a A aad THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JOLY 19 IRON FOR SLEEVES AND ~ FLOUNCES. A trial will eonvince and : please you, Savings Bank pn Deposits ZF When 28 your eyes are troubling you Opticians. 8 OUR SPECIALTY h Class Taloing Merchant Tals, of Fine Woollens, js and Bagot Sts. ITHE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. i DAILY BRITISH $, _ punbabed ng i Ms eo eg yous. Edivions wt 2.50 and 4 o . WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 oy RRR Attached 1s of the best Job Printing fiom In Canada: tapid, stylish sod cheap ork; sae Ly KDW. J, B. PENSE. PHOPKIETOR. 1HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicer.' GOALITION NOT POSSIBLE. Bystander, in' the Weekly Sun, dis cants upon the coalition question, and cites instances during the reign of Veo, North, Aberdeen and Dis raeli to show that foreed political re- lations are never happy nor harmon fous. Mr. Smith, however, overlooks cone coalition that has worked very well, and without any evidence of friction. The cbnwervatives and liberal union sts of England have been united since home rule became a government issue under Gladstone. They were far apart generally, but they felt so intensely upon this question that théy were drawn closer and closer together, and the coalition now appears to be a permanent one. Indeed the one thing that no one some years ago would bave predicted has bappened----a libe ral radical has become tle aggressive Isnder of a conservative government and is only one remove from the pre miersbhip of Greater Britain. There is also the coalition govern ment of New Brunswick, one which has undergone several changes and yet endares, though repeated attempts have been made by the conservative party to wreck it, These instances, however, afford no comfort in the reflection that there may. be a coalition in Ontario, Such' a thing is impossible in the face of the opinion which the parties in On- tario have been expressing of each other. The lenders are at daggers points, at cress purposes, at variance with each other, and there is no way of compromise or conciliation, except by a stultification that is out of the question. If there cannot be a gain in power by the liberals, as expeoted, there will have to be a new election, put of that there is not now any prospect. HONESTY REALLY PAYS. One of the first and important les- sons of life, which the boy is taught, is that honesty pays. Honesty in ev- erything, in the manner of ome's life, in his speech, his actions, his dealings with others. The application is found in the effort of some people not to steal, even when it tan be done with- out the risk of detection. Only that and nothing more, A boy in Montreal, just sixteen, and old enough to know the value of money, found a marked bank cheque for $18,275. It may have been of no use to him, because the loser may have gone to the trouble of notifying the bank of his loss and stopping payment. That was not known, how: ever. The boy took the cheque home and showed it to his father, and was advised to look up the losers and re store: to them their property. He did this, and was made a present of $5, To the boy the gift was generous en- ough, but it was scarcely adequate to the demands of the ocepsion, and did pot put & high enough premiam upon the young man's honesty. It showed appreciation, but not enough ation' of the principle which wxtols when he says 'Honesty is best policy," and actions sponk louder than words. school, receives the character which will never leave him. the father or miother, or both, who teach, hy example, the merit of hon: esty in all things is bestowing some- thing which is = beter thun money. What a Jot of sham there is in the world | What a fot of deception, and to no purpese | To feign one thing anid practice another tells a condition of heart and mind that is very offen sive. The only safe individual is the one who ix the same always and whose fife ia w reflection of his 'thought and speech, whose behaviour is the con: stant exemplification of bia teaching, If the boys of the day, and the girls; too. are to grow up into model wen and women 'they um be taught the virtue of principle by their superiors in the home, the office, the shop, the factory, and the marvel of it is that] | anid the shams and cheats of the day, "there is so wiuch honesty. -------------------------- . CRIME AND ITS REWARDS, are conveyed, solemnly, Fred Lee some- boy in the home, which is ne 8 which caused his arrest in Toronto and the murder for which he was hanged. Fast lile is always The young man who engages in it finds himsel in the toik. sooner or later. The cracksman may have his periods during which he acts gererously, even chivalrously, towards his fellows and svmpathetically towards the unfor- tunates. Rice, in Chicago, played the gallant to the girls in good society, and cast his money freely into the laps of street beggars, while at heart he was a desperado and showed it by his luter acts. Again crime hardens and degrades, In Canade it is punished as it deser ves. Mowvey will not retard the wheels of justice. Everything was tried that