BE J) % isin Lom nh ------ i | FACING THE FAMOUS ABBEY GREAT HALL ON SITE OF A FAMOUS PLAYHOUSE. Religious Society Secures the Royal Aquariom Theatre Pro- perty Facing Westminster Ab- bey. in London--Over a Millien Dollars Paid for It. 4 London, July 24. Robert William Verks," B.P., treasurer of the Metho dist million guineas fund, announces that the 8 ist% have secured the Royal aquarium theatre property fac dig Westminster abbey, on which they would build a great hall, vhich is to be called the central headquar ters of universal Methodism. "he price paid was £30000. The ground comprises two and a balf acres and on it also stands Mrs. Labgtry's imper ial theatre. It i& probable that some arrange ment will be made By which the un- perigl theatre will remain where it is, . though it may be transformed into ah F annex of the church house, the build AEE STARCH €0., 440 St. Posi St., Sestrosl. inlg of which it is expected will be be 2th early in 1968, t Since it was opened in 1476 aquarium has been a famous place of amusement for Londoners. The twentieth century fund of one million guineas which the British Wes. leyan odists hegan tollacting thige yi ago for educational, reli glows and" pHilanthropic purposes, closed December 20th, 1901, wi a final cpllection in the 7,270 chapéls throug the united kingdom. The results of the day's vollections reach: ed about £35,000. THOUSANDS OF INFANTS DIE ANNUALLY saved by the timely use of IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. News Of The Districts On Beth : Sides Of The Line. J] Mionie Maude, youngest daughter of W.-C. Brooks, Oak Point, was nearly ly drowned Jast Friday while playing ; { with. her cousin, The friends in Gananoque of T. H. McDonald,' Syracuse, NY, will be pleased to learn that he has secured a sition on the stafl in the post office ih that eity. Mts, John = L. MNeDouvald, Ottawa (nee Charlotte Agnes Auchinvole, Ga- nanoque), died on Tuesday, aged eigh- \yfive years, She leaves one daughter, ra. Montgomery. | Detective Rose prosecuting officer of the Ontario medical council, secured genviction against Dr. George Magee, Plgin, for a contravention of the me ical act: The defendant was assessed $27.10 i x resident of Burgeds passed gwav fPuosday, in the person of Elizabeth Stegdman, wife of Arthur Marphy, ad nother of W. H. Murphy, Port land, gnd Dr. Murphy, Pakenham. The ¢ . » pecenseel lady was in the sixty-eighth & hor age. ening properties. of - E. Baker, Merrickville, solicitor porter with. the milder 10% WIMETS 82 5G LTR @hilaract of good ale. ber =," io 1% for sale by most dealers, put up in pint Richmond; Merrickville and North Aw gugta. Work will be begun shortly. Charles Beaumont, a valued member of the North-west mounted police, ( of typhoid fever. He is survived his mother, Mrs. George Beaumont, awe sisters, Mrs. A. Davis, and Mre. Charles Cook, Gananoque, and two 8 | | § brothers in Toromto. Instructions have | ) | d been wired to have the body sent to \ A \ I Gananoque for interment. v A | J | MAN KILLS PARAMOUR. LN Room of Hotel. J Pittsburg, Pa, July 24.--An un known man killed 'Agnes King in a deinking room 'in the year of the Trae- tion hotal last night: The two had been together wince Monday, spending a good ¢ of time drinking in vari: otis saloons. They = were heard ' to quarrel on the street. - The woman went into the Traction drinking room and had barely seated herself when the man followed, ait her throat with o dirk and esg FOR ARISTOCRAT. Sdion of a Hagover Family = Ar- rested in San Francisco. San Prancisco, July 24.--Otto F, Meder, onee the lieutenant of a crack egiment ip the German army amd by his n agconmt the scion of an' aris- toeratic ht impoverished family of Hanover, has been arrested and lodg- ped in the city prison here. He is a cus- ed DH felony in betraying the = trust of friends ~ and obtaining $700" from Scunewald, proprietor of the H Delmdnto, of a spurious check, Forestry Is Planted. Success. : : I Several United States colleges pro- Vide a four-years' course in forestry, lending to the degree of "Forest En ginger,' Three of the first profession: alte trained foresters are employed by the forestry bureau of the Phi nes; one by the New York forest, fish and ue commission; one by the United States bureau of forestry; four in the United States general office; two land offic by G A i two 'the | t } x rR Sor Sogn: 400 a vear. In this way these col ) doing for forestry what institutions have done in me BEEN CRC RETR. 5 [ob bos Ll = EH A Bushel of Flies ing, railway " ¥ ne * E quipped cialized training to ally he great Granted A Second Year. ' 'C. W. Dickson, MA. of Quesn's, proserv. | waking Doan on op , pone ec Yorh, forvantied So a a Mighly oy manage scienti TSINESN fo Hawarden. Ye engineering; Ring Sh user. THE COAL CRISIS. rey - - ay Is, New York Will Suffer Greatly "This Winter. Yi Herald, Neal Silt be wcarce ana will com- mand exceptionally high prices in New York next winter, even should