DAILY BRITISH WHI KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 2), 1902, LAST EDITION. Our business 'has 50 increased that we are obliged to enlarge our show rooms rather than remove 322 Princess Street. 2 Doors Above the Opera House. TEL: PHONE 577. From loaning money in any quantity wpon good real estate, and this in just the time 0 map up the greatest baegaine in real ov tale. If you wait until "public" confidence is mstored your chance will hnve passed. All fo individual confidence. We buy i and sll property on & small margin, J. S. R. McCANN. 81 Brock Street. Ground Floor, CORONATION DAY A. 0. U. W. PICNI LAKE ONTARIO PARK. LL WATCH, ' "ass BUNHATING CONTEST, DANCING CONTEST, SWIRNYNG, TUB and FOOT RACHS, wi TUG-OF WAR. Admission dy Cars 10c. 7 Wer Particulars ses Programme. MOTHER HENOY'S *" foes, tg PRICE, 25c. MEDICAL. 100 NERVOUS DEBILITY PILLS, 10, "Drv * and Pilly, 180. L. West, N. Avon, N.Y, LOST T BROOCH, WITH PEARLS AT , Coliege ball , Finder will kindly ove ab Wis oflice. Howard offered. a ---- E MARK UARE ON ening. A PAIR. OF ON THURSDAY GOLD RIMMED 3 will be suitably by having them with W, Mo markat WANTED. DINING ROOM BOY OR GIRL IMMEDIATE Iv at 240 King strees, AN EXPERIENCED CLERK FOR A CLOTH fon store, Apply at 102 Princess street I -------------------------------------- isn A GENERAL SERVANT. Ap. with in the evening to Mrs. 8 ol street, be GIRLS © BOYS OVER FOURTEEN GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY BETWEEN 3 ht o'clock in the evening to Br u v AST Jolmeton ret -- LADIES, ALSO MEN, TO COPY LETTERS, N envelopes at houn Snir; EE Ee Station' B. LOCAL MEMORANDA The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. This is the first day of suoumer. Troops at Su George's cathedral 11 am, Bumday. Non jury sittings bigh court justics, 2 pm. Monday. The pawnbroker is in a class by himeell ; that is, he stands a Joan. Some fellows bave to be fast in order to keep ahead of their creditors. "Genk," said the skunk, hokling his nose as the gasoline auntomolile whireed past. Flower Sunday, Queen stroit Methodist church, 11 am, 3 pm., 7 pm Chikiren at afternoon service. The sun rises Sunday at 414 am. and ste at 746 pm. Tt also rises and seta ot the wmme hour Monday, Always buy from the merchants who od vertive and you will sidom find moths the cloth or dust in the Leiter. This dav in the world's history--MecKinley sominated for presihnt of United States, 1900; Gen. Dundonald occupies Btanderton, South Africa, 1900; Quebec Gazette firm is sued, 1704; Tider Hoggurd born. 1966; arch bishop Tache died, 1804; death of count Muraviefl, Rusdan minister of foreien uiiwirs, 1900; Sir Joli do Lotbinler appointed Heat enant-governor of British Columtda, 1900. -- CAT E ne » DINNER. SETS. We can show yoe bundreds of different patterns and colors, to pleass any ome. Prices twenty per cent. less than elsewhere. ROBERTSON BROS. TOC COMMENCING "Gone * 23rd. FOX & SUMMERS, .xéicn. BERT JOHNSON, covnyfhoneter MAY SHAYNE, Vocalist, THE WCORMACK'S, "25 oa1uas. HART & DILLON, musigar Admission free by car sxoipt on Thurwday Auction Sale Friday Next June Rh, at Ne. 171 Well ngten St, OF ONE OF THE BEST MERCHANT TAY lors stock, fixtures, , tools, ete, the proprietor retiring from business, the stock will be open for imspecti vious to sale, with the option of to rent the old establishibd stand, will be offered én bloc, Terms made known at i anle. This is a grand opportunity for young beginners, as trade in the city has been dome in this establishment and assistance will be given the wurchaser to retain the best costumers, Sale 10:30 am. J. 8. SANDS & SON, J. A. BALTER, Vendors. Auctioneer BY JOHN H. MILLS Auction Sale, TUNSDAY, June 24th, at Residence of Charlies LaFrance, Place d'Armes St., viz. BEDROOM SET, IRON BED, SPRINGS. Cot, Mirrors, Oil Cloth, ing airs, Plo tures, Soft, Extension Table, Lamps, Centre Tables, Cook Stove, Heating Stoves, Crock: ery, Glassware, sod other articles. Sale at 10:30 am, Terms cash. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. TO LET. A COTTAGE AT STELLA POINT, 9 ROOMS, furnished. Boat and hammocks included. The finest cottage and location on the Bay. of te. Terms moderate. Apply at the Office WANTED TO RENT. HONSE AND BUGGY FOR JULY AND AU- gust. Will be well taken care of. Apply "Front Roud," Whig Office. A $50,000 JOKE. Hides Cheque Among His Daugh- ter's Wedding Gifts. Cleveland, 0O., June 2|.