N ROBT. J, REID'S, 2 Doors Above The Opera House. The best values on the market. --------------------. FIGURE FOR YOURSELF, WHAT DO YOU PAY ? WE'LL HELP YOU for you o'll do And make §t cony EA "- D. A. CAYS, 346 King Street. to own a place all we can to start aod enay after teeth than to think you know cpy more when you have dome it. Bevmour and composite fore of 2.300 men mpreh towards Pekin, 1900; Gavarsi riot in Mubarend, retoilion in Ireland, 'terns Prices twenty Der cont. loss than elwow ROBERTSON BROS. Gran - Siboarts, Who Would Bo Wil LOCAL MEMORANDA, The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Advertising pays. Try it. A man's bad luk is often due to hie bad batts. A domtion party-tbe fdlow who is out for the dough The wun rises Wednesday of 4.16 a.m, and ots wt 742 pm. The man whe forgets to tell a woman that her clothes look pretly forgets to make her lire Mis good taste It is better sewer 10 cut your wisdom This day in the workl's history : Admiral 1968; cholera in Kingeton, 1682 1798; Dutch landd in ow York, 1667. DINNER. SETS. We show you hundreds of different and colors, to aay one. LAKE [ONTARIO PARK Free Opening HN vENiva, June 12th 14th Band. Friday. 47th Band] MN ADMISSION FREE BY CARS. ALL SEATS FREE. COTTAGE, ON °° NELSON Princess street, Nos. 156 and a M2 5 street -- 8 ROOMS TO LET. COUPLES he it easy for you tobe your own lund large families, own floor office, Should start with » home of their own: we You will pay the wame rent as those with Why not be sareful of your ae, Wor fnvits vou to eall at owe new ground ond talk the matter over J. S. R. McCANN, 1 Breck St, Next Wade's Orug ED ROOMS TO LET AT 4 J EER A A lt Ha -- sons. : TO RENT. ER MONTHS--A in desirable YOR SUNNER WELL Tun or Whig Apply G., ye FURNISHED HOUSE. T0 LET, FOR THE SUMMER, FURNISHED, | ® Brow mn . ton. J verge Th Wine nr. i IMPORTANT NOTE Retail Shoe Merchants of King. all adopt the strictly cash system, allowing no goods out on appro- bation. This rule will be univer- sally enforced. No exception will be made to any ome family, person, TO SHOE BUYERS. Commencing July 1st » the ton, by mutual agreement, will or SOBER AND INTELLIGENT MAN TO SELL window sash lock at POUR GLE, Foi STE or & Co. . Dosite 730 Poncses stroct. hee i 2 7 6) 20 Years First Mortgage Bonds prices to _ suit invesiors. Me¢BEAN & CO., BOND BROKERS, 505 and 506 Board of Trade, Toronte. a ---------- A A Son ie. WEF A VETERAN'S BIBLE, LATHE doa rem il, Bean x Po What from daily Swift's wharf Ottawa arrived from Montreal, with three light NOTICE! Bonds for Sale. in Port: lond Cod ta of Nove Seatis ai Torbiitd, Mostreal and Que 40 Frowtenae street. is Happening Along the Wa- 4 ter Front. Craig's wharf : steamer Alexandria A lean begins her steamer trips to Gananogne next week. ; steamer Rideau King amer Spartan ex- ' : Tug Hall, | T. company cleared down with KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JUNE 1¢, 1902, APPLYING THE TERM "Our Country" To Whelc Of South Africa AND BUTPART OF A GREATER HE CALLED A TRUCE TO POLI- TICAL STRIFE. The Boers Are Glad the War is Ended--Gen, Joubert Died of Illness and Not of Wounds -- The Influences That Caused Boers to Surrender. Joh burg, June 5.--Lord Milner attended a banquet given by the me- chancical engineer's association, last evening, and in addressing the guests w that there should be. a truce to political strife during the next few years so that the country might be enabled to psper. Replying to the toast of "Fhe Pod We Live In," his lordship expressed the hope that all would get the habit rather of apply: ing the term, "Our Country," to the whole of South Africa and to it only as a part of a still greater people. He trusted that in te future all would try to develop a wider patriotism and devotion to South Africa as being part of a world wide empire, Death Of Joubert. Durban, Natal, June 9.