Ee ---- 69TH YEAR. NO. 169. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JULY 21, 1902, * IG. LAST M--- EDITION. BARGAIN ever offered is Kisgeton, J {Men's Soft Shirts Regular $1 Qualities Fast Colors Up-to-Date S0c. S JENKINS 3 114 PRINCESS STREBT. § Homo Best SIRT E nL Sn NORRIS & ROWE'S BIG SHOWS Charades JULY 24 PERFORMANCES AT 2and 8 p.m. 50 500 Performing Animals Trained Elephants, Buffaloes, Camels, Lions, Seals, Ben Lions, Zebus, Goats, Pomies, Dogs, Monkeys, Pigs ovd other animals. 30 FUNNY CLOWNS 30 Tents on Union Street grounds. t Grand Free Suet Parade, 11 am. ROYAL ROMAN HIPPODROME. COSTLY ZOOLOGICAL CONGRESS. EDUCATIONAL MUSEUM. EVERY ACT A FEATURE. BEVERY FEATURE NEW. Prigtasediseg or suis dayand 250 7 A WORD If you want Fruits for preserv- ing or for the table, you can do no better than at this store. The finest of raspberries, currants plums, cherries, watermelons, ote. A J REES, Princess Street, YES, MAUD, I WAS TELLING OUR FRIEND JENNIE shout ious oovked meats at Meyers' B68 Brook Street. Fresh pork ard tenderloin, Star and i bacon and bams, always in stock. Phone , TO COIN COLLECTORS. A BT OF U.S. SILVER CUINS FOR Address at Whig Oftics, REAL ESTATE. GRO, CLIFF 18 OFFERING GRE " de vee THIS SeoaTAT Ban LOST. ¥ AFTERNOON, A GOLD CRESCENT , set with pearls. Finder will be suit upon leaving i BOARD, FIRST ROOMS AND BOARD, ALSO Gentlemen preferred, ot 240 in slrees. BRIGHT AIRY ROOMS AND VIRST CLASS board, Most Sosiraiile part ol ea, noar y tw . den, Sturt steent. ie mo, Be WANTED. BOYS FOR STEADY WORK. "& GOULD & CO, Smith MECHANICS AND LABORERS, WHO WANT . 0 tor their wants at the k 81 Brock street. [FA YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER AND : S SptwEer. ome who hes 8 fair ko wiedge 4 chouping prefeered. Lox 33 Ony. PREY 10 J. Nireed, THE LARGER CENTRES, CLEVER ond who are ambitious LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Divison court sittings, 9 a.m. Tuesday. mest m YMCA. building, 8 p= A gol key opens every door.--ltalian pro verb. Industry "is the parent of lortene --German proverb, Tonight at pavilion, Coumtown Ce, The sun rises Tuesday at 438 am, mis aL 736 pm The way of the tracegressor is frequently paved with gold bricks Lake Ontario park, Coon Town Viudeville Company, Monday, 8 p.m. Gananoque ve. Potties bascball match, Lake Ontario park, 4 p.m, Tuesday The less some men know about a subject, the more they try to show off The average mon is as awkward at love moking as he is at cutting fresh bread. This day in the world's history--Battle of the Pyramids, 1798; Portugal pavs 83,500, 000, Delagoa Bay awani, 1900; Robert Burns, poet, died, 1796; Robert J. Ingersoll died, 1909; Lond Russell beheadid, 1683; first railway from Laprairie to St. John's, Que, 1812, CROWN DF RBY DECORATION WE OFFER YOU VERY HANDSOME DINNER SETS COMPLETE. Our regular price was $20. We have a few sets we are clearing at $12.50. ROBERTSON BROS. ONTARIO X| PARK) ONE WEEK, Commencing -- Monday, July Zit. Grocers Lake Ontario Pork, sod given Hvery Hvening we COATES aoe. |GRUNIYS {25% COONTOWN GO, nt da NEW SKETCHES, SONGS, DANCES, CAKE WALKS. See The Pliccantunies. ROOMS TO LET. w PURNISHED ROOMS TO LET AT eye' 64 William street, with board FRIGHTFUL DAMAGE IS DONE. Harbor Nine Are Drowned in From Open Boats. p, July 21.--A fierce torna do ch erized by a windstorm of extraof ry velocity, thunder, vivid lightning "and a heavy rain, sudaeniy burst upon Baltimore at' 1:30 p. m. yesterday, coming from the south west, Eleven persons lost their lives, hun dreds of houses were unroofed, trees in the public parks and streets were torn up by the roots, many buildiags damaged and several people injuivd. The storm exhaustea its fury in less than fifteen minutes. The damages done in the business part of the city was comparatively slight. It was in the residence portions of the city along the river front ana in the har- bor where the wind spent ite violence. Of those who perished nine were drowned in the barbor from open boats, one was killed by a falling tree and one by a live wire. MOB SHOOTS TWO NEGROES. Balti Trouble In Mississippi Over Orga- nization Of Societies. Kosciusao, Miss, July 21. Two ne groes, Monroe Hallman and James Gaston, were shot to death at Cross Roads, thirteen miles west of Kosecius ko, by a mob. The trouble grose from the organization of secret societies of negroes, with the intention, it is said, of inciNing the negroes to violence against the whites, May Have A Celebration. Montreal, July 61. Mayor Cochrane states that it is not improbable that a civic holiday will be proclaimed for August 9th, the king's coronation, and in that connection there is a pos- sibility of a military, review being held, although it ix not likely that there will be 'any visitors, troops be ing confined to 'the city corps, Would Curtail Production. Rerlin, July 21.