DAILY BRITISH TRAVELLING. oe PET. OC i: . Kifightdn & Pembroke & Catading "Pacific Railways, : Trains Leave Kingston : 3340) Bm Jul far Ottawa, Monteeal, Que tne, 84, Joba, N10. Halifax, Boston," Torosto, Chicago, Denver, Renfrew, Beult Ste. Marie, Duluth, Be. Paul, Wionipeg, Vancouver, Sest tle, Portlassd and San Frascisco. 5:30 pau--Losal for Sharbot Lake, pooting with CPR. cast and west oon- 810 am --NMized, for Henlrew aod inter mediante poinfe. Passengers louving Kisgeton st 12:40 vam. arrive in Owewa at 5:90 pm; Peterboro, $0 p.m; Toronto, 7:30 pan. Boston. 7:30 spk; Se. Jon, NB, 11:35 am P. CONWAY, ¥. A. FOLGER, JR, wi, Gen Pass. Agt. Gen. SBapt I -------------------------- [HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tooal Tweed, N Dessronto snd alt pointe. City Hall Depot at 4 pm RJ. a CP. Telegraph OF fics, Clarence street. BRANCH LINE TIME TABLE IN EPPFECT JUNE 15th, 1902 Traing will leave City Depot, Foot ol Johnston street. a.m a.m. am a.m 4 pam 4 p.m. ne L® Post bixpress. Local GOING WEST. a. ap, oh p.m. Pam Ribas toon Po: Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4 run daily. Now, § and 8 run daily, exept Mondoy. Now. 6, 1. 1, 12, 15, sexi 18 daily, except Suotlay, Direct route to Toronto, Heuilton, Buf slo, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Ottawn, Port- land, Se John Haldex, Boston, umd New York, For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets and all other informsuion, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, and Ontario Sts. Rem Corner Johnston "DOMINION LINE. MALL STEANSHITS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE *Turcomen . er sea wean Fly BUR Colonlan . *]rishman orninn n aa haved * do mot oarry passengers. RATES OF PASSAGE--Haloon, $65 and ingle according to steamer and service, Second Saloon, $37.50 and hi wa according 0 steamer iy bo clas, $20 FROM MONTREAL. ve . ' Aug. 9th iia other Sus-eid Aug. 28ed FROM BOSTON. oe ,. July 28rd Now Fusand, . July Both "NEW SERVICE ovis itis Mediterranean Cambroman, Aug. 16th--Vancouver, Sept. 6th Midabip, Sly. Electric light, Spacious i. J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, G.T.R. Station, 42 Clarence St. SE QU., Gen. Acta D, TORRANCE. & Montreal and Portland. Laks Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. sts, Nuh Cag & Caspan Bay of Quinte & Rochester Route Silanes leaves daily (except Monday) at my for Rookester, N.Y. bing at Bay inte poris. 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE tener leaves daily (except Monday AT Wein Jor tow of LOGO lelands ing wt Alexandria Bay, liockpors snd Gane ** STEAMER ALETHA ves Mondays at 85 p.m, fore Ploton on te Bay Por 8s of hat eall- For jull_information apply to ¥ ¥ AL TERSLREY®,§ Ticket Amie. Swift & Co.. Freight Agents. DAILY ; LINE Teronte, Chariotie, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Menitreal. LEAVE KINGSTON: Goibe Bow, daily at 6 am Got West, daily, exept Munday. at 5 | ------ Muemiiton, Torente, Bay of Quinte and Mantreal Line. LEAYE KINGSTON: & Fridays GOING EAST Weduadpte, Pom. DING WEST Tucrioys, Thing: & ' - Soturdays, 1130 pom, J. P. HANLEY, J. SWIFT & 00 "Fn Ticket Agent. Freight Agents WHAT OUR CORRESPONDENTS HAVE TO TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario--What Peo- ple Are Doing and What They Are Saying. Rains Injure Hay Crop. Point Road, July The recent rains have done great damage to the hay crop, and Hf they continue there will got be a load of hay fit for mar- ket. Miss . O'Brien, city, is the guest of Mrs. R. J. Vair, Glenburnie and Mrs. Waggoner, city, gre vigiting Mrs. J. Baxter. St. Mark's Sunday school picnic was beld in John Bex ter's grove on Tuesday afternoon. A van conveyed them from Bacriefield and other points. F. Briggs is doing a good business with his new rg. 22 Ferguson's Falls. Ferguson's Falls, July 22. --After a few days' stav wid friends in the vil lage, Mrs. W. Holton and family leit on Saturday to spéhd a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Benjamin Willis, Brightside. John Rothwell left for Se attle on Saturday. He intends spend ing some time with his sons in Man toba on his way howe. Benjamin Wil- lis, Brightside, called on friemds here on Saturday. The farmers are busy taking off their hay which promises to be a large cut. Willie Code spent Sunday at his unc e's, W. J. Mc Reary, Innisville. A number from here went on the excursion to St. Anne de Beaupre. Sunbury Signals. Sunbury, July 22.