Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jul 1902, p. 6

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i Iie hi Ic ii gigiet ol i $ i £ i F ¢ ake i gi. 4 I it 2 ] £1 r f i { hit if "In Our Store Anytime it your eyes are troubling you learn the reason. We Examing Eyes Fras of Charge 51 SMITH BROS, 350 King Opticians. ' St. SECOND HAND GOODS : Bought and Sold. i rR eg FE REESE IL. ZACKS, » 271 and 273 Princess Street. : "doce Below Corbeit's sndertating cial whim" wiley' 21 mel Ei TOLET. BRICK RESIDENCE, 201 BROCK STREET, 1 modern guiprovennte, J 44 ia ae, 30:mons odern nly HB By Con "ou "Tien, cad THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 8 [HE 5 P.. EDIT 4ECOND EDITION FEWS ALSO ON PAGE VIVE, COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. Petroleoms felde ave being dissovered daily in Turkey, Aunwricas brewers have airvady $4,0000008 in svd shouts Havana, in 1874 Cansda produced 1.068.742 tons of soul; Wm 191 the som] prodection was 6,196,208 Lome. The banks of Spain will in futere have to pay A tax of § per cent om their profits and other wgporations 12 per Gon! RE a Belleville, $e to 9 5-16e Cownnsville, Que., 946 to Sle; 'Opdemsbery, N.Y, Bo. to Sic; Morrisburg, 9 5-1e; Canton, N.Y. $c. - There has heen a big demsn! this season for black satin and velvet ribbons, chiffons and the soft makes of ribbons generally in the wide widths for seckwear The value of the cigurs and cigarettes mati ubgetured in the United States during the vear 1900 amounted to §160.223.152, which was 235 per cent. more than the value of the product nn 1800, The apple erop in British Columbis this your 8 axpected to be the largest om record. Last voor an apple sixteen inches im circum: ference, and weighing one pound and three ounces wos grown in that province. Faports of milk and cheese from Cannda to Great Britain lost week wore: Batter 16,864 Loves, or 4.218 boxes more than for the sme week lost vesr; cheese, 81,844 box- ed, three times os much as in the game wok of 1001. The shipments of butler aml cheese #0 far this year ave far in eweess of those last year. Returns made to the Tialian minister of agrienitore show that the olive erop for the venr 1901-1902 produced in Italy 3,150,000 k ti of oil, a omantity which is 1.- $60,000 heotolitres greater than that of last venr, and 220,000 heetolitres above the aver nge. invested He Will Appeal. Con. Millan intends appealing from the decision of the police magistrate, in inflieting a maximum fine of $50 and costs, because defendant's ber wis not closed at fifteen minutes past eleven o'clock p.m. . Brockville Or Ogdensburg. Palace steamer Now York leaves Kingston, Friday, 2:30 am., for Og denshurg, calling at Clayton, Alexan dria Bay and Brockville. B50 cents. It in intended do decorate the Cana- dian arch for Kitchener's return with a new flag design. Articles Which Are Becoming Excsedingly i Scarce, Open Work Embroidery Insertions, A splendid range of these desirable goods, suita- ble for trimmings. yard, 3 : Featherbone Collars, White and Black, shapes, Velvet Ribbons, Black 56, 8¢., 10C, 12% and 15c. a all the leading styles and "'Satin Back, io all the desircd widths. Bebe ~~ Ribbon, 4 inches wide, 6¢. to soc. a yard. * Ribbons'in Liberty and Tafleta Sik, - The desirable widths for Stocks, Ties and Sash __20¢., 25¢., 35¢. a yard. a Warranted all pure flax, both the hard and soft "finish, Th E x # 49¢ , 756, 9o¢.; $1. unrivalled offer, steel rod, natural wood han- : 'extra quality covering, well worth $1.50. BLASTING POWDER CONVICT ATTEMPTS TO BLOW : UP PRISON. Throws Them Into Corridor And Only Ome Explodes--Hole Is Torn In The Flooring, Causing a General Panic--Authorities Are Silent. Montreal, July R--An attempt was made to wreck a portion of the St. Vineent de Paul penitentiary, with hohe, but the scheme failed. There was but slight damagé Lo the build ing itself, though the lives of many of the inmates were placed in' jeopardy, The bombs were thrown from the wp per range in the south wing and fell m the lower corridor. The explosion caused intense excitement, and there was a great uproar. The occupants of the cells were astir at once and their cries added to the confusion, Only one of the three bombs exploded. The use of blasting powder leads to the mssomption that it was obtained by stealth from the quarries, worked by the penitentiary. Whether the ol, jot of the party or parties who threw the bombs was escape or a de rire for revenge, is not known, gnd it is said that the investigation has so far failed to reveal either the authors or their intentions. At Ottawa, it is said the department has not heard of the affair, Reports received here from different parts of the province of Quelen are to the effect that this summer's hay corp is phenomenal and will exceed any- thing in the history of the province. A number pf the members of Mont real stock exThange have made appli- cation to have the afternoon and Satarday boards adjourned during July and August. The matter will be voted on on Friday. WAITED FOR WORLD'S END. Meeting Of 'The Saints" to Await Millennium. Binghamton, N.Y., July 8.