---- THE DAILY W HIG, TUESDAY, JULY 8 CORBETT'S woowwe Persistent and Glaring Atiempis Made fo Defraud the Public. SEVERAL VILE I MUTATIONS OF Paine's Celery Componnd $ NOW SOLD IN SOME DRUG STORES THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR ol ormine pink WHIG, peblished 06-310 Kiny Buraes, st Ply 2.9 sad 4 ARRKLY BRIT WHI pages, Hufuishad wery haretay Ge $l a 8 tached ie "ame of the beet Job Printisg Offices in rd Hops wsiylish and cheap work; moet PENS KDW. NE ENSE, PROPRIETOR I'HE DAILY WHIG. Qpster par Orbem Dicer. THE BETTER PLAN, The difference the treatment military heroes is commented: upon by the Boy' In England they in of Companion. are given distinctions and largé grants of money. they are given the Honor. In France ribbon of the In Awwrica they office made to work hard Legion of are nominated for "and for a smell salary." Nor badgefed and harrassed and made is that all. In America they ure to suffer for the Think of what General had to endure the hands of the government and iw office heads. He is a hero who has won distinction in the field of battle. He secureed it when only brave men were wanted. In Washington, as the head of the army, he is constantly defending his place and the it involves. Work is honorable Gratitude sacrifices, Miles has at dignity in any man. Honor in desirable, iS a premium on seli-sacrifice, England's plan is best. She rewards her heroen, She them what they prize evidence of public esteem. She gave the honors them. the most, OFFENSIVE PRINTS of New York, is £50, and [OME Helen sing a corset manufacturer for 000, the disgrace she suffered in consequence of her tion of a corset advertisement, Grantley, representing damags picture being used in the decora Recognicang the virtues, fame and wondrous sales of Paine's Celery Com pound, nature's health restorer, uid sesupulous and dishonest men are making persistent and glaring at tempts to defraud the public hy put ting up vile imitations: These imita- tions by adopting the name Compound, the style of bottle, (marks peculiar to the genuine Paine's Colory Compound), have just bronght 1 Celery | i themselves within the meshes of Yo ete, law, and this nefarious work will he fareibly brought to the attention of the guilty parties in due time. For the present, it is deemed advis able to warn the public and put them on their guard. The sick and suffering, and friends of sach, are notified that the imitations are deceptions and frauds. - The only genuine Celery Compound is Paine's Celery Compound: it is the kind that" "makes sick people well" Good porter is one of the very best tonics known. Carling's Porter hn the wery best porter that b made. # Its purity com. mends it to ph flavor t6 those who drink ¢ £ NE ING | BRET Wilson's Fly Pads The Original and only Genuine ; in a state fade." j that the impression left by the picture hers, t | moral and she was represented "the . neck, and her complaint, this picture oft In undress shoulders, and arms being bare She says, in is that she was photographed in this guise, and that she was a4 party to the scandal which it occasioned. The plea of the corset manufacturer that the that they did not know that it repre complainant, and that it her or for any other person that resembles. It may transpire that the artist sought an ideal picture, and that Helen Grant ley"s supplied his want. The and the could reproduce a is picture is a fanciful one, sented the for it may stand face is at any rate, artist lived who exactly from any fanciful never likeness po lines. The point not the grievance of the complainant in this case, but the offences general ly of the corsét manufacturers. Talk about vour objectionable posters, your loud pictures upon the outer walls {Do they disturb the delicate or aesthetic person more than these coarse corset advertisements in pam- phlets magazines and newspa- pers ? The siggested, of public importance is and frequently here re question has been Have the women, presented, been photographed jor the purpose ' * They are smiling, and seemingly captivating. Are they not the embodiment of boldness, of brassi ness without any association with re fincment ? The defence in the Grant- ley cause offers some light on the is- sua The women are not consulted. The pictures are fanciful ones! It is well, The law against offensive ooght, in any event, to be enlarged aml maae corset advertise ments, for it is time they were sup pressed. prints to cover IS THE CHURCH A FAILURE? Wilshire's Magazine contains the let tor which Rev. Wiliam T. Brown sent the congregation of Plymouth church, Rochester, N.Y., upon his resignation from the pastorate. It is a remark able epistle, to say