Old ideas and old customs. - must give way to the im- provements of an advanced age. 'The ancient town crier is succeeded by the modern newspaper and the (Ancient harsh physics by, Effervescent The great tonic laxative. It starts at the root of most all common ailments, the stomach and bowels, get- ting them into action in a gentle but sure way. It has a tonic effect on the digestive organs aiding them in the performance of their proper duties. - Sold by all druggists. SUMMER COTTAGES Require furpishing in keeping with their = sur- roundings. We have an ideal stock to choose from Mattings in pretty des signs + and colors from 12%c a yard. Porch Rugs, . Porch Pillows. Frilled Muslins 1n dain- ty patterns at 12)4c. yard PAUL, mer coom R. 11.00 to 0 $20.00 11.00 8.23 C. ) 8%. FEN p matting, 40 yards, (Red), 3%. : tor Japatisse matting, cotton warp, 18e., reduesd 40 1le Linoliume, Oil Clothe, ste, greet ronge. 134 6 LF. HARKISON 0., BTC. ' DERTAKING, "PHONES BARE =, ,, Worrea® em T WILL FEES BE ABOLISHED ? IN FIRST FORM IN THE COL- LEGIATE INSTITUTE. Board of Education Defers Mak. ing a Coal Contract--A New Teacher Appointed to Collegi- ate Institute--Board Adjourns Until September. A regular wméeting of the board of velication was beld last night. Chair wan George Sears presided, and the following meubers responce to the eall of their names : Edward Bennett, WW. H. Godwin, Robert Meck, G Elliots, J. 8, R. McCann, James La- tarney, W. H. Wormwith, R. J. Me Kelvey, Lo Few Richardson, Thomas Lamberi, John Melntyre and William Kelly Unly ome commupication was sub witted--that from Mary V. Nash, Pie ton, applying for a position on the public school staff, and enclosing re commendations. -- Referred ment committee. Forty-two teachers applied for the vacant position en the collegiate in stitute 'stafi, and their names were read hy the secretary. The chairman stated that the applications had been considered by the management com mittee. They had not previously been referred to it, but such was done at this jumetare, to manage The Finance Report. Mr. Lambert presented the report of the finance commitles, recommending payment of the following accounts : E. L. Kellogg & Co., Journal, $2; Times printing company, $12.25; J. G. Foster & Co., directories, Crawford, fuel, $31.20; V. Sons, $10; Oram & Carter, 88; domin ion government, rent, §1; Strange & Strange, insurance, $3.85; Edw. J. B. Pense, $15.55; Wood's Fair, 85.60; F Nisbet, $1.10; D. A. Weese, 8; water works department, 8258.45; OC. Follest, labor, $17.32; E. Derbyshire, labor, $1.95; 8. Rees, cutting grass, $2 George Hentig, $6.85; Taylor & Ham ilton, $7.56; J. McKee, glazing, $1.60; 8S. J. Horsey, 85.03; W. Morrison, carting, $3.60; Eliott Bros, $3.03; Robison Bros., 82; W. A. Mitchell, 812.80; W. N. Lemmon, 83.70; C. Fol ; A. Strachan, $14.07; Ham y Behleminer & Co., $3.60; cus- tom house; duty on tools, $1.20 Your committee received tenders for fuel. The tenders jor coal are so high that your cowmitiee cogsiders it would ba" wise to delay the purchase of fuel for a few weeks in order to we what eficet the termination of the strike 'will have upon prices. Mr. Lambert moved, seconded hy Mr. Fee, that the report be adopted. My. Meck was not satisfied that the purchase of fuel should be delayed. Mr, Lambert stated that the prices were considered too high. The lowest figure for hard éonl was $6.87 g ton, and for soft coal, 85.47. As about 400 tons were 'required, the cost would be considerable. The committee did not see why a better price could not have been obtained, Mr. Meek--We ' have never" bought coal in any month cheaper than we can ir, May. It always gets dearer fro Mhat on. The coal i have x , y'bought last May. It will be sui de to advise no action for several weeks, Mr. Elliott--What was the actual cost of the coal supply last year? 'The secretary replied that it was $2,168. Mr. Richardson--What's the use of being held up by people this way ? 