the present strike be speedily settled. This is the gloomy prediction" made by operators. who wet to, diseuss ways and means for ending the trouble, and who agreed that under po circum stances could the ground lost in the fast theese months bé recovered in Yue to make next winter's supply either plentiful jn quantity or reason ahle in price. Some few dealers who have g little coal in their yards are welling at $7.50 and 8% a ton. They capnot that coal at less than $5.00, and some lots held at $10 a on Absolutely no coal is coming to the city irom the anthracite regions. None of the mines, not even the smaller in- dependent os, are being operated. Dealers have got along so far by using small stocks in yaras bere and stacks which were shipped here from points in New England, up the state and elsewhere. These are mow ex: bausted and dealers 'have no iGea where next to tern for hard coal. The situation is approaching a cris is. For two days now practically no coal bas. been offered. One cargo was sold yesterday at $7.90. Nearly all the yards are scraped clean, Steam sizes and domestic sizes are both very scarce. They are not delivering anv family coal, except in small quanti ties, for immediate use. What will happen when cold weather sets in may be conjectured. Shipuients of soit coal to this port continue large, but prices of hitumin ous advanced twenty-five cents yester day. MAY RESIDE IN KINGSTON. E. BR. voward, Toronto, Offered St, Andrew's Organ. It has been rumored that Edgar R. Doward, the well-known chureh and concert otganist of Toronto, had been offered the position of organist in St Andrew's church, this city, soon te become vacant. Mr. Doward was ask- ed this morning, if it were so, but he did 'wot care to say anything about the matter. He admitted, however, that 'he bad been "approached by the church officials, but that was all he would say. He had not 'decided whe- ther he would remain in Kingston, but would do so hext week. It is stated that if Mr. Doward come¥ to Kingston, he would likely be appointed to the new musical chair at Queen's. Regarding this, Mr. Doward knew nothing, and would Hot exprese himsel. A& he is affiliated with To soto university in the musical de partment, it "would be an excellent chante for the new musical faculty of Queen's to secure a capable man, Mr. ' Doward has for many years been 'ond of 'the leading organists and tetichers in Toronto. On refiving re cently from the Broadway Tabernacle in 'that city, where he was organi] and choirmaster for eight vears, he was 'presented with a beautiful opal ail 'diamond pin by the choir. r Doward is a gifted teacher and a sym- pathetic player. He is a Follow of the Society of science, art and literature, England. FOR BANK WRECKERS. Punishment at Berlin for Officers of Leipsiger Bank. Berlin, July 24.<The following sen tences have n pronounced as a re sult of the criminal procoedings on charges "of fraudulent bankruptcy. brought against a nuniber 'of officials of the Leipuiger bank, which failed ab- out a véar ago! Exter, wanager, five years' penal servitude 'and five years' deprivation of evil rights; Dr. Gentzsch, a direc: tor, three vears' imprisosment; Bo del, president of the board of over seers, to pay a finé of 15,000 marks; Schroeder," Mayer and Woelker, mem bers of the board, each to pav a fine of 18,000 marks; Fiebiger, 8,000 marks fine, apd Foster and Wilkens 5,000 marks fine each. The defendants are aldo compelled to pay the cost of the prosecution. New Towing Machines. New towing machines have just been placed in position on the steamers Bannockburn and Rosemount," of the M. T. company fleet: 'These machines are for the purpose of taking up slack in the tow line," when rounding a point during a storm, eto. The work can be dome without even slackening speed, which fact means considerable to a vessel. The two above mention ed boats are the only ones coming into port which have been fitted out with the new machimes. A Lady Killed. St. Johns, N.B., «July 24.--Mrs Ketchum, wife of Ezekiel B. Ketchum, a inent citisen of St. John, while walking along the Canadian Pacific. railway track, at River Bank, ' near Westfield, this morning, was struck by an up freight train and killed. She had hex umbrella up at the time and it is supposed this prevented her from engincering, electrical en" | lamp black {Ror THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY. JULY 24. POLISH LAND MAGNATE ASKS HIM NOT TO VISIT POSEN. Fears Fanatic May do Harm -- Racial Fegling in Polish Ter- ritory is Said to be at Fever Heat. Berlin, July 24.