the least of it. In it he admits that he has had no cause to retire from anything that has been said or desived by the peo ple whom he served. "I cannot," he says, "'cohceive it possible for any minister to have more cordial sympa thy or loyal support from a church than 1 have had, and still have, from you. Noe is it lack of appreciation of that sympathy and loyalty that makes nie take this stop." His teaching, while tree to cone sciunce and conviction, submitted him tow severe mervouws strain. It en tailed upon the charch certain finan: cial sacrifices which he was not dis posed to longer endure. Last of all, he conla mot adjunct his teaching to the creed of the church, gnd "itis no hotter," he says; "to conform to im- artificial standards in one's Jiving than it is to conform to fnlse standards in one's thinking." He has been the people master of their own Hes tiny." Again be says: "I have long ceased to believe that any outside be img 'or force is going to help men in their personal or social Life. The for cea which are to solve our problems and bring us emancipation from all kinds of slavery gre within and about ourselves. 1 look forward with hope to the advent. of industrial democracy as giving promise of a larger freedom and a better life for all." There is not one in a hundred who has any conception of what he means He gives it to be understood that the church is a failure, but he go into details and they cannot Plymouth, in tochester, seems to have heen willing snough to follow his lead and to bave him ox- to his heart's content. He used the pulpit for the discussion of He was, accord Herald, brilliant student in the language possible does not he imagined periment all sorts of themes ing to the Rochester less, elogment, books, and most the of his independent gations in the field of theology." than a year ago it was proposed change the church and devote a por tion of the building to the purposes of a club, Here it was desired to have billiards, pool, cards, and danc- ing under the church roof. The edifice It was to we "a fear- of proclaiming cleverest forcible result investi- Less to was to be open every day. be a centre of attraction, and to used for the promotion of social uni- ty. The "Pilgrims" have not suocessful with their plans as they ex- pected. The remodelling along lines has not been carried out, and it looks as if Mr. Brown has heen dis- to of helieving he was been as social conraged the degree that reforms, thizers preaching practical He have many sympa- among the church people, many who will not to reflect what the church is, what it represents, what it typifies, but what they would in its adaptation to mo- not will stop have it' be dern ideas. Hf the church be a failure, however, it is because modern thought practice are it an injury. H every member of it--all through the week as well as on Sunday--exempli- fied the principles for which it stands there would be such a recognition of its virtue that men, the clergy eape- cially, would shrink from suggesting the resort to billiards, card playing, dancing and drinking, (as one has urged), in order that God's house may be rendered popular. Christianity is not-a creed but a life, not a dead formal thing but an active potent and influential agency for good. Its leaven should affect the masses overy where, and if these mass not touched, transformed, stirr- in Mr in and doing es be ed into new conditions the leaven missing or inert. Which is it? Brown says the need of the hour industrial democracy. The simple lay- man will suspect that it is an honest abiding faith in thet love of men and women which manifests itself in self denial and self-sacrifice. TOPICS. Hoodless, in a an ideal TUESDAY'S The picture of Mrs, Haaiilton paper, may not be one, If it is domestic pecially the cooking department--has sustained a severe shock. science--and es The Clergue paper mill in Michigan will be fed with pulp made in Cans- da. HH Mr. Whitney bad his way the pulp wood itself would be going out of Canada and hélping to build up a foreign industry. New mil m ten The man who died recently York, and left an estate of lions, began his will with a declara- tion of his faith. It's a good idea. It's helpful to posterity. Perhaps it will become popular, The London fort the tories -- News hastens to com- with the information that there is not to be an early change of government. So the boys can go and enjoy their vacations as if they have any change left, Edison expects his storage battery to make the automobiles the play. things of the poor. At $1,000 cach! The people who cannot buy a bicycle are not likely to tackle an automo- bile--not even on the instalment plan. usual, The