THE UAILY WJIG. WEDNESDAY, * JULY © phyleied (i! % fr.peked cpieit if "Bits HH The Man In The San. Ornamental Fencing. All gy "SiR te 5, pian PH Ratios "ant ies work do ord PARTRIDGE, alos Vases Flower ee [aE Crescent Wire Works, #78 ino MOTHER HENDY'S zie i ei Frozen SRE a Nel PRICE. 25c. TELL ME, MAUD ! GET THIS DELICIOUS He, don't you know meats of all RK MARKET. 56 0 y ue "Phone 570, Orders / TO-LET. BRICK RESIDENCE, 201 BROCK STREET, modern , Apply the Co, Osk Iisll, Prinecss ROOMS TO LET. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET AT wies', 64 Willam street, with board if desired. . BOARD. VIRRT CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD. GEN- tomen preferred, at 240 King street. 1. EDITOR EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE YIVE, COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What Is Going On In ths Busimess World~The Market News. Cheese sales: | Lindeay, 9dc¢ Utica, N.Y, 4c. to 10¢; Campbelliord, 9$ic.: Picton, 9 7 16e, There was $35,080,082 of life insurance in force in Canadas in 1869 and $400,496,506 in 1901. Between 1868 and 1901 the exports of coal from Canada increased from 265,333 toas wo 1,888,538 toms. It is reported from Halilex, the Domioion from and steel company have sold thir entire output of steel billets and sabe for some time to some. The Foley mine in Seine river has been bought by the Protogene gold mining com: pany sud is being reopened. It is eouivped with s complete plant, including a 20-4tamp will god will become a producer on a smell senile soon alter the water is out Engineering gives the following figures lor the work's output of copper, in tons for 1901: Awstralia, 80876; Canada, 18.800; Chile, 80,000; Cape of Good Hope, 6400: Germany, 31,720; Japan, 27475: Mexico, 23,708; Peru, 9,520; Ruskin, 8,000; Spain and Portugal, 53,621: America, 267.410, At present orop prospects are summarized thus by so -suthority: America will probeb- ly yield 625,000,000 bushels, In Rusia crop conditions are maid to be unouseally goud, Germany is counted on to produce 146,000,000 bushels this year, against 95. P0000 a year ago France will show 220,000,000 bushels * against 305,000,000 last yeor. Hungary ls expected! to vieW 150, 000.000 bushels, against 125,000,000 last senson, Italy comes in for 115,000,000, against 128,000,000. Spain's vield is esti mated at 95,000,000 bushels, or 15,000,000 more than last masons. Indis is put down for 225.000,000, sgainst 253,000000. Fug Jand's crop is placed at 60,000,000 bushels this your, sgnivet 55,000,000 last year. A day or two ago Richard Gough, Pitteburg, was brought to the gener al hospital for treatment. Last even- ing he became so violent that his re moval to whe police station was found necessary. To-day he was taken to Rockwood hospital for the insane. Baptizte Burdeau, Bagot street, pos sensor one of the lasgest roosters in the city. Tt is of the Bramah breed, and his friends say 'it compares in wize with the one exhibited at the cireus on Saturday. William O'Brien, after a lengthy vis it with friends, residing on Stuart street, will leave to-morrow for his home in Oregon. OUR POLICY nn nn The best advertisement an article has is a satisfied purchaser. The worst advertise- ment is a dissatisfied one. We desire only the best advertisements -- satisfied customers. Every piece of LINEN we sell is warranted to give satisfaction. If not pleased with your purchase you are at liberty to exchange it at any time. * ¥ ie Richardson's Irish Linens Are Doubly Guaranteed by us and by the Manufacturers. BLEACHED TABLE OLOTHS, Real Irish Liven, satin damask, grass bleached, 3, 93, 8, 84, 84 yards long. $150, $1.88, $2.10, '$2.75, $8 80, $8.50, $4, $6.25. _ BLEAUHED TABLE NAPKINS to al the seth #. 1 sizes, abso- WHITE SATIN LINEN DRILL for Bkirws and Buits, #8 inches wide, beautiful gloss, guaranteed to wear. Only 85¢ yard. BROCADED LINEN HUCK, Pure Bleached Irich Manufacture; an ex- cellent artic'e for towels and fancy cloths, Only 40e, yard, GRABS HOLLAND LINEN, color for ladies' and children's wear, 36 inches wide, 12je., 1Bc,, 20c., 260. yard. , _-- TORONTO LABORERS RESENT LATE TREATMENT, in, They Say American Headquarters' Officers Discriminate Against Canada--May Form a Purely Canadian Federation. Toronto, July, 9.