4 yi: = ' Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON: 11:50 am~For Ottaws, Noatreal, Quotes Bt. John, NB.; Balilax, Bosom, Toronie Chisago, Deaver, Rmirow, Sault Ste Mark Duldth, Ss Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Ses) We, Pordand and San Francisco. 6:00 pm---Losal for Sharbot Lake, eof dectlog with O.P.B. east abd weet. 895 a.m.~Mondnys, Wednesdays and Pl flevd for Renfrew asd intermediate polsts. Passitigers lanving Kingston at 11:50 a.m ~rive in Ottawa at 5:00 pm. Pelerbore, 145 p.m; Toronto, 7:00 p.ms Boston, 8:0 So; 84 Joba, NB, 11:50 am. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLUER, Pass. Agt. Gen. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY =:NEW SHORT LINE FUR Tweed, Napance, Poluts. Train leav pm. RJ. Wi fice, JR, Gen. Bapt Descronio and all loos) City Hall Depot st CPI. Telexrsph Of Excursion 2h h 4 Demonstration ROCKVILLE SET | FARE $1.75 Lv. Kingston, 8:15 am pr Brockville, 10:00 a.m Lv. Koes Shuille, 5.00 p.m Ar 6.87 pm Special Train Servis Juy 12h Tickets good going p.m. 11th and a.m. trains, July 12th not later than July 14th, 1902 J. P. Hanley, Agent, City Passr. Depot. DOMINION LINE. MALL NTEANSHIPS, LIVERPOOL SERVICE *Norseman. . July 10th urcoman July 26th Soloman doe . Avg, 2ed us Avg. 9th Californian Aug 16th #Norssman Aug. 20nd Biramers marked * do not carry passengers RATES OF PA Saloon, $65 amd upwarts, single i to stenmer amd pond § $37.50 an up , Acoording to steamer and sore 26. trains July Returning ag 19¢h Aug, 9 FROM BOSTON. July 16th July 28rd 16th Electric pt. 6th Spacious Cambroman, Aug Vancouvlt, Sel Midship, Saloon, light, promenade decks os »P, ariey, J. P, Gil@ersleeve, GTR. Stavof, 42 Ghtrence Ht p ORRANCE & CO, Gen. As Montreal i Portland Brockville, Prescott and Montreal, LBAYE KINGSTON: Going Bast, dally at 6 a.m. Going West, dally, except Monday. at Spm. Hamilton, Torente, Hay of Quinte and Mentresl Line, LEAVE INGTON ' GOING EAST We "ese 8 Prianys GOING WEST hursdays & 3 S00 p.m. 4.0 HANLEY KY, FT & CO. J. SW ci Agents Leke Ontario 4 Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited, Sirs, North King & Caspian " of Quinte & Rochester Route N (except Monday) N.Y, tenmer leaves daily 2 for Rochester, te poris 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE 8 leaves daly (except Monday), at 10.07 am, lor tour of L000 lslands, call ing ot Alexamivia Bay, Rockport wnd Gana: STEAMER ALETHA joao Mondays at 8 pm. for Picton and inten ate Bay Ports . ull mati " a RANEY on abply 0 J ® GILDERALEEVE, { Ticket Aveta. at calling at Bay comfort ames & Co. Freight Agents. Allan Lire Eo.' donderry. (Royal Mail ibe From Montreal, From Quebec. Mongolian, 12 July, T am 12 July, 5 pm an, Juin 5am. 19 July, 3 pm 5 du 5 am: 26 July, 3 pm . 8 am 2 A 3 ot ¥ upwards; Begon ie = 50 "te © Jaa 50: Jondon 31.50 extra a hn Duty, New York to Asngenderey & Glasgow. w pm. Julv 16 N.! orm to Glasgow, Ee at Snylh ht, Passenrers ouly: limited quantity at a big , and save from 2c. to 3c. TRAVELLING. The Oaly Direc! Ling to Quebec Without Change THE FAVORITE STR. ALEXANDRIA Leaves Craig's wharl every Friday wilnight, for Charlotte, N.¥.. vitott Beack, SY. and Buflale, N.Y: via. Buy of Quinte wd Murray Casal, and every Moodav at 6:30 pam, for Moolreal and Quebec, (direct without change), Through 1.000 lsaode and St, Lawrence River Rapids Low pesscoger and freight rates Passenger sctommodation unsurpamed W. G. CRAIG & CO, A. W. HEPBURN, Agents, Kingston. Manager, Picton. