Tw, A 'DAILY BRITISH W 89TH . YEAR. NO. 164. | Robt. J. Reid, . The Leading Undertaker, 22 YRINCESS sT, 'PHONE 577. Always A pe of these Couches will prove "delight for the home. "A Good Leather Couch, same as 'sut, from $15 to $40. Good Value Couch, from $6.50 to $25. Cheaper grades $4.50. "K obt. J. Reid | "Kingston To Jaws A SBTT OF NEW Souvenir Post Cards POSITIVELY THE BEST EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Sold in Setts or Singly. Kirkpatrick's Art Store THEY GO QUICK Our boxes of Chocolates and Bon-Bons are quick sellers. That's because they are fresh and de leious. They're cheap, . too, Take a box home with you, and be happy. A J. REES, Princess Street. Whatever Is Fashionable In Tweeds or Worsteds vo... 18%0 bo had here. We import direct, and al- ways have the newest pat- terns 40 select from. Our : stock is mow complete. 3h R. JOHNSTON, TAILOR. deeded Br Te yf Yofec Ife OfeOde One Oop Oop -------- A ---- oa be A OUR SPECIALTY High Class Tailoring RN CRAWFORD & WALSH Merchant Tailors, Importers of Fine Woollens, Princess and Bagot Sts, ME, MAUD ! THIS DELICIOUS 'ts vou know ments of all PORK MAKKET, 86 Hem, Chicken, and Tongue 'Poone 570. Orders RTNERSHIP NOTICE. PARTNERSHIP HERETOFOIE EX w, William B Nha Itonadd having this da i Hiinnr ) Skinner & Co orth be oarfied on bv the said and KE. Chwenos Mitchell, illo the fr } rs the who, are naw te. acle Sartore tein dae July, 1002. FOR SALE. RAME HOUSE, 461 Jot rama ad Balle Avi so $2 Quon 8 LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. In the hottest weather conte--of ton Love, says our bachelor, is like soda water, it soon fixzhw out The sun rises Wednesday at 438 am, mis at 738 pm We have vet to ses the first horw's sun bonnet of the season Lake Outario park, Robert's ment company, § pm When a sculptor makes a cast he is either fiwhing for lame or mone Tends for paintivg rool of eity buildiogs close at 4 pm. Welnesdav Annual meting Oddeliows' relief tion, Wednesday, 1:30 and 8 nm A woman has no business in polities until she in able to throw mud straight Complimentary excorsion to delegates to annual meeting Oddiellows' relief association, Wednesday, at 4 p.m This day in the world's bombard Russian town, 1900; Napoleon captured, admitted to the dominion 1870; Crusaders take Jerusalem, W. B. Iven died, 1509, CROWN DERBY DECORATION WE OFFER YOU VERY HANDSOME DINNER -SETS COMPLETE. Our regular price was $20. We have a few sets we are clearing at $12.50. ROBERTSON BROS. (LAKE ONTARIO PARK ) ALL THIS WEEK | THE ROBERTS | Matinces Hveniag 3 Wed At 8130, 4 AND CLIFFORD B. SMITH HIGH GLASS VAUDEVILLE With beautiful special = somery a some Kleotrical Effects, Swinging, Comedy, Hlustes tod Honee, BASEBALL FRIDAY, JULY 18 ANTWERP ve. PONIES. most folks wear and Four entertain associa historv--Chinese Blagnves tohensk, 1815 Manitoba as a territory, 1099; Hom y at 3:30. hand Dancing MARKET TOLLS. SEALED AND SEPARATE TENDERS will be received at the City Clark's Office city buiildiogs, wil WEDNESDAY, July 29nd fast, at 12 o'clock, nom, from persons willing 0 lease the market feos amd weivh ing charges of markets Nos. | asl 2, for the term of one. year from the First | Mon day in August next. Terms amd conditions way be learnvd at the office of the wexier sieved, where form of tender may De ob 1. L. W. BHANNON, Citg Clerk, Kingston, July 16th, 1902, "HILLCROFT" ACADEMY, KINGSTON. A RESIDENTIAL and DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Ideal Gro s of Twelve Acres. Opens Sept, 9th, 1902 REV. T.J, GLOVER, B. A,, Principal. BOARD. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, ALSO Sable board, Gentlemen preferred, at 240 Ring street. BRIGHT AIRY ROOMS AND FIRST CLASS ard. Most rw part of the city, near McDonald park. Apply to Mrs. Bre den, 24 Stuart street, FOR SALE. DROP HEAD SEWING MACHINE, Ha not been in use since t. Want $25 for it. Call at 29 Division street. FOR MINERAL RIGHTS. A Suit Entered in Dispute Over Eastern Mineral Lands. Toronto Telogram : Edward Smith, Prescott, seeks in a suit entered to day a declaration that be is entitled to certam rights to mineral lands in (den township, Frontenae county. He asks, through Watson, Smoke & Smith, for an injunction and damages against the defendants, George and Henry Richardson and Tra A. Denn, of Kingston, Bryan's