---Senator Hanna played a mild and very plea sant joke upon his daughter, Mabel, and ber newly wedded husband, Harry Parsons. When the young couple were examining the wedding presents after the ceremony, they found nestled be tween a massive silver plate and a bit of cut glass an innocent piece of paper, but a few words and figures, and the senator's signature. It was worth just 850,000, however, to the newly wedded couple, it being a certi- fied chegue to that amount. Carnegie's Lateat Benefaction. June 2 .--Andrew Car REMEDIAL MEASURES A Joiat Mission To Make Ian- vestigation THOUSANDS SUCCUMB TO [1 SLEEPING SICKNESS IS A DEADLY DISEASE. Negro Lethargy Afflicts the People of Uganda--Similar to the General Paralysis of the In. sane. London, June A.A joint mission, organized by the foreign office and the Royal society, has left for Ugan- da, to investigate the whole subject of the "sleeping sickness' in Uganda. The expedition consists of Dr. Low, Dr. Christy, and Dr. Castellani. These gentlemen. will proceed direct from Marseilles to Entebbe, the head quarters in Uganda, via Mombasi. It is boped to conclude the preliminary investigation into the subject in ab- out eight months. The observers will not only study in the warious pro vinces of the Uganda protectorate the history and causes of the disease with a view to remedial measures, but also the area within which the malady bas declared itself. : The cost of the transport and main tenance of the members of the mis gion is being borne by thd govern ment, and a grant of $3,000 towards the cost of equipment ana payment of the doctors has been made out of the Royal society's government grant fund. Sleeping sickness, or negro lethargy, is a deadly disease which has been long known in West Africa, but bas recently travelled along the Congo in- to Uganda. The fear is that it 'will spread in this region. It has many features in common with the general paralysis of the insane. Hitherto it has only attacked natives, and three cases were lately under. treatment in London hospitals. Latest reports from Ulganda indicate that in Busoga alone 20,000 people have succumbed, and it is said to be still on the in- crease. MINISTERS TALKING. Barton Has Had His Say In London. London, June 21.--What may be call- od politico-coronation oratory is now in full stream. Mr. Cham- berlain succeeded in preventing Mr. Seddon, prime minister of New Zea: land, from speaking in public again, last night, by inviting him to dine with him privately, but Mr, Barton, prime minister of the Australian com monwealth, made a speech at the ban- quet of the Imperial South African light horse association. He declared that the terms granted to the Boors were mot too generous: for they brought good will as well as peace. He hoped that the constitution would not be suspended in the Cape Colony, because such a suspension of free in- stitutions for even a day was a dan gerous experiment. Australia bad ef- fected a union without parchment and without formula, that would last for- ever. He depreciated the scheme for imperial federation now as premature. He also depreciated free trade with- in the empire, as the customs were often the most important part of the revenue of young colonies, Prime minister Laurier, of Canada, and prime minister Sprigg, of the Cape Colony, were both invited to this banquet, but both wrote apolo- jzing for their absence. A sharp can- ict of views. between Mr. Barton and Mr. Seddon at the premier's con ference at the colonial office seems to be inevitable, A story printed by the Morning Leader, illustrates Mr. Seddon's pre sent predicament. He like other prime ministers has a military guard of honor from his own colony over his residence. He is living at an hotel. One of the guests asked an armed sol dier, why he was marching wp and down there. The guard replied: "Our own 'Dick' Seddon is stopping in side. He is sometimes too ecommuni- cative to please Mr. Chamberlein and we are sent in the interests of imperi- al peace to bead off reporters." Mr. Lavell Injured. Smith's Falls, June 21.