---The west German cotton spinners are agitating for a general curtailment of production. They claim they lose eight plennings on every pound of yarn sold, the daily losses amounting to $30,000. ---------- A movement is on foot in the city to have the eivie holiday postponed from August 4th to 1th, when the king's coronation could be fittingly ob- served, Jt iy proposed, if the change 10 SEE THE COUNTRY W. T. R. Preston To Bring Eog- lish Editors, TREY WILL TOUR CANADA CANADIAN CORONATION ARCH 1S TO REMAIN. New Material Will be Provided to Renew It.--A Chesterville Man is Making a Device--General Capital Tidings. Ottawa, July 21.--W. T. R. Preston, who has charge of Canadian immigra tion matters in the old country, 1s to arrive in Canada about the middle of August. He will be accompanied by the editors of ten or twelve of the leading old country newspapers, pro- incial as well as metropolitan. The re will visit all important places in the dominion, the trip being ex tended right through to British Col umbia. It is expected that the re sulting dissemination of accurate in- formation about Canada will prove a valuable aid to immigration. Roland Miles Smith, of Chesterville, Dulas county, is applying for a divorce from his wife, Grace Smith, formerly of Winchester, on the ground of bigamy and adultery. The Canadian coronation London is to remain until after the deferred coronation ceremonies. The interior department has forwarded to London an abundance of material with which it will be rehabilitated. Immigration from Great Britain to Canada, which bas averaged about 11,000 yearly for five years past, in creased to 17,000 last year. The dominion rifle matches have been postponed until the first week in September, but the competition for the Palma trophy will take place on August 26th, as previously arranged. arch In rem------------------ KING'S PROGRESS SURPRISE. His Majesty Attends Services Conducted by Commodore. Cowes, Isle of Wight, July 21.-- King Edward yesterday attended di vine services conducted by commodore Lambdon, the commander of the Vie toria and Albert. Queen Alexandra and the other members of the royal family aboard the yacht were also present. A cold northeast wind neces- sitated the inclosing of the sides and stern of the deck, where the king usu- ally stays. His majesty rises at nine o'clock in the morning and takes his breakfast an hall hour later, after which he is visited by his physicians. The king's progtess continues to surprise the doe- tors. FATAL CRASH AT ROCHESTER Two Lehigh Valley Railroad Fly- ers in Collision. Rochester, July 21.--A fatal head-on collision occurred between two pas- senger trains on the Lehigh Valley railroad near Hope hoapital, this city, last evening, in which one person, P. W. Putnam, of this city, was instant ly killed and nineteen others more or loss seriously injured. Both trains were running at a high rate of speed when they came togethér. An engine and one passenger coach in one of the trains was thrown from the track down an embankment and into the Erie canal feeder and was completely wrecked; the other engine was demol ished, but remained on the roadbed -- Getting Ready For Big Fight. Francisco, Cal., July 21.--The promoters of the héavyweight cham pionship battle between Jim Jeffries and Bob Fitzsimmons are rapidly com- pleting their arrangements for the big fight. Construction work on the mam- moth amphitheatre in which the event is to he pulled off is practically finish- ed. It will seat 8,000 persons and so well were the plans laid that it is be lieved every spectator will be afforded an oxcellent view of the mill. Meanwhile reports from the two training quarters are to the effect that the em fighters have trained so faithfully that they are ready to en ter the ring at any time. A feeling of confidence appears to' pervade both camps. a fact which argues well for 5 contest worth secing. San Gen. Brooke Takes Leave. New York, July 21.--~To-day was one of the leave takings at Gover nor's island. Maj.