Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jul 1902, p. 8

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THE vAILY WHIG, SATURDA JULY 12 as 3V ice a Day 'in the Food is a blessing the hot weather: Am- toil with brain and Jurge proportion have weak { ppetites, and were it not 'velished ig delicious Malt : reskiast Food, the duties and labors of the doy ould not be properly met. + Ma Breakfast Food whets the weary morning Meany with advantage use if for breakfast ar in the hot weather. Try y week and noble your gain in . Your Grocer recommends it. MAGAZINE DEPLORES The Heroic Death Of Lieut. Bruce Carruthers. Moutrea! Herald. " Lieut. Bruce Carruthers, Kingston, whose gallant stand during the en agement at Hart's River, was um ein acclaimed wher bravery is ap preciates, i€ now numbered among the few who, while stilt in life, have mov- ed others to elegaic eloquence. According to The King, av English Hlustratec weekly, poor Brace Uarrn thers i¢ dead as the proverbial door nail, and the stirring account of his beroie end would move even sthe most case-hardened to wvmpathetic tears, All of which would be infinitely pa thetie were it not for the fact that the bemonrned soldier is a yery, lively corpse and that the papers have Jet annownced where he intends to spend his summer « vacation--enjoving the beauties of 4 Canadian landscape. Lieut. Carruthers' outlook will not It is always a welconied dish ' meal. thus be so circumscribed ag the writer in The King wonla have us believe. Put list to the appended rhapsodie : "Young Bruce Carruthers, the Ca nadian, refused to surrender, and died. It was on May lst, at Brak i Bpruit--and peace so near | The bare f annovncement qaickens the pulse, and ¥ there is not a philosopher among ns but envies the magnificent death. Hemmed in, with his little party of twenty, he scornfully vefused the { Boers' invitation to lay down his ' arms; he fought to the last, ana died One's imagination plays around the gallant boy, who had but to make a sign, lift bis hand. and life was his- life, and the sunshine, love and poet: ry, the roar of the streets, the good hours at home. On the other side death--the black, the unfathomable. (But 'he npever wavered. Did no thought flash across him, in that last moment, of all that he was renounc ing ? Did no regret mingle with his | fierce, manly pride? Manv brave | deeds have been done on both sides; {but in the special hall of Enecland's heroes there should be a niche for Bruce Carruthers, the Canadian." Sold Land Cheaply. At noon to-day J. H. Mills, gue- tioneer, sold two parcels of real es tate. A vacant lot on the corner of Johnston ana Toronto streets, 235x130 feet, was bought by W. J. Wells for £30. One'fiith of an acre on Nelson street was disposed of to J. Johns ton for §100. a -- The satisfaction of obtaining ue for your money is an incen- always trade with us. We to give better values than ad at very special prices, ~~ Sheetings made, neatly hemmed, free from starch, firm , extra soft finish, 2% x 2 yards at 75¢. ; 2% x gs at goc ¥ ~ Sheetings Sk and Double Beds, both bleached and un- twilled and plain. Odd lengths to be cleared at es' English Sheetings rd of the world, 2, 2%{ and 2% yards and English Makes, Plain and Cir- 54 in. wide. 12§c. to 35¢. yard MUST WORK IT THEMSELY.S - WITHOUT HELP FRuUM ANY PORTION OF EMPIRE. Two Schemes Favored By The Colonial Premiers--Geood Ser- vice Between Australasia And Canada. . London, July 12.