---- Ba dent when a disputations hearer in terrupts and denounces an apostle of atheism, leading to a small riot, in which believer and non-believer, gudi ence and policemen, are suddenly and inextricably mixed. The little affair forms a trifling 'police court case for the Monday morning. It may be more profitable, however, tor hear some of Londons great preach: ere. In historic Westminster abbey, the newly appointed bishop of London-- "the 'Pus Bishop" of the slum dis- tricts preaches to a vast audience, view of the great hearteity of theland a larger one tries in vain to se empire: nis cosching its) enre admission. In sublime St. Panis breath, The music of an oasional [the eloquent archbishop of Canterbury church bell ean then be heard above [speaks to another congregation of the uhaotie discord, as distracted Car- | thousands. What a heritage of history Ivle tervied the week day roar. The! England possesses in her great cathed: intermingble streets, with their endless ral temples. The twin towers of the rows of Snattractive houses, seem to lone. and the rounded domes of the belong to pe oso and new per- Jother, lilting their mighty bulk sky- + 3 # - - ON SABBATH. WORLD'S MPTROPOLIS WITH ITS SHUTTERS UP. A Quist and Subdued Sabbath in the Great City--Some of Lon- don's Greatest Preachers. Frank Yeigh in Westraipetor London, with ita shutters up of a Sunday is pot the least interesting eprctives open up) along the most fa- | ward in triamphial sweep, speak elo wiliar thoroaghfafes, This strangely | quently, to him who hath eyes to see, quiet, subdued London sabbath has af-§and vars to hear, of the higher things forded material for many a satirical of life; they sound a note of worship sentence and many a rhyme of cheap | that seems to be lost in the confusion wit. Fapesially is it unattractive to fof the market and the street. the Parisian visitor, Taine has writ- Passing on to some of the strong- ten a chapter on London on a Sun- | holds of non-conformity in London, one might speak of the great institu- day whigh gives the French view of the Anglo-Saxon way of observing the | tional Christ church on Westminster road, where the Rev. F. RB. Meyer first day of the week. "The aspect of London is that of an immense and a | galked like a prophet of old of the im- welborlind cometery. The few pass: fmoralities of the great city thet are ers by Bve the look of uneasy spirit § eapping the very foundations of Eng- who hase riken from their graves; it {lish civilization. A London preacher is appalling 1" Many another foreign | uiitst have the faith of an Abraham, writer, stoustomed to the secularity of {the optimism of a Joshua and the a confinental Sabbath, has railed | courage of an Isaiah or a Paul, or he against this old English capital be: jf would go under in the battle for the cause the Sabbath day is at least re I right and pure. The visitor to the latively regarded. Despite the critics, | capital needs but a brief experience of may never take its shatters [its streets to realize the presence of down on the God-given rest day of funblushing, apparently unhampered the world, win: one only needs to pestis the One who might wish to write a hook Ldaily papers to learn of the divorce on the mligions of the world, could | evil, one requires even Jess evidence as discover ilnstrative material in Lon- | to the drink plagne. All is not fair don alone, © Neither church nor chapel { and promising in old England when folk have the religious field to thew] these festering sores exist, selves. © Parsees and Zoroastrians re-§ The City Temple--the oldest Congre- cently eonsecrated a chapel and mous: }agtional church in London--mbs el: oleum In a London cemetery, pattern- 3 ce with one of the ritualistic cen- od aiter the palace of Darius at Perse- § pq of the city, street pighbors, hut polis. This the fire worshippers of § thing more. Brick to brick, stone the far east are represented in Qo, stone, bet with walls divided by Britain's cosmopolitan centre. Eng Yihe width of a great church system. lish and Anglo-Indian theosophists in §14 was my privilege