Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jul 1902, p. 5

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'Mrs. Pinkham invites all wo- men who aro fil to write her for | Address Lynn, Mase, particulars. i STRUCK BY LIGHTNING, 'TenthtRable Experience Of a Resi- : dent of Napanee. Napanee, July 9.-On Monday "aft the rain storm that mnee and vicinity, C. Weller was passin _wirvet, carr ing an umb flash gd the umbrella out of was dazerd for a few in found that his "right hand had a strange feeling and upon exam- Jnation found the hand blackened and He went into a drug store and " hed the finjurad member, "ai i and feels thankful for ES Draoup, & farmer living ont Ttwa miles, ry "Bin horse struck about the same time, no one was injured, smage done to the horse, was severe while it Jasted. umber of citizens went to Bolle to attend the circus, I in said that two of our eitizens had sicked of suthe verying lle, and before lighting EE he which' refreshments were served, he boys who did not get to wiretis at Belleville waving their money lov the Pan-Ams erican circus hich will be In Naps faous a int To Subsidize A Line. € tigen s ug 0. i £100,000 towards A tons of a line of © teamships which will run between Liban, a seaport town on the Baltic, to carry meat and pro- of Various kinds. Boy's Short Knicker Pants. Real good tweeds, o = E oe Sr i ------ HELD AT LONG ISLANE PARK YESTERDAY. L S---- Result ol The Spo Walker Presented Wi dress And a F CiWesley ian Ad- yw, five yoars--Willie : Girls, "seven years---Trene ma Nolan Ao rio years--Harol Vic , «ames E | Tn ----a Jord, d Crawford, Girls; + logged race Violet Lyile pp Ln Asveletine. hree-legged rioe--Recin Con lard A Harold Nicholson. olet [Gir pele und Sheng al; Vi Boys, oO arran Facd-Hlleginald Crawford, Harold - sword, Horokt Nicholle rs | Mot Ernest Hoag. Boys, obstacle race--J am Prick ace--Reginald Craw- Loney. i Craw . woad, Theodore Mastin, Rové #, jockey fpud and Harold oli Girls," boot rate Hessie Ch Boys, - swimming race--Johg Kelley, Froest Willey. Girls, water race--Dessis Chapa, Alice Nolan. On the homeward rt Brass rend the folio Wes Jey Walker, presenting oh with a roll of bills, as an pe the school's appreciation of his ¢idesvors in fhe atatonis hie dren; "To © esley alkers--, recent hosting of the officers tates of Queen strogt Sunday "thé follow - og resolution was carried ungnimons- | Yi "That thanks be tendered (to C. Westoy Walker for - the: efficient help rendered by im in preparation for 0 Floght_ unday sehool 'er: vies.' was all that auld be done Boul] hut unofficially' a that we could pot let the. ih' some More pans without sli form, however otir appreciation labor on this and other I THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY. JULY ®. rn 7 te CORNER STONE LAID. Of * Fraternity Hall," Aultsville ~Addresses Made. The ceremony of Jaying the corner stone of a new society hall at Aults ville, known as Fraternity Hall, was conducted on Tuesday, by C. C. Ly- man, FO.OF. grand master of On tario, assisted by, W. C. Whitiker, M D, Avonmord, J. R. Reid, P.G.M., Ot tawe; J.-8. RB. McCann, PG. King ston; R.A. Baker, PG. Aultgville; J. Ransom, P.G. Dickinson's Landing i R. Gibbons, P. Gu, Corwall; » Flynn, V.G., Aubtsville. The hall that is being erected in. a fine brick building forty- two by sixtys six feat. The owing societies are in: terested in: the building and will oe copy it when local Jodges of the A. ¥. & A. M., 1.0. 