The Poet ts Deitghied with Beli cows and Nowishiog Malt Breakfast Food He Has Tested Its Strength and Force Giving Virtues. Once Tried, Always Used. "The Jitthe that, we nesd 'below, Sholkl healthfol be aml good; The inst this world can bestow, In pure MALT BREAKFAST FOOD,' This best of all, breakfast cerecls used in the wealthiest and plainest homes is 1 by grocers in every eity and town in Canada, Dur new stock bas just been uongthed over 50 men's aml boys' suite. We are selling them ab great bargnip prices, and they can't last long. Black and Navy Blue Eaglish Worsteds, Were $10. Yo $5.50. Scotsh Fomespun Suyfts (Coat and Vast), Were 512. Now $0. 785. Prices 5% wicbod Your pode By Baw ing here. JOS, SILVER. : 102 RINCESS STREET, The Torontd Genéral Trusts Corporation Office And Safe Deposit Vaults 9 YONGE STREET , TORONTO |< Capital, . eur 00,00 Reserve Fund + 80,000. President : J MOTN JoukIN QC. on* Phoatdonte ' on. 8. C. Yo W. Il. BEATTY, Ee, td. W LASGMUIR, Maseging Dircetor, A.D. LANGMUIR, Asvistant Manager LSCJAMES DAVEY, Scoretary Authorised . to act Excewtor, Ad¢ ministrator, Trastos, Reeviver, Commit- ton . of Jupatic, Geardien Liguideter. . Ete. salen to vent. All gives and at prices. Paroceld retvived for sale toy, and tlie valuables Guaranteed and Insured against loss. Extates, Administra Solicitors bringing tions, ete, are continued. in_the to the Corporatigh Sore vl ' For Jurthor {ntormation seo he Corpora tion's Manual Men's Shirts, Ladies' etc, take a finer 'more lasting finish "with less lroning -- when Bee Starch is used, Iron cannot stick to the linen with BEE STARCH. ¥ 5 of Miss Wilson's TRS. CUMMINGS ADDRESS » / DELIVERED AT WOMEN'S COUNCIL ON WEDNESDAY. The Standing Conumittees In- creased and Duties Assigned to the Six Just Added. There was an informal meeting of the local brunch of the national cquncil of women, yesterday afternoon, in the council chambe? to welcome Mrs. Willoughby Cumtaings, of Toron to, who was, last week, appointed cor responding secretary of the national council in Canada, in place of Miss Theresa Wilson Mrs, Cummings has been actively in terested in the national council ever since its Orgnmization. She was its fst corresponding secretary, and, al- though the position wes no sinecure, ghe did the work as a labor of love, receiving no pecuniary remuperation for her services. Three years ago she rosigned to make way for Miss Wilson, Eady Aberdeen's private secretary, and has fulfilled the duties of record ng secretary ever since. At the time appointment, Lady Aberdeen raised a guarantee fund of $1,000, payable annually ior three years, out of which to pay the corres po secretary's salary (8800) and vent of an office. That gnarantee fund expired this year, and all the council wembers felt that the annual meeting at St. John, this month, would bea crisis in the history of the organiza tion. Mrs. Cummings and Mise Machar bave just returned from St John, and their apie sort of the gathering is high ly sasisfactory. The local coungil was pleased to hear that Mrs. Cummings had been unanimously appointed cor- responding secretary and while her present salary is only $400 (while Miss Wilson's was #800) it is hoped that the council may be in _a position to incgease that amount hifore long No rent will be asked for an office for. Mrs. 'Cummings, so the council will scomomize in that way Miss Laidlaw, Montreal, was ap wointed recording secretary in Mrs. Jwinming's place. In her ateount of the annual meet- Jim at St. Johs, Mrs. Codunings said that there was a feeling of fear about the financial standing of the council, hut when the treasurer's report was 5 'rend it was found that there was a balance of $250 at the close of May- something that never before occurred in the annals of the council, While the annual mecling was in progress in New Brunswick, the executive of the International council was weeting in Copenhagen: and greetings were sent from St. John, Ope of the most im portant features of the work done at the St. John mecting, was the in crease of standing committees. There are seventeen committees now instead of dleven, and Mrs. Cummings dwelt wipon the work epected of the six pew committees. The national coupeil chetoses the convenors of these commit jee and every local council sends one members to represent it on each com- mittee. Earh local council will thers fore be especially interested in the six new committees as they will be expected to choose members who are particularly fitted for thé subject as signed them on the different commit- teed. The six new committees gre : }~Domestic science. With reference to this committee a lady from Orillia had written suggesting that the coun ci] establish training schools for the Indian girls on the eserves in On {atic and Quebec. There is a reserve near Orillia; another near Brantford, and in other parts of both provinces. If these girls wire trained for domes tie service the servant problem might he solved without the introduction of Chinamen. 