i re quisites, it is made R these Ho milk--the most nourishing of all substapces--and requires only the Addition of water to be aly nee. ay tras. sufficient for eight + : © Leewina MiLzs 4 Co. MonTaEaL. HARD COM, GORING TO BAX) SEVERAL CARGOES WILL AR- RIVE HERE THIS WEEK. Dealers Anxious for Some as Their Cupboards Were Bare-- The First to Come Since Mid- dle of May. Several cargoes of hard coal will ar rive here from Oswego this week. The vice-president of the D., L. & W. tres tle gave orders g few days ago to the manager to dispose of 2.500 tons of that precious article, held in the tres the pockets for emergency use. Deal ers were begging for a supply, as in many cases, their "cupboards were bare." Three Kingston dealers, Swift & Co., and two others, were the lucky ones at this port to be offered a supply, The former will receive 200 tons, and the others a lesser amount. The remainder of the coal will go to Toronto, The price, it is understood, is at the regular July wholesale rate This will be the first hard coal that has coma here since the midale of May, with the exception of an odd cargo acquired by one dealer at a high rate R. Crawford stated that he was not receiving any hard coal from Oswego, and had not heen offered any of the present coal being doled out. W. 6 Craig and 'the local agency of the Rathbun company made the same statement. MARINE INTELLIGENCE, ---- What is Happening Along the Wa- ter Front. Craig's wharf : , Steamer Persia, down. The steamer Tecumseh and consort Maringo are at Garden Island with timber from Toledo. Swift's wharf : Steamer Kingston down and up; Hamilton from Hamil ton; Rideau Queen from Ottawa. The tugs Johnson and Frontenac, of the Calvin fleet, are at Belleville pulling ashore the wrecked bridge They will complete their work this week. Crawford's Dominion New steam wharf : Schooners and Acacia, and "| barge Owen from Charlotte with coal Require furnishing in keeping with their surroundings. We have an ideal stock to choose from. Mattings in pretty designs and colors from 12§e. a yard. Porch Rugs, Porch Pillows. Frilled Muslins in dainty pat- terns at 12}ec. yard. SL Furmiure = Camels Hot Weather Inducers, Many of our They are on the alert to economize. It might Customers read this space. pay you, to give some atiention to our odvt. and see if what we advertise is value or not. J $85 Bed Suite .... $65 1 60 Sideboard 45 Aud a host of other lines in sympathy with Carpets and Curtains. Our ©, EB. Taylor has gone to the English mills to buy mew fall and spring stock. 'We are anxious to clean out all present stock of English Axminsters, Veivets, Wiltons, lirus- sels, ste, aml will quote low prices to do so. Bring your summer visitors through our warsrooms. They will enjoy the visit end we will be pleased © have you look hirpugh. You will not be asked to purchas. I. 'F. HARKISON €O., UNDERTAKING, ETC. 'Phones 90 and 91. Cool Breezes ov . In the house or o where one of our ELECTRIC FANS is in- t They are noiseless and ANC e, economical in opera- tion and unexcelled in con- venience. ~ BRECK & HALLIDAY, Pig, . .Spegial Ld eenssesacsacses 1 9oesssssvsenpecsss seesescsscscssesss Ie schooner Tradewind cleared from Charlotte. M. T. company elevator: 88, Ban nockburn and comsorts cleared for Fort William; tug Thomson arrived from Montreal, with two light barges, and proceeded . to Charlotte to load coal. The steamer North King did not come down this morning, owing to the steamer Caspian being disabled She had to make the lake trips, with the mails. This afternoon the steamer America will cover the Caspian's Bay of Quinte route. It was by backing hard into Belle ville wharf that the steamer Caspi an's steering apparatus was broken Her signal bell did not work right. The Caspian is at the Kingston foun dry wharf for repairs, and will not be ready till to-morrow to resume her route. A syndicate, headed by G. A. Tomil gon, of Duluth, has, according to marine gossip, given an order for a steamer 416 fest keel, 50 feet beam and 28 fret deep. The new vessel will have triple expansion engines, with eviinders 20 bv 32} and 55 by 40 in ches stroke of piston. The cost will be about $280,000. Was Not His Horse. Arthur Fields returned this morning from Port Hope, whither he went with the hope of identifying a captur ol horse as the one belonging to him, and stolen from Barriefield common a few days before. The horse, however, was not his. From Port Hope, Mr Fields went to Peterboro, Lindsay and other places, where stolen horses had recently been traded, but he was unsuccessful in locating his own ani mal. While in Cobourg he saw two Kingston young men, brothers, who are in jail there for horse stealing. This is the fourth horse Mr. Fields hes lost within the past three months, the other three dying on his hands owing to hard. driving. ------------ Fine Weather Welcomed. The present fihe weather is heartily welcomed by the merchants. Large numbers of tourists were in the city yesterday, and they purchased freely of small goods. The customs officers on the United States side of the riyer are so strict that the visitors are afraid to make purchases, even of such small articles as would scarcely lw suhjected to duty There was a time when toyrist oh meant considerable to the Kingston merchants, but that day is past. » --p----------p-- Light Weight Coats And Vests. