1 bad two re' sufl- ge ele oe MRS. E SAILER, ' Rretident Qorman 4 Amogiitiony | os 'al ; oh time how I would feol the , Jive bottles of Lydia BE. 's Vi SEs i Rr " Te a. have . considerable of your Vi pound ia pur charitable find shat to restorca poo th hw AAaent weak her be, is t charity than to oly You ha have my hearty a you have proven yout i a a friend to suffering wo- Lo Angelos. Bs 754 a -- On oo Person can give such wl who . ham, for no other has had such great experience--her address is Lynn, Mans, andi her advice freo--if Ton are are sick write her--you are if you don't. i 3 iJ Nor s0 CLEVER. Street Car Conductor's Turned Upon Himself. One of the former street - conduc tors of Washingtoptssmsiiin "Fatty" because of Ris i ndency an ahnormal development of adif tissue. Everybody 0 rose vith liked him. Like many of the conductors on the Hue, "Fatty" been greatly would get on his car and tender hin' a $10 note from which to' deduct 'the fare. Of course, the conductor teuld not make the change and the man got his ride free. At last, however, "Fal ty" determined that he would teach at least ome of thews a lesson. So; one m . before "starting out on his yun he Went: to the cashier and = got him 810 in. penpics. A lew: days later a man. 1 the car and handed "Fatty" 8 $10 note. "Fatty" spokd not a ward but went straight to the © of the car where he had de } posi ay shwiracting five of them, handed balance to the passe The latter protested ni he did not want that kind of change, but "Fatty" fusisiod that he could not do any hotter, and the. passenger accept ed the bulky package with the best grace. could under. the eircn- stances. Fatty" felt good all day over what he had done, and after his day's work he was recounting dg some of his colleagues at the conduc aa hos at the barn how he had ahead of the obnoxious peasy A of a sudden the cashier called Joke to pt But : * uty, did you Aww in this sy ed "er was the reply. I, Jon will have to good," said the cashier. terfeit." make it "It is a coun- Carnegie And The Press. Journalist, Prom or starting for Europe on Tues' day last, Andrew Carnegie told a number of newspaper men that he way Ahinking seriously of buying several Dewspapers , in this country. "Of courve," he added, "there is nothing certain about it, but as it looks now 1 L some day buy up. some news annoyed by 'men dhol} ing bag containing the pennied Pamongst them helt L., Rev. son-inctaw, + John - Leslie, ~pbankers, TERMS OF LODGE BILL FOR PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT. Measure Passed By the Senate Grants the Islanders a Large Measure of Home Rule and Guarantees the Protection of "the United States. Washington, June 4,-~The Lodge Philippine government hill, as passed by the senate yesterday, approves the action of the president in creating the Philippine commission and the offices of civil governor and vice-govemor of the islands, and anthorizes the gov- ernor and vicegovernor to exercise the powers of government as directed by «J exeoutive ovier. Future appointments of the governor or vicesgovernor shall he made by the president with the ad- ice and consent of the senate. The 'bill of rights" of the United States constitution are applied to the Philippine islands with the exception of the wight to bear arms and the t fo a trial by jury. court and other courts of the islands shall exercise jurisdic tion as heretofore provided by the commission and the jus- tices of the supreme court shall be ap- pointed by the president and the se nate, the others by the civil governor and the commission. The action of the president of the United States in levying and collec ing taxes is approved. Alt the inhabitants of the Philip- pine islands are deemed to be citizens of the Philippine islands, and entitled to . the protection of the United States. When the insurrection in the islands shall have been subdued a careful cen- sus of the islands shall be taken, and after such consus the governor of the islands shall make a. full rt to the president, and make le tions as to future government. A Moonlight Excursion. Point