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. Lawrgnce Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes, Twis Saew Iron BS. "Cemvena." with cleotric lights, electric bells and oll modern foumlors. AILS FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS #t-2 pw, Mth and 28th July, 11th and 253th Adgust., Sth and 220d Septembet, for Picton, NS. calling at Quebee, Father Point, Uaspe, Picpos, Grand River, Summerside, PEL, and Charlottetown, PFJ The finest trip of the season for health and at 12, ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary Junie For tickets and statercom J HANLEY, or. J. P. {LOE WSLV.EVE, T t Agents. Kineton, Ont. EDUCATIONAL. rita "HILLCROFT" ACADEMY, KINGSTON. A RESIDENTIAL and DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Idesl Grounds of Twelve Acres. Opens Sept. 9th, 1902 REV. T.J. GLOVER, B. A., Principal. Kingston Business. Collage, KINGSTON. Dominion Business (College, TORONTO Largest and best equipment in Canada Unequalled facilities for sesuring powitic 321 Queen Street, Kingston SEND FOR CATALOGUE Conledewntion Life Buildines, Torouto. TO LET. RT ER EEC RE ER ETI ue FURNISHED RUOMN, WITH shout board. . 101 Ques ster stemat, PUUR GOOD FURNISHED board, ] ne. a Joon ROOMS WITH wi all wodern convenisnoes, af 191 University Avenue. ------------------------------ " BOUSES 22 STORES, NOS. 197, 201 and 208 Wellin, street, Enouire of Mrs. BO 297 Division strest. HOUSE . CORNER QUEEN AND CLERGY streets, and @ stable in con- nection. pply to Steacy & Steacy, or J. 8. R, MeCqon, BRICK DWELLING, 193 EARL STREET, ten rooms: Hot Water Heating: Also other dwellings, stores and offices. J. 8, . McCann, 51 Brock St., ground floor. Ar------------------------ ON WHE lst OF MAY, THAT VERY DE- sirable house, 117 Bagot street, corner of Gore, near Park arge miry rooms, all modern conveniences, large Daisy bot water furnace. Apply to Felix Shaw, 111 Bagot Street MONEY AND BUSINESS. MONEY T0 LOAN IN LAROE OR SMALL sums, at low rades ol interest on city and arm property. Loans grunted on city amd county debentures. Apply ta 8S. C. McGILL, wavager of Frootense Loan snd Investment Society. Office op posite the Post Office. a ------------------------------ TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN sims from ome thousand to ten Jhons and dollars. Por particulars apy aN GODWIN'S INSURANCE EnToRIus over Express Office, Market Souare. Liverpool, London and Globe Fire Insurance Company. Available asdcts. $61.187215 In addition to which ligy holders have for security the unlimited lialility of all the stockholders FARM AND CITY PROPERTY insured at lowest possible rates fore renewing old or giving new busipess get rates from STRANGE & STRANGE. Agents & - SON, - ARCHITECTS, ME ants' Bank iiding, corner Brock Wellington strects. one 212 CH- and OFFICE corner ol ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, site of New Drill Hall, near Queen and Montreal Streets UNDERTAKERS. 8. 8. CORBETT, FUNERAL _ DIRECTOR, 281 Sees, Kingston, or PRINCESS to W. M JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, Princess Street. Telephone 147A. day and might. T. ¥. HARRISON CO., Under takers, San Princess §t.. Qualit efficiency the best: Prine tia Towns. Night Calle-- T. 254-266 Open SHE'S A DREAM." There are other dreams tv but they don't wear our shoer If you want to be real up-to-date. weae our COLT PATENT. t OXFORDS FOR LADIES, Mad by Reed, Rochester. BAILY BRITISH wana, WEDNESDAY JULY 16 E------------ EWS. FROIN OUR FEIIBORS WHAT OUR CORRESPONDENTS HAVE TO HLL us. Che Tidings From Various Points Is Eastern Ontario--What Peo- ple Are Doing and What They Are Baying. ------ o The Lake. Glendo wer, July 15 here attended the celebration at Syd enham on Saturday Manley Timmer man lost a eqw by the animal slipping ofi a steep ban into the lake « Timmerman has a good position with A. Leeman. Visitors: Sanford Lee man and wife at H. Leewan's; Mr. and Mrs. A. Timmerman at J. Wil SON =. Fell Int A number from Cattle For Northwest. Westport, July 15. A very storm passed over here to-day. The lightning struck a large tree near Thomas MoCann's house, slivering it to pieces, J. M. Taggart and R Blair leave to-morrow morning with three car loads of cattle for Leth bridge, Alberta. This makes the se cond shipment this year. Fred Por ter, son of James Porter, dial very suddenly to-day after one week's ill ness, a severe Sydenham Skits. Sydenham, July 15-1. P and family have moved to their mer resort, and Albert Blakeley family have moved to the house ly vacated by Mr. Lacey. A number of visitors are in the spending their holidays. Our can friends are also back again to spend the summer months. Mrs, Fred Lawson is home after a few days with her son at Sharbot Lake. Mrs. P. W. Freeman iz still very ill. Mrs W. B. Harvey is home after spending a week with friends. Miss Gonge pur poses taking a trip to Quebec about the 20th. Lacey sum and late- large village Ameri Melcombe Matters. Melcombe, July 14.