thst they have made. sow my work quite aseless, But tiy, 00. could mot affeet. it Twas your * Ramsay's Outside Paint." MARKET TOLLS. SEALED AND SEPARATE TENDERS will be received at the City Chrk's Office, city buildings, wntil WEDNESDAY, July 230d inst., at 12 o'clock, noon. from persons willing to lease the market feos and weigh ing charges of markets Nos. | end 2, for the termi of ome vear from the First Mon- day in August pext. Terms aml comditions may bs learmd at the office of the wonder , where form of wader may be ob L. W. SHANNON, City Ole Kingston, July 15th, 1902 ~ Qur Prices: MUR covovanriihii nnn. ron BC qt Table Creams .............. 30c. qt wi Cream ........ 40¢c, qt Buttermilk (bottled) .... 4c. qt Buttmilk (In Bulk) ...... 2jc. qt Butter ..... viie. 28c. ID CLARIFIED MILK CO. 'Phone 567. Cor. Brock and Baget Sts. ~ STORES TO-LET. THE HANDSOME STORES ON PRINCESS de oe Sw by Urlow s Der Siotiers. © ADDIY at latter = REAL ESTATE. GED. CLIPP 18 "OFFERING GREAT BAR- onions In this lee. 115 Brook Su ave withdrawn from the western then ON PAGE FIVE, COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What Is Going On !n the Business World--The Market News, The reports from Argentine districts very emcournying for mmite Chevne Campbeilford, Me. Peron, 9 7-16c Falls, X.Y, %i¢ There are at present 62.000.000 acres prume trees in California. bore 350,000,000 ponnds are Wie Pe to 99 Little sales Ingersoll of and last vear they of fruit An elevator war is reported om at Buffalo To ist weld gight of the "B" class elevators elevator association, and will cat the rates on rain It is estimated in England that nearly 80, 000.000 of the new stats were disposed of in two days. The number of penny stamps used in a vear in Ewgland reaches close on 2,500,000,000, The Crown corvmwium company, of Stony lake, in the posscesion of an Faulish pany posesssing a cepital of $500,000, hopes to have three hundred men ot work within a year om the company's property. in Me townstip, The 'opimon of the Lancashire cotton trade is that the rise in prices is mainly due to speculation ih New York, Theodore Price is belived to be the lemling Ru mors are currcol that it is his intention to dominate the market. He is said to have rescly made a fortune in cotton this year Up to June Sth the dominion department of seriewlture filled orders for supplies for South Adrica on behalf of the imperial war office to the amownt of §7.500.000 The aumndities sent in each case were as follows Hay, 195,600 tons; flour, 126.815 sacka: beef. 40,776 cases; jam, 11,743 204.772 bags. A large produce house at Leith, Seotland, which hes been handling the butter of Ontario érenmeries, is complaining that cannot get sufficient first class creamery ut ter to supply the demand. They request the Ontario department of agriculture to placed in communication with the various creamwriea in Ontario. The farmers of On tario have wealth in their hams if thev oo Iv take advantage of the situation "and not kill the golden ewe. The famous John W. Gates corner in July corn came to an abrupt termination Tuesday when it become known that shorts to th extemg of a good many millions of bushels had effected private settlements \with Harris Gates & Co, Chicago, and that the deal was at an ed so far as the steel magnate was concerned, The July price responded to the settlement by a guick drop of 15fc. to 654e. Later it recovered, a fraction and closed at 684c., substantially the price of the cash article. Mr. Gatos' profit by "the cons speculator al oases; omits, the they be deal will be $1,500,000. We Aro Offering In Ou House Furnishing Depar{men Some Very Special Values, LAGE CURTAINS For Bed-rooms, Sitting-rooms, Drawing-rooms. 3% yards long, neatly finished, new designs, at g7c., $1.35, $1.40, $1.75, $1.90, $2.50, $3, $3.75, $4 50, $6. Sash Nets and Muslins. A very extensive range, both in plain and fancy : 1 effects. Frilled Nets, Frilled Muslins. Spot Muslins, F'rilled Spot Nets. In all sizes of spots, 12%c., 15¢., 20¢C., 25C., 33C., 4oc., 50C. and short waists, straight fronts, soc., 75¢c., 98¢c., $1, $1.25, $1.50. Many new ideas. 