Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jul 1902, p. 5

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TSI] Mm R sis ss . : 5 | X | y : RETAINED BY TO- HOOL BOARD. SERVICE RONTO It is Now Likely That Inspector Chapman Will Ask to be Re- lieved From His Duties. Toronto, July 18. The public school Foard last night, after a heated de 'Where there ls a Baby, there should be Et em M0) Lvestesrg mors thas 38 yesre Nestié's has boot the lavorite of the intelligent physician, and a house- . "ghildren and ) thems 80, , No other food is so Our new stock bins just bwen unpmeked over 590 men's and boys' Wo are selling them at great bargain prices, and they can't lace lene oy witite Black and Navy Blas Bagitsn : "55. Scoteh Homespun Suits (Coat JIAREVasv, Were $12. Now $0.75. Fiat ou Pp | i Prices talk. Befrisnd vour pocket by buy. » k % 5 JOS, SILVER, . 102 PRIN if Vision, Song of Lg Now is the time that folks are Ahinking of vacations. . te of little thihgs have to be and nothing is more of al "than a pair of outing: We have a variety of styles in stock and at prices that won't cut tog deeply into. your vacation : Shoes for all kinds of wear, and some very exceptional values. if bate, decided to retain the services of inspector J. L Hughes on his own terms, namely, that he should be the bead of the department of inspection. Ab masens thare am. two inspectord, and between Mr, Hughes and his col tae, Mr. Chapman, there # a fue of lgng standi During, the debate br. X pebon id Mr. Hughes had eof r. Chapman as "that sisegnble our," recently, sud after that it woukl be equivelent to dis missing Chapman to place him under Hughes. Mr. Chapman's resignation is expected, 5 »A JOKE ON THE HEROES, | Canadians Go To The Wrong Bath , . House. Mm Ottawa Free Frogs. A good story on themselves is being told by two well-known young men who were with the coronation contig gent in England, 'be twain were strolling abSut the city takihg in the sights when the de- sire for'd bath broame so strong that they went if rely uf some place in which they (eould dave a dip. They fine. to a large building on hich were Harribpl the words "Bath em and they. were overjoyed that their' foartlh' was so soon over. They proce | to the #ptrance and rab' the bel 'hey were met by a servant in livery but at that moment one of the Canucks concluded that a vhange of underwear | would be the right thing. Instead of entering they Went and wade the purchase, On re turning, to the building they, proceed od to & wide entrance and were geet ed by 'another man in livery who 6all- ed : "What are vou fellows doing hepe!" They replied that they desired fo have a buth. Phe servant gared with 'a surprised look for a moment "and then gave them the merry Ha ! Ha ! They were incensed at "this and ask ia. AAgty tones to be taken where ty could have their dip, Their tor mentor instead of replying called some others in the same uniform as Rim: Mt and all appeared to enjoy the we, joke immensely. Afterwards the servant told the Canadians that the building was not a bath house. "Well," said one of the khaki heroes, "What does b--a--t--h- house spell if it does not spell bath house?" The servant explained the building was not a place for bathing but the eit home of the baroness Burdett Loutts. The Canadians were considerably taken down, but after being directed 10 the place they « dred to reach they soon recovered 1 ir good humor and laughed heartily over their mis take. { ------ Bandsmen Enterfained. Fiderprise, July 17. «Enterprise di Temperance, No. 55, following officers for the ewrrent quarter : 'Worthy patriarch, 1. M. Loucks; worthy associate, Silas Jackson; treasurer, William Dopkins; financial scribe, Herbert Huffman; re- cording scribe, H. A Carscplien; ¥ as Ean: record satbes « A. Jack: gon; conduatir, 1 Vv. Dopkine; asbist- nt conductor, Myrtle Wagar; chap J Carrie Jackson; past worthy pa- triarch, Wilson Dopkins; superintend Lent young people's, works, Hugh Wa: Fear; © imide "mentipel, Mrs. Chester Clarke; dutside "sentinel, Chester Clarke. Enterprise brass band was entertained to-night at the home of D. Wagar. Ice cream was served: after which the band boys adjourned ta the patlor, shera wititic' was given ali ~ pedithtighy bv Wi Clara Met: calfe, London. isses Gertie Carscal- len, Clara Metcalfe, Lillian Davey, tie Waghr "and Minnie Wamil ton visited, Centreville yesterday. Silas