-J. R. La- vel, M.P., Smith's Falls, is going about these days with a badly dis figured face, the result of the reckless work of a boy, with a catapult. He was on his lawn, Monday evening, when suddenly he was hit under . the eve and for a few seconds he thought his eye was gone. This happily prov- ed not to be the case, but it was a close eall and Mr. Lavell suffered in tensely. He had been struck by a stone thrown from a catapult in the hands of a boy invisible. His face was discolored, but the injury was nothing to what it might have been and came so near being. Premier In Memory Of Amos Cummings. New York, June 21. Many men pro- minent in public life have accepted in- vitutions. ta athond the Micmerial ers vice in or of co mos J. Cummings, which ill be held in Car b to-morrow afte THE STRIKE IS ON, § All Negotiations Are Of With Railway Company. Toronto, Ont, June 21. The strcet railway employees have decided to strike and all otiations are off. The meeting lasted from midnight un til after eight o'clock. The street railway employees short ly after five o'clock this morning, de cided tp strike and as a result not a car wt is turning in the city this mornicg. The morning was wet and tens of thousands of people had to walk to work through a drizzling rain. The company has two or three hun- dred men on hand, brought from various out-of-town points to operate the cars, but so far not a car has been rin out of the barns. The striking employees remained in session till after eight o'clock, and them an- nounced that they would meet again at strike headquarters at noon. A rumor was put in cireulation that some men, who desired to get out of the meeting, which was held behind closed doors, were prevented from do- ing so lest they should go over to the company. A sergeant of police vis- ited the meeting at six o'clock, but found nothi to justify interference. The Furng, ok practically narrowed down to two points, The company of- fered a scale of wages beginning at seventeen cents and going up to twenty-one cents an hour, according to length of serviee. The men who at first asked for a flat rate of twenty- five cents an hour for all employees offered to accept cighteen cents for first year men and twenty cents for all over one year in the company's employ. They also made a strong stand for the appointment of a per manent grievance committee, which the company in its ultimatum has strongly refused to grant, Before the vote was taken president A. E. Ames, of the board of trade, addressed the meeting and declared that if the union men would accept the company's offer he would be glad to-morrow to give the National trust company his personal cheque for 810, 000, to be placed to the eredit of pen sion fund to the employees of the To ronto street railway company, to he héld there for one year, and if at the end of that time there had been no strike, the president of the company would hand over the money to the control of a committee, appointed by the conductors and motormen. "I simply offer this," said Mr. Ames, in conclusion, "as an evioence of the in terest 1 take as a citizen of Toron to'; A vote by ballot was taken on the company's offer in open session, and on the ballots being counted it was found that the offer haa been rejected by 515 to 273, The men then went into executive session and voted to strike. Mean while the board of trade committee made a final effort to influence the company to consent to arbitration, but without success, TIED SHOE TO A STRANGER. Amusing Predictment-of a Young Woman in Boston. Boston, June 21.--A very amusing incident happened the other day in a Brookline electric car, which was comfortably filled, when a well-dressed young woman entered and took a seat next to a man. Presently she leaned forwara and began to tie up her shoe lacing. It proved rather diffi- cult. to do with her gloves on, but after a while the passengers witness ing the performance saw the feat ac complished and the lady wit back, calmly gazing out of the window as if 'she was always tying her shoe" in electric cars. At the next stop the man before her rose to get off, but lo! there came a struggle, and then horror, mutual and general. The two were fastened, not exactly hand and foot, but shoe and shoe! So diligently had the lady tied the knots that®¥the lacing had to be cut by a ready pocketknife before the couple could be separated. Blushes and laughter, embarrassment and in- dignation were rife, for of all the comical scenes to which street cars are subject, this was one of the drol lost, Wing Family Reunion. Sandwich, Mass., June 21.--Wings from far and near are fluttering: to- ward this quaint old town, where a monster reunion of the entire Wing family is to be held here during the coming week. Those who have al- ready arrived number several hundred ond all are descendants of Deborah Wing and her four sons who came over from England in. 1632 and settled at Sandwich, in 1637. The social festivi ties in connection with the reunion are to be hehl in two of the houses built by the Wing family more than 200 years ago, and which are still oc cupied by descendants of the family. Another Boy Kidnapped. Brigham, Utah, June 20.