Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jul 1902, p. 1

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Rot SF . wh -_ KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY §, 1902, LAST EDITION, Money talks, but a little scor¥ causes it to shut up tight. 2 Tenders for fuel close st bout of educs tion rooms at 7 p.m. x All that is oecessary to enable 5 young men fo play the cornet is wood Jungs and indulgent netehbors. : Remember Covke's church 5.8 pienia to morrow aftemoon st 1:30 to Bréghy's point. Tickets 10c. and 20c. 1 A Bt. Lovie men declarcs be 3 tired of & republic, and wants a king | great deal of money is lost every night in Sat village by men who have similar woots This day in the world's bisory--Allied forces successlully attack Boxesy at Tien Tein, 1900; Hon. Willrid Laurier javited to forms cabinet to succeed Sir Chale Tupper, 1806; Grenadiers mutiny mw Loudon, 1890; Cape of Good Hope firss dosbled, 1497; Crimesn war ends, 1865; bale of Ther mopyle; 480, B.C. Sarrguemine Kitchenware. Try this new ware for bak- ing and cooking. You can put it in the oven or on the stove, make all your dainty dishes in these handsome lit tle Ramkins, Saucepans, En- tree Dishes, Egg Plates, Caseroles, Pie Plates, Etec. They are almost as cheap as white stoneware. Can be cooked or baked and served in the same dish. ROBERTSON BROS. CLAKE (ONTARIO) PARK) ALL THIS WEEK nce Commences at 8:30. GREAT coon SHOW SKETCHES, SINGERS, DANCERS, ACROBATS. | MATINEES Wetsvodag sat Friday GHLORENS DA J, CANTON JULY Ith vs. PONIES. A.0.U. W. Limestoas Lodge, No. 91. PICNIC ™ s™ SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 123th JULY. Por Particulars see Programme. "QUARTERLY MEETING. to be present. Service $200 amd 1:30 pum. . COKE wxchanes fo {art or ty property: Apply ©. L. Curtis, A SANDSTORM IN COLORADO. Does Million Dollars Damage In Francisco, July 9.--A sand- caused estimated at wos, | conscious and suffering but little. KING EDWARD'S PLANS Court Will Remain Till After Coronation WANTED TO HAVE THE WORK OVER WITH. After The Coronation He Will Take a Long Holiday--The Ceremony This Time Will Be Very Much Curtailed. London, July 9.--The news that the coronation of king Edward was to be held before the middle of August was published in the United States and Canada before it was known here. But the London Times and other pa- pers this morning confirm the an nouncement. The pressing forward of the coronation was due to the person- al insistence of the king. His doctors were at first opposed to such gn early date, but the king declinea to agree to any other plans until he is crown- ed and the doctors, Bually realizing that more danger was likely to arise in opposing his majesty on this point, d to it. They now see that the king was right and that it is fan bet ter for him to get through the tur moil of the coronation as soon as wsible than to have it hanging over im for months, King Edward has determined not to break up the court at Buckingham palace until after the coronation. He may go on board his yacht for a few days' cruise, but he is more likely to remain in London till the affair is Sher and then take a prolonged heli: day. Truth says that when the corona- tion is held only the royal family, a few relatives from abroad and the permanent ambassadors in Londun, representing foreign countries, will be nt. 'here will he a procession from Buckingham palace to Westmins- ter abbey and back, and nothing else. The functions will be limited to the actual day of eoronalion. The sug- gested August dates ar: unpopular, as August is the holiday month for Lon don residents. BURIED CHILD IN EARTH. Strange Russian Remedy For Lightning Stroke. Wilkesbarre, Pa., July 9.--A child struck by lightning, apparently dead and terribly bu , was placed in a ave last night by Russians at Glen on and half an hour later was taken out conscious with no other ef- fects of the lightning except the burns. It is alive fi + doing well.. The strange custom comes from Russia and so much faith had the parents of the child in it that they were with diffi- culty to have the little. one went to the hospital. A severe storm passed over the town and the house of John Hudook was struck by lightning. The bolt paseed down the imoey and struck the child in the cradle, ranning down its body from the right shoulder to the left hip and then down the leg and across the right foot, burning the flesh all the distance. When the par- ents rushed to the cradle the child showed uo signs of life. Neighbors flocked in and ae soon as it could be done a grave two feet deep was made. The child was stripped of all its cloth- ing, was covered with two feet. of earth, its head left free. The rain poured vigorously, but a crowd stood about the grave praying, Half an hour afterward Dr. E. M. Davis reach- ed the scene and found the child was It was taken to the hospital in this city and is likely to recover. The theory of the Russians is that the earth ab- sorbs the electricity from the body. TO DEVELOP CANADIAN LANDS Cémpany Will Promote Emigra- . tion To Northwest. Des Moines, Iowa, July 9.