Trip East. Lincoln, Neb., July 18. Willian J. Bryan goes cast this week and from all indications there is to be more politics than pleasure in the trip. He i$ to confer with Lewis Nixon, the y leader, and later will go to Boston to attend the an- nual banquet of the democratic lea- gue of that city, which will be in the nature of a counter Setaonatration to the recent harm feast t Til den cll of Rew York While in Jon ton he will confer with George Fre Williams and other Now England leaders of the Bryan wing of the de KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1902, AGAIN REIECTED IDEA Of Zollovercia Between Britain and Colonics AUSTRALIA WILL NOT AGREE CANNOT AFFORD TO FOREGO CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS. Scheme for Independent Communi- With All Parts of the Colonial Con- cation Empire--What ference May Do. London, July 15.--The National liberal club gave a dinner last night in honor of the colonial prime minis ters who are visiting London. Sir William Vernon Harcourt, in propos ing a toast to the guests, eulogizel the brillant chdracter of the men called for by the revolution of the North American colonies. He said that if he had felt that if the breed was dying out he was now assured that the colonies could, to-day, fur nish such men. sir Walfrid prime minister, Laurier, the Canadian in responding to the woast, said that no reform had been so prolilic as that which gave the colonies the right of self-government. Mr. Barton, prime minister of the Australian commonwealth, made a speech, in which he again rejected the wea of a British zolleverein. He said that Australia could not afford to forego her customs collections She was quite ready to defend her own hores and contribute to the naval defence of the southern colonies. She lid not ask for representation in the imperial parliament. There is reason to believe that when the conference of colonial premiers is resumed, probably two weeks hence, the questions of all-British govern ment cable communication between the various parts of the empire will be discussed and settled. The Pacific cable joining Canada and Australasia is approaching com pletion, and the project favored is to lay more cables so as to give the government direct independent com munication to the Mediterranean. sta tions, India and China, at an estima ted cost of $20,000,000. This will in- clude the compulsory sale at a price to be fixed by arbitration of the lines of the Eastern extension telegraph company. from South Africa to Aus tralia. The present, indications are that the imperial government and the colonies will reach an agreement in this matter both in principle and in the main details, despite the desper ate efforts of the Eastern company to prevent it. What Is Being Said. A good many tongues have been set loose by the events of the last twen ty four hours, but the political - Ton is not yet clear. Sir Michael Hicks Beach's retirement was unex pected, but belps to explain Mr. Chamberlain's loyalty to Mr. Bal four, and his contentment with "the new turn of alisirs, Mr. Chamberlain is released from the antagonism of a powerful will, which was pitted against his own in colossal and linan cul questions. The ultimate results caunot yet be forecast since Sir Mich vel Hicks Beach's resignation is em porarily withdrawn but the cabinet will be dominated completely by Mi Chamberlain's aggressive 'force of character. The prime minster, with all his amiabilities, cannot resist the pressure of the powerful will, strong and sincere as may be Myx. Chamber lain's friendship for him. Various forecasts are made respect ing the impending cabinet changes One is Mr. Balfour's ultimate eleva tion to the upper house. This less probable now that Sir Hicks-Beach is going out and the duke of! Devonshire has taken the leadership of the upper house. Mr Balfour's friends assert that be has a strong preference for the house of commons, and has been warned by lord Rosebery's experience that a party leader is not safe in the house of lords when he has a powerful rival leader in the house of chmmons. An other prediction is the transfer of Mr Chamberlain from the colonial office to the treasury. This seems hardly credible unless Mr. Balfour intends to accept a peerage after the education bill has been enacted in the autumn session, and leave Mr. Chamberlain as leader of -the commons. Another explanation is the appoint ment of some rising man, like George Wyndham, as chancellor of the ox chequer. Rir Michael Hicks Beach himself hinted that a younger man would succeed him seems Michael PRAISE KITCHENER. Paris Papers Have Suddenly Re- vised Their Opinions. London, July 15.