Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jun 1902, p. 1

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THE | 2 some RT Y BRITISH W KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JUNE LAST EDITION. - has so increased are s obliged to enlarge our oma rathes than remove We are offering a spe- unt. All goods marked I REID, 222 Princess Street. ns Above the Opera House. BLEPHONE 577. Where You Want It. We have good properties both in town and country. We have high priosd and low-priced tracts, Some are well fmproved and some are not im- proved at all. If we knew what you want most, we could tell you about the best value we have to offer. A. CAYS, . 346 King Street. C +4F44 ian ; Strawberries eine daily from Prince County," We. sell the berries at the cheapest jo See ours before buy- ing elsewhere. x $A. J. REE Princess Street, * Tolo and Exclusive : Designs in Woollens. TAILORS, ncess and Bagot Sts, ~ LADIES' COLLEGE @GSTON, CANADA. and Day Scheel for Olrls. Address BER, BM. A.. « Principal. Finder will be by h > retucniog to Col, BOARD. AND BOALD. d, at 240 Kine street. A BROWN 0 QUEEN & STREET, 7 Nathbun Company. CE, 201 BROCK STREET, iets, avo ER Fon 19 rooms Fo Ouk Aah, ines WANTED, HOY OR GI. IMMEDIATE EA MRS. Janne A CLOTH. wireet. LOCAL MEMORANDA; The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themiselves By. 14th regiment drill, § pom. This is St. John the Bapiist's dav Most remedies for prejudices seem to fatal Frontegne cheese board, weaday. Vaudeville at Ontario park this and every evening, -~Alirculute as much truth and as few words ar possibile, When carpenters strike they usually hit the nail on the head. The wom rises Wedoesday st 419 am, and sets ob 146 pm. Strawberry Iastival, St, John's Tuewiny afternoon sod evenine "They pay #0" without a» same is what 1 would call rather shaky evidaos. Slamsler is a more eruel weapon than the sword, and its wounds ate incurable. This day io the world's bistory--Admiral Sevmour's fores revoued near Tien Tein, 1900; printing lavented, 1440; Cabot dis eoversd Canada, 1497; Portugsl permite Greeny Britain to land troops at Beira, South Afrvies, 1596, Water Tumblers Full Size 23c¢. Dozen A SNAP, TE , BROS . 2 FOX & SUMMERS, ske¥en. BERT JOHNSON, Coon Character . MAY SHAYNE, Vocalist, THE M'CORMACK'S, "=u Comedians, HART & DILLON, musigat Admission free by car except on Thurwduy. (ORONATIGN. ROU. PICNIC rE 1h, to July be 130 pm, Wed church, YOUNG MEN ! Here is your gE Spportunivg to start a foun t your savings We will take as low as $10 el instalments. Let us have a talk with you J. S. R. McCANN. 81 Brock St., Cormer King St., Ground Floor. PLEASURE SEEKERS For Coronstion Day Get Your Cooked Moats st Myers', 56 Brock St. Hewdipiarters for shoiee Bacon and Hams. "Phone 570. Orders promptly attended to. CORONATION POSTPONED Because Of The jincss Of The King OPERATION 15 REQUIRED 1S SUFFERING FROM PERITYPHLITIS. HE The Complaint is Akin to Appen- dicitis--The Ceremony Has Been Indefinitely Postponed-- Racing to Reach the Metropo- lis in Time, London, June 24.~Coronation has been postponed inde initely on ac- count of the indigposition of king Edward. King Edward is suffering from peritypblitis and is undergoing a surgical operation. 12.46 p.m --Sir Francis Knollys, the king's private secretary, has issued the official medical announcement as follows : "The king is suffering from perity- phlitis. His condition, on Saturday, was 80 satisfactory that it was hoped that, with care, his majesty would be able to go through the ceremony. On Monday evening a recrudescence became manifest, réndering a surgical operation necessary to-day. (Signed) Lister Thomas, Smith Laking, Thom- as Barlow Treves." 1:06 p.m.--The operation on the king occurs st 2 p.m. It is previous ly admitted that his majesty's - condi Lion is more se rious than represented by the medical bulletin, 2:46 p.an.