-- The Syndicate land company, with a capi- tal of 31,000,900 has filed Arlicles of incorporation. . company ar- chased and has options on oa of acres of land in Manitoba and As- siniboia, and propose to colonize and devel these lands as rapidly as pos- sible. land will be sold to the oloni in such a way that they will be able to pay for their homes in labor, Agente will be main- 0 ota, Kansas, Ne inescts, _ sud the Sis western staves for purpose se curing emigramts. Becomes Mayor By Force. PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest News Oulled From All Over The World. The strike of freight handlers Chicago involves 9,000 men. 'The coronation contingent '4 ex- pected at Quebec on Friday next. The Eagle mills at Woonsocket, R. 1., were wrecked by a boiler explosion on Monday. The fireman and engineer were killed. At Henley regatta, today, the Trinity college team defeated the Ar gonauts of Toronto for the Grand challenge cup. Lewis 8S. Thomas, Plainsfield, N.J. one of the teachers supposed to have been slain by natives in the Philip pines, is alive. Marshal J. Williams, chief justice of the supreme court of Ohio, died on Sunday at Columbus, Ohio. He was an eminent jurist. A big fire at Platisburg on Satur- day caused the Joss of $1,250,000. The Plattsburg barracks was badly burn- ed during the conflagration. Signal towers 215 feet high have been erected at the Marconi wireless telegraph station at Tablehead, Cape Breton. which is now ready for ex iments. The labor day celebration in Oswe- go in September will be an immense gathering. Fireworks and an illumina- tion of the city .in the evening will conclude the festivities. The prince and princess of Wales, on Tuesday evening, entertained to din- ner, at St. James' palace; the colonial premiers and other representatives of the colonies now in Engla: At Chicago shorts in July corn were squeezed on Tuesday and the cor nered delivery went to ninety cents, the highest price since 1592, when the market touched $1. Sarah Bernhardt announces that ar- rangements have been completed for Maude Adams to play Juliet to Mme. Bernhardt's Romeo during the visit of the French actress to America in 1903, ; William Clifford, 5 fireman, of New York, city, was killed on Sunday by falling from a seven-storey. building. He was so badly manglea that his wife and children coula not identify him if it had not been for his number and badge. A new freight line is to be estab- lished between Oleott, N.Y., and To- ronto. The government has appro fristed $15,000 to improve Olcott har- wr. It is a favorite summer resort for people from Buffalo. tiful spot on to Buffalo. Jobn MacKeen, Mahou, N.8., one of the most highly esteemed residents was killed by a bull. Mr. MacKeen was in the act of tying up the animal in his stable, when he turned on him and killed him almost instantly. His grandfather was killed by a bull six- ty-five years ago. The annual dinner of Hardwicke so ciety, at Hotel Cecil, on Tuesday night, was a brilliant function. It was attended by all the leaders of the English bar, and America was repre- sented by justice lett and Pon. MN. Dickinson. The colonial premiers were to have been present, but they could not attend, owing to their en- gagement with the prince and princese of Wales. FORCED OPEN HER MOUTH And Poured Paris Greem Down Her Throat. Colborne, Ont., July 9.--Isaac Lam- bert under arrest, charged with murdering his wife. Lambert lived with his wife and three children at Hilton, in Northumberland county, about twelve miles from here. His wife died some time ago under circumstan- ces that led the neighbors to believe that she had been foully dealt with. The provincial authorities were com- municated with, and deteetive Greer was sent" ere' to ifivestigate "the case. The body was exhumed, and an au- topey held. The stomach was sent to Toronto, and an analysis of the con- tents. showed that death resulted from paris green poisoning. The eldest child states that on the day previous to her mother's death the father quarrelled with his wife and threatened to kill her. A relative was present at the time, and, according to the child's statement, this man pried open with & knife her mother's mouth, while the father poured paris green down her throat. The prisoner refyses to speak about his wife's death and maintains a stolid indif- ference. at It is a bean- lake Ontario, adjacent MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE A Xeene Young Lady's Un- accountable Absence. The village of Keene is excited over the unaccountable diss of Miss English, missing since Saturday night. iss English, a niece of Rob- ert English, general merchant, aged about twenty-three or twenty-four i her uncle in his shop, and was thus engaged on Satunda night. © About ten o'clock she left the shop, and called at a dress 1d maker's, and was seen home by night, offer TNE FOR JUDGN And Mast B:gia With These Wro Lead DOWIE THREATENS BOOTH CALLS SALVATION ARMY OF- FICERS OFPRESSORS. He Says The Attacks On Zion Are False And Calls Government of The Salvation Army Under Gen. Booth Ungodly. Chicago, July 9.