on & Pembroke & Ganadian Facife Railways. r Trains Leave ave Kingston : BRAD. pim--Mail, for Ottawiy Moulmal Un Bos, Bi. Jolm, NB: Halifax, Boston; Taroute, Chitnga, Denver, Boofrew, Soylt Ste, Marie, Paluth, St, Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, 'Beat Rls, Poruant awl Ban Franecipes, 530 pm--~Local for Shrbot: Lake, oon pocting with CP.R. east and west. "10 o> iMisod, for Renfrew: and iter © melia te pois. Passives leaving Kingston oh 1240 pas arrive do (Rtews at 5:00 pm. Peterbovo, B10 pan: Toroute, 7:90 pau: Boston, 7:30 wa: Be Jobh, NB, 1135 am. . ¥. CONWAY, ¥. A. FOLGER, JR. "Gen. Pass. Ait. Gen. Sapt. INTE RAILWAY ef son LINE FOR Lio Lresrrmtional, Tak, fab ive vom v i ally, Nos. 5 and iy: Nos. 6, 7, IL, % "i 13 hy ee ht Sunday, ! Toronto, Hamilton, "Buf eS ay Bay City, fawn, Port- Halifax, Boston, ong New Now 1 ged Ja Job, The Only Direct Line fo Quebec Without Change THE FAVORITE STR, ALEXANDRIA Leaves Craig's whar! every Friday, at 12, midpight, for Charlotte, N.Y., Olcott Beach, N.Y., and Buffalo, N.Y.; via. Bay ol Quinte snd Murray: Canal, and every Monday at 6:30 pm., for Montreal and Quebec, (direct without changes). Through 1,000 Islands and St; Lawrence River Rapids Low passenger and freight rates. Passenger accommodation unsu 8 W. G. CRAIG & C0, A. W. HEPBURN, Agents, Kingston. Manager, Picton. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cralses in Cool Latitudes, Twin Sorew Iron 8S. "Convage. with slectric lights, eleotrio bells all modern AILS FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS at 2 pm, Mth and 28th July, 11th and 25th August, Sth and 22nd September, for a, NS. calling at Quobes, Father Point, Gas Pierce, Grand River, Summerside, PEL, and Charlottetown, PEI. The ¥ i trip of the soason for health and Aletiy R AHERN, Scorstary, Quebec For tickets and staterooms anly to J. P. HANLEY, or J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, Ticket Agents. Kineston, Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Sirs. North King & Caspian Bay of Quinte & Rochester Route Steamer lenves daily (except Monday) at 5 pa. for ot Roshestar, » N.Y. calling at Bay "1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE Stéamer loaves Say ot ont Mondavi," at 10.17 am. for 1.000 lglands, call ing at Aiandria: br og Rockport and Gaon: oogue. STEAMER ALETHA Leaves Mondays at 5 pm., for Picton and Intermediate Bay Ports For Telly Sif srmation apply to i CILOERALERYE, { Ticket Avunte. James Bwilt & . Freight Agunta. Allan Lire Foti. mr {Reyal Mail Steamers, From Montreal. From Quebec. Mongolian, 12 July, 7 am. 12 July, 8 pm. , 19 July, 5 am. 19 July, 3 pm. toninn, 26 July. 8 am 26 July, 3 p.m. ye gf 8 am. Aue. Pak Fires wd uw Second bin, $37.50 to $42.50; Foveion. $1.50 Stn: Third class, od and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Boltast, Glas London. Out. New York to te Londondorsy & Glasgow. Laurentian 1 pm. July 16. 8.8. Sicilian, from Montreal to Glasgow, 30th July, ab cabin only: $85. direct, Wednesday, earrying second Agent, City Passenger bs ving $66.50 return. J. P. Hanley, Ontario strests, J. treed. > i Johnston and EDUCATIONAL. » KINGSTONS LADIES® COLLEGE KINGSTON, CANADA. Residential and Day Scheel for Girls, Address 3 MISS NM. GOBER, M. A, =» Priscipsl. "HILLCROET" ACADEMY, KINGSTON. THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY SROABBRIN'S The Esalargement York. MILLIONAIRES WILL UNITE, IN ORDER TO CORNER THE CORN MARKET. Dollar Cbrn Looked For--A Fine Art Collection~--~Morgan Wants the Earth and the Other Planets. (Whig correspondence, New York, July teen, began on the month and tebe thirteen is. twenty six, which fills the record of the Broadbrim letters from the first year of 'their publication td the present date, What dovs it mean? Is it bad hick ar good ¥ «Time alone can tell. I was going to say that the town was swept clean, but if 1 bad said it it woukl not be true, for in every 'way that can be possibly conceived time seems hurrying forward for the city's ctilargment Subways are at work day and night. We recognize their terrible energy by the buiklings blown down and the lives destroyed. No obstacld impedes them, no danger ap- pals. Give me suflicient money, said one of the greatest engineers of out time, and | will bridge the ocean. Modern. engineering is only a question of 'capital. It seems as if it might have been long centuries ago since the ferry Boat that connected New York and Brooklyn was run by the power of a single horse. Today the vonnections below and above the sur face of the East river will soon num- ber five, with a daily capacity of tran- sit for fully a million passengers. Long island, which was comparative- lv a wilderness, where the city sports: man sought his larger game, today is alive with tourists from Brooklyn to Montauk Point, amd every inch of its soi! has increased in value more than 1,000 per cent. The field that was considered execllent soil for potatoes, tornips and cabbages is now the coun try howe of a multi-millionaire, where beautiful