--Miss Irene Me Cormick, Kingston, visited relatives bere recently. P. W. Landon has im proved the appearance of his residegce by the erection of a new kitchen. J. A. Weart, Atheus, visited relatives here last week. W. J. Donevan, B.A. is home from Winnipeg, after an ab sence of two years. Two of Miss Car penter"s pupils, Rossland Heaslip and Louise Cochrane, were successful at the entrance examinations. Miss M A. Lappan, absent for the past five years in Crookston, Minnesota, re turned on Wednesday, to spend the summer at her old home. Visiting In Iowa. Glenvale, July 15.~A number of our Orangemen celebrated the 12th of July at Sydesham. Miss Annie Gibson left last week on an extended visit to her uncle, Pr. Gibson, Coney Rapids, lowa. Miss Amanda Gordon is visit- ing friends in Ottawa. H. C. Orser's jeg cream parlor was well patronizea on Saturday cvening. Miss Hettic Clark, visiting friends in Kingston has: returned home. The ladies' sew ing society met at Mrs. T. Orser's on Thursaay. Earl Smith and sister, Millhaven, paid a visit to the Glen re cently. Visitors: Mrs. Hugabene, Chesterville, and Frederick Grant, Kingston, at Mrs. Alice Binmington's; T. Buck, Cataraqui, at John Cor duke"s; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Watts, Odessa, "at H. Watts' ; Master Crum ley, city, at John Gibson's; Clarence Young, city, at George Binnington's Caintown Calculations. Caintown, July I5.--~A very heavy electric storm raged for a couple of hours here last evening. The ice cream social in the Methodist church on Friday proved to be a success. A pleasant evening was spent by all present. On Friday, 18th, a concert will be held in the Presbyterian church under the auspices of the Women's for eign missionary society. Mr. De Long, Gananoque, and Miss Irene Mallory, Brockville, will be present to give se veral selections. Several from here attended the Orange celebration in Brockville on the 12th. D. T. Ten nant and Misses Alice and Emma Tennant gre spending the holidays gat their summer residence at Union Park. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. B. Davis, at J. Kincaid's; Mr. and Mrs. B. Towriss, Kidney. Troubles > of Children. Pitcher and his wonderful Backache Kid- ney Tablets. gt eros §iFE at MJ. Connolly's; Phillips'. R Tate at RR Salem Salutations. July 14--Farmers are busy haying. The annual Sunday school pienic wae held in R. Myer's grove last Thursday, and was enjoved hy all. A number from here attended the ice cream social at Burridge, last Tuesday evenin Our bicycle "club which met at Halliday 's Corners on Tuesday evening, is progressing far orably, with A. Getty as president Mrs. James Ewing, after a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Knapp, has returned to Tweed. Fred. Tryon, of Smith's Falls, is spending vacation at home. P. Nolan, Philipsville, was call ing on old friends here last week Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. D. Deacon Westport, at W. Croskery's; Mr. and Mrs. W.:C. Fredenburgh at Mre. Ew- ing's; J. J. Brown, Portland, 4nd C E. Saunders, at Mrs. Batemans; W Taylor at J. Saunder's. Salem, Rockport Ripples. tockport, July 15.