talent and money could suggest to save Rice from the gallows, and in vain. He had his trial, a fair one, amd he was convicted. In the United States by the strategies of the lawyers cases are carried along for years. In Canada justice is swift, in an Iving the penalty of a capital of fence, and Rice's case is an fllustra- tion of this fact. TIPS FROM EDITOR'S PEN. At least 20.000 men will be wanted 10 assist in the harvest of Manitoba this year. costly. Good news, The house of Jords is now after the war office, and making its heads un: ery. It wants what it will not get --a cleaning out, How much money did the Michigan fumbermen put into the local election, and in favour of the opposition? That is the question of the day. The kick of the Teorento Council against the school board has cost 4 preity penny, which the people are paying in current tadhtion. There are some very obfuse folks in the To ronto city council. The Mail complains that things are being said about the conservative politicians that are not true. Of course the conservative politicians are a pure-minded lot ana above the traf ficing in fibs ! ---- In Toronto complaint is made that the pupils enter the technical school, from the public schools, deficient in mathematics, spelling and composi tion. Thern is something wrong somewhere. What is it? The gift of £1,000 to Mrs. Steyn, lon the eve of her departure for Eur ope, whither she goes with her in: valid husband, is a touching incident. The man, wrecked by the war, physic ally and financially, becomes a bur- den 10 a devoted wife, and she be comes the object of the people's pity. The picture is a sad one. : PITH OF THE PRESS. All In The Looks, Toronto Telegram. The Panama: hats costs 812 and up wards and look like thirty cents and downwards. The Fisherman's Failing. Peterbore Examiner. The average fisherman lies in v ait te 'catch fish, and lies in weight when he, perchance, bas caught them. No Gush, Please. Toronto 8 tar. Picture it--think of it! Four hun- dre! and sixty-seven applications for knighthoods in Cenada ! Let us all apply next year. Bo Say We All. ee authorities should send those two American crooks home at once. Canada cannot afford to earn the reputation of being a haven for thieves. ; All In The Family. St; Jom Telegraph. The Canadian Carruthers boys seem to he | stufi. The hot fume of Lictt. Bruce on the veklt has bandly eocled whit ng? Carruthers makes the possi in eight rounds at yards at Bisley. a.m. 7 pm. Surtnge fires. : ly invited. Baia are : RURAL DEAN WOODCOCK MAY G0 TO BROCKVILLE As Rector of. Trinity Church-- French Protestantism Becom- ing Powerful--Costly Episco- pal Cathedral for New York. Tough love to light! Oh, wonderful the wa) That jemds from darkness Lo the perfect day! Frou darkness amd from sorrow of the To mowing that comes woring o'er the sem, Through love to light f Though ght, © God, to thee, e Who art the Love of love, the Light of light ! Rev. W. M. Morris has declined the call to the Tweed Presbyterian church. The Nova Seotia century fund, for She Anglican church, has reached $72, sternal The bishop of Ontario preaches ut St. George's cathedral on Sunday morning. The children of the Anglican church- es in the states have given $100,000 already to their fund for missions. The minister who said that be could preach better without notes owned that he didn't mean greenbacks.--Kx. The financial meeting of Tamworth district will be held in the Methodist church, Flinton, on Tuesday, August 12th, at 2 pm. Rev. Dr. Young, First Methodist church, St. Thomas, has been granted five weeks" holidays. He is a native of Pittsburg township. Rev. kK. P. Usrawford, of Halifax, has been greatly benefited by his trip to England, and specialists give hin every encouragement. The Presbyterian board of foreign missions in the United States this year sends out sixty-five missionaries to fourteen different fields. Belgium is generally spoken of as being entirely Roman Catholic in its religion, but there is a native Pro testant movement with over six thou sand members. Rev. Dr. William 8. Rainsford, rec tor of St, George's church, Manhat tan, has been appointed university preacher for the coming year by Chi cago university. That excellent journal, Church Work, of Halifax, gives views in July number of three Ontario churches, St James', Dundas; Christ's, Bullock's Corners; St. John's, Ancaster. There is not, it is said, a living Ju punese thirty-five years old who can say his parents were christians when he was born. The work done in Japan has been wrought in one generation. A upecial meeting will be held of the presbytery of Glengarry, in Knox church, Cornwall, on Tuesday 'morn ing, July 22nd, to consider the re signation of Rev. Alex. McGregor, of Woodlands. Re¥. Messrs. G. W. Kerby and G. R. Turk, the Methodist pastor-evangel ists, have completed their first year year in the evangelistic field and are now, with their families, taking a rest at Little Metis, Que. St. John's Protestant Episcopalian cathedral is slowly rising on Morn ingwide Heights, New Yor city. Twi million dollars has been spent al ready, and it is hardly begun. The