"When your intestin~s do not properly and thoroughly siglilate the. food you eat. mmations are produced oF -- ps Ve that.ranse dysent diarrhea, No er ras and ~iconsiderable distress til you, use Powley's uffied Ozone. It shou | undiluted ever qu bad ol the ya very bad, No matter how much you suffer the Ozone will eure. you aud fit your You make with us is an investment not_a specula- tion Just as sure as you know what you are spefid- ing, you kpow what you're getting. . 'There's no um= certainty about it. Wi give you full value for va- Tue .recéived; and if you give us your custom we will earn' your confidence. we M: Dermott s SHOE STORE. TeThi ~ i a * (General Trusts Corporation Ofties aud Safe Deposit Vaults, 9 NTO vv | through here on { Pritchard, GOODWILL N- BRITISH AND BOERS ARE IN AMICABLE RELATIONS. Dewet Addresses Thousands of Boer Men, Women and Chil- dren at Winbwg, Asking Them to be Loyal to the New Gov- ernment. London, June 16. ~Despatches ceived here n Somh Africa show that the = of Boers are pro- ceeding with the greatest good will. The, total munber already surrendered mounts to 16.500, * and the British are extending every possible kinduess to the men come in. The appearance of Gen. Dewet at the camp at Winburg was the signal for a great display of enthusiasm. When he arrived at the camp Gen. De- wet was at once surrounded by thous- ands of Boer men, women and child- ren, who st led and clamored to shake the hand of their hero. Gen. Dewet mounted a table and delivered an adbiress. He warmly ap- planded tho stovnch support that thé women had given the burghers during the war, which: he, said, had tly encouraged the men in the field Con- tinuing, Gen. Dewet recommended his hearers to be loyal to the new gov: ernment, and said: "Pechaps it. is. bard for you to hear this from my mouth, but God has decided thus. T fought until there was no more hope of upholding our cause, and, however. bitter it may be, the time has come to lay down our arms. As christian , God now demands that we be faithful to our new government. Let us submit to His decision." Neither Gem. Dewgt nor Mr. Steyn, former president of the old Orange Free State, was wounded during the war. Gen. Dewet bat not seen his wife for two yéars The repatrislion committee, which has heen formed to assist the Boers in returning to their farms, has a gi gantis task belore it. The concentra- tion camps will be converted into sup- ply depots to peo the returning burghers with the mesos to rebuild and restock their farms. The wives and families of the Boers will, if desir- od, be maintained at the expense of the goverhment while. the burghers are preparing the farms for their re veption. i . Twa thousenil of. the - National scouts, who fought on the British side during the wer, will immediately. Abe disbanded-and each scout will be pro vided with' a pony and enabled to re- turn to his farm.« re- Delarey Surrenders. Pretoria, Jume 16. --~Gen. Delarey has eubrendered at Leichtenburg, i 'ransvaal, with S00 men. BARRIEFIRLD'S WOES. -------- Pig Styes:and Bad Bridges--Vill- age Products, Tarriefield, June 14.--Joseph Woods is making excellent improvements on the Murray farm, lately purchased by Bint, James Hawilton contributed fif ty cedar posts and Thomas Hamilton fity moge to have Mr, Woods make a new. wire femes @ Gore lane, something long , as the wreck of a rail fe has served for years, only to gather snow drifts. Mr. Woods is alse moving a | barn to the brow of a hill, where he will build concrete walls and stables under- neath. The Monk brothers are as sisting him, Mrs, Buttan, Rochester, is visiting friends here. Bir Richard band lady Cartwright arrived at their supamer resi this week. Prof. and Mrs. Butler leave for England early next week. Bowman brothers sent away nine magnifieent ordered pleasure ts and canoes to different parts vesterday; and ave finishing two andsome steamyachis and some siil- to: be delivered a» soon as possible. Barviefleld is the native 'place of the best pilols, the best cap tains, the best boatbuilders, and i. best all-around, sensible and agn furmers to be found in any place ten times its size. There is only ene thing that Js a disgrace and a nui sance. to the 'lace, and that is the pig stves, 'which, early as it is in the season, are flooding the village with stench enough to hring a plague. An old resident," Mrs. E. Watts, made the neighbors around wher old home here happy last week by n visit among them. A lawn social for St. Mark's church will be held at W. Rat tan's on Thursday next. Mes. Jobn Fuiord has retarned from a visit to Washburn, much improved in health. The Catarnqui bridge never was in such a terrible condition for walking. Without the greatest care one is in danger of 'going through the decayed planks, ing yachts, -------------------- A New Cottage Completed. Chaffey's Locks, June 13.