0 F, LOK, AON. and Good Ten gos The building will cost about 000, and will be a credit to the so cietios which are instrumental in the erection thereof, After thecoremony addresses were detigered hy G. GC, man, Brockville; JB Ro McCann, Bingston, i the Foresters; TA gl and W.. J. McCart, M P.P., of a A. oder, 'M. P., Morris- burg, and J. R. Reid, PGM., Othe wa. A pleasing incident was the pres entation of an address and a hand- some silver srowel, suitably engraved to O. OC. Lyman, grand master of the grand Jodge of Ontario, LO.O.F,, by R. A. Baker. A dinner. was served 10 some eight hundred people. who assembled. After wards. games of various kinds were TM in, the most interesting F waidh was Eh Nut Lp of baseball by ine mbpued, of of yusag Indica of She " iy Tosse male we As Osnabrook Centre and Sem the latter being victorious; tug of war, foot rumning, bicycle and boat races, for which valuable prizes were given. A" cane . contest between the two members, Messe, Pringle and McOart, contributed largely to the re ceipts, the result of which is not yet ; John M. Loucks, recording se- cretary of Gourp Aultsville, No. 1354, 1.0.F., assisted by several other mem- bers of this eourt, were. instrumental in making the affair a sucess. ---------------- Collins Bay Guests. Colling Bay, duly Sey Mr. Gib son weached MM. church. on Sunday 'evening. yy "H. 'Woodeock is still very ill A number from heve at tended the circus in Kingston. Vis itors : A, Clement and wife at Wil: inm Clement's an Swnday ; the Misses Moore, Kingston, at Mrs. Jobn Purdy's; Frederick Burnett at B. Ue ment's on Sunday; ¥. Howard end iamily, Deseronto, at Alexander Wood. cock's: Mise Florence Marsh in King- «ton; Miss Frances Smith, Parrott's Bay, with Miss Laura Clement on 'Monday; Arthur K at Geo Marsh's on Sunday; Miss Annie Wil- son at Webster Cloment's on Friday; Nines i Alice, Bell at Napanee; C. ui, at 3 Clement's on Neer yl ilton, at Mr. A Picton Man's Troubles. P, Norint = Asselutine's, The success of the annual flower er A Picton wan 'bad a complaint to vite has been largely due to the in: torest yon have taken in it, and to the energy you have expended the, preparation for it. We, therdlore, present you with this slight token of our appreciation and esteem.' od pL behalf of the afl. pr E. 8) ng letter Pr. Sparks a, AE nt of ; ftom a 2p ' mn sorry that with vou to-day, for many a on and particularly because 1 wanted to raise my voice in praise of Me. Walk: et's work, . What devotion hea hetn [hint How deep, how ardent! We rally do not know what a jewel be has heewand we may only wake wp to an ie en of his worth when as pa tom view, as ust Thad fe whi lio. a wit sate Mr. Vole for it. But that oe of its feeling for him, i ask that ofl at the presentation give him, at my request, three rousing cheers. Let them he" lond enough #0 that I may hear them over in Kingston," The plice quecton, The Figat correspol i Tatomt. A aby; unusual does stir in or. eb yom nd ahot; in one of the Methodis so of to make © yesterday. J hronght down some furniture and hired a carter to od it from' ome wharf Ae another, Then he was informed that the regu: lar earter at the wharf whore the ar- ticles were landed must do the mov- ing, so be had to pay both carters. The wharf 'carter broke one of the chairs, and the Picton man refused to pay him. The former called the wo | police, who told the Pistosian at he must sottle or there would be trou- ble. He paid the bill; but thought he had been badly treated. Advertising The Fair. W. H. Cooper, representing the In. dustrial exhibition at Teronto, was in the eit today vertising the big fair, wi will be held on September Ist to 18th. The new buildings being ervcted this year will cost nearly $150,000. Mr. Cooper is interesting the manufacturers of the province, with a view to having them exhibit. He left to-day for Gananoque and other egs- tern points. 'Caused A Scare. Five girly' employed ob the ton will create a weare yesterda by their behatTour. They partook artook of din hour, an Hwan Sherr ol 10 dg shit in the afterwards entered short row. evening Ms ov returned and it was feared that an accident had be fallen' them. However, at a later hour they returned safe sud sound, having spent. the afternoon on Belle's island. The Delineator For August. The Ai Peliseator is a special Getion mimber and a most attractive issue, The spell of the season is over ta bagta, and those who have delay. ed the of the was: robe rill ing. Inte "hat an "dni harm ort a -- "of novelette a. -------- BE TORY PRESS HAS GOT IT DONE FINELY. The Whitney Outfit In a State Of