to hear Joseph London gre of sufficient strength #0 have a "brilliant reception" in a large hall, 'with the Mahalmas in evening man eologuent of High Holborn, ended thirty-two years of preaching ander dress, and with a leader who claimed § one roof. Leonine is the head, strong that his cult was "in the van of all fhe profile, stalwart the frame. But religions, moral, social and scientific {4he mass'of hair bas turned to a gray* ideals". The Quakers have their meets Jor tinge since 1 last saw Dr. Parker, ing-howses, svmbale of simplicity when ¥5,, 4 Windermere hotel, almost sub compared. with the South Kensington pmerged by a bevy of children. oratory, which, on the occasion of al, tangled mass of youngsters recount church festival, was hung with Jyoee this same hage head, and it erimson 8ilk brocade and decorated bwas good to see a great man a lover with ga wealth of orchids, lilies and oi children and loved by children. vollow roses, The Jews, of whom ['What a merry time they had till bed- there ate a greater number in London ime came. ~ Such fairy and real it is said, than in all Palestine, are lgtories; such quips and riddles ! But still pouring into the east end, requir<lit ie a dignified, stately, impressive ing a rapid increase in synagogue ac-|old man who stands on the City Tem- commodation. Coming ott of the ple platform; and as he reads the first West London Methodist mission in St. § six verses " from the great unfolding James' hall, a printed sermon was } hook of Genesis,' every letter, syllable placed in my hand by a disciple of af and word counts at ite" full worth. Theistic. church near by Passing }* So it is written," is the commence- further along Piccadilly, one reaches § ment, His theme is a noble one-a the green stretches of. London's recognition of God ae planner; as ar great democratic forum in Hyde Park, | chitect, as constructor, through all the where almost every ereed, belief or fad evrceps of history and the of ancient or modern days has its ex: [ time. Pott edntFibuting (0 (he babel of fi» the old words, " 'And God said "-- tongues. "Tt iv only a common inci For God will build" Following a Above Parker on the Sabbath when the old. I ages of | One listened with new interests ' ow came the ope word, * Think !" thrown off suddenly, with a wide sweep of the arms, and that single word weighed | heavy and sank deep. "Think of the | difference between ceiling and sky; be- tween men-made conceits and the star ful frmament. . Think think think ! for so it i= written God will build, God will judge, God will control, God rules 1" Up in SC James' Hall, Mark Gay Pearce--one of the strong characters of | 1 i { { | i English Methodism--speaks in delight fully homely but eloguent phrases * to the people who never gel their names in the papers." . * Thank God for | men who tonich the skies, whe break the monotony of life, who inspire the thrill, but what a dreadful world it would be if we*were all geniuses ! Who would mind the baby ? and if no one minded the baby, what would be- come of the world 7 The world needs more commonplace people than great ones, and that is why there are more of them. The little, quiet, noiseless, unmarked life counts for snuch; there i# a sacredness in its rong of the com monplace. There are compensations too. in such = life," the preacher eon tinued, ** for if you have less conflict you have more gommunion. Life is jess fevered, less fiorce. Ii thou canst not fight: the Master's battle, thou canst sit at the Master's feet and lis ten to His voios. + Genius costs. Don't ery out, "therefore, if your life lies on the level. God bless the folks that are never in the way--and never out of | it: for the gentle folks that make no ado, who bring a hush into one's life; who belong to the common people." A final scene in London town on a Sunday night. By the wayside the voice of the street preacher is heard, his earnest, agonizing appeals to the multitade reaching the car like the ery of a soul in travail. A score patse to look or listen; a thousand pass by unheeding. Thus is the seed sown--wheut and