Daily British Whig (1850), 30 May 1902, p. 1

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CIEE KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1902, ¥ --t LAST EDITION] 4 | | SPECIAL DRIVE Your _ hale of any of our lerue stock STIFF BOSOM SHIRTS S JENKINS 3? 114 PRINCESS STREET. lofire Sale THE AUCTION SALE OF FINE PICTURES will be continued this evening at 7.30 oclovk, TO-MORROW, Saturday Afternoon and Even- Ing 42:30 and 7:30 O'clock. Every picture on the catalogue is for ab solute sale, and afl must be sold to close the estate of "The J. Hood Co" Po not miss this opportunity to secure beautiful plotures ab your own price. E. O'BRIEN, Manager JOHN H. MILLS. Auctioneer. To wa something choices in wool: Jens, call mpd expivios our stock, Our . Fitting gualitics wre right, and you | will do right 10 trade with J. J. CRAWFORD, MERCHANT TAILOR Corner Princess and Baget Streets 'Phone 487, New Butcher Shop FRED. LALONE, PROP. b THLEPHONE NO. 225. 276 Omtario Street, Kingston. A NN eee FURNISHED HOUSE. 70 BET, FOR THE SUMMER, FURNISHED, None " Cottage, aT in tab won. Apbly at 129 William a. ig ROOMS TO LET. ROOMS TO LET AT Ww FpRNISHED, i "li ratast i iam street, from Juoe ------ _ TO-LET. OE a ; street, atreet, HOUSE CORNER QUEKN AND CLERGY 3 wood ad able in eonnee rey - - © Steacy & Stacy or J. 5 197, - 201 Enquire of WANTED. - . A GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY MUS. MN Sullivan, corner King amd Princess uireets FOR GENERAL WORK BR SE iy on. ng strosis. ------------ BOYS 'FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS ; Stata at oh Gea BH a "Sn i IVE LAD AS ASSISTANT An oh register (detail and A LOCAL MEMORANDA, The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Hawes hats | George Bile & Co. Jenkins my hattor Campbell Bros. for bats, Firma It's no credit 10 te good becanss you hove to be Divoroe comes before marriage in tionary Jumble sale on Saturday, McKelvey & Birch, Longshorymen Athletics, cricket feild, tomurrow forenoon The wan who is pulled up with pride is the , sole agents communion suits at Jemkine the dic next door to wa ball gums, one who can scarcely contain bimeel Four yvars at college ean fit any man to go owt mto the world and wait { something to tern ep. "Who's my batter * Why don'ts vou know 1 always buy from George Mills & Co? This duy in the world's history © Torow oritirnted a premature report of 'the oP died, 1814; oe 1835; earl of Halifax die 1630; empross Josephine Spencer born, DINNER. We can show vou hundreds of diffrent patterns and colores, to please muy one. Prices twenty per cent. loss than elmewhere. ROBERTSON BROS. GR AND OPERA HOUSE A. J. SMALL, Losses and Manager. Monday, June 2nd, 1902 Coronation Choristers Wonderful Boy Sopranos From England's Historic WESTMINSTER ABBEY Prices 98¢., 80c., 75¢c., $1. Seats now on sale at Hanley NOTICE. I beg to apologise to mayor Shaw for having insisted on his retirement from polling booth No. 10, Cataraqui ward. At the time I believed I was carrying out my instructions as regards all not sworn in, but I have sipse learn- ed I was under misapprehension as to the rights of candidates. PATRICK M'ARDLE, D.R.O. The Warm Weather Will soon be bere snd you will need light weight suit. Our light Sevtvh Tweed suits st $14 will give no man an excuse for wearing heavy clothing, JOHN TWEDDELL, MERCHANT TAILOR, 131 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON KEEP DIRT FROM OUR BUTTER Van Horne Repudiates Any Mor- gan C.P.R. Connection. Toronto, May 30.