Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jul 1902, p. 1

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KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1902, WHIG. 2 P.M. _-- EDITION, obt. J. Reid, A U Leading ndertaker. | wood is just what you ci Sen JE trial order 'and satis- Er Li fd. ; fe tun = CHEMICAL LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Some men become sadder without becoming any wiser. Hs wiser aves a will it's merely o dead giveaway. Experience makes a man wiser and poorer simultansously, The sun ries Suiday at $36 am, sets at 735 pm ; Linke Ontario park, Coon Town Viudeville Company, Monday, § pam. Hoberts® Four bigh class teudeville per formance, Lake Ontario park, § pm. Lake Ontario park, closing performance of Robert' Four Bigh class ydeville ocom- pany, 8 pon It is strange, but true, that tie more ad vertiviog » machant does the siore be can afford to do. This dny in the world's history--Boers wreck British Bowpital train near Krugers dorp, 1900; bishop Wilberforee killed, 1573; southern conbuderate. congress met, 1861; French delews Hewy TH. at Taillvboury, 1242; Trish cowrvion passwd, 1887; Riel's trial bem, 1988; British capture Quebec, 1629; Britisy Columbia entered confederation, 1871: Spanish armede defentcd 1666 north-enst pasasge negomplivhed, 1879, CROWN. DERBY DECORATION WE OFFER YOU VERY "HANDSOME DINNER SE Our regular price was $20. We have a few sets we are clearing at $12.50. ROBERTSON BROS. -------------------------- ONTARIO X| PARK ) ONE WEEK, Commencing Monday, July Ziot. Matinee and Ryory Hyening ---- Negro Boys's Awful Confession-- One Vietim Found. Birmingl , Ala, July 19.--Willie Cannon, a "fifteen-year-old ro teamp, confessed to chief of police Angtin that he had killed a white in Gurnee, Ala., several weoks ago by hitting it against a tres, that Pats, July 19.~A police magistrate has co » proceedings against Reitice Sagan for assaulting M. Bar ux, the lawyer who was Mme, Du Gapt, the alleged * Lady," for defamation, as he w Jeaving the court room after winning a vietory over Mme. Du Gast on a technical point. © Prince De Sagan in- formed the of ie magistrate that he assaulted M. Barboux because be in- tended to marry Mme. Du Gast. CANADA'S CONTINGENT An Ecort Will Be At The Coro- tion aa ------ SOLDIERS T0 SAIL AT ONCE bins THOSE CHOSEN BEFORE WILL erans Given by Cape Colony Government. Ottawa, July 19.~Sir Frederick Bor den, minister of militia, eabled to send one officer und thirteen men to vepresent Canada in the colonial es cort on the occasion of king Ed ward's. coronation. They will be mountet troops and must sail by the Allan line on July 26th. Thirteen Canadians were picked by Lieut.-Col. Turner for the procession, which was to have taken place in June. The minister of militia directs that' the same individuals are to be chosen again, but if any find it impossible to get away the vacancies are to be fill od from the ranks of the contingent that went over in June. Holders of medals are preferred. The whale col- oninl escort will number fifty. The choice of the Canadian detachment rests - with Lieut.-Col. «Turner, V.C., who commanded the mounted section of the coronation force. . A member of the Canadian team at Bisley writes that all: the. men of the Canadian contingents are. to receive a separate - medal or star from = the Cape Calony government for their services there. This person had seen the ribbon, It is orange and blue. To-day's Gazette announces the ap- pointment of George Ross, Toronto, to be chief superintendent of ¢ity post. offices, Willian Smith, Ottawa, has been appointed secretary of the post office department, to replace W. D. Lesuour, superannuated, and G. C. Anderson; Ottawa, is appointed chief clerk of the railway branch, to replace the late Arthur Lindsay. Mrs. Florence Gough, Montreal, ap plies for divorce from her husband, C. A. Gough, Ottawa. Sho made applica- tion lust year but no action was tak- en by the senate owing to the ui site notice not having Fou made. Mr. Gough is a civil sevviint and his wife is a deugliter of ex-alderman R. Tob in, a leading Irishmen of the capital. ft is stated that Gilmore Brown, C.E., will vot adh 38 a Sntnmissiones on the-enttly guard question, minister of a will havi to make hp as ep The stall of the new dominion ob- sorvatory, whén it is completed, will be as follows: Chief astronomer, F. "King; assistants, RM. Stewart, F. A. McDiarmid, W. M. Foley and F. ready in October. CHOSEN ON 1,437TH BALLOT. After Longest and Most Bitter Contest in Ohio, Wapakonela, Ohio, July 19.