Something news-and very artis- tic. A big improvement on the split bamboo shades. Weather proof, light, prettily colored, and 0x8 Fool - $2.75 3.60 iH ro - Don't think that because they are inexpensive they are not good. They are the most satisfactory shade we know of for porch use. Porch Pillows and Porch Rugs in great variety. Pom FURNITURE. We Carry a Large Variety. THIS BUFFETT--Right dn stvle, price an. « wality, finest Goldem Quarter Cut Ouk. $20 EBOAR , $10, $11, $13 ead AIREDALE 4 JB, 4 RIDEBOARDS--8olid Golden Oak, $15, $17, #30, $25, ote, up to $90. i AX TENSIN TABLES-$4.50, $5.50, $7, "DINING CHAIRS-500. op to $10 each. We have a gr loa of Dinisg-Koom Furniture. Summer Carpets, Linelenms, Etc. Japanese Chinese Mattiogs and Rugs, © WINDOW SHADES, POLES ¥TO. od of English vel border), A TB J bg el SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS June Weddings to Those GANANOQUE WINS ACN | PONIES DID SOME AMATEUR- ISH FUMBLING. Orienitils to be Strengthened--Au- stralian Lacrosse Team Com- ing to Canada--Winnipeg As- sociation Footballers on Tour. | Gananoque got away with another watch from the Ponies yesterday afternoon, the score being 10 to 7. | Some very markeu amateurish work in two inwings by the home teum gave ithe visitors: six: umearned runs. | For instance, in the seventh, Quigley | mufied an. easy infeld fly, and threw ! another ball wild to first base. Then | the bases because filled, and through | ar PERSONAL MENTION. X ---- Movemerts of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Justice Britton will preside at the ' amsizes in Brockville next week. Mrs. Bert. Prevost sad child are in Belleville, the guests of Miss Kelly. Miss Olive 'Assclstine, Napanee, b in the city vikiting her cousin, Miss Fd ith Culeheth, Portsmouth, Mre. Anderson and daughter; Ger frude, Kingston, are guests of Mr. and Mre. M. J. Wilson, Suiith's Falls, Dr. Connell and wile, Kingston, are visiting At the home of Dr. Connells father, Martin Connell, Spencerville, Mee. F. 8. Rees, and daughter, Miss Trené, Kingston, are the guests of Mrs, FE. W. Bees wt "Willowhurst," Smith's Falls. Principal Maggs, Montreal, is at a few more errors, Gananoque scored | Gananoque, where he will spend a few four rons withoui havieg made hit. It wasn't Ambwose's fault that Ponies lost. He pitched a steady yang, allowing only eight hits, while Ponies made eleven off Duquette. in the third, Duquette struck out three Ponies, and hix cap waddenly be cane too small. Amdwose well earned the ran he made in the Lith, hitting for two bases, stealing third, and beating in a passed ball by a narrow margin, Ponies began hammering Paguette's cmrves in this junings, making four hits and three runs, With the score 10 to 5 in the eighth, it Tooked as' though Ponies might break Gananogue's lead. Marks' twor bagger scored Hunt, and Tilton's three bace hit sent Marks over the plate. Droban doubtless saved Gana due, enteching Ambrose"s bit right after g hard run. The longest hits were made by Ran dolph in the fourth, and Ross and Tilton in the eighth. Randolph, how ever, was thrown out at thied, Daley fielding the ball in quick manner. Gananoque continues to play a bet ter field game than Ponies, while the latter are the better batters. Ponies seem to have exceedingly bad fumb- ling spells, The best fielding seen here in many a day was that by 'Joe' Daley, the Ponies' clever centre fielder,r whe canght 'three difficult flies that re quired long chasing. Ponies were without liott behind the bat. Some of umpire Sutherland's base decivions didn't please the Gananogue players, who thought "Jim'" should be transferred to the Epwocth league. There were no Gananoque maidens present to emit rome of their hysteric al sereeches, and savagely munch their chewing gum Gananoque--Strob, ¢.; O'Hara, hh; Ross, c.f: Brenan, 1b; Drohan, r.i; Burke, 2b; Randolph, Li; Duquette, pi Adkey, sw. Poni Tilton, rd; Quigley, Daley, ¢ Ishin, 8.5; Easton, Hunt, 1b; Derry, 3b; Marks, ¢.; brow Gananoque Portes ... one to "Chaucer" El 2h: Am 0240 )3002 0-10 201 0 0 7 . 