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, has a splendid as- sortmént of light-weight coats and vests; the proper garments for sum- mer Wear. is summer coats st $1 and $1.50 are special value, sizes 3 to 46. See his window, great variety to choose from. ---- His Hand Injured. James Bovd, an employee of the street railway company's barns, i suffering fram an injured hand. While adjusting a fender vesterday he had his right hand bad crushed. Not any bones were , but the injury is a painful one. -------- Pleasant Trip Arranged. Good day's outing among the is ands, Thursday, uly 24th, by steam- or New York, leaving Kingston at 10.30 a.m. for ia Bay, thence to Thousand Island Park. remaining there one hour, Return to Kingston at 6 p.m.. fare 35c.; meals 35 THR PERSONAL MENTION, Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs. William Bulloch, spent yesterday with friends in city. Miss Devaney, Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Nelson, Johnston slreel. Miss M. Couper, Williamsville, left Tuesday to visit friends in Moatreal and Quebec. Accountant Foster, Ottawa, in the city examining the books at the Kingston penitentiary. #lbert MeNeil, Chicago, is here on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. MeNeil, Johnston street. Mrs, William Muckler, Kingston, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Wal ter Hutchison, Brockville, Mrs. Robert Cartwright and Miss Muriel Church are coming to Kingston this week and will spend Sunday here. Mrs. Frank € Coates, Princess street, is in Napanee, visiting her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. B nchard Mrs. Williams, Camden East, and Mrs. A. Powell, Napanee, are spend ing a few days wit friends in the "ity. Clarence Wheeler, of the engineering department 'of the steamer Kingston, visited his parents on Friday on the down trip. Miss Lillian Lambert, Alfred street, leit to-day for Tweed, where she will spend a few weeks with her friend, Misa White. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Johnston, Gore street, left vesterday for Toron to and other western points sn a two weeks' trip. D. A. Spencer, Picton. an extensive shipper of fruit, is in the city. He is also ex-high county constable of Prince Edward county. Sergt.-Maj. O'Hagan and Sergt. Cunningham will represent court Earl Roberts, LO.F., at the annual meet ing in Picton on August 19th. Dr. hrm, inspector of jails, and charitable institutions, for the Ontario government, is in the city on his annual tour of inspection. Miss Aggie Jackson, Pine street, has returned home after three weeks' visit with her sisters, Mrs. C. E. Miller, Sy- racuse, and Mrs. W. Woodams, Ro- chester. Harvey Milpe is organizing a party of young people who will shortly en joy a trip down the St. Lawrence to Quebec and return, on the steamer Alexandria, Miss Ruth Pomeroy, Buffalo, N.Y., visiting her uncle, C. 8, Wheeler, Col lingwood avenue, for the past two weeks, left to-day to visit friends at Tamworth, Miss Flora Whitney left on the Cape Vincent hoat this afterngon for Wat ertown, N.Y., where she will visit her friend, Miss Hattie Morrison, for a conple of wecks. The engagement is announced in Montreal of Miss Florence Briggs, se cond daughter of the late C. A. Briggs, to Lawrence S. Morphy, of the Grand Trunk system. * Ralph M:. Timberlake, son of the Rev. William Timberlake, Perth, ap- pointed assistant to Rev. J. W, Clip- sham, Newboro, is much appreciated as a preacher and pastor. Thomas Byrne, Sault Ste. Marie, a former resident of Barriefield, is in the city, visiting friends. Mr. Byrne has prospered since going west and is now counted as one of Sault Ste. Ma- vie's most influential citizens. Yesterday was official day in King ston, Messrs. Stewart and Brown, provincial auditors, making their ex- amination of the asylum and. dairy school books; Dr. Chamberlain, prison inspector, visited the jail, and auditor Foster, of penitentiaries, also arrived. Mrs. J. A. Lawrence, wife of the secretary of the Y.M.C.A., has gone to Utica, N.Y., to join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. King, Spring- field, Mass., 'who are spending the summer at their cottage on a lake near Utica. Mr. Lawrence is in camp up the Rideau with the Y.M.CIA. boys. Gananoque, the is Likely Here To-morrow. Surgeon-Lient.