tares alike--in a city where millions live their brief day Many men, many creeds, many differ ent ways in which God is worshipped, but the stars that light the heavens above the great human warren, and the dome of the sky which they faintly illuminate, speak of the Abiding One whose throne ig in the heavens. Only with such an npward glance from the confusing, discordant note of the mightiest of earth's cities can the gaz er say: God's in His Heaven All's well with the world The Oldest Drug Store in Ontario. The store lately ocenpied by H. H. Roche as a arug store aod at present hy E. C. Mitchell, is the oldest drug store in Ontario. The business was es- tablished in 1519 and has been a drag store continuously - ever since. Mr Mitchell says he is going to try and deserve even a greater patronage than it had in its most prosperous days--if good goods, courteous treat went, prompt service, a complete stock, and perfect store appointments will do it. Outing Shirts. Outing Shirts. To-morrow we expect to have an other lot of those fine silk front out ing shirts at 81. The H. D. Bibby Co. v ad 4 Ea BIE oe DAILY BRITISH WHIG, - Sh Ee dramatic paces siter a telling serine [THE AFFAIRS OF THE HOUR. | | trisl on a charge of misappropriating The war in the Philippives has so far cost the United States $170,326, ow SATURDAY JUNE 21 mn re a TELEGRANS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, ---- Matters That Interest Everybody ~--Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Japan's last census, 46,451,504. Uver five hundred amendments are offered to British education bill. The Noxon mengiacturing company, of Ingersoll, will remove to Guelph. Germany consumed 345 tons of cigarettes last year, an. increase of 210 tons over previous vear. In the latest London Smith has 1,500 places, Brown, 700, Robinson, 350. In France vaccination must be per formed on every child a vear old, and aghin at eleven and twenty-one years. The grand jury has brought a true bill against Julius Rill, for the mw der of Nathan Kaplan, at Clark's Harbor, N.S. A man named Patterson, a resident of Guelph, bas been arrested, charged with robbing the shoe factory of Getty & Seott, Galt. Jobe R. Peckham, ex-treasurer of Niagara Falls, extradited from the United States, has heen committed ior directory Jones, 950, public funds. The Neus Weiner Journal, St. Pet: ershurg, correspondent at Vienna wires that negotiations are proceed ing with a view to Spain joining the Franco-Ruesian alliance. Peanuts - growing dearer, through short crop. When a gitl feels like do- ong something desperate, look out She is lable to speud fifteen cents on peanuts at one clip. Miss Helen Gould has given Mount Holyoke collpge, att Notthampeon, Mass, $40,000 with which to endow a chair of biblical literature. The giit is in mory of her mother, Helen Day uld. Some 60,000 people were expelled from Russia during the administra tion of N. Sipiagdine, who was a* sassinated last April. The czar hal ordered all these exiled people to re turn to Russia. About twenty men employed on the track in the St. Clair tunnel, at Sar nia, Ont., were asphyxiated by gas from an engine on Wednesday. When found they were all in a bad condi tion. It is expected they will recover William Trescott, an Indian, was committed to jail on Thursday at St Andrews, N.B., on a charge of ab ducting the fourteen-year-old daughter of Matthew McClanaghan of that place. Some years ago he beat his squaw to death and is an ugly brute, Shortiss, the Valleyfield murderer, at 8t. Vincent de Paul penitentiary, is shortly t€@ receive the visit of his fa ther and mother. They leave Liverpool for Montreal early next week. Mr, Shortiss, sr., has not seen his son vince his sentence to death six years ago. Negligee Shirts. Your outing, before you leave, don't forget to visit our store. Shirts, ties, hose, underwear, at thin prices. Bib by's one price house. A---------- A TINE HOUSEBOAT. Will Soon Be om The St. law- | ¥ rence. Without doubt the largest house boat ever built on the St. Lawrence has just been completed hy contractor A. A. Leyare