Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jul 1902, p. 3

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DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, JULY 17. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian ' Pacific Railways. Trains Leave Kingston Moutreal Guebwe Poston, Toros Bauit Bre. Mark Sent 12:40 pw. ~¥or Otiaws Bt. Joka, N.B.; Halifax, Denver, Renfrew, Duluth, 8(. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver Sle, Portand and Sea Pravcisce. 530 pa -~Loesl for Sta Lake Oeoting with OP. HR. cast and weet. ®10 aw-Mondass, Wednesdays and Fei Haye lor Reufrew and intermediate points. Passengers lmving Kioyston arrive ju $10 pw; -m Bt ¥. i240 pm Poverbord Boston, 7.30 at Ditown at 6.00 pm Toroota, T Joba, NB, CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Ags. 5 pom 11:33 am F. A. FOLGER, Cen. JR Bupt of ment --sg---- [HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Na, , 'Dessronto and all Joes) 8 joaves City Hall Depot st 4 WILSON, CP.R. Telegraph Of street. y Tweed, points. Tr pm. RJ, fice, Chap Exeursions To Maitoba and Canadian NorthWest end Return Via North Bay as Follows: Reging. eue.. Moosejaw, Yorktoba ea. Ibert wen | $35 Return on or Before Aug. 4th 'wpe 24th, Aug, 25th July 156th Sept. 16th An extension of time HNmit wp to months, can be bad on pavmest of for month gr part thewol, to the agent at nation oo tioket. For further particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, Agent, City Passr. Depot. TRAVELLING. The 'Only Direct Line to Qusbec HIS MND WENT WITH TEETH TICKET AGENT "DAFFY" AF- Without Change THE FAVORITE STR. ALEXANDRIA Loaves Craig's whar! every Friday, abduight, for Charlotte, N.Y. Olcott th, N.Y. and Buffalo, NY.: via. Bay of Quinte Murray Caosl, nod every Monday st +30 pam. for Moatredl and Quebec, (direct without changej. Through 1.000 lsiands aod St. Lawrence River Rapids Low passenger and freight rates Passenger accommodation unsurpassed Ww. G. CRAIG & CO, W. HEPBURN, Agents, Kingston Manager, Picion, QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence un Cool Latitudes, Iron 88. "Compans." with electrio bells and all modern ort. AILS FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS at 2 'pm., 14th and 28th July, llth aod 25th August, Sth and 220d September, lor Picton, N.S., calling at Quetwe, Father Point, Gaspe, Pierce, Grand River, Summerside, PEL, and Charlottetown, PEI The finest trip of the season for health and comlort ARTHUR AHERN, Secretarv, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms a lv to J HANLEY, or J P, GILDE st, AEVE, Tieket Agents. Kingston. EDU CATIONA L. Summer Crulse Twin Screw weotrie lights, r Out. "HILLCROFT" ACADEMY, KINGSTON. A RESIDENTIAL and DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Tdenl G of Twelve Acres. Opens Sept. 9th, 1902 REY. T. J. GLOVER, Kingston Business College, KINGSTON. Dominion Business 0 minion Business Collage, TORONTO Largest and best equipment in Canada Unequalled facilities for securing positions, 321 Queen Street, Kingston SEND FOR CATALOGUE Confederation Life Buildinvs, Toronto. DOMINION LINE. Al SIE. im POOL SERVICK - July 20th *Norsoman *"Turcoman " r. H0th feamers marked * do not earry passengers RATES OF . PASSAG E--Saloon, and pride, single according to steamer and oe, Second Seloon, $37.50 and up Bs, siugle, according to steamer and ser- Thind claw, $20 FROM MONTREAL. "Roman, .. "Mun xman..... FROM BOSTON. ul or war vives Aug. 9th Aung. 28nd July 23rd July 30th Merion . New: Englond. NEW SERVIC Mea Reandan Camborne. Augy J0th---Vintouver, Sept. 61h Midship, postin, Suton, Electric light, Spacious rE Pp, Ranier, J. P. Gildersleeve, 'Agd Statior 1@ D. fonRANCE & Boston Clare Me , Gen. At Montreal _-- Portland DAILY Toronto, Charlotte, Th Brockville, Prescott a LEAVE KINOSTON Qelng Bast, dally st 6 a.m, Oelng West, daily, except Monday. atSp.m. Wamiiton, Torents, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line, LEAVE KINGSTON GOING EAST Wreas- Asys &Veidays GOING WESTZze Sai J.P. BANLEY, J. SWIFT Ticket Agent. _ Preiehy i he Lake Ontaiio & Bay "of Quint Steamboat Co., Limited. Sirs, North King & Caspian Bayof Quinte & Rochester Roate Btenmar loaves daily (except Mondas 8 a tor umn ter, N.Y, iling ~ Bay 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE Stuhier leaves daily (except widay;, 1017 am, for tour of 1,000 Jia --- fox at AleXutririn Bay, Rockport wud Gana Bogue, STEAMER ALETHA aonfiave af at 3 bm. for Pioton and F in to 3 Ti PRALERVE, Ticket