4 Cream Silk Gloves, value, only 4oc. pair. e Silk Parasols, | $1, $1.50, $1.25, $2. THE UAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16 00D FELLOWS IN THE CITY AND HERE TO HELP ALONG | GOOD INSTITUTION. A Look Over the Delegates With Happy Remarks About Some of the Leaders--Having a Good Time. Like the flowers that blossom in the month of roses, we have with us again the delegates to the annual meeting of the Oddfellows' relief association, which convened this afternoon and will be continued tonight. And these genial delegates, whole-souled as shev | are, are just as welcome as the June roses. It is not strange that should be termed '"'oddiellows," inas- much as the majority of them left at home that 'which would have made them "even"--their better halves, Not that they dislike the company of the fair sex; the very reverse is the che, and they would be odd fellows, in deed, if it were otherwise It takes all kinds and conditions of people to make a world, but only one kind of men can become Oddfellows good men. The order conthins in its ranks some of the best men, the lead- ng minds, of the dominion. No won- der, then, that the annual meetings of the Oddiellows' relief association are so attractive, so bright and full of inspiration, when they are made up of such men of influence, such master minds. It would be strange did the association not thrive under the supervision of such capable man- agers, who watch every phase of its development as they would a person- al investment, which it is, indeed. You can always tell an Oddfellow when you meet him; he bears the ear marks of the order to which he has sworn allegiance. If vou meet a man, noted for his good deeds, who wears a smiling countenance, is continually happy, greets everybody with 4 cherry heartiness that makes the world seem to brighten up, put it down that he is an Oddfellow, and most likely be- longs to the relicf association; these are infallible signs. Though bound to- gether by the mystic links of Friend- ship, Love and Truth, Oddfellows are not so clannish as to live to them- selves; they live for those about them and the good that they can do. The relief association is an institu- tion of this "growing time." It has caught the contagion of expansion and is forging ahead, carefully but surely. Little thought the small band of active, sincere OddfeHows, who in stituted the relief 'association away back in the seventies, that their small beginning would meet with such suc cess, Their efforts were pregnant with the leven of good-will to men. I'he association has saved many a widow from being thrown upon the resources oni; charityless world, and has saved many an orphan being turned out of home to eke out an unenviable existe It is doing a good work; may it prosper and grow in strength. The "father" of this mighty insti tution is Dr. Fife Fowler, who has been a member almost since its in- ception. Pr. Fowler is one of the oll ast members of the order in Kingston. in INT], when Kingston lodge, No. 59, was founded, he joined its ranks. His ability as a leader of men was quickly recognized and he had the honor of presiding over his lodge as noble grand. In 1881, when the grand lodge met at Guelph, he was favored by his brethren by being elected grand master for Ontario, an office he filled with honor to himsel and the order. Since 1873 he had been president of the board of direc tors of the Oddfellows' reliel' associa- tion, and medical referee. It is in a great measure due to his careful su- pervision of medical reports that the death rate among members of the association has been kept so low. He is still hale and hearty and his breth ren wish him long life to continue his good work in their behalf One of the most distinguished de- legates to these annual meetings is J. L. Stewart, editor of the World, Chat ham, N.B. Prother Stewart is a ma- riner by profession, being commodore of the Chatham yacht club, but be tween voyages he finds time edit the World, a spicy which, like his sailing yacht that last week beat out all competi- tors in a fast race, is away ahead of all rivals. When not sailing or writ- ing editorials, brother Stewart tells funny stories for pastime. Another shining light without whom no meeting of the association would be counted a success, is J. R. Mac donald, Sherbrooke, N.S. Brother Macdonald is the Poo-Bah of his burg, holding as many offices ad the Chinaman made fa s by Gilbert & Sullivan in the ickado." It is said that he employs a large staff of secretaries to keep wp his correspon- dence. When addressed by one of 'his constituegts he is always at a as to which capacity in which he expected to reply. master for the maritime provinces; grand patriarch of the encampment for the maritime provinces; Scott act inspector for the county in which he resides; fishery inspector; mayor of the commune; a jeweller in active practice; and D.D.GM. of the A. F. & A.M. How