Jackson is at & Cl '5... William Brown is having bis house painted by Jacob Loucks. Everton Huffman, Mos CRW, Sunday at Sidney Hufi- mane 0} €." Jackson and daughter spent Sunday, the guests of J, Swit er. elected (he ------------ Died On Sunday. Erinsville, "July 17<Sothe of the Summer visitors of Lake View, left this week, but = more are arriving. Thomas Murphy, son of the late N chael S. Murphy, died here on Sun- day. Miss Magyie, of Watertown, N. Y., and "Mrs. J. Marragan, Deseronto, leaves for their . homes on Friday, after attending their brother's funeral The romaine of Mrs. P. Whelan, of Stoco, were brought here to-day for interment. John Flannaghan, son of Michael Flannaghan, met with a seri- ous accident, ile driving in a wag gon, the horses gave a sudden jump and he was rown headle out. John Mahoney, wife and family, North Dakota, are visiting with his parents. 'Mises Bmwia" McMullen and Katie Killoran spent Sunday in Flinton. Johw Sullivan had a_taiing The on Tuesday. R, ier hie . Vaunest, ation 4 ) varday Vitor: J. Le y, C.P.R. nt, Tweed, with his parents: R. % Honieon' b: of Q. % Tend; Master Hector Mc- LE Sop © +. Possible Explanation. Dowding News. 'stéatier Pierrepont malls o 'to Channel { ppTIETS OF, WAR, PAT, | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters ou Their Rounds, Oak Hall for collar buttons. Bethel Sunday schoo! picnic took place this afternoon to Long Island park. Monkey Brand Noap mekes copper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, and windows like crystal. in Tap v'w Strange, spending some daye at Thoukand island Fesorts; re taried home at hood to-day. Remember to pay vour gas and elec- tric' Yight' Bills beforéd the 20th und §° the Benefit of the discount. The" new Wlectric railway frm Red wooll, N.Y. 16 Alexandria Bay will be in opefatidn in three weeks. Abrahani Shaw had bean appointed a meober of 'the board of general purpose of the grand lodge of A. F. & AM The steamer Pierrepont 'made 5 spe- cial trip to Cape Vineet this morn ing: The steamer Rival went on the ferry route. At a meeting Thursday night of directory of the Oddfellows' relief as soviation, 'Dr. 1. #, Mundell was ap pointed medical exa y I. Abraham, of the Montreal Her ald, a real live newspaper worker, is visiting 'N.' C. Polson at 'his pleasant summer home on the river front. How Messrs. Riddell & Common, of Montreal, lost that 818,000 accepted cheque, is indeed a riddle, for such mishaps "are by no means common with them, Tubular silk string ties--good wash ing mateuial, 20¢., 3 for 50c. The H D. Bibby Co. Forces of wen are to be put to work upon New York state lamds to improve them. The park on the foot of Grindstone island in Fel bay is es pecially to be put fn shape. Master. Sydney' McCann, the young son of J. 8. R. McCann, who made such 4 good showing in the entrance examinations, is spending his vaca tion with Master Willie Mackie, at "The Palisddles," Loughbort lake. Ove of the 'striking machinists left this mornifig for Montreal to look for work. A" great majority of the strik ers are now out of the city. Oak Hall for neckwear. It seems necessary to again notify the managers of charitable entertain ments that the publisher does his full «Hare "of cash patronage, and that any dealings with this office must be on a bigness 'basis. The small army of employees does not live on wind, and No paper caring to avoid impecunmios ity ean dfiord t6 give away or cheap en ite aavertising ranichine. ------ Preparing For The Fair. Jn about a month's time Kingston's big fair will "be in full swing. The dates' this year are earlier than usual, the reason heing because of the un favorable weather which greeted the fairs during 'the past three years. The dates this year, August th to 29th. The management is sparing no pains to make the undertaking a Success, The prize list contains many attrac tive jéatures, special prizes being of- fored "in every department, hesides ge nerous cash prizes. The platform at tractions will be of 'a nature unsur passed by former events. On two days there will he horse speeding in the ring, parade of fangy prize-winning stock, ete. Every day there will be an atiractive programme presented. The prospects for a large number of en thies wore never brighter, -- Rich Men Will Work, Leroy Beaulien, a well-known econo mist of Paris, has declared that the leisure class of men will have to work for their living in 1952. He made this interesting statement in a lectur on the 'conversion of the French three and ane-Holl Jer cent. debit into three per cent. ho: He said that the rate of interest is constantly deoreasing, and' predicted that in the next twen ty-five years capital will be glad to get two per cend., and that fifty yeurs hence, such first-class securities asgov. ernment bonds and railway sécurities will "bear ' one yor demt. interest, "which," said the lectarer, 'will com pel all excépt the very 'largest capi talists to work for a living, and the leisure clase of people now called well off will he abolished,' Ida Hill Items. Ida Hill, July 17.