--Court chamberlain Von Morawski, a Polish land mag pate, has appealed to emperor William pot to visit Posen during the army wanceuvres to be held in September, as bis majesty had planned to do. ' The chamberlain fears that some Polish fanatic might sttempt to harm the emperor. Racial feeling is described as at fever beat, and several Berlin journals take the view that it would be unwise for the emperor to expose himself un necessarily. t is scarcely likely that emperor William will act upon the chamber lain's appeal, because his majesty never permits himself to cha his uns on account of the timidity of is advisers. It is his purpose to de clare the government's Polish policy while in Polish territory, and his giv- ing up personal supervision of the manoetvres would unprecedented. The Polish question is regarded as the most pregnant in the govern ments domestic policy. While no ob server believes the Polish agitation can really amount to much ultimate ly, it is embarrassing the relations with Austria and Russia. Count Von Buelow, the German im- perial chancellor, is well aware of the disagreeable features of the Polish agi- tation, and it is quite likely he will devise measures to quiet the extreme violence of the Polish feeling. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. New collars and cuffs. Collars 2 for $4; cufis, 15¢c., 20¢., 25¢., at The H. D. Bibby Co. Governor Odell, of New York, will address an assembly of farmers at the Thousand Island Park, on Grange day, August 19th Use Arnot's 'Arnica Anodyne for all summer troubles, good for colds, neuralgia and rheumatism. McLeod's drug store, 25c. 'per hottle. In the hist of the successful county entrance pupils, Florence Asselstine, with 777 marks was credited to Kep- ler instead of Collins Bay. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver and regulate the howels, But do not purge. They are sure to please. Try them. The opera house stage was an ani- mated spot this morning, while cos- tumes were being given out 10 the tw, hundred young people who are to take part in next week's carnival. Some of the dresses are elegant. The July issue of the Independent Forester, Toronto, contains a kindly reference to the article in the Whig of June 11th, describing J. S. R. Me Cann's trip to the Pacific coast and the supreme court convention at Los Angeles, Cal. The first class steel excursion steam- er Niagara is open for charter to any point on river, lake or bay. Ww. G. Craig & Co., agents. For Quebec di- rect or Bufialo via Olcott Beach with- out change, See steamer Alexandria's advt. in another column. R. W. Anglin, M.A., mathematical master of St. Thomas collegiate insti- tute, has been offered and has gecept- ed the principalship of Essex Centre high school. Mr. Anglin is an honor graduate of Queen's university, and was for two years mathematical mas ter in Dutton high school. STORY OF PHILIPPINE WAR. Statistics of Battles and Causal- ties in Campaigns. Washington, July 24.--Major James Parker, of the adjutant geveral's of fice, has complied some interésting sta tisties vegarding the insurrection in the Philippines. There were 5,561 en gagements with the enemy, more or less serious, between February 4th, 1599, the date of the battle of Ma nila, and April 30th, 1902, fixed a the virtual downfall of the insurrvec tign. The larger proportion of these fights were attacks fipm ambush on the American troops of skirmishes in which only small: defachuients took art. ~ ! The number of tops that have been transported to the Philippines and have arrived there up to July 16th, last, was 4,135 officers and 123, 80% men. The average strength, taken from the monthly returns for the pe riod of the insurrection, was approxi mately 460,000. Major Parker summarizes the cas! ties of the Americam army as fol lows © . Killed or died of wounds, 69 offic ers and 936 enlisted men; deaths from disease, 47 officers and 2,535 enlisted yen; deaths from accidents, 6 officers and 125 enlisted men: drowned, 6 officers and 257 enlisted men; suicide, 10 officers and 72 enlisted men; murd- erpd. 1 officer, and 91 enlisted men; total deaths, 139 officers and 4.016 en- fisted men: Wounded, 190 officers and 2.707 enlisted men; 8 total of 2.597. Killed and wounded and. deaths other than disease, 252 officers and 4.188 enlisted men; total, 4470. Ma ps the of killed and wounded to the strength of the army aq. St. Mark's School Picnie. St. , nda; 1 held its Borel Ky ada at the beautiful grounds of Joby 0. Baxter. a4 INDIANS TRICKY. Tamper With Ginseng Root Tucrease Rate Green Bay, Wis, July 23 Indians on the reservation near here are fast developing traits that belie their sup- posed simplicity in business transac tions For "many years the chief source of their revenue has been in selling ginseng to Milwaukee and St Lows dealers. Only the dried root has a commercial value, however, and, though the price is $5 per pound, they could not make enough to satisly them, and at last hit upon a novel scheme whereby their gaine might be increused at the expense of the deal When fresh dug the ginseng roots are large and juicy, and it was an easy matter to scoop ont the ventral part amd fill it with a substance hav mg more specific gravity than gin song. Generally they used shot, but gravel, bits of iron, and even glass have been discovered by the whole sale men at Milwaukee, with the re sult that they have ceased buying from the Indians to ers, USED GOLD-BRICK SCHEME. Swindlers Adopt American Idea With Variations. Paris, July 23.