---Mr. and Shaplin, Bridgeport, Conn., are ruer ts of Mrs. Emery Slate. StcDonald add wife, Brockville Mrs. Cornwall, Alexandria lay, at the Port on Sunday. Miss Liae Cook bas re jurned home after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs Fair, Algonquin. The steamer Victoria has ty waking trips to Alexandria lay, Saturday evening. Mrs, Svmthe and family, Kingston, are spending a fow weeks with relatives here. Thom Jeroy, Deer Island, and Miss Beat rice McEwan, Maitland, spent Sunday at Z. Jerov's. James Bulger and John and Robert Flood, Trevelyan, spent Sunday at this place. Clint Wiltsie, Alexandria Bay, spent Sun day at W. A. Root's. A number from here spent July 12th at Brockville, attending the Orange celebration Mrs the Judge and Charles were visitors Black River Bridge Breezes. Black River Bridge, July 14.--Hay- ing has commenced; the crop will be a good one. William York has his barn about completed. He has hac a horse fork track erected. Victor York, Battersea, and Miss Bertha Eddy, Montreal, are spending vacation at William York's. Thomas Kelly has erected a new door vard fence. Wil- liam Delaney is this week visiting his brothers and sisters at Syracuse, N Y. Joseph Hughes, apiarist, has had about two hundred swarms of bees this spring. David Hughes has pur chased a new Massev-Harris mower Commodore J. ((. Hubbs, of the skiff (dencoe, challenges any skipper in Marysburg Stanley Van Dusen, school teacher, has resigned his situa tion here and imends after vacation taking a course at the normal school, Toronto. Capt. J. Gilbert Jarvis the prowa possessor of a bouncing haby girl. William and Murney Jar vis are fishing on Main Ducks' island Miss Maggie Way, , Deseronto, has spent the past two weeks with her friend, Mrs. William McKenna. Miss Maua' Seriver, Smithfield, is visiting her cousin, Miss Nellie Grimmon. Harrowsmith Happenings. Harrowsmith, July 16.--During the heavy storm on Monday, lightning struck the Methodist church, demolish ing the chimmey and tearing several boards off the rear end of the build ings. Miss SKiblov is to be congratul ated on the suceess of her pupils at the entrance examinations, having went up a class of nine and all of them passed. James Williamson. wife and son, will return to their home in Peseronto to-day. Mrs. O'Loughlin, formerly Mrs. P. J. Clarke, of this village, is moving to her new home near Yarker. (. Stewart, sr., has moved into his new house. When com- pleted it will be 3 very fine residence William Davidson, late section fore- | man, has gone to the states. Nathan Charlton has taken thé position John Deline has resigned his position as section foreman, and William Har per has taken his place. The former occupies A. Myers' cottage 'and the latter Mrs, William Buck's house Houses to rent are in demand. Fihel Cowdy is spending her holidays at Mountain Grove and Florence Shan non at Westhrook. Rev. Brice Eunis vreached in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath and will preach also next Sabbath. Plevna Platitudes. Plevna, July 14. Farmers have be gun haying and report the crops good. Bishop Mills, Kingston, viat ed this parish on July 4th, and re ported the parish progressing under J. C. Dixon, our highly esteemed cur ate. Mise A. Dawson, Ottawa, ix visiting friends in this section. Mrs. J. Stalker and daughter, Miss C. Playlair, Winnipeg, are visiting ien in ( . Mr. Rbyndress, Selby, has been appointed by the con- ference to fill the pastorate of the Methodist church herve for the coming vear. Georgie Barton, seriously ill with measles, i» improving Dr. Wright entertained a few friends one evening last week iri honor of his sis- ter; Miss Wright, who ix visiting herve. Miss Muldoon, returned missionary from China, is 'visiting her brother, J. Muldoon. Mrs. Melville Card und son have returned from visiting friends at Picton. Mrs. Gilbert Ostler has returned from visiting friends at Ottawa and Kingston. rs. Wensley and sister, Mra Warren, Toronto, were recent guests at A. W. Wood's. Mossrs. Sidney Dawson and Gordon Wilson, Ottawa, were the guests of Gilbert Ostler on Sunday. Chaffey's Locks Guests. Chafley's Locks, July 12. Arrivals, Idle Wild: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ber- ry, - Detroit, Mich. Miles Hanson, 8 v Dr. C. M. B. Cor. A Woodenck, Brockville ; Mr. and