Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jul 1902, p. 2

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\ THR DAILY WHIG, MONDAY, JULY 2i u-- ------ «und. o CYOLERA INFANTUM add sn be quickly relieved and titimately cured by POWLEY'S LIQUIFIED OZONE... Ar Your druggist has it in stock. £ Two duss, ou. 40d $1.00, MER COTTAGES Mequire furnishing in keeping with their surroundings. We have an ideal stock to choose from. Mattings in pretty designs and colors from 12jc. a yard, Porch Rugs, Porch Pillows. Frilled Musling in dainty. pat- terns at 12jc. yard. » p Memmmmmarin, PIF PLII PEEP PIPPICPI TIVES R. McFAUL, *'w Furniture ~~ Camels Hot Weather Inducers. Many of our Customers read this space They ate on the alert to economize. It mighiy Pay you, fo give some aliehtion to our wiv. and sew if what we advertises is volue or not, 1 $88 Bed Sulte 1 60 Sideboard And a host of oiler I: Special $68 "" 45 ¢ Ino wputhy with Carpeis and Curtains. Our C. BE. Taylor bas gome to the English mills to buy new fall and spring stock. We are anxious to clean out all present took of English Axminsters, Volvets, Wiltons, Brus sols, ute, and will quote low prices to do »0. Bring your summer vidtors through wardroomy. They will enjoy the visit and wo will be pleased tw bave you look through. You will not be asked $0 purchase. YOURS, T. F. HARRISON CO., UNDERTAKING, ETC. "Phones 90 and 91. our The Toronto General Trusts Corporation Office And Safe Deposit Vaults. 9 YONGE STREET, TORONTO $1.0 00,00 » 80,000, Capita, Reserve Pund « President : JOHN HOSKIN, QC, LL.D. Vice: Presidents : HON, 8. C. WOOD, W. H. BEATTY, Fa. J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Director. A. D. LANGMUIR, Assistant Manager. JAMES DAVEY, Secretary. Authorised to -met as Exeoutor, mpistrator, Trustee, Reeviver, tos of 5084, Guardian Eh Suntan 40 rant. All siren 'and at reasonable prices. Parcels received for sale | amd other valuables Cuaranteed and aitist g Estates, Administra. thon are covtinued essecevseesssseteces Gaps' Faiths | cOLLAR TINS, | STUDS, sasm, Ad: Commit Lida tor, Se9000000000e0 oe THE SCOTCAMEN AT WORK BROUGHT TO WORK IN A STEAMYACHT. Matters Running Smoothly at the Locomotive Works -- The Strikers Leaving the City -- Interview With the New Ar- rivals. The hum of machinery which de potes active industry is to be beard at the locomotive works, and work is proweding as though nothing n usiial bad happened. At seven o'clock this morning the thirty-thiee Scotch machinists who were recently import ed, started to work in the machine shop, which ix now well manned. The strangers weie brought aeross from Channel Grove in the steamyacht Aberdeen and landed at the locomo tive works' wharf. A large crowd had collected on Ontario street, in pectation of witnessing trouble, hut pone resulted. The strking machinists were well represented the street, but were unable to in contact with the Friday evening some -of the striking machinists seiled across to Channel Grove in the hope of interviewing the Scotchmen, but they ordered off the grounds, as they were trespassing Saturday they made a second at tempt and this time were uccessful They were scen by Mr. Bermingham, whe invitel thew to land and ar rapged an interview for them with the Scotehmen in his presence. The new arrivals heard their arguments, after which the answer was given that "if that was all they had to say, they, (the strangers) did not want to hear any more. One of the strikers, in speaking of the matter this morning, pointed out that the city would be the loser by the action of the locomotive works company, as already over forty strik era had left town, while only thirty five persons had been brought in to take their places. Between thirty-five and forty strikers yet remained in the city and they would have to sok work elsewhére, so the city's po pulution would show a material de crease at the end of the year. Nearly all the men who have gone and are going away are good citizens, old re sidents and the of old residents, but their claim to preference, he said, was quite ignored by the locomotive works company "No doubt the strikers would like to return to work," remarked a Whig reporter to an official of the locomo- tive works company. "Well, they will have to be satisfied with the liking, for they will never return ta. work in the works umder the present ment," was the reply. Merchants are feeling the results of the strike in decreased trade, and many are wishing for a settlement