-~The acquisition of the Cunard line hy the Morgan combination can neither be confirmed nor denied with authority. The reviv- al of rumors is 5 natural consequence of talk among the golonial premiers on the subject of steamship subsidy. They are uawilling to discuss any plan or policy which includes subsi- dies for any line running between Bri tish and American ports, and are leaving the Cunard line managers and shareholders to work owt their own salvation without help from any por- tion of the empire. Two subsidy schemes are favored by the official representatives of Aus tralia, New Zealand and Canada. One is a fast mail service between Eng. land and Australia via Nova Scotia, the Canadian Pacific, Vancouver, Fiji Brisbane with Sydney as a terminal point. The other is a fast freight ser- vice between Montreal, Cape Town, Auckland, and Sydney. There is, how- ever, a general understanding among the colonial representatives that the imperial conference will not act upon a general scheme before the co-opera- tion of the British government is de- finitely pledged, It is also reported that a colonial agreement hhs virtually been reached and will be reduced to definite form when Sir Edmund Barton and Sir R. J. Seddon pass through Ottawa in returning to Australasia. The proportions for mail subsidies of the first route are set down as four- twelfth for the united kingdom, five- tweliths for Canada, two-twelfths for Australia and one-twelfth for New Zealand... Two fast lines of steam- ships will be required, and the Atlan- tic and Pacific mail service from Lon don to Sydney is worked down to twenty-six days. The other subsidy scheme would involve the co-operation of the united kisgdom, Cagada, Aus- tralia, New Zealand, Cape Colony and Natal, and would involve the con- struction of large cargo steamers, which would be converted into troop- ships in time of war. ------ PLACES THAT HUSTLE. The Kind Of Work Kingston Does Not Do. Montreal merchants and manufac- turers have, under auspices of the board of trade, formed a business men's league, to advertise the city, to bring people to it, to encourage cour tesy to strangers ana lo exploit na- tichal characteristies and historical associations. An information bureau is sustained. Three hundred merchants pay a fee of 85 a year to cover ex penses. The league has issued an ele: pant souvenif pamphlet, giving views of city buildings and institutions and much interesting reading, Detroit's business men's bureau has been the means of bringing there year Iv a hundred or more great conven tions, but then Detroit has hotel se commodations that please the people and not fill them with discontent. The board of trade of Fort Worth, Texas, two pages in the North American Review to describe that city's public buildings, improvements, government, climate, transportation facilities, industries, and advantages to capitalists and citizens. The ad. contains a great deal of vital infor mation, and i& a good bit of munici pal advertising. A convention 41 supervisors wag re cently held at Woodland, California, to consider the levying of a tax of two cents upon the hundred dollars for advertising the Sacramento valley as a whole. The laws of the state permit such taxation, but appropria- tions heretofore raised have been wasted ih spasmodic advertising, Thirteen counties now propose (oo combine. sinking their individual in terests in a larger enterprise. ad Cyeling's Silver Jubilee. New York, July '12.-Tt was just twenty-five vears ago that the first bicycles were manufactured inl Ameri- ea, and in celebration of the silver jubilee 'cycle enthusiasts, manufactur ers aml others interested in wheeling held a mammoth 'cycle parade in New York to-day. It was the largest aflair of its kind ever seen in th metropolis. Scores of clubs and hundreds of indi vidua! wheelmen were in line and manufacturers and dealers were repre sented hy elaborate and varied dis plays. The route was from Washing ton square up Fifth avenue to T10t street, and the line took several hours in'passing a given point. Col. Albert A. Pope, i Tather of the 'cycling in- dustry, was grang marshal, and his =tafi. was made up of fovmer progi- dents of the L.A.W. and other 'cycling veterans. Have A Surplus Again. Quebec, July 12.--The Bnancial of "the provinee of Quebee, which closed on the 30th of June last, has been a most successful one. Des- pite some slight shrinkages in certain soirees of provincial income, the trea in has g balance on the Hos, 8. basis | limes of MR DIES OF HYDROPHOBIA. Capt. Rastrick Succumbs Te A Mad Dog Bite. Ottawa, Ont., July 10.