Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jul 1902, p. 1

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KINGSTON. ONTARIO; TUESDAY, JULY 8 1902, TVINELAD, 1, SAT Was Unabic To Stand a Pipch. : PANIC CREATED BY A SPO! Was Garbed In a White Robe ~Proved To Be An Escaped Woman Lunatic, Vineland, N.J., July 8.--A spook, ith a club eight fiet Jong over iis shoulder, terrified you swaing and their. maidens along Vincland's fa. shionable driveway late the other night, and then stalked boldly' into town apd frightened the mmyor and he. entire night force pearly out of their wits. he "ghost" was first seen by the Misses Birkland and . their escorts, Witliawe Hislop ' and * Bepnet Jane, While walking along Landis avenue, A was a large jet - in a white robe, thrown over its shoulders, Its fof. were. as big as snowshoes," and over its shoulders it carried a chub or pole about eight feet long. The frightened girls ran breathlessly into town, 'with. their male escorts closely following. Upon hearing of the - ghost, Dr. John 8. Halsey, with = his: coachwan, drove hurriedly toward the strange apparition, which" ke found standing like a statue of mntble in the middle of 'the road. "I you move a step I will shoot," cried the plucky phybician, levelling his revolver. But the White sentinel remained as silent and immovable 'as the sphinx, and the physician tarned his horse ahout and dashed madly back to town. At about midnight. the ghost stalk- ed boldly into town and along the main thoroughfare, with its long pole poised above and its whitd robe tighténed hoodlike about its head. The spectre created » panic among a bevy of "voumg ladies going home from a party, and scattered Inte pe destrians down side streets andtilite the nearest alley Meanwhile the spook continued ite stately march toward the centre . of the town, where it encountered night marshal William H. Rohrer, who or dered it to stop, When he ghost we: nored him Rohrer pulled his pistol, and, levelling it, again commanded the apparition to stop, but tha ghost kept on. Upon second "thought Roh- ror decided not to fire, and hunted up officer Sj Both officials, with clubs drawn, then approached the ghost, which. had stopped quite still, and endeavored to get it to talk. But the Suite remained as dumb as if carved out of atone. Finally officer Rohrer advanced, and, grabbing the ghost by one arm, pinched it to wee ¥f it was real. To the astonishment of all the spook. ut- tered a cory and dropped the club, The officers then removed the outer clonk and beheld the features) of & comely woman. Upon investigation it was discover ed that the spook was am escaped in- mate of the state home for feeble. minded, located about 5 mile from Vineland. The woman had fled from the insti: tution in her nightgown, after wrap ping white sheets about her feet, and throwing .a white bed-cover around her shoulders. "A carriage was quickly procured and she was taken . home. The woman was deal. ---------- FRICTION DEVELOPING Over Affairs of The Toronto Street Railway. Toronto, July 8.~Frigtion is said to be developing between the officials of the street railway company and the employees, who are members of the union. According to the men, the dompany officials are not living up to the &pirit of the agreement under which the recent strike was declared off, but on the contrary are trying in every possible way to discourage new men from joining the union and to annoy the conductors end motormen whe are members. "Kis farther al lged a large number of the men have been suspended sifice the strike," and on the strength of sech small con plaints as would not have heen no- ticed prior to the late stril ,. A mass meeting of the union will be held yexs Sunday afternoon for the purpose of discussing the new trouble: E. H. Keating, general" manager of the street railway company, gives an emphatic denial to the report. that he i contemplating his severavee with the company. 