-Col. Duff has prom- ised to keep mavor Shaw posted as to the movements of the Kingston members of the home-coming troops. His latest telogvaii Wak to the effect that Kingston would be reached at noon, Thursday. A message to hand says that Dull and the other members of the Kingston contingent left Halifax at 6 p.m,, Tuesdav, for home. They were not accompanied hy Capt. Carruth- ers, who is remaining with friends. Dr. -------- Caught Dog Fish. A local barber, who conducts an es. tablishment on the upper end of Prin cess street, in company with a local Plumber and a boot maker, went to Loughboro Lake for a day's fishing. His family physician is in constant attendance lately, as it turned out that the fish caught were dog fish. A couple of other barbers were pres ented with some of the fish but dis- covered their species in time, being oid and experienced fishermen. ------ Police Court Tidings. At the police court this morning the case against a young citizen with breaking into the Revere house, was furvher held over for one week. Iva Cobet was in court looking for payment for repairs he had made to the door and frame. He said the bill of repairs would amount to ghout $15. A new door would have to be put in and repairs made to the frame. Excursion Bulletin. Thursday, July 24th, America among 1,000 Islands, 3 p.m.. 35c. Thursday, July 24th, New York, for moonlight excursion, 7.30 pm. One n, 35¢. 27th, New York, 8.30 DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UF BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Liles -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention. Royal Arcanum meets on Thursday night. 54 Ibs. ginger swaps, 23c., at bert's grocery. Fifty Kingston people leit last even ing by G.T.R. for Ste. Apne de Beau pre, The annual Hinchinbrooke fair will be héld at Parham September 24th and 25th. "Kill the caterpillar!" shrieks the Albany Times, Trying to divert at tention from the umpire, eb ? Lever's V.Z{ Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath softens the water at the same time that it disinf ects. 16 Alderman J, J. Beban, inspector of weights apd measures, made a tour of the city to-day on a visit of inspec tion. Crab-apple vinegar, 40c. a gallon, at Gilberf's grocery. A manslaughter case has grown out of a quarrel in p@pie factory in Bo chester. Why will people wy to eat Rochester pie ? Residents of the south-western por tion of the city are treated to sweet bag pipe music every evening. Jy is most enjoyable. A number of citizens to-day charter ed the steamyacht Idler for a trip down among the islands. They will return at midnight. Now that the heroes of Hart's river are in Canada again, let Kingston give those who belong to this city the welcome they have earned. No applications have yet been re ceived by the street railway company from any person wishing to stand on the track for the benefit of the new fender. A new asphalt crossing is being laid over King street, between Brock and Market stoects, midway along the market front. The crossing was bad ly needed. 5 packages jelly powder, bert's grocery. In order to take advantage of the fine weather to do some harvesting, the market gardeners have postponed their annual picnic to the early part of August. Dr. Prancis L. Patton, who recently resigned as president of Princeton uniyersity, will contribute to the Sep tember Success, an article, "If T Went to College Again." By a typographical error last night's paper announced that the moonlight excursion by "A" company, 14th re giment, would occur on August ith It should have read August Ist. Steamers North King and Caspian leave Kingston, daily (except Mon: day), at 10:17 a.m., for 1,000 islands, and at 5 p.m., for rN. ¥. enmmencing 29th June, The contract for plumbing work and fixtures for Mrs. Davis' resideo® , on Sydenham street has been awarded to J. W. Oldfia, work to commence al once. Henry P. Smith is the archi tect. The steamyacht V. R. L, having aboard a number of sergeants of the R.C.F.A., left this morning for Pitts ferry. Some startling stories may he expected when the fishermen return home. Next week the work of impraxing the vault in St. Mary's cemetery will be begun, The vault will be rendered burglar proof. A mew iron door, with combination lock has been ordered froma a Toronto firm. The highest class of tobacco only is used in the manufacture of "'Darda nelles"' an absolutely --~pwe Egvn tian cigarette. Packed