--A special meet- ing of the local uniom of builders' la- borers wax held on Tuesday to discuss what is declared 10 be the failure of the international officers to support the local union, and Canadian unions in genoral, im recent crises. A propo sition to withdraw from the interna- tional and organize a purely Canadian federation was freely discussed. Final- ly it was resolved to enter g vigorous protest against what is considered as an unfair discrimination against Ca- nadians. A resolution to this effect will be immediately forwarded to the headquarters' officers. The local un- ion has a membership of 575 men. Hon. Thomas Grecenway, ex-premier of Manitoba, is in the city. He says that the rains have injured some fields on the lowest lands in Manito- ba, but on the higher lands and on light soils the erop will be huge. The business feeling in the west is most buoyant and cverybody is confident that the progressive times now being experienced are only the beginning, of a great development. The members of the Ontario govern ment, at present in the city, deny that negotiations for the formation of a coalition government are in pro gress. They declare that the parties must fight it ous on party lines. Lo- cal conservatives regard the idea of a coalition as an absurdity. Mr. Whit- vey, they declare, will not go in ex- cept as leader of a conservative gov- ernment. Judgment was given this morning by justice MacLennan, on the applica- tion for costs in the appeal against the recount in Lennox. Hon. S. . Blake asked for costs on the ground that his client had been suceessiul both in the appeal und cross-appeal, and G. H. Watson opposed this argu- ing that there had been only a par tial success. In his judgment justice MacLennan refused to make any or- der and each side must therefore pay its own costs. This will probably be considered a precedent in other cases where there are both an appeal and cross-appeal. The cross-appeal against the re- count in North Grey will be heard be- fore justice MacLennan, at Osgoode Hall, to-morrow morning. The money in the protest in West Huron, against M. G. Cameron and in North Wentworth, against R. A. Thompson, was paid into Osgoode Hall this morning. STATE OF THE CROPS. Reports To Hand From Various Points. South Mountain, Ont.,, July 9.- The crops in this section are, as a whole, the best for years, excepting the corn, which is rapidly coming to the front now. Everything is at pre sent in the finest condition. The ap- ple crop promises to be an excellent one; the rain in this section did very little damage, if any. Condition Of The Crops. Asked as to the condition of the crops in the Kingston district, H. W. Richardson made this statement : "A good deal of clover was cut last week, but much of it will be decayed by the raims. Unless better weather comes, the hay crop will be badly hurt. Fall grain looks very well. In some #eetions it is reported that wheat has not a good head. Spring ain, if the weather improves, should a crop: Early barley is now , and this means that what is down will not fill well. The prospects all round are good if a spell of dry weather comes.' DE FREYNE EVICTIONS. Police Enforce Writs On His Irish Estate. Dublin, July 9.---The sheriff and a large body of police visited the es tates of lord De Freyne, at Lough Lynn, Boscommon county, yesterday, to enforce writs which lord De Freyne had caused to be issued against ten- ants who were in arrears with their rentals. In several cases settlements were arranged, but in others the ten- ants were evicted in the presence of sullen crowds. There was no disorder, Summer In The Yukon. Woodstock, July 9.--Registrar G. R. Pattullo has received a letter from his sons, J. B. and Duff Pattullo, dat- ed at Dawson City, June 19th. At that date the Yukon people were right into their summer, but so far, from a business standpoint, there was great disappointment. A great many people a oing out of the country, and the annual abundance of money displayed in previous years is lack: ing. The Pattullos report the return to Dawson of governor Ross, after an exoursion to Ottawa, and refer to the hig reception given him. Broke A Dog's Leg. London, Ont, July 9.--John Begg, engaged in work on new cement walks was vexed by a dog that spoiled a portion of the pavewent he was econ: stmgting. Begg tackled the dog, breaking its leg, and the animal had to be killed. Begg was fined $10 jor ernelty and ordered to pay the owner for his loss. Sentenced To Twenty-Five Years. Eldorado, Kas., July 9 --Jessio Mor rison, convicted June 28th. of wm in the second degree for killing Mrs. Olin Castle at the latter's home here in June, 1900, by cutting her throat with a razor, was sentenced to iwen- ty-five years in the penitentiary, -------------------------- BARBER COULDN'T SEE KING. Thinks London Is The Greatest In The World. Washington) July 9.---Henry Lewis, the aged colored barber who went to London a wonth ago to return to Edward VII the lock of hair clipped from ghe bead of Edward, pribwe of Wales, when the prince visited the United States in 1560, returned to Washi ogton today. Lewis, who is about minety years old, is nearly heartbroken pver the postponement of the coronation, end the fact that he did not see king Edward, and could not retairn to him the precious Jock of hair which be has ali these years kept in a lintle vial. In 1860 Lewis was a barber on one oi thea river steamers, and gave the prince of Wales a hair cut and sham- poo on the trip of the royal party down the Potomae to Mount Vernon. Lewis is poor, and spent the savings of a flifetime on his journey across the soa with the little lock of hair. He is happy, though, except for the fact that the coronation was postpon ed, and says England is a fine coun- try and London the greatest city in the world. GAINING STRENGTH. -- The King Is Getting Along Finely Now. London, July 9.