1 can buy soft coal---Nova Scolia coal in Montreal to-day jor $3.80 a ton. Mr. Bennett ' favored a fow weeks' delay in the purchase of the fuel. Mr. McKelvey was willing to give the committee conditional authority to purchase coal. . Mr. Richardson | said that, at the tendered price, the cost this vear would be $468 more than last vear. No mistake would be made by waiting for a few weeks. Mr. McKelvey moved in amendment to the report : That the last clause have added to it the words: "and that the committee Le authorized to contract for coal provided the prices do not exceed those of the lowest tenderer." : amended report was adopted. The Managersent committed, ' said chairman McKelvey, did not have its report ready. He moved: that the committee be given authority to ap point a - teacher as a wuccessor to Miss lier, the retiring collegiate in stitute teacher. It was not right that twenty-nine applicants should be kept waiting to learn their fate. The selection 'would be made from about five or six names. It would be hard to get board together later. Therefore the committee asked for this power. The committee was allowed to retire to bring in 4 report based on inform- ation that it had just received, After about fifteen minutes' absence the committee returned, and Mr. Me- Kelvey introduced the following re port : A Teacher Selected. "The committee leave to re- commend shat Miss Kate Beaton, B. A., of Orillia, be appointed to the va- cant position, salary to he $700 per annum." This was unanimously adopted hy the board. Mr. Laturney moved, seconded by Mr. Godwiy, ' that the management committee be requested to report on | such arrangements as will be required to the first form in the collewi- - mand that his children be taught Gfih forme work in the public school, amd that, the board would then bave had to supply a teacher or pay the pupil's fee at the collegiate. Mr. Elliott said it was necessary mew to first secure information, chiefly as to the cost of aholishing the fee in the first form in the institule, to consider M it was expedient to make the change and ii 0 then to order the necdssary ar rangements. He favored the amend ment. Nr. Latursey pointed out that children who Jeit the publig school at eleven or twelve years of age had to waste two or three years before they could accept a position and go to work. I first form in the coljegi- ate institute was free, as in Sarnia and other places, the pupils would at tend. 3 Mr. Latarney withdrew his motion; and fathered the amendment intradu od by Mr. Meek. This was carried. Mr. Elliott moved, seconded by Mr. Kelly, that the board adjourn until the call 'of the chairman, and that the of ficers of the board be granted their usual holidays; and, further, that the library be closed during the month of August. The mwotion was carried, and the board adjourned. PERSONAL MENTION, Movemerts of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. H. A. Raney leit to-day for Barrie w spend a couple of wecka Wallace W. King, and wiie, of Phila delphia, are bere for the holidays Mr. and Mrs. Crowley, Buffalo, Y., are visiting his parents in city. J. B. Mclver and sister leave morrow for a month's outing at Orchard. Mrs. E. Horsey, guest of her parents, John Moxon, Picton Samuel Birch, of McKelvey & Birch', is on a business trip to St Vincent ae Paul penitentiary. Miss Maud H. Dunbar, teacher in the New York city schools, is home to spend her vacation with ber par ents. Leo Cochrane, this city, will prob ably* be the electrician to be placed in charge. of the new plant at the Royal military college) Assistant chief. John Sands and W Newman will attend the funeral of the Toronto firemen, on behalf of the Kingston depagtiment. Miss Kate Béaton, B.A., Orillia, ap pointed tencher in the collegiate insti tute, is a graduate of Queen's and a daughter of Dy. Deaton, superintend- ent of the Orillia asylum She comes highly recommended. D. BE. Starr, of the late firm of Starr & Sutcliffe, will likely remove his family to Toronto, having ac cepted the management of a syndicate company formed for the purpose of acquiring bankrupt stocks rs. (Jeorge Menary, York street, left for Toronto yestérday to spend some time, accompanied by her son, Sidney, who had been here visiting er. He was formerly a plumber with McKelvey & Birch, and if now em ployed in Toronto, Capt. John Preden, after a couple of weeks' fishing ¥ trip around Chafiey's Locks, has returned home, He speaks in terms of praise of the splendid fish- ing to be