1 200 Baseball On Friday. National league--At Brooklyn, 1; New York, 3. At Boston, 0; Phila delphia, 2. American . league--At Clovelana, 8 Washington, 5. At Detroit, 3; Bos ton, 0. Eastern leagwe--At Toronto, 1k Newark, 0. At Buffalo, 3; Providence, 2. At Rochester, 7; Worcester, 5. At Montreal, 11; Jersey City, 1. General Snapshots. The New Westminster, B.C., lacrosse team, Minto cup challengers, reach Montreal to-morrow. The Invader, winner of Canada's cup last year at Chicago, was to be sold this afternoon by auction at Toron- to. Manager Geoghegan, of the Ponies, says he is going to teach his team to play 'ping-pong; baseball seems to be out of their line. Montreal baseball team has been wipping a few matches, and the Her ald announces that Mr. Hoodoo is off on a vacation, Montreal Shamrock play the Crescents in afternoon. The latter States champions. The street railway company will prepare a field at Lake Ontario park suitable for lacrosse purposes. The baseball diamond will be enlarged. Ponies have this swason won five matches amd lost three, their defeats being accountable to Gananoque. Pon- ies have beaten Gananogue twice. The Denver police board issaed in structions to the chief not tg permit "Young Corbett" and Sullfvan to fight thers to-night. The contest will probably take place in Louisville or San Francisco at a latter date. An Australian lacrosse team antici pates a tour of Canada, and wants to play for the Minto cup. This is impossible, as the cup is for competi- tion among Canadian teams. But that should not affect the Austra linn' proposed trip. The Orientals will place their strongest team against the Ponies on coronation day. "Wicky" Wilson, once a erack baseball player, will ill the position of shortstop, and Wal Ince Montgomery will play first base. Easton may also join the Orientals, and play third base. Ponies are in need of a shortstop. Tilton and Islin have been Slling the position, but are somewhat strangers 5 the spot, With a good shorteton, 'onies would be surprisingly stresigthi- ened in fleld play. There ia ibi- lity of a member of the Gananoque team being secured. Next weok the Shamrock associa tion football team, of Winniueg. comas east on a tour. They are scheduled to play at Detroit, Berlin, Wingham, Clinton, Seafrth, Galt, Toroate, Belleville, Kingston, Reockville, Ot n Montreal. So far lacrosse team Brooklyn this are United weeks' vacation. His family preceded him a few days ago. An- engagement has been announced between Miss Jean Howler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Hoyley, Toron to, to the Rev. Mr. Haslam. Mrs. (Rev.) W. Miller, Eganville, re turned home yesterday after a five weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Godwin, Pine street. Charles Curtin, Brockville, a for- mer student of Queen's and a hroth- er of Dr. V, Curtin, in spending a few days with friends in the city. Goorge Tuttle, the newly appointed policeman, who assumes duty on July Ist, paid the police station a visit this morning and was introduced to his colleagues. Major Kent spent yesterday at Des eronto, at the artillery camp. He thinks the eamp ground is beantifullv situated. The men are making spleen dia progress with their drifle, Robert MeCullough, driver for Hinds Bros., bottlers, wishes the statement corrected, that he is golax to ¥ onto. He has not any such intention. He is satisfied with Kingston and in- tends remaining here, Letters recently received from Chas. Kileen and William Bowman, two Kingston members of the 47th regi ment who have been serving in South Africa, state that the men are en joying good health. They have 'Veen through a number of important en gagements. Alderman W, H. Carson will resign his seat at the council board at Mon day night's mecting. Many will regret that circumstances makes it neces sary for alderman Carson to do zo He has been a faithful city father, one who has rendered the municipal ty most valuable service, W. F. Van Buskirk, C.E., was one of the committee in charge of ar- rangements for the banquet given Hon. T. Mayne Daly in Rossland, B. C. It was one of the finest. functions ever held in that "camp," noted for munificent bamgets. Mr. Van Bus kirk is a graduate of the