-Showery weath er ix causing general delay with farm ers concerning their hay crop The Presbyterians are improving their church in the village. Prospects re garding the coming grain crop good and the harvest promises to be Targe. All the village youths are em played on the farms in connection with the hay crop, The supply of milk received at the local factories is keeping up to the general average, as the pastures are good. The general business of our loesl shops is good, all lines of trade being well; patroni zed, A local social will be held next week. are Sand Hill Items. Sand Hill, July 21 --~{eorge Conboy, ill for time, is slowly recover: ing. John Lewis, alwent for three years, returned home Wednesday last bringing with him a bride. Miss Jen nie Lewis, spent a few days with friends hore last week; also Mise Mil- lie Cox. Robert Soles is building a summer kitchen, George Lewis spent Sunday at Mr. T. Cox's. Visitors : Mrs. H. Reynolds; Verona and Mus, A. McDonald, Mountain Grove, at G. Conboy's, last week: Mr. and Mrs. Truelove, North Bay, at J. Gray's; Miss Hannah Barker at her sister's. Mise Mary Barker. Mr. and Mra. R. Bourke also spent Sunday at T. Bourke's. some Florida Facts. July 23.-A bountiful erop of hay is being harvested. Mzs. O. Redden is at Yarker, spending a few duve with ber mother, who is very ill. B. Walker has gone to Watertown, N.Y., to spend the summer. He bas gooured a good position. Visitorss B. Wood and wife, Odessa, at T. Wolsdy's; Mrs. J. Shibley and children, Tich borne, at J. Weldon's; Mrs. W. Sin- gleton and daughter and Miss Legget Singleton, at J. BE. Stonn Mrs, J. Creamer and family, Glenvale, at G. Walker's: Mise L. Robison, King ston. at H. Walker's; J. Snook and wifes and grand-daughter, Trenton, at Damon Babeock's. Eringville Tidings. Erinsville, July 22.--A number from here left on the excursion on Tuesday The Only Direct Ling to Quebec Without Change THE FAVORITE STR, ALEXANDRIA Leaves Craig's wharl every Friday. ed 12, midnight, for Charlotte, N.Y., Oloots Hench, N.Y. and Bufialo, N.Y.; via. Bay of Quinte and Murray Canal, and every Monday at 6:30 p.m., for Moutreal snd Quebec, (direct without change). Through 1,000 Islands and St. Lawrence River Rapids. Low passenger apd freight rates. accommodation Passenger Ww. G. CRAIG & CO, Agents, Kingston. From Montreal. From Quebec. Mong , 12 July, 7 am J July. § pm. Honaolia July, 5 am i9 July, 3 pm Protonian, 26 July, 5 am 28 July, 3 pm. Numidian, 2 Aug. 5 am. anf. 3 Third vines ip on 330 Wl t Blast, Glasgow, London. New York to Londondersy & OGlasgew. Leureatian, 1 pm, Julv 16. Rg Wedneodhy. 30th July, at poy Passenvers only: X earcying second osbin ¥ Florida, y 80 extra: ho So} Derry, $64.50 return. J. P. Hanley, Agent, City L Owtario EDUCATIONAL. EERIE "HILLCROFT" HILL and D SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Twelve Acres. WaatGruunia el 1 a Passenger streets, J. to Ste. Anne do Begupre. Mrs James Martigan, 'of © Deseronto, and 'Maggie NM. Miphy, of Watertown, leit on Fri day for their homes, ailer atlencing the funeral of their brother, Thomas Murphy, who died on the 15th Dr McDonagh, Picton, with his wife and family, are registered at the Lake View botel, during their outing on Beaver lake. Master Hector McKay, Montreal spending his holidays with M McMullens, Miss Annie Haves, Ottawa, is visiting her father, P. Haves, Misses Marion and Celia Murphy ere visiting at Deseronto and Tweed respectively. W. Hanley, ol Reid; Mr. Doyle, of Sarnia, and An nie Hanley visited here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid. Kingston, are visiting at Thomds Evans'. . DS. Godfrey Visitors. Godirey, July 22.--A large quantity of felspar ore is being shipped daily from the ° Bedford mines, Wilson Campsall is doing a rushing business making cheese boxes. The recent thun der storm did slight" damage around her , striking EK. Judge's barn and killing two pigs' Mr. and Mrs. Row son, of Hull, England, are again visi tors to Godfrey. re. D. Godfrey, Sault Ste. Marie, is at Mrs. OC. H. Godfrey's; Mrs. W, D. Black and Miss F. Griffith, Toronto, at C. D. God frey's; Mrs. T. Adaite, Toronto, at R. A. Hamilton's; Miss I. Craig, To ronto, at her mother's; Miss DD. Howes is visiting friends in Sydenham; W McKeever, Maberly, at his father's; J. McKeover's. A, Murphy, who has been attending college in Quebec, bas returned home. Mrs. FE. Judge has re turned home after visiting friends in Moscow. Mrs, M. O'Connor, Toronto, is at 0. Keeley's. Westbrook Wafts. Westbrook, July 23.