Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jun 1902, p. 6

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. He Widow Garduing y Phoebe 'Allan and Dr Godfrey. Bubjects--What to Grow, Pemenial and An nial, Sowing sod Arranging Borders, Bubs, Rockerien, Arthos and Bereens, Window Boxes, Window Gardening, Moss and Creep crn. Cloth--80 cents. B. URLOW & 00, Booksellers, 141 Princess Street. How Well; It Looks! al Fale say after using our Ourselves and guarantes it the abs; vamish Steins, carriage Mitchell's Hardware. W. NEWLANDS. ARCHITECT. rg POND _ FLOOR OVER wu WNTRANGR NN BAGOT RTRERT TO-LET, 118 STUART 6TREET, 9 ROOMS, WOT water | other buildings, Parts sod J. 8. R McCann, 51 3: 4, corner King. Dr. 0. W, Daly's Dental Office will 5 May whew he seturne COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS . June 5.-Flour receipts 600 i Paton oa a ERI $400; potent bu "roller, "84.50 70 to [4 d 800. to 82a.: corn, 0c. to $ee0e 28 IN 8 HH] 2 83 ges we raises 3 gps: Wise Clock. clock is different from a She---A man. He--In what respect ? She--When it strikes it keeps right on working, COMMERCIAL MAMTEERS iis "hat is Going on in the Pnsins World--The Market News, A good crop of prupes and almonds promised this veer in the Livermore Valley Cal The Bulletin dew Hallow (Paris) = estimates the number of horses in the world at 74, H00,000, the puader of mules and sess at 12,100,000, The largest mass of pure rock salt in the world lies under the provieess of Galicia Hungary It i= mown to be 560 mile jong, twenty miles broad, and 250 feet iv thicknesn. The production of steel wire nails in bx United Stotes in 1901, accordine to J. MN Swnnk., amounted to 9.808822 kevs © 100 pounds, as compand with 7.283897 kegs in 1900, an increswe of 2.509.843 kegs or over thirty-five per cent Experiments in the growing of sugar beets will be conducted by the proviecial govern ment during the present season wear Bean dod, Morden, Winnipeg, Carberry, Gretna Pilot Mound, Boissevain, Melita and Car man Two plots will be planted near each of these places, the object of this being W test two varieties of beets There was a sharp break in the price of Cannlinn Pacific on Montreal wtock warket today, from 136, at the opeming, to 184]. Subsoquently there was o recovery 1354. Iv is reported that the Moniren! members of a bull pool played the Toromtc oetwbers by quietly liguidatine while the Toronto contingent was bulling the price for 150. A number of stop orders were reached in the market yesterday and this moring which beloved the decline. This market went lower than Wa. strest level. Detroit United rallway was a feature of the trading wp $08, but the ress of the market was dul and heavy. SAILED OUT OF KINGSTON Way Back in '42--0ld Lake Cap- tain Dead. Capt. B. F. Rounds, one of the old ost masters pn the great lakes is dead at Benton Harbor, | ich. at the age of seventy-seven years. His experience on the great lakes dates back into the first half of the last century, for he sailed on the Lady of the Lake, ply ing between Cape Vincent, N.Y., and Kineton, as early as 15842. Two Ladies Hurt. Late this morning, Mrs. (Capt.) Booth, Miss Booth and Mise Fdna Booth were driving on Princess street in a carriage. When near the driving park, Williamsville, an axle broke, and the horse started to run away. All three ladies were thrown out on the road, Mrs. Booth and Miss Booth were bruised and severely shaken up, but fortunately sustained no serious injuries. Miss Edna Booth escaped unhurt. The injured ladies were driven home, and medical attendance sum moned: the Flower Thieves At Work. Flower thieves have been at work on the . fine stands in front of the resi dence of Mrs. Sutherland, Barrie street, Several "valuable pots have been picked wp. Last year similar faids occurred, but the potd were re covered and Miss Sutherland is hop ing she may be as successful again. The Yacht Club Dance. The first yacht club dance of the season was held 'last evening, and was a very pleasant svaning: There were about 125 young present, in cluding a number outside the eity. Among the Istter were Miss Rutherford, Toronto, and Miss Me Clement, Quebec, ' At Osgoode Hall. Coulson va. Mackenzie~J. A. Mac Intosh, for plaibtifi, moved for order changing venve from. Cornwall. te Kingston, Order made. Costs in -~ MILLIONS ARE NEEDED For NEW DEMANDS. End of The War Finds England Requiring Further Expenditure of $200,000,000. London, June 5.