Aviate. Co.. Freight Agente. Allan Lire Yas, om Royal ai Steamers, Frou Prom Pushes rmatign McGill University, MONTREAL, 3 SESSION 1902-1903. Courses in Arts, Applied Science (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical,and Mining Engineering; Architecture, and Practical Chemistry), Law, Medicine and Veterinary Science. Matriculation Examinations and Examinations for Exhibitions and Scholarships, will be held on the 10th September, 1602. Lectures in Law will begin 15th September, 1902. In other Faculties Lectures will gin on the 23rd. September. Particulars of examinations and copies of the Calendar containing full information as to entrance, courses of study, scholarship, fees, etc., may be obtained on applica- tion to on all be- J. A. NICHOLSON, Registrar. Some People Am Fand Of Experi. who oh Ed Me We. beliave our Coal Is the moet coonomi- cal and satisfactory fuel in the aity. Co. THE RATHBUN A ------------------ i Sign and ; f Saterday in our up-to- {dite En, be run off at INCLUDING OUR TWO SPECIAL LINES: REED'S Roche ter for Ladies. TOPROUND ar TR Auction Sales. =, B. A., Principal. | TER VISITING A DENTIST. | He Gave Money Away--He Ten- dered Patrons, a Bunch of Tickets and a Handful of Nic- kels--To a Pretty Girl He Gave Bills, New York, July }i.--~After having had the teeth in his upper jaw pulled out, Henry Phillips, 5 ticket agent of the Manhattan elevated railroad, pro ceeded 10 give awav money and tick ets belonging to the company last night until the entire lower West side was hurrying to his station Before the main body of the advancing army arrived he was 'taken to Bellevae hos pital to be examined as to his sani tv, but not before gn imspector of the company, with rare presence of mind, haul induced him to restore nearly half the amount that he had given away Phillips is thirty-three vears old and unmarried. He went to Dr. Franklin Miles Davenport, vesterdav, and had all his upper teeth extracted When asked why he had cansed this to done he said : "Ob, it was all right. Some of the teeth were spotted gnd they were un even anyway, I wanted to have them out." He took an anaesthetic, and after leaving the dentist's he went to work at his usual time, seven o'clock, at the up-town station of the Sixth ave nue line, Phillips first betraved his condition to a shabby man who bought a tic ket and offered a nickel in payment "Here, my good man, vou don't have to pay for that," the agent said, pushing back the coin, "Take all the tickets Yon want. Take un handful." He thrust 4 bunch of fickets through the window at the astonished passen- ger, who gathered them up and rush ol aboard his train for fear there might he some mistake about the mat ter. Next came a respectable old gen tleman, who 'wished to purchase a ticket "Don't give me any money," Phillips. "I don't need it at all, be said We're i | THE NOOSE AWAITS RICE. 4 Lr ---- He Will be Hung Friday Morning at Toronto, Toronto, Out., July 17. The cabinet having declined to interfere, Fred Lee of the most desperate crim which the Canadian au had to deal in many yoars, will pay the pesalty of his mis deals on the gallows to-morrow. The riminal ix an incis man, a former resident of Champaign and a student of the umversity of iHinois. The crime for which he is to be ex ecuted was the outgrowth of a less heinous offence, the robbery of a hank, for which Rice and three confederates had received sentences of twenty-one verrs' imprisonment. Rice and his companions formed a gang of dhe moat notorious and daring porch climbers on the continent. Their field of operations was coextensive with the continent Wherever there was opportunity for plunder they went. They did not confine their operations to porch Limbing. Highway robbery, burglary and forgery were among their accomplishments, and for many vears they baffled the efforts of the polies to effect their capture, Origin ally the gang was composed of Rice, Frank Ratledge, a Canadian, and Frank Stewart. All were desperate characters, shrewd in their methods, «killed in the arts of the confidence man and utterly without fear. They made their headquarters in Chicago, but conducted their operations prin cipally in other cities, returning to Chicago to dispose of and divide their plunder at stated intervals. Rice was reared om a farm in viciity of Champaign and when entered the college of literature arts of the university of Hhinois ISSS he was a quiet, retired, country hoy, whose refined manners and hand some face made him popular among the co-eds. Like many country