-~Andrew Me Donald and family, Cleveland, are visiting friends here alter an absence of thirteen years. All are delighted to see him. Mrs. Jemima Gates left on Sunday to visit friends at Brock ville and Alexandria Bay. A little daughter has come to the home of A Howie. A number from here attended the Free Methodist camp meeting, be ing held west of the village. Mrs. White, Holyoke, Mass, is the guest of Mrs Miss Loretta Meagher, Marysville, is spending the holidays with her aunts, the Misses Shechav. The late Ralph Ferguson, whose xad death took place at King ston Mille on Friday last, was a for mer resident of this place and wa» highly esteemed by all who had the pleasires of his acquaintance. The amily have the sympathy of the en tire community in their sad bereave ment. George Gates Westport Waftings. Westport, July 21.--Raspberries are very scarce. The Misses Lyn, Port Hu ren, Mich, are the guests of Mr. and Mi: James Malville, American House. Although the evening was clouded last Taesday, the social on St. Eduard's school grounds was a grand suecess. The crowd was very large and en- joyed themselves at games in the hall, as the ss was toy, damp for com- fort. T. J. Funell has returned to his gallery, and is ready to serve his cus tomers, Mrs. Owen Powers and son Thomas were guests of Mes. M. J. McCann a few days last week. Mrs. Jonking, Nouars. Brown, Murphy and Gussie Jenkins, Perth, spent Sunday in town. The picnic in Jordan Grove on Saturday, by members of the Bap- tist church, was well patronized, not- withstanding the unfavorable weath- er. Mrs. Peter Quigley and children, Delta, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Mulville. W. Jf Ryan, Boston. Mass., arrived on Monday, to spend a few weeks with friends here. Marysville Matters. Marysville, Tyendinaga, July 23. Miss Annie McAlpine has returned af ter visiting friends in Napanee. James O'Neill, Belleville, and John Fahey, of this place, drove to Elgin on Mondav to see their mother, who is in de clining health. Many here were griev- ol fo hear of the death of Mrs. Me Keown, of Enterprise. Miss Loretta Meagher is spending a few weeks with her sunts, the Misses Sheehan, West brook. > Mr. and Mes, -J.. Hunt, Read, visited at P. McAlpine's on Sundav dust. Miss Clara Ryan, Rochester, N. Y., is visitin her father, M. Ryan. Miss Hattie Arnos returped to her home in Rochester after a pleasant visit with friends here. John C. Mea gher has purchased a new McCormick hinder, Robert Powers, Dayton, Ohio, is visiting her father, M. Ryan Richard White ie very ill and very little hope is entertained for his ve covorv, M. Corrigan, of Albert. and W, McVicker, of Belleville, called on friends here on Thursday. Lo Philipsville Findings. Philipsville, July 21.--The farmers Could Not Endure The "Suffering Of Itching, Bleeding Piles--A Dis- tressing Case That Was Cured Dr. Chase's Ointment. tin F. Mann, machinist, with the Cana- dian Locomotive werks, and woo lives at 24 Dufferin street, Kingston, Ont. states: "Dr. Chase's Ointment is, 1 believe, the most cffective treatment for piles that is to be obtained. | have used it, and it cured me of bleed- ing piles of a most aggravated form. Only sufferers from piles can under stand what | went through. The mis- ery caused by them was something awful, and I don't believe 1 could en- du the i At == - : T . . are in the midst of having and the wheat gnd rve harvest. Fall what is » fair crops hay is very heavy in most spring grain very avy. Farmers are all well pleased with the prospects, Corn will be the only crop that does. not promise well. J. W Philips took in the July excursion to Manitoba last Tuesday. He intends to buy a farm if he can dispose of his loose property that he has out there. fieorge Lockwood has gone to Wat tertown. R. O". Haskin is shipping over 1.000 cheese boxes from his factory every week to the different cheese fac tories, H. A. Laforty commences work on the government. stone quarry the coming week. Samuel Carr has return ed from the United States om a visit to his family. J. Elliott is putting the finishing touches on Chester Lock- wood's horse barn. Miss Edith Davi son, Brockville, and Master J. LE Laishley, Idy! Wild, on the Ridean, are spending a lew weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mra. W. B. Phelps. While at Idyl Wild last Satur day, we saw the names of no less than ten guests from New York, at that summer resort. Miss Eliza Kennedv has returned from Westport and Chal fey's Locks, where she spent a couple of weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. Bul ger and Mre. Flemming. -- Cottagers Arriving Fast. Chaffey"s Locks, July 19.