-Gen. John R. Brooke, who has his headquarters there, as commander of the depart ment of the east for the past two vears, reached the retiring age to- day. He has scen forty-one years of contipuons service in the army, enough, he says, to satisfy any man, and he lost no time in packing wp his belongings preparatory to retiring to private life at his ole home near Philadelphia. Gen. Brooke is one of the most popular officers of the army and it ix with genuine regret that his fellow officers see him exchange his uniform for the clothes of the civilian. May Have New Play House. London, July 21.--The remarkable Lyceum theatre hax come to an end. Sir Henry Irving's famous playhouse has been condemned as unsuitable in its present equipment and construc tion for the accommodation of huge andiencer, thonsand pounds on necessary altera- tions, it, probably, will be decided to entirely rebuild the premises. The is sue is to be definitely settled at a meeting of the shareholders, to be held on Wennesday. Crashes Into Freight. Tolianapolis, July 21.--The fast mail on Pennsylvania railroad from New York to St. Louis, into an ndinsnpolis & Vincennes freight in the yards here last night. Eau BR three an A Tah inh half a dozen cars ow the freight. 1 heart failure, Ax it will require several MACKAY IS DEAD. The Millionaire Passed Away in London. 3 JOHN W. MACKAY. London, July 21.--John W. Mackay, the wellknown American capitalist and president of the Commercial cable company, died, last evening, at his London residence, No. 6 Carlton house terrace. He had heen ill for some days,"but his death was quite unexpected. It is said that he was suffering from the effects of London's excessive heat, : The immediate cause of death was The right lung was found to be congested and the symp toms indicated pneumonia. Mrs. Mackay, her mother and coun tess Relfener were present when Mr. Mackay died, and pripeess Galatro Co lonna arrived from Paris a half hour after her stepfather's death. John William Mackay was born in Dublin in 1531. His ancestors were of the Highland Mackay type. In 1540, he came to New York. He went to California soon after the Argonauts' of 1849, took to the prinitive methods of mining, lost and won, and then, in 1860, drifted into Nevada. An abste- minous, seli-controlled, forceful man, he became the leader of the hold and strenuous spirits who' were- planting seeds of future greatness. The bonan za discoveries came in INK72. In IRTX, the bank of Nevada, which has wield ed such a tremendous influence, established, The inception of the Com mercial cable in 15884, comploted the dates which mark the important ev ents in copnection with Ma kay's life STEAMSHIP CUT IN TWO. was Over Fifty Said To Be Drowned. Hamburg, Jauly 21.--The steamship Primus, wwned by the Hamburg-Ame rican line, with I53 passengers on board, was cut in two and sunk by the tug Hansa, on the river Elbe, at 12:30 o'clock this morning. So far as is ascertainable about tifty persons were drowned. Thirteen bodies al ready have been recovered. The Primus was an excursion steam er from Buxtehude. The disaster oc curred between Balnkenese and Nien stexlten. Among the passengers were the members of the Eilbeck choral so ciety At the time of the accident the Pri mus was crossing the river channel at Dlankenese, from the southern in to the northern fairway. According to witnesses ahoard the Hansa the movement was made too precipitate lv. The Primus struck the tug's en gine room and the Hansa endeavored to push her but | the tug grounded soon and the ships parted The Primus then sank. In the inter val, however, about fifty of her pas sengers were able to reach the Hansa by means of ropes and ladders. Se venty more were picked up by the tug's boats, while others swam ashore So Far ashore, THREE CLOUDBURSTS. Four Lives Lost and $300,000 damage Done. Binghamton, N.Y., July 21.