buildings and the rarest of fine stock, lovely flowers and every thing that can please the tastqa or gratify the eye are to be found, The minor stream that once divided the' two cities of New York and Brooklyn still flows on from New York bay to Long lsland Sound; the terrors of Hell Gate no longer appall the navi gator or divide the two cities; brid ges and tunnels cover the way so closely that the coldest winter cannot affect their connection, and today one name ix dropped from the map, and the Greater New York stands grandly alone the second city of the workl. When you take up a newspaper to- day it seems as though every avenue of human endeavor was covered. Close your eves, think over the opportuni: ties offered to grow rich, and when you have finished you will come to the conclusion that the most wonder ful of them all is the newspaper that you hold in your hand. Your editor is no longer the humble beggar for Spsial favor, standing uncovered at the doors of the gheat, but an auto- cra, proud and commanding, saying to one and he goeth, and to another, "Come," and he cometh; to right the wrongs in distant countries, and at his command mighty armies go forth upon the land an gigantic battleships cover the sea. At his command Kitchener sweeps down the Boers as the ripened grain falls be- neath the scythe of the mower. China, with the traditions of thousands of vears and a population of 300,000,000, trembles at the alternative given he by the allied powers, and she grants every request that christianity de mands. I look at another column of newspaper, and there' | find recorded the transactions that took place on the other side of the globe only a few minutes ago. Time and space are annihilated, and I read of transac tions in Caleytty and Bombay almost as soon as they are furnished to the inhabitants of either city. Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, whither is the human intellect reaching ? We send 4 vessgl with full armament be- low the surface of the sea, we skim the air as the eagle flies, which "ap pears almost beyond the power of human ken. The latest record of the newest discovered automobile exceeds the wildest dream of the engineer, foi the chaffeur promises us a machine with the capacity of many tons that shall sweep over the earth at the rate of eighty-seven miles an hour. In trying to find some central Was Tortured By Eczema 30 Years A Dreadfal Case--liching Almost Unbeurable--The Flesh Raw and Flaming, Dr. Chase's Ointment, H. MeConmell, engineer, in Pharr foundry, ey, Aurora, ¢ Unt. states: Letter No Is ~Thirteen, thir Sih 'day of the 1,818.3 "Go, my fig- 1 "1 believe th in worth about thirty years 1 ith stems ant could vos | was %0 unfortunate. an to Lire for the present -- -- time, we hardly { know to mame. Owe gigantic ' ! fissaneial Fepautative favs hiv hand or New | {opposition gad consolidates them into vupon the fleets that cover the sen. He joing in perinangent alhanee the con flicting interests that have kept up jou. harmonious whole. But this tre radon power does not satisfy his ambition, the crops of the world that sustain mankind he desires to hold and control. A body of millionaires such' ax the world has pever seen be fore is banded together for the accom- plishment of this project; he is not particularly anxious to be known in the transaction, so he delegates one of his wost reliable agents to Ssure at once ten millon bushels of corn. The agedt is smoking 4 cigar and his eye is travelling carelessly over the newspaper in his hand, as if this tre mendous order was an everyday trans. action, amd he says to the telegra- phic operator, "Buy we ten millions bushels of corn.' Un geeeiving this message the telegrapi operator was afivighted, thinking he might he talking with a lunatic. "What did you say, sir Ten million bushels **' "Ten milliog bushels," quietly replied the person who gave the order, and then commenced that tremendous bat- tle in Chicago, where many houses with reputable financial characters for yours, in a few hours went down, down, down, in hopeless ruin, falling like Lucifer, never to rise again. The man who engineered the battle looked guietly and unmoved, as Kitchener did when forty thousand Madhists lay dead on the battlefield of Khartoum Lay this down as a principle. There is no friendship in business; there may be a seeming friendship, but it is like thin ice, not to be trusted when you go skating. I heard an operator say the other day, a wan whose voice was almost infallible on wheat and corn, that within sixty days corn would reach one dollar a hushel, far surpassing wheat, which was supposed to be the standard of values, and while this rise will mean fortune to some. to the multitude who place their trust in this treacherous grain it will wean hope less disaster and ruin. Founding their belief on former years the farmers sold short. remembering the time when wheat was booming and corn was Lurnt for fuel upon the plains of the west. - It was so worthless that it could not be delivered at a railroad twenty