of the difficulty in order that might begin to freely flow again. ex on conw slranygers were #ONY locomotive manage money ------ Say They Will Yet Win. The machinists declare that they will yet win the strike. "Why," said a wachinist this morning, "these im ported Seotchmen will not remain here. They are prisoners on the island and nothing more. No man will main a prisoner long, not even for 85 a day. You mark my word : It won't, be very long before those Scotch ma chinists will quit. We know every move of the company, and we are not going to remain idle. The Scotchmen did not know the conditions prevailing here; they were kept in ignorance. They know now, however, for we in formed them." a ------------ DEATH OF WILLIAM HURST. re For Twenty-three Years a Guard in Penitentiary. One by one the old residents are passing away and going to their just reward, The latest to lay down hife's labors was William Hurst, James street, who passed away Sunday even ing, aged sixty-five years: ~' he decens ed .was not ill any length of time and his death so soon came as a shock to his family and friends. The late Wil linm Hurst was a native of the county of Antrim, Ireland, coming to Canada when about fifteen years For forty-five years he was a resident of Kingston, in early life finding em ployment with Chafiey Bros., for; warders. For twenty-three years he served faithfully on the stall of the Kingston penitentiary, retiring about three vears ago. Fifteen or eighteen was one of two keepers whom four convicts overpowered, gagged and Jocked in the cells while they made their escape across the ice; Blake, Shiotte and Rapson were three of the convicts, who suffered great hand ship; one had his feet frozen and all were more less frost bitten, their injuries leading to their recapture. From ,the effects of the rough treat ment they accorded him, Mr. Hurst never fully recovered. The deceased is survived by his sor rowing wife and entire famaly of six, William, James, Mrs. John Dennison, Mrs. Harry Rae, this city, Mrs, Adam Craig, Belleville, and Mrs. Drury, Watertown. In politics the late Mr. Hurst was a consistent conservative, a Methodist in religion and forty years a member of the Orange order. okl. years ago he or The Case Further Adjourned. The only item of business at this morning's session of the police court was the adjourned assault case in which John Whelan charged Robert Wylie with unbccomi conduct. Plaintiff is at present in Nova Scotia winding up his father's estate, and wrote, to say he could not be here for sa week. An adjournment was for one week. Wylie's bail of" 81,000 was cancelled. He ix at prevent em- ployed in Montreal. ------------ Captured A Fine Owl. Elmer Lawrenson, of the firm of J emmon, Claxton & Lawrenson, is the possossor of one of the finest white owls ever seen in the city. He it in a barn at Lemoine's Point © a few days ago. It is & re markably five bind, and has attract. ed a good deal of attention. It been placed in the window for exhibi- tion. ; Supplies For Camp And Picnic. fanch THE BISHOP'S SERMON. Preached Sunday Morning in St. > George's Cathedral. The bishop of Ontario's sermon on Sund. morning at St. George's catia was upon the test, Phil- iv, 19 ; "But my God will supply all your feeds according to His riches in glory bv Christ." These words were spoken to God's people for all time, as the principle of His dealings with christiaps. The apostic spoke 8s one unable to requite but he pointed to Une who can and will repay to the ut termost, for even a cup of cold water given in His pame shall in no wise lose its reward. It was a common thought that means given in support of God's work, or 'for relief of His distressed childrem, was lost to sight and remembrance, but in truth it would be returned as saugnt earthly could be. God regards the plows and unselfish gift as a loan to Him, and will return it in no stinted measure The apostle, then, does not speak of (God as high and mighty, or all pow erful, but as the Father of love. Not only are we His but he permits Him «lf 10 Le ours. David speaks of Him not af the shepherd of lernel, but as his shepherd, leading him in gre:n pastures and by still waters. It is a simile frequently used in holy writ God was not merely ruler, but father and friend. What the earthly parent is to his children, God is to the children of men, repdv to give, to receive, and to blot out. Then the apostle promises that God will supply all our need, not any spe cial petition but all we