Canadian telephone company has been organized with a capital of a quarter of a million dollars. If the Bell company feels that it has not capital enough, with ten or fifteen millions, to do the business of Canada, how is the new concern going to get along ? The Toronto Telegram is off regurd- ing the capacity of American govern: ment to represent. the popular vote. BE WINAT WAS RESCUED NOTED EXPLORER PICKED UP ON BEHRING SEA. May Yet Finish His Trip -Was Trying to Make the Journey From Paris to New York Over- land. Chicago, July 8-~A special des patch to the Tribune from San Fran cisco tells how De Windt, the explo er, was rescued, as follows: Harry de Windt, the explorer, and his purty, striving to travel from Py riv to New York, overland, were sue cored when starving on the Siberia side of Behring straits carly in Jupe: Exhunusted, freezing, without fpod, the French explorer traversed Siberia amd arrived on the shore of Behring sen, only to find the ice had out and passage over the ice to the American continent, which he had hoped to make was impossible. Almost without hope, the waited, and the American whaler Wil liam Baylies, commandd by Capt. Cottle, found the party in a dying condition at Whadyluk, .n uninhabit ed eove sometimes visited hv whalers. Whadyluk is situated in 66.10 north latitud®, 170.12 west Jongitude Captain Cottle supplied the explor. ers with provisions and offered to bring them to Nome, hut De Windt declined, being determined to eros the straits either on ice or in the skin hoats used by Eskimo and complete his journey. If he reaches None his hardships will be practically over and he will be the first person to force the passage from Paris to New York through Siberia. He left Paris on De- cember 19th last. From Paris to Irkutsk by rail; from Irkutsk to Yakutsk, the coldest spot on the habitable world, a distance of over 2.000 miles, hy sledge: from Ya- kutsk to Nijni-Kolymnsk, on the Are tic ocean, 2.500 miles, over a frozen desolate waste in sledges drawn hy reindeer; frog Nijni-Kolvmnek, 1.500 miles along the shore of the Arctic in sledges drawn hy dogs. De Windt and his party fought their way Twice before De Windt has failed in the effort, being driven hack hy unfriendly savage tribes in northern Siberia, 'and once turned back by the war in China. This time he wached the shores of Behring straits and wad separated from the American contin ent hy thirty-six miles of ice and wat er From Cape Prince of Wales to Cane Nome, - thence to New York via the Kilondvke, Vancouver and Winnipeg is comparatively an easy task. The news of the finding of De Windt and hig party reached this city on the arrival of the steamer St. Paul from the Arctic, bringing a letter from No- me under date of June 20th. | The tidings brought by the (St. Paul were received with great joy in London, and cable enquiries regarding the explorer were received by the of ficers of the St. Paul from London friends of the traveller, whose nnxiety increased as news from him was de- layed. On the day of his depoFiute from London a few davs before he loft Pa ris to attempt th» journey De Windt prophesied regarding she outcome of the venture, saying : "lI the ice conditions in Behring straits do not permit walking a Unit od States revenue cutter will pick us up and news of the expedition may be expected in July via America." De Windt is accompanied by the vi- comte dé Cluichamp-Bellegarde and George Harding, his companion, who was with him in his former attempts The explorer was aided materially by the American and Russian povern ments in this attempt, the Siberian of ficials being ordered to take every pre caution to insure the safety of the ex- plorers against unfriendly natives, and the United States revenue service in Alaska being ordered to keep a look: out for the party. cond explorers once TIPS FROM THE PAPERS, A Very Close Shave. Toronto Star TE YE . A ninety-year-ol millionaire in New York has just given $4,000,000 to cha rity. He narrowly escaped dying dis graced. Don't Be So Personal. Toronte Globe, 3 Our conservative friends express in finite contempt' for a majority of one. Now, really, wonld not they like to have it? Don't Speak Of One. Hamilton Times. Now are there any" aldermen who would like ta take a vacation in Buf falp till the Hamilton protests are disposed of ? Dangers Of A Reporter. Toronto Telegram. The smeer of Afghanistan bas just married five wives, and will everlast ingly cut the head off any journal which describes his nuptials as "A pretty house wedding." A Man Of Width. Toronto Siar The fact that Sir Wiliam Van Horne has retired from gotive lie doesn't seem to interfere with his spreading