-The heavy raing which have prevailed in this sectios ' for the past few days reached a climax on Saturday night, when three separate clondbursts curred within the limits of Broome county alone and several in surround ing territory to the northward, hreak ing mill-dams, washing out railroad tracks and highway bridges and doing much minor damage, as well as delay ing trans. As a result of the water's mad work four are killed gnd two seriously injured and 300.000 monetary dam age has been done. The dead are James Cook, drowned at Afton. Che nanvo county. Mrs. James Cook, wife of ghove; six months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Cook. Michael Ryan. of this city, killed in washout at Har pursville, Broome commty, on Dela: ware & Hudson roilroad. sp ---- Tried To Escape. Yarmouth, N.S. July 21. Luke Holmes convicted of assanlt with are volver, and fined £23, attemdtel, on Saturday. to escape by putting to wea in a small vessel with a bov. Chief Cook' gave chase with 4 tug and over hauled the schooner. Holmes tried to defend himself with an axe, the boy rendering assistance and» most Ex: citing fight ensued before the vessel was taken. oc Birthday Of Maria Christinia. Madrid, July 21.-- Though she is no longer queen regent, the birthday of Maria Christina was celebrated jov- fully thronghont Spain today. The queen mother retains her popnlarity with the people and it is still more interesting to note that the stories recently afloat that she is not well rented by the young king since he ascended the throne. sie denounced as utterly without foundation. RIE OBHED 1 LL Said He Dia Not Fire The Shot GOVERNOR ROSS AFFECTED A SUFFERER FROM PARALYSIS, HE IS And Has Been Unconscious For Most of the Time--Incorpora- tion Granted to Canadian Northern Railway Elevator Company. Toronto, July 21.--Rev. Robert Hall, who looked after the spiritual prepar ation of Fred. Lee Rice, hanged on Friday for the murder of constable Boyd, gave ont 5 statement made by the condemned man to him. "He said distinctly," said Mr. Hall, "that he never fired the shot-- and | believed him. That . statement was made some time ago and was never withdrawn. He made no recent state- went." A Mail and Empire special, from White Horse, Yukon, territory, July 20th, says: The steamer Columbian has arrived from Dawson with gover nor Ross on boara suffering from a paralytic stroke on the' right side, re ceived on the 17th. He has been un conscious most, of the time and may not recover. The governor was taken to the home of Maj. Snider, the offi cer commanaing the district. The Mail and Empire's Montreal corresponaent says an early appeal to the country by the Laurier govern ment is on the cards. A leading mem ber of the liberal party, who is a senator of the dominion, a close friend of the premier, and one of phe leading liberal organizers, gave "the information to a party of Montreal liberal! workers, with the intention that it would be a good iaea to get to work. It is not expected by the liberals that the colonial conference will have any practical results. Lau rier will oppose any contributions to imperial defence, and on his return to Canada. the 'liberals will appeal to the country for. the endorsation of the premier's action, A. B. Aylesworth, on behalf of W J. MetCart, the liberal member, moved aside the petition of J. Me Laughlin, on the ground that he had not described himself ax the defeated candidate and failing that three names should have appeared on the petition | The deposit in the Glengarry cross | petition of Mr. Mcleod, the sitting conservative member, against D, Mc Pherson, was received at hall on Saturday The Ontario Gazette announces that incorporation has been granted to the Canadian Northern railway elevator company, limited, with a share capi tal of $500,000, head office in Toron to, and provisional directors as fol lows : William Mackenzie, Donald I Mann, Seebulun Alton Lash, Robert Phipps Ormsby and Roderick John Mackenzie 3 After running for a period of seven weeks the electrical workers' strike hus been terminated by a settlement which, the men claim, is a practical viotory, inasmuch as it fixes the mini mum wage for an eight-hour day hereafter at twenty-five cents, a sub stantial advance on former conditim, and, moreover, includes recogr ition of the union. which was a cardinal prin cipal in the fight. The agreement will be signed by both sides within the next few days and will hold good un til March, 1904 Reports received here show there is general depression among farmers of the province owing to apparently never ending fall of rain Between Toronto = and Lake Simcoe and in several other sections, the hay crop is rotting in the fields, and if fine weather does not come soon the whole crop will be ruined. The present out look is exceedingly gloomy. Reports with reference to the fruit crop, how ever, are optimistic. Apples arc said to be. beavier than for vears, and there will be an sbundance of peach es, to set Osgoode that the the To Look For Peary. Halifax, July 21.