'I have never contém- plated such & move" says Mr. Keat Largest Dry Dock. Toronto, July 8. irotght stam, 375. feat Too Playiaiv campaign, Midland, and rary 4 Coot Ravintn anad | trade, i | that be holds stroug of Carried Ab Eight-Foot Club And |subjécts.. He is credit | Jy 'than = his colleagues . , WHAT HE WILL DO. -- Mr, Chamberisin's Views On Var. London carrespondent" cables: regard ing we eolomial conférence : there 'Is ahandande of gator on the sentimental asjpecis #4 tha® is a Jack of furente. Nobody ingness 'to nieet- "the _poloies, » perhaps, hilf way, but more génerbus Britivh shipping interests. Pov, phefer- eotial trade he iy a strong" Rdvecs but" he chooses his phrases enutions! i 1 am correctly dv ormed he fs will ing to rélax the grain and 'winé dn- tiesin, favor of the colonies if they in return will lower their Britain, These fésults of a mintual preference he will he likely to @xplain as gains for free trade. Ther gre op! tipnists among the visiting statesshen, who assert that Sir Mic Hicks i Beach's oppodition. may be ovefeorse | states and, t if the line of least résistance he at- tacked and force dare moved by heth sides in thé interest of a less restricted edge merce. Preferentigl trade will, ih this way, become freer trade between Bri tain and the colonies. The Times Says that Mr, Chatber- Iain's health is in a" very redl 'sense an imperial asset that was never of greater 'valae than "at present. Nr. Chamberlain was hadly shake, op his accident, hut hie injuries wore flesh 'wounds, of = no depth, and no #orious- result ig appreh-nded at the bospital. Although the shock was se vere to a man of sixty-six his friends were not alarmed last night and the exaggerated aeconnts of wonnds were coptradictea. The imperial conference probably will be adjomrnéd to-day until the end of the week. A DISASTROUS FIRE. Great Damage Done Af Acadia Mines. Truro, NB. July 8 The sdonrge of fire . which 'visited. Acadia siipes; yesterday, swept away every stracture on that side of the river in which was located the pipe shop of thi Montweal foundry company. The buililings, with the exception of the machine ship in which the fittings for water valves and other finished metal work were produced, were old. They 'covered about an acre of 'ground and formerly held the fornscek and rolling. mills of the Londonderry iron eompany. The pipe shop hud heen kept in good con dition and much valuable machinery wag in use. 'Alarge qualitity oF wa- ter pipd, of all sizes up to sixty. in ches diameter; was manufactored an nually. About forty persons were em- ployed. Fire canght in a portion of the old rolling mills and was peobab- ly started by sparks from a locome ve. A steam pump and hose carry ing water were used as far as possible and the whole afternoon was sonsumed in. the battle against the fire. The of fort was futile so far as the waod structures were concernetl, but a great deal * of advantage was reaped by carefitl protection of the machinery, most of which is saved in a slightly damaged condition. The contracts for pipe are profitable and so far as may be ascertained no cessation in the work of manuigcture will occur. New build ings will be erected for the protection of the plant and plans laid for exten sions as soon ss a mesting of the di rectors of the company can be called, | The loss to the Montreal company is largely covered by insurance, TO CROWNING OF THE XING. May Take Place Between 11th and 15th of August. London, July 8~King Edward will be crowned between Avngusy, 11th and 15th. His recovery. has .jén so rapid and satisiactory that the above decision was arrived at yesterday, The pageant through the streets and the ceremony at Westminster abbey will be much 'eurtaifed from the ori- ginal plan. Their majesties will drive from Buckingham palace to the abhey through the Mall to- Whitehall and theate to the * abbey, the same toute as taken at the opening of parliament. The King Is Well. London, July B.~The official bulle- tin, isstied at tem o'clock this mors ing, states that "the king's progress is all that can be desires." The coronation continues to be dis assed. Variouns dates in the month of August have been mentioned, but a® vet the exact date is unceriain The police are. anxious to have the tion as soon a8 possibile, us the early darkness of Uctoher would be regarded asx favorable for wight-play Mie majeety ix Very anxions to re view thé feet, bul this conld be post: until a later date, 'when the ing was fully himself agnin, and pot to, ions results from SYI0NS the: exertion. IE Is with WL} in. defending | - tarifis. toward the dutids = metually in the scalp WE OEAERS Said They Have Bees suthorative infor: mation . respetting the business "cow | ras | FEELING oF THE 'PEOPLE mW. THE NORTH WEST. - pn, Homestead Entries Nearly 7 Double Figures of Last Year, Ottawa, July inspectors for itobs and northwest territories repiiuts 'jo the | department; of Striculsure that. after | viwiting nearly #h¥ fruit centres. he finds everywhere great dissativtaction with the packing of Ontagio afiples. Muny of them say they: will