-Nel An dorson, jr. seventeen years old, son of a prominent merchant, has disap peared and his hat has been found with the following note pinned to it: "Your son has been Kidnapped, and we demand £5,000 for his release, to be paid by the waterfall east of Brig- ham, or his legs and arms will be cut off and he will be killel. We mean every word we say, (Signed) "Chain Gang Robbers." The sheriff was immediately notified and search for the Jad was instituted, but no trace of kim has been found. $500,000 For Cornell. Ithaca, June 21. President Schur: man; of Cornell, received a cheque for £250,000 from John D. Rockefeller who offered the money condition that the Miss Sarah Hamilton, formerly recently of , WAN Marion Fairlamb, New York city. CONVICTS _ CELEBRATE Spacial Rations Issucd on 26th is Pcaiteatiarics. CLEREUE'S SIEEL RAILS. PROBABLY LAID ON DRUM- MOND . COUNTY SECTION. How Much Bounty Does Steel Company Get ?--The Auditor- General Reckons One Way and Company Goes to Law for Another. Ottawa, June 21.~Steel rails which are being manufactured at Sault Ste. Marie for the Canadian government will probably be laid on the Drum- mond county section of the Interco- lonial. They are eighty-pound rails and are subject to g thorough test by a New York expert hefore acceptance. Mr. Clergue has given the govern ment five vears guarantee against de fects and if the rails do not come up to the guarantees the wmanufacturer has to meet costs, The department of justice bas decid- ed to give an extra ration to the in- mates of all the dominion peniten tiaries on coronation day. W. B. Ross, K.(,, Halifax, who has been bere for the past few days, has obtained a petition of right in the case of the Dominion iron and steel company, of Swvdney, against the crown. The case will be tried in the exchequer court. It is a dispute be tween the company and the dominion auditor-general, J. L. McDougall, ower the payment of hounty. It appears the trade and commerce department reported in favor of the payment of £196,000 to the company in bounties on iron ana steel, but the auditor general stopped payment on the ground that it should be paid on the cold bar and not on the hot article, It is likely that Mr. McDougall will have independent counsel. In all pro bahility he will engage A. B. Ayles worth, K.C., Toronto. The depart ment of justice will also be represent. ed by counsel. The suit will decide whether the contention of the com- pany or the auditor is correct. Mr. Robinette, counsel of Lee Rice, the prisoner condemned to death for murdering constable Boyd in Toron: to, will have another chance to get his appeal for clemency. on behalf of the prisoner before the government Leave has been given to Mr. Robinette to prepare a statement of the grounds on which he asks for clemency, which will be considered at a cabinet coun- cil next week. It might be a cruel thing, however, to arouse hopes on the part of the prisoner that there is any chance of the sentence of the law not being carried out. The department of the interior is about to wend out a party to explore the country drained hy the Albany river. This river is the boundary be tween Keewatin and Ontario. The Ontario government have been busy exploring their lands, but the Kee watin district, which is all crown lands, has never been explored. The party, which, it is 'understood, will he under Dr. Rohert Bell, of the geologi- cal survey, will start at an early date. ABSORB PUBLIC INTEREST. ---- The Colonies' Five Men Are All on Hand. London, June 21.--All the colonial prime ministers, Indian princes and governors of England's remote pos sesgions over the sea who were jnvited to attend the coronation, are now in London, and, with their suites and delegations from their armies, white, black and brown, absorb much public interest. The royal delegations from foreign courts, with their brilliantly uniformed suites and picked specimens from crack regiments will now begin vo arrive. The duke and duchess of Aosta, and the Italian delegation, will come on Sunday when the prince and princess of Rotimania will also arrive. Monday will bring a constant stcvession of princes, including prince and princess Henry of Prussia, grand duke Michael of Russia, prince Leo pold of Bavaria, the grand dnke of Hesse, the crown prince of Sweden and Norway, the crown prince of Siam, and several German princes, besides admiral Gervais of France, and Mgr Merry Del Val, the representative of the vatican. The largest military de legations will be from the Austrian and German cavalry regiments, of which king Edward is the honorary colonel. Mr. Ritchie, 'secretary for state for home affairs, has written to the Jord mayor of London, asking that the utmost precautions be taken to ensure the safety of the stands along the route of the coronation parade. He specially aske that the police note structures built at steep angle and as- certain if they will be sale. Nova Scotian Methodists. Amherst, N.S. Juae 21.