-To-day's bulletin says that the king's progress has con tinued uninterrupted. His . majesty sleeps well and is gaining strength. His wound is slowly healing. It is learned that while the doctors are pleased with the present rate of the king's progress, they believe that the second period of convalescence is like ly to be longer protracted, as the king's constitutional condition still gives cause for anxiety. To Make Special Visit. Birmingham, July 9.--The Post, to day, learns that the kaiser will pay a special visit to the king in order per sonally to congratulate him upon his convalescence. He wants the king, ac corgling to the Post, to take a vacht- ing cruise to Heligoland, in the North sea. HENLEY REGETTA. The Argonauts Beaten In Very Fast Time. Henley, July 9.--The weather was dull 'and threatening to-day. The fourth heat for the Grand challenge cup, between London and Leanders. was won by the latter. The pext excit- ing race was Argonauts vs. Third Tri- nity. The race was close and exciting to Fawley. The Argonauts led to that point. "Half the distance' Trinity caught up, took command and finished in the splendid time of 7 minutes 11] seconds, winning by a length and a quarter, In the eighth heat of the Diamond sculls, F. 5. Kelley, Balloil college, Oxford, beat C. 8. Titus, Un- ion boat club, New York. Kelley won easily. Time 8 minutes 39 seconds. ATE CHICKEN PIE. And Afterwards Taken Ill From Ptomaine Poisoning. London, July 9.--In a dispatch dated Shanghai the correspondent there of the Daily Express says that thirteen English and American boys attending the Inland mission school at Che Foo, were seized with illness af" ter partaking of chicken pis. Two of the boys died, says the correspondent, supposedly from ptomaine poisoning. CHAMBERLAIN OUT. He Was Able To Leave Charing Cross Hospital. London, July 8.-Joseph Chamber- lain, the colonial secredary, injured in a carriage accident Monday, left Charring Cross hospital this morning, and accompanied by Mrs. Chamberlain returned to his hame in Princess Gardens. He is progressing satisfac- torily but perfect quiet is essential. Engagement Announced. The latest information from Johan neshurg, South Africa, from Miss Flo- rence Cameron, daughter of John Ca- meron, London, is that her health has been completely restored. Miss Came. ron went to South Africa as a Royal Canadian nursing sister, in connection with the recent war. It is announced that Miss Cameron is engaged to Sa- muel Blake, of London, Eng., son of Hon. Edward Blake, and that the marriage will take place at St. Huy's church, Johannesburg, on July 9th. Died In Denver. Word was received in the city last evening of the death at Denver, Cel, of James Mackie, son of James Mac- kie, Montreal, formerly G. T. R. sta- tion master at Kingston. The deceas- ed was afled about twenty-six years, and had resided for two years in Col orado for the benefit of his health. He wae a graduate of the science depart- ment of McGill university, and 4 skill- ed electrician. Interment will likely be made in Montreal. RB. M. Douglas, this city, is a brother-in-law. Married Couple Arrested. Knoxville, Tenn, July 9 ---James Jenkins, charged with poisoning his former wife, and Mrs. James Jenkins, chorged with poisoning her former husband, have been arrested in Phila- delphia, Tenn. Jenkins is a prominent lanter, and it is said he and Mrs. A. Fleming, whom he married three weeks ago, committed the alleged matdans in order that they wight Damaged And One Man Dead. Newport, R.I, Ju 9.-The Fall River line steamers iscilla has a big hole in her rt bow and one her crew as a result of _-- i gy Ps Cheney, TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest sverybody Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read And Remembered by the Dear Public. James Watson, food inspector fer the inland revenue department, Otfta- wa, died Tuesday, after three weeks' illatess. The Ottawa street car employees are likely to ge out on strike. Their de- mand for increased wages has been re- fused. Because he tore up ao small United States flag, while intoxicated, Charles Roberts, an Englishman, was fined 810 and costs at Boston. Mrs. Thomas Simpson, New York, rescued a young man and a from drowning, near Hoboken. She plunged into the river, and swam to them. Hon. Mr. Greenway, is one of the commissioners appointed to re to the government n the best kind of an agricultural school for the west. Acting governor Wright, of the Philippines, has ordered teachers, who have been trying to influence Catholic children to become Protestants, to de- sist, Mrs. Elizabeth Meyer, Buffalo, N.Y., has been indicted ona