Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jun 1902, p. 1

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KINGSTON. ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1902, ---- LAST EDITION, Trousers : That Are Jes att Suh that oem Give 'saan nd domlors that sro not to be be in ther make, 32.30, { 9, 89.50, 84, % JENKINS 3 "114 PRINCESS STREET. PICTURE SALE Do Not Miss To Atond he Auction Sale of Wale Color Paintings BY W. JOSEPH WADHAM and A. SINCLAIR --AT Kirkpatrick's Art Gallery This Evening af 8 O'clock. absolute sale, regard Prompt attention. MISS HANNAY"S 21 William 2 Doors Below Barrie Sire. BOARD WANTED. N AND WIFE WANT BOARD w iy; close Mac bel mag water. State ton, or Boa 433, Belleville, Tod on. jewel ------------------------------. S----------------------. N GIRL: - APPLY TO MES. A NURSE University avenue. ", a MEMORANDA; LOCAL The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Campbell Bros. for bats. Jenkind' bats educate the trade. Bome men are nearly ail preamble. . Popularicy thet is purchased is mover » besgain. When a fool bolds his tongue be isn't as foolish as he might be. Genanogsie and Ponies play ball at Lake Ontario park, 3 pm., tomorrow. Fruit dealers mwet the government inspect or at the council chamber, 8 p.m. This you bear wherever you go, "For noblest hats, George Sine & Co" Ministers should bedr im wind that short sermons are the most popular in summer os well as spring, autumn snd winter. You com wover tell what s man is until you get into sn argument with him. If kis opinion dossu's jibe with yours be is o crank. 4% : This day in the world's history: Battle of Beoburb, Ireland, 1646; great fire in Mon real, 1908; Patrick Honry died, 1799; Sir John A. Macdonmid died, 1891: lord Rose bery's colt, Ladas, won the Derby, 1894: Gomer isswed a farewell manifesto hy 4 the Cuban people, 1809; Alexander the Treat born, 356 B.C. ' DINNER. SETS. We can show you hundreds of different patterns and colors, io pleases suv ome, Prices twenty per cent. less than elsewhere. ROBERTSON BROS. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SHOE BUYERS THE RETAIL SHOE MERCHANTS AS. sociation of Kingston has divided that on and after July lst, 1902, the present AP- PROBATION amd CREDIT svetem must: be mtirely done sway with. We therefore desire to notify the shoebuving public of Kingston of this important chonge. We tasnot, after July Tet next, continte doing business under the old system: Cash alome will be accent of awd all shoe purchasors will be treated , cong. whnsexie will there be any discrimination in favor of anv ove persom or fundly. We will, however, cheerfully return the money when gouds are returned in good ovder. A. Abernethy, W. Sawyer, J. H. Sutherland & Bro, W. D. Carey, H. Jennings, F. G. Lovkett, Armstrong & Co., D. J. McDefmott. Kingston, June 5th, 1902. Before Buying Your Warm Weather Suit Wo would like you to call and inspect our stock of summer suitings, feney washnble i sd outing wousers. Our prices are JOHN TWEDDELL, MERCHANT TAILOR, 181 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON NOTICE! Bonds for Sale, 6% 20 Years First Moerigage Beads Jn Port loud Coal Co. of Nova Seotia at prices to suit imvestors. These bomis are Montreal and Que- in Tordnte, for prices. nD McBEAN & CO., BOND BROKERS, 508 and 500 Beard of Trade, Toronto. TO CONTRACTORS. . | TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE 2} for Th Publie THE ATLANTIC TRADE How Caan It Be Recovered By Britais DIFFICULTIES OF SCHEME SO FAR AS CANADA IS CON- CERNED IN IT. What the London Daily Mail Pro- poses--Allan Line to Remain Outside Both Trusts--What the Scheme Contemplates. London, June 6.--The Daily Mail this morning devotes an editorial to the subject of how Britain can recover the Atlantic trade. It thinks it would be wise not to build too high hopes on the Cunard scheme, though every patriotic Britisher will wish it sue cess. But the difficulties in the way are vi great. At the same time it in i. question, whether the hour has not come to do what the United States, France, and Russia are doing, and to reserve the shipping trade be tween British ports throughout the world for ships which are undisguised- ly under the British flag, and to enact a classe directing that foreigners shall not hold more than a certain modest proportion of a British line. Lord Strathcona, the Canadian high commissioner, is reported as saying that the new Atlantic shipping plan involves the acquisition of the Cunard line by a group of British capitalists as the necleus of a purely imperial combination, and the establishment of a fast passenger scrvice to Canada. He adds that a fast Canadian service is now receiving the earnest attention of the Canadian government. Any such plan would be made on the initiative of