--Mr. Schalk- burger, the former acting president of the Transvaal, in an interview, jub- lished in the Mercury, says 'hat Gen. Joubert died of illness awd not of wounds as had been reported. Mr Steyn was in 'avor of peace amd i ness alone prevented him from attend- ing the meeting of the 1 ver loaders at which the terme concluding hostilities were signed, Mr. Schalkburger said that there had been no correspondence with Mr. Kruger concerning the peace negotiations, The Roers admired the conduct of lord Kitchener. Visits to the various emmps showed that = the Paaple were glad that the war is end- od The : Mercury: publishes a translation of 'the civenlar of the Boer leaders in- stiucting readers to sign the Peace conditions. The document points gut that there was no further hope of pro- curing independence, the country was being devastated, and the means of subsistence were disappearing. The Boer leaders were alse influenced in favor of peace by the distress among the families in the British concentra tion camps. Moreover, the Boers could pot retain thousands of prison- ers like the enemy. The small num- ber of Boers and the overwhelming number of British precluded hope of victory, despite sacrifices, confidence is expressed that hy accepting the terms of peace, conditions will so improve that the people may advance to the fell enjoyment of privileges for which they are entitled to hope from the ex- pected amnesty of rebels, ---------- Coronation Bazaar. London, June 10.--The queen at the botanical gardens this afternoon open- ed the great coronation bazaar in aid of charity. The magnitude of the present undertaking, which lasts two dave, quite eclipsgs the similar: afigir held at Kensington two vears ago in aid of the sufferors from 'the war, Al though much space in the great con. servatories has been given up to the faar, the enterprise has attained such huge proportions that vast may- Guecs have 'had to he erected along the great walks in the gardens. The stalle are attended by titled person- ages ow he elite of London's society. t is hoped to realize £500,000 fro the undertaking. - -------- Combination Of Banks. Chicago, June 10.~The North Am- erican trust company, of New York, is promoting a gigantic combination of the National banks of the country, which is to include one National bank in each financial centre and state capital. The combination will be knowin as the American bankers' cor- poration, wi a capital of $5,000 - 000. The charter ides for & sur plus of $45,000,000. The nm is the of the ing move The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Snow is reported near Hossick Falls, N. Y. Three persons were killed and fifteen injured at a fire in London, Eng. ost is reported to have done econ- siderable damage in Hamilton and London districts, Thirteen persons lost their lives in a fire that destroyed an inebriate hos- pital at Chicago. . Rev, Dr. Langtry will be adminis- trator of the dhocese of Toronto, dur i the bishop's absence in England. g eo Tracey and David Merrill es caped from mitentiary at Salem, Ore., killing he guards with a rifle. John Tierney has been appointed po- lice magistrate for Amprior, an office vacant since the death of George Craig. The conservatives have their application to judge Barron for a recount in South Perth and the re count accordingly has been called off. Senhora Sevre, widow of the DBra- silian aeronaut, who recently lost bias life in Paris by an explosion of his airship, has sailed from Lishon for Brazil. Combes, the head of the withdrawn Premier new French ministry, was educated at the Catholic seminary, and was once in aopders. He is now a physician Ly profession. Lieut. Beaudic ascended in a naval balloon at Toulon, France, fell into the sea, and disappeared, although two. torpedo boats were following to pick him up. In a militia order issued to-day, it is noted that B. C. and F. squadron, Canadian mounted rifles, will undes- go annual training in camp at Souris, Man., commencing 24th instant. W. T. Lawler, Ottawa, bas been pro- moted from a lieutenancy in the Scot- tish horse to a captaincy. and his commanding officer is the margiis of Tullibardine, D.8.0., the eldest sen of the duke of Athol. At Woodstock Methodist conference a resolution asking the general con ference to merge Wesleyan theological college, Montreal, into Victoria wni- versity, Toronto, was lost by an overwhelming majority after warm discussion. Trooper Hamen, Ottawa, in a letter to his parents states that after the shooting of Corpl. Knisley and Pte. Day the Boers suripped the dead and nailed Knisley's distinguished service medal and South African ribbons to the naked ot, Alfred Jury, dominion emigrant ag- ent at Liverpool, has" arrived in Tor onto, after an absence of five