the burg manages to get along in his abseace is a puzzle body but a native can solve, A most zealous member of the re lief association is J. E. Farewell, K. C., Whithy, county crown attorney for the county of Ontario. While Mr. Farewell sees good in everything, he thinks there is nothing as good as the order of Oddfellows. Only 4 year or two ago be filled with much credit the © of grand master, and in that connection there hangs a tale. Mr. Farewell has as a law partner his son. When Farewell, senior, was grand mas- ter ha believed in being master ' in reality and, consequently devoted much time to the office. After laying sO to loss I» He is past grand yr so be added to the law shingle the following information: "Mr. J. KE Farewell has pow resamed business at the old stand." He is an active work- er in behalf of the order and takes a dep interest in the affairs of sociation, never missing an sanudl they | weekly edition, | grand master of the 1.0.O.F., and ix at present M.P.P. for North Ontario Judging by his increased roundity and overflow of good hunor he is not {losing much sleep on atcoun the | protest that has been entercd against { him in North Ootario. He is a prom | nent citizen of Cannington, and holds the office of secretary of the Ontario association of undertakers a. J. A. Robb, Valleyfield, Que. is al { ways warmly welcomed at these annu | al meetings. He is past grand master | for Quebec, and one of the most pro { minent citizens of Valleyfield. He isa | ls is all right." Me. Hoyle is a past ol shrewd business man, conducting a large flour mill and produce business In matters political he 1s g strong ad mirer of Mr. Tarte, who formerly stood for Beauharnois, where they do have elections sometimes and once in a { while call out the militia to quell | overly zealous workmen. Needless to say Mr. Robb is always found on the side of law and order and on the stump with "the liberal candidate. The Beau Brummel of the gathering is W. B. Northrup, M.P., Belleville, while he can also be safely classed as the Chesterfield in point of deport ment. One charactertistic of W. B. is that he always bas the newest story, and he can tell it cleverly. He is a fluent speaker, using the choicest phrases, which flow from his lips like crystal liquid from the fountain in city park. His pet hobby is missions, and he would rather talk on this sub- ject than go out son the hustings for a political friend. The pity of it all is that he should waste his talents in a packwoods place like Belleville. Osric Leander Lewis, is a living fac tor that gives the lie to'the saying that "nothing good ean come out of the west," Mr. Lewis hails from Chat. ham, Ont., and is a success in every particular. He is counted the hand somest man who attends the annual meetings of the Oddfellow' relief as sociation, and he is just as good as he is handsome. Mr. Lewis is usually called by any old name, because few can spell his "front" names correctly. They are given here in full for the benefit of the community. He is a past grand master of the order, 'and filled the office acceptably, giving much time to the duties of the posi. tion. He is a rising voung barrister, bne who will yet make his mark in Ontario law courts. These are a fow of the visitors. Did time and space permit, many others could be added. They are all genial fellows, whom it will be a pleasure to meet again. There is, of course, a fine represent ation of the rank and file of Indepen- dent Oddfellowship, delegates from all the provinces, men brisk in business, lively in disposition, capital as story tellers, and always alive to the main change, and in this was included Odd fellowship. They never put it as a side issue. They are all proud that the relief association is a going con- cern and that they have a hand in guiding its destinies. While in Kingston, a large number of Oddfellows, including Ald. Farrell, Ald. Abbott, Donald McIntyre, R. Meck, A. H. Blackeby, Allan Chad- wick, R. F. Elliott, W. J. Livingston, | Simon Oberndorffer, W. H. Godwin, Capt. Thomas Donnelly, George Lee, J. McWaters, J. Paynter, and others are busily engaged in making the visi tors happy and in setting off the good points of old Kingston. This after noon the whole bunch is off on a tour of the Thousand Islands. To-night they settle down to stern business. ---------- To Take Strikers' Places. A machinist, who will take the place of a striker at the locomotive works, arrived here yesterday from Montreal, bringing his family with him. Three other machinists