--'""We are not go ifig to have any of their dirt in our vod butter," was the reply of Sir William C. Van Horne, when asked if the Morgan syndicate was endeavor- ing to control the C.P.R. He was not at all pleased over the unfounded ru- mors connecti the two concerns, and added : "The C.P.R. is a business of itself, not connected with any other ana not meddling with any other." He was pleased to notice that the peo le of Canada were awakening to the act that in the C.P.R. they have something of value, and of substantial worth to the country." Jenkins' Hats. Are always up-to-date: the new Pa- nama shape with perforated band is one of the novelties this Fi fall value for your money. sells it ? yowen of an whic this ings the the hty the revsler of Pretorie, 1900; Charles 11. bor his red, rel 'umion labo George Mills & A0W THE COUNTRY GOES fh: Figures For The Two : Parties ROSS WILL STILL PEIN A MAJORITY THAT WILL DO. HE HAS The Complete Returns for the To- rontos and Hamiltons--The wastes WAS actuany FL 2 nearly the whole of that cenf though no actual record bas + down to us, « The third and fourth chairs desl a much slighter notice. The iof stands hard by the coronation ¢ behind the altar screen of Westmi)): abbey. In general appearance 3 i#¢ considerable similarity betweent!) two of them; but the modern oy altogether lacking in the beautifd™ namentation of its parent, pen TH course, it possesses no sacred stg"? its own. It was constructed in | EE " 'it tal iw), 74; Marter (independent), 3.461; Nesbitt (conservative), 3,693; Tripp {socialist labor), 20. - West Toronto -Crawford tive), 4,260; Kelly (socialist), Urquhart (liberal), 2,732; Kelwood (labor), 79. South Wentworth--Dickenson ral), majority 308; Pettit ance candidate) got only N87 votes. East Hamilton--Carscallen (conser vative), 2,582; Gordon (socialist), 370; Griffin (liberal), 2,442. West Hamilton--Hendrie (conserva tive), 2,427; Washington (liberal), 2, 250: Roadhouse (socialist), Ix2; Col quhoun (independent 99. h {conserva- A Change Reported. The World's summary is liberals, 52; conservatives, 45; not reported, 1. The constituency remaining to be heard from is that of Manitoulin Is- land commumication with which is defective. to the conservatives, while the Mail and Empire has Huron in the conser- vative column. The latest returns from West Huron give the election in that constituency to Cameron, liber- al, by sixty-one majority. South Renfrew--Latehford (liberal), to hear from. East Durham--Full returns give J. Preston (conservative) 995 jority. Dufierir 059 majority, with one polling sub- division to hear from, which will in crease majority to over 1,200. J. ma Another Liberal Gain. North Grey result inl doubt. i claim i McKay y. South Perth---Stock, sixty-seven ma jority: still one poll to hear from. Addington-- Reid majority as far as heard from Centre Bruce-All polls in give Clark {eonservative) majority of seven. Manitoulin -- Latest returns Gamey (conservative), elected by majority Algoma majority, Sinith 100 with (conservative) three polls to the majority South Lanark-- Complete give. Matheson (conservative) majority of 82, North Ontario-W, servative) elected by to hear from, which gave a reform majority of twenty-two last election. Lennox--No change in last figures, Madole (liberal) two major ity. South Huron--Filber (conservative) elected by fifty-three majority. North Bruce Bowman (liberal) 280 majority. 8. Hoyle (con The Press Views. The Globe, commenting on the re sults of yesterday's elections, says that the majority for the Ross gov- ernment is smaller than is desirable, but the indications are that it will grow. It also says that the parties are so nearly equal in strength that, as after the elections of 1898, immense importance . will be attached to the bye-elections. The Mail and Empire says that, at present, the situation is similar to that revealed immediately after the last general election in that the gov- ergment has a small majority, but the recounts may show it to be a vanishing majority. Brooklyn To, Convey Him. New York, May 30.--The cruiser Brooklyn is in the harbor this morn. ing from Havana. The warship will be made ready to convey the remains of lord Pauncefote, Inte British mn: bassador, from Washington to Eng: land. An Octogenarian Marries. Quebec, May 30.