the Canadian government. A prominent shipping expert points out the difficulties of the new scheme. He says: 'There are many things that will prevent Canada from main- taining a profitable steamship service of the first class. The small and sta- tionary character of the population, the absence of very wealthy people, the difficulties of navigation, and high shipping and insurance rates are all serious features. The difference in the insurance rates at Montreal and Bos- ton amounts to more than the entire cost of an ocean journey. Apart from insurance, the navigation of the St. Lawrence is dangerous, and for many months impossible. The only hopé of such a line paying would be to at- tract passengers and freight from the United States. If it should try this, it must build the best bofite on the ocean, such as cost a' million pounds apiece. To start a live with old boats, even the old Cundrders, would be madbess." There is still no definite information of a British shipping combination with eh ne as the smteal. and strongest link. Canadian officials are sanguine in their forecasts of the ulti- atte Fone of the movement, and ord Strathcona is zealous TY jng it, but it is not yet ee the admiralty and the board of trade will commit themselves to the policy of paying subsidies on a greatly enlarged scale. Sir Christopher Furness and other ship owners are making strenuous el- forts to induce the Cunard company to break off negotiations with Mr. Morgan and to assume the leadership in national shipping interests, but nei: ther are the elements for a powerful combination yet in sight, nor has an organizer of sufficient force been dis- covered for a determined fight in de fence of British maritime interests. Thers is authority for the statement that the Allan line will remain outside of both trusts. The Westminster Gazette thinks it probable that Miliordhaven will be the port of departure of the fleet. The scheme contemplates a line of steam- ers running to China, Japan, and Avs. tralia from Vancouver, B.C. Canada and Australia are expected to ioin in paying the subsidies. The draft of the scheme involves the home govern ment guaranteeing a small interest on the capital involved. This wonid have to be ratified by the hose of com mons, "where," says the Westminster Gazette, "it will probably meet with opposition." The mail steamers, which it is proposed to build, will be of en- ormous size, capable of steaming twenty-five knots an hour, and will be fully equipped for use as armed cruis- ers, carrying eight twelve-quick firing six-inch guns, forward and aft, and of three 4. 7-inch guns. steamers will be eighteen vessels carrying 6,000 to 7,000 tons dead weight. " May Reach A Decision. oronto, June 6. The teme that the imperial and Canadian gov. ernments have concluded an arrange THE KITCHENER VOTE. ---- Kitchener Was More Flexible Than Milner. London, June 6.--In accordance with king Edward's message to the house of commons, the ment leader, A. J. Balfour, in the house on Thurs- day, asked for a vote of £50,000 ($250,000) to lord Kitchener. As a remarkable eoincidenc§, parliament on June 5th, three years ago, voted its shanks and £30,000 ($150,000) to the same general for his sbrvices in Egypt. The grant was 1 by 30 to forty-four votes. The mingrity con- sisted of Irish nationalists two or three radicals. The seeret history of negotiations is slowly coming to light, lord Kitchener was more flexible merciful than lord Milner throu the conference with the Boer Jo . Lord Milner is now alleged to have opposed stren- ously the language compromise, and Mr. Chamberlain is believed to have supported him. It is also stated that the cabinet was divided on the sub ject and that Sir Michael Hicks-Beach warmly advocated lord Kitchener's views. Whatever may have been its temporary difference of opinion, bow- ever, the cabinet is now united in de- fence of the treaty and is supported bv public opinion. The war office has eabled Gen. Kit- chener as follows: "His majesty's government offers its sincere con- gratulations on the v, skill and patience with which you conducted the long campmign would wish you to communi the troops its profound sense ol urance with which they met on them, of their in action, excellent discipline and. the humanity shown thoughout this try- ing period." Lord Kitchener replied thanking the govefgament for its com: mendation. ------ Cost In Men Of Boer War. London, June 64~An official state ment issued by the war office shows that the total rediietion of the Brit ish forces in South Africa, up to May 30th, of the present year, was 97,477, This includes killed, wounded, deaths from disease and men invalided home. Of these many have recovered and re- joined their regiments, leaving 2, 434 dead, or permanently incapecitat- ed. The total number of troops killed in action, or who died of wounds, is 7,792, while the total of deaths from disease is 13,250. A Happy Day For Botha. Pretoria, June 4.