from the same city reached here last night. They will go to work to-morrow morning Altogether, about a dozen men have so far arrived to take the places of the wtrikers. Some of the new arrivals were warned not to go to work, but they replied that they were out of work and did not intend to starve, when steady employment was offered . Want A Lacrosse Match. This afternoon, Millan | ed an inquiry from Gananoque, ask ing if Kingston lacrosse team would play there on Friday or Saturday, and offering expenses. It was promis- ed that only bona fide Gananoque players would be put in the field. The easterners would be willing to play here on the same terms, and Mr. Nil lan will therefore try and arrange a match for Saturday afternoon at Lake Ontario park, in conjunction with a city league baseball contest. Con. receiv- Pleasure Yachts Here. The yacht Sirius, from Comfort land, with Chauncey Marshall party, of Brooklyn, N.Y. in "port to-day. George formerly of Rockport, | the party. The yacht Sport, one of the finest and fleetest pleasure yachts on the St Lawrence, also arrived in port to-day from Sport Island, below Alexandria Pay, with a party of American tour- ists on board, including the Wilbur family, owners of the island and the vachy. we and on board, Root accompanied was Horticultural Society Meets. At a meeting of the directors of the horticultural society, held last even ing, E. Purdy was appointed superin- tendent of the horticultural hall dur ing fair week. The various judges were also appointed, but it is not yet known whether they will accept. Un- til their answers are given, the names will be withheld. Kingston Firm Interestad. On the 88. Monteagle, which went ashore at Fame Point, down the St. Lawrence, were thirty tons of hard ware eonsk 1 to BE. Chown & Son, this city. The hardware will be much damaged. Donald Rae, for years the faithful nightwatehman of the reformatory for boys at Penetanguishene, having re signed, owing to age and infirmity, has been granted , gratuity of $500 hy the provincial government. Hon. F. BR. Laiwchford was in the city yesterday to iespect Rockwood asylum, with a view to the erection of a nurses' home, in boilers, fing tT rr . tri bills the 20th and grt benefit of the discount. SIORES AND EQUIPMENT. PROPER ACCOUNTING MADE BY OFFICERS. NO New Regulations Issued--Annual Inspection to be Completed-- Duty of the Inspectors. Ottawa, July 16.--it baving been brought to the attention of the officer commanding the militia that articles of equipment and other stores issued to the various units are not properly accounted for by commanding officers that the requisitions to isshe stores or make good damages are not forward ed until corps are about to proceed to camp or conunence annual train- ing, and that proper care is not exer ised in making out requisition with reference to the stores amd equipment then in possession, the following re gulations respecting issues of cloth ing and equipment and other stores will be rigidly enforced ; The annual inspection of arms and equipment will be completed by the proper officers not later than the 15th October. At these inspections all stores must be clean, and those dam- aged at angual training or worn out are to be laid out separetely. Requisitions to replace damaged stores or to make good shortages from any cause will be submitted in time to reach headquarters not later than the 3lst January in each year, BD. 0. C. and inspecting officers are directed not to sign or forward claims for care of arms allowance until the foregoing regulations have been com plied with. HAVE NOT RETURNED. Fear Entertained for Those Who Went In. Salt Lake City, Utah, July 16 Members of a relief party who went into the Ontario mune, shortly after the explosion oecurred, have not yet returned and fears, are entertained for their safety. The tunnel is full of gas and it is impossible to penetrate far into the mine. All available physici- ans have been hurried to the scene. The explosion was so tremendous that it is said two horses in the ore tunnel, one and a hall miles away were killed by it. Women and children are thronging to the Ontario shaft house, which is mid-way between Park City and the Daly-West mine. Nearly all of them have husbands or fathers in the mines and their grief is pitiable. Not Known How Many Are Dead. Park . City, Utah, July 16 There were two powder magazine explosions, cansing a loss of life that, at present, cannot be estimated nor even guessed at. At four o'clock twenty-seven men had heen taken out of the mine dead, and several others had been recovered in a hali dazed condition. In the Daily West mine, between 100 and 150 were at work; in the Ontario were nea 100, it is believed. | It is not known how many of them are dead. THE METEOR WON IT. The Race For a Valuable Trophy Is Over. Dover, Eng., July 16.