---A number from here attended the soci) at New boro on Thursday evening. Mes, M Dovle and sister returned to Roches tor today after spending a few weeks with relatives Pere. r. Acton and family, Montreal, arrived on Thursday to spend the summer' at their cottage. Miss BE. M. Kennedy, the guest of Mrs. W. H. Fleming, has returned to her home in Philipsville, accompanied by Miss Edna Fleming. Dwight Terry, New York, arrived to day to spend a couple of weeks at his cottage. Mrs. F. Halladay and children, Westport, are visiting Mrs Howard. The Misses Simmons and Misses Stanton, Newboro, are mov ing to a cottage here for a few weeks. Mrs. T. Simmons has return ed from Kingston. Guests at Idyl Wild : DrS Sinclair and wife, Carleton Place: Miss M. BR. Sinclair, Charles T. Gibbs, Miss Gibbs and Miss Flor ence Gibbs, Ottawa; Mrs. Raymond, Waltes B. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs George Bailey, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Mr and Mrs. ¥. W. Ashe, Mr. and Mrs Ashe, Smith's Falls: Miss Landis, Omaha, Neb.; Miss Kraise, Berlin, Ger many; Miss Schwartz, Quebec: 1. B. Oliver, © Winchester, Ont. M. F. Huli stein, New York: Miss Orser, New York: Mise 0. A. Chown, Toronto; Misses Kathleen and Bessie Richard son, Kingston; Capt. P. McGlade and party, steamer Gracie; M. A. and A. H. Jesmer, Cornwall; Mrs. J. A. Fer guson, New York. MYSTERIES ABOUT EELS. cases; is Enormous Numbers in a Turbine Wheel. Hull, Que., July 23.--A turbine mill wheel which runs a gang of saws at the Chaudiere waterfall stopped sud- denly this week. Upon shutting down the mill and unscrewing the upper cap it was discovered that the wheel had become packed full of eels. It looked as though there must have been bun dreds of thousands of them. About Valleyfield on the St. Law rence it became necessary a good many years ago to set up special guards te prevent eels from crowding into the canals which supply water power to the factories. And at these guards thrifty inhabitants used to do a good business catching the eels in the wick er traps and shipping them in barrels by boat to Montreal. One of these enterprising men volun- teered the information that he has noticed that until they attain a weight of two or three pounds eels travel in droves, probably families, of some hundreds of individuals. Possi- bly the stopping of the great mill here may have been lusty young eels to pass by that way. The incident reminds lwnbermen here of an occurrence at a little lake to the north of the Temiscamingue some years ago. In order to supply a rapid ly faHing stream with 'water. enough to float g large number of Jogs to the Ottawa river, it became necessary to cut through a rocky natural dam and allow a little sheet of water to discharge into it. 'The blasting powder did its work well and the log drivers accomplished their object comfortably. Om the next Sunday several of the mem made their way back to see the result of their sudden drainage of the lake. They found about an acre of thick mud the very centre of whare the pond had been, and this was alive with 5 strug- gling, writhing mass of great eels. The specimens they. dragved to camp were 80 huge that the cock refused to have anything to do with them, as he did not believe ecls ever grew to such a size. A few days afterward. a num- ber of men went jo see the monsters, hut found the mud quite dry and not a fish to be seen. Various theories were advanced to account for their disappearance, a= that a heavy thunderstorm had furn ished water enough for them to leave for the almost dried-up brook. An- other suggestion was that the wild Iwasts and birds of the eagle and hawk family had cleared away the stranded fish. The people of the coun try declared that the eels had gone overland to another lake not half a mile away, for "eels often come out of the water and crawl about the fields in wet weather." -------- SEEKING BURIED TREASURE. - ---- --- Schooner Sails For South Seas to Look for $70,000,000. San. Francisco, Cal, July 23.