found in the Rideau river and adjacent Takes. MARINE INTELLIGENCE, S------------ What is Happening Along the Wa- ter Front. Craig's wharf: Steamer Alexandria from Montreal. M. T. company elevator: Tug Glide from Montreal, with three light barg 08 N. this to Old the Mrs, Kingston, is Mr. and The schooner Queen of the Lakes is loading felapor at Richmardsons' wharf. The steamer Glengarry and consort from Fort William, with wheat, are expected here to-morrow, The steamer Calvin and consort ar rive at Garden Island tonight from Sault Ste. Marie with thnber Swift's wharf : Steamers Kingston, down and up; North King, from Char lotte; Spartan, from Hamilton; Ri dean King, from Ottawa; schooner Falconer cleared for Charlotte. The Cape Vincent, N.Y., Eagle has it on good authority than an exten: sion of 400 feet or over of breakwat er will be. constructed this season, and that the structure will he of con- crete, instead of wood. The arrange: ment, it is stated, will require more labor. and the work when completed as solid as natural rock. Work will probably be commenced the latter part of the month. GYPSY FORTUNE TELLERS Ordered By The Police To Keep Out Of The City. Police constables Timmerman ond Bateson bad an encounter with two gypsy fortune tellers yesterday after: poon, that they will long remember, Decanse of Hs exciting character. When approached by the police on Ontario street, the women became very much excited and talked rapidly in a strange tongue, which even "Niek," the linguist of the force, was unable to w tand. Their words were ac companied by gesticulations, but de spite their apparent protests they wete marched to the police station, where, after receiving a lecture they were told to shake the dust of the city from off their foot sad to be seen mo more within the mits. Thev promised obedience and wade all haste = Two Cases Heard. At the police Sourt | this moming a t an tario street ho- agains oh : he PARAGRAPHS PICKED UF BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Lile -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes Ate tention. A band of gypsies is encamped of Barriefw:ld conunon Condensed milk, evaporated cream, camp coffee essence. James Redden & Co. The steamer New York had 156 Kingston escursionists ou her Ugaens burg trip this mormng. Lever's Y-Z({ Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disin. 120ts and cleans at the same time. "Man wears clothing Portsmouth . pinlosopher, man wears decoration." It is likely the results of the en trance examinations will be published before the end of next week. The largest erowd of the season at- tended the performance at Lake Own tario park last night, the pavilion be ig fully taxed. A meeting of the board of manage ment of the Kingston fair association was called for four o'clock this after: noon to appoint judges. 2 Herrings im tomato sauce, herrings im mustard sauce, herrings in shrimp sauce, speckled teat in tomsto sauce, os Redden & Co. Jo, all the hotel keepers in the city went down to Alexaudriy Bay today on the steamer North King They formed a jolly party, ; While the people in other Canadia cities and towns are sweltering, King ston enjoys ab atinosphere from ten to twelve degrees cooler, The lic ed victuallers will meet to- night to discuss grievances and to formulate some kind of remedy for what they claim is persecution. Yesterday afternoon, "Jock" Harty booked a large number of éxceptional- ly fine black bass. Hali a dozen of them weighed four pounds each, The chief of police Port Hope, wrote chief of police Baillie, describing a dark bay mare, fifteen hands high, which awaits an owner at that place. The street railway company is in ecman car fender, which the mventc ires the company to adopt. The company bas the matter under advisement, Steamers North King and Caspian leave Kingston, daily (except Mon day), at 10:17 a.m., for 1,000 islands, and at 5 p.m., for Rochester, N. ¥Y.