require; and His word endureth, for ven and earth shall first pass away. The need spoken of is not for the soul alone bat for the body as though some hesitated to ask for worlaly care. We are all for God and belong to Him, and nothing we can ack in this life is a matter of uncon cern to our loving guardian. No par ent worthy of the name will reject br disregard his child jn distress. So God, through His Son, the great bur- den bearer, is our loving, our devoted Father But our need, not our de sire, is given, for we wish things not proper to have, things that might be a harrier to worldly and spiritual prosperity. Special petitions may fail, hut if we ask in the right spirit, "not my will, but Thine be done," there will be more than compensation in His merciful direction. It was pro «ed that He would supply "all" Christ Jesus." Oh blessed hope the engrafted christian, pleading in humble submission for the blessed need ! People who do not practice prayer, refuse to take God at His word, and therefore one of the greatest blessings of this life and im peril their supreme joy in the world to come. Jesus well, losa Church Paragraphs. Church bells are taxed at Valencia, Spain. Crucifixes and candelabras have so far escaped, Rev. Frank Cornell, Newmarket, formerly principal of Portsmouth pub- lic school, preached in the Portsmouth ethodist church last evening. Rev. R. J. Craig, M.A, preached at both services in Chalmers church yes terday. Miss Wormwith is acfing or canist during the absence of Mrs Pobbs. The First Presbyterian church, War ren, Penn., was asked for £1000 to support a lady member of the congre gation as a missionary in China for a vear. They gave $2,100, Rev. S. J. Hughes, Winchester, an nounced in the Methodist church, Sun day morning, that Lorne Mulloy, the blind South African veteran, intended to enter the Methodist ministry, pre paratory to which he hatl heen Jicen- xl as an exhorter. . Donations announced: Richard Voor hees, Clinton, N.J., to Reformed Church mission, India, making 8100, 000 he has given; Col. Mason Tyler, New York, $25,000 to Amherst Island; Dr. Pearsons, Chicago, 825.000, to complete his gift of $250,000 to Whit man college, Walla Walla; Gov. Aaron Bliss, $21,000 to Albion college. Rev. Dr. Anthff, in his sermon, last evesing, on leprosy, paid fitting tri bute to the memory of Rev Father Damien, a Roman Catholic, who spent his Life in working for lepers on one of the Sandwich islands. He suid that good man's name would never pever be allowed to pass away from the annals of heroic christian men. rr S---- MARINE INTELLIGENCE, ran What is Happening Along the Wa ter Front. Swift's wharf on Sunday: Steam ers Kingston and North King, down and up. Steamer Corsican cleared for Montreal this morning. Craig's wharf on Sunday : Steamers QOeean and Cuba down; steambarge Nile, Rideau canal ports to Oswego, with lumber and shingles, called M. T. company elevaton: 88. Rose mount and consorts elear to-night for Fort William; tng Thomson cleared for Montreal with four grain-laden barges. H. J. Leighton, of Syracuse, N.Y., builder of the Leighton naptha en- gines, will bring a new boat to the Thousand islands in about three weeks which will run twentv-five nriles an hour. It is seventy five feet in length, Fog and rough weather have hinder- ed passenger steamers from making good time nearly all this month. The steamer North King was nearly two hones' late vesterday, on account of 4 storm on the lake the night before. Other boats, bound down, were also delayed. A Lamp Exploded. The fire brigade was called out ab ont hall past ten o'clock Saturday night to quench a fire in the butcher shop of James Robbs, Princess street, near Clergy street. A large coal oil lamp exploded, scattering flamine oil all over the premises. The sawdust covered floor was quickly ablaze, ig niting the door and other woodwork. The flames were extinguished before much damage resulted. Hidden In The Weeds. A man took ill on Friday near the riding school on Burrack street. Bur- docks grow in rich profusion there, and the man lay down among them. Though the pedestuians on this stréet are many, vet the man remained ther from Friday till Saturday noon before he was discovered. It is about time that the city authorities had the weeds along streets ent down, | Povtum Co., Bettle Creek, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP RY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Life -- About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Pay