--The following bulletin has been posted at Buckingham palace : "The operation has been successfully performed. A large abscess has been evacuated. The king has borne the operation well and is in a satisfactory condition." -- He Is Doing Well. In the house of commons the ernment leader, A. J. Baliowr, an- nounced that an operation had been performed on the king, and that his majesty was progressing as well as possible. Mr. Balfour added that while the king's condition was un doubtedly grave, he did not intend to increase the public alarm by adjourn- ing the house. -- His majesty did Hot lose conscions- ness while he was being operated up Fen gov- In the streets consternation is de picted in every face. Strangers and Londoners alike are grouped excitedly discussing the bad news. Papers gre welling at any price. The news bovs being" almost mobbed. The following official announcement was issued: "The earl marshal has received the king's command to express his majes ty's deep sorrow that, owing to his serious ines ' mony must he postponed. All celebrations in London, in consequence, be like wise postponed, but it is the king's earnest hope that the celebratiiis in the country be held as "alrébay ar ranged. king has expressed the desire that the lord mayor wee that the eoronationy dimmer to London's poor is not postponed on account of his majesty's illness." The home secretary has regrotiully notified the lord mayor of the in- defimte postponement of coronation." About Westminster abbey the streets are massed from curb to curb by peo- ple. many of them white-faced in their anxiety. Considerable hard feeling is mani- fosted against owners of septs for the procession, who sold out their last seats this morning before the news became known, The buyers are disgusted as they have tried in vain to get their money back. The sad news was announced in Westminster abbey to the 400 mem bers of the coronation choir, as they were about to rehearse for the ser vice of Thursday. The bishop of Lon- don, after making the announcement, dismissed the chair. No date for the earrving out of the ceremonies has been indicated. It is fenred that weeks will elapse before the king will be in a fit condition to undergo the strain, even now when it is known that operation was success ful. Throughout the city business is practically suspended. May Never Occur. The lord mayor has ordered the stands in front of the Mansion House, erectad for the corommtion procession, she} to be torn down. There are many who believe that the coronation will never take place Racing For England. The Allan line steamer Bavarian, with 2,000 British troops on board, having heen chosen to t the army in South Africa at cor- onation, has I Pa from C Town, which Ee i ig June Tth, to BE i the a in in ed in the display there ax were the cart-loads of poor families who drove through the squares. and avenues around the West End palaces. None of the special envoys who ar rived here yesterday, though they in cloded princes of the greatest Europ ean aynasties, aroused as much inter est as did Ras Makonnen, the victori ous Abyssinian general gnd special representative of 'king Mepelik. ln picturesqueness and barbarian splen dor the Ethiopian commander and his suite paled even the brilliancy of ori- ental princes, whom London has be- come accustomed to during the past week. Makonpen, who has black, cur- ly hair and g beard, wore a haik {eloak) of white silk, pantaloons, a shoulder cape of heavy white satin, bordered with gold. and a broad brimmed grees felt hat. Three na- tive chieis who accompanied him were scarcely less gorgeous in their ap parel, while a priest carrying a heavy silver crazier, was the general's con- stant companion. Ras Makonnen's native followers carried guns and spears. Among the other arrivals yesterday were admiral prince Henry, of Prussia, the archduke Francis Fer dinand, heir presumptive te the throne of Austria; the prince of the Asturias; crown prince Gustaf, of Sweden ana Norway; aamiral Gervais, head of the French mission, and Mgr. Merry Del Val, the papal envoy. Where They Are Gathered, The Danish and Greek princes and grand duke Michael are entertained ut Buckingham palace and the duke of Saxe-Cobourg at St. James, The duke and duchess )'Aosta are at Dorches ter house, and other royal visitors are at Chesterfield house, Gloucester, Harcourt, and other well known resi dences lent to the crown. Admiral Gervais, the French envoy, is enter tained at Moncorvo house, Ennismore Gardens. Many other envoys and guests of the crown are at hotels, There is no discrimination against the United States in the courtesies and attentions, Mr. Reid, as special ambassador at Brook house, being on terms of equality with the. special en voy of Germany and other foreign SOuHA, Mgr. Merry del Val, representative of the holy see on his arrival at Vie toria station last evening, was driven to Norfolk house, the residence of earl Marshall who is a devout Roman Ca- tholie. Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Canadi an ministers learned on their arrival in London that every arrangement had been made for their comfort and entertainment. About fifty Canadians, including all the prominent officials now here, were to have seats at the coronation service in the abbey. . No visitor of any prominence from the dominion was to be deprived of pri vilege of witnessing the ceremony. The first meeting between the king and the majority of his coronation guests took place last evening when Shey were entertained to dinner hy mneer ab Buck- ix palace. exceptionally brilliant one. Heartily Thanked. London, June 24.--Earl Roberts in replying to the toast of the king at last night's dinner to count Von Wald- ersee, and the other officers of the German army contingent, to the cor onation, thanked Von Waldersee in a most sincere manner for his most com plimentary terms in speaking of Bri tish soldiers. All were deeply sensible of the kind feeling that prompted him to speak so appreciatively of them. Earl Roberts proposed a toast to the kaiser and the great German army of which his majesty is the head. He Committed Suicide. Windsor, Ont., June 244.--William J. Hutton, fifty, formerly of Wingham, Ont., was found dead vesterday; in a livery stable in Detroit. A thirty eight calibre revolver was clutched in his hand and a gaping wound in his right temple showed that it was a case of swicide. Hutton had been em- ployed as a coachman in Detroit for a number of years past, but he was formerly a prosperous hotel proprictor at Wingham and also a well-known horseman, Miss Roach Now Sleeps Forever. Montreal, June 24. Miss Eva Roach who will be remembered as "the lit- tle sleeper' passed away yesterday afternoon. In 1898, Miss Roach slept twenty-eight and a half days without awakening; the second time for eleven days» the thisd time for five days, and the last time for thirty-five hours, These four "'sleeps" were 'phenome nal andl surprised the medical world. Miss Roach had for several months been suffering from consumption. Contract With Morgan Group. Bremen, June 24.---An extraordinary general meeting of North German Lloyds steamship company was held yesterday. Herr Platt, the president, explained that the contract with the Moigan group was purely commercial. It was to interests of the company. which would be better able to develop and employ. its resources. Le : The king approved the suggestion that, on Thursday ny S¥ening, British subject wherever he may be in the united kingdom, or the colon Jou. join in singing "God Save the ing. The Montreal street railway men in roast of wages to ol age aud » ro cents af hour viens | § WIL BE CONSIDERED The Fature Of Colony Of New forndiand AT COLONIAL CONFERENCE THE UNION WITH CANADA IS APPROVED. She May Be in the Confederation Before Another Year is Past-- Closer Relations With the United States Not Regarded With Satisfaction. Ottawa, June M.--The imperial an- thorities Have within their power to efiect a settlement with France of the latter's treaty rights on the coast of Newfoundland, and if the decision is taken as a result of the colonial conference, it is not improbable that Newfoundland will form a province of the Canadian confederation before an- other year has passed. Neither Britain nor Canada regard with satisfaction the proposals for closer relations be tween the island and the United States. Umion with Canada is the only alternative that Newioundland has to better her position, and your correspondent hears that the prelimi- naries for this step may be taken in London this smuner. The Canadian ministers are prepared to discuss this subject at the conference in London. Holiday Withdrawn. Ottawa, June 24.--The government has issued a proclamation withdraw. ing the public holiday on Thursday. The proclamation was signed by Sir Henry Strong, acting governor-gene ral, at noon, Sir Richard Cartwright, this morn: ing, received the following cablegram "Have to report the very bad in telligence of his majesty's serious ill pess. He has to undergo operation this afternoon. Coronation ceremon- ies indefinitely postponed. (Signed), Laurier." 5 3 The Orders Recalled. Montreal, June 24.