Frightiul Suspicion--The Sleight-Of-Hand Workers In The Country. Toronto Globe The people of Ontarlo are not near: Jv av excitable as the opposition prese thinks they are. When the wind 1s nofth-éast they can tell a hawk from a hemshaw. While the tory editors are dwelling in a world of their own cone struction, with a language ull its own, a world peopled by 'machines, deft operators, ballot switchers, thumb nail artists, etc, the people generally are quite content to hve in the pro- «aie world of Ontario. The Whituey outfit are in a state of frightful sus A ballot-paper found in an throws them into transports of suspicion. Indeed, a scrap 'of any sort of paper found within half a mile of a polling booth is immediate ly despatched to Morrisburg to be ex- amined under what Mr. Weller called the million-magunifier. The reasoning powers which we humble people exer cise on the ordinary affairs of lie have been temporarily called in, so far as he Ontario tory eaitors are concerned. They are in the position of that judge who, having A ad the cage for the prosecution, refused to hear any more, because he had his mind mace up and further evidence would only serve to confuse him. A good specimen of the sort of men- tal eclipse into which too much brood ing on one subject has thrown them is afforded by an episode in the North Grey case. When the votes were counted by the deputy retorning offi- cer at poll' No. 9, St. Vincent, ther: were twenty-nine for the conservative candidate and forty for the liberal After the difficulties about the ballots that were found ig, have double eross on them, affidavits were obtained hy the conservative man agers from those who had voted for Mr. Boyd in that sub-division. Unfor tanately this proved too much. for it was found that thirty persons swore they had voted for him, although but twenty-nine ballots so marked cam aut of the box. This count remained in. this somewhat unsatisfactory con aition for a week or more, apd now it appears that still another support ter of Mr. Boyd's has turned up, So that thirty-one persons take «fhdavits that, thev voted for Mr. Boyd. while twenty-nine ballots marked for him came out of the box. This slight dis crepancy might discourage people of ordipary resources gnd less sanguine temperament, but it does not oash the spirits of conservative journalists for a moment. One explanation cov ers all such wnexplainable things grit rascality. Two of the ballots de posited by the conservative voters were switched, is the explanation that is glibly Sfered to the public. Jt will be remembered that all who were in the polling booth, including the conservative serutineers, have stated that the process of counting the ballots was watched so keenly that they are ready to assert that the marks which were afterwards found on the ballots were not there when th count was made, Whether it is pos sible that a watch so close as this could be maintained, it would certain ly: be close enough to prevent the re turning officer doing anything by which a ballot . deposited for Mr tovd could be converted into one for Mr. MeKay.. Every voter knows the process by which a vote is recoraed The voter hands the ballot which he has just marked to the deputy retmrn ing officer, that gentlemen merely glances at it to mee that his initial is on it, and immediately théreon drops it into the box. Does any voter de part until he has seen. the ballot he has handed in duly deposited in the box ! Not 6nee in g hundred times But in audition te the eye of the vot er, every other eye in the polling booth is on the deputy returning ofh gor. The wizard Houdin could scarcely hope to perform any tricks under such circumstances Yet we are asked to believe, apart altogether from the guestion of the honesty or dishonesty of the returning officer, that these sleight of hand wonders are performed hy the ordinary, everyday citizens of quiet country sides. In the story that eur conservative friends are tell ing there 13 no use objecting that an ¢lepbant cannot climb a tree. In the