wiles away except at serious loss. So they sat down in their misery and tossed 'the beautiful ears of corn into the blazing fire, thanking God for the heat it furnished and at least thet it saved them from starvation Upfomtunately the producers of the crop of this year have sold short in advance to the speculators and the profits will go into the cornpit of inl instead of the pockets of the farmers who produced the crop, from Chicago to the Golden Gate The question frequently asked of in dividuals, Do you want the earth? If addressed to J. Pierpont Morgan he would undoubtedly answer "Yes" with a few of the nearest planets thrown in. Mars and Venus are not so very far off and the . moon is quite meighborly, done up in black and white. It is real ly a dead world ? If we want the in formation at first hand we must un doubtedly apply to J. Pierpont Mor gan. Turning irom the fields of plot and counterplot, of loss and gain, of glory and disgrace, it is with 5 fvel ing of satisiaction which our lan guage, rich as it is, can but indiffer ently express the supreme satisfaction we feel when we turn to the field of art; it is wholesome, it is restiul, it is elevating and good and calle to mind the happy days I have spent in its companionship. One of the most satisigetory remembrances to me is the advance in American art, though art considered as a whole is confined to no special country, but is universal, it speaks a language which like mu sic's voice is understood by the rudest savage and the most educated philo sopher, wherever the sun risys and wots. It is in this art world that I the chisel of the sculptor create from the marble block 4 glorious liv ing thing. The brush of the painter with a few pigments leaves his im preps on the canvas and brings us in to the presence of men ana women who have passed away, but whom he hus crowned with immorality. I listen to thé ravishing strains of music and revel in the glory of those grand opera mights where the melody aad harmony of 'the world seemed nnited-- wusic_such as coula only he created in that heaven where angels aweil Looking over the items of the week 1 see that my old friend Henry Walters of Baltimore, has secured one of the choicest art collections ip the city of Rome. It was owned Hy an influen tial member of pope Leo's family who hoped it would never depart from Rome while he remained alive. Its owner was in his ninetieth year, and if he would have consented to have it sold piecemeal he could have realized twice the sum be received, but he re solved years ago that it should never Jeave his possession unless it could be sold as an entirety. Mr. Walters, of Baltimore, seems to have grasped all the conditions and the result has been that this magnifi- cent collegtion will find its resti place in the United States. Mr. W ters will be kindly remembered as the archaser of the celebrated peach blow vase, one of the choicest gems of the reat Morgan collection Ki. o's he hammer Ti flosth ki, a. auctioneer of 1 06 of New York. It ---- MAMMOTH PRIZE COMPETITION TO BE HELD IN CONNECTION WITH GOLD SOAP. Bader So get thonnds of people in oll parts ol the country to see how pure and noer of cleaning, the manulacturers have decided to hold a Mav 15th 1902, and -- Nowvetnber 13th, 1 The prises Persons GOLD SOAP wrappers Ey suber 15th, 1902. The full list of prices will be found below, a ber of not win a prize will umber of WeapOors sent in mansiacturers of Gold Soap could wot afford to offers such an astousding inducement to the The that they feel sure that once Goki is tried it will be a constantly, to one POR. will be awarded to the per $2,500.00 in Prizes. sesnamienl GOLD SOAP is Mammoth to start Ee t nam who do old Soap premium in return for their wrappers--varying in velo ssoordiag wo the of the common' impure soaps alter using the putest, bandiest and now to save Jyou are C P! start your Gold Soap the Ha "Bold Soap compeiition. Pe not be a w ERTAIN to receive a prize or a regular Uold Soap nremium. most economics] soap that it Is possible to a the washing more quickly snd easily done and will bring the clothes out beautifully white public. were it not for as no good think of go soaps that is "worth its weight od GOLD SAP » ond if used constantly will keep down THERE ARE 5,213 PRIZES. wrappers you will have wuite a Jot bo November, and you will then share in send in your wrappers no matter how WARY you may have, because jens nota that St you ars not asked to send any moscy or do any work of any kind -sloaply use the Bath sab ln the world, we send you a prize or a Premivm. This is will rm OLD "SOAP DAP. Kisows from ocean 10 Of course il vou prefer to have ome Jf the regular Gold Soap premiums that are described on the backs you ony send in vour Gold Soap Wrappers at any UUme, with a pote telling which jwemium you wish. All Gold miums are guarscteed, so don't take the slightest risk. DIRECTIONS petition," the ireatest offer ever made to the Dabiie™ wed" R'shb Toe. wherever it is known it is liked and Save your Gold Soap Wrappers amd di them into G ave Sod Soap rh wen htm to Gold Soap. Toronto, marked. "Com: , 1902, with your own name aad feises ill be be .