for William MN. Carpen ter, a prominent bateiness man of the metropolis. Mr. Carpenter has named his new house boat "Lysamder," afte one of the members of the party which will arrive about Jupe 17th, and spend the remainder of the season cruising between Kingston end Ogdensiury, making occasional fishing trips to the Ridean lakes. The copstruction of the Lysander was begun March 13th, and it is expected the boat will be cum pleted shortly. This house boat is eighty-three feet long with a twenty. foot beam, bavieg a six-foot hold, eight foot promenade deck and sev en foot main deck, making a combined height of twenty-one fvet from the water line to the roof of the promen ade deck. The hull and exterior ave built of spruce and the interior is finished in pine. There is a main sa loon twelve by eighteen, a general suite consisting of two large state rooms and other berths and state rooms for the remaining members of the party. At the aft is a large din ing room fourteen hy twenty foot. The gallery on the stern of the hoat is fitted with all modern conveniences, snd would be a joy to any good house wile. The wood work is hand somely finished with white and silver, while many of the extedior aeooma tions will be of gold leaf. The Ly sander will be lighted throughout with electric lights, 1650 of which are to be placed on the promenade deck. This deck will he surrounded by shade and storm curtains in sich a manner that it will form a floating roof garden cighty-three feet long and twenty feet wide. When the boat is anchored in some sheltered bay the rays of these lights will give it the appearance of a cozy retreat, which seems to be de fying the rays of Saturn itself. The boat will he heated throughont with steam, in order that the party may cruise until late in the fall if they so desire. The Lysander will be towed from place to place by the steam vacht Nettie, owned by Capt Smith, of Oak Poiat. Capt. Capron, formerly captain of the steam vacht Vesta, will have charge of the boat, and expects to make Oswego his wins ter quarters, leaving here late in the fall. . From Start To Finish. The ways employed in the works of R. Parker & Co., dyers and cleaners, with agency at Miss M. Woods' fancy store, Kingston, Ont., of dyeing or cleaning dainty lace or other articles are the best; sure to please. Sumner Coats. Coats for summer, lustre and Rus sel cord, unlined wserges, single and double breasted. See what we have at The H. D. Bibby Co. James Boyle, United States consul, of Liverpool, charges shippers of cattle in the porta of Boston, New York amd Philadelphia, with criminal abuse in connection with the employ ment of men to accompany their ship ments across the Atlantic. To-day, June 21st, ix the longest day in the year. Bovs' rough straw hats, good value, at 81. Our price 30e, The H. D. Bib by Co. INGSTON Sie & SELLS BROTHERS' Coming direct from Tremendous Successes large cities of the umphant Tour of Reached at Last! Deridieg Defylag Death, Danger, § 5 Desperate Dares Devil, DIAVOLO LOOPS THE LouP On a Blcycle ! JLY5 ADAM FOREPAUGH Enormous Shows United. : in the United States for a Grand Tri- the Dominion, The Supreme Arenic Feature 5f, Age EF Positively the most and beyond all doubt most startling eet ever presated before ever attempted, public and thrillioy fat The Seven (avnells Cycle Whirl. MINTINO-THAE UNICYCLE MARVEL. STARR-THE SHOOTING STAR. A COLOSSAL CONGRESS of CIREUS CHAMPIONS America's Only Metropolitan Shows | DALLIE JULIAN AND EMMA New York's Newspapers Unanimous in | Pronouncing the Bigger and Better Than Ever 4 --HERDS OF ELEPHANTS --4 Avd afl kinds of Trained Animals ALL-STAR CLOWNS International Linping Contests and Mammoth Daunle Menageries HUGE, HEROIC HIPPODROMES TEN PEERLESS POTTERS Greatest Aerial 4 BAREBACK RIDERS Show Has the Baual to of Them The 23 eo Champlon No LEAD Block Tin Pipe. CANADA METAL CO., - - nv One RYAN, WEITZELL AND ZORELLA Heroes of the High Horizontal Bare STICKNEY Reigning Kamaririan Queens Jackson Eamily Bicycling Septette EXHIBITION DAY MORNING About teitigeloek phere will be an All New