charge of shooting her husband, Dr. Jacob F. Meyer. She says the shooting was accidental. Col. Charles A. Barnet, quartermas- ter's department, committed suicide by jumping from a fire escape in the fourth story of a sanitarium at Battle Creek, Mich. At Rochester, N.Y., Dr. Horace B. Gee was arraigned on a charge of manslaaghter in the first degree, caus ing death of Loretty Cavanaugh by a criminal operation. Voleanoes of Mirad Valle and Rin cond Vieia, in Costa Rica, situated respectively eighty and sixty miles south-east of lake Nicaragua, are in active eruption. On Kitchener's arrival in London on Saturday he will be escorted to St. James palace where he will be enter- tained at luncheon by the prince of Wales. The prince will act for the king. Hugo Voight, supposed to belong to Buffalo, N.Y., died at New Haven, Conn., from concussion of the brain. It is said he was pushed down a flight of steps at a house at midnight, Monday. 'Simon ana Andy Suvchock, Altoona, Pa., have confessed to murdering An- dv Magucshlak, on June 16th, and afterwards placing his body on the railroad track, where the head was ent off. Toronto was, on Tuesday, the hot- test town in Canada and the fourth in degree of heat in North Americy. At four o'clock, in the afternoon, the thermometer registered ninety-ome de- grees above zero. Carl Boeckmann, New York, who shot and killed his wife, wounded Jobn . Farewell, a relative by marri- age, and then shot himseli, will live, but Farewell cannot recover. Boeck- mann has had a bad record. The death sentence against Samuel Woodley, colored, of Austin, Texas, commuted to life imprisonment by 'rovernor Sayers, as prisoner was un der seventeen years of age. While being escorted from the court. room to the county jail at Auburn, N. Y.., Thomas Core escaped from the bailifis. The escape was most daring. The jury had just brought in a ver dict declaring Core guilty of criminal assanit, and sentence had been de ferred. The reservation upon Foreshores on Vancouver Island has expired and the government is open to granting of leases for the location of trap sites. There is likely to be a keen contest between United States canners and the recently organized canners syndi- cate. The Corticelli Magazine. Without being absolutely unique in its way, Corticelli Home Needlework for 3rd quarter, 1902, presents several new featured, and develops and en- larges upon many old ideas. It is 4 particularly practical number, and the mysteries of artistic work which it lays bare to the diligent needle work: er are worth many times over the nominal price at which it is sold. Co- erticelli Home Needlework should find a place in every household in Canada. Single copy, 10c. or 35c. per year for four issues. Address, Corticelli Silk Co., St. Johns, P.Q. Completed Arrangements, The local order of True Blues met in Vietoria hall last evening an? com pleted their arrangement for the cele bration of the "Glorious 12th." The True Blues,, Prentice Bays and 4 great many of the Orangemen will go to Brockville. ' We Guarantee 1 Every basket of cherries to be fret. class or your money back if not just as represented. All we ask from vou is the order at omece for delivery, Thuesday, Friday or Saturday morn ing. Carnoveky, on the cormer. Received Decoration. Chief of police Baillie is as proud as the proverbial peacock. He has receiv od a decoration for long service in the Canadian militia, having about thirty years as an officer to his credit, Your camping outfit is not cotaplete without a bottle of Arnot's Arnica Anocyne, 'for neuralgia, toothache. spraing, cramps, colic, colds, sti and bites. At all rtf Mores. . wl by Jas, B. corner Princess and Montreal stree King Fdward must submit other surgical formerly well on the stage as Mies Julia Ar- some time, will be operat. for assaulting a white girl, has beenj-4 HNE QUALITY WHITE | ton SHIRT Our new stock of WHITE LAWN AND MUSLIN SHIRT WAISTS consists of 30 m and desirable 'styles E one Sonspicuous ort, Ror dainty designs. Excellent work perfect * it. ¢ 50c,, 78¢., 99¢., $1.28, $1.45, 51.50, PRICES- $1.09, $1.75, 82, $2.39, 32.49, ---- For Satisfactory Summe _ We have a splendid lot of materials for HOI' WEATHER GOWNS. Materials of the kind that will not wither when hot weather and washing trials come. : White India Linens, 10c , 184e,, 160., 0c., 86c., 80e., and a very spe- cial bargain at 17; Victoria Lawns, : ' 10¢ , 13§c., 160, 200,, 36c., 280, 80c., Bbe. Dimities, Organdies, Nainsooks, Fine White Swiss Muslins and Many Others. ! LAIDLAW & SON. DURING JULY AND AUGUST LOOK OUT FOR - BARGAINS AT THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE 2000e0002MCR0 S0NEONO o® Fors CLEARING SALE DAYS J. S. SANDS & SON'S STOCK. Suitings, Pantings, Tailors' Trimmings, ' Shop Fixtures including Safe, Large Mirror Must Go. Merete baviicatet 4 Doors Open at 9:30, Wellington St., opposite Clark Wright's. F. A. MeCAMBRIDGE. °@O WEDNESDAY MORNING. £ ¥