-- Harvey C. Garber, of Greenville, politically allied with mayor Tom L. Johnson, of 'Cleveland, after trying for seven days to secure the democratic.nomin- ation the congresy from the fourth distriet, won on the one thousand Jotun hudred nd, $hirty-seveith bal ot by out-generaling his opponents, Charles . Adkins, Lima, a John Lorre, Celina. It required 120 votes for a choice, but Mr. . arber received almost ungnimous vote i yo contest the this , of and corruption j a. against Mr. Garber, one ber ing that he had an bank of England bac! ; when the ling ballot was cast every man in the convention hall soomed to be a Garber man, BURGLAR IN CORSETS. He Used Them as a Place to Stow Jewelry. Springlield, Mass, July 19.--Henry filson, the swindler and house breaker, who is wanted in Manchester, NH, lor breaking jail. was captured esterday while ing ond: Wilson corsets and between shirt were stuffed a Jot of gold watch- os, vings and v. He wore a pair of diam car rings. Hen saw him climb in the oe po ccubal the Seizing his in, presented t muzele at the burgler's heml and the burglar caine out. Allen then hitched up Bix team and took the man (0 the police. 3 " Wilkon eceaped from jail = in Man chester, duly 10th, - INK, with five others: He is wanted in many for swindling as ou priest. +1 8t, Martin's church, Werry. The new fiiteon-inch telescope Belgh board | DOW being made in the states will be ; PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Lulled From All Over The Wozld. The Quebec ship laborers' strike has been settled, The Allan line steamer Pretorian from Liverpool, passed Fame Point at 6.30 on Saturday. W. KE. H. Lecky, the histoviga. MP. for Dublin university, will be made a peer of the British realm. ; Colonial secretary Chamberlain has started on a week's erdise on the ad- miral(y vacht Fnchantress. The champion English tennis team will likely compete in the Canadian tournament at Niagara-on-the-Lake on August 20th. { The cruiser Petrel seized Hity-nine gill nets, containing 1,000 pounds of white fieh, set by United States Lsh- armen in lake Erie. The sultan of Zanzibar, who sufferéd a stroke of paralysis on Thursday, died on Priday morning. His death bas created mo disturbance. Rev. Victor Charles Smith, regtor of the Chapel of The Messiah, New York, committed suicide by inhalifly Kos at his' home. Overwork had whecked his health. Mre, Peary, who is for the aretie regions in of her husband, says that if the is suc: cessful it will be the explorer's last expedition. € 1 first official report of 'commis sioner Jardine stétes that we ium good 'opening in South Af for €a- nadian foodstuffs wid certgin lines of manufactures', Inérense of the province] soheidies is now being advocated bg the Cana- dian premiers 'now in Lo .. By the proposed increase Omtario would get another half million: yearly. A "belt Hine" from Dawson to Klondyke city, eighty-five miles, is to be constructed. The surveys have been made and the rails contracted for. The cost will be $4,000,000. A debate an the Lallysmith incident in the British bouse of commons com- pletely ~ ghatters Gen. Baller's reputa- tion. The secretary for war said that Buller was "a good peace command: starting The next viceroy of Ireland, in wuc- eegxion to earl logan, who has re signed, will not be a member of the he. 104g but George Wyndham, chief secretary of Ireland, willl hold a cabi net position. Michail Henry Williams, chairman of the Cornwall railway committee, and head of the larges) copper smelt- ing companies im the world, died on Wednesday at Truro, N.S., aged seven ty-eight years, The Egyptian sphinx is rapidly de caying, it will not, now, he says, be.able long to withstand the altering olimate of Egypt, dué to the irrigation schemes of recent years. The sphinx is ar Gish, B, statue