GRAND STREET PARADE Tocluding Alegorieal Representation of the Wars of the Nation 2 Performances Dally, Rein or Shine In, New Process Waterproof Tents and 7 pm. to Mesmuor i romeo Concert by Mervick's Mugmifioonit Military Band. Cireos I'roper Peging Owe Howe Later On the dav ol Numbers Coupon actually Ree may be scoured at reguler Doors Opn at | x ad PDP Earth exhibition mrved Seats, prices Adudesion only 50c vears 3c children under vive ------ WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, BE ee ---- -------- ---- Bed Caverings white crochet quality, an excellent -article at 75¢. each. 46 only, large size single 'bed spreads, finished on both ends, RO White Victoria Lawn 39 inches wide, an for this. Our price 12je¢. yard. ered, suitable size, $1.25, $1.50, .$1.80 each. ---- a 27 only extra large size double bed spreads.--Finished ready to use, excellently made, real good value, at $1.15, for only 92¢. each Sheets--2} yards long, 2 yards wide, heavy plain bleached cot- ton, ready henimed, free from starch and dressing, only 75e. each. 9 even sheer quality, others ask 15¢. and 17c. Corner Brock and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Boys' Navy Blue Jerseys Best English make of fine worsted yarn, all pure wool; a neat fitting collar, 75e., 80c., 90c., 95c. each. ew a htt ih i] Bed pillows. --Filled with best quality, soft feathers, well cov- -- Bishop's Lawn. 32-inch wide, be autiful linen finish, splendid wash- ing quality, only 20¢. yard. Men's Black Sateer Shirts.--T he wear-well kind, plenty of room in body and sleeves, all sizes, 50c., 75¢. and 90c. each. White Organdie--38-inch, very suitable for summer dresses, etc., the 25c. quality for 20c, yard. light quality, perfect in finish, - White Dimity.--Fine corded eff ect, 30-inch wide, for blouses and Men's Knitted Wool Shirts.--In dark and light colorings, excellent styles and qualities, 50c Men's Oxford Shirts--In stripes with and without collars, shoul. sume , 60c., 75¢c., $1. each. waists, 15¢c., 20¢., and 23c. yard. ders lined, well sewn, 50c., 80c. each. Timely Hints About Low Priced Towels Christy's pure flax bath towels Very heavy quality, 54-inch 24-inch, only 49¢. each. Juality 4 - Extra fine Heavy Flax Towels Close weave, 56-inch by 20. inch, a regular 80c. quality, :for 75¢. each. Homstitched White Bath Towels. Very soft finish, only 45 cents Towels. Pure grass bleached, linen, very is all * fine ~ huck, s5gnch by 24-inch, regular 45c. each, special, 3 for $1. Ladies' White Silk Gloves.--Both long and short, cream and white, splendid washing quality, 35ec., 50ec., 75c. and cool, 35¢., 40c., 50c., Tbe. Black and Grey Silk Gloves.--New dome fasteners, a pair. very light White and mer shades, only $1.25. Grey Kid Cloves. --Plain and black stitching, sum- Children's White Black and Tan Gloves, 15¢c., 20¢., 25c. White Spot Muslin.--30 inches 15¢. and 17¢., our price, 12jc yd. wide. Others sell this quality at White Shaker Flantel.-- Very soft quality, splendid for wear, 10 cents a yard, English Striped Galatios.--For children's wear, perfect finish, 28-inch wide. Only 20c. yard. perfect. colors, Fine corded Pigues and Welts, for skirts and blouses, 15¢., 20¢c., 25¢., 30e. Muslin Sheer Quality, All Black Muslin.--31-inch wide, perfect color, only 20c. yard. Pine Morceried Black Sateen, --50-inch wide, a splendid article, nN Ew a i i emis LE 1 Bx mem PIA em Silks and Prints Any print in our large stock for 10c. yard. warranted Black Japanese Silk.--27:inches wide, very even qualities, color perfectly fast, 50c., T5e., 80c., $1. yard. Black and Colored Taffeta Silk s.--We defy any ome to beat the 'values we are showing, at 7Se¢. yard. iay-30-inch wide pink; 'Hine, 'ox blood, fast color, Featherbone Collars.--White and black. -* By Your Stockings at Waldron's They Are Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. 2 8 pairs for $1 For Ladies, (th Yo ir 3 Boys, Men. 3 pairs for $1. 2 pairs for $1. Remnants of Sheeting at ent prices. Remnants of Towslling at cut prices. Remnants of Table Cloths at cut prices. Remnants of Serges at ent prices. piu