Years. Nr. Jury predicts that the emigration 10 Canada this year will exceed in point of numbers that of any year in the past decade. Mayor Harrison, Brockville, has re ceived a letter from Dr. Carron, now in South Africa, in which he states that Horace Robinson, Brockville, was recom: for the' Yichain I for conspicuous bravery while serving with Brabant's Horse. All excavations at St. Pierre, ex- cept under special authorizations, are forbidden. These special authoriza- tions will be given to search for money and papers In safds. No re quest to search for boaies will be granted. All bodies found must ' be burned or buried. ---------- DEFEATE AURORA. Supreme Court Refuses Request to Appeal Bonus Case. Ottawa, June 10.--H, C. St. Pierre, K.C., Montweal, is to he. appointed superior court judge of Beanharpois, in succession to justice Belanger. The supreme court has dismissed the application of the town of Aurora for ve to appeal from the decision quashing the by-law to bonus a shoe factory to move from Markham. This leaves Mar mn as the victor, Sir Henry Strong, chief justice of Canada, was sworn in administrator of the dominion during the absence of lord Minto in England. He took the oath from justice Sedgewick. Frank Martin, arrested hy the do- minion police, yesterday, on a charge of having tools in his possession for making counterfeit money, was are raigned before magistrate 0'Keefe this morning and remanded until Friday as the request of the prosecution. Joseph Deschatelet, charged with murdering A. Richon, by throwing him into the Little Nation river, near Pa- pineauville, was committed for trial in Hull yesterday. The prisoner is un- doubtedly insane. His iather has been out of hit mind for twenty years, It is likely the Quebie government will appoint. a commissioner 40 examine into the prisoner's mental condition. Maj.-Gen. O'Grady-Haly has apnounc- ed that he will be in his office Wed- nesday afternoon to bid good-bye to officers before he sails for England. Fifty-eight masons belonving to Pe- IDLLVEREIN POSSIBLE Between Britain And Her Ccloaics MINISTERS ARE NOT APART AS WAS THOUGHT BY MANY PARLIAMENTARIANS. Sir Alfred Jones is Not Decided as to Which of the Shipping Combinations he Will Join-- He is Waiting to Learn What Governments Will do. London, June 10.--Very great inter est has been aroused by Sir Michael Hicks-Beach's referente to a possible zollverin of Great Britain and the colonies. The chancellor of the ex chequer's statement of his own views in the matter was intentionally guarded, but members of the house of commons have read into his speech a modified acceptance of his preferential trade. The language used by the chan- cellor has excited special attention on the upposition sine of the house, as many liberals' had brought themselves to believe that Sir Michael Hicks Reach and Mr. Chamberlain were widely opposed in their opinions om this matter. Contradictory accounts are publish- ed respecting the British shipping combination; and it is difficult to dif ferentiate between them. | am convine od, after careful enquiries, that Sir Alfred Jones is still on the fence and may join either Mr. Morgan's forces or the British combination. He has received offers from the Morgan com bination, and has neither accepted vor declined them. He is waiting to ascertain whether the British govern- ment will take up the defence of Brit- ish shipping - interests and join Can ada in making a strenuous fight. If he accepts Mr. Morgan's offer the rates between Canada and Germany will be advanced, if shipping men can be believed, from 120 to 200 marks, but his friends assert that he will re- main true to British and colonial in terests and organize a new combina- tion. They admit that the issue is not decided, and that everything depends upon the readiness and thoroughness with which the British government adopts a subsidy system on a large scale, Otherwise neither the Cunard line nor Elder-Dempeter line is safe from what British shippers describe as the clutches of Morgan and the Am- erican money power. Canadian offi- cials go even further. They say that the Canadian Pacific railway is not out of reach of Mr. Morgan and that the dominion government will be com pelled 'in self-defence to go into the shipping business on its own account and organize with . large