--John Alexander Dowie is out after Gen. William Booth of the Salvation army. He says that the general and his officers have said too many harsh things about Zion and that now, after suffering in patienss, the time has come to strike Dowie says in his "Leaves of Heal ing," published yesterday: "We have been slow to speak and still slower to write concerning the shameful attacks made upon Zion by Bramwell Booth, the eldest son of Gen. William Booth and the chief of staff of the Salva- tion army. "We have been slow to mention the fact that in the mose shameful manver we have also been attacked by com- missioner Railton, in charge of the Salvation army im France, and by many others. The statements wade have been utterly and shamefully false, and 'we now clare them to be so, and shall, at no distant date, give the proof of these allegations in a manner which cannot be disputed. "And we hereby give plain and clear notice to Gen. Booth gnd all concern- ed that we are now going to answer the false attacks that for months have been rained upon our heads in Europe and in America by the officers and War Cry of the Salvation army. "We have felt for and sympathized deeply with the children of Gen. Booth, who have suffered much at the hands of a cruel and harsh, and, to our mind, ungodly government of an institution that has done much good in the past, Lut which has passed in- to a system so heartless and opypres- sive that even those who have loved it most have been compelled to come out. "Therefore, we again say: The time has come that judgment must begin at the house of God which has been made the headquarters of a band of cruel oppressors in the superior offic ers of the Salvation army, not only in Europe and America, but in all parts of the world." HAVE A GOOD TIME. Wicked Sparrows Feast On Cana- dian Arch. London, July 9.-There is hardly a tragedy that has not its humorous side. No triamphal arch of them all attracted more attention from the public nor was beheld with greater pride hy its builders than the Cana dian arch, down by Westminster. It was decorated moet artistically, al- most entirely with Canadian grain. In the middle of the arch, just under its towering summit, was an orchestra loft for o band of Canadian musici- ans. From the public, which was eager to ick mementoes, the police successinl vy guarded the beautifal arch, hut they couldn't protect it from its other enemies. Thousands of rrows swooped down on it, gorgea them- selves with the good fat grain and shamefully destroyed: the decorations they could not devour. Then the more timid pigeons, which live in the walls of the war office, unable to. con tinue their self-denial any longer, join- ed the sparrows in a glorious feast, one heing caught in ita fall, unable to fly from its overhearty meal. The spectators laughed and chafied the police aw they stood there under the rain of seed and husks, helpless to prevent the work of destruction. nt, as one bluecoat said : "Birds will be birds. They don't have trium- phal arches to devour every day." MORGAN'S OFFER. Willing To Place British War- ships In New Combine. London, July 9.--In the honse of commons the liamentary secretary to the admiralty, H. C. Arnold-Fors- ter, replying to William Redmond, the Irish leader, confirmed the report that J. Pierpont Morgan had offered to place all the British ships in the new combine at the disposal of admiralty for the next fifty years, on certain terms. Mr. Arnold-Forster add- ed that the offer bad not yet been sce cepted because it conld only be dealt with in relation to British shipping generally and the Atlantic trade po "ition, which was being very carefully considered by the government. There was considerable "speculation in the house of conmmons lobliy last with regard to Mr. Morgan's to the British admiralty. It is from the admiralty secretary's KNIGHTS OF RYTHIAS. The Officers Elected By The Grand Stratiord, Ont., July 9.-The grand lodge, Knights of Pythias, resumed this morning. An invitation to hold the next convention at Toronto was unanimously accepted. The dection of officers resulted : Grand chanesllor, F. J. Fitegerald, London: md vice: chancellor, Alfred Bicknell, Woodstock; grand prelate, E.- A. Horton, St homas; grandmaster of exc wer, John Burns, Hamilton; grand K. of K. and 8. W. GG. Haynes, Toronto; andmaster-at-arms, George Rurdick, mdon; grand inner guard, F Fd mond, Toronto; grand outer guard, Maurice Linz, Windsor. ACCUSED OF A CRIME. Shot a Man And Attacked a Policeman. Montreal, July 9.-Frank Rawlin son was arrested this morning on a charge of attempting to murder Jacques Leblanc. hen making the arrest, Corpl. Belanger had a desper- ate struggle with the prisoner, who attempted to use his revolver on the officer. Rawlinson made an wnprovok- ed attack on Leblanc last night and ended it by discharging his revolver, the bullet entering Leblane's wrist. Rawlinson, who is an ex-ab driver and well-known to the police has been drinking considerably. WIPE OUT ENTIRE FAMILY. Bodies Of Man, Woman and Chil- dren Badly Mutilated, Enid, Okla., July 9.