--Farimers have commenced haying, and a bountiful crop is being harvested. Many mew mowers have been purchased. C. W. Langwith has a force of masons erect. ing his mew cheese factory. When com: pleted it will be ome of the best equipped in the county. We congratu late Miss Winnifred Shannon on pass: ing the entrancé examinations at Syd on: Many from" here attended the picic "at Dufferin on Monday. The weekly union prayer meetings in "the schoolhouse are well sttonded, Willi am Henderson is spending a few day at Cataragui. Visitors: Mis T. B. Maxwell, Kingston, at R. Robinson's: Mr. 'and Mrs: B. H. Pixley, Sydenham at R. J. Cuddy's. ---- 'The Mechanics Coming. All kinds '6 ramors were in eircula- tion today regarding the Scotch me chanics who are coming to the city to work in Tocomotive works! The special trip to Cape Vincent for the purpose, it was said, of conveying the 'meéhdnics Grove, where they 'will board, conv to and' from the locomotive by steamer. The truth of these 'rusiors could wot' be ascertained, ble" 46 tech anyone in Wuthority a4 however, ~ workmen had par across to Chimnel Grove to take charge of the hotel. me 4 Idianapolis, Ind, July 18 Max Hayes, ae i wired to president Mitchell that be had ° receiv. Tok lahor oi Bh r, Si 3 fa 5 it was found i iz |. as it wi ound imposs: Sow THE "DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 1 . eee IE. EYRNTUREES PROPHESY THINKS PREMIER ROSS WILL HAVE WORKING MAJORITY. Coal Goes Up in Montreal, Touch- ing the Highest Point Ever Reached at This Season of Year. Montreal, July 18. Speaker Evan turel, of the Ontario legislature, "whe, is spending a few days in Montreal, in an intetview on the Ontario politi cal situation said: "The situation is a difficult one at present, of course, 'since there are con stituencies in" dispute, and until they are determined nothing positive ean be said. I am perfectly confident, how- ever that the government will be sus tained. North Renfrew, the late Mr. Munro's constituency, has been opened up, and it will go strongly liberal. I was there recently, and T coukil sée 'no possible doubt of liberal success South Oxford was lost through over- confidence, It has always heen strong- ly liberal, one of the strongholds, in fact, and it may b: thrown open again, in which case the situation will be reversed, and there will be a lib. eral member instead of conservative.' Regarding the rumors of a coalition, Mr. Evanturel said "Such an idea has dgever been mentioned, and is absurd. When Mr. Rose returns from the cor onation thi will be straightened out, and 1 have not the shahtest doubt but that be will obtain a com- fortable working majority." An advance of twenty-five cents yes. terday, brought the price: of hard coal to $6.50 a ton, which is the highest point reached for many years at this season. Scarcity of the pecessary com modity 'caused by the strike in the Pennsylvania fields, is the cause of this advanee. The Girls Of Long Ago. Los Angeles Times. Oh, the dear old-fashioned girl," that 1 knew years ago, When the world, she girl and I, sede! in our prime ; She was dear as early snowdrops amid the springtime snow. She wos an sweet as the wild rose of summer time. » And she koew just how to make Pound and sponge and ginger cake ! She could spio weave and knit summer through And the butter, hoes Why, | think I have a Of our driving home the cows through star hit dew | the and cream ! these vaunted modern dave: nothing in them can compare, To the busking bees and spelling schools of old ; Nothing sete my heart a<dance as the muic on Oh, wr, Merry jngliog of aleighbells in the cold. Oh, those days of lowe ago, When the winter's frost and mow, 7 Held in embrace the woodland vale awd PO! | Wrapped in robes unel blankets