--The Paris corres pondent of the Times says a few weeks ago many French papers were insulting lord Kitchener and making him Great Britain's scape-goat and the butt of their Anglophobia. Now they have discovered mer- its in 'him, saying that aps be is not yet suffiviently inated by his countrymen. Nearly all the papers re- call Kitchener's services when he en listed in 1870 in the second army of the Loire, and risked his life for France. For the concentration camps system he is no longer held responsi- ble; it is said he simply obeyed orders which he regretted, FRENCH Destroyed By Fire. ' Vancouver, B.C. July 15.-The as say office of the Canadian smelting works, at Trail, was completely gut- tea hy fire on Sunday. valuable scaler in the building were saved, but otherwise the contents were a com- plete lose. The canse of the fire is uk g STEYN 1S ILL. He Will Visit England For Medi- cal Advice. EX PRESIDENT STE¥YN Bloemfontein, July 14.--Dr. Steyn, former president of the Orange Froe state, arrived here yesterday. He is in the weakest health, and his home coming was apathetic. Nobody met hin except ex-commandant Brand: Mr. Steyn is going to England to ob tain medical advice. Five hundred of the Boer prisoners, who were confined on the lslanl of St. Helena have returned. The repat riation is proceeding rapidly. The re fugee camp here is being empticd rap idly, hundreds of its occupants re turning to their homes daily. These leaving receive stock, tents, seed and thirty days' rations. PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest News Culled From All Over Tie World. The Toronto Zoo is dead Premier Ross, Ontario, has gone to Norway. The annual! rifle matches began at Bisley on Monday. Donald A. Mair, of Fkfred township, was killed by lightning. Pure white bantams have arrived at the London Zoo from Japan. The average number of lives lost by lightning in Britain is 800 4 year. The Scottish patriotic association held a demonstration at Bannochpurn against the king's use of the title of Edward VII, Captain Bernier states that he now has $90,000 subscribed towards de fraying the cost of his proposed polar expedition. The price of bread in Toronto is to be increased from eight to ten cents for a Targe loaf, ana four to five cents for a small loaf. The British government is likely to give one-half, instead of one-third, of what Canada gives towards subsidiz ing 'a fast Atlantic line The United States battleship Hiinois knocked a hole in her bottom in the harbor at Christiania and will have to be sent to England for repairs. . Sir Joseph Ignatius Little, chief justice and deputy governor of New foundland, died on Monday morning, He was sixty-seven years of age Lord Kitchener, on his way to In dig in October, to assume command there, will visit the Great Nile bairage at Assoun and also Khartoum, An American lady eyelist dressed in "rational costume" was almost bed in Edinburgh. The good folk ob jected to her appearing in the costume on Sunday. London's buildings are insured against fire for about 910 millions of pounds. The whole of Canada carries but 150 milion pounds' worth of in surance. Since Ard Patrick won the Derby Irish sportsmen have been in high fea ther. The stock of the Irish horse has gone up, since twice within five years has the Derby winner come from Ire land. D. M. Rennie, who for the past six vears had been Canadian commission er for the Argentine Republic, with headquarters in Buenos Ayres, aied at Hamilton, Ont., on Monday. He was a widower. The inquest into the death of five firemen at the Melntosh fire, Toronto, wae continued on Monday night, and a further adjournment was made until Thursday night. The cause of the fire is still a mystery, In full view of several hundred peo ple, Theodore McCrane, a messenger boy, jumped from the Suspension elephant at moh bridge over the Ohio river, at Wheel | a distance of 150 feet, He was not hurt. ing, W. Va., for a paltry sum KING EDWARD'S TRIP. He Left This Morning For Royal | Yacht. London, July 15.