<Al kinds of erops are looking well after the re- cent showers. Mise Louisa Trainer, Watertown, N.Y., arrived hy Steamer Rideau King, on Tuesday to remain for a time with her sister, Mrs. T, Roulger, who is very ill. The steam: er Rideau Queen my hee first trip y. "Mm C. Redford i of Mis. + Frank (Capt) Noonan and ton, spent fow days of their cottage here. Mes. N new cottage at "the Elbow'! is now Towiletad. She intends to remt it weekly or wouthly for - on Lg 3 J. ists, db is situated on'Y apiiol poi riven Indian and Mud EE -------------- TRIP TO WATERTOWN, BE Of the Frontense Conmty Council and Officials. Watertown, N.Y, Standard. The county. commissioners of the county of tense, Canada, who hold about the same position in Can- ada thet our eounty supervisors hold here, made a friendly . invasion. into American territory from Kingston last fight, amd, "as a matter of course, landed in Watertown. Their mission here was uot to terrorize the natives nor Ww annex the United Siates to Canada, although they. jokingly in ferred that, they wight do so in the future, bug simply. to make a friendly call. and look over the city. : There were. fiftesn gentlemen in the party, including councilmen and county officials. They arrived here on the 5:35 p.m. train. and after taking supper, went fur a drive about the city, passing through some of the puncipal streets and visiting the new city. park. On their retorn, they were received by mayor Pappe, . who conducted. them on a tour of inspec- tion through the city. hall. Au infor mal meeting: was held in the commen gouncil chamber, where numezous short speeches were made. Mavor Pappas made an address of welcome to the vigitars, t A them for their call and ex ang his regret that he was not aware of their com ing so that he could have made pre parations to give them a warnuer re ception. Councilman R. J, Spoor, of ade a brief response in which i 'We regret that we did not have the opportunity to give vou no tice of our coming, but we are very much pleased with the reception whic we have heen given. hove." He ex- pressed thanks on hehall of the conn- cilmen for the courtesy extended by the mayor apd the citizens in general and also expressed much enthusiasm about the new city park and in the growth of the city which he thought showed indications of rapid progress and development. He closed by ex prepeing a hope that some day the souncilmien will have the pleasure of entertaining the mayor and a like de legation in Kingston. J Al Avery, M.P., of Sharbot Lake, spoke briefly, referring to the mayor as heing a Canadian by birth and expressed pleasure that one of their nationality should he thus honored ia 'this country. He said that he had every confidence that the mayor woukl be faithful to the confi dence reposed :in him by the people of thin city in a manper that would re fleet credit upon himself as a citizen of the United States amd to his Cana dian ancestors, He alse expressed a hope to be able te entertain those present in. Kingston. Councilman Howard Reynolds, of Nerona, said + "On behalf of myself and. my colleagues. who have not spoken, a¢ «members of the county council ef the good eld county of Frontenac, I can heartily endorse all that has been said by the speakers that. have preceded me. | am very much pleased with the flattering re ception we. have received at the hands of the mayor and as this is the first visit of many of the councillors on American soil. 1 smn sare that they will carry away with them many plea: sant meniories of the . welcome. they hove received," He jokingly said that although he is ready to acknowledge the greatness of the United States, he thought that some day Canada. will next to it, and that owing to the increase of population and the Je velopment. of the resources of Canada that the day is not far distant. when the Unitegl States will be next to Canada, He seid that their reason for coming over here was ta becor better acquainted with their American cousins and form an opinion as to the advisability of allowing them to come into the dominion as British subjects, but before annexing this county to Canada they would consult the Ame rican people and gain their consent. Short were made by coun cilmen Pringle, Toner, Mosier, county clerk Dr. John Edwards and E. . Britton, who dpoke along the lines as the others. At the close of the meeting three lusty chedrs were given for the presi: dent. of. the: United States and the king of Great Britain, after which, headed by the mayor and the city at torney, they, procesded to go out: to "do" the city. They were all unani mons in declaring it to be a. warm town. The party included councilmen Ri J. Spoor, of Welle Islam; NM. A. Avery, M. P., Sharbot. Lake; Howard Raynolds, Verona; John E, Campbell, Hinchinbrooke; William Pringle, Ken nebec; William Toner, Pittsburg; Wil liam Pillar, Kingston; Romain Mos- ier, Wolle Island; Lorenzo Ruttan, Lobarough; R.. Woods, of Kennebec; county treasurer David Purdy, King ston; county olerk br. John Edwards, Kingston; caretaker of the court house, W. Grant, Kingston, and E. H Britton, -son of judge Britton, of Kingston, The party was chaperoned hy Charles Beattie, the veteran express man running between Cape Vincent and Kingston. ¥y.] same The Grounds. fare, Peterboro, THE DAILY WHIG, MONDAY. 