Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jun 1902, p. 3

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£8 ye. © Will Ran - bane Saar' "02 Excursions! To The Camadiin North-West At Return Fares. Prince Avert) weceol ($39 Sientheonn..... § returning sotil AUGUST 24h, G Eurning until ng J Gh, retarn ng until SERN ER 16th. Tickets are not al Limited" For tickets and full -pariionigis, appiv Cheap Excursions To Manitoba and- Canadian North«West and Return Via North Bay as Follows: Winnipeg... ep 1880 - $30 Yorkion..... Pr. Albert. Macteod Colum ym of time limit up 4 wo hy san te had on pavawct of 8 of part shereod, to the apt at destination of ticket For further partiodiars apply to J. P, HRANLEY, Agent, City Passr. Depot DOMINION L LINE. Mall Stenmships. Liverpos! Service. FROM PaRTLAND. June 7th June 14th June 3m June 28th July Gah July 12th macked® do pot Garry pesseng Jane 14th . Juma 21st July Sth June 4th Jung 16th : the rh July Bud August 13th. saloon, wlebtrle Debt. apacious ' Bay of Quinte aad Montreal Line. leave Kingstown, Wednesday and GOING WEST 11:30 P.M triweskly service ve, Fridays and "TORONTO-MONTREAL LINE. Medincls Jelive Kingston Juss 4th to 16th inclusive, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundave GOING EAST GOING WEST a Aly 5:00 P.M. daily grecpit Mordave, Dur log July = Aogust daily service from K mw 40° hus Istmnde and Montresd J. J. SWHT. & 00 Picket Agent, Frewght Arita. a vas & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Kiagston ~ Picton - Belleville Str. "Aletha" SEER LR gem wil at Biren, Moros a Kiaghion Ro ~Rochester Sr. orth ay Roshi: OF | if] Week ni Siekly People In Summer, Paine's Celery Compound Gives a Lad the New Life She So Earnestly Soup ht For and Adds 41 Pounds to Her Weight. The banisher disease men, The peculiar ery Compound enables it the centres where it quickly banishes all pain and ble, At this time, Paine Celery Com- pound is a veritable boon to every nervous, weak and debilitated man The ailments and diseares and be and speediest of and sickness known to medical Compound surest is Paine"s Celery Paine's Cel to reach all working; trou virtues of disease is and woman that have held people in bondage suffering up to the present, can permanently banished by the of a few, bottles of Paine"s Cobery Com pound this month. Mrs. :Jeseph Lloyd, Gananogne, Ont, tells of her complete Hows se cure ps fe - a sufferar from per lity and very had headaghes, and found it impossible to obtain re gular rest and sleep. J read of your Paine's Celery Compound, and bought a bottle of it. After | used it, 1 got rest and sleep. 1 have used altogether soven bottles and am completely enred. Your medicine purifies the blood and regulates the system; I would not be without it if it took my last dollar. Before using Paine's Celery Compound my weight was only 100 pounds; now I weigh 11 pounds my friends are using the Compound since they have seen what it hue done for me The Election Returns May please some but disappoint others, but our shoes please every- body. We control the agencies in this city for such excellent shoes as the "TOPROUND' for men, and " REED'S,"" for ladies. These lines are the finest goods on the American market. PRICES $5, 1.50, $4, Inspection invited. ARMSTBONG'S, » "1 was always vous debi Five of 184 Rrincens I Rubber Rubber | Tire | Tire For Ease and Comfort In driving you should have RUBBER TIRES put on your carriage by JAMES LATURNET, 390 PRINCESS STREE). SECOND HAND GOODS Bought and Sold. | SEE EE EES BET a A Ragan path I. ZACKS, a71 and 273 Princess Street. B.oond door below Corbett's wh th 2 SONY SRNL at close prices. Ask Our Drivers JLbLE BRIEF HISTORY OF THE WAR NOW ENDED. Clash of British and Burghers Over the Franchise For For- eigners Led to And One-Half Years. Fhe direct cause of the war South Africa was the refusal of Transvaal government allow foreign element of the population have a voice mn. publi fairs, accom- panied by a like refusal to continue in in the the to by Pri oulminn- conditions cen franchise held mainly tish subjects. This was the tion of unsatisfactory which had fqr almost a tury. It was in 1534, when the sumed authority over Cape Colony to protect the settlers fromm the warlike Kaffirs, that the Dutch hegan to plan to set up a government of their own They moved toward the interior to ac complish this purpose and, after the Raflir war of 1847, when 'the British frontier was extended to the Kier river, they moved toward the in terior again. The independence of the Transvaal republic was recogmized by Great Bri tain in 1862. In 1877 the third Kafr war occurred and Sir Theophilus Shep stone was =ent