~King Edward lofi Victoria statioh, at 11:35 o'clock, this morning, for Portsmouth, The king was conveyed from Buckingham palace to the railway station in an ambu- lance; the only other occupant of the ambulance was queen Alexandra. The vehicle - was driven at walking pace. Although there was a small crowd at the station, there was no demonstra tion in compliance with the expressed wish of the king. The doctors and nurses awaited the arrival of the am- bulance and a party of bloe jackets semoved his majesty from the vehicle to a roval saloon car, formerly used by the late queen Victoria, Absolute privacy was secured by 5 lofty screen of red plush, which surrounded the platiorm. Of On a Cruise. Portsmonth, Eng., July 13-The roval train, with king Edward aboard, arrived here shortly before two two o'dlock this afternoon. The train ran to the end of the pier, which was closed to the public at two o'clock. The king embarked on the royal yacht Vietoria gnd Albert. The vacht will go direct to Cowes, where she will anchor. The weather is hot and sultry, and the sen is calm aod in ideal condition for a quiet eruise for An Episode In The House Of a Minister MARRIAGE ABRUPTLY CAME TO AN END. The Unexpected Happened--Ex- pected Bride Has an Income of $60,000 a Year--Groom Got Away. : Washington, July 15 hali-completed marriage ceremony came to light to-day in which the { principals are Frank Mitchell, a clerk in the car department of the South ern railway offices in this city, and Theodora H. Van Wyck, daughter of the late senator Van Wyck, of Neb raska, and said to have an income of $60,000 a year. The affair occurred on July 2nd On the evening of that day a couple appeared before Rev Dr. Radcliffe, pastor of the New York avenue Pres byterian church, and said they de sired to get married. The man, who said his name was Frank Mitchell, showed Dr. Radcliffe a marriage li cense made out in due form, and the minister, after calling of his household as witnesses, procesded with the ceremony. He had read.a portion of the ceremony, when he noticed that Mise Van Wyck was very nervous and when he asked the question, 'Po you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband," be was much as tonished when the prospective |vide promptly answered, "Na, | don't.' Miss Van Wvek ed, "this is too serious. I've thirk it over." Mitchell endeavored to persuade iss Van Wyck to continue with the ceremony, but she flatly refused to do so, and after more entreaties, which likewise proved of no avail, Miss Van Wyck is said to have turned to Dr. Radclifie and astonished him by sug eating that the three and ave a good forget all this foolishness =a Dr." Radcliffe, when seen, refused to discuss the matter, saving that be had hoped to suppress all mention of the aliair. He admitted, however, that a pair giving the names men tioned above had called on him to get married on the evening of July Ind, but had left without having the knot tied. He refused to go into de tails Inquiry "at office A story of a two 'BR secatire, answer got to 'go down supper and the Southern railway developed the fact that Frank Mitchell, who had been emploved for some time in the car department at a small salary, obtained leave of ab sence about ten dave ago with the ex- pressed intention of getting married He is said to have told several of hee fellow clerks that he was going to marry a very rich girl and that / he did not intend to work any more The marriage license appears on the books in the clerk's office made = out in the names of Frank P. Mitchell, age twenty-six, and Theodora H. Van Week, aged twenty, Miss Van Wyek's residence is given aw Washington, She spent the winter here with her mother at the Hotel Normandie Miss Van Wyck was named "Happy," because she was born on New Yaar's day and is known to her intimate friends by that name. She adopted the of Theodora Miss Van Wyek Washington several days ago for Rockaway " Mitchell first having mail, and it BOW js name Jef Far left town resigned his 15 not also hirviedly, place hy known where he SEQUEL TO ELOPEMENT. ---- David McGee Has Married Mag- gie McIntyre. Toronto, July 15.