--The schooner Hermann has sailed for the South seas, ostensibly trip, but in reality, vearch to $70,000,000, reported to have been hidden on an island ctew of a Japanese ship. it is said, in Hermann, ami is accom or five eustern friends. of $18,000. ---- caused as this man suggests by the desire of a family of at on & pleasure of hiried treasure, amounting by the mutinous Capt. James Brown, a retired mariner of the Atlantic coast, is in command of the ied by four The little schooner was fitted out at an expense WHIG. WEDNESDAY, JULY 23. MACKAY WAS 10 RETIRE WITH ' ESTATE OF $80,004,000, HAD DECIDED TO REST. -- Laying of an American Pacific Cable Was to be His Last Work--Body Not to, be 'Sent to This Country Until Next Week--Property Deeded to His Wife and Sen. 2 | London, July Georpe (3. Ward, of the Commercial cable vomipany said to-day that the body * of John W Mackay would not be taken to New York. until next week gt the eacliest. Shortly after its arrival it will be placed in the Mackay mausoleum in Greenwood cemetery Mr. Mackay, in spite of his retiring habits, was exceedingly popular in English society, and previous to the death of queen Victoria frequently en tertained the then prince of W who described Mr. Mackay "most unassuming American 1 wet." One of the last functions Mr. Mackay's house was a dinner the princess Louise. Although known Mackay had few intimate English friends. Among the closest of these were Sir Ernest Cassell and lord Rev elstoke. Mr. Ward says death resulted purely from heart failure and the trouble had been of long standing. Mr. Ward went on to say that he never met a move unselfish, unassum ing man than Mr. Mackay. A day or two before he died, when he knew the end was not far off, Mr. Mackay in sisted that his wife should leave his bedside and take a drive, fearing that the strain would be too mueh fot her. Curiously enough, on the last dav Mr. Mackay appeared in the city he said: "l think | have worked long enough I'll just see to the laying down of the American Pacific cable and will then take a rest." Mr. Mackay, it is stated, endeavor ed to educate his son to carrv out his own plane by the same methods gs he had adopted He leit more money than Stanford Huntington or Marcus Daly. and much more than Fair, Crocker, Flood or O'Brien. Of course, anything that one might give in the way of an es timate of his estate would bs pure guesswork, but it is suid that Mackay left not far from $80,000,000, les, ad the ever at to everywhere, Mr, or SHOVING THE QUEER. Victimizsed by a Sharper and a Raised Bill. Belloville Intelligencer Some time during Monday a rather stylish-looking ~ "gent" called at grocery store situated at the west end of Deseronto and asked for some to bacco and a few other articles ana presented in payment what to all ap pearances was a $10 bill. The yro prietor was out at the time, and Lis wife, who sold the articles, appeared to be somewhat suspicious that the bill was not genuine, and asked the stranger if it was a good one She was informed by him that it was a genuine bill and he received $9 and «ome cents in change. Shortly ait the man 'leit the proprietor came in and his wife immediately showed him the hill she had taken in He, too, was suspicious that there was some thing wrong with it and went to the bank, where it was learned that it was a $1 bill which had been raised to ten. Not only had the figures been raised, but across the face of the, bill the_letters ten bad been printed. The work had been' most cleverly done, needing an expert to detect the fraud. An effort was made to loeate the stranger, but he had vacated; the town as soon as he had received his change. The police along the line have been notified to keep a sharp look-out for this stranger The stranger is deséribed as a ra ther heavily-built man, about twenty five or thirty vears of age, and about five feet wight inches in height had a smooth face. He wore a dark grey suit and a soft black hat. A Sensible Conclusion. Hamilton Times, Up at St. "Thomas there ig com plaint against too much home work in the schools. It. is said that the teachers merely hear the pupils re cite lessons, given the day belore, and set new lessons for the next day That is not as it should he. The real work of the teacher should be done in teaching. Home