himeelf pretty well over the industrial field in Canada and the Un- ited States. Common Sense On Top. Momtread Gazette, Justice Mae Jennan on appeal decided that "J, 6." and "MeN." are within the meaning of the law initials of returning officers whose full names are J.C Gray and McNaughton: RIVER NOTES. Carnival. Thousand Islam! Park, July 7. Cottagers are nocking to the park daily is large munbers, The Columbi- an and boarding houses have all large nmnber of guests. The season is vow fairly opened st this resort. The state schodb opens bere to-day for a term of three weeks, It will again be in charge of Prof, Charles A. Shaverm Watertown. The state Grangers will hold their annual fed day at the park on Au gust 10th, W. BR. ¥iteh, secretary, and Forest GG. Weeks, president of the Thousand Island Park association, have arriv: ed with their families and are cecupy- ing their summer homes. . J. Went, Syvraeuse, has opened the Fine View meat market. H. V. Moore, late of the Fine View sture, has pwr chased the Beckwith farm, a short dis taee from here. A water carnival will be held Rete about the waddle of August, under the direction of Georgd W. Cooper and J. B. Weeks, Syracuse, who recently purchased the bathing beach and house on the east coast, A diver, who dives from a height of eighty feet into four feet of water, has been engaged for the affair, and sniling nnd swimmi races, yaiking the greased pole and tub races, be some of the attractions. J. P. Lewis, Beaver Falls, and Br) Goodale, Watertown, have arvived with their families and are ovenpy ing their cotaages. The Visgars have bought about twenty acres of Point land on the Conadian maitland, and will extablish a sununer colony 'upon it. The land has a frontage of three-quarters of a mile and is splendidly wooded. Thomas Ward, Syracuse, bas arriv- ed and will take charge of the music at the Tabernacle during July and August. He will organize a choir thet will sing at all services on Sunday. Two concerts will be given under My Ward's direction during the sumune: Capt. W. E. Girard, Brooklyn, has arrived with his family and are occu pyving their mew cottage at Grenell [sland park. Quite a number of cut are occupied at Grand View @ (Capt.) Miller and daughter, Ont., are visiting fiends tages park. Mrs. of Kingston, here, The yacht Where Spencer, Kingston, berth thix season dock Services Now, Capt. L. B is oveupying a at the steamboat will be held in the Taber nacle for the first time this season on Sunday next, July 13th. The university orchestra, are at the Columbian for the season The steamers New Island Wanderer and Ramona are making their rawm- bles among the islands twice » day Syracuse, Famous Missionary Hymn. Atlante Constitution it may not be generally known that Georgia has a particular claim on the great missionary hymn, "From Green land's ley Mountains," sinec the music was written by a Georgia man for a Georgia woman, Roginald Heber, man, wrote the words in 1823, before he became bishop of Calbia, and g few years later a copy came to Miss Mary 'W. Howard, a member of the choir of the church, Savannah! She wax pressed by their grandeur that asked Lowell Mason, a voung clerk, to compose the music for them He set to work, having Miss Howard's vowe in mind, and in less than half an hour completed the task. Miss Howard's singing of the brought it into favor and it still re maine one of the most powerful means of arousing the missionary spirit that carries the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. Bishop Heber died in India. - Lowell, Mason has also passed away. Mary Howard married the Rev, F i' Goulding, author of "The Young Ma rooners," and fg long since dead; but her cepdants preserve the vellum bound copy bearing the words © "Ori ginal edition of 'Greenland's fey Mountains," composed at the request of Miss Mary Howard, and dedicated to _her hy Dr. Lowell Mason, Savan nah, Ga., 1527." an English chrgy- #0 ime she hymn Boy's Suits--Boy's Suits. Exclusive patterns and styles. No such bos suite anywhere in the city, 3-piece, , 85, 86, %7, 5 HD. Bibby on E. Warren, a North Augusta mes Pa died on Sunday, aged fifty-six vears. Death was due to blood poison ing Could Not Do One Day's Work Without Being Laid Up For Two Days Aart L oguid and Miserable--Cannot Say Any- thing Too Good For DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD. Mrs. GM. Brawn, Cohonre, (mt, states was completely run downy in henith last spring aud could not do one day's work without being laid up for about two days afterward. | felt weak, languid and jpiserable wost of the time, and was often blue and discouraged because of wontinued ill-health. hun in this re 