4 denve of DIVULGING BUSSIAN MILITARY SECRETS. FOR He is Deprived of His Rights and to Spend Twelve Years at Hard Labor--The Discovery of Treason Made Through Re- vengeful Wife, Warsaw, Russian Poland, June 16. The trial of Col. Grimm, of the Rus wan. grmy, is concluded and Col. Grimm was sentenced to be deprived of all rights and to imprisonment at hard labor for twelve years. Col Grimm was tried upon the charge of having revealed Russian military se- crets to a foreign. power. It was said that several aristocratic Polish. ladies hes! heen arrested as accomplices of the colonel, and that a large number of other persons were taken into cus- tody in connection with the case. It bas been said that Col. Grimm, dur- ing the ten years revealed to a for- eign power every military plan pre pared by Russia in the eventuality of war, and the discovery of Col Grimm's treason was due to his wife, re. | whe denounced her husband in venge for his having paid court to another woman. The power to which Col. Grimm is sail to have disposed of his informstion has been variously designated as Germany, Austria and Franoe. In Russia the betrayal of - military secrets is not a capital offence, unless shiz betrayal be made to a power with which Russia is at war, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs ' Picked Up Wy Reporters on Their Rounds. 98¢. shirts at Jenkins', All trusees ana suspensories at half price. Roche's old stand, Mrs. Mary Mills, Bagot street, left at noon to-day for New York on busi ness. Poor Belleville ! ladies are eloping away from the town. All sachet powders 18e. ounce. Roche's old stand. E. C. Mitchell, A government inspector is expected in the 'city shortly to examine into local customs conditions, H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering, New York, Orders received at McAuley's book store, J. E. Hutcheson, of this city, will represent St. Lawrence Hall, Mont real, at Alexandria Bay this summer. Second lieutenant Sands, No. 2 field hospital, A.M.C., will be medical of ficer at the cavalry camp at Barrie field. All bottled perfumes at exactly hall price. Roche's old stand. E. C. Mit- chell. Thé cadets of the royai military college, in camp since last Friday, re- turned to the college this merning. They say they did not enjoy their outing. : Van leaves McHquaham's' livery, Princess street, every Wednesday, Fri- day and Sunday afternoons at two o'clock, for Cataraqui cemetery. Fare for round trip, 20c. The "Ping-Pong club, composed principally of young men residing on Queen street, journeyed on their w pels to Collinge' lake yestorday, where they spent a pleasant day, George Sullivan is doing fine wark for Providence. On Sunday he allowed Newark only four hits, his team win- ning by ten to four, This is Sulli van's third consecutive win. Soft shirts, 98¢, this week at Jen kins', This. week at Mullin's : Creamery butter, por Jb., 22e.; 4 packages of corn stgreh, 23¢.; 3 packages | mincg meat, He; 3 ting of kippered haddies, 20¢,; corner Johnston and: Division streets. The rainy weather of the past week has not been pleasant for artillery wen who are camped at Deseronto, por will it please the cavalrymen who go into camp to-MOSTOW, if it eon tinues. The Y.M.C.A. orchestra, eight number; recently joined the 1th regi sient in a body. They will take their instruments with them. on the trip to Montreal; and will help enliven the tediousness of the journey. The members of St. James', Chalmers and choirs, together with instrumental club members, nestly requested to attend practios this eveningwat 8 p.m. sharp in St George's cathedral for the coronation service to be held on the 26th inst. We have added to the Laurance glasses, some $1 nickle spectacles, of the numbers we were short. of; and gre offering them at 285¢. the pair. Roche's old stand. FE. C. Mitchell, July Smart Set in a very notable number having = clever novelette by Fdward Van Sile, a coronation arti- cle by Gilbert Parker, an essay On toasts. by the duchess of Somerset, besides contributions from at least thirty other well-known writers. The magazine has been a swift and grow- ing snccess. ¢ "The growing interest in mosquito extermination" is set forth by Dr. L. ©. Howard and Henrv Clay Weeks, who record in July Century praeti- cal operations at Oyster bav. Long Is land, not far from the simmer res president. Roosevelt. An. ex tensive Nist of towns and cities which have taken up anti-mosquito work in ane jc manper, and cor: nd- ence on the sibjeet is given with the department of agritu'ture, ------------ " fe © « The subordinate staff at the artil- lery camp, Deseronta, is thus made up: Division sergeart-major, Sergt.