water rate and discount, The municipal cowvncil of Deseronto has fixed the tax rate at twenty-eight mills on the dollar, Witherill's, 'Syracuse, cursion to Kingston Islands on July 29th. Don't forget the nurses' alumnae ex- cursion in aid of the nurses' home, Tuesday evening, Steamer New York, 7:30 o'clock. The Newbu school picnies on Tuesday A sample Sleeman fender has arriv ed here. It will be tried by the King- ston street railway company. The Frontenac cereal company has more orders on haod from the West Indies than it can Hil in 4 year. Brockville, Toroyto, amd Ottawa have their civie holidays on August 4th, the same date as Kingston. Levers Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath softens the water at the same time that it disinfeets. 16 At a meeting Saturday of Kingston commandery, nights of the grip, it was decided to eonduct the annual ex cursion to Alexandria Bay on August 9th. Kitty Harrison Island, situated be tween DBlufi and Grindstone Islands and almost opposite Clayton, has been sold to R. Tiflany, a New York artist, John Johnston, the deaf mute, who assaulted little Miss Maude Cobet lost week, will be arraigned before the po lice magistrate to-morrow morning to answer to a charge of assanlt, Steamers North King and Caspian leave Kingston, daily (except Mon day), at 10:17 a.m., for 1,000 islanas, and at 5 p.m., for Rochester, R. ¥.. commencing 29th June. The steamer North King on ber trip down the river Sunday morning carried a large crowd of excursionists from Rochester, N.Y. The popularity of this steamer bas not suffered any in recenl years. The members of "E" company, regiment, will meet Wednesday ing to complete arrangements regard ing the welcome home to be tendered South African veterans, who formerly belonged to the company A young man, stylishly dressed, en tered a local business place on Satur day to make a purchase. The talk drifted to the matter of the strike at the locomotive works, and the stran ger informed the merchant that he was a Montreal detective Citizens interested in flowers should inspect the bed of tuberous rooted begounias in the city park. The flow- ers are the finest here in recent times. There is a splendid variety of both single. doubles, of the blooms are six inches across. save have an ex and Thousand gh Methodist Sunday at Lake Ontario park 14th even seen and Some ------------ Off For The Boys' Camp. The steamyacht Tekona left Swift's wharf this morning with twenty-four Y.M.C.A who will spend this week in camp at Morten island, up the Rideau. The party was in charge of J. A. Lawrence, association secre tary, physical director Bews, C. Wes ley Walker anil Henry Ovens. The week in camp, providing the weather is good, will be most enjoyable. The bovs will be carefully looked after by those in charge Excursions will be run to Jones' Falls, Smugglers' Cove and other points 'along the picturesque Rideau. There will ba fishing compe- titions, athletic contests, swimming matches, ete. Many of the hovs' par are anxious that their sons should be taught how to swim, and this instruction will be given them This iz the first time the local Y. M. C. A. has conducted a boys' camp, and the prospects are that it will be a great success hows, enta McLeod's Hair Restorer. A barmless preparation for invigo- rating and beautifying the hair, re- stores gray hair to its original color and when the hair is fallen promotes a new growth Useful in preventing Aandraff and destroying parasitic hair killers. B0c. per bottle, at McLeod's drug store. DAVID AND GOLIATH. -- A Little Shot Put Old King Cof- fee Out of Business. When medicine fails, they times send sick people away to other climate for their health times the climate does it, but more often they stumble on the proper food to take, and then get well. A lady in San Diego tells of a friend who left her home each Decem ber, for the past two winters, to go to California for her health. She says : "Almost all of her time was spent in visiting the doctor and sit ting in. a big chair and watching the clock to note the time for her pext dose of medicine. Nervousness was her principal trouble, and with others of kindred nature, made life for her a burden, On the occasion of her last visit, I begged ber to give up the use of cof- fee, and use Postum Coffee. She re: plied that she could not stop coffee. I said no more at the time, but the next morning ut breakfast, 1 passed her a fragrant, steaming enp of Pos tum, making it as it should be made. After that, 1 had no more troubls, and my friend drank no more coffee, But the most surprising part of the experience was the change that soon came over her. We began to notice it within Jese than a werk. In less than a month, her nervousness had left her. and in three months, she was a new woman in face, figure and health. 