-Particalars were received today from the colon ial secretaty of the regrettable death of Capt. A. FE. Rastrick, of the Southern Nigerian regiment, of the West African frontier force. Capt. Rastrick was formerly an officer in the 37th Haldimand rifles. His moth- er resides at Hamilton. He went to West Afriea in 1900, and from the tenor of Mr. Chamberlain's despatch was highly esteemed by his brother of- ficers for gallant and effective work. In a little over a year he was in action Ho fewer than seven times. Farly in Juve Capt. Rastrick arrived in England on six months' leave, and shortly - after landing took sick in London. It was thought at first he was suffering from west coast fever, but three doctors diagnosed the case as hydrophohia of a pronounced type, and on June llth the poor fellow passed away in great agony. He was mterred in the Richmond cemetery on June 18th with military honors. The despatch savs that previous to his death the gallant young Cauadian mentioned to a brother officer that he had been bitten by a mad dog. Mr. Chamberlain asks that the sincere con- dolences of his majestv's government he conveys 1 to the relatives of the deceased. JOKED THE SERVANT. An Ottawa Man Who Thought He Had a Knighthood. Ottawa, July 12.--An amusing end to a practical joke has arisen in a ru- mor that a certain prominent civil servant had received the honor of knighthood. It appeals that a high official being in joenlar mood address ed a letter to this gentleman in ques tion with the prefix "Sir" and the letters "'K.T." after the name, The letter so addressed passed through a number of hands, and the address ex- cited much attention, especially as the direction was in the handwriting of thé official to whom would have fallen the duty of imparting the information that such an honor had been cenfer- red. Enquiry, however, is met with the explanation that it was a little joke. NEW FORTIFICATIONS Will Be Added To Those Now At Halifax. Halifax, N.8., July 12.--The Amili- tary authorities have decided to add to the fortifications of Halifax. The fortress has been undergoing recon: struction for the past year the work, including the erection of a new fort near Herring Cove and south of York Redoubt. Another new fortification is to be constructed; it will be at Devil's Island, on the east side of the en trance to the harbor and will cost a great sum of woney, the first year's estimate alone amounting to £250. 000. It 1s also stated that another fort will he constructed on the west- ern shore of Sambro Island. With the new fort at Devil's Island, and the one on Sambro Island, Halifax will be practically impregnable. DERIDED THE KAISER What .Was Published In The Police Gazette. Vienna, July 12.--The readers of the official Police Gazette, of Prague, were astonished, yesterday, when they read in the paper this formal an nouncement : 3 "Kaiser Wilhelm II, residing in Potsdam, recently escaped from chan cellor Von Buelow's lunatic asylum, and was Jast seen at Marienburg, where he suffered patoxysms of talka tiveness. If seen, his arrest should be promptly effected." It is certain that if the perpetrator is discovered he will be severely pun ished. Tt was at Marienburg that the kaiser made a vehement speech de- nouncing [lish arrogance. ---------- THE SUMMER SIGHT. A Sea Serpert Seen Of Cape Breton. Halifax, N.8., Jaly 12.-A special from Sydney says that serpent, mea suring abuut 200 feet long, was seen of Cranberry Head, Cape Breton, yes terday afternoon, by South Bar pil olw. The serpent came up well to the entrance of the harbor and turned round and went northward. The Am- erican steamyacht Waconta, with James J. Hill, of New York, and par: ty on board, was coming into the har- bor at the time and was obliged to haul out of the serpent"s w About fifty fect of it was above surface of the water. The middle of huge proportions, both ends fapering to a point. 