og B N. Woodcock, Chica- go. Hi; Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Tugs, Col. to spend vacation with her Miss Lillian Fleming is visits Swith's Falls. John sont . E. J. of Toledo, of days Lehn. here Hayden caught a very yesterday: one of tipped the home parents, ing relatives ut Foster and spent a couple this week. P fine string of bass the largest black bass «ales af seven ponnds. The Misses Stanton have pmihawd a new skiff Miss Mary and Maud Simmons, New are visiting relatives hers. Mr Mrs. W. B. Phelps, Philipaville, Sunday . here. Mrs. M, Doyle, N.Y, visiting relatives boro and spent Rochester hore is Death At Westport. July 14.--A attended the on Saturday. Fox, Mountain Grove, here. Miss Mary Mavelle, the guest of Wiss Ellen Tinkeas, Plessis, NJY., days of last week here, Monday, accompanied linkess, who spent the past month with her parents. Rev. W. EE. Walsh returned from Bufialo on Saturday Master Winifrid and Miss Rhea Break enridge went to Ottawa to visit friends. Mrs. W. Lamonte arrived on Saturday after a few days' visit in Smith's Falls. Miss' Katie Quinn Perth, is the guest of Miss Me Cann. Mrs. Kangley and Chi cago, are renewing acquaintances here Mrs. Bowers, Albany, N.Y. is the guest. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W Bird. Reports from entrance examin ations appeared in papers on Friday excitement was igh, as our little town came out ote of the first. Miss Tessie Whelan is visiting in Perth Miss Maggie Twohey, Trenton, is the guest of Mrs. Pete Donnelly. Mr. and Mrs. James McCann, Perth, called or friends on Sunday. Miss Zelina Dier is spending holidays in Ottawa and Carleton Place. Miss Bessie Cairnes is visiting in Brockville. ter War ner North passed away on Thursday afternoon at the age of seven years Warner was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. North, who have our deepest sympathy. Miss Regis Keil tev, Brockville, is visiting her many little friends here. Jt is with regret we chronicle the death of one of our promising voung men, Fred Porter, son of James Porter. He was ill a very short time, and died on Monday The deceased had attained the age of twenty years, and, being a favorite will be greatly missed by his panions. The funeral will be held or Wednesday to Knox church large puniber celebration in Miss Maggie is visiting Perth, is Kelly Dy spent a few but returned by Miss West from here Brockville port mn Tessie son, com Brain Food Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad ba been branded by the most competent authorities. A correct diet will non only nourish a particular. part of the body, but it will sustain every othe: part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You mum prepare for their appearance or pre vént their coming by taking regulm doses of Green's August Flower, th favorite medicine of the healthy mil lions. A few doses aids digestion, sti mulates the liver to healthy action purifies the blood, and makes you fee' buoyant and vigorous. You can get this reliable remedy at Wade's drug store. DIVORCED WIFE REPLIED. -- Matrimonial "Ad."" Reunited a a New Jersey Pair. Trenton, N.J., July 16.--Little did Frederick Sixt, of Martinsville, Som erset county, think when he advertis ed for a wife, one "beautiful, accom plished, true and honest," that the woman who was once his wife would answer the advertisement and again install herself in the first place in his affections. Mrs. Sixt got a divoree five years ago on the ground of de sertion, as Nixt had gone away from home two years before. About six months ago Sixt's in Germany, died and leit large som of mopey. Sixt went to Germany, got the money, and then went to Martinsville, where he. re sides. He wanted 4 wife, advertised Mrs. Sixt answered the advertisement, and Sixt then discovering that he still loved her, they were remarried last week. father, him a DOOMED TO DESTRUCTION -------- The Foundations of the Place Are Very Shaky. Venice, July 16.