Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jun 1902, p. 1

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THE "DAILY & BRITISH WHIG. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1902, LAST EDITION. for summer suits? We have Wn speciale for thie season. Li BOYS' NORFOLK SUITS, Home pweight, strong asd sbylish, to $4.50. 3 jos SERGE SUITS-Best bot: , iron werges, 2 end 3 piece, he Ww wear, $2.50 10 $6.50. § BOYS' WASH or blouse, made stripe, 9c. tu SUITS--Doutile of Crasly or 4 114 PRINCESS STREET, The boys' elotbing house Note This Fact You ean purchase a bottle of Clarified milk, fet I stand sll day, sod you will not Sad any trace of sediment at the bottom. You ean't do that with any other milk? You want pure milk. We supmiv it, CUKIFIED MILK COMPANY "Phone 867, Brock and Bagot sts. SEE E HEHEHE EEE {{" anadian ; Strawberries: © Arriving daily from Prince Edward County. We sell the 'Pest berries at the cheapest 'price. See ours before buy- | ing elsewhere. ' Princess Street. * IA. 1. RE E Dosigrs in ) 'Woollen. CRAWFORD & WALSH TAILORS, Cor. Princess am Bagot Sts. "BY JOHN H. MILLS Awition Sale, TUNSDAY, June 24th, ---------------------------------- es . EMERGENT nO! ICE. Court Stamley, No. 199, Canadian le Dedre of Borestare, B A REQU EST 0 at the & I. om TUESDAY ie Mth net, ab o'clock, to of our te i. PRI AN, F. J. KILPATRICK, Hee. See CR SONG RUOM BOY ok Gans IMMEDIATE ---------- ody at 240 King ste ID. APPLY corner King and SXPERIENCED CLERK POR A CLOTH wlors. Apply ab IU Princes surest. TABLE BOARDEMS. REASONABI very osutcal Addeew E. kK office. GENERAL SERVANT. ive. NO. 2 Badly sweet, 0 MRS. JAMES streets. SMALL wanes. te Mebonald LOCAL MEMORANDA The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Chy coupell mesis 8 pom. Inspection companies, 14th regiment, 8 do the most work don't do it Vaudeville at Ontario park this dnd every evening, Houshold sale, Place "Armes, Mills, Toes day, 10:30 la wasmable weather the sasoning often comes high, The sun rises sets at 7:46 pom Jt is everiastingly top late to pick the winner after the race is over. Emergent meeting Canmdion Tuewlay moming, eight o'clock. Strawberry leatival, Bi, Jolm's Tuesday afternoon and evenine The man has reached the lowest pos sible depth when people crase to talk sbout Wim. Anyhow,it must be said to the eredit of Mont Pelee that, with all its smoking, it busn't wot got down to smoking clgarettes. This day in the world's history--Boers un der Dawe routed from Kroonstads, 1900; HAMS, Victoria lost, 339 drowned, 1893: Russians invest Kom, 1868; Napoleon cross od the Nieman, 18127 dominion general eles tions, liwrals sticoessful, 1896. Tuesdov at 418 am, snd Foresters, church, DINNER. SETS. We oan show you hundreds of different patterns and colors, to please any ome. Prices twenty Der cent. less thew else ROBERTSON BROS. (LAKE Y ONTARIO X_ PARK ) COMMENCING 322" 23rd "JUNE FOX & SUMMERS, ,xcn. BERT JOHNSON, coer finineter MAY SHAY, Vocalist, THE M'CORMACK'S, "28. .a1cus. HART & DILLON, ™ungrs Admission free by oar exept on Thursday. "TWh re You Want It. We have good properties both in town and country. We have high- priced and low-priced tracts. Some are well improved and some are not im- proved at all. If we knew what you want most, we could tell you about the best value we have to offer. D. A. CAYS, 346 King Street. UnionCoronation Service Under the Auspices of the Evangelical Alliance, THURSDAY, June 36th, 10:30 s.m. Brief Patriotic Addresses. National Hymns and Solos by a Umes € i Offering in add of the Hospital Fund + Printed Programas of Service will be. dis TALL CITIZENS INVITED.® TO-LET. BRICK RESIDENCE, 201 BROCK STRE®T, Co. WANTED TO RENT. HORSE BUGGY JULY Eas Non? Wie Oe A 'T08T . : wo THE STRIKE IS OVER Company Yizids To Au The Men's Demands ¥0 RECOGNITION OF UNION NO CARS WERE RUNNING ON MONDAY MORNING. And Woul Not Until Military Protection Had Been Provided ~Troops Called From Niagara And London Are in the City. Toronto, June 23.--Business agent McDonald, of the street railway men's union, is quoted as saying that the strike has been settled, the company yielding all of the men's demands, in- cluding recognition of the union and increased wages. General manager Keating of the street railway says the prospects for a settlement of the strike are good but that on® has not been reached as yet. No steps will be taken to run the cars until the troops now gathered at the armouries have been re-ipforced by others who are on their way irom Niagara. 1 p.m.~--An agreement between the strike committee and the directors of the street railway company has been reached, and only awaits the formal signing. The cars, it is announced, will be running late this afternoon. 1:30 p.m.