--8ir Michael Hicks Beach, chancellor gave a lengthy review last night in situation. He said thai the © whole in the budget for the prosecution of the war would be needed to effect the demobilization and the transportation of the British troops in South Africa. to move the Boer prisoners from the various concentration camps and to furnish garrisons for South Africa He said he proposed to continue the new taxes for the present; but he ack ed the hows to resume the sinking fund as the best step toward re-estab ing the credit of the country. Still At His Post. The report that lord Kitchener will come home for the coronation of king Fdward is incorrect He still has much to do in South Africa, and it is not likely that he will leave there be fore the middle of July. The South Alrican commands will then be divi ded, Gen. Lyttleton taking charge of the Transvaal and the Orangé River Colony, and Gen lan Hamilton veliev ing Gen. French in command of the forces in the Cape Colony. In spite of opinion expressed by Sir Yichael Hicks. Beach in the house there 18 a general idea that it would be langerous to leave too small garri sons in the new colonies for some time. A GREAT TASK, Was That Accomplished By Lord Kitchener. Pretoria, on the terms of peace, correspondent there, of the Times, says he believes the fact that who are a very law-abiding people, have, through their leaders, formally acknowledged the sovereignty of king terms of peace, continued the corres pondent, are best described as gener wis in all personal matters, but firm on the main political issues affecting the future government. The grant of £3,000,000 is equal to £100 to each farmer in the two colonies. It is im Jortant to remember that the Cape the northwest, but neither these or ir- reconcilable Boers are likely to give much trouble, the enemy were in his grasp, con tinues the Times' correspondent, no ne was more eager than lord Kitch- regotiations 'and lord Kitchener's great ers, played no small part in determin ing their attitude will, in retrospect be one of the treatest military achievements in the vistory of Great Britain. ea RUN OVER BY TRAIN. -- A Little Boy Becomes Confused on a Bridge. Woodstock, June 5. Christopher Babb, aged three and five years, were erossing the (.P.R. bridge just west of the city this morning, and had reached the centre of it, when a heavy freight came along. The boy became so frighteced that he lay dow n nm the track, and was struck by the train which could not be stopped in time to avoid an accident. His little sister 'managed to crawl to the edge of the bridge and was unhurt, little fellow died shortly afterwards as a result of his injuries. -------------- WILLIAM SMITH FINED For-Assaulting Mayor Fowke, Of Oshawa. Oshawa, June 5. William Smith, ex M.P., of Columbus, appeared before magistrate Murton yesterday, charged with assaulting F. 1. Fowke, mayor of Oshawa, at a political meeting in Columbus, on Muy 24th, Upon hear ing the charge read, Mr. Smith ad mitted the assault, and was fined £20 and costs, amounting in all to about 850. ---------------- Election Of Chairmen. At the Methodist conference at Sherbrooke, balloting ensued for el ection of chainnam of districts. The result was that in every case save one, Huntingdon, the first vote was sufficient. The following are the chair. men and secretaries of their respec- tive districts: Montreal, Dr. Williams, Melvin Taylor; Kimgston, Dr. Anthiff, E. Crummy; Brockville, J. BE. Mave ty, G. S. Clendinnen; Matilda, Dr. Ryckiman; 8. J. Hughes; Perth, J. T, Pitcher, _W. £. Jamieson; Pembroke, Dr. Benson, James Pletts; Ottawa, Sparling, A. A. Radley: Waterloo, T. B. Conley, W. H. Stavens Stanstead, 8. we, W. Hewitt; Hunting. don, F. A. Read, H. W. Warren. American Tax On Vessels. Ottawa, June 5.<An inspection fee of 85 w-tomape tax of eight cents a ton, is being collected on Canadian vessels entering United States lake ports, although no sweh tax is charg. by Canada except in' the case of | vessels entering seaports. Numerons complaints have been received at the marine « and the minister 8 now givieb his attention to the subject. * ----n Government Not A Purchaser. Montreal, June 5.-~La Patrie an nounces that it is in a position to deny the rumors that the goverment "was about to purchase the Canada At: Rev. A. HW. Reynar, DD. LLD., Victoria university. Toronto, has been electmd president of the of Quinte conference of the Method i ¥ session at Napanee. of the exchequer, | the house of commons of the financial | the Boers, | Edward, may mean a great deal. The | rebels may still continue operations in | Although certain that | ener to secure the success of the peace | sersonal influence over the Boer lead- | The great task ! vhich lord Kitchener has aecompliched | Two children of The | Dr. Rose, 8. 6. Bland; Quebee, W. H. | A Serviceable Jacket--The Long 2 Turn Down Collar. A jaunty and serviceable garment is made of black broadcloth of an ex- quisitely fine texture stitched with white Corticelli silk. It j» cut with a long turs-down collar and has white moire revers. Fancy stitching, in which the favorite diamond recurs | again and again, as well as stitched | straps are features of trimming, lor ! which Corticelli stitching silk, size D, {is almost always employed. Other £40,000,000 (200,000,000) provided for | cording, per forated straps and straps of peau de | #nie or satin, as well as moire, fol lowed by a varied assortment of braids. Perforation following some dainty pattern or design and showing the foundation of some special lining | are very handsome, also the appliqued | trimmings of cloth, tafieta or moire. London, June 5.