--General Botha re- marked, relative to the termination of the war : "It is the happiest day of my life since I left school." TURNS AWAY FROM PENSION. Wants Soldiers Paid Before He Is Provided For. Havana, Jute 6.--Gen. Maximo Gos mez has published an open letter, in which he refuses to accept the annual pension of 86,000 provided for him in # resolution which is now bef the Cuban house of representatives. Gen. Gomez asks his friends to de feat this resolution, saying it would be unfair for him to ageept money so long as the other Cuban soldiers have not been provided for. Gen. Gower asserts that he has a hill against the government for war services which some day will have to be paid, but that he is willing to wait until such time as Cuba can pay all her soldiers. WAS NOT CORROBORATED. Story Told Against a Deputy Re- turning Officer. London, Omnt., June 6.--Edmund Hayden, deputy returning officer of sub-divigion 2, ward 3, at the recent clection in this city, was, yesterday, acquitted on the charge of bribery, preferred against hii hy John Milne. Milne's story was not corroborated in any way and Hayden, under oath, de- nied it in every particular. Guard Fires On A Boy. Wilkesharve, Pa., June 6.--The spirit of unrest that bas been manilestin itself mere or less in this' city wm vicinity. during 'the last féw days, broke out in earnest at two places in this city last night and as a result a boy was dangerously, if not fatall thot by a guard at the Stanton col: liery and a condiderable portion of the fence around the Murray colliery was destroyer] bv fire. Shortly after the shooting the crowd sought vengeance on the company's property and some one set fire to a trestle work. The fire department was summoned] and with considerable diffi- culty put out the blaze. -------- Elect Their Officers. Ottawa, June 6.--Nothing has been said at the Congregational wunion meetings on the subject which is up- permost in the majority of minds organic union with the Baptist church in Canada. The following officers were elected yesterday: President, Charles Cushing, B.C.L., Montreal; Hon. se- cretary, Rev. Dr. Munson, Toronto ; secretary, Rev. William Melntosh, Ot Aa: Has No Power. Washington, Jume 6.---New York's board of trade and transportation based its resolutions asking president Roosevelt to take a hand in arbitra ting the coal strike on a law that Pains a a an power to eppoint a i arbitration and he can go only to the extent of calling the resolution to the attention of the interstate commerce commission in an informal manner. treasurer, Charles R. Black, | WILL 60 TO BRIAN Warrasts Arc Ready For His Arrest AAS BEEN LIVING IN PARIS COL. LYNCH PUTS HIS NECK IN A NOOSE. Expects to Go to London Next Week, Enter the House of Commons and Take the Conse- quences. Paris, June 6.--The correspondent here learns that Col. Arthur Lynch has decided to go to London early next week. He will go straight to the house of commons, attempt to take his seat there and abide by the con- sequences. Colonel Arthur Lynch is accused of baving fought with the Boers in South Africa. In November of last year, however, he was elected to the house of commons to represent Gal- way. It was announced in London, January 6th, that Col. Lynch would be prevented from taking his seat in the house, and that as soon as he set foot on English soil he would be arrested on a charge of treason. It is said that warrants from the col- nel's arrest are in the hands of the ondon police. Col. Lynch has been living in Paris for some time. IMMIGRATION GROWS. Canada's Population Increases 65,000 During Year. Ottawa, June 6.--~The department of the interior has received the re- turns of arrivals of immigrants for the eleven months of the present fis- cal year. They show a very gratify- ing increase over the previous year, more especially from the British Isles and from the United States. If the arrivals for June equal those of May, the total of the year ending June 30th, will be over 65,000, as against 49,149 in 1901. The returns for the el ven months of 1902 total 53,83, and ard as follows: British 14,200, as against 11,810 for the twelve months of the previous year. From the continent of Europe IS, U8 for the eleven months, as against 19,352 for the twelve months of 1901. From the United States, 21.377 for the eleven months, as against 17987 for the twelve months of the previous fiscal year. The arrivals for the month of May were over 11,000. It is also worthy of note that the entries for free land in Manitoba and the north-west terri tories far exceed last year, hough the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1901, shows a large increase over the previous years. The number of en- tries for the twelve' months of 19% was 8.167, apd for the past eleven months they will number over 10,000. A BAD FIRE AT TORONTO. A Pavilion In The Horticultural Gardens Burned. Toronto, June 6.