1 had not dared to hope for so much benefit, al though | Bad been greatly benefited myself by Postom, but cofiee to her wystem was simply poisonous, and heliove this is the case with many others. She returned to her home in December, ied within lesa than two A , never fails to give credit to Postum for hat health or tharks to me: for teaching ber to make it properly, well she may, for Postum has done jor ber what teavel, doctors and medi- cinn failed to do." Name giten by jeh. some an Some I FERSONAL MENTION, Movements of The People--What | They Are Saying And Doing. B. W. Folger, jr., has returned Brooklyn, N.Y. John Donnelly left this morning for his rundum mine at Combermer Charles Revs, of Wade's drug store, is. enjoying a few holidays on the nver. 4. 1b. Bunt, of this left lay to spend a rouple of weeks in reveral western Cities David: Ovens, the city Henry Ovens. Janes O'Reilly, working in Belle ville, 'during the past three months, has returned home Miss Minnie Bovd, Toronto, visiting her parciits, Mr. cand Boyd, Brock street Neil M. Leckie, M. A., Hamil ton, is spending a few days in King ston. He is on vacation. C.F, Gildersleeve, general manager of the & 0. navigation company, spent Sunday in the city . M. J. Grayling, of Spring Val 3 Minn. the guest of rs Leighton Guess, Bagot street, Miss Carrie Smith, Chicago, spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mes. Marshall, Albert street. Mrs. Donald McMillan and daugh ter, Chicago, are guests of the Misses McMillan, University avenue William Birtles, of the Montreal Star-is in the eity, to spend his an nual vacation with his parents. Mrs. Susan Moylan, Stratford, is dead. She was born in Kingston, a daughter of the late Hugh Conley Miss Rose Branifi loft by the steam er North King yesterday for a short visit to Gananogue amd Brockville Harry Baker, clerk for James Red den & Co., left this morning for Tre mont park for a couple of weeks' out ing. Hugo Craig, a wember of a survey party at Addington county, spent Sunday in the city with his pa rents. from city Roehester, N.Y in to his brother, i= on oa visit is Mis. Isaac Rev work in Mrs. Whea are the guests of dartells, Alfred Miss Amie Cronin ami ton, Memphis, Tean., Mr. and Mrs. O. V. street Miss Florence Cannem, Cherry street, left, this morning for Auburn, N.Y., to ake up residence with her brother. Clark Allen, formerly in the Rath pun company's loeal office, came up with the Gananoque lacrosse team on Saturday Mrs. James mother of Mrs city; ill for proving in health The funeral of a vey, a resident of Cataraqui, place to-day. The deceased was sevenly-one years. Mrs. Cameron, of Sault Marie, and Miss Sarah McMahon, Syracuse, are guests of their sister, Mrs. Jamos Reid; Union street. Mrs. lett and daughter, Watertown, N.Y., who have been visit ing relatives in the city, returned to Watertown to-day Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, and daughter, Buffalo, N.Y., visiting at the residenee of John Ilett, Queen street, left for their home to-day Sergt Butner-Grey, of "A" field battery, and his wife have gone to Bonaparte Lake, in the Adirondacks to enjov their holidays Miss Elizabeth M. Healey, of department of education, New N.Y., is in the city spending nual vacation with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Master, Dakota, guests of Mr. and Mrs, George University avenue, left for home terday bv way of Rochester 0. B. Shertley, Ottawa, district su perintendent for the Canada life in surance company, is the "guest of Harry Angrove, Arch street lishop Mills preached an eloquent and impressive sermon in St. Luke's church, Williamsville, last evening. A large congregation was present. . K. McCullough, Montreal, ing his father for a few days, left to day for Galt, Ont., to visit ter, Mrs. 1. G. Robinson, place William Varney of works is in Toronto, big convention of the association, as a delegate from local union. Benjamin Gage, for fifteen years in the employment of R. H. Toye, baker, has resigned to accept a position with the Clarified milk company. J. Van luven succeeds him. George Jarrell, James street, form erly of Mills & Cunningham's office, has been