--The pro vicinal Methodist conference i= meet. ing here, with the largest attendance of mimsters and laymen for several years past. Rev. A. Harkin, Amherst, was elected president on the first bal Jot. In his address to the confermnce, the new president made allusion to the coming coronation, and all the ministers rose and sang "God Save the King." Herring Fisheries Developed. Syduey, NS. June 21. A company bas been formed in Scotland (0 ex ploit the herring fisheries of Bay of slands, on the western coast of New- foundland. The Seotch and No - ian methods of treating the fish will be followed and drift nets will be used for eatching the fish in deep water. 8. BH. Ketcheson paid oud on Tues day over $7,500 for hogs purchased at Tweed and Ivanhoe. Mr. Hawkins al »0 a car load the sane day. Raglan rain coasts, $12.50. Bibby'e. og CORPSE OF BABE CREMATED. Candles Ignited Curtains, and the Body Was Burned. Ottawa, Jume 21.----A peculiar acci- dent occurred in Hull this moreing by which a baby corpse was cremated. The babe was the child of a man named Damade Boucher, and was sur rounded by candies and other emblems of Roman Catholic church. Curtains caught fire from the candles and be fore the blaze was out nothing but charred remains were leit. This is the second mishap of the kind in Hull, The Canada Gazetie to-day con tains notice of the appointment of George Fdmison, of Peterboro, as deputy judge during the absence of judge Weller. John Hastie, of Sheguindah, Ont., i= appointed a wharfinger. Dar id Der. ry, at Trois Pistoles, Temiscouta county, Que, is appointed receiver of wrecks for that county and adiacent idands. Capt. William Reeves, of Port Mulgrave, N.S. is appointed port warden. The royal standard, according to the government may be used for de coration purposes on coronation day. The standard is the personal stand ard of the king and should not be used on any other day. THE COMPANY'S LAST APPEAL Men Willing to Work to Report for Duty--New Cable Laid. Toronto, June 21--At 9:30 am. general manager Keating announced that no effort would be made to oper afe cars today, and in explanation issued the following notice to the men © "Inasmuch as the company re cognize that their mon are exhausten by their long conference, and, there fore, physically unable to operate their cars to-day, the management wizhes to state that all the men de siring to continue in the employment of the company are expected to re port for duty to-morrow (Sunday) at 7 am, and will receive full pay for Saturcay." This is the company's last appeal to the men The Great North Westerns telegraph company has just finided laying a submarine cable from a point on the mainland, near Windemere, across Inke Rossean, to reach the new Roval Muskoka hotel. The cable is now in successinl operation, placing this dis trict in direct communiention with Toronto and other important centres ANNOUNCES RESIGNATION. Retires After Defeat of Franchise Bill. Stockholm, June 21 --Premier von Otter, when announcing his intention to retire from office, gave as his reg son the increasing infirmities of old age. It is understood, however, that the real reason was the disereditable defeat of the franchise bill, which par liament threw out without debate Liberal and even moderate conserva tive papers urge king Christian to dismiss his well meaning but wonk cabinet and to appoiel men with strong political opinions in order to give the country a lead at the ap proaching elections, Negro Becomes Priest. Baltimore, Md., June 2I.-The Rev J. Harry Dorsey, colored, was or dained a priest in the Roman atho lic church to-day. The ordination was performed in the cathedral, cardinal Gibbons officiating, with the assis tance of all the prominent priests of the diocese. Father Dorsey has the distinction of being the second color ed man ever ordained to the Catholic priesthood in this country. He is a native of this city and received his education in the public schools here and subsequently at St. Paul, wher he had the extraordinary honor of studying history, philosophy and the ology under the preceptorship of arch bishop Ireland. Young Mr. Dorsey re mained several years in Epiphany col lege here and was graduated in 1503 He then entered St. Joseph's semin ary, through which he managed to pass in spite of illness and the pecul iar difficulty of the studies he was compelled, to master. In all, he has spent fourteen years in arduous pre aration for the ministry, To-morrow will say his first mass, McKinney Purchased. Indianapolis, June 21.