boys, freedom from parental restraint, which he enjoyed at the university for the first time, had a serious effect on his morals, and in his second year he was known as one of the wildest men in the university. HH': evident large heartedness and kindly disposition made him friends among both faculty and students and it was a Jong time before formal notice was taken of his lice, one inals with thorities have ' 4 conden ned the he and all in hard luck, more or less Here, take this fifty cents." The man fled to the ing back over his shoulder he was being pursued To a pretty young woman who fol lowed the old gentleman, the ggent made some complimentary remarks and then presented her with a five-dol lars bill, which she accepted smilinglv. Rumors of what was going on soon reached the street, and the boys ven tured upstairs to try their luck. They met with a kind reception, receiving a handful of nickels and all the tickets thev wanted. The distribution went: on until nine o'clock, when a man went to the Le onard street police station. platform, look to soe parently was sufiering from melan cholia, and that he should be sent to Bellevue. His gums weve still bleed ing freely, When asked why he given the money away to strangers, the agent replied :- "Oh, they friends of mine, and 1 just wanted them to have it." Will Entertain Them. The wembers of "EF" company, 14th regiment, met last evening to make arrangements for uz reception to their comrades, who return about the 25th inst. from South Africa. It was de cided to tender them 5 supper at Con hotel, about - three days aiter their = arrival. The company will march to the train to receive their home returning companions, gress Light Weight Coats And Vests. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street; has 5 splendid as- sortment of light-weight coats and vests; the proper garments for sum mer wear. His supuper coats at $1 and 81.50 are special value, sizes 3 to 46. to choose from. Freak Of Lightning. While Clifton Kilborn and Henry D were driving to, Cape Vincent on Monday evening. lightning struck the rig, knocking the horse to the ground and completely demolishing one of the wheels of the carriage. Both men wera thrown out, but fortunately neither was injured, ' Poe "Rain." Oak Hall. "Rain." The next time it rains you will wish iy) had a raincoat, , 86, 26.50 £7.50, 39, $10 and R12.30. The H. Db. tibby Co. Strain and Anxiety Too Much for Her, Health Broke Down, Was Pale aud Exhausted -- Restoration Came With the Use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. RN .] similar to thousands in whi Chase's Nerve Food is successfully used. It is one more example of the marvellous upbuilding effect of this art food cure, re. George Campbell, Upper Har hor, St. Join County, N xi writes ; 'Last supmmer my system was com- pletely ran down, and 1 was pale, Yous and exhausted. I had taken ve of a sick friend for four months, and loss. of sleep, as well as the strain | anxiety, was too much for me. Then I would lie down or «it down the nerves in my legs would twitch, and 1 felt "strange sensations in t joints, a in this condition I heard of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and began to use it. It seemed By es sa. fram, the very first, and restored had i | i t | Doctor Cocke said that Phillips ap} ! gang actions by the hoard of administra tion. Finally, however, it found necessary to expell him Soon after be left the upiversity he became associated with the gang of which he now the only survivor. He was the cleverest of the lot and in ost cases the leader in criminal exploits. He was called the forger, the scholar, the "poet" of the nefar ions aggregation. He looked like clergyman and had a gift of eloquence that astonished many a pleader. It was characteristic of him that he was the only one of the gang that ever attempted diplomacy. Cornered, never offered to kul, but, preferring soft words, secured for himself best of treatment in an extremity. Frank Stewart, wellknown as a Chicago thief, was the first of the to die. He was killed in an at was , tempt to escape after a Chicago hold were | | See his window, great variety {troller and beat | arm. The case deseribed in this dder. i is! he scaffold. dis life almost up. Jones was the next to pay the price. Rutledge committed suicide by dashing himself from the gallery of the. 