- Maj. O'Grady; division guartermaster- sergeant, ai. . A. Costin; as sistant nReTy rtruetor, Bergt.- Jost. J. Studer division orderlyroom clerk, to IE ! field battery; division Even the young in order to get in Paul's, St. St. George's the vocal and are ear sion commander, Liews.-Col. Ogilvie; adjutant, Capt. Leslie. ist division--Bri Lieut, C: 43 was very proud JUNE 16, TE STYLISH COSTUMES. A Waist Of Crepe De Chine--Trim- ming of Lace Straps. A very novel waist is herd illustra- tuck effect and trimmed with lace straps and a deep lace yoke. Black chifion bands are very artistically dis poset and a large rosette of the same is placed at the left side sleeves are remarkable for their no velty and oddity. AN the stitching is done with Cortwelli silk. For shirt waists pongee is special ly recommended and it is very fetch- ing, made up with bands of ecruem broidery, or over a color with a is material heavy lace yoke. This Gibson particularly suitable for the and Duchess waists, the former giving the broad-shouldered effect so much sought after just now, im the shape of folds or tucks extending over the shoulder, the latter fastening under a double fly and showing fronts richly loved with Corticelli wash em broidered silk. The favored color in pongee is the natural ecru ting I though it can also be procured in'dif ferent shades. Mercerized fabrics of all kinds will be extensive ly worn, the process having been vastly improved since it was first brought upon tha market, and all sorts of silk and linen mixtures are great! ------------ Mr. Wishart, traveller for a Kings ton firm, has taken up his residenes in Renfrew, She Gained Eleven Pounds. And Was Brought Back From Nervous Prostration to Health and Strength by Using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. -- embroit al in vogue Dr not There is no faith eure about Chase's Nerve Food. You do need to imagine it is going good. You can prove it by keeping 8 record of your weight. "I'nis food Cure acts in 8 perfect natural way. In fact, it Is nature's own cure, and is composed of the most powerful restoratives and invigorators that science has yet dis covered. Take the case of Mrs West, ter quoted below. She rup down In as de sesibed in her J was pale, weak and health. Her blood was thin and watery, and her nerves =o starved and exhausted that she was prostrated Pr Chase's Nerve Food cured her, and added pew, firm flesh to her bly to the extent of eleven pounds. You will find her letter interesting Mrs. 8S. W. West, Drayion, Wel lington county, Unt, writes : "About fwo years ago 1. got terribly ran down, and finally became a victim of prostration.. ] had no ap to lose interest and senreely. drag ny of good results Chase's Nerve h great nervous petite, seemed ambition snd could self about. Hearing from the use of Dr. x Food, 1 used three boxes wit benoit. In 8 short te T gained eleven pounds, and as I' was very thin when I hegan fo use the remedy of the increase of weight. ; "hen the following spring T became rather poorly, and they again buili me up, and gave me such a good ite that | wanted to est nearly 1 was so pleased with oo HH you have been affected as Mes. West hos, if you are pot feeling real strong and well, you will be surprised that Dr. Chase's Nerve you. It puts color in ted made of folds of crepe de chine in And | Ely Pl ir oor vas AJ 4 i a a a ) D & A Straight Froaf Corset. -- This new approved corset is un. surpassed. poise, sloping bust, extended walst line and graceful round hips so much sought after, D & A Corsets are approved by *' society." Most merchants sell them, if your dealer' dees not, send to us, to. $3.00 per pair--made in White, Grey and Black, DOMINION CORSET Mig. CO. QUEBEC MONTREAL--TORONTO. It gives the upright Price $1.00 4 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY (By Request) 10 Per Cent. Off All Boots, Shoes. Trunks and Valises. ABERNLETHY'S, PRINCESS STREET. Gas Stoves, Coal Oil Stoves, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, McKELVEY & BIRCH; 69 and 71 Brock Street. OUR BULLETIN BOARD For This Week Reads : Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Screen Doors And Windows, We Have These in Nice Assortment and Right Prices. , Zo THE rad) IA PAE -~ a 3 Bf pL CHEAPEST CANNOT BE THE BEST. LABATT'S Is Undoubtedly The Best Ale p On The Market. it Is Remarkable For Its Purity. AND IRON I ------------------------------_ JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT. Last wok was our big week In Parlor Beus g We Intend meking this our initial week in Frans aod leon Beds, in oll shades of ene mel, oly $4.50. Also Woven Wire Lock Weave Springs 10 8 only $2.50. Aud our special Sanitary Ses Gress sod Wool Wastrasms, in Fancy Stripes Anetices Tokings, sli shoden, only $2.50. We only have s Suited sumber of the snd Purxiture Dealer,