-.t ont on November 24th, with a fail jim ol the winoers. You may semi your wrappers in Suthe, ong wi words "Gold § t. Do not send in he whole wrapper, but just the owntre Lis OF OF PRIZES IN THE MAMMOTH PRIZE COMPETITION. 1st Prize--(For the largest number of Gold Samp {Onires received) $100 in Cash. 2nd Prize--{For the Prize--$30 in second greatest number) $50 ard 30 Cash. Each of the Next 30-A 14k Gold Filled Watch for Lady or Gentleman, guaranteed, Each the Next 10-810 Cash. Each Next 1 of the Next 3.000--A and Peppers, Butter Each Soap, This Knives, ete. All wrappers sent in must lave contained soap be careful never to buy Gold Soap unless it Wabi in Che must be plainly marked SRY Yen, * a Toronto, on or before November, number of wrappers in their art galleries | a liberal education BROADBRIM. have spent consider equal to THE FEAR OF DEATH. of Three Causes That Shorten Life. Bystander in Weekly Sun A French man of tells wu that one three causes which short en life is fear of death, which he supposes men in general to be haunt ed. I he right as to the fact 7 What is the usual observation of physician as to the general feeling of their pa tients on the approach of death? Ik they not generally testily to resigna tion, or at least quis Y "Re venge," Bacon, "trimuphs over death; love slights it; honor aspireth riefi fiveth, to it." "It is no less worthy," he adds, "to how little alteration in good spirits the approaches of death make; for they appear to be the same men until the inst instant." What death is anvone who has taken chloroform knows; sleep perhaps consciousness is not so entirely lost. No one can think with deasure of being borne away from his home never to return, and orever, if it i to be forever, those whom he Nor, that the succession of gencrations is necessary to the progress of the race, has the individual man, when his con sciousness has coased, whatever of his dust, much in progress. Yet, on the whole, human- ity has howed to the inevitable pa- tiently, if not without a #igh It seems to be felt that what is universal cannot be an evil Poetry plays with death, and we are not repelled. What dreams may come in that sleep of death is a question which must give as it gave Hamlet, pause. Hamlet apparently had failed to solve it Is One scivnoce of by to scence says observe from loves supposing niay become interest us, Brain Food Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent authorities. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, ite nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or pre vent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy mil lions. A few doses aids digeition, sti- mulates the liver to healthy action, purifies the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get this reliable remedy at Wade's drug store, Smith's White Liniment is the most penetrating liniment known, and a positive cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, and lumbage. In bottles, 28e., at Wade's arug store. Three applications of Peck's Corn Salve will cure hard or soit corns. In big boxes, 1bc., at Wade's drug store. The toast the "King and the Craft" i* not now given at. Masonic ban quets in England The new form is "The King Protector," and for higher . bodies, "The King our Ph tron." our A M edicine A Miracle i] mON-0x TABLETS the prize will be divided. to te defraud Gold Soap will be liberally rew: A parting | ted Tea Spoons, te the Next 2.000---A Copy of the Famous Pioture--entitled "King of Forest," Disturs: cannob be procured elsewhere. ho by the Ness 50---A LAL Silver Watch for Lady or Gentleman 00--One Dosen wilver-pla wuaranteed. Handsome Piece of Silverwice--Silver Sets, Cream Jugs, Ladies' Novelthes, Sugar Bowls. Salts Designed especially for Gold CONDITIONS. we dave 4 a secret process for detecting bogus weed regular black and orange wea and must contain the name and address of the Those that meosive prizes will not receive any wot wot winning prizes will receive a regular Gold Soap premium in return for their wrappers. Persons giviov information leading to the eomviotion of all communications shuply GOLD SOAP, TORONTO. Comvumers should tor centres) i adied 10 Cold Sonn, a . is all those In cass two wood in the any one trving KEEP COOL ELLIOTT BROS. We Carry a Large Assortment of the Following Goods at Reasonable Prices. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Window Screens, Screen Doors. Coal Oil Stoves, 6c. to $9. Garden Hose, etc, 77 PRINCESS STREET. Don't Boots, Forget . Abernethy' 2 COST PRICE SALE meter (fen Shoes, Trunks and Valises All This Month. A. Abernethy, Princess Street. @/werve 5 Bh veadneedlo St, Lb hid. np Capital] -- ---- © London City and 9 Ludland Sank Gimated, London, é) sgland, Bstablished 75836. £3,000,000. Fund. £3,000,000. -------- _-- THE CHEAPEST CANNOT BE THE BEST. LABATT'S Undoubtedly The Best Ale On The Market. it Is Remarkable For Its Purity. rm sit. 3