Traverse, June 4,~Mr. and rs. James Hudgin, False Ducks Isle, are spending a fow weeks with friends and relatives on the mainland. Charles Hineman has a new binder. Fdwin Ashley is very ill with typhoid fever, mow steamboat took a moonlight excursion around the isl ands on Saturday night. All report a fine time. R. Rorabeck is doing some carpenter work for A. Blakeley, missionary society wii ovo - Union on Sunday af freer A. Loney, of the Sal ar] or Caiifornin. will preach ot Fabnan. Sunday cvening, Miss Maude Hudgih, Albert college, is visit- pre nd Mrs. A, A. Hudgin, of = this place. Visitors: Mr, and Mere John Bongard, Picton, at H: Bongard's; Burton Minaker, Cherry Valley, at J. W. Dulmage's; Mr. and Mrs. I. Head at A. Welbank's, Royal street, ---- The Late Joba Laidlaw. The remains of the late John law were taken to Montreal by 1.25 GTR. train this afternoon. short 'sirvice was conducted at house by Rev. Mr. Macgillivray. the coffin were: many floral offerin being wreaths from the Laid. the A the On ployees of deceased, and the trus a of Chalmers church, and a St. Andrew's cross from Kingston St. ' Andrew's society. Elders of Chalmers church were bearers--G. M. Macedon Dr. Jordan, Rev. R. 5 A Williamson and G. W. The two sons; David G. A. nogompanied ithe re Mont eal Fhe funeral will the residence of doceasl's to Mount Royal cemetery on Thursday morning 1! Sunday School Organized. Desmond, June 3,~The Sabbath has been lately ainniz. the. able Crai VananiF "and" John imaink 40 hg. from school Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Summer coats at the H. D. Bibby Co, ' The county council meets next Tues day. This is the negligie shirt store. The H. D. Bibby Co. Best E slish trusses 50¢, Roche's old stand. Mrs. and the Misses Drury purposes spending the summer at Halifax The Frontenac hotel barber shop is again opened. A. J. Lee is proprietor 'oar bottles of catsup made from fresh, ripe tomatoes, for 25c. at Mul lin's grocery. Neckwear wants supplied here. Have you seen the Ping-Pong 50c.. The H. D. Bibhy Co. The schools will close for the sum mer on June 25th, to be reopened on September 2nd Farmers report that the hay this vear will be of fine quality enormous in quantity, .D. McRae left this afternoon on 8 business trip through the west, go ing aw far ax Sault Ste. Marie. Mes. John Muckleston and Miss Helen Muckleston are in Toronto stay- ing with Mrs. and Miss Merrick, Glou cester street. Rev. Mr. Cram, for each. ore w» and recently Preshyter- ian minister at Harrowsmith, is in the city He leaves for his new charge at Cobden to-morrow, Mrs. H. H. Tout, and Mrs. Phil lips, Watertown, N.¥., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lee, Wel lington. street, returned home this ai- ternoon. Coupons good for silverware. chairs, tables, ete,, given on every lic. pur chase at Mullins grocery, corner of Johfiston and Division streets. 'There was not a quorum at the base ball meeting last night. The man agers of the various teams in the city amateur league will mdet at Con- gress Hall on Thursday evening. St. James' Sunday school held concert last evening. The cogsisted of gramaphone selections, solos, readings and instrumental music. There was a large attendance Robert Carroll, Barrie street, is seriously Il. He is eighty-three years of age. He has . been confined to his home since Saturday. His grandson, Dr. R. C, Hiscock, Rednersville, Ont., has been summoned to his side. At the armouries last night it was given out in orders that the regiment had received an invitation to visit Montreal on the 26th inst. However, this invitation will not be accepted unless the men of the differ ent companies attend regularly all future battalion and company drills The ec nies drill as follows : "A" "D"' and "FF" companies, Thursday night, "RB" company, Wednesday night, and "C" and "E" companies, Friday night. Battalion parade, as usual, Tuesday night. a programme Some Rural Kinetescopes. "Why, helio, Mr. Greengoods, 1 ain't seen you since I was down to York | Guess I'll have ter show you around." of Thomas Wagar, as su nneaent. L. C. Switzer will raise his new barn on Wednesday afternoon. Thomas Mills and wife, Kingston, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart, for the 'past week. Mr. Mills is head of the firm of Mills and Cunningham, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Evans a Master Fyerett, of Moscow, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Henderson, Sunday. A base: ball team has been organized here. We expect to see them after some of the league teams soon. Standing of the Leagues. Philadalohi and give you boys an int . Fodon't: know any hurder men than these connected i press. 