--At Jacques Cartier church, on Monday, an octogenarian named St. Amand, espoused a lady named Bretelle, of the ripe age of seventy-four. The couple are sad to be A and hearty. -------- To Build Three Ships. St. Panl, Mi . build three more monster hive the Oriental trade between Seattle and China. ---- a ------ $1:50 English Hats. $1.50. Co., Wellington ttreet. Men's Fancy Vests. Tn dark and light colors, $1.25 to 81.75, Jenkins. sr ---- 270: (libe- | (temper, | conservative), The Globe credits Algoma majority about 900, with three polls Dr, Barr (conservative), 1,- Roth most likely {eonservative) 565 show S00 hear ip from, which are expected to increase Sir Charles Ross, Bart., has notified returns 156, two polls night's Complete returns give PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over the World. The Brantford starch works were destroyéd by fire. The loss is 350,000 The British mule camps are being moved from the southern states to Toronto Owing to the coronation, Charles Rivers-Wilson will not Canada until July, Sir Robert Bond, premier of foundiand, has set out for the egron ation, sailing via Quebec. The Orange Free State delegates, at Vereeniging, defeated the Transvaal ers in a football match, Mayor Cooper, Portage la has been appointed regisirar of titles for Portage district. The shah of Persia arrived at Pots dam on Thursday evening. The em- peror and princess received him at the station, While coupling cars at Bronte, Frederic Edwardes, a brakesman on the G. T. R., was severely injured and may not recover. | The Allan line steamer Brazilian, | from Montreal, for London, arrived out Wednesday and landed all her live stock without loss. Eighteen humdred special policemen have been sworn in to preserve order in the anthracite coal minmg = dis trict during the miners strike The Canadian tubular steamship oil transportation company has been in corporated in New Jersey to purchase the patents of the Knapp roller boat The national civic federation is en deavoring to bring about an arbitra tion of the vivil strike by approach- ing the leading stockholders of the railway interested The catch of mackerel along the Cape Breton coast exceeds the catch for any year during the past fifteen vears. Although the season has prac tically anly commenced, the catch | thus far exceeds the total catch of the | past three years. Rev. J. D. Freeman, pastor of the Germain street Baptist church, St. John, N.B., has decided to accept the call to Bloor street Baptist church, Toronto. In doing so he has declined a call to the First Baptist church, Cleveland, Ohio, which offered a much larger salary. The London Express says that A. L. Jones, chief of the Elder-Dempster line, states that it is a fact that the Atlantic shipping combination sent them an ultimatum. A meeting to it was held in London on no decision was arriv- ed at, and the meeting adjourned. Jones says that if the Beaver line joins the syndicate that the combina tion will acquire a powerful influence in the Canadian trade | Sir visit New Prairie, land « Hf consider Thursday, but CORONATION CONFERENCE. Laurier Returns to Ottawa to Discuss Imperial Questions. Ottawa, May 30.--Before the mem- bers of the government separated for the eoronation 'there will be a dis cumsion here of the questions of im perial political relations, trade and defence to be dealt with at the coron ation conference, This will be done that the views of Canadian delegates may represent the sentiments of the dominion eabinet as a whole Arrangements are already being | made to tender Sir Wilind Laurier a banquet when he visits Paris. his ly | the Dominion rifle association of intention to give $800 for two year prizes for rifle shooting. The cleigy and lay members of the | synod of Ottawa have been notified that that body will meet in Ottawa, on June 3rd. On June 2nd evening prayer will be said at Christ church cathedral and a sermon will be | preached by can Low. The funeral of senator Clemow took place, this afternoon. The ser vice at Christ church Cathedral was condueted by Rev. Henry Mittson and Rew. W. M. Loucks. The honorary pall bearers were: Sir Henry Strong, Sir Mackenzie Bowell, Hon. R. W. Scott, senator McMillan, Thomas Ahearn, president Ottawa electric Co.. John Coates, president Ottawa board of trade, W. H. Rowley, of E. B. Eddy company, and Alex. Burritt, city registrar. SMALLEST TRAMP STEAMER. Has Travelled Between P.E.I. and ; West Indies. -- Charlottetown, PEL, May 30. Charlottetown has the distinction of possessing the smallest tramp steam