--Prof. city architect, is of the practically the whole of Venice, i# doomed to destruction, He says that the sub-soil bas deteriorated and the piles and pillars are rotten and un able to stand the pressure on them Shrinkages and sinking have been ob served in the sub-soil for many years, although an official commission lately declared that there was no danger from these causes. Prof. Wagner ad vocates the restoration of the loggia of Sansovino, but not the tower, He says that if the tower is rebuilt it should be in modern style. 'The muni cipal council, however, has decided to rebuild the companite of St. Marks snd the Sansovine loggia. Tt has opened the subseription list for this purpose with a vote of 300,000 lire Wagner, the opisioa that A Strike In Cuba, Havana, July 16.---All the labor unionists in Cienfuegos have gone on strike to aid a small union of un Joaders of timber in obtaining their demdnds froth the employers. Cart men, bakers, longshoremen, cooks and butchers are all out. The agyuntaimen to has decided to slaughter cattle and bake bread for the public until the strike is settled. La freight strike in Chicago is end SPECIAL TO CORRESPONDENTS On and after July 1st, owing to and Mrs. Vidal and family, Ottawa; James H. Barhyte, Edwin McClelland, Schectady, N.Y; Mr. and Mrs. Henry | Weed, Brooklym, NY.: William I. § Kelly and William F. Gumnney, Phila: eiphing i F. Clark Ontego.c 3. ; A. 8. Weight" Cleveland, Oh aa New york; Dr. and the changes in the postal rates, NO NEWS COPY, OF ANY KIND {| OR WEIGHT, can be mailed for LESS THAN TWO CENTS. Two cents will carry any letter, unsealed up to four ounces, or four times the weight of am ordi- nary letter. By remembering this, delay and expense will be avoided. If sent at the old rate the Whig will have to pay double postage; delay will also occur in Belivey of Have you pain in water comes free. 8 quite so treely, | Cf) Il ans deposit or briek 4 You need pay nothing until you sre eon been established. eannot oall, write for Dilak {08 35% ho who cannot eall. BOO! from Windsor--All duty sed Neo names on envelopes or DR. GOLDBERG, * ma EW Labatt's On The Market. it Is Remarkable For its Purity. KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. -- eines tasty TEER as 704 tn rn vinoed hat » Surely this is fair, as Moke teams ne me editines fof Oud SE Fed Drepri-siv os packages--Nothing sent C. O. Ce. wn AVE. Cor. Wilcox DETROIT, ion. mt THE CHEAPEST CANNOT BE THE BEST. mera mms Ng We Carr PIG LEAD (aay size BLOCK LEAD BAR LEAD THE CANADA METAL JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT. LEAD in Stock for Immediate Shipment: br. 4 LEAD WIRE LEAD PIPR RIBBON LEAD 'It will pay you te get our quotations before purchasing, CO., WIL Lign STuuEr. JoRoN (0. If you want to do the best baking -- baking that is light, delicious and health- ful--you must use EMPIRE SODA Best for Baking. " Remember you can't get as good baking results with any other leavening agent, and, if you iusist om it, your grocer can get Empire Soda for you from any wholesaler within an hour, Price 5c. per packet. ! i i +58 Tn sil j - - dhe ELECTRIC FAN. ning Hoom, Parlor, We carry all Kinde, Prices moderate at Can droom, , habeas a applic d 4, by ee of Store aod sizes BOARD. GAROE. FRONT ROOM. ALSO TWO SINOLE and o party of from SRE Breck & Halliday's. VAGATION HOES Now is the time that folks are thinking of vacations. Lots of little things have to be bought and nothing is more es- sential than a pair of outing shoes. We have a variety of styles in stock and at prices that won't cut too deeply into your vacation money. Shoes for all kinds of wear, and some very exceptional values, McDemoll's *'Sime A Big One. Some People Are Fond Of Experimentiag. I Want Money ! You Want Rubber Tires. Having special prices from the manufacturers, will give you =» dteount of 25 PER CENT. of alt tire from now till July 1st. you want Rubber Tires now fs the time. : For full particulars apply tw IJAMES LATUBNEY, CARRIAGE WAKER... 390 Princess St. "a