--In September 1901, David McGee, aged twenuy tine years, 71 Oxford sureet, gout mine months in the Central prison, for ab ducting Maggie Melntyre, aged seven teen, of 508 Queen street west. She had been working at Eaton's, and Me- Gee, who loved her dearly, 'nduced her to fly with him. They were arrested at London. He had treated her with | great kindness and honor, but he went [ to prison nevertheless. On Saturday | they went to the Falls gnd were mar { ried, returning in the evening. She | i { slept at home Saturday nignt and next day told her mother of her mar riage, in Bellevue square she met Mc | Gee. Her brother came up and began {to create a disturbance, but was re { gulated by a policeman. The young | couple went to his home and in the { evening Mr. Melntyre and son called at the Mcliee house and tried to force | their way in. A crowd gathered and | favored the vorng couple and finally the father and son left. LIFE-SAVING PLANT Will Enable a Man to Live Fifteen Days. London, July 153.-A despatch from Genova to the Daily Mail says that experiments were made on Sunday on the lake of Geneva with a new appa- ratus for saving life at sea, invented by Prof. Probst, a native of Geneva, The apparatus consists of a diving mit of India rubber, opening in the centre. It can be rapully dooned. [it is #0 buoyant that nearly half the hody remaiis above water. Airtight pockets on the side of the dress con- tain a lamp, matches, stores of food and a trumpet. The experiments were successful. Prof. Probst entered the weter at six o'clock in the evening ard intends. to remain there until eleven o'clock. Crowds are watching him. He intends to pass the whole of August in the water, gud will then go to Havre. where he will remain fifteen days in the sea. Jost 10.50 gninvas wus paid at a sale of piepures at Christie's in Lon Sun for the portrait of Miss Syrah £3 thard," panied in "1781 by 6G, : SHE SAID "N0" AT ALTAR. HALF FISHED EVENT === | Pointe Claire. Montreal, July 15.~Thomas Wilson, {a retired stock broker and a honor ary member of the Montreal stock ex | change, died suddenly last near his summer residence at Pointe { Claire. He attacked with heart failure' while in a pleasure boat and fell partly into the water, being dead | whe n assistance reached him. | A party of capitalists who are in | terested in the enterprises | passed through Montreal last night on i their way to Sault Ste, Marie, ¥F. H Clergue was in charge of party, which included Messrs. E. B. Douglas, Phila | delphia, president of the Consolidated | Lake Superior company; James But terworth, Philadelphia, director: W I'. Douglas, Philadelphia, secretary ; {John . T. Terry, New York; Hon { Lynde Harrison, New Haven | They cama from { where they enjoyed a vachling cruise, | and are accompanying Mr {an inspection of the great industry in | which they have invested their capi tal. Mr. Clergue said the industries were in a flourishing condition, be tween 5,000 and 6,000 men were em ployed, und the mills were turning out 500 tons of steel rails daily. The de mand is very was Clergue day if the works had capacity to manufacture that quantity, TRACY'S PROGRESS. Fights Another Battle With Deputies. Wash, message Desperado The follow from Kau menlaw © "Word has been received here that Tracy fought go battle with two deputies at the Palmer school hous Sunday night No particulars er names gre known." Tracy worked a neat game on the officers in order to get to Palmer. He was within 4 mile of that place when he learned that the officers were there He then worked back Enu menlaw, and showed himself on the road to Buckley. He was in the woods, and while officers were station ing guards he ran a mile and boarded a freight train on a grade and pro ceeded to Palmer, where he is, no doubt, making for the stampede pass CANOEISTS MISSING. Jaly 15 received Seattle ing was towards Two Young Men Are Caught in Heayy Seas. Rochester, N.Y. July 15.-Two young men, Charles Haas, aged nine teen, and George Ledderthiel, aged twenty-one, left Summerville, Sunda morning, in g frail sailing cance for a sail in the lake and have not been seen or heard from since Six or eight others, who went out in another boat, saw Heas and Led derthiel about four miles off shore and warned them that it was getting prétiy rough for such a frail craft as theirs. Haas and Ledderthiel, appar ently acting on the advice, turned their cance towards shore and have not been since since GREEN APPLES AND BATHING Cause Death of An Eleven-year- old Boy. Clayton, N.Y., July 15.