--After waiting since Thursday for the second coming of Christ, and discussing the signs which convince them that the millennium is at hand, "The Saints" gathered here from Brooklyn, Phila- delphia, Cleveland, Columbus, and Ca- mda, adjourned Sunday night. The Saints are a sect separate from the Second Adventists, but who be lieve in the inunediate coming of Christ. They rented a house in this city for four days, and during that time have held services and watched for manifestations of His appearance, The house has boen an object of euri- osity and large crowds were drawn to the services held in the front yard. The Saints are not discouraged hy the failure, of the world to end last evening, but say that the gathering had been to them a most profitable season, demonstrating more fully their belief that the end of the world is at hand, and that, while no day or hour is positively set, the great change js almost here. They bave departed for their homes, but sa§ that they will all meet again in a short time under different circumstances, PITCHED THROUGH A HOLD. Trooper Gotro Killed And Others Injured. Montreal, July 8.--Advices just re- erived here give particiilars the fatal accident on board the Atagupors Winnifredian, which sailed from Hali- fax for South Africa, on May 17th, with the 6th regiment and squadrons "C" and "D" of the Canadian mount od rifles aboard. The accident occurr- ed on June 6th, when six members of "D" squadron were pitched through a hold of-"the ship. Trooper Gotro, Moncton, N.B., was killed outright. Trooper Hickey, of Halifax, was very badly injured. Trooper Harper has his leg broken, dnd Sergt. L'Hertux, Que- bec was badly bruised, as was also a fifth man. Most of the men who went over on the Winnifredian are now on their way back home, ENTER COAL AND ORE TRADE. Strike Sends Boats To Westward. Ogdensburg; N.Y., July 8.~The lake steamer Avon, of John Hannan's Og- densburg fleet, with the schooners Menominee and Witheck as consorts, cleared to-day for Cleveland to enter the soft coal trade to Milwaukee. The owner holds large coal contracts for Montreal and river ports, shipment to be from Oswego, but owing to the miners' strike, cannot obtain anthra- cite coal. A fleet of twenty-two steamers and barges has been laid up since the strike began. Most of them will now go to the lakes for the coal and ore trade. - 2 -------- London, July 8.--At a review of tue West African troops, in the quad: rangle in which the colonial office is situated, secretary Chamberlain made an address to the troops, in which he congratulated them = on their smart Sppearancy and their fighfing record. e held out the hope that even now their representatives might have an opportunity to see the king before re- turning to homes. Rev. Mr. Bland's Suggestion. Ottawa, July Rev. 8. G. Bland. a, July i . in the church, gested that some memorial whovid bo in iy pid doves Miners' Ottawa, PITH OF THE NEWS. , ---- The Very Latest News Lalled From Over The World. At Oswego, N.V., Mrs. Roxanna Tul ler, wife of Gardner, 8, Taller, Mexico, N.Y., dropped dead of apoplexy in the railway station. At Oswego. NY., the Cumberland flour: mill was struck by lightoing aud burned on Monday night. The loss will probably execea $150,000. Frederick Vanderbils, New York, has given $500.000 to the Sheffield scien: tific school of Yale. Mr. Vanderbilt graduated from the school in 1876, At New York, Kark Von Bosk- mann shot and killed bis wife, fa*a'ly wounded 0. F. Farewell, a friend of hiz family, and then sent a buliet through his own head. At Offerman, Ga., three white men negroes killed, one white man and one negro injured, was the result of a severe thunder ana light ning storm on Monday. At Fulton, the main building of the Oswego county agricultural society was struck by lightning and destroy- ed during one of the most terrific elec tric storms that ever visited the seb- tion. At