appointed district agent in the ordinary branch of the London life insurance cowpany Capt, John Dandy, of the steamer Bain, engaged in a survey of the River St. Lawrence, ha# returned to hiz home the city. The survey ing work will shortly be fimizhed Susana Harb, a of Syrian colony on Ontario street, this morning, aged thirty-six She is survived by her husband deceased was cared for in the Dien. Miss Lillie Reid, after spending three weeks with her parents, Mr. apd Mes. Paul Reid, Union street, left to day for Lowell, Mass., to resume her studies in a hospital there as nurse intraining. Watertown, N.Y., Standard Sir B M Britton, M.P., of Kingston, Ont. has been the guest of trustee Walter R. Brown at his cottage on the Thou sand Island park for the last few davs. Fihan Bailey. Union street, was in Chesterville last week, where the ey clone passed over the district and caused such dizaster: He witimsaed the destraction of some buildings by the storm James Carey, Kingston's man, is here on a short visit He is now located in New York, where he a promoter for the -8. F. Jackson amvisement company, which is con ducting the musical railway entertain: ment at Coney island The hishop of Ontario and Mille have left for Prout's Neck, Maine, where they will remain wntil the meeting of General synod in Mon- troal, September 3rd. His Jardship had hoped to complete the third visit- ation of the diocese this month, a re markable work for twenty-one months of his bishopric. But a few parishes had to be leit till the fall 'hecavse of the absorbing work the farmers have with a big crop. Cosgrove, Loughboro, Peter Donoghue, this some tine, is not im man named Har took aged Ste James the York her an the Mills, yes visit his ~i» of that the locomotive attending the iron moulders' the Jessie in the died member years The Hotel etrong Mrs [WILL ASK FO Auctioneer Mills has booked o large household sale for mext month, } YACHT RACING. AS- SOCIATION. .- OF THE --No Matches Here on Satur- day on Account of General Sport Items A leit handed twirlee will Ie to the Ponies' pitching staff this week Lacrosse om Saturday 2. Toromte, 7 3; Capitals, 2 Cornwall, i 6, will thi Noone of the Kingston yachis tuke part in the L.Y R.A. circuit week Baseball enthusiasts have subscribed mn, a good sum to put the Ponies frm Snancial condition Orientals lead in the city baseball league, with Athletics and Longshore men equal for second place. The rain on Saturday proventsd the baseball and matches being played at Lake Ontario park "Johnnie" Sullivan playing left ficld for the Providence Eastern league team, of which his brother the most popular pitcher Providence team S00 mark in the Fastern Bufialo is the only team made progress this month The sailing vacht Kestrel, party aboard, has gone river on 5 week's cruise mace a trip day. Shortstop Quigley, of the Ponies, is a voluminous singer. He held a sony service in the Congress parlor yeste day morning, the numbering ole, Dr. Bell's "Lord Russall" entered the 2:29 class at the Watertown, N.Y. races, but secured only sixth position There were a lot of fast horses at the races. Gananoque were defeated at Gouve peur on Saturday, 4 w 2 Ponies ana Gananoque 'are now cqual in the St. Lawrence international league per centage The Ponies on tour to morrow morning, playing at Gouvensur in the afternoon, and at Antwerp on Wed nesday. 'Thev have home matches on Fhisdav and Saturday Providence billed league matches in afternoon lacrosse = is near the league, that has down is with a down the The Norma to Cape Vincent vester audience is to play two Toronto on August th, and therciore cannot meet the Ponies in Kingston Another date may be arranged later on The dear people of Ottawg are going "batty" the Hoston ball team, which is to the capital this week. That team wanted return. dates in Kingston, but the people wouldn't put up with a bogus article The outlook not look promis ing for the Gananoque baschall team Third baseman O'Hara, its captain, has taken hia departure, and Du quette and McCarthy to leave to-day to join the Potsdam, N. Y., team. It is to be hoped the "ia nocks will not pass into oblivion Kingston fans wish the easterners health and prosperity, anc hope any financial difficulty may be tided over Gananoque has kept a first-class team for the past laa joie, the haseman, the most wonderful ball ed. A Boston paper "Lajoie mude the most surprising plays, with the Doubtless the most astonishing by hum one hanile the last v hich ant