by the British to pro tect the white settlers on the frontier, including those of the Dutch republic. The Transvaal was at this time an nexed to the British crown. In 1580 the Boers revolted against the British, the short cainpaign ending in the famous battle of Majuba Hill The integrity of the Transvaal re public was guaranteed by the British under a form of a protectorate with out treaty rights. Affairs were quiet for a time, but in 1887 the Kimberley diamond mines were discovered large deposits gold found. British, Europeans and, evicans flocked to the locality |, goon the Dutch were outnumbered the foreigners, who incidentally tained control of financial affairs Always conservative and sell tained, the inzisterd on clugsive domination of public affairs in their own country and called Great Britain to maintain in fore treaty of independence of 1882. Great Britain claimed that the vast foreign interests entitled to representa affairs and insisted up franchise for qualification, utility Jasted British as- second and Wer Am and by soon of ob con burghers ex upon the were tion in. public on the Pl operty more, that ren rights quasi-public foreigners, and, further the Boer government must for certain railway ond corporatians, : on Kruger Sends Ultimatum. After a series conferences be tween Mr. Kruger's government and Sir Alived Milner, in October, 1599, which bore no fruit, the Boer president sent an ultimatum to the British on October 10th of that year, demanding an evacuation of the therefore Boer territory. Not receiving am immediate compliance, the Boer army, under Gen. Joubert, invaded British Natal, cross ing the border two days after the ultimatum had been sent, There were at that time 000 British constabulary troops in Cape Colony and Natal. Immediately upon the Boer movement, y man and White, in command of British, unable to offer sistance, fell back on Ladysmith. Other troops were penned up in Kim berley and Mafeking, and the Boers were in control of the country Five days after the ultimatum Gen Sir Redvers Buller was ordered by the British government to proceed to 'the front, a war fund of £50.000.000 was voted, the British reserves were dalled out and 30.000 men were transported o the front at once. These re-infores ments followed in rapid succes fion by others until within sixty days there were 250.000 Pritish troops in the field While the British their armies to the Ladysanith, king and under the of nearly 12 Gens, Sy the successful re wes were hastening front, White at Baden-Powell &t Mafe a small force at Kimberiey actual if not. the nominal command of Cecil Rhodes in person, were defending their positions, with occasional sorties to harass the he The most notable of these sorties was at Ladysmith on October doth, when the Boers surprised {he sortie posts, carturing the whole command of 870 «fivers and men. On November th, Methuen had at rived at Modder Rivor on his way to the relief of Ladysmith. In attempting f to cross he was opposed by Joubert and several other Hoe topders, in chiding acting president Schalkburger A severe battle was waged, and while the 'British retained their position, Methuen was too badly crippled to proceed, December brought a series of disas ters to British arms. Gatacre lost L000 men at Stromburg on the 10th. Gen. Wauchope 'was killed at Spyfon tein on the day following and on the 15th Buller was beaten at the Colen 80 crossing of the Tugela River, hoa: ing 1.000 men and eleven guns, Alarmed at these disasters, the British war office the same day order- seigers. When you want a pound of good butter, of a quart of pure, clarified milk, and they will deliver it prompt- ly. Or telephone No. '567, and your order be be Prantl at- CLARIFIED ed Jord Roberts to the front. with in structions to end the war without re gard to cost. He took command of operations December 31st, with 230, 00 men of all arms. Then began a series of quick, active movements, On February lst, French mhioved Kimberley, occupying the right of the advancing column; on the 20h lord Raberts in person fought Gen. Cronje, and after two days ac cepted his surrender with 4,600 wen and six guns. On the following dav marched mto Lad: yemith. . Om Magch 13th, Blowmioutein, the Pr for Catarr} That Contain Mercury An marvury will surely desi, of smell Beemre a system when tt Wecarh the mueoss shoul never be teed do ie en shirivy Hostilities | Which Have Lasted For Two | to { force certain railway and other public | ! capital of the Pree State, I réndaged to Robe There was al most incessant fighting all along the {line at thix time, but the Boer com {mands were hroken into small bodies, which necessitated