er in America, the Elliott. This little | eraft, built of wood, nine years ago, { has travelled thousands of miles be tween Prince Edward Island and the West Indies, besides visiting American ports. She is only 227 tons' register net, and is 147 feet 4 inches long, 25 feet broad, 12 feet doep, and draws 10 feet loaded. Her building was the re sult of a disaster to another vessel - When the latter's career was ended the owuer of the Elliott hought the machinery, and built g steamer to fit it. The Elliott recls steadily, is economical of coal, and behaves well in a heavy sea. Think Peace Loria ye that | sembly, at for. Vereniging to further confer with clared themselves, A THREE DAYS' LIMIT Has Beea Placed On This Bor Councils COMMANDANTS 10 DECIDE THE BRITISH CABINET CON- FIRMS ITS TERMS. is Assured--May Make Concession as to the Bearing of Arms--Other Good Terms Likely to be Offered the Boers. London, May 30.--Gen. Kitchener's wensor allowed messages to leave Pre day morning announcing Steyn, Schalkberger, Dbelarey, Dewet and others from the Boer as Vereniging, eit Pretoria the burghers there. a full day before the latest cabinet meeting was held, is regarded as showing that yesterday's meting of the British ministers confirmed their previous statement of terms and that the Boers had received until Saturday to either accept or to reject them. The news means that the question of peace war is again transferred to Their departure, or | the commandants, who alone will de cine. A three days' limit has been placed on their councils. The newspapers are unanimous in interpreting Mr. Balfour's statement to mean that peace is assured. The careful phrasing of the statement was adopted only because of the memory of the many previous disappointments Whether amnesty to the Cape Dutch will be granted, or the date on which thé Boers will be allowed to vote for members of the legislative council has heen decided, is not indicated The fate of the other principal questions aehated by the Vereeniging conferenge is unknown. but the public is prepar ed to hear of an important British concession in the matter of the right to bear arms. The Standara's parliamentary cor respondent quotes an eminent conser vative as saying that the government has abandoned the banishment procia wation issued in South Africa in the case of those Boers who are now pre pared to take the oath of allegiance, and also that it will be found that the government is ready to place several influential Boers on the coun cil which will aavise governor Milner during the period before the introduc tion of representative government. A despatch to the Times, irom Pre foria, says that unless the Boers sud- denly veer round and adopt an un rpasonable attitude, there is good reason to hope that they will soon give notice of their acceptance of the British terms. The Times, editorially, oxplains that the foregoing applies to the Boer 'leaders, who are responsible, experienced men with something to lose. It expects that irreconcilables will be met among the commando delegates, but savs it is unlikely that they are in a majority. In any case they will not hereafter secure the ac tive of those desiring peace; at the worst, England may count upon an nnmense reduction in the forces of dizorder while at the hest she can hardly hope all at once to get rid of the lawless élement It is understood that the government is in receipt of an official communica tion from South Africa, intimating that the Boer minority, from whose irreconcilable attitude was feared, in other will agree among other things, to a gencral sur render, carrying with it the loss of independence Certain minor details only, which should not effect them; in question, remain to be settled assistance so much words, Management Vindicated. Cape Town, May 29.