Royal mili- tary college. Rev. and Mrs. D. G. MacPhail ex peet to start for their future home at Frank, Alberta, on Monday. Recently at Picton the society of christian en: deavot read a farewell address to Mr. and Mrs. MacPhail, presenting Mrs. McPhail with a gold christian endea vor pin as a parting gift, and Mr. MacPhail with a gold fountain pen. Tors Prince Edward Farmers' Institute At the annual meeting of the Prince Edward farmers' institute, the presi dent's and the sceretary's report of the work for .the past year were con- sidered very satisfactory and the andi- tors' report showed a good balance on hand, Directors were elected ax fol- lows : North Murysburgh, G. N. Rose and D. McCornock, South Marysburgh, Bd. Clark, HM. Ellice; Athol, J. M. Knox, Sidney Stanton; Sophiashurgh, Sprague, P. Gilbert; Hallowell, J. N. "hristio, 8. Lake; Hillier, J. J. Ward, L. P. Hubbs; Ameliashurgh, J, E. Glenn, Cyrus Giles; Wellington, W. Searls; Picton, J. N. Laird, B. Joha- son, auditor; president, G. N. Rose; vice-president, James E. Glenn; secre tary-tressurer, A. 8. Yarwood. The Regiment Had A Drill. The 14th -regiment paraded last night under' command of Lieut.-Col. Skinner. The companies were up to full strength. The men were exercised in artillery park, music for marching being provided by the bugle band. The men were informed that they would leave Kingston for Montreal at nine o'clock gn the evening of the 25th inst. arriving in Montreal, ab out seven o'clock next morning; the trip will be made by the K. & P. and O.P.R. railroads. The regiment will have the train as headquarters throughout the day. How Many Provinces ? "Canuck" writes to the Whig asking if there are not sixteen provinces in the dominion of Canada. He gives their names thusly : Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Fdward is- land, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Bri- tish Columbia, Yukon, Mackenzie, Arthabaska, Alberta, Sakkatchewan, Assiniboia, Keewatin, Franklin, La brador and Ungava. Returned To Quebec. Miss Cecile Legris, who for the past ar has been attending the convent fe Notre Dame, this city, bas com- pleted her studies, and left this morn« ing by the steamer Toronto for her home in Louisville, Que. During her stay here Miss Legris has made many friends who will regret her departare. 1 Only Routine Business. At last night's meeting of the wvivie finance committee only routine busi ness was transacted. committe oved of the settlement effected of _ account between the city and county. Has Left For Montreal Ganthier loft this after treal to attend the ven- : eolebration in connection with university. Sir Sandford Flem- will represont Queen's at the me- A noon for THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 21 THE WATE TENTED FIED | RECORD OF EVENTS AT THE MILITARY CAMP. { Inspection by 'the District Staff-- .Something About - the 3rd Dragoons--A New Issue of Uniforms--Notes Here, There and Everywhere. The end of the week sees the mili tary camp at Barrielickl in splendid condition. Half the drilling period will be over to-night, and the men are showing the eliects of hard "work on the part of themwlies apd their capable officers. The lines are neatly kept, and present an aturactive pie ture to the visitor. Yesterday the 3rd Dragoons server] with new uniforms all around, including new English riding boots The regiment had been expecting this jesue for some time. In their. new equipment, the troopers will present a splendid appearance. Col. Montizambert, N.0.C., and Col, Hemming, distriet stafi adjutant, visited the camp yesterday, and in- sported the men and horses, and look- ed over the books and accounts, Every was found satisfactory were vihing Col. Montizambert complimented Col, Clyde on the fine appearance and physique of the men in the 4th Hus Sars. So far this has been an exceptional: Ix healthy camp. Ouwly three men are in hospital, and two of these are there as the result of kicks received from their horses. One of them, Troopar BD, Clarke, of "C" squadron, 4th Hus sars, received a painful injury on his leg. Maj. Letherband, Ath Hussars, field officer