2---Agricultyre for women. There are splendid traiging schools of this sort in England, and the matter is worthy of interest in the agricultural dis tricts of Canada. 3-- Promotion of industry and fine arts, including music, It is suggested that the members for this committee be chosen from the woman's art as ciation. Bont oetion of women on the school board. In New Brunswick they have Wome, on every school board and hey were greatly surprised . to hear that' this was not so in Canada These members are not elected in ward elections, but are chosen by the city councils. The school board must comprise a certain number and so many 'pf that number must be wo en. This ix the work in which Mrs. somer 14 especially interested in London, Ont. It is claimed that wo men ave. interested «in the 'school hoard for its own sake, whe a men i s a stepping stone to polities. Mv aeution Panaite These schools are becoming most popular in the states. Children of the forex dis tricts are taught for two hours a day in vaeasion--not according to the usudl curriculum, bus Botany or some suck s t, while little ones am given a heap of sand' and allowed to t. rg standard of education for teachers in Canada. At present the standard in Quebec is lower than that in Ontario, while we are below the standard of Manitoba. The medi- cal men: have only just ceclod uh shing a andar or ihr pct jon, and the teachers also secure a standard that would" be equally ized all over the Romiiiion, In slog het dbrets Mrs. Cumini sai coun to a a leaflet called * The first issue will r Bi five clits a aller will be {possibly i i tf cents a year. chief work of: a News will be to being tho afliliated societies into touch wit the work done the whole council. The city council of Toronto Jet a nesatre & the national council meet- ing at St. John, asking it to hold its pext annual in. Toron- accepted. meant ( ail Ivews, in Septem > ioaued ri ing fea ay, nd an afternoon matinee will be given. * ! THE DAMY WHIG, THURSDAY, JULX.17, GOING TO BE MARRIED. tn To Aske That 'California Asphalt Be Shut Out. _ . Toroso, July 17. The marrisge of Juhn Winchester, master in-chasnbers, to Miss 2M. Butler, of the general hos pital will take place this evening in Parkdale Presbyterian church The asphdlr trust is going to fight the Forest City paving company, of London, in the courts in the endeavor to prevent the introduction: of as phalt into California. A writ was taken out this morning, at Osgoode Hall, on behalf of William Allan and the constructing and paving company to obtain an injunction 40 prevent the Forest City company and D. W, Hole irom paving Spadina and other streets with California asphalt, the ground set forth being that the city's specifientions require Pitch Lake as phalt from Trinidad, Alexander Jones (colored) was sen tenced, this morning, to two years in the Central prison for a murderous assault on J. Jackson, also colored, The fight was a real old-time scrap in 'de warde," and Jones slashed Jack son across the wrist with a razor, L101 on his neck and chewed it ard fivished up by kicking him in the head. The iron moulders of Amefica will not, at present, make a demand for an eight-hour day after May 1st, 1903 The motion in favor of an eight-hour day was defeated at this morning's seasion, and a decidon was arrived at, on the advice of president Fox, to secure first the adoption all over the continent of a ninehour day. No Fonal strike for this will be made, owever, the intention being in ad justing wage scales to eall for a nine hour day rather than an advance in wages, in the cities where longer hours are now existing. This desision ix a distinet triumph for the conser vative element in the convention amd precludes the possibility of a-general strike next spring. ONE OF THE YARNS Spread About the Work of British Cabinet. London, July 17.--The J. Balfour, presided, to-day, foreign affice, at the first mee ting of the new administration. The secretary, Joseph Chamberlain, sufbiciently recovered from the effects the accident to attend. The meeting of the cabinet gave fresh impetus to the reconstruction spars. The most interesting of these for America is the suggestion that the duke of Marlbor ough will succeed lord Curzon as vice roy of India. But there is not the least possibility of any such appoint ment. It appears very doubtful if lord Curzon will come home before the expiration of his term of office. As a matter of fact there is no gppoint ment which could be offered him. FREEDOM OF EDINBURGH Is To Be Conferred Upon Premier Laurier. Edinburgh, Scotland, July 17.