--The Times prints an ioterview with the United States consul vindicating the management of the concentration camps. The consul says: lieve that if my countrymen investigate the question they not be led astray by designing men making fulse statements to get their sympathy and their money, which they are sending to me to buy comforts for the women and children in the centration camps." The consul states pants of the Cape he should would con that camps without satisfied, They are well well clothed, and well fed. the occu have de exception, cared for, He favors saving the money sent for their relief lin order to Boers after the war. purchase cows for the ---------------- THROWN INTO BED OF FIRE. Daring Robbers Brutally Torture Wealthy Farmer. Ansonia, Conn., May 30.-In an at tempt to force him to confess where he had secreted his money, robbers brutally tortured William Balowin, a wealthy farmer of Orange. the police Haldwin reported ta that the rob bers beat him about the head, buen: od his feet with a torch, then him en a Waring bed while they throw ad Will Call A Meeting. New York, May 30.--The Tribu save: "The members of the civie fod eration are no longer personally ask ing the presidents of the coal carry ing roads to consent to arbitration. are endeavoring to reach the stockholders instead, and them the railroad presidents. have so far fairhy| success with the stockno! As soon as we have a majority of the larger stockhoMers with us the meeting will be called." Bucketshops Black-Listed. New York, May 30.-By the adeop- tion of an amendment to the by-laws, the Net York cotton exchange has decided to black List bucket- he 8 the exchange business or aay caped. He succeeded in extingmehing the flames and- then fell unconscions, in which condition be was found by veighbors. ~ The robbers secured $15 which they found in the house. MAY COME TO BLOWS. Rebellion in the South Interferes With Tonquin Trade. Pekin, May 30.--The native news papers published bere assert that France has potified China that the insurrection in Kwang Si province is interfering with ber Tonquin trade, amd that snless it is suppressed be fore July France will take steps protect ber interests. ' New Pearl Fedoras. As usual we have the largest awsort- ment, newest styles sud bess valoes in pearl and date color fedoras, amphbeil Bros. summer wear. C Wo CONVICTS DIE OF POISON. Seven Drink Wood Alcohol; Three Dead. Rockland, Me, May 3.~Crazed by thirst for liquor, seven convicis im state prison at Thomaston drank freely of a bottle containing wood alcohol, and a result three ave lead and fous a condition which is very critical dead are Thomas who was serving a two and a half vear senteme for breaking, enter ing and lareeny; W. E. Colin, who was serving ten vears for compound larceny, and Horey Wylley, two years for larceny as in Fhe Lorn, serving The men found & pint bottle of spir its in the paint shop, where they were employed, on Wednesday afternoon, and although they had been warned of its deadly properties each took a drink. The spirits had in the paint shop for cleaning nickel. been used BRITAIN'S GREAT NAVY. Ships Completed During Year -- Others on Ways. London, May 30.--In a discussion of the navy in the house of commons, the secretary of the admir alty, Arnold Forster, refuted Sir Charles Dilke's suppsstion that the government's shipbuilding programme was so small as to create a bad hn pression abroad. The secretary said that during the past vear thirty-five battleships had been completed enty-five vessels were now vader con struction, including twenty armored cruisers, and the admiralty contem plated immediately proceeding with upwards of twenty-seven other ships The vote for the construction of ves sels alone, he daring the pres ent year, would amount to over £9 UO, 000, estimates sev said, PICTURE STOLEN, Valuable Painting Mysteriously Disappears From Ship. New York, May 30.---The American express company has informed the po lice of this city of the disappearance of a painting by Felix Zeim, valued at $15,000, shipped in eave of the company from Havre to New York During the voyage of the steamer on which the painting was, it was re moved from its box and the box was repaired that the loss was not known until the New York customs officers inspected the ship's freight. A description of the painting has been sent out to American and European parties and a general search is being made. The picture had been bought by a resident of New York. BO ---------- KAISER ON MODERN WAR. Expatiates on Advantages of Im- proved Weapons. Berlin, May 30.