'Toronto jail to the stone-paved court thirty feet below. The crime for which the gang were arrested and convicted was the robbery of a bank at Aurora, Out., from which they se cured about $30,000. On information received from the Toronto police the entire gang was arrested in Chicago Extradition proceedings were stub bornly fought in the courts, but the culprits eventually were brought to Canada, where, after trial, they were sentenced to twenty-one years' im prisonment. After their preliminary hearing they were committed for trial While being taken back to jail in a carriage in charge of constables Ste wart and Boyd, a welldressed man sprang from the sidewalk near the jai and ran alongside the carriage le gained the open window and toss ed in a soft, felt hat. This fell in the lap of Rutledge. Jones grabbed it and shook out three loaded revolvers He grabbed one and. Rice and' Rut lalge took the other two. All three were handeufied together, but this did not prevent quick action on their part. Jones - shot constable Boyd dead. Constable Stewart was fired on a dozen times, but not hit The prisoners got out of the carriage, gained the street and jumped aboard a passing trolley car. Jones thrust his revolver at the head of the motor man and ordered him to send the cm ahead fast. The motorman refused, shut off the current, detached his con Jones on the head it. Constable Stewart, hy this time, had gained the rear end of the car, and he shot Jones through the Other officers arrived on the scene and the thee men were recaptur ed. Jones was taken to a hospital and his arm amputated. He died from shock and logs of blood and without an expressed regret for his career Rice and Rutledge were returned to jail, and shortly afterward, while ex- ercising in the gallery, Rutledge took the leap over the railing which ended instantaneously. Rice ms then tried for his part in the kill ing of constable Bovd. His family and friends came to his rescue with funds for his defence, but despite all efforts on the part of his counsel he was found fut after a short trial wd given the extreme penalty, Every means known to the law has been ex hausted in his hehalf without avail and to-morrow morhing, af an hour not yet made public, he will mount wit Many Unpaid Letters. Since the. new postal regulations came into efiect a week or so ago, hy which the rates on manuscript, adver tising matter, etc., was consiaerablv raised, 5 large nutaber of "unpaid" letters have arrived at the loeal of- fice. Of course, when paid at the re ceiving office, the rates are double what they otherwise would be. The average number of letters arriving without the extra postage gttached, is aheut twenty-five daily. ------ Removing To Armprior. William C. Slater, the Princess street. tailor, will, on Monday next. remove sith his family to Armprior, where be will shop. gh Sparta Woop Kingston is pinch regrett or wany years Mr Slater has been active ip YMCA. matfers, and in work connected with the First Fantist church. Kingstoniane will wish him success in his of labor. inf a he the YISGERS MUST PUT 6? OND IF THEY USE DOCKS FENTING TRIAL OF CASE. } } i To Indemnify the Folgers--They | Must Also Froceed to Inime- diate Hearing on Merits of Dock Controversy Before Charles L. Stone as Referee. H the want to land their boats gt the Fine View, Urossmon and Cornwall docks, on the St. Lawren river, in: the immediate future they will have to furnish a 85.000 hond to indemmify the Folgers and stipulate for the trial of their case before Charles L. Stopeé, as referee without delay. Otherwise the injunction obtained by the Thousand ixland steamboar com puny against them will remain opera- tive, Thiz is in accordance with the decision of justice, William 8 An drews down in Syracuse, N.Y, The action was brought by the Thousand Island steambost company, which, under the managemesit of Hen ry 8S. Folger, russ a line of steam- | boats on the St. Lawrence river, against Walter 1. Visger and H. Wel lington Visger, who operate the Fd ler, Sophia and other steamers. The two lines are competitors and at times there has been sharp rate wars between them for the summer traffic on the river YOUNG ELOPERS CAUGHT. Visgers Skipped From Syracuse--Charged With Theft of Money. Wednesday afternoon chief of police Baillie received 4 postal card from the chiei of police of Syracuse, N.Y., asking him to keep a lookout for Miss Anna (O'Leary, the seventeen year-old daughter of Mes. Catherine O'Leary, of No. 122 McCormick ave nue. A reward of $25 was offered for the apprehension of the girl. + Police constable Craig was given charge the case and about nine o'clock night arrested: the girl and her lover at Bibbv's livery