---The Peary steam er Windward arrived in Sydney on Saturday night, from Ne York, sail ing the last hundred miles under sail her supply of coal having become ex hausted. After taking on board about 100 tons, the Windward will sail to dav for Cape Sabine, calling at Etah, and possibly, Cape York on the wav Mrs. Peary and daughter, Marie, and H. L. Bridgman, secretary of the Peary Arctic club are in Svdnev, Mr Bridgman expects the Windward will { find Peary at Cape Sabine, possibly, or at Ftah Will Attend The Durban. London, July 21 Preparations for the proclamation, at Delhi, of king Edward as emperor of India, are pro ceeding quietly, The prince and prin cess of Wales for the east ab ott the end of November. The will disembark at Bombay, and proesd hy special train direct to the ld Mol capital, where 4 great durpan will be held on the first of January. leave Gets Fanny Davenport's Plays. Milwaukee. July 21. Judge Halsey of the circuit court has banded down an opinion in which he decides that Melbourne MacDowell" holds the rights to the plays of "La Tosca" and "Cle ophtra" which rights be inherited from his wife, the late Fanny Davenport. Committed Suicide. Halifax, July 2h -Alexunder McKay committed suicide. yesterday after poon, hy jumping into the north west arm, with stones bound to his feet McKay composed and sang Seotch songs. King Leopold, Pelgiom, visited bingy Fdward on the roval yacht on Sxtur day. ACCUSED OF SWINDLING. Michigan Girl Held On Charge Of Buncoing. Kalamazoo, Mich., July 2i.--Faunie Cooley McGowan, arrested in Ander son, Ind, will be brought te Kalaang yoo on a charge of swindling. She re fused to come without requmition pa pers. The specific charge i» that she obtained $100 from postmaster W. W Baldwin of Comstock, under. false pretences The woman is the daughter of Rev E. Cooley, at time pastor of the Methodist church in Marshall It is claimed she made victims of prominent men in Detroit, Saginaw, Battle (reck, Marshall, Kalamazoo, and a dozen places in Michigan. She is said to have secured 8500 from a Kalama roo attorney. James Phillips, of Bat tle Creek, gave up #400. One of her victims was Miles Townsend, | one former mayor 'of Marshall. She is wantea by the officers in most of these places The trial is expected to be sensation I Fannie McGowan was graduated from the Marshall | high school and was known not only as 4 pretty girl, hut one who had peculiar powers to fascinate the male sex. She is now about twenty-eight years old. Her gl leged method has been to tell a hard luck story or to represent that he was collecting money for Sunday school or some religious work Sh was married to x Battle Creek man named McGowan a few months ago. LIKE O'BRIEN CASE. Quebec Man Robbed and Murder- ed in the Yukon. Dawson, July 21.--The police have established the fact that the evident ly murdered man whose body was found in the river a few days ago is named Leon Bouthillette, whose father resicles at leauce, Que. They found a bunch of kevs in his clothing. He had 21,100 when he left White Horse, re turning to Dawson. The theory of robbery and murder has been estab lished. There is now a similarity to the O'Brien murder The police are said to have a clue to the murder er, and every effort is being made to arrest the perpetrator. MRS. M'KANE'S BIG BABY. case Wife of James McKane Gives Birth to a 25-pound Baby. New York, July 21.----Mrs. McKkane, whose hushand is a brother of John Y. McKane, once known as the czar of Gravesend, gave birth yes terday to a boy weighing twenty-five pounds. Mrs, McKane ix twenty.three yveats old and a daughter of Paul Bauer, who built the Seaside sporting club, which is now the Arcade baths and in which the MeKanpes live at Coney Island~Mrs. McKane bas two other children. It i&8 probable that the latest will be named John Y. M. Kane. Mother and child are doing well. James VALUABLE ART CURIOS GONE, ------ Loaned to the Belfast Gallery and Now Missing. teliast, July 21.