of 'Chinese' Gordon, seated on g camel, designed by Edward One low Ford. The statue is erecled near London. Lord Kitchener attended the ceremony. Although Macie Henriette, queen of tans is. much easier, bér condition inspires the greatest anxiety. Her at- tack of heart disease has entered the fast stages. The, queen is uoable to receive any one. Artificial respiration in resorted . to during the acute spasms. The official announpement that the coronation will oscar on August 9th is followed by a revival of activity in the earl marshall's affice and the re casting of the liste of spectators who will require a setond issue of cards of admission. he The Welsh tin plate conciliation the masters and have settled the dispute about wages, and 5 new schedule was agreed to, to be in effect twelve months. Both sides made important concessions. bakers of Paterson, mtrike against LS demand' label the proprietors have sign R the '» wd the agreement. It is said that: Chamberlain has 'in formed the colonial premiers that they must agree among themselves u in definite, pehedule of peeloremtind trade of a timetable for subsidized "stem: ship communication, ish government can be drawn into a serious discussion of ways and means, TORONTO WOMAN IN TROUBLE. ini Mrs. Margavet Rice Arrested » Praying in Street. inghamton, N.Y, July 19. Mm. Margaret Rice of Toronto, has been twice jailed here for trying to save souls by oft the street. 'She is , the same thing the Sal: vation army and Volunteers of Am- eric are permitted to do nightly, and the only reason for the discrimination given hy the authorities is that she is "fakir."" This Mes: Rice indignant: denies. She appealed to her hearers ovary loaf of for The duke of Cambridge unveiled' thed {ing of the SHAH DUE AT ANTWERP. A Visit From The Persian Monarch, WILL PURCHASE DIAMONDS THE MERCHANTS ANTICIPATE A BIG TRADE. The Shah is an Ideal Client--He Never Dickers and Rarely Asks the Price--His Treasure Room Defies Imagination. Antwerp, July {V.--Antwerp is in a state of expectancy over the visit oi Muzgaler-iid. Din, the shah of Per vin, who is booked to arrive in the city to-morrow. Though the visit of the Persian monarch inconveniences the authorities not a little, owing to the measures necessary to insure his personal safety, and ix likewise rather expensive, as it is found necessary to refurnish and redecorate the rvoms of the royal palace occupied by the shah and his suite after they have depart- ed, the stay of the royal visitor is not entirely without its redeeming fea- tures. One of the foremost industries of Antwerp is diafaond cutting and the manufacture of jewelry, and, as the whah © is. expected to make big pur ha in this line the merchants do A "the dread with which the ol regard his approaching visit. As purchasers there is a marked dif- ference between the present shah and hia father, Nasr-EdDeen. The last named was an excellent hand at mak- ing a bargain, but not too serupu lows. in concluding it. He bought right and left and rarely asked for the bill, amd there are some merchants to-day in Antwerp who are still wait ing for a settlement for bills contract ed by the late shah on the occasion of his visit here fourteen years ago. Hig son, on the other hand, is re garded as an ideal client. He is easily pleased, never dickers and rare ly asks the price of anything. When shopping he invariably tells his grand vizier for whom the purchase iy in tended, or if an article of furniture, for which of his residences, it is de stined. He is ready to buy anything which strikes his fancy. For instance, on the occasion of his last visit to western Europe, he returned to Teher- an with more than 100 snap-shot cameras, a dozen photographs, an equal number of automobiles and tele phones, music boxes and other odds and ends, to say nothing of furniture, jewels 'and art works representing fa bulovs sums. Muzaffer-Kd Din's love for blazing jewels has heen much com- mented upon. One of the larpest dia wmonds in existence he wears in the fromt of his cap and on gala oecasions he a % in a robe so richly om- bro with jewels ax to be valued at over $6,000,000, The shah's treasure' room is said by those who have