1 have had the mat- big purchasing newspapers in my some time, and I am very auch fnovested in journalism." ER -------- "North King" leaves King: 'Sundays, a 5 , for Roches I and J. 'Hani. lan iw The Belfast harbor board has voted £8000 (8), (8! ay to construct a feet 'long. capalle vessely to i h. 8t. on, A457; Cleve: National leagueFittabu S11 Bo cent; Chicago, .066; ts Philadelphia, ANG; Bar 429, New atk, ALT Cincintati, 370; St. Louis, A Jeague_Buftplo, 621 coh; Rochester; 083: Toranto, Providence, 317; Jersey City, Worcester, 481; Newark, 448; real, WE ha Dewart's Jubilee, Ax oF BS Dewart, Toronto, wag received in probation fou the minis: try at wc Wetlaytn M t con Kingiion, in in 1852, r shall ¥ per Hb; "500; Mon- "This is the base of supplies our cheese. factory 1' "An' this is biggest butter works !" our in of "This is ove of the most useful struments weed in the cultivation SOME LIVELY OCCURRENCES IN CHICAGO. A Driver Attacked--Pitched Bat- tie Between Strikers and Negro Substitutes--Several Badly In- jured. Chicago, June 4. Early today a waggon belonging to ex-alderman Dudkiloston, driven by a non-union man and loaded with hams and ba con, was set upon at the Chicago and Northwestern railway station by a crowd of toughs and strike sympathiz ers. The waggon was overturned and the meat stolen. After belaboring some of his assailants with 3 club the Iriver ran. The police arrived too late to make arrests. A pitched battle occurred between negroes, imported from St. Louis to take the places of the striking yard temmsters, and toughs and strikers at 15th street and Centre avenue, early to-day. Six negroes were badly in pared, two probably mortally. The substitutes were driving waggons when assanited. Machinists Deny The Charges. An official of the machinists' union made the following statement to a Whig representative this afternoon We wish to emphatically deny the statements furnished the press yester- day hy the president of the late iron workers' helpers' umion and by the management of the locomotive works The statement that we made false re- [Pfmeztastiting and lies to pregident Gompers is utterly untrue. They are publishing statements injuring our cause, and these statements are not correct. We are not fighting over Gra- ham alone; that is one case out of many. But we are fighting for a prin ciple. We do not want a newspaper controversy over the matter, but are willing to disenss it fairly and reason ably. We think we have been wrongly treated, and are merely standing up for our rights." The macoinists held a meeting in la bor hall this afternoon. There was no change in the situation to-day. A New Postmaster. Eronesttown Station, June 3. -- F Laidley has moved on his farm at Link's Mills, and Orton Amey is in dalled as postmaster here. Mr. Laid lev will carry on his business in hay, grain, ete., as usual. Mrs, Charlotte Amey is putting her mill property in thorough repair. E. Amey purposes leaving for the west about the 15th inst. He spent three weeks of his va cation in Toronto, and reports a very enjoyable time. George Robinson, Kingston, spent a few days at N. Amey's recently. Mrs. Burnett has returned from visit at Odessa Visitors : Mr, and Mrs. Bowen and children at W. Doyle's; Mrs. and Mise Delaney, Amherst Island, at her daughter's, Mrs. Baker. Malcolm Hogle returned from visiting his brother, Stanley, at Lyn: B. Davy, Croyden; Mrs, Gibbard and daughter, Napanee, at Gilbert's. her R. R. A Time For Shrieking. Toronte Globe