to-day; next Maj. Loyst, 4th Hussars In the brigade orders yesterday ap F peared the following item: A transfor of the following stores is authorize from the officer commanding "A" squardon, 3rd Dragoons, to the oflicer commaisling "DD" squadron, 4th Hus sars, viz, twenty-cight sets of sad dlery complete. Ww Stroud, son of master gunner ix the popular quartermaster of "A" squadron, 4th Hus Was for daty, Stroud, sergeant |ars. Cook Swain, of the above squadron, is a great favorite among the hoys in camp, He has a good voice, and en tertains them with many a song. Frank Burns, who recently returned home after five years spent in Roches ter, ig brigade bugler in "A" troop, anl one of the best buglers in camp, He is a jolly fellow, and a prime fa vorite, Under his instruction the other trumpeters are rapidly becoming pro ficient. He is a brother of "Jack" Burns, of the Kingston fire depart ment, who was-bugler in the Hussars last year. A number of the officers of the dvd Dragoons were much disappointed at the military ball at the R.M.C. being held on the night of their arrival in camp,which made it impossible for them to attend, even had invitations been sent them. The camp is laid out very prettily this year. Under the new order of things, the troops are arranged in half squadrons, and the whole camp can easily be viewed from the brigade office. The camp is better laid out than ever before, and the officers are delighted with the arrangement. Trumpeter Saddler, of "I squad- ron, 3rd Dragoons, has been appoint- ol staff sergeant trumpeter. Lieut. Jurlingham, of the same troop, is a new man, and is giving the best ol satisfaction. Among the Hussars who accompani- ed the Canadian coronation conting ent to England are: Regimental-ser- geant-major George Keyes, squadron sergeant-major Bearance, Sergt. Cat- on and troopers T. Marsh, J. McGall, Hay and Burnette, These men are much missed in camp this summer. Maj. Brown, of the Dragoons, re- signed - his position to go to South Africa with the second last Canadian regiment. Capt. Charles H. Rogers, also of the Dragoons, accompanied the last contingent to South Africa. He is a nephew of Lieut.-Col. Rogers, . the brigadier, and lately had commmnd of "A" squadron. He is only twenty- five yoars of age, but a clever offic er. Lieut. Hayward, "B" squadron, 3rd Dragoons went to Africa with second contingent of mounted rifles, and still there.' * The Dragoons boast of another of ficer, who won distinction on the veldt. This ix Sergt. Percy Roberts Price, formerly of *'C" squadron, who is ng distant relative of his namesake, lord Roberts. He went out with the second eontingent, and was through many engagements, In one instance, Sergt. Price, Sergt. Brown, trooper Malloy (ufterwards the blind hero) and another trooper--four in all--held forty Boers at bay for a long time. The Boers finally retreated, leaving fourteen of their number dead upoa the field. Price has well upheld the honor of his regiment, in whose me mory he will ever be cherished. Lient.-Col. H. C. Rogers, of Peter boro, the brigadier, is six feet two inches in height, erect and active. is UP IN MINNESOTA. The Women Know How, Food, and good food, is the right kind of foundation td build good health on. A Minnksota woman writes : "1 thought uld like to tell you « Grape-Nuts . bas done fof me. Last winter 1. got. sick . and kept getting weaker and weaker. I could not eat anything but some crackers and a little cup of beef tea lor every menl, then 1 was put on. Grape Nuts and used it with some cream for kiast. My ch got strong gradually and before 1 had used three packages my digestion was so good that | could eat any kind of food, even cabbage, pastry, ete, and 1 no. tie that my memory is very much better than it used to be. On the 15th of July I weighed 102 pounds and two months later, after using Girape-Suth, 1 weighed 122 pounds was shle to do my house This is a good, honest statement of facts about Grape-Nuts and you ean pablist my same if you like." Mrs iwckson, Centre City, Minn Delicious recipes for in emch package of Grape bs Two years ago he was mtired from the Dragoons, aml raised to the rank of brigadier. He has been Forty-seven vears in the serviee, and commanded the Peterboro Rifles, daring the Feni an raid in 1566, being stationed in Kingston for a short period. The officer commanding the Dra: goons, Lieut.