} commencing 29th June. To-day was bargain day on the street cars, when children were car- ried for 5 one cent fare, A special ma tinee was put on at Lake Ontario park for their benefit, A guard on horseback again duty between the penitentiary gate and the farm. Greater vigilance is he ing cxercisea since the prisoner Bouf- ford escaped two weeks ago. Heinz's tomato catsup, beefsteak to- mato catsup, pure gold tomato cats up. James Redden & Co. There scems to be something provi dential in the reported finding of Noah's ark in the far north, Ii the rain continues in the future as in the past month, there may be use for the ark again, The safest way to form an opinion of "Dardonelles," an absolutely pure Egyptian cigarette, is to try a pack- age. Once tried always used. Packed in silver, cork and plain tips. Sold everywhere, 15¢. per package. A new arrangement of egress and ingress has been inaugurated at the ferry whari. Passengers boarding steamers: will go through the pavilion; those lancing will pass along a walk on the other side. The superintendent of the orphans' home is deserving of much credit for the neat manver in which he keeps the grounds fronting the home. They al ways look refreshing and have an air of respectability. . As near as can be learned, the con viet Bowiomd, who escaped from the Kingston penitentiary two wedsks ago, crossed 'the border from Prescott into Ogdensburg. This is the conclusion the officials have determined. An electric light is badly needed on Park avenue, midway between Barrio and West streets. The avenue ie very dark, not a ray of light glimmering along its length to brighten it after nightfall. The 'city council has al ready received a petition, asking' for the erection of a lamp. Con. Millan says he will give five barrels of 'flour to charitable instite tians if police Sergty Snodden can prove that a hotel keeper gave infor mation which led to him (Millan) be ing summoned before the police magis: trate and fined for having his bar open at ten minutes past eleven o'clock. The Designer is 4 fine number for August. © The fashions and millinery features are daintily appropriate for snmmer. The literary side of the fa shion magazine is good. M. Buzzelle supplies what is sorely needed at this season, viz. : "Entertainments for Summer Evenings." The stories are of marked merit. Acta Victorians, the well conducted handsome students' journal of Vie toria university, has issued an elegant twenty-fifth anniversary number. Af its establishment in 1578, Hon. CHf ford Sifton was 5 student worker up- ont its stall, as business manager. Pro- fessor Coleman was one of the direc tors. Portraits are given of Vic's great men, chancellor ar wash, comneoted with the university for fifty years, Eo the wo says "buy receipt of g § does THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 1 . " y w 3 wera 2 i Notes About the Various Sport ing Fields. To-morrow afternoon the first of the Kingston vacht clob scheduled races will take place. The Mail Empire po longer. puts the Toronto haschall teen's perentage in jargd t3pe. Why? The Montreal Herald has Sone to the sad conclusion that the Montreat #lub swingers can't hit Sullivan Gananoijue won yesterday's match at Canton by 2 to 1, and now leads the . St. - Lawrence river baseball league. "The Ottawa Journal wight note that "Wicky" Wilson "did 'play with the Granites last fall, He was re stated by the ORV. The third Trinity erew, which won at Henley, may visit Canada mest year. It id considered the best eight that has rowed in fourteen vers, The Towente Argonauts were with out doubt the next best to the win ners at Henley, Their time agminst Third Trinity was 7:18, while the lav ter won the final with the Leanders in T:08 Four times the Toronto Argonauts have sent crews acrosss water to Healey, The first fopr went over in Ish, and ten years later a second made the trip. An eight wore the club's golors in "98, A foreign crew bas never yet won the Grand - challenge cup at Henley. The Leanders bave & remarkable re- cord, having won the famouvs race nine times in twelve. years. A crew from Cornell was . defeated in 1803, and in the following year a Yale eight was uhsuccessinl, In 1500 the Argo- mauts competed. | Pennsylvania year also went down te defeat. Baseball On Thursday. Eastern Buffalo, 1. ter, B. At Jersey Clty, 4. At Newark, §; National New York, 8. At Cincinbati, 6; Bos ton, 3.. At Chicago, % Philadelphia 0. At St. Louis, 2; Brooklyn, 2. At Worcester, 10; Roches 5; Montmal, 4. Baltimore, 3." At