--About 2:30 o'clock this morning fire broke out in the pavilion in the Allan (horticultur al) gardens, and the flames spread so rapidly that all efforts to save the building from destruction were un availing. The banquet of the visit 1 board of trade delegates had been held in the structure earlier in the evening, and it is supposed that the fire originated in the culinary depart ment. A few moments after the fire was discovered, the entire building, which was a wooden one. was in ruins. The palin building, which was pre sented to the city by the late Sir David Macpherson, and which was valued at $40,000, was also destroyed The total loss will reach from $75,000 to £100,000. The pavilion had been built about thirty years. Baseball On Thursday. American league. --At Cleveland, 2; Boston, 3. At Philadelphia, 3; Chic ago, 11. At Baltimore, 6; St. Louis, 7; At Washington, 5 Detroit, 3. National league.--At New York, 4; Chicago, 3. At. Brooklyn, 4; Cincin nati, 0. At Philadelphia, 4; Pittshurg, 9. At Boston, ©; St. Louis, 3. Eastern league. --At Buffalo, 4: chester, 3. At Worcester, 12; Jersey City, 3. At Providemée, 8; Newark, 3 At Toronto, 14; Montreal, 3, Have a Look At our Pearl soft hats--Panama of fects. George Mills & Co, bat and fur specialists, Wellington St. Ro Jenkins' Belts. Men's leather belts, in many new makes and, colors, 25c., Sbc., T5c., $1. A great thanksgiving service at Pretoria has been arranged for Sun- day. The restrictions on night trains have been removed and armored trucks stripped in order to accommo- date the crowds which it is expected will flow into Pretoria on Ssturday might to attend the service. It is epiouied that the kaiser con ng sending the crown # to South Airica, accompanied a distingwi geval and a small staff, for a holiday, and ini dentally to study the battlefields of the Boer war. - The South African memorial fund to erect distinctive memorials on the graves of Canadian soldiers, now amounts to $2964.90. The latest subscription of note is ome from or > Aibort of gt Sa. hopeless ony ill. King Albert is now ovonty for years old, and bas been weigning for twenty nine years. His heir ix his bro- ther, prince George. At the Hamilton Methodist ponfer ence Rev. T. Albert Moore, Zion Tab erancle, Humihoa, was elected in the president ia ir. Redd herrings, No. 1, Se. a box, at Gilbert' wan pickin TO RECEIVE FORTUNE. Miss Flora M. Newton Wins §5,- 000 By Decision. Grand Hapids, Mich., June 6.--- Miss Flora M. Newton, Syracuse, N.Y. will t the $5,000 which Edward L. Me Jonnell, a lumberman, intended she should have when he was engaged to marry her, although he erased her name from his will when his affection was bestowed on another girl. The original will, without alterations, was accepled by judge Jewell, to-day, as the real" will, After McDonnell became estranged from Miss Newton he drew a pen mark through her name in his will and in serted the name of Mise Pratt, This change was made without the requisite number of witnesses and was ruled out by the court. OANADIAN CASUALTIES of The S. A. C. From Wounds. Ottawa, Ont., June 6.--The death ol Percy 'Leonard Devereux (A vision, SAC, is reported. eceived wounds im a fight at Bufielsdoorn, which resulted in his~death on May 31st. The report is made hy Mr. Chamberlain to lord Minto. His fa- ther is J. Devereux, Ladner's Land ing. B.C. The governor-general was also ad vised by a cable from the easualty department that Charles Murphy and Edgar Stanley cond C.M.R., were dangerously ill of enteric fever, on May 3ist, at Elands fonten. Murphy enlisted at Edmon ton, NW.T.,, and Bonfield at Hali fax, N.S. LOSES A ROYAL JEWEL. Member Dies Sensation Created by Disappear- ance Of An Historie Ruby. Stockholm, June 6.---A sensation has been created in court circlgs by the discovery that one of the crown jewels is missing from the royal trea sury. It is a beautiful ruby of 255 carats, and is an historic gem that formed part of the royal regalia. It was originally acquired by queen Chris tina in 16458, but owing to the vicissi tudes of royal fortune was in pawn for years in Amsterdam. It was redeemed in F608, since which time it has been kept in the treasury, There is no suspicion as te how or when the jewel disappeared, but the police of all the Eufopean eapitals have been warned to be on the alert. BRITAIN AND STATES. Mr. Balfour's Sensible Reply To Foolish Questions. London, June 6.