~In a despatch from | the | FRONTENAC CHEESE. Many Boxes Boarded, But Few Were Sold. Kingston, June 5.5At the regular | weekly meting of the Frontenac cheese hoard, held this afternoon, 1, 712 cheese 'were boarded, as follows White--Odessa, 60; Cataragui, 70; Crow Lake, 25; Forest, 180; Harting ton, 115; Hinchinbr Model, 60; Silver Spring, 55; Glendower, 35; Collins Bay, 80. Total, 625. Colored---Odeksa, 120; Glenburnie, 66: Glenvale, '65; Granite Hill, 80: Gilt Edge, 60; Maple Leal, 6; Morning Star, 60; Ontario, 41: Pine Hill, 90; Rose Hill, 70; Sand Hill, 75; St. Law- rence, 36; Tichborne, 35: Thousand Is lands, Elginburg, 100; Wolfe Is land, 49; Frontenac, 30. Total, 1087. The highest price bid was 9fc., and at this price the following sales were made To Bissel-Maple | and Sand Hill. To Alexander--Tichbhorne To Mackinnon--Frontenac and Crow Lake. To Murphy Wolfe Island. k, 25; Leaf, Pine ilill, RECOUNT AT NAPANEE, | The Outlook Is 'Still In Favor Of Madole. The latest report from Napanee | that Carscallen has gained two votes { in the Lennox recount, thus tying the | vote with Madole. The recount is be | ing conthueted in private. The law- | yers are busy disputing the legality [4 certain rejected ballots and it is 1 | is not likely that any decision will be reached for some time. In case of a tie the returning officer will have the deciding vote. ---- King Edward's Irish Terrier. | London, Modern Society. | The king bas given a commission to | Misy/ Magill, the clever artist who ! mo ® ammals her speciality, to paint {the 'portrait of the Irish terrier who {18 his prime favorite and constant | companion, and always accompanies him on hi= yachting expeditions wand visits; in fact he refuses to be left be- hind, and, his master declares, will insist on having a' place at the cor jonation. This favored canine subject | gave his first tings at Buckingham { palace. He is a dog of decided char acter, with a wense of his own im portaficn, and could nit 'be induced to Lets the desired cock of the head { and expectant prick of the ears unless his master remained outside the half {open door. This the king, greatly to | his amusement, 'was obliged to do while the sketch was being made, as be wished the dog to be taken in this particular position, with that air of | alert listening which makes the por- trait of a terrier wo lifelike. Both king and queen are exceedingly fond of | *d . j mines in and about Olyphant, where animals, and have the way with them | that is born, and not acquired, which at o inspires cresturts with con fidence and affection, a at Five Minutes For The Sermon. Modern Boekety. If the bishop of London's sermon at the abbey is to be limited to five min- utes he must take a ghorter text than his predecessor at Jueen Victoria's coronation, who jgeached from the thirty-first verse of the thirty fourth chapter of the second book of Chron- thes © "And the king stood in his place. and made a sonvenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord, and to keep His commandments and His tes: | timonies and statutes, snd with all bis heart and with all bis soul to form the words of 'the covenant which are written in this book." ---------------------- City inwer Kirkpatrick returned this Eon from Hamilton, where he was detained for. three days on an imporiant action at the assizes. The case was settled after two witnesses were It is very that the het ween key that Whe prague TE QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, Matters That Everybody ~Notes From Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and The official majority for Reid, "eon- | servative, in Addington, is 570. William Dowd, wanted by Canadian authorities, has 'been arrested 5 Philadelphia. Hon. Clifiord Sifton will erect a summer residence at Whitney's Point, near Brockville. Berlin city council has granted 10 - 000 marks for the relief of the volea- no sufferers in St. Vincent A strike of the conductors and mot- ormen has tied up the street cars of Providence, R.I., and nearby places. Crescent street Presebyterian church, Montreal, has formally called John Mackay, Lucknow, Ont., to be their pastor. The engagement is announced in Port Hope oi Miss Florence Beatrice {Daisie) Deyell, to William OC. Brent, Toronto The C. P. R. contuctors want an increase in their wages. A committee visits Montreal mext week to make their requests. The official count for North Grey has beeo postponed until Friday, on ac count of two certificates not being re tarned by deputies. The automobile club of America has decided to discountenance racing, on public holidays in view of serious ac cidents that have happened. On the C. P. R. the new minimum rate of wages has been raised from #43 to $46 for telegraphers and from 590 to $05 for despatchers, A despatch from The Hague says There is no foundation for the report that Mr. Kruger is ill. On the con trary, he is enjoying good health Sheriff Brown, returning officer, for West Elgin, has declared the result of his official count for that riding, 502 majority for MeDiarmid, conservative The bill providing for the Germani zation of the Polish provinces of Prussia has passed its second read ing ih the lower house of the Prussian diet. The "iron founders and the iron moulders are meeting in Montreal to day to deal with the claims of the moulders for a uniform rate of $350 per day. The eroww Brine of Japan has started on a tour through the north eastern provinces of Japan as prac tice for his forthcoming visit to Ame- rica and Europe. The statement that C. E. Fisher, Queenston, had been appointed. regis trar of the county of Lincoln, is con tradicted. The appointment has not been considered by the government. The engagement is announced of Miss Doreen Dent, daughter of Lieut.