---Henry Gentry, of Bloomington, Ind., has purchased McKianey, 2.114, from Charles A. Durfee, of San Jose, Cal The deal was closed last night. The purchase price was $26,000. McKinney is the greatest supposed sire of his age. fourteen years, known to trot ting horse history. He has four 2.10 performers, nineteen 2.15 performers, and twenty-eight 2.20 performers to his credat. Privates Pardoned. Ottawa, June 2.---The urexvired term of the sentence of fen years pe pal servitude of J. A. Hopkins wed William Petes, at the (hme iwivetes in the firet battalion, Canadian mounted rifles, has been resuitted from the 18th instant. Upon the lense of these men they were to he conducted to seaport, and provided with passage to Canada, by steanier leaving Liverpool this dav. The King In Danger. Vienna, June 21. The suspicions of the police that anarchists are resolves D | FIRST | Bulg fo sseassinate emperor. Franz Josef | bave been renewed. An individoal, on | able to account for his whereabouts, was fount concealed in the cellar of | the imperial villa, at Ischell, where | the emperor will go next week. Jn! consequence, an army of oetectives ! has gone to guard the emperor during | his stay there. Was Burned To Death. Hamilton, June N.---Mrs. Hattie Btewsrt was burned Mo death in » fre at ber hovse, MacNab street, North, | yesterday. The woman lived slone and | it ia believed that she was trying to | save her effects when she was eaught i TBVRRVTLVITVVLLENTOCS by the Hames. ¥ Toronto. Ont, Jue tet. (10 am)~Clers ing this evening with strope aorth westerly winds v sing north westerly winds , but quite cold LADIES' OPEN WORK HOSE, 13¢., 28c., 3c., 400. SOc, RIBBED COTTON HOSE: wear guaranteed; all sizes of the celebrated MoGill Stockings, 208c. pair, THREE SPRCIAL GLOVES, 18, 13. for 100. pair; all sizes. BOYS' LINES OF and 13§c., colors. and CHILD'S WASH DRESSES, he., We., $1, $1.25 up, Pretty eolors, new latest Now York styles designs, HUDSON--In North Frodoicksborgh, on June wdith, the wile of Frank Hudson, (ee ahwl Varmistine) of a mom RANNIE-At Roslin, on Jus Mey snd Mes, (Kev) Homsie, Sih a daw wo Har MARRIED, HUFFMAN-ADATL worth, Miss Sersh Jah A Hulman. Cousin BULMER-NATHAN--At Nupmnoe, on Jung inth, by Thomas Bulmer asond Miss Mag= ww Nathan, all of Deseronio. SMITH-PALEN--At Teton, on June 174k, (harks H. Smith and Mise Blanche Pas lon, both of Picton WRIGHT CLARK FAs Froderick Wright Ethel Clare On Tacs w J ume Adair, 18th, Camden, Tweed, on June 18h, of Ivashos, to Miss DIED, GALLAGHER<In Kingston June 20th, Am Condey, aged seventy wears, reliet of the late Jobn Gallagher Yuseral occurred this slternoon FURNER--At Walle lulaaed, Jue 16th, 1902, Ciaie 1., only daughter of George Furr, acd eslghton wenrs GILLESPIE ~At Ingvesoll, of Julia M. Gilles, Peton, seven yoar's BEST ROOF COATING HAVE YOUR ROOFS MADE GOOD BY using Deegon's flood Stagg and Cement; for rusty or leaky rocls All kinds of rools made water Sight. Leave orders at the Kane nedy Howse, or entl at pew buildings, Queen's University, J. KE. DERGAN, Roofer, 17h, Jung forty weed BOARD. CLASS HOOMS AND BOARD, Gentlamen preferred, ot 240 Kine sizont. PERSONAL. LADIES : USE OUR HARMLESS REMPDY for deipyed or suppressed poniod. it ane vot fail. Trial free. Paris Chemieal Co., Milwaukes, Wis BOKINESS MAN, MIDDLE AGED, WORTH $00. 000, swks ot ones poor, bet faithiel NR ---- wile. Address Mr. Hamilion, #08 ¢ Budding, Olleago HANDSOME INTELLIGENT ladly worth 8 0) dately aed nusiet Tiewl Iv. Belle, we. I AMERICAN Tustin] Ament h 184 Van Buren street, Chioss KNOW YOUR JEETINY. Hiustested book on Palmer v snd full inlorme- von for 10 ew. Professional ped mgs, givem by mail vv mv sew mee Fatmistry taught Laver, President fostitute | of Palesietry, Hovseman Grand Ropids, Mich thod Nat) chicken loaf, veal loaf, Jas. Redden Ham loaf, tel loaf, cottage loal. & Co Oak Hall tonight, PRECIOUS STONES Will alwsve hod thelr vadu and od views The value of a jewel is wumeh = hanced ty the delicate settings fs we make a featare. A viel here will how thet fine wniry in possitle st 8 merleratc cont fi ouson oo PRE. { il the