-Thamas Gibson Bowles, conservative, in the house of commons, yesterday renewed the at tempt to obtain information as to whether Great Britam gave the Un ited States any assurances prior to the war with Spain. The government tender, Mr. Balfour, depwecated a re currence to a subject, regarding which he declared a' good many questions had already been put with anything but good result. The matter was now of only historic interest, and Mr. Bal four thought it better that it be al lowed to rest. TO HAVE The Shooting Of Cantwell By Boy. Windsor, Ont., June 6.--Charle#® Wil linm Cantwell, the father of Carrie Cantwell, the young girl who met death at the hands of Norman Lane, the fourteen vear-old son of George Lane, of Ruthven, # not satisfied with young Lane's explanations and an investigation will likely be held Several neighbors are said to have ctated that they had heard the two quarrelling before the shooting. Into Carrie 1 Catch An Alleged Emb v Chicago, June 6.--Charged with the embezzlement of money, which, it is said, will reach 860,000, J. M. Cas widy, a former real estate Gealer Council Bluffs, lowa, was arrested here, after a month's search by the police, He will be taken back to stand trial. of Taken To The Hospital. N.Y., June 6.--James Fitzgibbons, a victim of alcoholism, is very ill from excesses, and it probable that he may not recover has been ill for two or three days For A Half Dollar You ean get one dozen Jumbo anges, one dozen lemons and one box strawberries at Carnoveky's. ------------ Have a Look At our fine dollar Panama hate George Mills & Co., Wellington St. Watertown, in or Leopold Dy Grand Val, the aged or ganist of St. Michael's church, Jersey City. N.J., died suddenly while play ing 'Lead, Kindly Light," on the in stpument. Senator Combes, progressive republi can and ex-viee provident of the senate has accepted the task of forming a new French cabinet. Cucumbers and Picton asparagus Ferguson's, King street. Particular Work, Our work commends admira- tion. You will not be disap pointed in the way we do your best, and appliances the latest. Bonfield, of the se-' WBATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ost, (10 am), June 8.-Fuir and warmer Seturdey a few local showers, but mostly. fai and warmer Underwear H there is one month which, mom than any other, calls for cool, arisp, tempting mwslin underwear, it's the month of June--the month of wed tings, of summery dresses that cast their witchery everywhere. Corset Covers, Shirts, Drawers, Night Gowns No use piving prices, they mean pothing--the prices amd wigles will wan much if you we them however, (Orses The new gown must have beneath its folds the proper corset Your dressmaker will endorse that state ment We've tested many advertised and found but few The few we vo commend wo guarantee very boartily for durability, elegance and gracsiul lisve, amd you suay have them Stted us earolully as we 4 vour gloves, if you're minded to We specially recommend WHR and FP. Corsets: they are undoubtedly the finest fitting corsets made; the prives are reasonable, $1.28 wo. TO $2.50 Par Pair, DIED. YATES In Kingston, at his late 248 Earl street, on Jue 6h Yates, aged seventy seven years Funeral private ------ MARRIED, BALKWILL LAKE On the 41% "ihet., reshdemce of the bride's parents, Rev. W. Coole, of Wooler, Dut therdn-law of the groom, Davie Bitkwiil, of fogsville, Out Fasex County, Mise Mapide E.. daughter of J. I of the Township of Porth residence, Jouew B, "" BOARD. LARGE, FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO NINGLE h 0 sonvenlenoes, Gah lor from City and Masdosald for a party of from three ROOMS TO LET. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS TO LPT AT ra. Yates, 64 William street, from Jone 2nd. Breakfast if desired TO-LET. HOUSES AND STORES, NOS. J97, 301 and 208 Welilngron street. ol Mrs. Allen, 297 Division street, HOUSE 'CORNER QUEEN AND CLERGY sirocts, vard and good stable in Somtieo tion. Apply to Steacy & Stmey or J. N, R. MoCans TO HOLD A CONVENTION. Of Temperance Alliances AS Winnipeg. Winnipeg, June 6.-The executive of the Dominion temperance alliance for the province at its meeting yesterday decided to call a provincial conven tion of the allisnce duiring the exhili- tion week in Winnipeg, at which the future policy will be finally defined. It was also decided to ask that each local branch in the provincial cone witencies wee that a candidate in the néxt local election is secured who con be depended upon to give inde pendent support to the cause of pros hibition. Manilla Hats, Cool, light, durable, and very be coming to most men You are invit- ed to se them. George Mills & Co, bat and fur specialists, Wellington St. Jenkins' Hats. Vedoras, best English makes, Stylish shapes. Pear! ---- Fresh strawberries at Gilbert's two stores. A Silver Pudding Dish Makes a Very Acceptable Girt for a Bride.

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