1 was sds | vised to try Dr. Chase's Nerve Foodl,'] and Bid so with most sstisiar tory re- sults. Tt built wp my system wonder fully, and restored my 3 took Away all feelings of and I cannot say ey Dr. Chase's $hal others Writ) First Presbyterian 08920000 290099 BE Evo CLEARING SAL ES | | Re J. S, SANDS & SON'S STOCK. Suitings, Pantings, Tailors' Trimmings, Everything Must Go. : . > 18 2 WEDNESDAY ] Shop Fixtures including Safe, Large Mirror Store to be vacate ' Saturday Night. Doors Open at 9:30 MORNING Wellington St., opposite Clark Wright! sesve 8369 OOIOCOR A OOOO FROZENI STIFF. It is not necessary to Stiff in order to £00 do as a sensible he Don't over exercise, avoid exe citement, keep sweet, dress to suit the weather and defy the weather clerk Wear any of our Serge or Flannel Suits $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, $9. $10, $12. Eat very little meat, but weap one of our STRAW FEDORA HATS, 75¢., $1, $1.25 and $1.50, Bathe the body frequently and wear one of our $1 SOFT FRONT SHIRTS. Do this and you will be comfortable and happy. ¥ THE H. D. BIBBY CO. ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK MALL. the metal. BURNISHINE in warm weather. It works a beautiful lustre, BURNISHINE _ {For Cleaning and Polishing Silver, Nick. el, Brass andAll Metals. Warranted not to contain acid or anything injurious to will polish as easy in cold as easy and quick and produces ¢ In Tins at 10c., 25c¢.. 40c.. 75c. Also half gallons and gallons and if not in stock send to their agents, McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Broek Street, Ask your dealer for it -- - THE CENTURY SERIES. Sovereigns In The Last Century. teenth Century se of the company, Torn has renched of twenty five British Nim rie publishing to and Brantford, ninth "volume out Each hook =o far has been a usstul retrospect of some strong elauent or feature of 'the century just closed, con The Linscott It iv 4 thor and popular proportion throughout; ough Canadian work wen those leading writers of the old land have lent their aid. The shapt of the subjects wid the revision huve been faithivlly performed by the odiv] tors. Rev. Pr. Withrow, Charles (1, Bb, Roberts, Jd. Castell Hopkins, T 6 Marquis, Bey TB. Linwott: The completed work will be a valuable library of record sad relurence, much juste to owr Bational interoste a= any histories poblished in Am ericgy fail to accord Volume sevin isedovotsd to" Hrigish Bovervigin of the Century." and . "the author, T. HW. 8. Feott, his by study and stoopeinl historical a athor- ified higesndd well for the ser dawn of , sonstivational wonntchy, with the transition from alective to hereditary: power, in pre sented with interesting touches upon the whale state of governmmmt in Europe of that renuste period 4 the mighs of the Tudors and the Ruy nels wate ent forth with interesting personal detail revarding the sover digne, awl with critiéal weighing of their pliblic gels awd designe. Crom § term is well trepied, snd with Simolibon. in view ol revel exploit ing of hiv" history and that of his time, The f(ranvition from personal to parliamentary government is made wot interesting, avd then follows » sever. of the fanoverian cea. © The Rerite ahd their fruitesd sovervign roich food for several chapters The main features of public policy add the charncior and alms of minis ters of the crown wre handled with marked okill. But beet of all the reign of the gowd queen Victories § full exposition and deadit, while brought down to the death of ber mmjesty and the ances Going dems] to readable gnd practical form, Piles = ---- SUMMER BABIES. ---------- Summer babies should be brought up on health giving d Food which is strongly recommendsd by best physicians, Luaotated- Food js the "n ly sale and pure food for the litte one sin but weather. It is a provens ve of cholera infantum, dysentery and diarchowa. Makes pony sand weak ha bios and happy. Ask 'your druggist for Lactated Food take no other IT PAID ME ALL RIGHT. Ruf that was laying around and of 0G Bee to me | sorted gb all up in ® box and sent a ewrd to the King gatos Rag and Metal company, Ju Princess sheoet, and | received 81.50 good pocket money that came in very handy and besides | was vid of 8 lot of what I devmod rubbish Lactats any strong les == EET Pron TO-LET. 3 THE UANUSOWE sfoues oN PRINCESS rent, one lately pied b ET ey n he Bros, clothiere, hen DR. 0. W. DALY'S tal os will be rvopmd whe thic well condensed, brig prehensive review William George Smith, fer, amd lime Sidey, Port were artosted nour the farm of ( Hamilton, Hamilton rorwmabip, his an mae They had hirer i the Sounty on (aun \htoghou, amd "3% They will -- tried it