3 HEARTILY APPROVED. A New International Club May be Formed. London, July 12.--A conference was held, yesterday, at the Carleton hotel, over the expediency of forming an international club to be known as The Pilgrims, and designed to promote good feel between England and America. projectors favored & is of organization somewhat on the the Gridiron club, of Wash- ington, with = occasional dinners at New York ahi London, and with a nual does 2 earryi ip in both cities, The Lr, Mo of the ; i of the clab were heartily but doubts were enter- the practicability of A LENGTHY DOCKET CLEANED UP VERY QUICKLY. It Did Not Take The Magistrate Many Minutes To Wipe The Slate Clean At This Morning's Session Of The Police Court. James Belknap was drunk and dis- orderly and acknowledged his guilt. He was remanded until Monday for sentence. Patrick McAvoy, supporting himself on a pair of crutches, was charged with vagrancy. He was liberated from the Hotel Dieu a week ago and since then has been eking out an existence The magistrate will try and find him a home in the house of Providence. Samuel Finley, a salt water marin ér, from Boston, who saluted the magistrate in true. nautical style, when charged with being drunk, was allowed to go on his way rejoicing. James Crosby was charged with non-payment of wages, but consented to settle, so the charge against him was dismissed. « Patrick Purcell and Herbert Ran dall. charged with fighting on Brock street, were each fined 85 and costs, fourteen days. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. The Results For Places In This Vicinity. Gananoque--M. Belfie, W. Bryan, A. Delong, E. Dunn, F. Fredenbury, R. Gordon, R. Heaslip, F. Jackson, J. E. Lachance, H. Lloyd, 0. Lloyd, O. MM. Matland, R. McCullough, G. Mpd- ler, G. Mulholland, V. Parke, H. Po low, J. Ross, G. Scott, H. Taylor, R. Yule, L. Cochrane, A. Conner, + Donevan, E. J. Ferris, G. Gilbert, E. Gordon, 1. M. Gray, J. Hall, F. 1. Johnston, N. Kane, L. Mitchell, A. Mitchell, C. Moore, A. McNamee, Pp E. Newcombe, A. Pelow. E. M. Ran kin, E. M. Rea, E. Salter, F. A. Stillwell, M. Stunden, M. Wallace, M. Wiltse, N. T. Wright. Delta--W. Amer; B; filfillen, L. Shel don. M. Singleton, E. Stone, G. R. Sexton, 0. H. Willis, Carrie Brown, Mabel Burnes, Maud Burns, L. Bullard, Creegan, D. Flood, Z. Frye, A. Horton, H. Haskin, M. Kincaid, Knapp, C. Knapp, P. McMachen, Murphy, A. Nolan, M. Preston, Ralph, J. Somerville, A. Stevens, Young. Newhoro--R. Barker, E. Bolton, C. Churchill, K. M. Clipsham, S. Davi son, W. Haw, 8S. Harrison, 6. Hutch ings. W. F. Kelsey, W. Knapp, F. Leech, J. Moriarty, W. Morris, 8 tout, R. Wright, W. Young, M. De Wolie, BE. W. L. Dieri K. Harrison, E, Howe, L. Sturgeon. Westport--G, Conley, B. Cruskery, M. Garvin, J. Kearney, R. Knapp, A. Lockwood, J. Myers, J. J. Scanlan, F. Wing, I. Bennett, M. Donnelly, M. Kane. M. Mooney, 8S. McCann, J. Mc Cann, F. Mcintosh, M. Norris, M. Renand, A. Ryan, S. Ryan, M. Scan fan, Lena Tobin. (x. HIS BODY RECOVERED. Found Floating in the Ottawa River, Ottawa, July 12.--To-day"s Gazette announces the appointment of Chas Daniel Macaulay, of Dawson, in the Yukon territory, barrister-atv-law, to be judge of the territorial court of the Yukon territory. J, H. Walker, Wet askawin, in the north-west territories, to be deputy collector of inland reve- aue (class B) at Wetaskawin. The body of George Mercier, who committed suicide last Sunday night by jumping over the Chaudiere bridge was found, this morning, floating in the Ottawa river, near the Queen's wharf. Last Sunday night Mercier, who was partially demented, astonish ed people on the bridge by shouting "Good-bye, boys," and jumping into the river. What De Lesseps Thinks. Paris, Suly 12.