handle no mare 'of this fruit, the barrels being filled in the 1sididle with inferior ap ples. A sup nob of. equal va lav, will sutely displace our own lines tnléss Ontario: dealers ave move hon- est in their dealings. At the early mass in the cathedral on Sanday, Fri. Routhier délivered a trenchant hilippie, againgi the * pre sence of a Baptist "misgion on Clar ence street, He Said #6 was an insult to the Catholic clergy and French Ca tholie people of lower town. He said the Protestants' would strongly op pose a similar move WW upper town on the part of the Catholics. The mis gion is connected 'with the First Bap tist church, of which Rev. A, A. Ca meron is pastor, aud is conducted by the Rev. Me. NcFall The interior department announces that in the last fiscal vear the home stead ontries totalled M4 832 as against 8.167 in the previous twelve months, and 1.857 in 1896. The acre. covered by this year's entries was 3,190. The department of railways and canals is preparing plays for the re- moval. of obstructions in the Welland co between Port Colborne and Wei- land: Governor Gates, Hiinois, has writ. ten to the department of justice en- closing petitions from yvesidents of Champaign for the commutation of Fred. Rice's sentence. Sir John Bourinot, ill for some time, is reported to be very low. His gon, garton Bourinot, has been summoned from Montreal to hiv fa ther's sick bad. | COUNT ESTEREAZY'S COLONY. He Will Bring Out 4,000 More This Year. Meoutreal, July S.-ffount Ester hoary, the Hungarian sobleman who has done signal service in the Reitish army, and who has interested. himself in brioging Austrian settlers to the notth-wes! has returned from Otta wa. He sibgmitted an imporfant pro position to the deputy minister of the interior to brig out a colony of 1.000 settlers fre Hungary The colony of L000 alriwdy established at Faterhuzy, i progres ng so well that the Chnadian Pacific bas promised to huild a branch line tolthe settlement. They propose to erect g™ee 0 church and Sir Thomas Shanghucssy Yad we, nated $100 towards it. WON BY ARGONAUTS. 1 Tr | And Crew Will Now Meet Most Formidable Foe. Henley, July 8.--ln the second heat for the Grand Challenge cap the Ar gounuts, of Toronto, beat University college, Oxford, hy 23 lengths. Time 7 min. 25 sec. This means that (hd Argosauts will now meet the most formidable crew, Third Trinity. Ar gonauts in every héat have the Berks side of the river, which is considered a disadvantage. Will Be Fine Crops. Winnipeg, July 850. Obed Smith, | doptinion immigration conumissioner, sent a cirenlar letter to the govern ment agents at vations points in Manitohy and the north-west terri tories, asking for estimates of the | aevdage, frop prospects and general | prosperity of the country. The replies which have heen received throw ao very optimistic light on the situation and the consensus of opinion seems to be, although the early and continued rains damaged the crop considerably in thy early stages, it js recuperating and although the growth was delayed the present warm weather will vepuir the damage. Sandford Ts Worse. havipg Sake a turn for the worse, A large abmorss'on the head and & small- oa She lit arn, RE ar alin vies is temperature, have cad Smcadines an ny cntloak recovery, ough the physicians express every confidence. a g stommer Myles went B--fme of the truid' the coming. ig from the | - CHARLES SCHWAR'S HOME. "Andrew Carnegie, "New York, Faly have been » one of the finest Hoos in the sity, 1 will dost shout F2.00.000, and, will Na = " ok. for, whieh 'A; Bech: wah | RY, abot. a year: ago. House and site, thersivre, will - ent Af inveloent 6F more than $3. A000. The work of escavating for dhe mansion beging at once. Pollowitie 'the' sxample of Mr. Car nog; Mr, Schwab will bave « oily rer sidence "with ample grounds all abaut it. His new home will be 1502100 feet and the house will stand. in the centre of the block. © J Ther® will be 4 fise frontage on' Biv ervide drive, o ¢ and the grounds on cach of the four ing the Mudsén, bi sides will be laid oot on 3 siagnificent { scale. The house will be ready for occupancy. by Christidis year. tine next | 3 3 The New York orphan awvlum, which | han stood on the site for any years fis being demolished. i ------t-- KITCHENER'S 'TRIBUTE, | Warmly Praises Soldierly Quali ties Of The Boers. Pretoria, July ' 8 Lord Kitchener's valodictory to the thonps, dated June 25th, after' extolling the sonduct = of the British soldiers in the face of the great hatdihips and difficulties, gainst dangerous and elusive: antips- nists, commended the kindly and hn mane .apirit displayed in all ranks, and concludes go follows : sage ¥ wuld be incomplete. wer nb ve: fozonce made to the spldierly quadities displayeil throughout 'the, campaign by our guondam enanies, and the ad- mirable spirit displayed in eatrying out the sarvender. Many of those who contended until she eed, have express ed the Hope that they may Bave in fature an opportunity to serve side by side with his majesty"s foros." ------------ A Cyclone At Rochester: Rochester, N. ¥Y., July 8.