Boston, phia, I. UNFAIR TREATMENT Office, of the Seuth African constabulary state that } bemith, peace At the time of writing proclamation had the accordingly been instructed fire on any one approaching camp. in this corps has just become public The Kin vears. When they reached South Afri not veenlist for five years, their pas sage home would not be' guaranteed refused to do eo, becadse they thought them after they bad arrived there. A year and a half from wow colo mials will "have 'sompleted " vice, and' the pumber of Africa. They complain that such treat undeserved by the colonials. FIX UP THE STATION. The Police Headquarters Are In a Dilapidated Condition. opinion' that the city property com in fixing up the station, which is in 'a semi-dilapidated condition. 'The walls want tinting, the ceiling kalso- mining and the woodwork painting A Théy point out that such a dirty jo lice station gives the city an undesir able appearance among outsiders Scarecly a day passes that a sherifi deputy sheriff, or some other officer of the law from outside gilaces does not visit the-station with prisoners, and the mpwaltion given by a Heglected police headquarters ' is not the best advertisement 5 city ean receive, One of the policemen goés further ; he would like to se¢ the walls adorn: ed with framed portraits of past mem bers of the force. It 'would not be dif ficult to obtain a great many of these if somé body would start the ball rolling. In any case something should be done to improve the ap- pearance of the police headquarters, COURTING A LAW SUIT. v Would Like To Get Interpretations Of Act. Speaking of the proposed suit of the sherifi against the county council, t6 compel payment of an account of 855.50, a member of 'the county finance committee stated, this mors: ing that the committee rather invited sat, in order, if*for no other purpose, to secure a proper interpretation eof the act governing the authority of the sheriff in the purchase of station ery: There is a division of opinion »t present i eapnty members would: life to have settled for ali time. - Said the member in question : "Supporing the sherifi does win. out on the point of law, we will not pa the account, beemuse we are safe last league--At Providence, 7; Toronto, ivague--At Pitteburg, 1; American league--At Washington, 7; 3: Philadel. At Clovefand, 2; Detroit, 0. Accorded Colonials By The War Letters received in the city this week from Kingston boys who are meaibers they are # Joying gow just Leen made known to them, and they had not to A peculiar feature of the enlistment mians enlisted for three ca, they were told that if they did A number re-enlisted, but many others it unfair to take wueh advantage of Nor probability is that go thom will 'be stranded in ment hy the war office whs unfair and Members of the police force are of mittee ought to expend a few dollars i » t DEATH OF A SOUTH BEND, IN. iDIANA RESIDENT. t He @ Here For His Health, i # Heart Trouble Set Ia i He Passed Away--Thanks fs Kind Attention. Hillier, wife and son," South lana, arvived here Wednesday ered at the Randolph hotel. we on a tour and intended re here a week or two. Wednes t Mr. Hillier was taken very A trained nurse {and They ma! nk ! day B 1 of { and wants, but despite { cape given him, be gradually sank and minutes before eight o'clock this rning he passed away. The sorrel wife and son returned to day @f South Bend with the remains gent, - deceased geokleman, who was i §liy years of , WBS 8 promi: r ident of Souk ew, where he he le position of presi the Indiana lumber company. been in failing health some pd was travelling under the nd- oi his two physicians. He intend ining for a week or wo, going to Old Orchard Beach gage if now at Portland, Me. In "re 1 was a Methodist, A son mad a daughter arrived to-day from South Bend, to join the stricken mother ond other som. Mrs. Hillier feels deeply guatelul for all the kind atieations owed ber. Kveryvthing that medical skill and good nursi could fo was powerless to thwart t dreadel result. To the family so sud- denly nnd se deeply stricken, King: stomghs extend sympathy. ---------- Her Resignation To Stand. The Trained Nurse and Hospital Re view jof New York, says, that Miss Vandwwater, matron