<The municipality of Edinburgh has deeid ed to confer the freedom of the city on Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the premier of Canada, and Sir Robert Bond, the premier, 'and colonial secretary, of Newfoundland, on we oocasion of their visit here, July 26th, to receive degrees from the umiversity. New premier, A in" the colonial was Gypsy Band Kept Moving. Watertown, N.Y., July 17.--Sherifi lallardsftarted 5 gypsy band out of this county last" night, and his de puties saw: them across the county line in Oswego. About sixty gypsies were camped by the No. 4 mill at Glen Park, and sup erintendent Renwick of the Interna tional paper company telephoned the sheriff that he did not care to have them as neighbors. The sheriff and two deputies went to Glen Park and notified the chief of the gypsies that it was "his move." The chief told the sheriff to guess again, and the sheriff handcuffed sev eral of the men and started for the jail. Then taey moved. The chief said they came from Alabama and had been taking u tour through Canada. a-- Down The River Notes. The trustees of Thousand Island park association have bad plans drawn for a large hotel which will iw called the New a. as it is to supplant the present New England and will no doubt be run.on the same pian. A baseball team has been organized at Thousand Island park. Gen. Andrew CO. Field, of Tarry town, N.Y., has purchased Hub Is- land, situated directly above Thou sand Island park. The steamer New York, on Satur day, will carry the A.OH. excursion from Cortland and Central New York points among the Thousand islands. Speaks Well For System. Hamilton Times. Never at any time in the history of the public schools of the rity has the penmanship of the pupils been so good as it is now. That speaks well for the vertical system. It makes fur legibility, and that is the first thing to be secured. The few who wish to acquire g fancy style can easily get it elsewhere. Not According To Specifications. Messrs. Milo, Savage and Abernethy tendered for the painting of the eity buildings' roof and fire ball No. 1. The latter's figure was the lowest, out none 'of the three were avconding 10 ions. If Mr. Abernathy agrees to do Shwork, as laid down in the specifications, the eity proveriv com- mittee will gevird Ban the the tender. Grasshopper That Eat Eats Cloth, i J 17. ~The that feeds on . The art, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The. Spice of Every Day Lite -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- "tention. Green gage plums, Mallin's, AMerman Bell was able to be out to-day after his long and painful ill ness Mrs. Hannah Carr, vagrancy, will spend a year Mercer reformatory. Mr. and Mrs. Mahan, Buffalo, are guests of Mr. and Mrs Hoag, Alired street. Monkey Brand Soap makes. copper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, and windows like crystal. " Remember to pay your gas and elec- trie light bills before the 20th and get the benefit of the discount. Capt. George Beattie and wife, spending a few days in the city, re turned to-day to their home in Mon treal, J. Hetherington and Miss M. Heth erington, New York city, arrived this afternoon on a visit to Mrs. M. Bren- nan, Johnston street, Mrs. Brooks and Miss Maud Guy, Lame Deer, Montana, are en route to Kingston to visit their mother, Mrs, John Hamer, Princess street. D. A. Cays, real estate agent, has disposed of two brick dwellings on Broek street, owned by Mrs. Chad wick, to John Hughes, formerly of Battersea. This morning Fred Murray, an em- ployee of the street railway company, stepped on a rusty nail, which pene trated his foot. He will be laid up for some days. The financial district meeting of the Methodist church will be held on Au gust 6th, in Brock street church, Kingston, Sabbath school conven tion at 4 pam, and 8 pum. The grand master of the masonic or der reported that he had appointed W. Bro, A, Shaw, P.D.D.G.M (Kingston), répresentative of the grand lodge of Mississippi, in place of M. W. Bro. Hungerford, deceased. Owing to the high wind Thomas McApley had considerable difficulty in bringing his steam vacht from his summer home at the foot of Howe Island to the city this morning. He did not arrive here until . eleven o'clock. During a thunder storm this Joseph Smith, this city, engaged in fishing near Kingston Mills, was struck by lightning. His right arm has since been powerless. He was locking a barn door at the time, the lightning striking the loek and affect ing his arm. Remember to pav your gas and elec tric light hills before the 20th and get the benefit of the discount. This morning 140 campers of Utica, N.Y., holding forth at camp Darling, near Cape Vincent, came over in a private yacht and spent half a day in thy city. They all belong to the Y M.C.A. at Utica, and secretary Law rence, of the local association, arran ged for them to lunch at a local re staurant. 