Theresa, N.Y., on Monday light- ning struck the steeple of the Metho- dist church, splintering and shattering it in several places and throwing huge pieces of the tower roof clear across the church yard. At Hornellsville, N.Y. Marshall Jones, agea twenty-one years, private secretary to superimtendent Goldsbor ough, of the Allegany division of the Erie railroad, aceide ntally shot killed himself while ver. Edward Yateman and Charles Love, tried to break jail at Watertown, N. Y., on Monday. They cut an iron bar with a table knife. Prisoners told the turnkey and a search revealed the facts. Both men are mow closely con- fined. iy -------- INDIANS PREPARE TO FIGHT. ] and two ad cleaning a revol- ------ Angered By Government Interfer- ference--Whites Alarmed. Guthrie, Okla., July 8.--The Chey- enne Todians near Calumet, in Cana- qian county, are reported to be hold ing a council of war. They are angry over an order issued by Maj. Stouch; Indian agent, prohibiting them irom practicing the tortures, so-called, inci dent to their sun dance. The Indians are excited and the whites near Calu- met are becoming frightened. Major Rtouch has apprised the war department of the situation. About 2,000 Indians took part in the dance last week in eolebration of their re ligious festivities, and tortures were to have closed 'the doings. 'This is the first time that the danes of the Cheyennes has been stopped by the government authorities : GIVEN EIGHTEEN YEARS. Escapes Death Penalty by Testify- ing For People. Hudson, N.Y. July 8.--Harvey ruce, who, with his three cousins, Willy, Burton and Frederick Van Wormer, was indicted for the murder of their uncle, Peter A. Hallenbeck, at his home in Greenport last Christmas eve, was arraigned in the suprme court yesterday before justice James A. Betis. Bruce testified for the prosecution at the trial of the Van Wormers, and in consideration of that fact a plea of guilty of manslaughter in the first de- gree was accepted. Justice Betts then sentenced him to Dannemora prison for eighteen years. The Van Wormers are now in Dannemors wsnder sen- tence of death. + Canadians Stranded. London, July 8.--Many Canadians and Australians are in Cape Town in a stranded condition. They interview- ed the mayor of the city on Satur- day, demanding assistance and threat- ened to raise a disturbance if it were refused, The mayor promised them as- sistance in the shape of employment until the arrival of. expected trans ports to take them home. Death Of William Clark. New York, July 8.--A cablegram was received, last night, announcing the death. of William Clark, on his yacht in English waters. Mr. Clark was the nominal head of the Clark- Coates cotton thread company on both continents. Australia Stays Out. Melbourne, Australia, July 8. ~The federal government has decided not to hecom® a party to the Brusscls sugar convention, In the treatment of chronic cases of rhewinatism, rheumatic gout and irri table bludder, due to excess of acid in the urine, the administration of our Lithia Tablets will be found of the greatest value. Put wp in screw-eap- ped bottles, 2We. Moleod's drug store. This morning Miss Saunders, George street, 'while wheeling, came near being run down hy a street cor at the junction of Barrie street and avenue, She evidently did mot hear the warning bell and almost wheeled on the track in front of a car. George Bridem, of the city. employed on the steamer Toronto, was removed this lo the goneral hospital He had o attack of paralysis while coming down from Rochester. Mr. Briflen is married and lives on Barrie street You! thie is off i eds 4.8, ope a : yor toothache LABOR LACK. IN TRANSVAAL | NOT SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF MINE WORKERS. Importation Of Asiatics--This Will Not Be Resorted To If Possible To Obtain Whites By Immigration, London, July 8--~"It seems proba ble," says the Times correspondent at Johannesburg, "there will be permas ent dificulty in making the supply of native labor keep pace with the grow ing requirements of the rani. The iw portation of Asiatics is politically most undesirable, and South Aircan opinion will only tolerate it as » last resort, when gill other expedients have failed. The scarcity of native lalcr has already awakened the ingenwicy and mspurceiulness of mine managers, and they have effected great economies in the use of natives. The process has not yet reached its limits, and new mechanical appliances, bettr or ganization, and increased officiency may lead to a great