after they had re turned from gu drive. They had been out for an hour or two with a fancy horse and a rubber-tired rig A despatch from Syracuse that Mrs. O'Leary had warrant the arrest of her ter, charging her with' grand for the alleged theft of 8303, the mother received Saturday on. a life insurance policy held by her hus band, whose death occurred twp weeks ago. The disappearance oi the girl was due to u love affair Mies O'Leary had been keeping com pany with a voung man named John Millane, who was placed under arrest here with her. She had a rival for his affections, who called on Miss O'Leary Saturday evening while Mil lane was at her home. The caller was jealous of Mise O'Leary A spirited war of words ensued between the young women. Miss O'Leary ordered Millane and her rival from the house and emphatically instructed them pot to return Sunday of last stated sworn out a daugh larceny which for left later evening Miss her home, and a short time Mrs. O'Leary discoverea the loss of the which she had placed in a small desk and ecarciully locked up, it heing too late to deposit it in a bank The whereabouts of the money was known only to herself and her gaugh ter. Miss years inches tall pounds. She iom, rather O'Leary about seventeen five feet, four or five and weighs 120 or 125 was of light complex thin, with light brown hair, blue eves, a full face front upper tooth broken wore a black waist and skirt, 4 black jacket with white silk lining and a white straw hat trimmed with a black quill feather, also one white and one black plume. Mrs. O'Leary that she believed left town in who is twenty O'Leary of age, is and a She informed the police that her daughter company with Millane, to twenty-one years of age, of the same height as the girl and about five pounds heavier. He is of sallow complexion, with black hair and eves and 5 sharp pointed He has a thin, smooth face prominent white teeth He wore 4 pair of gray striped trousers, g black coat and vest gno a black derhy hat The young couple reached this gity on Monday at noon, coming ove? on the cape boat. The voung man seem ed to take pride in displaving the money he possessed, and in irant of many spectators changed 4 bank note for a member of the "Water Melon Trust Company." They put up at an Ontario street hotel ana proceeded to enjoy themselves. When arrested last night about 880 of the missing money was found to have been spent The girl declared that she and Millane are married, but while the young man first told this story, he afterwards de nied it. The young woman feels her position keenly and when visited hy friends wept bitterly. Friends visited the young couple and looked after their They occupied separate cells during the night, but this morn: ing the girl was allowed the liberty of the corridor, while her sweetheart was kept locked up. Early in the morning he asked qo friend to sup him with cigarettes, which request was complied with A==police constable from Syracuse was expected over this afternoon to take the young people back across the border. nose and needs Presbytery Of Kingston, The presbytery of Kingston bas de cided to organize & mission at Fox boro, on the petition of thirty-five families. It will be placed umder the 'session jurisdiction of Roslin, Thurlow, and Sidney. Rev. Mr. Clax ton's resignation of Madoe charge has been accepted. Rev. Mr. Mackay, of Marmora, will preach the place va- cant on August 3rd. The first class steel excursion steam- er Niagara is open for charter fo any point on river, lake or bay. oka Craig & Co., agents. For Quebec di- rect or Bufialo via Oleott Beach with- out change, Soe steamer Alexandria's advt. in another column. in almost immediately re. lieved 4 Faring one of Carter's Smart We ladonna Back- ache Plasters. Try one and be frie foun pain. x pun C a Sev bine aot cams. 1a big boxes. 185¢c., at Wars drug store. Qur little giant eure cures corns. 10c. at Melood's drug store. GOLD yi take avery particle of dust codwork--makcs them as Perrins. (soLe AGENTS DUST nd dirt from your floors and oy as a whistle, noat as a Nothing s0 goed fer washing clothes and dishes. bin. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, New York, Boson, 8 Louis. Mootreal, or else try it yourself and find out whata delicious flavour LEAS & PERRI NS SAUGE soups. fish, Meats, ome. gro Bs and manyoth des rendering thi more digestable THE ORIGINAL GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE was introduced over 60 years ago by Messrs. Léa & All other so called Worcestershire Bauces are imitations and poor onos at that. SIGNATURE ON EVERY BOTILE. THUS = Lea Fr rrina J.M.DOUGEAS & CG? MONTREAL.P.Q. FOR CANADA) IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. Of The Distriets On Both | Sides Of The Line. "Plums about ~Rrighton, J. Nesbitt, "will be ghout of a crop, and pears crop The trades and Srockville, has de Smith's Falls on a demonstration. On Tuesday morning the of M. C. Butts, Clavtan truck and totally destroved with contents and four horses loss is 83,000; insured for $1,200 John J. Quinn & Sons Falls, have purchased the well-known Ryan farm in Lanark township, which adjoins their for round figure. Thix will give the firm a block 600 acres News writes one-third half bout a of Virit labor council to led labor day, if there is barn was new NY, together The Ferguson's own, a good An Infirmity Of Our Age. Goklwin Smith in Tore Su People in gencral will be bearing that the ment has wl sixty seven applications tion knighthoods, Their will hardly he shaved hy has had aceess to the private of a prime minister. This is the tide of flunkevism. asx well as jingoism. Upstart wealth deck itself with the titles military aristocracy, and manoeuvring to obtain them. A man will tell you that the of a title is unexpected, and that only a feeling of delicacy towards the prevents his declining it, whey in fact he has been privately seeking it, perhaps for years. There is no reasonable objec tion to such titles of honor as are annexed to offices of public trust; they have been duly won, they mark pub lic confidence, and enhance the respect for authority which democracy stands in special need. But title-hunt ing is an infirmity of our age Take Heed Of This. People whose daily habits are con stantly getive soon wes out Nature's delicate machinery. Nervous = ex haustion, general debility, sleepless ness, ole, invariably fellow. An in- vigorsting towmic such as Iron Tonic Pills will. restore wasting vitality and tone up the system. Each box con tains seventeen dave' treatment. Price 25 cents, at Wade's drug store. to startled at Canadian govern four hundred for astonishuier anvone papers noor of to 1d always receit amd coronn it who burns of an © offer crown o Steamers North King and Caspian leave Kingston, daily (except Mon- day), at 10:17 am., for 1,000 islands, sod at 5 pm. for Rochester, N. ¥., commencing Inne. Miller's | 400n FURNISHED os bourd, 10 ROOMS, without 1 Goeen Will olreet, FURNISHED , all wodern University Avenue. ROMS PUUR GOOD board, wi eonv vi jor, avire 201 HOUSES AND STORES. NOS, and 2 of Welllugrton street. Allen, 297 Division street. HOUSE conNER QUEEN AND CLERGY streets, yard and good stable in oom pection. Apply to Steacy & Swacy, or J. 8. R McCann BRICK PWELLING ten rooms; H other dwell McCann 193 EARL, STREET, Water Heating: ores and offices 51 Brook Ss., ground floor. ees ------ fet OF MAY, THAT VERY DE- 117 Bagot street, sorner of 'ark Are airy rooms, modern conveniences, large Daisy hot water furnace Apply to Felix Shaw, Hl Bagot. Bireet - MONEY AND BUSINESS. MONEY TO LOAN ON THE firable house. ore, Dear om IN LARGE OR SMALL sums, at low redes of interest on city ard farm property Loans geanted om rity and county debentures. Apply to C. MeGILL, manager of Frontenss Lonn and Investment Society Offie op posite the Post Office, ™O HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN wanes from owe thousmd 6 ten hous- and dailare. For particulars apply A CODWIN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM, Express Office, Market Sovare. Liverpool, London and Globe Fire Insurance Company. Available assets, $61.187216. ln addition to whieh the policy bolders have for wourity the unlimited hability of all the stockbollers. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY insured at lowest possibile Rin - Before renewiog old ot ving Sew wes get rates from STRANG E & Trane EK. Aawnts over ST ey POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS. MERCH- Bank Bul coresr Brock and ants Wellington strests. "Phone 212, ARTHUR FLLIS, ARCHITECT. OFFIC wie of New Drill Hell, near eormer of Gueen and Montreal Stmets. UNDERTAXERS. AT RC IR I Rn & 8S. 8. CORBETT, FUNERAL «DIRECTO m3 JHNCES. Bireet, Kingwiom, Drennem. JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, Princess Street. Telephones day and might. T ¥ HARRIS SON 00., UNDER A ARERS, 1 Fe N i i alla in five minutes. In boxes | Headache © Powders cure headache 10s. and 20c., at Wade's drug store. Ene

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