--The first decor ations in honor of the king's corona tion were commencing to appear in the streets this morming when the word came of its postponement. A general halt in arrangements has in consequence been ordered to await the turn of events. The principal events arranged for that day here, the military review in the morning and tattoo in the evening and the city's treat for the children on St. Helen's island and Fletcher's field. These will in all probbaility, he called off, At the opening of the stock exhenge the resolution, carried yesterday, pro viding for a week's closing partly in honor of the coronation, was rescind wd ane business will proesed as usual withthe exception of the regular legal holidays. were GOT GOOD INTEREST. Schwab Pays $25,000 For Apples He Stole as a Boy. Cresson, la., June 24. Mount Aloy- sing academy at Cresson, has receiv ed as a gift from Charles M, Schwab, president of the steel corporation, a handsome alumni and assembly hall The structure, which cost $25,000, ad joins the academy and is superbly fitted with stage and aunditorium fur- niture. Governor Stone and prelates from all over the country came to aid in the ceremony of gift reception. Mr. Schwab, who was reared at Loretta, four miles from the acaclemy, made the presentation in person, Mr. Schwab alluded to his start life as a stage driver on the State road pmssing in Kat of the academy. He admitted Wg in his youth he helped himself wiaut leave to apples from the gnarledSiees now on the lawn of the academy. What I do to-day is but partial re paration for the apple thefts of my youth," he said. "Millions to-day are not so sweet to me as recollections of the taste of purloined Baldwine from that old tree down yonder.™ distinguished ih old Converts Murdered. Pekin, June 21.---An American wis sionary," named Canright, has tele graphed to Pekin from Cheng Ta Fu, in the province of Suchwan, saying that a Methodist chapel there has heen destroyea. and ten Chinese con verts have been killed by Boxers. Mr. Canwright saves also that the Boxers movement is spreading in that region. Suchwan is the midale province on the western frontier of China. Lad Will Likely Die. Windsor, Ont., June 24.--Vietor, the ten year oldggon of i Asalin, Windsor, w struck with a batted baseball on the Waikerville ball grounds, while watching a game iw tween Walkerville and a Detroit nine, and sustained a fracture of the skull. The boy's condition ix eritical, and there are slight bopes for his recovery, A despatch from Pekin blamos the Un ted States for supporting Chine in ker interpretation of the indemnity payment. It says that the Amering interpretation of protocol meets with no approval from either governments, No service will be done for China in listening to her appeals for pity. A conservative election of Hon. E. J. Davig, in North York, was filed at Osgoode hall, To- ronto, on Mowday. The Northern elevator compa ws elevator at Pipestone, Man, vas urd on « Worslay with 5,000 "bushels rand Gen. French sailed for Enghwd on the Orotava on Monday. The ners Pomeranian ard Pers. arrived at Conadian Jetivion against the | WOULD SELL PHILIPPINES. ---- Gen. Burt's Plan For Solution of Problem. San Francisco, June MM. Ceperal A. 8. Bure, retired, who has recently ar rived from the Philippines, bas a plan for the solution of the Philippine problem. He believes he has arrived at a con-lusion that will ultimately be accepted by the administration and country at large as the only solution, "Turn them over to the Japanese," #aid the general. "Let them have them on the instalment plan for the con sideration of, say, SI1530.000000, Our government does pot need the woney in a lump sum and by making a pro position of that kind we can dictate as to coaling stations and wake such reserves as are thought to be best for trade interests." THE YOUTH INSANE. It Came About Through Banter Of A Chum, 2. Leopold Winnipeg, June Me- Callum, Prince Edward Island, who had Leen working on a farm in South ern Manitoba, was brought to the city, yesterday, and will be taken to the Brandon asylum to-day He was driven insane Ly the fact that he | thought he was under suspicion of | having been the cause of drowning one brother and the severe illness of an other. He got this impression through the thoughtless chafing and | banter of a. chum, who pretended to | urge his mates to get a rope to hang him on the spot. COTTON BROKER CONVICTED. Altered Bill of Lading and Mule- ted a Bank. Baltimore, June 24.