-- In the little town of Marennes 5 robbery of mueh in- genuity has just been perpetrated. Two men called at the house of a citi- zen gnd told him their sister had been dishonored. In order, they said, to conceal this fact and preserve her good name, they were searching for a amily who would adopt and raise the child. "We shall pay for this service $4,000, and in two years will double this sum," they said. "Will you ae- cept the charge ?"' The man consulted his wife, and when she consented the two strangers produced $4,000. Then they asked if the person who took the child had a guarantee to offer The man brought out $300, and the two brothers took both suns of money and put them in 5 box. Then the fpur people hreakiasted, and the pair, pre senting the box to the man, said they would send the key of it with the child. After they had gone, the nun, becoming suspicious, openéd the box, to find only a few sous and some plec es of lead. Sagasta Celebrates 75th Birthday Madrid, July 24.--Senor Sagasta. the Spanish prime minister, was the recipient of innumerable congratula- tions to-day on the occasion of his seventv-fifth birthday. The felicitations came from the voung king, from the (queen mother and from eminent per sons in all parts of the kingdom. The venergble premier is beginning to. feel the weight of his vears and his desire to relinquish office and retire to pri vate life is no secret. But Spain cand ill-afford to spare his services. After much hard work he has succeeded in bringing the country's finances and in- ternal affairs into , morc satisfactory condition than they have been since the war with the United States. It is interesting to recall the fact that in his vouth. Sagasta was one of the most vigorous revolutionists and un tirig intriguers of his race. By pro- fession he is a civil engineér, and at various times when he has been out of power in the government he has supported himself as teacher or jour nalist. When he was only twenty-six vears old, he was elected to the cor tes. He allied himself with the liber als and twice had to flee to France for his life. His first ministry was that of the interior, under Gen. Prim, and since then he has been prime minister time after time. ---- Light Weight Coats And Vests. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, has 4 splendid as sortment of light-weight coats and vests; the proper garments for sam- mer wear. His summer coats at §l and $1.50 are special value, sizes M to 46. See his window, great variety to choose from. tes Honor For Ambassador Herbert. London, July 24.--The Hon. Mich ael Hemry Herbert, the newly ap pointed British ambassador t~ the United States, has been gazetted asa knight commander of the order of St Michael and St. George. ------------ General Porter Returns To Paris. New York, July 24. General Hor ace Porter, who has been enjoying a two-months' leave of absence in this country, sailed to-day on La Savoie, to resume his duties as United States Ambassador at Paris. CHLORODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. _ (hlorodyne sem ries SSE mary Clloroiyne EuEpeiEs Chlorodyne Seam SE im Chlorodyne 35 ob ome Guus' Bee oh only ote in Cholera and Dysens Chiorodyne =e Foun a Su Chlorodyne faemass doa" Gus. Hees ey From W. ,esalive, Peston: M.D, formerly Lecturer at St George's Hos pital, London--"1 have no tation in ete that | have sever met with any medicine #0 efficacions as an Anti-spamnodic and a Sedative J have iv dn com wdtcjoion, Anthea, Diasrhoss, ah diher disgtfen; gtd' *3 muy ly eatisfied the result." : . "Farl Rugsell communicated to Sa Oilege of Physicians that be: received despatch from Her Hajeity's Conneil at M to the effect thet Cholerd has been raging fearfully, that theonly REMEDY of sop service wee OHLORODYNE. --Ses Lancet, lst December, 1804 CAUTION--BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS, CAUTION---Vice Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated thet PR. J, OOLLIS BROWNE was undoubtedly the inventor of CHLORODYNE: that the whole story of the defendaat Freeman was deliberately untrue, which he regretted te ay had been sworn to. Ses Times, July 13th, Sold in bottle of ls. 13d, 2s. 9d, de. 6d, and lle, each. None Ie rin without the "Dr. J. Browne's Chlerodyad" ment 8 . Overwhelining Medical Tes thnony wscoompaniée i aed SOLE MANUFACTURER J. T, DAVENPORT, 33 Phody Bloamnsbary, | Ping. . ---- Don't Forget Aber nethy's COST PRICE SALE Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises All This; Month. A. Abernethy, "... ---------- oN KEEP COOL. We Carry a Large Assortment of the Following Goods at Reasonable Prices. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Window Screens, Screen Doors. - Coal Oil Stoves, to 99. Garden Hose, etc, ELLIOTT BROS.. 7 "nese, ee BAR LEAD CANADA METAL CO., vAipl suena