-Col. Sutton, of = Mill brook, has worked his wav up frém the ranks. Two vears ago he was giv en command, and since then has done efficient work, The senior medical officer in raiop is Surg.-Maj. Young, Peterboro, who also belongs to the Dragoons. He is an F. R. CG 8, of Edinburg, and an essinent: physician. He is a brother of Capt. Young, who distinguished him- self at Klip Kop, where, with 'a force of fifteen men, he captured two Hoey guns and about thirty prisoners. Capt. Garvin, the quartermaster of the Dragoons, one of the hardest working officers in camp, and he is everywhere popular. The captain is a man of keen literary tastes, has writ ten poetry, and even published a book, Hé¢ is an edueationist, and an expublic school inspector. He is a polished orator and clever politician Four vears ago he was Hon. J. R Stratton's opponent in W. Peterbora, but was out-distanced. He takes a deep interest in things military and has la bored hard for the up-building of the regiment. GENUINE PROGRESS. is -- There Really is Something New Under the Sun. In these days of progress the circus bas not been standing still, thongh many persons carelessly say of all shows, "It's the same old thing." The civous is same old thing when it comes to being most popular public amuse: ment. There is no game or entertain ment that may be bought for hali & dollar that begins to give the returp that the circus does, especially such ag enormous affair as the colossal con solidation of the Adam Forepaugh and Sells brothers shows. They have dozens of features pot even dreamed of a few years ago, and some of them will be seen for the first time here. These shows have g tremendous ad: vantage over the shows f a few year ago in fact, over all other shows of the present day They are owned and operated by James A. Bailey, W W. Cole, Lewis Sells and Peter Sells Mr. Bailey the owner of the Bar num & Bailey shows, which have been in Europe five years He is on the spot to segure any new thing that may develop. He and his associntes have the capital and the experience necessary to get anything they want and no one conld outhid theni. Again, these men have all earned their enor mots fortunes. They are not under the necessity to economize and with them their shows are more a matter of pride than a =omrce of income Any one who will glance 'at their adver tisements in other columns may gain some idea of the magnificent shows that will exhibit here, Saturday, July 5th. of in THE COMPLETE LIST Of Queen's Men Who Passed On- tario Medical Councils. The complete list of Queen's medicyl graduates and students, who passed the various examinations of the Ow tario medical council is: Final.--H. ~ A." Bowie, H. €. de St Remy, 8. E, Porter, H. E. Day, G. F. Dalton, W. 8. Grimshaw, King ston; 1. G. Bogart, Berwick; T. V Curtin, E.. Richardson, Brockville ; T. 8. Genge, Parham; J. W. Merrill, Ot- tawa: A. D. Macintyre. Glencoe; W. CC. Redmond, Westwood, Intermediate. H. A, Bowie, H. C. de St. Remy. H. Day, G. F. Dal ton, L. W. Jones, 8S. E, Porter, King ston: J. V, Connell, Spencerville; T. V. Curtin, Brockville; J. L. Huffman, Aylmer; F. E. Mellow, Sillswille; J W. Merrill, Ottawa; A, D. Macintyre, Glencoe; T. 0. McLaren, Lancaster ; W. J. Patterson, Peterboro, Primary.~H. A. Bowie, 8. E. Port er, H. Tandy, G. E. Melntosh, W. Workman, Kingston; G. H. Bleecker, Trenton; J. H. Cryan, Deseronto; J V. Connell, Spencerville; J. 8. Die key, North Williamsburg; F. J. Ellis, Ellisville; J. L. Kane, Gananoque; J H. Laidlaw, Georgetown; H M Moore, Athens; W. S. Murphy, Port land: W. W. McKinley, Seeley's Bay; C, G. McGreor, Napanee; KE. J. Roh inson, North Williamsburg: A. H Singleton, Newboro; George H Ward, Napance, -------- Business College Notes. F. J. Malkin, student, has securea a position with the Canadian Atlantic railway company. Rene Grignon, St. Adele, Que., shorthand graduate, has secured a position as