in silver, cork, and plain tips. Sold everywhere, 15 cts. per age. It was reported that the wife of a non-commissiowed officer of the R.C.F A. had been missing for some weeks. She is in a western town visiting re- latives, and will return home when she has completed her visit. If the fine weather of to-day will only continue for a week or ten days farmers will be thankful, as they will be uble-to get their hay.crops. stared Not alone will farmers be pleased: the whole community will rejoice and bo glad. Many people helieve that The school teacher of to-day is a different being from the school teacher of the past Dr. Andrews, chancellor of the uni versity of Nebraska, will tell of this change in "The Passing of Gamaliel," in September Success, Mrs. Hayes, Charles street, last evening complained to the police of the conduct of her thirteen-year-old son, Robert, whom she accuses of stealing from 83 to $5 from her. She promised to prosecute the boy if he aid not reform his waywatdness. The weather was beautiful last night after nine o'clock, The moon arose in all the splendor of its fulness. There was a dead calm prevailing and the air was balmy. It was a beautiful night, almost too fine to be missed by retiring to the privacy of one's room. Some of the members of Kingston lodge, No. 59, 1.O.O.F., while employ- ed at Collins Bay, secured three mon ster links, the sign of the order. They are having them decorated, and, when the work is finished, will present them to the lodge. The Century bas come into posses sion of four original documents re lating to the West Indian disasters, which are in the nature of "finds." and are likely to make the August Century, "for all time to come a mine of trustworthy evidence relating to these events." Gil 25e. at Gil- McLeod's Hair Restorer. A harmless preparation for invigo- rating and beautifying the hair, re stores gray hair to its original color and when the hair is fallen promotes a mew growth. Useful in preventing dandruff and destroying parasitic hair killers. 50. per bottle, at McLeod's drug store. And Ottawa. Ridean Lakes Navigation Co's steamers leave Kingston every Moun day and Thursday, at 7 am., every Taoesday and Friday st 1 pm. James Swift & Co.. agents. Moonlight Excursion. Steamer New York, Thursday, 7.30 JULY 23 SPORT IN GENERAL. -------- Notes About the Various Sport. ing Fields. Pitcher Mills of the Montreal team, has an offer from the Oakland club of the California league, and will pro bably accept. Providence took two matches from Worcester yesterday, winning each by 32 wo 2 "Tiny George" Sullivan pitched the second match for Provi dence. ; "Chauvcer'" Elliott telegraphed mane ager Geoghegan this morning that he would bring home with him a left handed cracker jack pitcher to-mor row. At o meeting of the London athletic club F. Appleby won the fifteen-mile race in 1 hour, 20 minutes, 4 3-5 sec onds, beating the world's record for the distance Centre fielder Odwell, of Montreal, who jumped to the Louisville team, will never be allowed to play in the (Eastern league again unless he pays a fine of $1,000. : The kaiser has purchased the Ameri- can yacht Uncle Sam, owned by Fran cis R. Riggs, of New York. The Uncle Sam won the kaiser's prize during the Kiel yachting week. The match between Shamrocks Capitals i= stamped roughest on record. What other kind of a contest could it be when Ottawa and Montreal players collide Toronto Globe : John Sullivan, the voungster now playing in the Provi dence outfield, has been an infielder for the Bristol, Ct., team. With George, Sutor and now John on the team, Providence: has Sullivans ga lore. The Poniés were defeated at Gouve neur, N.Y., yesterday afternoon, by neur, by three to one, certainly indi- eative of a remarkably close match Ambrose pitched for Ponies. Cheney will officiate at Antwerp, N.Y., this afternoon. The Gananoque lacrosse club has no tifiea Con. Millan that apy time an other match arranged with the Kingston club, it will come up. The Gananoghie players were very much disappointed that last Saturday's scheduled match had to be postponed on account of ram. and a: one of the Baseball On Tuesday. National league At Jrooklyn, 7; Philadelphia, 5, first game; Philadel phia, 0; Brooklyn, 3, second game. At Chicago, 9; Cincinnati, 1. At St Louis, 4; Pittsburg, 9. Eastern league--At Providence, 3, first dence, 3; Worcester, 2, second game At Toronto, 3; Montreal, 1. At Jer sey City, 11; Bufialo, 10. At Newark, 1; Rochester 3 American league--At Boston, 4; Chi cago, 1. At. Philadelphia, 4%; Cleve land, 4. At Baltimore, 5; Detroit, 7 At Washington, 6; St. Louis, 7. Worcester, 2; game. At Provi With Imperial Yeomanry. J. E. Hawley, manager