbances of the air. Mi St. Jobn's voice has not been thun dering through the province to me purpose. > : Another torpedo boat destrover has gone wrong. The Joss of so many of these craft, out of service, suggests that they are not the success they were expected to be. The latest is that if the conserva tives win in today's election they will gerrymander the province and sc endeavor to perpetuate their power Well, well wait and see what hap pens. ---- Chicago, it seems, discontinued the kindergartens because the schoo board had not the money to con tinwe thom. Such Gs the demand 0 their favor, however, that all of ther ' | paternalism ' and went on, if { millions Capt. J. D. Chartrand's Comment on That Absorbing Incident. From La Pat Mosstre Mv v dear old friend, M. de Lapalisse, before he diel, a and told me a few truth, which siveness of iis colleague davs me by the exter rofundity struck simplicity and § Chartrand, mv excellent dear," he you steal a loaf are a great criminal, for whom there are not enough peniten tiaries on earth. lat #1 vou steal VOU are 8 great man, a man to dominate the world, a man to live honored and respected amongst gour kin and othas Bear this in mind that money primes evervihing, reigns evervwhere It "love, it buys consideration, it happiness, it the There are only two things it casnot buv---health death But that is your business dleditate upon the important maxim, which is one of the best of my inex haustible make 1 the aim of your lide, and you will climb to the top. How right he was, the dear old man, whose feather bed was softer than the anvil, but whose sound, horse a on sense, wi og as fenacions as the domes read, vou buys buvx Huys universe and repertory, tic and so encumbering dog's grass An event, delicious in its contexture, which develops at the present 'mo ment, brimful of alluring interest, in our beloved country, puts me in mind to-day of the remarkable utterances of the celebrated French philosopher, whose name is a household veneration Two honourable and military Yankee gentlemen, colonel Green and captain Gaynor, having had serious argument with the laws of their country. thought it wholesome to emigrate to the pleasant shores of our own beauti ful St. Lawrence, in the city of Champlain. Their was needed at home, od, greatly desired, but the two above named gentlemen, to whom is attributed the illegitimate capture of a few millions, preferred the kind hos pitahity of Chateau Frontenac, where they - enjoyed the inefiable presto which everywhere surrounds all those whose brows are crowned by an si eusatory aureole, which figures high up in the millions But flourishing presence much inde police officers of Montreal, a have soft meddlenome sneaked with carriages, zealous @ gentry, into this warrants, mg closed tugs, hand cuffs, in fact the whole arsenal of cheeks to in dividual liberty. And they have deft lv bagged the distinguished visitors, who they have treated to a novel and sensational promenade to® Montreal with an eager attendance of boats in pursuit wires on audaciously tranquility steries, telegrams fiving wild over the both shores, pantomatic special train tearing the air at a thun dering pace, all this mixed up with a cortege of lawyers, offended, of grand constable, furious, of men of law of all ealibres, assuredly very angry, at such a brisk, and so hte desirable and unbecoming behaviour This drama, which honors the lega world in general, and our nce dear pros unfolding the our in particular, is now with shifting manoeuvres of cial mechanism, between mereial metropolis and the old city of Champlain. In the meanwhile, the two very in testing Privoners, cause of all' the spicy rummages and chasses-croises, leisurely «ip the sparkling champagne of France, either in a sumptuous ho tel, in Montreal, either in the hospit able prison of Quebee, where they hold very © [nshionable functions under the paternal eye of the so good and kind Jailer, These are the kind of performances to make a man proud. of, and, as a Canadian, 1 feel touched by them, to the very inmost of my soul com This Fish Has Four Feet. Honolulu, May 21, via San Francis Mav 20.-A unique ocean life has been captured herve by the United States fishing vessel Alla tross, now cruising in these waters ft is a small fish which has four feet They are webbed like the feet of frog and are apparently the link be tween foot and fin. The specimen is mid to be one of a few suck fish ound in the world. co, specimen of H. Cunningham, piano tuner from hickering, New York. Orders re wived at MoAuley's book store, Miller's Headache Powders eure seadache in five minutes. In boxes 100. and 25¢., at Wade's drug store. counters down stairs. usual prices. We Put Them prompt attention. A Big Bargain In x" Have Just Secured Artificial Flowers and foliage WHICH WE WILL PLACE ON SALE FRIDAY. For quick selling they will be shown on our front This is a rare opportunity to buy Flowers and Foliage for SUMMER HAT TRIMMING and REMODELLING at about half in Thres Lois, Lot I, Worth 25c. for 12l4c. Lot II, Worth §0c. for 25c. Lot III, Worth $1 for 50c. They are an exceptional bargain and worth your STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S, 118 and 120 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont, Pont wait sntil 4 gets roasting bot ad take v kind of get vour lands on, then rush ip anywhere and a SOFT SHIRT Far Detter come mn SUMMER SHIRTS Every mon yOu tar now and select Sor wha is particular abemit hie dress has his eyes open now aduve for THE H. D. BIBBY CO., Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall. m--_-- SOFT SHIRTS baschiome 8 The Solt Fre largely Mas pow, are (OF Sntteun) deine Sle that canmot be dug te ' Bettor get t Shir we're saling in om them while you New op psnins. OXFORD SHOES The Newest In The Market. We have the finest dssort- ment of Ladies' and Gents' OXFORD SHOES ever shown in Kingston, Call and Sse Them. Trunks and Valises, Ys $10,426 IN FINES IN A DAY. 'People of Athens, Ky., Try to Purify Town. Lexington, Ry, Nay 20. County judge Bullock waessed fines aguregs ting BI0406 again "Hind Uger" operators, users of profane lamgcusgs and enrvicrs of eomeealed weapons wm the inthe town of Athens, Ky. (ine offender was fined 82500. A" mes meting: of cititons had been called to take steps to reform the town. The AN OLD STORY # Henrie faris, The Quon Madd On a vushimer'y dav The Krave of Wloaris Biole thom aris And with thers ran aw The cooking jis time of the range is weed They are urbe made pb ad HAPYY Ha caer 16 ogwEte 1000 of Dew Kingsion aod they » Over been sold in fog, ~ihat's & Iuirly good moons MCKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street jodge "suspended warrants * wen who were fined an of Hy 16, take wart mm the medting show their desive tn help yeforin flee Should be dome early before the rush. At Carnoveky factory, (Ontario street, old, cwity carpets made to look almost new by a thorough pro- ous. Moderate prioss. Carpeis taken up and relaid if desired, avd pever in jured, 'Phone M4.