---Near Prud- ence, thirty miles southwest of here, the bodies of a man, woman and two children, apparently members of the one family, mutilated into almost un recognizable shapes, were found yes terday. The bodies had been stripped of all clothing, leaving no means of identification. It is supposed that the family were strangers travelling over land and that they were robbed and murdered by men who then made off with their team and belongings. WENT UP IN FLAMES, The Harbor Light Was Struck by Lightning. Kincardine, Ont., July 9.---At three o'clock this mornicg the harbor light, situated on the end of the north pier, was struck by lightning and burned. Upwards of 100 gallons of coal oil was in the building and the efforts of the firemen were unavailing, The steamer Pittsburg was uvoable to en ter the harbor during the progress of the fire and landed her passengers by means of the yawl boats, ANOTHER PROTEST Entered Against Miscampbell, Of Sault Ste. Marie. Sault Ste. Marie, July 9.--A peti tion against the return of Andrew Miscampbell, the conservative member elected at the late election in the rid ing of Sault Ste. Marie, has been filed by C. N. Swith, the defeated liberal candidate. Hot On His Track. Seattle, Wash., July 9.--Harry Tra cy, the fugitive Oregon convict, who has killed six men and wounded sev- eral others since June 9th, is being hotly pursued by men and dogs in the country southeast of Seattle, and will probably be slain or captured within a few hours. His pursuers, who have with them two fine bloodhounds, are only a short distance behind him. New York Got Contract. Cornwall, July 9.---The contract. for the new hydraulic pumping plant has been awarded by the town council to the Gould manufacturing company, of New York. The plant will have a ca pacity of 1,500,000 gallons 5 day. R il. Buchanan & Co., Montreal, and the Caledonian iron works, of Mon treal, were unsuccessful tenderers. ------------ Dismissed An Officer. New York, July 9.--Police commis sioner Partridge has dismissed from the police force Capt. John Reardon, of the Manhattan and Green Point avenues' station, Brooklyn. The com missioner found Capt, Reardon guilty of neglect of duty and conduct unbe coming an officer in having falsified his blotter records. Save Innocent Man. Chicago, July 9.-To save an inno cent man from being held to the crim inal court on a charge of murder two men, yesterday, confessed the killing and gave themselves up. They are Herman FEichendorf, No. 398 Wash- burne svanue, and Michael O'Hara, No. 1163 west Thirteenth street. Excursion Bulletin. Thursday, July 10th, steamer New York, 3 pm, among 1,000 Islands, Friday; July 11th, steamer New York, 530 am., to Clayton, Alexan- dria Bay, Brockville or Ogdensburg, Be. Has Not Beem Evacuated. 81. Petersburg, July 9.-In conira- diction of the vin had already Manchuria, an received here from Kharbin says the evacuation hes not even hegun, Lightning Struck It. Halifax, N.S, July 9--The Tnter colonial station st Mi , was trek mag Inst night and destroy: Opt, July 9. (11 am)-W whowery. Thursday, eStarly tonal showers, but mostly "wy sdb a -- Toronto, weather, Help the Early Clesiag movement by shopping early in the day. We Clase at Sp m. ever; day, except Saturday. Ladies' Full Dress Undervests A most desirable article for summer nse with white dresses, No shoulder straps to b.ther, with. Prices, FINE WHITE MACO COTTON, uicely fini-hed, 350. LISLE THREAD, Bilk Lace finished tops, 80c. Ladies' White Undervests 100., 18§c, 150, 20e., Se. 80e., up. Child's Vests White, 10e,, 18§c, Ie, 17e, all sizes. Bathing Trunks For boys, all sises. Bathing Suits At 'ow prices. Inspection invited. A MARRIED, MADDOCK PHILP As Glmora, Frederick Maddock, Galt, io Philp, eldest dunghtar of Jobs July Spd. obine A. ip, gl Made at our creamery, from the Hest ere, sed in a cleanly way, cannot be ancelled in point of favor, It is § always reliable. 25¢. a Ib,, Delivered. 3 CLARIFIED MILK CO. [Shows | Ecc y a USCC ee GO QUICK Our boxes of Chocolates and Bon-Bons are quick sellers. That's because they fresh and des licious. They're cheap, too. Take a box home with you, and be happy. A J. REES, Princess Street, Auction Sales. Save Money by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers. TOR SALE. PROPERTY SITUATED NORTH WEST COR per of Portsmouth, contains wie pour town and cre date house, good oullar, young . and good suitable for market HN Water, Iv, Bos 84 A despatch from Cardiff says that the colliers of Cyfurthin, Wales, at mass meeting, resolved to resume work. to-day. Aguinaldo, the Filipino leader will loeture in the United States. Chafing Dishes? - For the Country or Hume. Springing § heat, with small quantity of ts. are

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