--The street car strike is settled. At noon A. E. Ames and J. W. Flavelle, of the hoard of trade, an- nounced that an agreement had been reached on all the main points in dis- pute and that the strike was prac tically settled, 'The agreement which conceded the eighteen cents asked for first year mén and twenty cents for all men over one year's service, will be formerly signed this afternoon and cars will be run later in the afternoon. The claim of the men for a grievance committee will be partially recognized and a committee of employees will stand as an intermediary between em- ployees who think themselves wrong fully dismissed and the company, The union will not be recognized in this matter. The company offered seven- teen cents for first year men, nineteen for men up to five years' service, twen- ty from five to ten years and twenty- one cents after ten years. The nego- tintions for settlement continued most of the night and were resumed at the board of trade at ten o'clock this morning, being concluded just before noon. Military Protection, The cavalry from Niagara arrived at' seven o'clock this morning and detrained at the western cattle mar- ket; "106 Hien of the Tet Hussars, of Londow, = alsé arrived this morning, and are' ndw drawn up at the ar mouries awaiting further ordets. De tachments of the various city regi ments are also assembled at the ar mouriés. No cars have been run this morning so far and nome will be, it is an- nounced, until arrangements foy mili- tary protcetion have been perfected. The conference at the office of the street railway adjourned at 7 a.m. without any settlement having been reached. Adverse To The Action. Ottawa, June 23.--The militia an- thorities are known to be adverse to the action of the Toronto authorities in calling the Toronto soldiers from Niagara to quell the street car riots. Aside from the question of the fitness of the men for the particular service required the authorities deem it in jndicious to call on civilians to inter fere in a matter of such exclusively local interest in which their fellow citizens are concerned. Col. Buchan acted properly in calling out the troops before notifying. headauarters that being the order of procedure in an emergency, but had headquarters béen consulted first it is probable that a battery would have been sent from Kingston. An order will likely be sent to Col. Buchan ordering the use of gallery practices ammunition on- lv as the regular ammunition is likely to cause too great havoe if vsed. In nocent people, blocks away might be killed and besides it would penetrate houses. Gallery practice ammunition could not penetrate boards, not carry pny great distance, Toronto Mob Stops Cars. Toronto, Ont., June 22---The first attempt made to-day by the Torooto street railway to run their cars with men hired to take the places of the striking motormen and conductors wis met with violence. Only one effort was made to reopen traffic and the temper shown hy the strikers' and their sympathizers con- vinced the officials that. it would be impossible to run cars Without strong protéstion. It was i The crowd called upon the crew desert the car. Their refusal to do so was followed by a shower of stones and bricks. Every window in the ear was smashed and the crew left their posts and rap into the barn. Such a demonstration evidently had not beefs antitipated for there was no wign of a te police protection, a solitary ol who appeared being unable to do shything with the mob. Sinsilar scenes occwrred at the other barns. An attempt was made to run a car from Yorkville barns around the belt line. A lig stone thrown against the window dashed the glass into mo torman. Johnson's face, badly lacerat ing it. He was struck by a number of stones and was otherwise maltreated. Johnson persevered, however, and successfully made the circuit of the line. The attempt to run out five cars at the King street, east, burns at eight o'clock was attended by scenes of the greatest disorder and violence, sever al persons being injured by flying mis- s les, including W. H. Moore, private secretary to Mr. Mackenwie, president of the road, who wag severely injured in the face by a brick. He was also badly bruised in the side by stones thrown by the mob. Three arrests were made. All five cars were badly shattered in Jess than five minutes after they made their appearapce, Motorman Quigley was struck 'on the head by a stone and badly injured. : At the Dusdas street barns another crowd intercepted the cars and they were turned back. The company then decided to abandon the effort to-day. NOT PARTY: TO IMPOSITION, Withdraws From Tien-Tsin Gov- ernment Because of Allies' Acts. London, June 23. The Times' Pe- kin correspondent says that Russia has withdrawn from the foreign gov- ernment of TienTsin and that Gen. Wogack, her representative, has start od for home, refusing to be a party to the imposition upon China of the new conditions drawn up by the allied com- manders. KING ALFONSO'S BRIDE. Requests Pontiff to Supply Mate For Boy. London, June 28.