es timates for its completion run from twenty to thirty millions. Not for many decades have the Pro testants of France beem so hopeful ar they are now. La Nouvelle Vie, the or gan of the middle and mediating par ty, recently said: "French Protestan- tism is now more powerful, more en ergetic and more successful than it has been for a hundred years. . The bishop of Ontario has offered the incumbency of Trinity church Brockville, to. Rev. F. D. Woodcock, of Camden East, with probability of acceptance. The stipend is $1,200 pet vear, His work at Camden East, ow of the most successful in diocesan an- nal#, bespeaks an active and accept- able pastorate. Church Services. St. George's cathedral. --The bishop of Ontario proaches at the mormng service. Bethel Congregational church--Rev. PD. N. Morden, minister. Services, H Brock street both services: Sunday-sc m.; pastor's. hilshe class, 4 Strangers welcome at all services. First Congregational church, corer Wellington and Johnston streets, 1. M. Soldant, BA., acting pastor. --Ser- vices, 11 am.' and 7 pm. Sunday- school, at 245 p.m. and pastors bible class at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o clock. Seats are free and all are welcome. Sydenham street church, Philip, M.A. July 20th, 1902. tor. Services held- school hall. 11 am. ° day. 8 pm, day. 8 pam. prayer dn treat Methodist church, July 20rh, 1902. Rev. A. Laird, BA. of Cooke's church, will preach at 11 a. at. and the pastor, Rev. J. Cooper Anthfi, M.A, DD. at 7 pm. Sunday school and bible classes at 2.45. welcome. Midweek service on Wedpes- eR le gquartette. Ev 3 we," me p. Ev Ente "Ruvionr Breathe An Mr! Shea and Morn ng anthem, | SAYINGS AND COMMENTS. ------ By Captain J. D. Chartrand of Kingston, Lord Kitchener has dene his task and is back home. For the last twenty-five years that man has been working, plod, plod, silent, stern, from the tedious survey- ing of Cyprus, :n passing through the drudging burden of the Soudan to end with the grinding down of the Boers, Criticized, he has been all over the world, likewise by his own people, and especially by his own swell officers. He was a bully, a failure, 4 know-noth- ing, a vulgar martinet, with no heart, no soul, Plod, plod away, silent and sphinx like, Kitchener went on drearily, days after days, months after months, years aiter years. He says to the one eve-rlase wr, the line of communi cation wants you or you are wanted at home. He cuts short the humane mucies;, of temale bachelors, he checks the vararies of newspaper correspon dents, he puts aside meddling politi- cians, he scorns at society recommen: dations. " He gathers and packs the women and children Of ane coemy, wives ine food, shelter, clothes, doctors and teachers. He proclaims martial law or Cape' Colony to run down the mis chief makers. He slowly builds thous- ands of miles ot block-nouses and wire fen es to stop the wanderings of the ron los Seme of his men, some generals, some of ms columns are hacked to pieces, no signe of distress, the same unconcerned daily go-go, as usual, Always plod, plod away, relentless, impassive, the same icy-cold glance of his steel blue eve, and the same quiet game of billiards gt night, his only pleasure in life, When comes the end, he is at the top as a Hiplomat. He shows a warm and generous heart, He praises the enemy ahout hig courage and bravery. And he gives Tommy Atkins the bene fit of the whole work. Kitchener is the kind of man to quadruple the beating of the Mitish patriotic heart The more 1 go back into English history, the less 1 see the equal of Kitchener. Gordon and Wellington alone have a chance of comparison. But Gordon died without finishing his task and Wellington was one of the brave fighting bucks of the epoch. He only had the enemy to handle, and Ris enemy was a played out hero, under mined by sickness, discouragement and his surroundings And Kitchener, alone, had to figh at first. whims of his own people, so ciety clignes, and then the enemy. Hix battle-fields were as large as France, Germany and Austria-Hungaria put together, arid, wasted veldt, without any resources, where the enemy mov- ed at ease. 3 He sternly overcogies all that and then he gives the home Tommy At kins and the colonial Tommy Atkins their dues. And that man is sent to India What a pity! They want him at home. He is the only British officer able to reform the army. Lord Rbb erts is too old and too kind for that. Poor Tommy Atkins has at last been rememberea. One great English general has had the courage to pub licly tell that Tommy Atkins is the real empire builder. The officer haa bis share, but what can he do with out Tommy Atkins ? An old French general, marshal Roait, also said that the private sol dier was the tool of the general's glory, advising his officers to always treat him kindly. I what was printed at the time is true, about thirty men of one of our contingents were discharged for mix conduct, before embarking at Halifax What 5 flagrant injustice ! ; Soldiers are officially praised, but privately despised. There stops the sympathy. No respectable working man would admit a red coat unasr his