subsidies steamship Noes, which cannot be brought under foreign control. The 'defence. of the shipping interests of the empire was one of undertone conversation at the Royal Exchange colonial exbibition dinner, at the Ho tel Cecil, last night, Lord Stratheo- na was in the chair to welcome the lora mayor, sheriffs and committee, and prominent representatives of Can- ada, Western Australia, Rhodesia, British North Borneo and the West Indies being present. It was a dull evening. for, although there 'were many speeches, those who had sone thing to say were silent. Among the reticent men were Sir Alfred Jones and WT. R. Preston, the Canadian commissioner, In parliament, yesterday, Mr. Wynd bam said that unless the Irish land purchase bill could be treated as non contentious it would not be worth while bringing it forward for the se cond reading. This remark is regara ed as indicating the intention of the government to abandon the 'measure at all events for the present session Detectives ~ are watching all the steamers from Calais and Boulogne in anticipation of the arrival of Col. Lynch. ---- Invites Friends To His Finish. Ellenboro, N.C., June 10. Alian Cogedell, one of the Wealthiest men in this county. has sent out printed invitations to a number of his friends and relatives inviting them to a din ner to be held at his. house, four miles from here, to-night. The dinner is to be served at eleven o'clock. Promptly at twelve o'clock, Cogudell announces, be will give his guesis an opportunity of sering a man take his own life. Just how Cogudell will commit the déed is not stated and there is much interest manifested as to whether or not it is to be a case of real suicide. Baseball On Monday. Ambrica lengue.-- Baltimore, 5 Cleveland, 10. Washington, 1; Chiea- go, 2. Philadelphia, 5; Detroit, 14. Boston, 3. St. Louis, 2. National league. Chicago, 5: Brook. lyn, 6. St. Louis; 5; Pie, 3. Cincinnati, 2: Boston, J. Eastern league. --Worcester, & New- ark, 3. Jersey City, I; Providence, 5. Buffalo, 9; Rochester, 10. Toronto, 5; Montreal, 1. to the price of sats for the coronation fetes than was the cise during the jubilee. The multiplication of stands has become so great that seats for which five guineas was asked a week ago __ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. CHANGES ARE FEW. In the Recount Going on in East Hastings. Belleville, Ont., June 10.---When the East Hastings recount was adjowrnea for lunch today, wothing of anv great importance bad been discovered. About a dozen ballots on each side had been objected to by the different lawyers, and decision was reserved by the judge. So far the ballots seem to be above the average, so far as blunders are concerned. The recount probably will not be finished till late this evening. Recount In North Grey. Owen Sound, Ont, June 10.--At the adjournment bere, to-day, 'in the North Grey recount, before judge Morrison, there was no change as far as the morning investigation went. THREE FOUND MURDERED. Alaska Guide Brings News Of a Wilderness Tragedy. Seattle, June 10.---After almost in credible perils and hardships, L. L. Bales, the famous Alaska guide, ar rived here from Nowe found a cabin with nothing in it ex cept half a blanket. Close by they found the body of a man; a quarter of a mile distant they came across the bodies of two other men. Al had been murdered SHOT HIS COMRADE. Fatal Termivation of a Duck Shootirg Expedition. Onion Lake, NW.T., June 10.--Sun day afternoon, while James Dufresne and Benjauiin Patenaude, both aged fifteen years, were out duck shooting, Dufresne accidentally shot Patenaude, the entire charge entering the unfor tunate lad in the left side of the back. He was immediately taken home. Two years ago the same lad shot a brother of deceased, but he re covered. AN HOSPITAL FUND. Raised Throughout Empire Commemorate Coronation: London, June 9.--AL a meeting of citizens, gonvened by the Jord mayor, Sir Joseph Dimsdale, at the Mansion house, a resolution was adopted pro- viding that the national coromation gift to king Edward shall take the form of a fund to assist their majes- ties" hospital fund. A national sub- scription for this purpose is to be op ened throughout the empire, to Ritual Murder In Holland. Amsterdaty, June 10.