We have no desire that the liberals should hold power by any but hon est means. But shrieking about fraud is a very different thing from procm ing and producing the evidence there of. However, there is no particular harm even in the shrieking, and it may afford our friends the enemy some much-needed relief. They are in a querndous mood just now, and in clined to extract dark and s.mister meanings out of the most simple and straightforward language; but we suppose that is to be expected, too Did Not Return The Skiff. On election day a young man, has resided in the city for some rented a skiff from William Card? Wolfe Island; in which to come to the city, promising to return the boat next day. He did not do so, and yes terday Mr. Card came to the city, and informed the police. The skiff was found in the vicinity of Macdonald park, with the oars T he young man is not in the city at pres ent, and the cause of big action is not known. who tune, missing. A Lively Runaway. A rig from RE. Wilson's livers was proceeding along lower Montreal street this morning when the axle broke and the horse ran awav. After a furious run the animal rushed on to the wharf near Richardsons' ele vator, and had the buggy not become fast in some lumber the horse would have gone into the lake. The rig was badly damdged, while the hind legs of the horse received deep cuts Receives An Appointment. Mal, James Galloway i= awaiting orders to report at Torontae, where he will GIF the position of district" staff adjutant, a similar position to that which he held last year. He should have reported for duty on June Ist but for some remson the order has heen delayed. He expects it to arrive anv minute. Mai. Galloway will still retain his position as major of the 14th regiment. Has Gone To Toronto. Evans, captain of the bi club and one of the steiking ma chinists at the locomotive works, pe to Toronto, where has secur: ay Al ponition, Harry Hunter x Benn have Geo Selected By the Montreal Metho- dist Conference. Winieterial--Dr. Betison, Dr. Antiiff, Dr. T. G. Williams, Dr. W. I. Shaw, J. B. Mavety, Dr. Ryckman, W. Tim berlake, W. Sparling. Dr: Rose, M Taylor, Dr, Grifith, T. J. Mansell, C 8. Deeprose, F. G. Lett, D. Winter, James Edfiott, T. B. Conley, 4 T. Pitcher, Dr. Jackson, Hugh Cairns Alternates--S. J: Hughes, W. Philp, ¥. C. Reynolds. Lay--Abraham Shaw, W. H. Lambly, judge Deacon, Charles Morton, Johr Cunningham, J. R. Lavell, M.P., 8. J, Carter, Lockburn B. Scott, John Jor rence, C. W. Bate, A. R. Oughtred, Tomkins, W. G. Hunt, Dr. Pri oS. a C. C.. Knight, W. Thoburn, J. 8S. Bates, justice Hritton, CC. W. Coates, J. W. Mix. Alternates--W. H. Godwin, Smith and A. D. Vancamp. George Gibson, a probationer, ap undergraduate of Queen's university desired to continue his work there. Tt was proposed to Jet him resign, but the conference over-ruled the distriet. leaving him without appointment, and thus * retaining his name on the roil while th attendance at Queen's college Dr No Room Sideways. "Why, goodness sakes, wags his tail up and down! "Oh! yes ; you see he was raised in a flat." your dog Brother Dickey On Adam. Atlanta Constitution sees," said Brother Dickey, "dat one er de preachers is in trouble, 'bout de sarpint what tempted Eve Now, dat's mighty fur back ter go huntin' fer trouble, but I reckin Ad am mus' feel lak reachin' over en shakin' han's wid 'im. De preacher | talkin' 'bout don't b'l'eve in de snake story, but lay all de blame on de man. Adam can't he'p hisse'f now, en hit looks onfair ter be naggin' at im dataway. 