--The Figaro prints an interview with De Lesseps, son of the great engineer, Ferdinand De Les seps, who planned the Suez and Pana ma canals, in which he says there is no doubt that if the Americans un dertake the work they will finish the Panama canal. He would not be sur prised if, with their boldness and practical genius, they ashandon the dea'of 'a lock canal and revert to the original scheme of a sea level canal. He added that in six years the. canal can be opened to navigation. To Study Music In Europe. New York, July 12. Among the passengers hound jor, Europe to-day was Mise Lillian * Solomon, the eigh- teen-vear-old daughter of Lillian Rus sell, the well known aetress. Miss Solo mon, who proipises to possess all the beauty of her mother, is going to Paris to continue the study of music. Last month she was graduated with high honors from the institute of the Holy Angels at Fort lee, NJ. Be fore quitting the school she embraced Catholidity and was formally received into the church. Edward L. Bonner Killed. Helena, Mon.. July 12.~Edward L. Bonner, a millionaire lomberman, merchant and banker, fell from an au tomobile at Missoula, aying instant ly. He was stricken with fail- ure. He was a pioneer of Montang and formerly Montana member of the republican national eommittee. Mr, Bonner was sixty-five years old. He was a Massachusetts boy. He went to New York city as a ind, and grind boy. for the old house of H. i ------_s-- A Vessel Ashore. 3 Point, Que., July 12.-The 8. 3 an a wm aud tin, run 0 morning, ei miles sast of Fame Point light. S with the option of going to jail for' We Have What You Want an STOCKINGS Ladies' Fast 26c., 86¢ , 89¢ , and others, And at Prices Less Thaa Yeu Expect to Pay. staatly lacreasing Stocking Business Has Shown This. 5 Bp cial Makes at 10e., 12§0,, 180 , 80c., 256. § other Finer Makee, all equally good va ue. A Con Children's Stockings of All Kinds. Qashmere or Cotton, Ribbed or Plain, all weights, Boys' Famous Leather Knit Stockings. Wo are sole agents in Kingston for this mske of Boys' Stockings sad have found this to be the best stocking for rough boys and a source of great comfort to mothers, Will be MEN AND. BESSIE ESCAPE. L Attacked Jailer, Beat And Bound Him. San Diego, Cal., July 12-H. R. Hall and Marshall Brooke, both under sentence to the penitentiary, have es caped [om jail here, taking with them Mrs. D. E. Grosch, alias ie Hall, another prisoner In some way they succeeded in getting out of the steel eage into the outer corridor, They made a weapon of a stove leg, ' when L. A. Foster, the night jm... came in to lock them in their eslls they attacked him from behind. beat- ing him until be was . Ho was then bound awa gegged with strips of blankets, which they tore from their bedding, and the trio -------------- Passionists' Golden Jubilee. celebration way begun in ; to day of the Biticth anniversary the establishment in this country of the Passionist. Fathers, one of the ascetic orders of the Catholic eburch. The JUST ARRIVED New Ribbons For Neckwear For Sashes and Belts. DUCHESBE RIBBONS, all colors, alo black and white, S TAFFETA RIBBONS, all widghs. VELVET SATIN RIBBONS, 8 widths, JOHN LAIDLAW & SON BASAL Pa PI PNNST SINS Pane PY SHOE ' BARGAINS | All our Bargain Tables have been loaded up again, besides numerous other lines Reduced on the shelves. JULY AND AUGUST SOLOMON vices from recruitin, islands, wonary god Moana say the labor vessel Rio Loge, for labor in the Bolomons Months of BArgains wins AT ee we THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE SOLDER : YOU KNOW WE MAKE IT. CANADA METAL CO., Toronto. Wire, Angle, 3% and %. The best that can be obtained ISLAND MASSACRE, Captain, Missionary and Wife Killed By Natives. Vancouver, B.C., July 12-Mail ad Australia by (he steamer arrived in ne with' startling news contgined from Mr. Swameon, agent, gated Solomon «lands. Mr. Swanson seid thet Be was am- the government ry vessel, R Corer Wie his wife at Urs were also Kibo 'and. their heads carripd A sumber of blacks whites were abso heads, : er -------- Oak Hall. ey HD, Bibby sw fa -- Toe | 2, white settlers. The captain of the re. cruiting labor Roderick Dhu bad heen murdered st Usa; the

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