stenographer in a bank in Ottawa. J. Yott has left for the west to accept 4 position. Gordon McCammon, Gananoque, a shorthand graduate, has been appoint od stenographer in the office of Me Kelvey & Birch, city. Peter Lachanoe has passed a creditable examination in the shorthand aepartment, and will be awarded the college diploma B. Ennis, shorthand graduate, bas se cured a position as stenographer with the Great Northern mailway company, at Toromto. This week three stu dents registered for the civil services course, A Vetéran At Camp. Thomas Cambridge, familiarly call ed "the Duke of Cambridge," a well known figure around the market, is in camp this summer with the dth Hue sars, being servant to Col. Clyde. The "Puke" bears his blushing honors thick upon him. He is an old veter- an, and is proud of the ribbons upon his breast. He was through the Cris mean war, for which he received medals from both the Pritish and Tur kish governments. During the Fenian raids he was again under arms, and thas won another medal. The fourth was won in the north west rebellion. The old gentleman is as lively and happy as a flee, and is oni of (he jolliest men around the lines. -------------- Thin Underwear. The best to buy, 70. and 81 suit, Special nice underwear. The B.D. Bibby Co. | A young married couple can rent hy furnished house cheap at McCann's, | 51 Brock street. } Collar Tmttone, Be, 10e, Ie bys. na-- INCIDENTS OF TRE DAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention. Fancy hose, 25%. ana 0c. Bibby's. June acts like this once in a while. There was a blank docket at the po lice court this morning. The 14th P.W.0. rifles go to Mon wend by C.P.R., via, Sharbot Lake A fiat latch key, picked up on King street, awaits an owner at the Whig office. You can get cash for your property any time, if price is nght, at Mc Cann 5; 5 Brock street, Coronation post cards are very pop ular in the city just now. The de signs are very preity. Strawberries sold on the market this morning for seven cents a box, or fiye cents a box by the crate. A Residents in the vicinity of the) Grove lun invite the dog catcher to pay their locality a visit. Levers Y.Z(Wise Head) Disinfoctant Soap Powder in better than other soap powders, a8 it also acts as a disinfectant. ~" A valuable horse, belonging to Ches ter Follest, the Nelson street florist, lied very suddenly yesterday. The Portsmouth philosopher says today's rain added another inch of growth te the Aberdeen jungle. Ten years ago, during the last week of June, there was several days con tnuous rain like that of this mom ig. : Now® suits, new rin coals, (rousers, new pearl amd straw hats at The H. D. Bibhy Ce ¥. M. Storey, architect, is preper ing plans for the erection of two new houses on lower Bagot street for Mrs. Lake. Silk front shirts, 81. RBibby's, Two or three Joads of strawberries were purchased on the market betore eight o'clock this morning by mer new § chants of the city. Police constable Timmerman claims to have the finest vegetable garden of any member of the police force He takes great pride in it It is said that the rain came by special request of merchants, who have had only one fine, clear Sa turday in three months In 1892 Queen's college the value of the labors of the domin jon archivist, by conferring on Mi Brymner the honorary degree of LL.D. Strawberry festival by the ladies of St. John's church, Portsmouth, at "Calderwood," Tuesday, Juve 2th, from 3 to 10 pw. Band in the even ing. Admission 10 The poor soldiers who are encamped at Barriefielil suffered great hardships because of the rain to-day. Drills wore cancelled and the men were al lowed to remain "indoors." To-day's market was a very small one, the rainy weather preventing the farmers from coming isto the city. Flowers and strawberries were the principal articles offered for sale Alderman Harkness intends placing the water from his mineral spring on the maiket. He has already arranged for the bottling and intends booming the water in all parts of the domin- jon. Have to-day recognized vou seen our bovs' straw hata at! ? The H. D, Bibby Co There will be an Orange celebration at Tamworth