work is not =a matter upon which any hard and fast line can reasonably be laid down: but it should not be regular or onerous. If the child puts in five hours daily under the guidance' of an intelligent teacher it should pot be ne cessary to load it with home studies, There is something Jacking in the teaching when such studies become re gular gnd burdensome, Canadian Lunch Tomgue Leads. Clark's lunch tongues are declared to equal in tenderness and seasofing the finest imported. Raspberry vinegar at Gilbert's groe- ery. WE are not public benefactors. WE are not snatching people from the grave. WE RRA An American officer was fined $50 suspended and for one month for al lowing the "water cure" to be ad- to ho wit 10. Felon Red, b at Ofthert's grocery. California | ¥ rel ment oar excellence. You need ps has falied to cure you, osli or blished in De who cannot call. RARE 5,000 yards Oxford Shirt 10¢., for 5c. a yard. fe vards Heavy Fact ette Flannel; worth 124e,, 6,000 worth Te. for de. a yard. 1,500 yards, Plain Pink, Blue, White, 300 yards Apron worth Se. for a vard. 500 yards Plain Color M Blue, for Col Te. for wide Se be Bronze, 156¢ 1 poy nothing until been estabiished. This shooid Treatment, otherwise I could 808 make you this pro De IC antes my Latess Meihod Treatment to trictare, without cutting, Stretoling or loss of ae. ou Are oon write me. ols, and ihe enres | accomplished alier give othe we as the foremost specialist of the toufitry ey + doa write for black for blank for home Lr BOOK FREE : Windsor, Osa. All duly and express ebaryg =s prepaid DR.®GOLDBERG, AE -- ng, worth 4,000 yards Fancy Colored Wrapper wr Be. a vd ry Cotton; Shaker, . a yard or Gingham, uslin, Pink, a vard. convinee you that [ have contdens iment 200 WOOOWARD AVE, (00D Fer one week we offer some rare good and very special Pry Goods snaps. of the year cash is a very necessary article to use in making those we owe happy, 80 we tempt our friends and patrons with special bait to, bring, if possible, a liberal share of their money this way. 10 be » permanent dod positive este for in Varicooels i or wormy cosditlon, equllizss circulation, si.us pains lathe by giving the organs their proper suinition, vi* als the parts S re stores 1ost powers; in Strietgre it absorts the Sirelure tissue, Ste pe smarting METYOoUess, WeAkness, backache. e100, whi ie in atl prostatic So positive am [ Alas BF reatment PAY WHEN ublen it in the treat re wil| cure yOu, Jou ean CURED rd that & thorough sud may * position. Ii ma kes uo difference whe Each Time You Call You See wie Personally, | Or each time you writs Is recefves my personal attention, The r.ambder of years I am has OONSULTA TION FREE. or for Perteol system of home irestmens All mediaines tur Osha dian pa Neothiag sev: Q. COT, Wi LOOX SV. DETRQIT, woof ¥ Rn ) SNAPS 1,000 yards Indigo, Blue Duck, with flower or spot, le. for 10e, a yard. 300 yards Idtigro, Blue Twill, Drill, Spot, ete, 15¢ for 10. a yard Striped Muslin Blouse Waists, worth 5c. for 9c. each. Light and Dark Print Blouses, worth 75e. for Me. each | In addition to above attractions, we continue our double coupon sale for one week. CRUMLEY BROS. Prices. Hoadquarters for Beliable Goods at Bargain Sale o' "The Ideal Beverage | jondon ETT JOHN LABATTS Porter Full of the Virtus of Malt and Hops. Perfec tly Agreeable to the Most Delicate Palate, JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON. TE Genuine ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of i | | | Flower Stands, Ofion Mailings, Oronmentel Foocing, Arches, Wire Guards, Garden * Commtory Seats, and all kiods of work man wiaotured by F. PARTRIDGE, Crescent Wire Works, 278 XING -- ---- THE REGRET OF EVERY SUFFERER AFTER VISIT ING CALEDONIA SPRINGS 1S THAT HE DID NOT EAR- LIER KNOW OF THE GREAT MERITS OF THE WATERS AND BATHS, EVERYBODY KNOWS That our stock is new and ap-to-date, but everybody doesn't know that this week we will run off all banvas Boots At a Discount of 20 PER CENT, 184 Princess ARMSTRONG, *** "5. JUST A WORD If you want Fruits for preserv- ing or for the tables, you can do no better than at this store. The finest of raspberries, currants plums, cherries, watermelons, h LBEES, Pasass Sat ~ W. Murray, Jey Auctioneer and Commission chant, Market Square. Auction Sales. Save Money . by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers. STAMPS AND WARK ERS. EEE _----