-Col Dent, Malton, Yorkshire, England, late of the 7th Dragoon Guards, to Regi nald Brock, son of W. R. Brock, M. 1. M. Henri Brisson (ex premier) who a radical republican in polities went to the Elysee palace today, as are sult of president Loubet's stimmonses and was asked to form a new cabinet He declined. Edward Yateman, Charles Lane, Charles Enright, and two tramps are under arrest at Watertown, N.Y charged - with stealing articles from cars in the New York Central rail way yards at that place. W. C. Schreiber, well known all over Canada, died on Wednesday night at his home near Marthaville, Out. My Schreiber had filled many important positions. At time he was pur chasing agent for the G.T.R. So anxious were the conservatives to defeat the Hon. Mr. Davis that two cases of attempted persopation occurred in North York, and action for the punishment of the offenders has already been taken by the liber als. St--John; NB; préstiviery "to-day recommends to the general assembly that it admit to the ministry Rev. S. Bacon Hullock, Anglican, and that the assembly do not allow the pres bytery of Winnipeg to receive as a minister Rev. N. P, Gross, formerly a Baptist in New Brunswick. (Mi Sydeney, (AB.. a dory containing two American fishermen, Solomon Spinney and Edward Nurse, was picked up. They had strayed from their vessel, during a fog on the Sun day previous. The men were adrift three days and three nights without food or water and were thoroughly exhausted. The first demonstrations against the working engineers, firemen and pump ranners in the Lackawanna Valley oc curred today, at Serantom. No seri ous disorder attended it, but it cane ed many of the men to quit at the one the Deleware and Hudson company has been fairly successful in keeping ite steam plants going. THe Grand Trunk has puibliched a souvenir for the trip of the Detroit lodge, A.F. & AM., from Detroit to Ottawa, June 7th. The trip will be made by the Grand Tromk railway and Ridean navigation company - The pamphlet illustrates and describes in an interesting mamner the features of the itinerary. The "Eastern Flyer," a luxurious special train, has been sup- plied by 'the railway 10 the Masons Leaving For Toronto. Maj. James Calloway, of the J4th regiment, of this city, has been pointed district stall adjutant of mili- tary district No. 2, with uarters at Toronto. Maj. Galloway has been connected with the 14th regiment for twenty-five years and during that time bas filled many positions of trust in the different having been pi of two years. will be missed in voi and especially hy his of the 14th regiment. devoted to coffee has caused it to be called "the intellectual beverage." Coffee of high grade is unquestionably a great stim- ulant to braig-workers, and Chase & San- born's Coffee is especially valuable. If you would be a brilliant thinker, drink it. A pound of such coffee is worth two pounds of ordinary coffee! Why not give it a trial the next time you buy coffee ? wat 3 to RIDAY wu SA At The LOCKETT SHOE STORE. la Re We fill up the Bargain Tables, we bring forward our very best sell- ing lines and prepare for a big rush. Our Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers are splendid values just new, TRY THE LOCKETT SHOE OUR $3.50 ® ® Now, Sir ! @® If you want a shoe that looks @® as well, fits as well, and will wear as well as any shoe made, SHOES ® no matter what the price--buy @ a pair of ours at. $3.50. Our @O®®@® reputation should give you fullest confidence in every stated fact: The leathers used in these shoes are of best quali- ty. The soles are of best oak wapned leather. The making, style and finish are also the best. In many stores they have no-equal un- der $5. So the man looking for shoe worth and shoe economy could not do better than to stop right here at our $38.50 mark. Why do we sell $5 shoes? Why? Because the peo- ple want them. One does not look better than the other, nor will it wear better, yet the $5 shoe is finer to the extent of $1.50. The quality is supreme and the workmanship the very best obcainable. But try our $3.50 shoes. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. Straight" Front No. 297. The picture shows you the effect. Our reputation assures you that the workmanship, and durability cannot be excelled. D.&A Genuine Straight . Front From $1.00 to $2.00 a pair. a ---- re --- THE CANADA METAL Sol.fer and Babbit is the DOT IT

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