their careful oeuvring to avoid' capture March 27th, 1900, the greatest cal amity of the war befell the Boers in the death of Gen. Joubert, who had led their armies in a way that had aroused the admiration of the world The hurghers were sorely disheartened { bv this disaster, and May 10th, asked the United States to intervene and to end the war. The good offices of the United States were consequently re- fused, May 16th, Baden Powell, who had been couped up in Mafeking for many months, was relieved, and on the 25th lord Roberts issued a proclamation, annexing the Orange River Colony {On the 30th he entered Johan Five days later Pretoria surrendered after president Kruger had retired to the interior. Gen. Prinsloo, with 3,345 men, surrendered July 20th, and Sep tember lst, lord Roberts annexed the Transvaal by proclamation. Although their was still desultory fichting, it was thought the war was aver at this time, Lord Roberts, who had just been raised to ihe command of the armies of England to sucdeed lord Wolseley, turned over the com mand of the troops to Gen. Kitchen er, and on December 12th left for En gland. But the war office was surprise od almost immediately bv a series of small Boer victories ns dashing as they were unexpected, and 30 000 more troops were dispatched to the front. Dewet, Botha and Delarey were amiding the conmtry, picking up con; voys seemingly at will and getting away without great loss. HAE Peace Negotiations Without Avail. In April Botha negotiated for peace but his conferences with Kitchener were unfruitful. In May Plummer supply train was destroyed by the on the 20th Delarey destroved the seventh yeomanry in a surprise and in June there were encouragin incidents for the Boers. On the if 200 Vietorian mounted rifles were cap tured, and on the 20th Malan destroy ed the Midland mounted rifles. On that day Schalburger and Steyn presidents of the Transvaal and Fre State, respectively, sued a proclam there would be "ne independence August Kitchener issued his proclama banishment for all who had September 1st loers; ation declaring peace without Vth, tion of not surrendered by September 16th, Lotter's Boer 250 men was captured, and day following Gough's HRritish mand of three companies were cap tured at Scheeper"s Nek. Octoher 9th declared in Cap foree the com of martial law was Colony, the British maintaine camps for women an children and non-combatants, and prisoners, numbering more than 40, 000 men were deported to St. Helena the Bermudas and to England. Prison ers taken by the Poers wdre released and oftentimes sent to their lines un der éscort to insure their safety In the meantime lord Kitchener ganized a blockhouse and patrol sys tem, with troops lined over a stretch of territory forty miles lon~ in order to hem in Dewet, Delarey and Botha jut these rough riders of the veldt seemingly had no diffienlty kieaking through the lines, though manv rien were lost in the atten Sonnet ime the Boers drove hair herds of cate hefore them thron:b the fines to con fuse their opponents, This form of rapid strikes treats on the part of the ganized in small commandoes, and the dragnet svstem of closing in on the part of the British had been going on for months, when on March Sth last Gen. Delarey with 1,300 men surprised (en. Methuen with a like number killed 200 officers and men, took sev eral hundred prisoners, with their guns, amnnuition, horees ant con voyed . wagpons, and mabe fon. Me thuen himself a prisoner, with a brok en thigh. Having no medical facilities and be ing magnanimously disposed, Gen, De larey sent the distinguished British of ficer to his own lines under gnard and released all his prisoners. This gener conduct on the part of Del after the deportation of Crono the trial of Scheeper and Kritzinge: for treason by the British, seemed it being: about a festing throughout the whole world that peace ust soon come, The first indication was to be realized came when acting president Schalkburger with two commandants of the Boer army, entered the British lines at Bal moral under a flag of truce and pro eeeded to Pretoria. There they had a conference with Gen. Kitchener, as the resuly of which a meeting of the Boe: leaders was arranged to be held at Klerksdorp. Within the last few weeks bave been received to the effect that president Steyn oi the Orange Free State and some of the burgher gener als in the field had met. at Klerksdorp and later gt Pretoria with the British and the announcement that peace has been arranged is the outcome of their deliberations, For one year concentration or "n and re loers, or ous that this hore March 17th reports Spring Valley Views. Spring Valley, June 3.