of 'the home for inctrables, at 'Toronto, has fin ally | decided that her resky natiog must stand, and it has accepted. For two years she has fillld the position with sucpess, and both the patients and the board of mAnspement are extrémely sorry to lose her valuable services, Miss Vanile water's resignation takes effect dn Au gust lat, when she will to New York, followed by the good wishes of her gany Toromte friends. Miss Van- detvater was formerly superintendent of, thy Toronto Western hospital, is a gradjate of the Memorial hospital, s | Wordster, Mans. , class &f 1898, and o past graduate of The woman's hospi tal, Sew York city. She is a daughter ol W, . Nandewater, formerly of Kingston, Ont. Securé The Portrait. A titizen suggests that it would be 8 fithing tribute to the memory of one who took deep interest in such affairs fpr Victoria day celebration com et use $200 of the big surplus and soeure the fine portrait of the late! W. M. Dreanan, which a Toronto Ho painted, to bang in the city halls The surplus could mot be put besjor use, and there is not a Hg who would raise a word in progst, By all means let the por traf be secured and Yeh a place the distinguished men | who elped to build up Kingston ould Not Give Them Up. ¢ night o deputation the bar tenders' union waited upon Alexander Walkk, wine clerk at the Trounois ho wl land demanded that be surrender his union card and umion'bgtton; on thejground that he was working with a ution wine clerk. #'he demand wet refosed, Mr. Walsh bholuing that he as working for 4 union employe, aod had paid for 'the articles in gues tot If another position were guaran- ted him he would leave his present oyment, but otherwise he counla sot comply as he bad a wife and fam ily to support. Chartered A Street Car, The members of the Epworth league of Sydenham street Methodist church dgattercd 4 street car lest evening Aller enjoying afew trips around the helt line, the party was taken out so Omtagio park, where ice cream, and © other refreshments were weed. The wmambers a merry ouling. Ught Weight Coats And Vests. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, has 4 splendid as soriment of light-weight coats and veils; © the proper garments for sum met wear, is summer coats at #| aod $1.50 are special valte, sizes 3 to 46. Bee his window, great variety w choose from. had ,Cabbages Vs. Puff Balls. teliaville lotelligencer : =~ Thére are beads in Kingston, but you fd t in the newspaper offices yhe, denr boy, but cabbages are of value. Puff balls are found in bone western print shop we know of op 'west, ughirts." Oak Hall . "Shirts." Ohr negliges shirts are the talk of thet town: "Perfect beauties," $1. The 8.10. Bibhy. Co. £4 Panama Hats. styles and lowest G i Bros', & Blackwell's Prices at soup squares, y oi & | axpenise Will be avoided. If ment ('an after July 1st, owing to changes is the postal rates, COPY, OF ANY KIND four timed the nary letter. : By remembering this, delay and; weight of an ordi- st the old rate the Whig will have to pay double delay will alse occur in of THE SUMMONS ¥ uh ! a month. The lamily's bag-{ What made your linens coarse? Common soap | Sarflight Sap saves din so - 5 for 25 DENTS, Packages of Sheets Large Size. ! 5 for 25 GENTS, E. C. MITCHELI CHEMIST and OPTICIAN, Hstabtighea 1519, 'Phone 230, i ---------------- Slits A ---------- Scranton Coal A High Class Fuel, ALL SIZES, . 4 UMMES SWIFT Ls 50. Our Coal i= as Clean Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. solid mr a Alar to m wold a the eurlace of {he sarth from tN hed out by vd several times belie dirs, siete, ote, Foot of Queen: St.--'Phone §, Bs edie alien sith eabons si te ct-- A COSY BRIGHT FIRE Is an sturnotion lor every glow and wens heat of Col make ibmell felt with pleasure daring sobd- weather, M's just she edits with, tuo Let ust your tri with BOOTH'S CO "Poe rd Port ol Waw Gres Is hersby given the public 1 purpose making it warm persons using my coal ter: Your order is solicited. = P. Walsh 55.57 Barrack St. Ee sm The do our The whole environment of the MAGI CALEDONIA SPRINGS simbraces thique | eonditions for promotion of hewith, = amsuserent, good company, | . dation, waters and baths. postage; delivery the copy. be . {a