of Parker's dye works, Brock street, is in receipt of a letter from his brother, William H. Hawley, of the 118th Imperial Yeomanry on active service in South Africa. The letter was written on June 7th, and at that time it was rumored that the yeomanrv were soon to hand over their horses and rifles. Mr. Haw ley, who has been in the Transvaal for a couple of years, expected to accompany his corps to Fegland. From there he will sail for home, ar riving here about the first of Septem ber. He has been through i large num ber of severe engagoments, but he writes that their last fight was the se verest of all. Finished Their Contract. Mr.. Wilson, of Mitchell & Wilson, conpractors, of Gananoée, was in the city om Tuesday, having a new engine placed in their steamyacht. The steam er is used in carrying the firm's em ployees to and from their work on the adjacent islands. These contractors have just finished the construction of the large and attractive snmmer school building for Rev. Dr. Ullman, of New York. This popular school is located on gn island just west of Bockport, and is one of the most beautiful buil- dings to be seen during the trip through the Canadian channel. Thinks They Would Keep It. P. W. Thompson, 8. Hamilton and J. Painter visited Kingston Mills a day or two ago to try their luck at fishing. The first mentioned is said to have caught a bass about the size of a minnow. A. E. Brough, to whom he presented the catch, says that if they caught anything decent they would never he caught giving it away. Lose An Hour's Rest. Many residents along the water front would feel much more pleased if {he steawers Kingston and Toronto would change the hour of their arri val in the morning from five to six o'clock. The hoarse whistle of the steamers awaken them, and they say they lose an hour's sleep every morn ing in consequence. ------ Tourists Are Arriving. Forty guests, the majority of them Americans, are stopping at the Hitch cock house on Wolle Island. A larger number are expected there soon The fishing in the vicinity is particularly good this season, and this, combinad with good weather, is 4 great attrac tion for tourists. ------ McLeod's Cream of Rose and Almonds. Will make the skin smooth, soft and white, and preserve it from the ac- tion of trying winds, and bright svn- shine. 35¢. per bottle, at cLeod's drug store. -------- Off For A Cruise. The sailing yacht Minnehaha loft yesterday for a ten days' cruise am- ong the Thousand Islands. She bad on board Warren F. Lockett, as cap tain, Gordon Merrick as first mate, and Edward Bolger, as skipper. ------ Dr. Knight states that the highest temperature registered in the shade in Kingston this summer was seventy-se- ven degrees. This is fifteen degrees cooler than in Toronto or Montreal. .$1 worth of tea and 100 lhe. ovann- lated sugar for $075, at Gilbert's BL ey BURCLAR IN TEE HOUSE CHASED OUT OF J. J. PERRY'S | HOME IN NAPANEE. The Little Boy Also Saw Man--Loss of sonal Items. Napanee, July 23+0On Sunday night F. P. Douglas lost one of his dapple grey horses. He does pot know whether it was stolen, or, becoming untied, got out and wandered away J. J. Perry says a burglar gained entrance to his home one night this week, but before he had time to poc ket anything Jobn called out, and scared him off. His little son Willie also knew of the presence of 5 man in his room, and wold his father in the morning that some one put his hand on him and woke him up. Miss Mabel and Master Spencer Hen derson, Kingston, are the guests of Mrs. James Hill, Conway. Frank Mc Cay has returned to Montreal after spending a couple of weeks with rela tives in town. Mrs. William Bruns, New York, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Lowry. Miss Nettie Pringle, nurse-in-training, Now York, is howe for her holidays. Miss Gertrude Miller is spending holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Miller. A very delightful moonlight excur sion went to Ulenora hy Steamer Ale tha last evening. The night was all that could be desired for such an oc casion. Miss Clara File is engaged to teach the Parma school for the fall term. The Oddiellows have abandoned their excursion to Watertown, N.Y., on of vie holiday, Aug. 13th, and anticipate a trip on the beautiful waters of the Bay of Quinte instead. Arrangements will be formulated later for this out ng. te ---- WAS QUITE ASTONISHED ---- Carruthers Would Not Talk Very Much. Moptreal Herald Lieut. Carruthers, the Hart's River, is on board accoraed me an interview, modesty prevented him much. "What are all the Canadian papers making such go fuss about me for?" he asked. "Why, 1 only aid what pny other Canadian would do. You know we had a reputation