it hy him He fourteen chances, and had at least one chance in every inning He fairly bad the spectators aghast by the easy quality of his work." It the intention of the Kingston vacht club to apply for a rendgzvous of the L.Y.R.A., to be held herd next summer. No ous has bee held since 1508, the lake yach were with their visit with "the four days' the past three year, circuits at h a system is yvachtsmen, who prefor all the races to be held at one pla There is no do but what . the Kingston vacht cl curv secure the renuczvous, the vachitsmeén are all desirous of over female base revisit does were three years md playing witness great Canadian sec with Cleveland, is ever Hy utmost ease play stop made in would have nie was a inning mischief hao ceepted "all of got is rendez when delighted Kingston, and racing. During and the present been held, different satisiying to smen to years, have day's ra four ports St one ing not 1h ih as outieude coming here again Baseball On Saturday Eastern league. -At Newark falo, 10 (first gnwe}; Newark, 0 falo 1 (second game). At Foronto, 4 'firs Toronto, 2 (second cester,- 9; Providence City, 6; Rochester, | National league --At Pittsburg, 5 Chicago, 0. At New York, 3; Philadel phia, 4. At Brooklvn, 5; Boston, 4. At St. Louis, 2; Cincinnati, | American league. At Boston, 2 cago, 0. At Philadelphia, 9 3. At Baltimore, 2; Detroit, | Washington, 4; St L ws, 6 Baseball On Sunday At Montreal, 1; To Jersey City, 6; Rochest At Newark, 5 game); Newgrk, 8 6; Buf Buf Montreal Montreal, 3; At Wor Jorvev Nae game At Chi Cleveland, At Fastern leagne ronto, 2. At er 5, twelve Bafialo, 6 Bullalo, 13 (second National Jeague Pittsburg, 8. At St nati, 6 innings {first game At Louis, Farm Labor Is Scarce. Farmers throughout this district are experiencing great difliculty in obtain ing sufficient help to enable them to house their crops. Men wom 10 be averse to working on a farm amd pre fer walking the streets to Ia bor. Pittsburg township farmers are offering from %¥1.25 to 21.75 a dav and board to laborers, with few ar coptances. (me Pittsburg farmer is paying a hired man $90 amd board for twn mouths' work. Farmers in the city Saturday freely offered 81.75 a dav to laborers, but were able to se cure very few to acoept. A Kingston township farmer who estimates hiv bay crop at 200 tons, hunted the city all over Saturday and was wnable to secure help to mesist him in cutting and housing the hay. There are not a great many idle men in the city and these fow appear to be indepen dent over the kind of work they en- gage ia. honest I---------------- The earl and sountess of Minto, for New York, irom london, Gananoque in Danger of Collapse Rain-- | added Shamrocks, | i | with, ton R RENDEZVOUS' To Recognize Purity. Aduiteretion has grown to sdch a fine art. that it is almost impossi- ble for a woman now-a-days to de- tect the false from the trae; but a chemical analysis will always detect adulteretion. Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, Qficial Anaiy® to the Domin- fon Government, after a number of siinlyses, 'Feports that " Sunlight Boards & pure and well-made soap." Try ight Seap--Octagon Bar next w day, antl you will see that Prof. Biifg Is right. No one should know better than hal 210 "BEST VALUES TOILET SOABGH i 2 AT 5 CENTS. ROCHE'S OLD STAND, MARKET SQUARE, CHEMIST and OPTICIAN. Established 18 , $2 hed 18... 'Phentaa SOLE 0000 0000 : Swift' Scranton oal A High Class Fuel. ALL SIZES. JAMES SWIFT & $0. "Phone 135. Our Coal i= as Clean jas Though. It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. BACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, solid conl--so much solid fire Alter warlnce of the earth from mines, impnrithes are joked out hy ThereaMtor jt is somenod seversl mes befate it reaches vou, and dirt, slate, ete, hava no chance, \I the dealers are carehul. We are very o Foot of Queen St.--'Phone 9. A COSY BRIGHT OO FIRE Ts an attraction for every one glow and incense heat make fteell felt with cold weather Ie Let ws Ail a s--------. The cheer Coal will turing th to oo with BOOTH'S COAL Phone 133, wit of West NOTICE 1s hereby given the public I purpose making it warm fo persons using my coal next wil ter. Your order is solicited. P. Walsh 55-57 Barrack St. Rirvet with their family, smiled on Saturday | Ts wapplied by the FLECTRIC FAN a in Dis Room, Parior, d Offioe, or\Blore . k and sizes.) Prices A DETACHED BRICK Stuart Se; 9

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