the coming 12th of July; and a number of individual city Orangemen will attend, There will alsa be Orange demonstrations at Dufferin and Brockville RBilk front shirts, 81. Bibby's. An officer of the 14th regiment sug gests that next supimer, instead of the regiment taking a trip to another city, arrangements be made for a route. march and a vamp-out, when games and sports could be indulged in, While coupling cars in the K. & P freight yard, Horry Small had the misfortuse to have one of the fingers of his left hand caught between tw, bumpers and badly smashed. His at tending physician hopes, however, 13 save the digit The new concrete in the Onte rio street fire station was completed yesterday, and the stable is ready for use. The new floor greatly improves the and convent ence of the station A citizen residing on William street, and Divie Toc w now usefulness between University avenue ion street, does not believe in waiting for the dog catcher to put an end to the troublesome animals, ax he hung a dog himself vesterday At a late hour last night the animal was still suspended from the tree The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limsited, 14 King Street to, bas declared a dividend at rate of five per cent per anmmn on its capital stock, for the half year ending June 30th, 1902. 1 he dividend will be payable al ~ the office of the company on July Ind next. west, Toron the MARINE INTELLIGENCE, Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels. Crawford's wharf Steambarge John Milne, Smith's Falls, to. Chas lotte, called, The steamer Parthia, at the G.T.R wharf for Galen land to-day Swift's wharf Steamers Toronto, down and up; Hamilton, from Mon: treal; Rideau Queen, from Ottawa, www M. T. company elevator | Tug Hall, from Montreal, with one barge; steam er Glengarry and consort. Minnedosa, from Fort William, with 95,000 Tush- els of wheat. ¢ Expuidhcing Great Difficulty. The Calvin company's' wreckers working at the weock of the rear por: tim of the schooner Minnewaska, near Caedinal, are experiencing great diff. culty in progeeding with their work, The current at that point i very éwift, carrying away everything that ie not securely lashed to the whore, Heavy wire cables are being obtained fram Montreal for use in the wrecking operations, ---------- It's Up To Yom. I wou want the best in men's tog loaded withs Is Bil, &esy at the lowest prices. Bibbs oe price house. ; ] ers, Sponges, pa { Genuine BARGAINS ! INJTEE FOLLOWING LINES : Soaps, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Chamois, Combs, Perfumes, Whisks, Toilet Paper, Spectacles, Sachet Powd- Syringes and Ato- migers and many other lines Half price om all the above goods st ROCHE'S OLD STAND. E. C. MITCHELL. BM cbr 2 rg poh 20, -- 0000000000000 3 Swift's : Scranton : io: Coal A High Class Fuel, ALL SIZES. JAMES - SWT & 20. 'Phone 135. *00000000 Our tal Is as Cigan as Though [t Were Washed and Brushed. | FACH LUMP STANDS BY ITS GOOD solid conl--so much solid fire oe 0c renchen the snrface of the earth from the tl] Tete Sime bebats several times before is you, and dirt, slate, sw, realln have no chaves, il the dealers mre sarchl We are very i ---- - a a a -- Note This Fact Yon let any wn purchase a bottle of ¢ it stand oll day, asd you w trmes of sediment at the You can't do mt You want pure silk, We CLARIFIED MILK COMPANY, 'Phone 167, Brock and Bagot sis. - - Select and Exclusive Desigos it Woollens. CRAWFORD & WALSH TAILORS, Princess am! Bagot Sts, with any othr wu warmly Cor. +44 4444 * anadian Strawberries Arriving daily from Prince Edward County. We sell the : best berries at the cheapest price. See ours before buy- ing elsewhere. $A. J, REES, Princess Street, iar RISED; | At the ready pocket money make by disposing of your to a reliable seoond hand dealer as card to The Kingston Rag ana Me tal company, 38 Princess «rot, and they will bs ploaked to call vpon ye and pay you highest prices A ------------------ = TOLBT. BRICK RVSTOENCE, 201 BROCK STREET, 1 , EOdetn brit nnbince 344 Be: wmadern improvetsents. iD Bitsy te. Osk ------------------------------------------------------ FOR SALE.