heen favored with a glimpse: of its -intevior to defy im agination.. The room itself is a mar- vel of messic work, in which. tar quoives wor gulove. Dap and night it iw nd hy four soldiers, are among the best id personages of the royal household. The responsi blity of their change is evident from one of its possessions---a golden globe, on which all the countries of the world are represénted by mosaics of dismeonds, * turquoises, rubies = and pearls. ~ Arbund the pedestgl are piles of golden coins, of which not a single one is" worth less than $175. This upigue treasure is valued at over $5,000,000. - I is with the hope of disposing of some of their stock to be added to the contents of this Aladdin. like treasure room that the diamond merchants of Antwerp are looking for- ward with pleasure to the visit of the Persian monarch. Now Leyland Liner. Liverpool, July 19.~The new twin- Hanoverian of the screw Leyland line, sailed for Boston to-dav on her mai voyage. The new ship is ome of the finest of the trans-Atlan- tic fleet. Her tonmage i= about 14.070 tothe length, 601 fedt; brepdth, 604 fot, and she has a capacity for near fy 250 first-cabin passengers. No other 'class of passengers is carried; and this gives the largest amount of dock wt which is possible for wn oeean stvaluship. There are nine water tight bulk-heacs of steel, and the ship is built 10 Lloyd's highest clase, hav- ing a cellular double bottom and bilge keels, Two Dead And Many Infared. Chesterville, Ont,, July 18.--A tor i , Finch and townships on Thursday evening, leaving devastation in. its path. Feoces were carvied away, and dwelling houses and ontbuibkdings over: turned. Dead cattle lie everywhere, and many people were injured. Mrs John Kearns. sevemih concession of Winchester, and ber little son. were killed, and the father déngerously hurt. Many case: of narrow escapes are reported. y May Give A Big Bonus. Byduey, CB, July WAL a meet fatepayets, a resolution was passed msking the town council to call a menting of citizens, al the wnrlivat date posible. to consider the isabiity of voting a sun, not lew n $250.000, ar a honus towards the of aisteel shipbuild- ing industry within the town, of Syd fay. * A dlisoon red ONTARIO MASONS. Grand Lodge in Session af Wind sor Elects Officers. Windsor, Ont, July 17. The elec: tion of officers of the Masonic grand lodge of Ontario was held to-day, and the several canaidates were installed. A number of these aspivants to office went in by acclamation, but. in cases where offices were contested for, there were some close competitions. Those elected by acclamation dre: Grand master, judge ing, Lindsay (re elected); grand treasurer, Hugh Mur ray, Hamilton (redlected); grand sec- retary, Jd. J. Mason, Hamilton (re elected). The following offices were contested and resulted : Deputy grand master, Benjamin Allen, Toronto; grand senior waraen, Samuel Buchanan, Windsor; grand junior warden, Oliver Ellwood, London; grand chaplain, Rev. W. L. Armitage, Peterboro. The convention, admittedly the best in the history of the craft, was brought to a close to-night, and the delegates are leaving for their homes. SOUTH AFRICAN PEACE. Declares at Banquet That Com- pact Power Will Arise, Liverpool, July 18.---Sjesking at a banquet given last night im his honor by the American cham of com- merce, Whitelaw Reid, the head of the United 'States embassy to the corona tion of king Edward, congratulated the country upon the extraordinarily rapid recovery of the king. Referring to the conclusion of peace in South Africa, Mr. Reid said : "It has pow become plain that this peace is to be permanent, that the coalescing of the hostile parties is to be genuine and that, as in the case of our civil war, there is to rise from the battlefield of two determined and worthy foes a compact, united power, embodying both and greater than both." « COL. GUILLOT RESIGNS. He Has Filled Alloted Time As Commander. Windsor, Ont., July 18 --~Lisus.