--The correspondent of the Daily Express at Rome says in a dispatch that the queen dowager of Spain has asked the pope to suggest an eligible bride for king Alfonso. It is reported, continues the correspon- dent, that the pontiff has recommend- | ed either an Austrian or a Bavarian | princess. Record Pigeon Flying. Toronto, June 23.-The lastest mes- senger pigeon uace for 500 miles ever flown. in Canada took place on Satur- | daw. when pigeons bers of Pominicn messenger pigeon association raced from dap- ville, 111. a distance of 514 miles. The race was won by F. Goodyear's 'Wire In," 'which covered the distance in eleven hours, thirty-six minutes, or thirty-four minutes faster than the previous record. Magee. Brow' "'Nori- can " was second, in eleven hours, thirty-nine minutes. x Refuse To Parade. Montreal, June 28.-The Duke of York's Hussars have declined to par- ticipate in the coronation parade ow ing to the difficulty over the annual camp. In the past the crack cavalry squadron has been privileged to hold their annual camp at Longueuil, but this year the corps was brigaded to camp at Three Rivers with the coun try corps. This is not satisfactory and the result has been a refusal to par: ade on coronation day as a protest. ig to mem: Three Men Drowned. Milwaukee, Wis., June 23.--Three men were drowned Saturday in lake Michigan while fishing from a boat, which capsized. A twelve-year-old boy, who was also in the party, was saved by clinging to the boat. The names of the drowned men are: W. F. €. Falbe, Milwaukee, aged for- ty-five years; Jacob Bever, aged fifty years, a resident of Chicago, and Joseph Greeley, aged fifty, of New York city. Accused Murderer Kills Himself. Troy, June 23.--Henry Nye, accused of murdering his wife at Stephentown some months ago, committed suicide in the Troy jail, where he was await ing trial. He was all right when the watchman made his rounds at two o'clock, but at eight o'clock when the jailer went to give him his breakfast he found his lifeless body suspended from a steam pipe. A Sunday School Lad Killed. Forest, Ont., June 23. Wilbert Gil mour, an eight-year-okl son of Oron Gilmour, a laborer, was killed on the high railway bridge, yesterday, while returning from Sunday school. A light engine running at good speed struck the lad and hurled him a distance of 300 feet. Violates His Oath. Manila, June 23. Senor Villegas, presidente of Santo Tomas, has been sentenced to twenty yeary' imprisonment for violating, in several instances, his oath of allegiance to the United States. Died At Yarmouth. Halifax, N&8, J 23, Harris Crosby, armonth, 8., of H. H Crosby & Co, died on Satur: day. Mrs. 8. 0.°C. Wallace, wife of the of MeMaster univer sity, Torofits, who died , 'was a daughter. anes The cruiser Indefatigable arvived at on 8 , from Per # with the flagwhip ceremonies. WEEK OF CORONATION. Mighty Londoa Rapidly Filling With Visitors. MASS OF GORGEOUS COLOR IS WHAT THE CITY HAS BLOS- SOMED INTO. To-night a Gala Time For the American Colony -- Eighth Birthday of Little Prince Ed- die--He Will Become a Sailor Like His Father. London, June 23.--The opening of coronation week finds the metropolis rapidly filling with visitors. The decorators wave put the finishing touches to their work and the city has blossomed out in a mass of gor geous color. Princes and other titled visitors sent to represent their respec tive rulers have been arriving at short intervals throughout the city and the attaches delegated to receive them have been kept busy. Prominent among those now here are prince Henry of Prussia, the grand duke and grand ouchess Serge of Russia, the crown prince and princess of Rowmania, the duke and duchess of Aosta, the princess of Asturing and her husband, prince Al- bert of Flanders, and the crown prince of Sweden. A few of the more im- portant personages have been quar tered at Buckingham and St. James palaces, while provision bas been made for the others at the hotel Cecil, Claridge's ana elsewhere, Great preparations have been made for the dinner. to be given at Buckingham palace to-night in honor of the foreign envoys, and which will be the first of the grand state functions preceding the coronation * To-night will be g gala night also for the American colony. The Brad ley-Marting give a very elaborate din ner at their house, in Chesterfield gar- dens, which is likely to outrival in luxuriance the famous Bradley-Martin ball. Mrs. John W. Mackay's Carl: ton House Terrace mansion is to be the scene of another big dinner, while also Reginald Ward gives a dinner of eighty covers. The king and queen interrupted their work of preparation for the corona- tion to-day long enough to take part in a Kttle gathering in celebration of the eighth birthday of little prince Rdward of York. The British public s only just beginning to look on the little prince in the light of the future king. The coronation