--Emperor Wil- liam's yacht, Meteor Ill, wae the first to arrive here in the river from the island of Heligoland, Germany, for the Von Busch trophy, valued at 600 guineas, (£3,150), and two' other prizes. The yachts started in the race on Monday last but were becaimed in the North sea. KILLED A DETECTIVE As He Was Trying To Some Men. New York: July 16.--Detective John Sheridan, of the 7! precinct, Long Island City, was shot and killed, early this morning, by men whom be was trying to arrest Capture Purchased Channel Grove. Hon Harty has purchased ten of island, or the spot known as Channel Grove, on which are several dwellings George Briggs ownea that fine summering place for many years. Lately picnics were refused admission to the grounds, which are reserved for resi dent tourists. William acres Simcoe -------- Police Superintendent' Flees. Minneapolis, Minn., July 16. superintendent Frederick W. Ames, in- dicted a week ago in connection with the current municipal corruption ex posures, 18 reported to he on his way to Europe. Police Chevalier Of Legion Of Honor. Montreal, July 16.--A cable to La Presse states that Mr. Duchastel de Monternge, chancellor of the French consulate, Montreal, has been created a chevalier of Legion of Honor. To Take A Trip. Profi. and Mrs. Pike are going to the western states via the great lakes, in a few days. Charles Coons, jr., and his mother in-law, Mary Kemp, who lived on a farm about fourteen miles west of Al bany, N.Y., took shelter under a tree during an electrical storm. A bolt of lightning struck! the tree, instantly killing both of them. An American civil enginéer ix in specting the topography of the coun try between Windsor and St. Thomas for a syndicate, which, it is said, means to build an electric railway be tween the two cities, Herbert David Smith, Ridgetown, has been appointed county crown at torney and clerk of the peace for Kent, in succession to William Doug: las, K.C., deceased, Great masses of weeds, which line the sidewalks in the vicinity of the omber GT.R., are not very creditable to strangers arriving in the city. They should be ent down. "E" company, 14th regiment, meets to-night to make arrangements for a reception to its comrades who return next week from South Africa. Mrs. J, Grant ft today by the steamer North King for Buffaloes, N.Y, to visit her husband for a months. Remember to pav your gas and elec: tric light bills before the 2h and get the benefit of the discount. Hamud Ben Mahomed Said. sultan of Zawribar, has suffered a slight stroke of paralysis. |THE SHE 0000 1006 500000000 00000 0600 } Store Closes at 5 O'clock. $ Se2s00000be 0000 UNDERWEAR .., STOCKINGS "[ HESE ESSENTIAL GARMENTS need cost very little if bought judiciously. We are careful to have none but worthy qualities and comfortable shapes even at lowest prices. The economy is safe and on these particularly pleasing WOMEN'S STOCKINGS AT 20¢c Or 3 pairs for 85¢c., Fine Imported Make, * Fast Black, fashionable asd regularly made. AT 25¢c Imported Fast Black, fine make, all- We over openwork and epenwork fronts and ankles. AT 35¢c Imported Black Lisle Stockings, plain * and fancy effects. Alse at 39¢, WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR AT 20c¢c Instead of 25¢., Fine Make White Sum. - * mer Undervests, low meck, short sleeves or sleeveless. Others at 12 1-2¢., 18c., 10¢. Butterick Patterns FOR AUGUST NOW READY. Also The Delineator. Fashion Sheets Free. { LAIDLAW'S. bAaran SPRL NN ASST NSA Pane SHOE BARGAINS All our Bargain Tables have been loaded ug again, besides numerous other lines Reduced on the shelves. JULY - AND AUGUST Will be ths of Bargai ns niin ie vise LOCKETT SHOE STORE Steam Fitters and Plumbers SUPPLIES Steam Packings, Oils and Cements. 0 better assortment in Canad Enquiries from the trade solicited. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 60 and 7t Brock Street, : MID-SUMMER SALE FURNITURE | Large Hettas Tockers, only $3.50, Large Kattan Chairs, only $2.50. Osk Cobble Sest Rockers, only Silk Upbolitered Arm Chairs, ouly Tapestry Comohes, only $4.50. Fancy in wire or canvass, Couch 4 We oulv have a limited sumber of the shove. Duy toy amickly. JAMES REID. ™* "5 dertaner, ote.