to sustain out there, and, no matter whom it ran up against, it was safe; that's the way we felt. If it came my way, why, that was my hick. 1 am glad, how over, to see our people pleased with our work. We did our best." He is in fine. health and spirits, and wears his laurels easily. Other officers interviewed also stated that 'while Lieut. Carruthers would not talk of the Hart's River episode, his exploit was really one ol groal merit and was the talk of all the troops in South Africa. "The Boers bad wus tight," said Lieut. Lawbkin, of Quebec. "'Carru thers was there in the valley with the Boers all around the hills Where they came from in so short a time nobody knows, but they seemed to come in swarms like bees. Carra thers and his little band of men got it good and hare on all sides." the ? Horse--Per- Lieut. hero of He gladly but his from saying us on at -------- A MOONLIGHT SAIL. Excursion of General Hospital Nurses' Alumnae. The steamer New York sailed over a beautifully moonlit and placid river last night, carrying the General Hos sital Nursed' Alumane excursion. Four Bundred people were aboard the staunch and handsome steamer, which cleared from Folger's wharf at eight o'clock. The route followed by Capt. Millir was down the north side of Howe leland, among the Admiralty group of islands, near Gananoque, and up the main channel. A move delight ful night for a sail' could not have Scarce a breath of wind the sky was full of been wished. was felt, and stars. In the steamers luxuriant dining room, a number of hospital nurses, in their bright costume, served refresh ments to their willing patrons. Swiel music was discoursed by an orchestra from the 14th regimental band, the national anthem boing played as the New York stédamed into Folger's wharf at a quarter past eleven o clock It was expected that a good sum would be ized for the benefit of the nurses' home, soon to he bailt -- a e---- Women And Jewels. Jewels, candy; flowers, man--that is the order of a woman's preferences Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to save the money to purchase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her for tify herseli against the insiduous con sequences of coughs, colds and bron chial affections by the regular use of Dr, Noschee's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest consumption in its early stages and beal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and' drive the dread disease from the system. It i* not & cure-all, But it is a certain cure for coughs, colds snd all bron chia] trowhles. You can get this reli able remedy at Wade's drug store. -------- Went Down The River. The yacht Zepher, owned by .Capt Philip Wills, of Belleville, arrived in the city on Monday, and left again yesterday for a cruise among the ousand Islands. There were also on board Clifford Walker, Henry Wal: ker amd Charles McKeown. They will spend a number of days on the St. Lawrence. . -------------- Think It 8 Good Fender. A Sleeman fender has been fitted to street car No. 24, It is 5 very relinble litle guard, working automatically in picking up an object, The new has been examined by citizens who expressed approval. The Montreal care are equipped with this fender. They cont ahaot 30 each. Would Like It Stopped. The police have been asked to pro- hibit hotel keepers selling intoxicating liquors to inmates of the house of in- dustry. Some of ihe mmastes have ly resurned to the bome in an in taxicated condition, r | Ei ---- ce -- he ----_ Diarrhea, Dysentery and Summer Complaint are Cured by Powley's Liquified Ozone. Delicious SODAS Our store Nis always Bad a Same for ie summer drinks, this is goiog to ow ne. Why. We mabe our own soda, our ~5 ryrups, froxh crushed frodte amd om cream and in fact everything is mask og the promises, from the purest materials The quality of our dwinks is our first comuidern ton throoghont, on this ia based our well deserved . reputation. H. B. TAYLOR, 14 124 Princess Street, Succcessor to B, C. Mitchell. cranton Coal Though It Were Wash- High Class ed and Brushed. uel. EACH LUMP STANDS BY IraELy. 0008 ALL SIZES. JAMES SWIFT & 60. 'Phone 135. CORIO slid firs. ERE dhe, vorth rom) its several times anes a ie oar Sunt Foot of Queen St.--'Fhone 9. A COSY BRIGHT {3}. FIRE ; Is an stiraction for every ome. The Aust} glow aod iniemss beat of our Coal make feel felt with platenrs during sold wether. It's just the kind to with, 900, Let up Sil your bin with BOOTH'S COAL, Phove 133, Foot of West Sirs, NOTICE Is hereby given~the public that 1 purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next ter. Your order is solicited. P. Walsh; 55-57 Barrack St ity of a. bemsch. of by rules of L . - a © dd