has served to araw attention to the importance of | the little fellow's place in the machine | of state. According to. present plans prince Edward will be g sailor like his fath: er, and within a few vears he will go upon the training ship Britannia - to get his first taste of sea life, His present education consists of a few short lessons daily, given by Mile. Briolu, for many years companion of the late duchess of Teck. The king is said to be strongly opposed to * stuffing children with too much knowledge." His recollection is keen of how unpleasant it was to beg ' walking dictionary ' at twenty. The scheme for illuminating the vast fleets at Spithead on Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday nights has been arranged, On Thursday night white incandescent lights will be used. On Friday night the lights will be red, green and gold, each ship confining itself to one of these colors, and on Saturday night, which will be the night after the review, both Thurs day's and Friday's effects will used. © There will be a ten minute in: terval after all the ships are outlined in a uniform color, when only the royal yacht, with the king aboard, will remain lighted. Then oh a sig- nal fron: the flag ship, red, green, and gold lights will flash from over three hundred vessels. The search light of each ship will be trainea on the smoke stacks of the next vessel, while, from the escape pipes clouds of steam will be sent, upon which a succession of lights will play. The Indian potentates are already displaying critical interest in the ap pliances of western civilization. The sultan of Perak, alarmed at hearing the destructiveness of hotel fires, or dered the manager of the Hotel Cecil to show him bow a fire would be quenched. be Made No Decision. Detroit, Mich., June 2.~George H, Richards, charged with bringing Chi- nese into the United States came be- fore United States commissioner Dav. ison for examination. His attorney made the objection that Richards was arrested in Canadian waters, snd thyt the commissioners consequently had den argued that if the arnest was made in Canadian waters the matter was one of international politics to be dealt with by the government and not by the court. The commissioner did not pass on the objection, and the testimony for the government was put in, after which the exsmnation was adjourned until Wednesday, AN ORDER ISSUED. Bituminous Coal Miners Must { lennan, {ing. {for GC. M. no jurisdiction. District attorney Gor | GRAVE IRREGULARITIES. Customs Officers Have Handed In Resignations, 23.--A. Dawson, Yukon, special to the Free Press, says: 1 W. Davie, colbetor of cus toms, has been suspended, owing two grave irregularities in the customs aepartiient. After suspension Davis handed in his resignation. Alexander A. Cook, of the same aepartment, has also resigned. It is understood that Davis received a large sum of money from the Alaskyg exploration company and in return the goverzment was de franded of a large amount of revenue due from the company, It is possible that criminal proceedings will be taken against the officers of the com pany, Davis was formerly the cou servative member of parbament for Alberta. BOY'S MITE STARTS CHURCH. Started Presbyterian = Building Fund With Five Pennies. New York, June 38. Without win dows or doors in place, the pretiy new Christ Presbyterian church gt av Cand Forty-second street, Bay " NAF, was dedicated. The con was tardy in completing his ,. big the congregation determined hold the dedig FY services at the ppointed 3 William Connor, a small boy, start: ed the fund which resulted jy the con struction of the new church. He sav ed his pennies until he had five, when he gave them to his Sunday-school tea her. WENT DOWN TO DEATH. Stood Up In the Boat And Said Good-Bye. Ottawa, June 23.-~James Thompson, Ottawa, was drowned Gatineau river yesterday while out on a fishing teip. He got into a river driver's punt and, with only a frail oar was carried out into the swift rapids and went down to death. He seemingly recognized his fate for standing up in the boat, he shouted to his companions, "Good bye'boys The body has not yet been recovered Sir Henry Btrong, acting governor general, has written mayor Cook, sta ting that he will be pleased to plant sn oak tree on city ball square on coronation day. A SAILOR'S YARN. ------ Captain Declares He Found Note In Shark's Stomach. Cape May, N.J., June 23.