-The Dutch police have had to take extraordinary wensures with a family of wealthy peasants named Scherll, living near the village of Batenberg. In Fehruary, 1900, one of the widow Schinfi'e adult sons was copvicted of the "ritual" murder of g child, which be "sacrificed" in seriptural fashion, The man was declared insane gnd sent to a lunatic asylum. This week two other male members of the family have had to be similar ly removed. They spoke vaguely of Le ing divinely inspired to make further human "offerings." Flim-Flammers Sentenced. Brantford, June 10,--At the police court on Monday, two young mea, named Clark and Finn, presumably from Bufialo, were charged with de frauding our merchants. The game was that of asking to change a $5 bill, getting that, and asking for 4 $10 Lill; then came the short-chang: game. It worked with one two, when they were detected, ana the cas banded to the police. After a little search, the police located the two and arrested them. They were found guil ty, and sentenced, each to one year in Central prison. or Spies Run To Earth. Paris, June 10-A Vienna corres pondent of the Messenger says that at Praemgsi, the lmportant Austrian fortress town, two soldiers in the Au strian army, ex-corporal Zaleski, a locksmith, by trade, and his stepluth or, Schuster, a journeyman meson, have been sentenced to four amd » half years' and three and a half years' hard labor, respectively, for having acted for many years ax spies in the Russian interest. Killed In A Tornado. Lake Park, Mion., June 10.--A tor nado swept through the coiinty twelve miles north of here yesterday after noon cutiing a path two miles wide and three miles Jong Three farm houses were destroyed and ten persons are reported dead. Princeton's President. Princeton, N.J., June 9.--Woodriw Wilson, head of jurisprudence and polities, has been elected president of Princeton univer sity in place of Francis Landry Pat ton, resigned. Prof. Patton will re tain a professorship in the college. Hon. A. G. Blair will spend his va eation with his family at Sand Cove, St. John, N. B. Particular Work, Our work commends admira- tion. You will not be disap pointed in the way we do your linen up. Oar materials are the best, and appliances the latest. He states | Frank Grimm and Leads Mason, while | {trapping on the Engarolik this winter the department of mm LAST EDITION, WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Jame 10 ~Northowestorly Wedunewiny, wostarly windy, Toronto, Oui, winds, showery air and vool -_ »~ ANS 0 Verong. Underwear I there is one month which, more than any other, calle for ool, orien, tempting muslin ederwese, it's the month of June-the month of wed Bogs, of sumewry dresses that cast their witchery evervwhere Corert Covers, Skirts. Drawers, Night Gowus, No use viving prices; they mean pothing--the prices and styles will mean much if you se them however. a -------------------- | Corsefs The mew gown must have beneath ita folds the proper corset, Your dressmaker will endorse that state ment. We've tested many advertised and found but lew. Tne low we te commend we guarantes very heartily for durability, elegance and gracsiul Hoes, and you | may have them Stted as carefully as we 4 your gloves, if you're minded to Wo specially recommend WH and FP, Corsets: they are undoubtedly the finewt fitting corsets made: the prices are reasonable, too. $1.20 TO $2.50 Per Pair, + BORN. STAPLES~At 404 Brock street, on June Bh, 1900 he wile of Buphe, of a deuihier DIED, OFFORD-~In Kingston, on v worning, Le June Vth 424 lok, ¥ J at ok, 3 loved wife o Jounihan Olord at a yours. Burvice Wednesday alton Kisustony Funeral private, noon, at 2 oven Artistic Picture Framing OUR SPELIAL)Y Y. ESTABLISHED, wre. » vy » KINGSTON, 0. TO-LET. BAUME OVER 35 Pluses STREET. IM. wedlate possesion. 197, 30% HOUSES AND STOKES, NOM. and 204 of 3 Wellingion street. Mra, Allen, 297 Division street. HOUSE CORNER QUEEN AND CLENGY wirwts, yard and good stable in connec Hon. Apply 0 Swency & Sumer or J, 8. RK MeCann STUART STREET, 9% WOOMS, nor water heating also other bm stores and offen. J Broek street. corner Kine A meeting of manufacturers was held at Berlin, Ont., to discuss the question of obtaining electrical power from Nievara Falls, at western One tario points. Bargains Fancy China: plece at a reduction of ) from Discount. Bou't miss the opportunity, iA G. JOKNSION & »