<Roches ter narrowly escaped the ravages of a destruetive evelone which passed" over this city last evening. The burricase appranched the city from the south. enst, and was heralded by térife thunder avd lightning. A large rams building owned by George Strassper was picked up and dashed to. the ground. The lower storey was ectnhed and the upper storeys were thrown against an adjoining building, ocew- pied by Henry D. Silver, a grocer, The Silver huilding was badly vreck- . The tomado then Lounded and struck half a mile away demolishing une of four frame buildings in process of erection. Nothing remains of the work except the foundation. The total loss on the three buildings is $6,000. Prince Of Wales Speaks. London, July 8<The princé and princess of Wales opened the Henriet ta Raphael nurses' home at (luy's hos pital yesterday. Th pringe took the opportunity to explain how much the king, queen and members of the royal family had been supported in, their ime of trial by the deep sympathy wid ad be played in all parts of the anfpiy prince added that he would also Tt k githat those who had watched aroun fully realized how much, speaking from a human standpoint, had been due to | | Free Yourself the surgical and medical skill display od, as well as the highly-tenined nurs ing which it had been the king's good fortune to enjoy. Russian Farmers Warned. London, July #.-The wellknows auricultural expert, Prof. Lens, says the St. Petersburg dorrespondent of the Times, has presented to the com miewion which is inquiring inte the comBition of Russian agriculture a port 'of a very pessimistic characte Proll, Lenz says that the iroatior systems of farming practices hy the majority of small Russian holders can easily lead to complete exbaadtion of the soil. This exhaustion is nol re dressed by the use of begessary wisn ures. To Make Enquiry. 84. Jobn, NB, July 8 -Gilmore Brown, ©. FE. of this oity. has heen appointed by. the railway department, a ctemmistioner "to. investigntie the subject of railway attic, guards with a view of enabling the minster to in troclace Jegislation" promiged by him last session, when Lancuster's cattle guard Bill was deieated Thousshds Have Gone Out. Chicago, July 8A strike of 0.000 Aevight handlers Tn Chicago wak dald od today ani every freight house of the twenty-four raifrogds condrmed ie practically tied Business mow far Ahat Yhe strike be the mont seri: owe which Bas affected their interests Ont, July 8-The | | | | | i : | "Many of thom SLIGHTLY SUILED «of sgopally reduced prices. : Every pair wil ba marked in plain figores with the sEGU- LAR grice and R&DUCED price. Come and see if only to see, Help the Early Closing movement by shopping warly In the day. We Close atSp.m. every day, except Saterday. ont Beiekvills, 40 Nivuslwon, » wou. NIOOESON-OL duty 7 Me, and Mrs. WK Tw hae From Rents. I shy 0 pay the rent to vol only get starts! In the Mahi wey. We Wo baip pam stain making a tthe dapital o& v so ohanoed and. ars sire to win ju the $e easy you can't fail. $0 sure you gan't lose, D. A. CAYS, 340 King Street. HENRY P. SMITH, Architect, ete., Anchor Muilding, Market Square, "Phone 345, The Annual Meeting. London, duly %-Lovd Birgiboons, ihe British high compussioner, presids oil, vestordas , at the Hhivdeon conapeny. Ih an addtess he said thal the progress of vthe dogaiy- ion of Cpnaily bas been such that, ihe northwest territories were pow ahie wor upply Great Brita with hall the amitvunt of brewd stalls reguited. © In another leg yh¥ars he confidently 'hoped the dorcinion, would be alle to supe lv wll the re quivepients of Che waited kingdom, The sompmoy declared ~ dividend ard bionax of 20. 64. on the shares . A ---------- ult Mer seovonption gietans before. the hei grat or early in 8 Bie Wilirid Laurier, olhrs would be present, It is hoped alder thet a fresh sintingeat of Cosie dian troops way. go meting of the Mr. Picking and ~

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