--A sensation has been caused in municipal circles by the discovery that a number of price less art curios which had been loaned by the Victoria and Albert museum of South Kensington, London, to the free urt gallery have stolen or mislaid. The authorities are mysti fed -over-the 'matter be the keys to the case containing exhibits were retained by the the Scuth Kensington museum The Inenew Launched. Toronto, July 21. --In of rain the steambarge Hudson Bay Saturday afternoon at shipyards. As the the ways, Mrs. D. B Ison christened the boat, but the bottle of cham pagne failed to break. It was broken by one of the workmen, and the con tents flowed over the side of the bull The barge Inenew is a neat craft. She is eighty feet long, and is built extra strong in order to withstand the ice which she will encounter én the Hud son Bay. The Inenew will leave naxt week for her destination, via the >t Lawrence river, and arouml the La brardor Hudson Bay been ause the otheers of a downpour Inenew, of the was launched the Polson vessel shid down company, const to Former Convict In Business. Trenton, N.J., July 2i.-Charles Filer, a burglar in state prison, en tenced to serve ten years from May 1506, and pardoned on Wednes lay becomes superigtondent of the Perfo tion blind and lockstiteh sewing na chine company, with $1,000,000 tal Filer, who ix vented a dropstitch for chine which séws seams in cloth ith ont showing on the other I he invention ix a suceess and has bevy om use in the prison workshops for th-ee years ent a machinist, in a sewing ma Overturns Boat. Tolchester Md. Post, aged twenty, and Parker, twenty-one years old timore, who came here on an sion, were drowned Sunday afternoon They, with four companions, were rowing in the bay. A wind synall overturned the boat. The others were rescued, July 21. James B Theodore of Bal excur Sir John Bourinot. Mtawa, July 21 John Bouri fingering illness «till drags on with no sige of improvement in the Sir not = (10 sm )~Un- graduediy 20. Tuesday Toronto, Ont, July pitted and showery clearing Odd sizes and makes, including W.B., P.D, C.P. and Magnet c, worth $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. Your Choice For 5C. Pair. DIED. VAN ORDER-At his lute residence, Rodden street, on Saturday, July 19th, 1902, Jobe Van Order ldest von of tha lale Mathew Vom Order Funeral private HURST In Kingston, July 20th, finm Hurst, aged 65 veors The funeral will leave his Inte residence, 12 James street, to-morrow (Tuesdny) at 230 o'clock wo Catarsgu cemetery, Friends and aoquaintanos soe cuspectiully to. attend 1902, Wil invited NEW CONSUMPTION CURE. Marvellous Result of Treatment of Fred. Hammann. York, July 2] nann, a patient w h ion, selected hy the New York Jour al at the Vanderbilt clinic from 100 ther cases, and sent at the Journal's xpense to Prof, Hofi the eminent specialist gt Vienna, to prove to the vorld that the is eurpble, has returned home completely cured Dr. Ho's famons prescription together vith a bottle of the medicine and a wenty four page hand hook, contain ne the Journal's account of the cura progressed, is being sent out roe Hamme hasty consump. Fred New liven as It to consumptives and all sufferers from bronchitis, asthma and eatarrh, by the Journal research societ) 575 Awe rican building, New York citve ------------ Chickens Uncared For. that farmers sales on the wity The tract Complaints are made vho offer chickens for market guilty of or hickens boxed up on the farm Friday brought to market Ba- and, if sold, are oft times leis islana market awaiting tho the purchaser until Mon lay morning All that time they gre ithout food or water This matter might well be looked after by the hu- live are are night turday n the pleasure of mane society Grants Audience To Taft. 21. A despatch to Heuter's telegram company, from save the pope granted an audi to William H. Taft, Philippine islands, nd his associates in the pegotiations with th vatican regarding religions uestions in the Philippines London July Rome, nos Sunday governor of the A large loss of life is reported in thogh fire of Eeyuador, number of victims has not been The homeless ave being far as possible by the reat ihe wweertnined Goavagul eared for ax ernment JEWELRY REPHING ¢ wend Yours to Us, distinguished patient's condition. For} a dav of two past he has been hold ing his own, but there has lwen little to encourage bis friends Buller To London, July 21. Gen. Bulle " preparing to write a history of the Boer war in a final effort, vie, to vindicate himself. Your choice for 2c. at Mullin's gro very, 5 The of ginger spaps, 5 lw. of wine biscuits, 3 Tow. of lemon snaps or 3 lbs. howey cake. i { Write History of War. | We neatnes, vromise you sabis'action ¢ in promptosss and | ¢ small charges. Our workroom is equipped with the !est mod- | 9 vn tools and roe hincry. The | ¢ workmen ate experts 0 JOHNSTON & BRO, JEWELERS. ' | ® © FS A tp