-A little over a year ago Mrs. George Cum mings, of this place, wrote a message, put it in a rubber-corked beer hottle and threw it into the waters of the Delesare bay. A few days age whe re ceiverl a letter written by the captain of the British warship Thunder in an- swer to het message. The commander of the Thunder wrote that while off the coast of Portugal a shark caught and when it was cut open bottle was found inside of it note being noticed in the bottle, was broken and the message read. Winnipeg, June Kennedy in wax the The it Appeals To The People. Wilksharrie, Pa., June 23 dent John Mitchell, of the mine workers of America, has an address to the public. It i= part ly a roply to the letters of the opera tors, declining to accede to the de mands of the anion, which were pub lished about ten days ago. Briefly swmmmarized, ' the address saya that every poviible means was resorted to in the effort to prevent the strike; claims that the cost of liv ing has increased to the peint where the miner was compelled to ask for highér wages; denies the allegations of the operators that the productive capacity of the mine workers had fal len off, but, on the other hand, has increased, and says that in the event the union 3s crushed, which, it adds, is not likely, a 'new organization wonlc. rise from its ruins, it con cludes with another appeal for arbi tration of all questions in dispute, ~ Presi United issued North Grey Election Case. Toronto, June 23.----The North Grey election case came be fore Justice Mac at Osgoode Hall, this morn H. Blake opened the argument Boyd; the conservative can didate, Holding that there was evi denice that the four ballots in No, 9, St. Vincent, had wen tempered with after being counted for Mr. Boyd. The county judge, he heli, had not. follow edd pendent in confining Mimwell strict ly to the condition of the ballots. He should have enquired how they left the deputy-returning officer's hands, oS. A Mysterious Suicide. Cardinal, Out., June 23 ous dticide and murder has agitated this village. Shortly after seven o'clock Sunday morning a woman, a stranger, was wen walking up and down the bank of the canal. She ear tied a young child in ber arms, Short Iv altorwards she deliberately leaped into the water with the child, and both were drowned. She lft pothing by which hee identity could be diseov. ered. So far as ean be learned no one in the locality is missing, A mysteri Regiment Will Not Go. Windsor, Ont, June 23.-1t iz now definitely settled thar the 2iet. Essex regiment will not go to Montreal, next Thorveday, to take part in the military parade in that city, one! Guillott was appromehed by Ar h- ibald MeNer, who siked if he couid reconsider Lis decicion in regard to the matter, but the colonel informed Bim that be had written to Montreal decliving the mvitation snd that @t war now too late to agein open ne gotiations, ---------- A ---- Two more deaths have oceursed oo a resol of the accident on the Nor- thers Pacific BR. near Staples, Min WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont, (10 sm Juss 30-Wee draty 10 fresh por westerly and westerly whitis; lew soatiarwd showers, but mostly fair. Tuesday, fic aod a tle warmer. LADIES' OPEN WORK HOSE, 15¢., 25¢., 33c., 400., Sle. RIBBED COTTON wear guaranteed; all the celebrated MoGill Stockings, 28e. pair. THREE SPECIAL LINES OF GLOVES, 18¢,, 13, and 13fc., for 10. all colors and Sizo8. BOYR' HOSE; sizes of pair; CHILD'S WASH DRESSES, The, 90c., §1, 81.25 up. Pretty colors, new latest New York styles. designs, TREDELL WATTS ~in Kinston, on Linh, 100i, by the Rev. T. C : dolm Truedell, Coline Bay, to Feunie' ats, youngest savior of 8. No Wuttw, Portomeuth COAL and WOOD. SEALED TENDER WILL BE RECEIVED at the ofioe of #he Comty Clrk, Court House, Kingston, up to SATURDAY, July Ach, at 10 o'clock, am, feos persons with ing to furnish 1H tons Serambon Coal 0 be debvend st the Gaol or Court. House in Khgoton as may be required up to Novem of let, nest, the voul 0 be of wood gual ity, well soremned apd froe from dist And also 30 Cuwds (or more | wil green, to be delivered the County Guol, one hall before and one hall after January lat, pext subject to the mmssurament of the Chairman of the County Property Comps i ine Fach teonder lor and sack cord Th sarily aocepton %. OW PRINGLE J Chairman Com. Co. Property Kingston, June 2lst, 1902 a es p--------_--r-- "Elephant" That name stands for the BEST READY-MIXED PAINT on th market. You get it at STRACHAN'S HARDWARE, Make Some Ready Packet Money Bpend a half hour, and sort up old lothing, and every old thing you may Bond around the house or sheds, hen drop a card to The Kingston Hab and Metal Co., 3890 Princess treet and have them eall and take it away. This is a relinble firm and they pay the highest cash prices. oud to state the price per der for wood the prices per lowest or any tothe pot pete W. EDWARDS, Co. Cheri iy Has Reached Liverpool. Montreal, June 2%.-The Allan line steamer Tunivian, from Montres), are rived at Liverpool at 6 a.m., on Mon- nv. The Vienng Neve Frei Press states {that the treaty renpwing the triple al- liance between Agetria, Germany and Italy will be signed within 8 few PRECIODS STONES Will alway bold thelr value G1 the ond of View The waive of & Jownl js much eo bunerl by the elise sabtings that

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