warm What eared we for wind and storm, : When we gathered at the weekly singing school | Oh, the old-time singing school, my heart o-thought the faster Beats, at the mem'ry of thoss davs of lone . avo It keepe the very time of the dear old sing: ing master, Unconscigusly used to know And in memory omens more, At the oid red schoolhouse door Um waiting for 've maid' of oklen times, Aod I feel her fingers. small Lightly on my coat sleeve fall While our. hea rts are beambivg to the sleigh bells' chimes ! the dear old-fashioned girls have with time grown stately ! For 1 sometimes gaeet them in the street retty beads, smiling at me wos Ys With a flash of eve, oradimpls. as of vore And the gentle tones, the while, Of those days we talk and smile, Woen we all were happy boys and girls to gether | And the happiest of our themes-- Like "the dearest of our dreams-- Are the singing schools we went to all et 1 ob Fa dave of long ago! Oh, the boys | asad to know! Oh, the girls who made life's sunshine bright ond fair } . ecko py When we've crossed the "groat divide Passed ony the other aside, We shall meet them; know them, them, over there | nah omit, no A Story Of Sir John. Ottawa Events. . ) An incident in connection with Sir John Macdonald, which bas never ap peared in print, is worth telling, and, what is more, is true. The: prime minister had gone into the Kingston post office to see an old friend. On coming oft, the caretaker, a man named Dunbar, stood ready to operk the outside doer, Stopping in I'm hommjng some tume | Oh, greet his ha on his forehead and said to himself aloud : "There's something I've forgotten." "Yes, sir; you've forgotten to raise my pay." Now, bad been petitioning the member ano minister (for Sir John was bLothY dering several months for an increase of pay with out realizing his desire. No one could better appreciate the reaoy wit of the answer that flew out on the heels of his 'own remark than Sir Jobn Mac donald, who, with & merry twinkle in his eve, smiled and said : "Dunbar, vou shall get it." Dunbar Lord Kitchener, Rochester Demoreat. Lord Kitchener is an intensely prac tical man. When he has work to do. be does it in his own way and in his own time, neither hurrying mor delay ing for outside criticism. o such a nian, the plaudits of the half inform ed and unthinking populace can ai ford no gratification. Indeed he is PL to resent them , little becanse he Brows that it ie the result of some with which his own merits have Tittle or nothing to do, that the crowd is not Ducting him instead of cheering Kim. Of all the prizes a man can win by gpoa work, popular applause i# about the cheap the lobby just within, the premier putde_ { LATEST FASHION NOTES. An Attractive [Golf Costume-- Looks Quite Chic. Pipings have so gained in ty that they are a feature of far the greater - number! of garments of whatever sort, even appearing upon what it is the fad of the moment to 4 call "tub" frocks and. shirtwaist« lari- Wiolure, without eut bAgRIRg, Or wormy condition, absorbs the nervousness, Yeast oh PAY peirsent sss ene aud pin Treatment, otherwise could not make Bas failed 10 eure you, call or write me, Searshums ya write 1% receives Method Trestmdnt 14 stretel ment par excellence. So positive am L1bat my 2 Sh Ss : that x Fou this proposition. 'Iv makes ® Each Time You Call You ue for Pine inthe groin unites a . ir groper nutrition, visalises the pariaand reo. ad ., white in 2 Broan les 98 the ier yOu, you can wh See Mo Persondlly; of seasonable wants. Colored Muslin Blouse Waists, 89¢. each. Print Blouses, light or dark, extra heavy, 60c each, White Muslin $2 50 each. Bilk Blouses, Black and Colors, very special at $4 and $6 each, 800, Bummer Waist Silks, sale price 20¢c. yard, 760, Summer price. 50¢, yard. Bpecial Line Striped Muslins, worth 20e, for 12}e. yard. Blouses, 80¢. to Quite a novelty iii his line are the pipings of leather and kid which are to be seen upon a few of the most ex- clusive models of the tailor-made styles. Such a one is shown in the ac companying illistration. This smart frock is made of tartan in shades of dark' and light gray, and is designed for goll' or walking. The skiry clears the ground by abot two inches. It bas the very narrow front panel which appears. upon so many of the skirts of the season, the pipings of white kid defining shaply the outline. The edge of the skirt is finished with rows of machine stitching done with Corticel li silk. The blouse is very simple in design, double breasted, and with a basque, all the edges being piped with white kid, which also forms the belt. There is an outside breast pocket flap, and a velvet collar facing' Waist Silks, sale WEEK, and as chasing for cash TURE OR CASH te a-- Short Cut Highway. Atlantic City, N.J., July 18.