interests of the story the elephant must climb the tree picion. envelope four EAAANAHARNMN Good Cheer For The Poor. For many years the new first assist ant postmaster-general, Robert J Wynne, has been a DeWspaper corres 'pondent at the national capital." Few men have a wider sequaintance, iy meanest man 1 ever haew, said My. Wynne, "was 'a money lend or, There was a hard winter in the au 1 Jived in. The leading men of the ty were called to or to de- Vite methods of relief. First a nquet was served, and after genefous cham pagne bad, as was supposed, warmed up the relnctant sympathies of even dhe most conservative persoms present, SUSPICION-AS-A- FINE ART) $10,000 CN BEACH. Spanish Coins And a 200-Pound Bell Found. New York, July 9A bell weighing about 200 pounas and bearing the in- scription "Prince of Wales, 1740 was found = by two fishermen near Kingston, Jamaica, five . weeks ago, and Was Stolen on Saturday night or early yesterday morning from the hold of the two-masted Fuglish schooner, Attractor, Capt. W. Scett, lying at the Morgis street dock in Jursey Uity. Capt: Scott says that before leaving Kingston with a cargo eof cocoanuls, the Jamaica government officials ask ed him to take the bell aboard, box it and bring it to New York for ship- ment to England as a coronation gilt from the government to king Edward Vil. The bell was discovereo in ghont eight feet of water, near Kingston, and peat it was $10,000 in gold in French and. Spanish . coins of dates hetween 1700 ana 1735 The govern ment took charge of the bell and money, whose owners are not known The history of the treasure is also. a mystery The police of this city ar lookin g for the old bell -------- MURDER ON HIGH SEAS. Killed a West Indian--Narrowly Escaped Yard Arm. Pensacola, Fla., July 8.~With on man heavily bound with chains, a evew bordering on mutinyiand sever al officers who had hardly slept for a week, the American schoomer Mary Sanford, Capt. McDonald, arvived twelve days late from Blueficlds. - On June 29th, A. C. Nicholson, firm mate, killed James Reed, a seaman while the vessel was on the high seas The murder, in the eves of the crew, was so unwarranted, it is said, that a session of judge Lynch's comrt at sea was narrowly averted by the con stant vigilance of the captain ana of The man killed was a West In and other members of the crew of that race several times endeavored to hang. Nicholson to the vard arm He was protected at the point of re volvers, and when he reached here was turned over the federal au thorities. He is a prominent family of Halifax ficers dian, to from Meets At Copenhagen. Copenhagen, July 9.--Feminine ers from many parts of the world ar gathered in the Danish capital for the annual meeting of the executive com mittee of the international conncil of women, to be held here during the next three days The initial session was held to-day at the home of the president of the Danish council, Fro ken Henni Forchamer Mrs. Susa Young Gafes was present as the re presentdtive of the national council of women of the United States Among the delegates there is much discussion concerning the next presi dent of the international council. Un til the election of the incumbent, Mrs May Wright Sewall, the honor bad al wavs remained in England, and it is reported that a coalition is afoot to bring back the pre sidency . to this side of the water at the next election Two items of business to receive at tention at the present meeting are the propesal to form a new co-operative committes on internationalism, and a recommendation that international allowdd affiliation with lead societies. be the international council -------------- Wedding In Army Circles. Fort Laredo, Texas, July 9.--Th wedding of Lieut. Frederick Brooke Neilson, of troop "E" 12th United States cavalry, and Miss Mary Keller daughter of Col. Keller, 24th United States infantry, took place at Fort Lavedo to-day The bride is one of the most popular of the "armv girls' and is well known im the society of Washington and various other cities Lieut. Neilzon belongs to a prominent Philadelphia family and saw his first military rerviee the Philadelphia city the the Spanish war as a member of cavalry during More Feud Fruits, Charleston, W.V., July 9.