2 Ib. can 10c., at Belleville, for in the N.Y., Frank week -------------- Will Return Voluntarily. Chief of police received g Baillie this afternoon from Syracuse, N Y., to the eficct that a police stable would come over to-morrow to retuen with the young man Mil lane and his wife, under arrest here As far as known there is not any complaint against the voung man; the warrant charges the girl with the theft of 8303. The young man tells contradictory stories concerning his alleged marriage. He has told some that he was married seven months ago; to others he said he was unmar ried. At all events, the young wo man possesses 5 ring, which looks like the conventional matrinionial hoop of gold. Tt ie expected that upon their return to Syracuse, they having vol unteered to go, a reconciliation will he effected and proceedings against them dropped message con Served In Fenian Raids. George Sarsfield, who died at his home in this city on July 16th, had been a well known resident for many years, He was born in Ireland about fifty-six years ago, and came out to Canada when a young lad. For many years he was proprietor of a boot and shoe store on Princess street. Latterly he conducted a shoemaking and repairing shop on Montreal street, not far from Princess. The deceased was a member of Kingston lodge, No. 20, C.O.C.F,, and an attendant at Brock street Methodist church. He is survived by a wife and daughter. The deceased was 5 veteran of the Fenian raide, serving in Kingston at the time. ---- They Were Afraid. Both aldermen: Tait and Sears fused to move the motion instructing the market clerk to enforce the terms of Miss Shanahan's lease at the mar ket shambles. Alderman Abbott blew wreaths of smoke around the Fron tenac representative's head, and de clared that the two akiermen were afraid. "Well, Fll move it." called out alderman Graham. "I'm afraid of nothing," and so the city engiveer inseribed Victoria ward man's name upon the résolution. re- Clever Little Girl. Little Miss wMurion Hewton, who headed the list of those passing the entrance examinations, is a daughter of John Hewton, mapager of the Kingston hosiery company. The little girl will be twelve years of age in De centber next, and is one of those who has been advanced from class to class by the interim promotion system. Captain To Stand Trial. Quebec, July 17.--The captain of the tug Spray, hired by detective Lar 4 Be to cntry Gaynor and Greene, to Montreal, has ens, | oun Aisa to stand his trial for carrying passengers without a loense: The crown prince of Siam, who J! visit 40 the United States, A NEW EXPLOSIVE, : -------- Hathamite is Claimed to Have > Qualities of Its Own. Cleveland, July 17.--Much interest has been excited here over the recent tests of a queer, powder which may revolutionize warfare. The new explosive is known as hathamite Prof. Charles ¥. Olney, N. €. Brooks I. R. Seagrave, and Charles Scares were among those present at the testa. The inventor's claims are as fullows : A combination of concus- sion and flame is necesary to explode the powder. Whe greatest concussion results only in sparks, and in fire the explosive powder burus only as a match would. The powder will ex. plode when frozen, and therefore ean be used where, for blasting purposes, dynamite would be useless. The tests were designed to prove the above conditions. A quantity of the powder was buried in a ton of ice and when a thermometer had register. el a temperature below thirty-two de- gieos, a detonating cap was exploded in the charge and infinitestimal frag mands of ice were blown to the four winds. A tin can was filled with the powder, and a forty-four calibre rifle ball fired through the can. No ex- plosion ensued, nor did thers when some of the powder was placed on an anyil and struck violently with a hammer. A hollow steel evlinder was placed on the ground and two steel plates, each an eighth of an inch in thickness, were laid on top of it. On thesa an ounce and a half of powder was scattered and electrically dis charged, with the result that the cen tres of the plates were blown out as cleanly as though they had been cut with a die and the centre pieces were imbedded eighteen inches in the earth. The proper mixture of the nitrates and. the carbons which compose the new powder has occupied the time of the inventor, Prof. G. M. Hathaway, for fourteen yeaxs, and he now be lieves that be has an explosive which will make war so terrible that it will be be impossible and as well render herculean service in peaceful commer clal pursuits greenish Claim Agaicst Canada. Washington, D.C. July 17.