-- Pre minent automobilists, bicyclists and good road crusaders took part in a conference here, to-day, to discuss the building" of a short cut highway from New York to Chicago, which will re. duce the distance of the present round about route between the metropolitan Lcities of the east and the west from 987 to 850 miles. The promoters of the project, including Col. Albert A Pope, of Boston, and others, outlined their plans at considerable length and dwelt upon the benefits to be deriawl from the completion of the highway It was pointed out that fully 100 miles of the projected route already has been equipped with good roads Much of it has been macadamized, and other portion {KEEP OUT Don't Be Bothered Screen Doors Screen Windows A large supply of the BEST 1 is estimated that tl can he put in good shape at a cost of about £35,000 a mile. ------ Only Five Directors. Cape Vineant, N.Y, Eagle At the special meeting of the Thou sand Island steamboat company, held on July Mth, at which were repre sented 3,960 shares of stock out of a total of 4,000, the number of direst ors was reduced from seven, the form er number, to five, and those elected were M. H. Folger, Howare 8. Fol ger, FooA. Folger, M. E. Lee and A PF. Barker. A six per cent. dividend has, been ceclared ---------- Remember to pay your gas and elec trie light bills before the 20th and get the benefit of the discount. A Well Man AT80 Years, Was Rescued from Kidney Disease and Dreadful Buff:ring by the Usa of : Dr. Chase's Kidaey- Liver Pills. s Lommon, Don't Forget McBain, Niagara Falls, Unt of eighty years, and well known throughout the Niagara ais trict, writes "I believe that if it R. J. a man ' Weserrnsns BIIEDIVEEE 99ND 09 FEE 90D An Attractive Programme For Onp Week COMMENCING TUESDAY MORNING we pu pose giving to cash buyers an attractive PROGRAMME Ladies' White Underskirts, well worth $1.50 for 99¢. each, Night Gowns, Obemises, Covers and Drawers, extra good value, Print Wrappers, size 82 to 46, re- duoed in price for one week. Women's Duck apd Muslin Street Bhkirts at exaet wholesale figures. Bummer Corsets, Undervests and Qloves, special value, MILLINERY., MILLINERY, for one week, at bargain priges, Children's. Muslin. Bonnets, Hats and Tams at Bargain Prices, We desire to mark this as a RED-LETTER an extra inducement to . those pur- offer DOUBLE SILVER FURNI. COUPONS on all cash purchases. Come with the crowd for BARGAINS to CRUMLEY BROS. 0090 eee BPIIIVEEE FIFI EEE EEE GUT IPH E99999080 00 : THE FLIES} With Them When You Can Qet - for 75c. up - for 15¢. up Oil Stoves. THEY SAVE YOU MONEY IN HOT WEATHER. iin & Lawrgtison, KING STREET, KINGSTON. 9090999 990 008@ 00002098 Sd8e® Abernethy's COST PRICE SALE Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises AH This Month. A. Abernethy, "sg... _-- had not been for Dr. Chase's Kidney -- TET Liver Pills 1 woulll be in wv grav before this! 1 was very bad with : kidney disease and suffered with drewdful pains in my kidneys i | disappointed in the nse of digny med cines | had abnost given ap hopes of ever getting better, "One morning, after 5 night of ee pecially severe sufioring, a friena eall od to See me. and asked why | did not try Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills. 1 got 4 box at once, and took two pills, which was a rather heavy dose; one pill is plenty ot a dose. | used them regularly for a month, and at the end of that time was a chang oman. "Tt is now ahout five vegrs since | began using this pill, and since that time 1 have felt ac good av 1 did for ty years ago. 1 am almost eighty years ola, and am free from all dine IF YOU WANT A SURE £8 ¥ : McKELV all my heart th any person. man or H woman, "This is-my opinion of thes vahinhle pills, and yon may use it fof the benefit of others, w We Carry in Cr SummerzFor Fxeursions But a Great Season for Rats. cavcnsr Try ove MIRROR RAT EY & BI 69 and 71 Brock Street. LEAD Steck for 9 hn, 4 immediate Shipments fo A - A ons so 14 3et sur hothameld

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