-In fight at a church in Jarrolds Valley Bogge county, between me ines f Hendricks and twegn whom a feud had existed fot squhe time, Peter Hendricks, She post master, of Orange, was kill and several others were fatally sed mbers of the Jarrolds, be A Good Rebel Dead 8.0, July 9.-Col. Wil liam Hayue Perry, whe was from 1555 to 1591 a representative in congress from the four South Carolina district died last night, aged sixty-three. Col Perry served throughout the civil war in the confederate army. A Word of Caution Pr. Pitcher's Back ache Kidney Tablets are prepared from the 3 preseviption of Dr . Zina Pitcher (former Jv Professor of Ma teria Medica and Genito-Urinary. Dis Greenville, 1 pusranies my Lai st Method 'Tres 10 be 8 permanent Varieocele and Suricture, wihous outing, revi or lous of time. absorbs the bagging, or wormy coodition, jzes clroulatiec, si um inahe. also ali drains, torent wiviag the Greig | CL yen roper nulrikion, w Ty res stores lesi powers: 1s Siriolare it absorts she £ Bervousness, weakness, backache. Pere x while a ft 78 the treat ment par axoslisnce. So positive sm I thas my oure you, you oal You need pay nothing un RAY EN SW ED s8¢ complete : are conv been eatabiianad Thi -- 1 A a eer Newel Tresument, otherwise | could wot make you this proposition. Ty inakes ue ditorense who Bas failed Lo cure Fou, call OF wre me. Each Time You Call You See Me Personally, Or each time write it receives Siteguian. : you yr rey Seibe o.D Be PTE a ai wiLoox o% ACH. WASH SILKS are the embroidery silks of particular folks. Colored and tinted by Asiatic dyes -- abso- lutely fast colors. quisife true art ' -- stronger to the number than any other work silk in existence; needielus inal. tangling, Ki iy No knotting possible. Put faith in your -Corticelll B. & A. Wash Two essentialsof good baking . Those who arerwise insist on these two qualities inall baking ingredients. PURITY; for healti¥ulness depends on it. i QUALITY; for its gooduess depends on it. Ask your groder for: + | EMPIRE SODA Dest for Baling and you are certain of absolute purity and unvarying excellent quality.! Bc a packet. Rain, Rain, 60 To Spain! And Never Show Your Face Again. AS CHILDREN, prior to a Sabbath school picnic, we sing both lines of the old familiar ditty. AS BUSINESS MEN, looking' for a goodly share of our goods and chattels converted into cash so as to pay our July bills and notes which seem to come due alas too soon, we at least all join heartily in the first line. When the mists have cleared away and old Father Probs says Fine, Warm, Red Hot. Remember we have Muslins, Muslins, Muslins. Yes, Muslins galore to sell. Beautiful Dress Muslins in Plain, Striped, Spotted, Flowered, Persian Patterns, Dimities and Foulards, ranging in price from 10¢. to 50¢. a yard. Prepare f,r warm weather by purchasing your NEW MUSLIN. * 1h easce, Michigan Col lege oi Medicine, De troit, Mich, US.A) which he nsed with wonderful suocess for over twelve years in private practice. In the Western hospital, Detroit They contain spe cific ingredients not supd in any other Exile or Life And Happiness. the Shifcinan of the evening rose to : ; speech. Ths members of the Whig stall were | 'Ha contrasted the unlimited cheer choice Havanas to the { (hos had enjoyed with the pitiful hun ger of the poor. His |} was di- rect, and the picture drew was bringing benevolent tears to the eves of the assembly, when the money len rr ~~ CRUTILEY BROS, 132 and 134 PRINCESS STREET. ------ ---- _-- Dont Abernethy's COST PRICE SALE ---- OF -|Boots, Shoes, Trunks and | Valises All This Month. A. Abernethy, "=. SEER g s sincerely touched by the language of the chair- mau; and 1 therefore propose that we, the assembled capitalists of the city, give three cheers. for the poor of our

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