1 feels sorry fer 'im sometimes dat I amos' wish I wuzn't related ter 'im! But I'll bet you one propersition." "What's that?" "FI Adam had ter be made over, én wue libin' in dis day en time, he wouldn't be so free wid spareribs." sO The One Who Has A Song. Nixon Waterman in Success The cloudmuaker says it is going tw storm, And we're sure to have awlul weather Just terribly wet, cold, or warm, Or, maybe, all three tovether But, while his spirit is overcast With the gloom of his dull repining, The one with a song comes smiling past And, lo! the sun is shining or The clondmaker tolls us the world is wromy And is bound in an evil fetter, But the blue-sky man comes bringing a song Of hope that shall make it better And "the totlers, bearing his voice, The sign of a glad tomorrow, Whose bands are bempasd with the Of which each heart may borrow "The Twentieth Century Train' is the title given the twenty-hour fiver which will be placed into service between New York and Chicago ovex the New York Central and Lake Shore railroads Sunday; June 15th: twill he the fastest long-distance train 1 the world In the trip to Chicago and return a day can be saved by taking the flyer The C.N.R. bill has pa i ond reading in the British Columbia house, bebvoid purest gob new Ha meg COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. Montreal, June 4Flour reosipis, Sx bbls; patent winter, $3.50 to $4.00; patent spring, 84 to $4.20; swaleght rober, $3.50 we $3.00; strong bekers, $3.70 to $8: Ou fario bags, $1.70 to $1.50; wheat, No. 2 Apsrcbn bad, B0c. so 820. , T0e. Ww pons, 8c. to Blo; vate, 4c. Ww Fis SPer wo Hilo: tir Ode wheat, €7c. to O80. oatmes!, $2. & corneoeal, $1.40 10 $1.50 tard, Se. to Ye: beavon t 13¢, to ld chewse, townships, 1%e. to 20¢; n, 13 tu I8e,; exes. llc. to 13 MONTREAL STOCKS fu A Canadian Pacific 374 Detrois Eisewie RE Winnipeg Electric 146) Montreal Street Ry 280 Toronto Street Ry 1234 St. Joba Steet Rv (NM) Twin City Transit 119% Richelieu & Ontario 13 Commercial Cabin . 168 Nompeal Telegraph I Telephone . Pemiion Iron & Sieel Com ontrest Heat, Light & Power ontfenl Colton... .. Ry 1 8. Seed U8 Seely PRL oie Tenn, Coal de Iron... ET Tey set PAY WHEN CURED You seed pay no nothing until you el need # oom ae Ars whe 00 3 Makes no ha a Each timc you call you ses me Personally, time yort'write it rectives my personal attention. The number of years I Sehad in Detrals ee A bot Fg in. "T The Latest Method od Treat ent Guaranteed to Cu Cure hranin: Brvate. Worvoms. Impotency. Chron. Private. Nervous, Troubles. ATR FRER Ou mang. Perfect sswoem of home § icines for Canadian patients shipped DR. GOLDB NTE ERG, aon ater, Shomer ais Tan Spel FOR SE Wooeward Ave., Gor. Witeex st DETROIT, MICH. LACE CURTAINS WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMF NT OF PRETTY AND DURA- BLE LACE CURTAINS, ALL MARKED AT QUICK. SELLING CASH PRICES. A neat and pretty Lace Curtain for 25¢c. a pair. - We show several beauties 50¢. and 75¢c. a pair. at | Floor Oil Cloth, 1, 1}, lj and 8 | yards wide, new patterms, 280. a | yard. English Floor and Scotch Lino Our big leadsr--a Great Seller-- { leum, 2 and 4 yards wide, at ost only $1 a pair. Finer Cutains from $1.25 $5 a pair. We show big values. Curtain Musling and Nets, in many patterns, 8c. to 38c. a yard. | Art Blinds, complete, or by the | yard--all colors--all widths. Curtain Pdles, in White, Oak or Mahogany, 5, 10, 12 feet long. i to] | | | | White Cotton and Silk Curtain | Tassels and * Art Blind Laces, Stair Plates, Blind Rollers and Drapery Pins. | { | price. Tapestry Body and Stair Care pets at clearing sale prices. Wool and Union clearing sale prices. Carpets at Wool and Tapestry Squires at clearing sale prices. Japanese Matting, new designs, 12§c. to 35¢c. a yard. 3 When looking for your sew eur- tain or carpet call on CRUTILEY BROS. One of the Leading Millinery Stores of Ontario. ET rT ea te rr D & A Straight Front Corset. This new approved corset is un surpassed. It gives the upright poise, sloping bust, extended waist line and graceftil round hips so much sought after, D & A Corsets are approved by *' society." Most merchants sell them, if your dealer does not, send to us, Price $1.00 to $3.00 per pair--made in White, jrey and Black. DOMINION CORSET Mig. CO. QUEBEC--MONTREAL-TORONTO, A. Abernethy, THE CHEAPEST CANNOT BE THE BEST. LABATT'S 3 a) LAN, bE 0 vz). NZ 5) It Is Remarkable For its Purity. THE CANADA | METAL -- OXFORD SHOES The Newest In The Market, We have the finest aseor'« ment of Ladies' and Gents' OXFORD SHOES ever shown in Kingston, Call and See Them. Trunks- and _ Valises, Lg ------ On The Market. ANY Best in the