roof. Then the barroom snd the streets are the only places opened to Tommy. He is a daredevil, an | don't-care-a-snap-for-anything. He gets drunk and he is discharged as unfit What & shame ' Let the poor beggar, who goes to death for us, ~ get his beer at times . Bricklayer's 'Backache. It requires a good strong sturdy man to stand the strain of the hard work thatfallstothelot ing the fine dust of the lime, brick or stone, all these things are bound sooner or later to tell on the kidneys and pat them out of working order. The poor old back begins to ache and pain, the urine is scant and sealds when passing. mn who finds his back i ii ; at i i & [ i ¥ Led ili if i I gs i Hi i H g L E 3 3 4 is il £ i | i : -- VWOMAN'S POWER Perfection of Form, Feature, and Mind Render Women All-Power- ful. est Charm. Health, However, the Great- Woman's greatest gift is the power to inspire admiration, respect, and, love. There is a beauty in health which is more attractive to men than mere regularity of features. The snap and Spirit which health gives to the eye, the movement, and the speech are Sickly women can't understand They only know that they are attractive are languid and Woman's influence in the world is ¥mited by her strength, and the #05 strength of health is real strength. ull of magnetism. this. y miserable, and their efforts to be It brings with it beauty and grace and loveliness of disposition. To be a successful wife, to retain the love and admiration of her husband, should be a woman's constant study. If she would be all she may, she must guard well against the signs of ll health. Regular and painless menstruation is absolutely necessary. . The help which Lydia E. Pinkbam's V to women wi real, permanentehelp. It cures all it possible for women to retain their Mrs. Pinkham advises women her at Lynn, Mass. Thousands o oo Cs i are attacked by any disorder weaknesses of health and beauty to maturity. who are ill frée of cost. Address we their health to her. aS 2 3 og Pe A Boston Woman's Experience. "Dean Mas. Pryguan: --1 feel very grateful to you for the benefit I derived from your kind advice and remedies. cation of female troubles, had ovaritis, painful and irregular m: leucorrheea, nervousness and weakness, The least exertion would cause shortness of breath and dull sleep nights. pains in my hips nnd side. The doctors 1 was troubled with a compli. struation, I had no appetite and could not all advised me to have an operation and have one of my ovaries removed, but this I could not bear to think of. 1 was induced to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and after taking the first bottle I was much improved. I eontinned taking it, also your Blood Puri health and strength. Sanative Wash until entirely cared of all my troubles. It renewed my appetite, r and The pains have never returned and my health is splendid. Your remedies have been a boon to me and I am sure many a woman owes her life to them." -- Mam Weun, 356 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. (March No other medicine in the wor and unqualified endorsement. 15, 1901.) 1d has received such widespread No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such hosts of grateful friends. Remember this when you go to buy Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound. REWARD, -- We have deposited with the National Olty Bank of Lynn which will be paid to any parson who ean find is not genuine, or was published before the writer's special per $5000 mission, : Nvdia E. Pinkham Medicine Co Lyua, Mass. the above testimonial fon EE -- COLD STORAGE SUITS, OUR SUMMER CLOTHING is so cool and comfortable that you will think when you get into it that you have been put in cold storage. How are you fixed ? Are you dressed cool? We've Coats, Suits and Trousers here so thin that the t'niest little breeze goes through them. FLANNEL SUITS,$6.50, $7.50, $9, $10. SERGE COATS, $3, $3.50, 84. MOHAIR ANDO LUSTRE COATS, $1.25,81.5¢,81 75, $2, $2.28,8%.50. * TROUSERS, $3.50, 84. Try some of our Cold Stor- age Clothing, $2, $2.50, $3, THE H. D. BIBBY CO. ONE PRICE CLOTHING ROUSE, OAK HALL. Dont Be hard on him. He protects | otr hme, unr familien, our trade, our wertherland, - He gives bis blood "for we And we punish and ditigrace hing for the Jemst hittle failings Whe, § A among we, i rendy to throw the first #tone at him ? Kitehendr smderstanvs Tommy and | Kitchener 8 5 great man, god being an oid soldier aveclf, 1 hold that' gon veal in Veneration. : Ax for denth for www ith o tioht besrr, Tad | Marry. mire awd tase him, whatever may be fie fuittinge wr his fanhe A Pleasant Journey. iow wk DE BARRY BOUNCED Overbearing Official Has Finally Met His Deserts. Washingron, July 19 Upon the re commendation of conmisoner gravrsl Sargent, of the igralion servis, the scoretary of the tronsery Jas din Pe Barry. an negra staticwsd at Baffle, NX, mised J. BR er the wobdier, whe gors th ' There were wovern] charges agains Be he principal oor of which was toward ladies Canale and angentlananty © aovhinct travelling betwen United States ------ Collary In All Forms. . . ie mew eotlare, 4 for} ge The MI a. 2 \) he |.