-Col. J. C. Guillot, commanding officer . of the 2lst regiment, has sent in his re- signation to the militia acpartment. The move is one which has long. been expected as Col, Guillot's tenure of office has already covered the alloted time, in accordance' with the govern- ment regulation, five vears. Major Bartlett, the senior major of the regi ment,' it is generally accepted, will succeed Col. Guillot with Maj. Laing as sepior-ma jor, DAMAGE BY STORM, Death of a Missionary in Central India, Winnipeg, July I8.--Tuesday's storm did some damage around Morden, Re ports are being received of barns be: ing unroofed, casualties to live stook and crops suffering, but the area al fected does mot "seem very consider able. News: was recived here lant ight of the death of Norman W Ruse Winnipeg; who went se ¢ miss onary to: Central ludia o couple of years ago. . KILLED AT PORT ARTHUR. The Staying of a Scaffold Gave Way. Port Arthur, Ont., July 18.~James Blackwood, George Harvey and George Johnson, all aged about twen- ty, and unmarried, wera killed, yes terday, while working on the new Ca naaign Northern elevator. The rope of the staging which they were working on broke, and they fell seventy-five on Next Census , Misn., July 18-"In 1910, our next census is taken, I ex- the of the tates will reack the 100,000,000 mark," said William R. Merriam, di rector of the census bureaw, in an in terview. "This will include our new possessions, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and the Philippines, but it will demon- strate in po uncertain terms what a world power this country has be come." Fourteen Drowned. Portsmouth, N.H., July 15.--A nine teen-foot - whalehoat containing six: teen waiters and waitresses, employea at the Ocennic house, Star island, Isle of Shoals, who bad gone out in the bay, on Thursday, on a pleasure trip, in charge of skipper Frederick Miles, was capsized auring a sudden squall and fourieen of the ocoupants were drowned! The other two were' rescu ed by fishermen, who put out from the shore in their dories. A Blood Vessel Burst. Bridgenater, NS. July 18-7The death of ¥dwand Davison, MPP. mayer of Bridgewater, gnd one of the largest lnnber opecdatory in Novy Sco tin, which took place yesteraay after non, pesalted from she breaking of a blood vessel in bis brain. Mr. Davison was taking dione? at Lahave when be fell from the table unoonsious. Paintings Discovered. Pal€imors, July 18 Henry Weiden: bach, a Usnadien artist, whose bome i» is Suche, Shingo 16 retouch Ae t paintings. hang in +. lary's souinary, the leading Catholic institution in his ity, Defiwess he hase discondred in the pieinrdd of 55. Paul and Se. Poor two of Rubens' master Ont, wor wight. Toronto, Showy winds, cool amd July 19th, Sunday, Ladies' Cotton and Lisle All Day or Ladies, | Girls, TN y. PALLLISH~AL we, W Me. amd WEBSDALE~AL NN WEATHER PROBABILITIES 10 ami~ north westerly wradhually clearing. UNDERWEAR At Special Prices] Saturday. STOCKINGS Boys. Extra Value. WKEOWN In Cuarden, | duly SAVES -BABIEY This is the fatal season bies. They gie off in tho common sulpmer complail on by favlty dieting, dear mother, should fe If you would have strong and happy, Lactated Food. It with the weakest other foods fail, Lastated the baby's life: - A movement is Britain' to have papers, "to effectually dete both sexes from entering sngagements from licly advertised coula not nied." In Australia it uenth of a relative An awe R. Pitman, who had of nearly wighty-iwo years. copmion of Madore township, by lightning. ; Mew. Robwet Bence, died at the family residence age, the patvchase of the Brockville, Oak Hall for dteing tiew. Nea Datel MeKeown, nve Seamilin light or motives, and {o event many bregch of promise cases, a8 engagements phb- 101, |W, far 'the ba our! fed on moar hing and life-giving Lactated Food. our baby plump, in to-any wilh Food Social Announcements. on foot in Great engagements young couples advertised in the news of or people of into such frivolous well be de has long been the eustom to print on the anniversary of a wemorial tric hate, in a regular départinent. Side of Foxboro passed " y, in the person of Nee. the age On Tuesday during a thunderstors:, the residence of KE. C.-Tull, Nth econ was strock on Friday, fear Toledo. + Mew, Brace was over eighty vers of A Napanee man ix pegetinting | for Revere hows; from oF

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