---John sersmith, a cotton broker, who has been on trial in the criminal court, charged with having obtained £25 000 by false pretenses from the Merchants' national bank, by the alteration of an old bill of lading, was convicted ves terday. Sentence was deferred upon motion for a new trial. Bail was fixed at #10.000 and he was released For many vears Messersmith was one of the leading cotton brokers of Balti more. K. Mes SUES FOR RECOVERY -- Of a Policy in an Insurance Com- pany. Toronto, June 24. sops, Hamilton, and terson, of this eity, Holderness, of the Albion hotel, this morning had a suit entered against them by their father for the return to him of a policy for 819000 in a life insurance company which Mr, Holder ness claims was obtained from him, in 1901, by undue influence. Mrs, Mary Mos Mrs. Eliza Pat daughter of John Weinerth Gains By It. Watertown, N.Y., June 24 H. Weinerth, recontly sentenced v judge Ross to eighteen years and five mouths in Auburn prison and brought back from that institution because the sentence was contrary to the pro visions of law in that it would expire in the winter, was re-sentence! at the opening of county court youterday when judge Ross imposed of seventeen years and «ix months. Tt is possible for Weinerth to carn wu fli- cient commutation to reduce sn tence to ten years. lis No Party Politics In Transvaal. London, June 24. The spondent at Pretoria says ant-general Louis Botha, speaking the future of the Transvaal, the opinion that one of the tors for prosperity lay in the for years there would not be party po- | litics to disturb the country Bat added that the Cape Colony constitu tion ought undoubtedly to be pended Times corre comand of exprossod main fa fact that ha AE Granted A Medal. London, June 24.--The Lloyds for meritorious service was presented | to Capt. Freeman, of the Roddam in the committe Lloyds, in recognition of in gallantry, metal steamer room of his action getting away his vessel from St, Pieere, Martinique, May ih, at the time of the destruction of that town by the outbhrédik of Mont Pelee cn ------------ May Be Sent To Paris. London, dane 24.-The Daily Mail says the idea prevails that Michael Henry Herbert will not long ecenpy the post of British ambassador to the United States, but that he transferred to Paris, when Sir Ed mund I. Monson, the present British ambassador there, retires, will be -- Red Hat For Mgr. Ireland. Rome, June 24.--1t is stated that a papal consistory will be held in De comber, at which . archbishop * will be created a cardin 1 te 4 fe A Degree BestE wed" London, June 24.-- degree of D. C. L. has been confer, on Joseph H, Choate, the Ameri ambassador hy Oxford university, J. Harold Grif bh, who killed Mrs Chase in a rou at the Clarendon bo tel, Byracuse, 7A" amd then shot hime, left hot tr stating that Se could not sod, sod that he thought the | Aa? erect a Mond met over Yi§T rave for ridding the rommunity such a woman. Orders hy teen issued. in Washing ton for tH Bewdouarters band and the he 8 to proceed, part to iT 4 A A Backet's Harbor, vemuindiy to Fort Nin services. in Memtrenl? a sentenvé > | to rout the oki { thane of wale WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronte, Ont, (10 am), Juss 34.~Moders ate southewvsterty and southerly winds partly fair and cool with ocensiveal ors Wee lnowla v worth paste rly settled: rain below aivht. windy, on LADIES' OPEN WORK HOSE, 15c., 28c., $c, dle, SOc RIBBED COTTON wear guaranteed; all the celebrated MoGill Be. pair, "l BOYS' HOSE; sens of Stockings, THREE SPECIAL LINES OF GLOVES, 15., 15%. and 13§¢., for 10c. pair; all colors and sizes CHILD'S WASH DRESSES, The. D0. $1, 81.25 up. Pretty colors, new designe, latest New York styles. COOK «In Leona d lsugh et LEKC Hn Rev, T daughter if You Have Not Yet 'een Our COLORED {INGSTON HARBOR Call and See It. Kirkpatrick's Art Store Me. and Brock "w is Mrs. J, rel, a 1002, the wits of Lavsdowne, of & Kingwton, Cook, 19h BA, J une Loach, 'AUGTION SALE, FRIDAY NEXT, June 27th, at Neo, 171 Wellington St. OF ONE OF THE BEST MERCHANT Tal tore stock, fxtons, tebdes, tools, ofe, the proprietor retiring from bDudiness, the stock will Im open for uspeotion at any time Dre ious 10 wale, with the option of purchases estaalivieed stand, the whole All be offered en bloc. Terms made known at This is a ered opporiasity for ong begwners, us the best trade in the ity bai ben done in this setablivhoont wd asdirtapee will be given rarer retain the best ousiudets Sule, Aodn J. KB SANDE & SON ALTER Vindors. Make Some aly Fock None Spend a half hour, and sort up old lothing, and every old thing you may find around the house or Then drop a ecard to The Kingston, Rab and Metal Co., 550 Princes street and have thew endl sped take it awny. This iv a reliable firm and they pay the highest cash prices. In Favor Of Short Hours. Yeu sir. Union men help us to carry ome Trovig {ours of "the what Poo. The KH, the bydaw. You know un. Bibby. Co, Will be found an excellent sick headuche. Carter's Little foe 3 This store closes at 6:30, Pills. Thousands of letters fram peopls who have usal them prove this feet, Try them, PRECIOUS STONES

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