~Emperor 24th by Alsace Lorraine mn oer German conducted May forces at Gravelotte, in which the German defences in atin of the Franco war were repeated. Hix majesty reported to have said in his that in the Mexican European 4,000 men with be able, in similar positions, to off 50,000 and- that at lotie 4.000 men so armed would put 20,000 men out of action on war machine gun men, Grave have THREE CANADIANS ILL. Members of Mounted Rifles Vie- tims of Deadly Enteric. Ottawa, May The general was notified by the department of the danger from enteric fever the 2nd C.M.R.. Alfred and William Dell, both and Clément Guest, of mn governot casualty ux_illne Parker, Fils of Hamiltos Rossland Election Returns. Will not effect the guality cream It made from pure cream Served daily cozy dining room, or delivered to you in quart bricks Any flavor; ready for use. J. Hiscock. of ice is absolutely pure in aur Arrival Of Vessels. Halifax, N.S., May 30 The flag ship Crescent arrived this from Bermuda. Steamer Buenos Ayr ian arrived this afternoon from Glas gow via St. John's, Nfid Dollar Hats. You can buy a new hat For a dollar or mom 8a rich and so stylish In George Mills' bat store Fresh Cucumbers. cucumbers, only Fresh Se. and = our strawberries and Picton gus The Hit Of The Season. Are the feather weight derbys, with patent respirator, sweat bands, being shown, at Campbell Bros. aspars ---- Reginald Daly, an Ontario man, but Intterly of Harvard, has been ap pointed Canadian geologist to the in ternational commision which is sur veying the boundary between British Columbia and the United States Particular Work, Our work commends admira- tion. You will not be disap- linen up. Our materials are the best, and appliances the latest. i gston Steam Laundry TELEPHONE William made a speech alter the sham fights Lerann speech wWoukl stand}, of thige members of | our | clarified mill compmny's | morning | esach, at Ferguson's, King street. Try | pow | pointed in the way we do your | WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont, May 30K 110 samp-Uenr erally fwir wosther We Are Sole Agents For "Blenheim" Pirle Finish Dress Goods. We show them in all the new colors, guaranteed not to spot, cockle or wrinkle. TENDERS "FOR CUAL, Tossdhers the will be movived by the Chmirman works Commitios up to poon fromm 600 to' 1.1 tons of delivered in the Wor 1 HEWITT, Supt THE FRENCH CABINET. The Premier's Resignation Forms ally Presented May 30~The resignation of premier, NM. Waldeck -Ro formally communicated Publ! anne will ive ol Paris issecan has to the of the on June been abinet undement maile Loubet resignation be rd when ident wm his trip to M department of Drone, chivf magistrate of fhe Wari pres returns ntemar the hon France, {in the w of the entire cabinet re with H jae i Heonnent fmbshicly id npr wntly, singed now, the wicket wi Paris Con mail Im nt pr nistr inement of the cabi M, his nr ter to enable his howe alter Montreal Conference May 30. At the nforence, Gisorge drving Thomas lake {duis Mi: t Handoock, lyin John ware ne A. Weils allowed to with a The bis n K. Timber } tte and T. 11. Br cepted as probationers. J BA, the fons Ss dey to wsdl, a n kel be | | ats nd lival | view te nan ork { rogue a to Hex Huw ration 1 lent was re ontoron y pestora Payior, pre J | to nominate i + for next . I ! Manning and ( | pointed This {D.b, kis were ap Rev wa Manley Benson, elected president, morning Arnprior, The Government Is Safe. Fit Reform; it makes friends whe buve it. Jeaking Ler oveey one | Mill's Headache Powders eurs | headache in five minutes. In boxes P10 and 25c.. at Wade's drug store Nogligee eleganee, Our soft front | shirts, at $1. The H. I; Bibby Co i Rige, red, juicy strawberries, at Cro- | thees'. Order ently rT Lhe TE | WEDDING RING! | Is Worn For a i Lifetime. { Ibe correctness of ! ¢ shape is a matter of com- { ' fort and appearance, $ which we consider large- | $y in our manufacturing, 4 JOMSTON © 80 f i i i

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