reduction in the estimate of the number of natives which will uitimately be required. If the deficiency remains, it must be supplied by the increased employment of white labor. If natives were not present, the fields might be worked Ly whites exclusively as satisfactorily as the fields of Colorado. The only ol stacle to larger employment of whites is a prejudice--usual in coun tries. with colored populations-- against unskilled labor gs beneath the dignity of whites. The climate of the rand is perfectly suitable for the un- ployment of white labor. An experi- ment is now being made of offering to discharged soldiers employment on surface work of certain mines. If the experiment is successful, it may mean inenlealable henefits to the country politically and economically." A BODY FOUND At Milton Island--Likely To Be George Marlow. On Tuesday morning E. Storey mo ticed a body floating 4 short distance from shore on the south side of Mil- ton island. He communicatea with James Reid's undertaking establish- ment, which sent down and brought the body to the morgue. It is sup posea to be that of George Marlow, who, with his father, was drowned on June 2st. ] The body is that of a thick-set man, with tlean-shaved face. It is clothed in striped shirt, dark blue suit, and heavy boots. The face is bloated be- vond recognition. Up till three o'clock the remains had not been identified. Mr. Reid telephoned to the Marlow family, who were to send over and view the body. It was thought it might be the prisoner Boufford, who escaped from the peni- tentiary, but the latter was o smalles man. BELONGED TO KINGSTON. Letters From His Mother Found On Dead Body. On Monday morning George Mod man, Syracuse, and Nelson Hill, T' botville, Pa., were killed by 5 train at Oneida, N.Y. They were trambing alony, the New York Central tracks and crawled under a box car to escape the rain. They fell asleep and were run over when the car was moved by a "pick-up" freight. Moorman was killed outright. Moorman was a Salvation army man. He had several photographs and a number of letters from his 10 ther, postmarked Kingston, Ont. Ow of the pictures appeared to be of his mother, All of her letters were merely signed as "Mother," no name appear ing. Case Was Dismissed. At the police court this morning the case against a Princess street hotel keeper, for allowing persons to loiter around his premises aiter hours, was dismissed. Judgment in the case of Matthew Hoorigan, charged with breaking into the Revere house, was held over, as was also the magis trate's decision in the case of Patrick Purcell, charged with assaulting Her bert Randall Rachael Worth was further remanded for one week. Tip On The River. The annual meeting of the Oddiel lows relief association takes place in the city on Wednesday, July 16th In connection with it there will be a complimentary trip down' the river, of its members and iriends, Two tickets to each member. To be had at the office of the scoretary on and after Wednesday, Of For England. H. W. Snelling, manager of thd local office of the Bell telephone company left to-day for Montreal en route to England, where he is interested in a suit to recover a fortune left bv a» relative. In his absence H. J. Horan, of the head offices, Moatreal, is geting as manager. Mr. Horan is a veteran of the South African campeipn. ------------ Potatoes Are Rotting. Farmers who attended the market today reported that rot had attack: ed potatoes, owing to the excessive rains and consequent continwed damp ness of the und. Potatoes, thoy said, were now. than they would he during the balance of the year. The rot will result in a small crop of inferior tubers. FINE QUALITY WHITE "TiAWN SHIRT NVAIST 2 2§0ur new stock of WHITE LAWN AND USLIN SHIRT WAISTS consists of 30 new and desirable styles Every one conspicuous for their dainty designs. Excellent work and perfect fit. x 50¢,, 75¢c., 99¢., $1.25, $1.45, 51.50, PRICES-- S169, S175, 83, $2.39, 82.49. For Satisfactory Summer Wear We have a splendid lot of materials for HO I WEATHER GOWNS. Materials of the kind that will not wither when hot weather and washing trials come. White India Linens, 100, 184e., 160., 200., 88s, 50o,, and § very cial bargain at 17. ip Victoria Lawns, 100, 12§c., 16¢c., 20¢,, 86c., %8¢ , 80c., 8be. Dimities, Organdies, Nainsooks. Fine White Swiss Muslins and Many Others. J. LAIDLAW & SON. DURING JULY AND AUGUST LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS. AT

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