--Col. W. Dudley and Mr. McLoud, of Ver mont, vesterday, presented anew to the state départment, the case of Samuel Clarke, of Vermont, who claims compensation from the government of Canada for land amounting to the twelve square milds at the head of the Grand river, The claim dates back to the close of the eighteenth century, and, in one phase or the other has been before the state department repeatedly. Col. Dudle ry made a two hours' argument on this claim, which is being again consider ed, with a view mission to arbitration. W to securing its sub Division In Irish Party. London, July 17.--It is stated, says the Times, that a section of the Irish nationalist party views with disfavor the policy which William O'Brien, M. P., enforces without hiwiself attending parliament. The earliest symptoms of restlessness were displayed at a re cent meeting of the directorate of the Uni ed Irish league, when O'Brien's proposal that the Inish members should give up attending the house of commons in order to theni selves solely to an agrarian campaign at home was casily defeated devote Lots Of Cranberry Sauce Boston, Mass., July 17 from cranberry growers of the Cod and Plymouth scetions indicate that the crop this season wil he larger than for many years. There are hundreds of acres of new bogs in bear ing condition, The season will begin about the last of next mouth and eon tunue six weeks. The early berries will be shipped to the markets of the west, which during the past few vears have been found to be the best that the growers have ever had Oak Hall. . trousers, worsteds, The H. D Reports Cape in £2.50, Bibby Co SOTgrs Perfect fitting 1 3, fine twes)s and £3.50 and $4. The German emperor's new schoon er Meteor was easily fust in the vacht race from Heligolani to Dover, for the coronation cup. 'The weather was not favorable, and the Meteor was about forty-six hours ip covering a distance of 310 miles It is likely that the Canadian gov ernment will erect a separate building at Osaka, Japan, in which to dis play the Canadian exhibit at the ex- hibition to be held there in 1903. bern 23 De Hibben Jea i eit of al! poits. bo 4 better i 9 DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S : CHLOR ODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. ; Chlorodviie == zsh Sal a (hlorodyne (hiorodyne Chlorodyne Chlorodyne Chiorodyne , M.D, fo the best remedy mown for Coughs CUonswoption, Brenchitie, Asthma, checks and thos bos er eee Croup, Ague, de vuly Spode nous snd Soctunlly outa short ull attacks of opay, Hysterla, Palpitation and abe ey iis lt Meningitia, oto From W. ,esalios, Petti pital, London--"1 have mo medicine so swnption, Asthma, vith the result." "Earl Russell communicated to the despatch from Her Majesty's Coundil at been raging fearfully, and that the only REMEDY UHLORODYNE. ~Ses Lancet, Ist December, 1864. CAUTION-BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS. CAUTION---Vice Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated that DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE was undoubtedly the inventor ys CHLORODYNE; that the. whole story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrwe, which be regretted te Ay had bees sworn to.~8ee Times, July Aub, 1984. Sold in bottle of 1s. 14d, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and 11s each, None le guseine Withous the, rds a 3 Collie Browne's Shiaradyneissot gli pent Stamp. edical Tes timony accompanies hottie, phoLe Nora PACTUR Tin J. T, DAVENPORT, 33 Great Russell tesolly loge Fens 4 bine © ofl 'any owviee wes f Ro Don't Be Bothered With Them When You Can (et 2 Soran Doors ~~ - for 756. up Screen Windows - for 156. up ® tlEire eo O11 Stoves. THEY SAVE YOU MONEY IN HOT WEATHER. $ Lommon, Claxton § Lawremson, J ING STREET, KINGSTON. 0009060 CBOSS Soes COP® KEEP COOL, We Carry a Large Assortment of the Following Goods at Reasonable Prices. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Window Screéns, Screen Doors. Coal Oil Stoves, 8. to ». Garden Hose, etc. ELLIOTT BROS. 7 "Neer Dont. cot Abernethy's COST PRICE SALE resunen | Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises All This Month, re ------------ A. Abernethy, "3