--The funeral of the late T. Gilroy took place on Friday and was largely attended: Mrs. McCallum presented her hns- band recently with two bahy girls. Mr. Davis is busily engaged with his stone crusher, repmiring the macada: mized road, which is in a very bad condition. A little baby boy has come to stay at Jonas Gilroy's. Joseph Parker went to Newbliss on Friday te see his brother, who is dangerously il. Mrs. Bolton, Newboro, visiled her sister. Mrs. Walter Fulford, ill for some time. Mra. Truesdale, ill for sor.e time, is able to be around again . A Raving hought & horse recently took it over to the United States and Leold it there, realizing quite a Profit. F¥abel Grant has been calling on Miss Mollie O'Donnel. Mbt init, Misz Alma Gordon a left last week for Syracuse, N N 10 enter as a nlrseintfaining, in oné of the hospitals tals of that city. She has lately both tus residing in New Dublin. Comstock' is negotiating for ER the Revere Bouse. at clive It be will expend 835.000 gets possession he d in. Wmprovemgnts. The early closing hy lTaw goes "into sfiect in Athens on Monday next, man-' CANADIANS OF TRE VELDY THEY WERE LOST FRCX MAIN BODY. They Had Stiuring Adventures and Had Fizally to Surrender ~The Burial Service Ove Graves of Enisley and Day. Hart's River the Canadians | one of r-{ After the action at on the 3st March, six of were missing. Brace, vivors, made the ment when in the hospital at toria. After reading such a of death and suffering, no wonder the good news of = peace thankinlly and gratefully "On Monday after were from the others, and could not get back to them, Kaisley said the neat! thing was to try and meet the convoy | afd help to defend it (they evidently were pot aware that the had reached the camp). We ised that we were Jost about all night, that we fancied towards our friends. Towards morning we rested | for about two hours and gave our horses the last of the We had nothing for moved | south east all day following story | that is S0 very received we separated § cCunvoy soon real We wandered | in any going way | was oats We $ and kept n | riding. At | ar | velock we 'were attacked by four Boers, we extended out and galloped | for a corn patch, dismounted theres and fired in volleys, under Knisley's dir tions. In about h an hour they dis appeared, we remounted, and move off and were soon attacked again. We galloped to a Kaffir enclosure and held the Boers off till dark. It was raining | ward. In the dark and rain moved | fi again leading our horses for about | three whet we mounted and rode judged was three miles that the Boers there and would | Tues lay t we miles what we (our idea fancied they had 2ot reinforcements during the night and surround us in the morning). We reached what we judged the dark | vas a good kopjie for defence, though | wer We lay down | nd in the rain utterly next morning (Wed Boers showed them their horses eparate ar cover (They ev tly had ne that ii was our men on the Both sides kept up a heavy we saw several hundred left, these sent about number to assist thos We fought for one o'clock to within 200 The were nore was us in wir horses exposed wm the wet grou swxhausted On nesday) eight wives We shot which caved -the two of mt ake nown Lope ) ire. Soon Joers on ifty of ther ittacking till about ap our us The yard all wours Joers came inder cove bullets eame ound ns, We wpart and kept ach other by hen. For wad he lay, @ about thirty yards up communication with calling every ancl time the rest of d nothing from Knisley I their ammunition w xpended after a shouted consul ati ided to surremder wonsidered it-was that or annihilation When the within 200 yards dis our ~aen were not prote y Knisl y and Day were het through the head ws all of everything lothing, taking our Brace asked to let him go and see two, but he said it woth were dead He asked to be lowed to bury them, he would not tow it, but said they would bury hem all together, Brace read a shor: funeral service them, the Boers kneeling with our men This to soften them somewhat and they Brace back his serge and him an old pair of Boer pants in ex hange for his own. MeCall and Cline got old shoes in exchange for their rood one Brace and Mipnett had socks, and the commandant gave a 'pass to prevent other molesting them. He condi nenied them on the fight they bad wt up. One man killed, two wounded and several horses killed. When all was wer they showed ns the direction of Klerksdorp and told us it was Hty miles We iwo nights getting the now some us or 1s about mn we as we Boers got side where ted and then like killed, hoth They stripped but our unter hats the about the was no use hey overed one and boots commandant other ven, as al al over seemaod rave gave mly them Boers Any about were two dave having no pro sun by eold and in irom might tection dav ar and no fe Klerksdorp a _sad state wepital since rheumatism, did circumstances Ww end Fhey m reached at noon Al suffering sore feet that no Do Friday, in have been in he from exy te. They evidently ould do under the you not think so ? wosure, all Brain Food Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fod has been branded by the most competent authorities. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the | body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or pre vent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy mil lions. A' few doses aids digestion, sti mnlates the liver to healthy action, purifies the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get this reliable remedy at Wade's drug store, A Soft Impeachment. Torre Hane THbuw it is not a pleasant thing te sav, bat it is nevertheless a fakt, that in no sphere of activity of a psewio re spoctable character is there moms fraud practiced than in the newspaper advertising field. The publivher claim ing to well the advertiser 10.000 vir. enlation can sell Wm 5.000 or 26a and can prevent bm Yrom knowing what-he is gettidg for his money, By the order of the postmaster pen eral the namie of Singleton post-offige bas lwtn changed to Croshy. The change took effect last week. ' Smith's White Lininent is the Wost penetrating Binisent known, and a , THHGERATORS We have the finest assortment ip the city, ranging from $7.50 to $25. We have the following lines to pick from : TELEPHONE CitY, BRANFORD, NORSEMAN, MICHIGAN, NORTHERN. ELLIOTT.BROS. 75 PRINCESS STREET. SIMPLY PERFECT. Nothing That Goes to Make Up the Finest Thing in Underwear is Left Out of Combination SUITS, SWEATERS, and WESCUTS, These goods in summer weights, all grades and all sizes | for men, women and children are on dealers sale at all first-class You can sve them by asking for them. aad aX 2 2 12 J MANUFACTURED BY THE KNIT-TO-FIT MFG, CO. 613 Lagauchetiere Street. Montreal. We can only by illustra- tion and a word or two of description in our catalogue, let out-of-town buyers know about our magnificent selec- tion of rings. Allthegemsarerepresented, All the good styles shown. '" Ryrie" Rings appeal to those who admire ring beauty, and the large num- ber we sell enables us to carry a stock that allows a splendid choice CATALOGUE SEXT UPON ATPLICATION. DIAMOND HALL." Ryrie Bros., Yonge and Adelaide Sts., TORONTO. A silky shine! Not a tinny glisten! Like the glossy coat of a well conditioned horse. Renews - life in leather. SLATER SHOE POLISH To Ka LET. TEER TSA RAR WIR AY GOOBM FURNISHED nRooMS Wil OR without board, 101 Queen sured Foun a MN WITH convenionoes, a8 GOOD PURNISHED with all woden Universit ry Avene THE 1s OF MAY, THAT VERY DR. sirable house, 117 Bagot # ed Gore, neue the Park Lares room all modera conveniences, water furuane. Apply ve x Shaw, Hon vr Hagot Street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. 0 ME RAT A ---- WONEX TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL one, at low rates of interest om and farm property. Investment Noriety. the Post Offices TWO HUNDRED some THOUSAND borLang L ove ------- dollars. vi an GODWIN 8 INR OREN over Express Office, Mar Liverpool, London and Globe Fire Insurancé Company, Available $61,187.215. In addition to which the policy holders have for *ssone fig Jeu unlimited Tiity of oll the soph FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. fdsuted of lowers possible rates. Helors révewing old or giving sew business get rates from STHANGE & STRANGE, Agents ARCHITECTS. © 3 STOREY ARC ha OFFIOR 178 wllington Rr ans, devigue, ap ettanded Satislantion guarantesd, Telephone, ------------------------ at POWFR & SON, ARCIITREOTS, NERON- ents' Pak Bud . sormer Beock and Wellington streets. "Phose 212 ARTI ng OW hy mn i iff 16 wie i kt RT wricy a and Mongol Hirneta UNDERTALERS, SCR SL A A TR Se ee 8. 8. CORBETT, DIRBOTOR, W FUNCYe Kingston, Seccascor ww ¥, 8 FUNERAL Firest, Drennan. . ---- JAMES REID, THE LEATING UNDERTAKER 2364-806 Princess Ruroet. Tolephone 1478. Ops day and night T. ¥. HARRISON CO, Undertakers, 233.235 Prinesss 94, Unality and oficicney the best. Prion oo "Phones ome, 90. sg a a : J Annisom, ", Calle. Toodyear Wetted" F."G. Lbtkett, Sole Local Agent. di. rey * 8 (HOT ara Hanes ORDER BY NAME, The New Incandescent Light YOTTO LAMP RIVALS THE SUN. BRECK & HALLIDAY, SOLE AGENTS. Tia Kingsan Rag 8 Mota Gs, GEO. CLAYY 5 OFFERING GREAT BAR onion i» this fam 115 Brock steel,

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