--~0n Wednes day occurred the death of Cecil Phil lip. On Tuesday afternoon he ate a apples and then After he had finish ed bathing he went home and was soon taken with severe pains, [Dy Wills was called but could do nothing more than relieve the pain. At on Wednesdty the boy died. He eleven years o'd quantity of went in swimming green noon Was ADMIT GIRL TO GUILD. Vienna Watchanakers Recognize Competence of Women Vienna, After fifty wear of obstinate to woman la the watchmakers' guild has at last granted a certifi 2 of compe tence to a girl, Gisela Eibuschitz, who is the first woman watchmaker to be recognized in Vienna. This innovation iz sternly resented by o large body of the trade July 15 resistance bor Friends Of Children Convene. duly 15 An international congress for the welfare and pr tion of children opened in London to-day, with delegates present from nearly every civinzed country of the workd ~The provident of the conigives is the earl of Beauchamp aml among the patrons are the duke of Marl borough, the earl of Meath, Lord Hamiiton and representative men of Germany, France and italy Superintendent E. Fellows Jenkios, of the New York society for the preven tion of cruelty to children, is here ax an ace delegate fram the ted States, and will tell the congress of street trading by children and the probaion system as now existing Mn America London, George redited Uni S-------------- Excursion Bulletin. Thursday, July 17th, New York sm. ong 1000 Islands, 3 pm., American and Canadian channels, 3h Friday, July 15th, New York to 1000 Jeland points, Brockville and Og desburg, 50c. -------------- Relieved Of Command. Washington, N.C., July 15. General Chafiee has been relieved of command in the Philippines and ordered to the command of the department of the cast, by an order issued Ly secrotary Root. On Verge Of Death, Brussels, July 15.-The queen of the Belgians, suffering for some time from heart disease, Lat recently reported to be better. bas suffered a relapeé and ber condition is eritical, Mrs. Charles McCracken, aged fifty, fell over the seawall at Couriney Bay. N.B., on Sunday evening, aod received injuries which caused fer evening | Portland, Me; | active and he could find a market in Canada for 1,000 tons a | Sa LAST EDITION, WEATHER PROBABILITIES, IS¢h, {i0 am) Wednesday westors Jaily wriag and warm, Toromto, Out wherly winds, of {Iv winds, flee Bargain Extraordinary | Colored Pk's Yards Only. Clergue for | 130 23c. or 1214c. COLORS: Cadet Blue, Pink, Black, Helio, Light Green, Navy, Moss Creen, Inspection Invited. MeacyySle MARRIED, TAYLOR EDWARDS Hh, Janes M Whew, + As Gaoanogoe, on July Tayior, Hawslm, Ont, ta ughter of Wilkiwm Fdwards, DIED, WRIGHT In Kingston, July 14th, Margaret Nesbit, widow of the late George Wright, avd BO years Fowral from her son's residence, 305 Bagot street, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2:80; service hall an hour previous Friends and acquaintances invited to attend JONES At Pinch rv Allwrta, on July jth, of Davel Ford, only om of ved grandson of the inte D Ford Gananoaue, aged Cronk sourlet fever Jonas Jones J oven Awake For Action. It is foolish 10 dream of futore satisfaction, Provwrty carelul. We'll make tris by providing a home Our Nets ine It 1s wise (0 acl at ome vible for those who ace ur dreams con in poss u enn buy and clinde progeriios 3 Pav for of many prices nee sure S. R. McCANN, 5 BROCK ST, Grand Pioor, te have someting to suit you, Four Rescued. Tuly "15.=The yacht Arab capsized in the lake by a sudden squall last night and two per song were drowned. Foar others rescued. The dead are Harry ecighteen years old; Mamie vighteen years old Two Drowned ; Chicago, i was wers Jonson, Taylor, -------- At Bisley, the Canadian team ix on hand as usual, and two of the mem tore came well to the front in the Golden Peony mateh. Sergt. Maj. Car. ruthers, Prescott, got within the con tre mark of the target on each shot, tasking a score of forty. Capt. Rennie, Queen's Own, Toronto, scored thirty. nine-points. . ow Ladies' Rings f In all the newest mount gp ings and most fashionable jewels--handsome enough for the most exacting woman and reasonable enough fr the most provident 4G. JOHNSTON & BRO, JEWELENS., seri Sn