WA MoE MARDWAEE Swell Hammocks Cheap. 'NOBBIE, STYLISH, a Rasssuatie Prices. S00. 0h [1 OX PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What Is Going On !n the in World--The Market News. A feature of the dey goods trade is oreaning supplies of Faglish cottons in the Copadisn markers compgred VIOUS years. The Beitish prefers toude it possible to wt in thew renvonable tates There ate practioally no Ame ering In the Covadisn marke The doty of twenty-five per of cotton ad thirty-five per o cotions is practically pr Canadian woollen goods welling well now. The West Germmn cof ating for a general © Mop. They claiw vied to $30,000. 3 The only gonds prices is an in priot cloth yerg Wholesale ho 10 Grwt Brite Hens sre al they cannot Latest cal that + is wa to those of 19 A006 bs > ng pre has ne at cottons reason on white on priated the fall are ivmers ore ait herd of produc ly loss , pmonnis in New York dey nee of de. per yard repeat orders cottons, woullms and invariably notified that i except at higher prices ices from Formos "uv Limited that the exporis of «d Stgtes will pot exceed son, which were between 16,000,000 Mhs. Reoent pil 17,000,000 kw. ey ¢ Brocky ile, 9%e. to 10c; h Stidlieg, 9 11:16¢.; Barrie, 9c. Winchestor, Se; Vankleek 140, to ¥ie ding turday's Market Prices. AHOO'S i Bagos et. ORS. COINg FOR irday's market was one of * the "wen for several weeks. © Great itities of fine vegetables and a enificen® array of flowers made a tty scene. The ladies were out in rge. wambers and the square was owded with buyers. Prices were ren por and large quantities of pro- duce Jeere sold. These prices prevail wl p ation, Bc. to Se. a bh: lamb, 10. to He a Ih: veal, 30. to 6¢. a By: fowl, Gc, to 0c, a pair; chickens, We, te Alle, 4 pair; turkeys, 5c. to $1.95 such; ducks, 60¢, to The. u pair; hutier, in prints, Me. a th; in rolls, 156. 10 20 a th. eppx. 17c, to 1%, un downy potatoes, new, Ide, a peck: ap- ples, vows 200. a peck: beans, in the pod, Se. a grart; peas, shelled, 7¢, to Se. a quart; black currants, 0c, a quarts ved currants, Sc. a quart; blue berries, 10e. a quart; red aul black raspherric 8, 4 boxes fur ec Wai washing ties, four-inband *2 for 2c, at The H. D. h Ey Co. fil Be Salsie Unless You Are "If you avoid coming this store. we are the ers, therefore we want /to be satisfied with purchases. -------- © Fancy Frifled Underskirs, finished, made of . extra wide good quality fast black and extra well sewn. $i, 35.81.50. $175, $2. new designs, both light and dark Wrappers, Yo Only 10c. : SECOND "EDITION NEWS ALSO OPPOSITION 0 THE 2E| CENT LAW. ---- Protest Against the Action of the Government--Were Not Able to See the President's Wife. Paris, July 26-4 mass meetin has been called for 1o- night to pros against the action of the government in closing 'the Roman ( 'atholic schools under the religious associations law. Francis Coppel, the poet, will preside. The Matin says that ¥ the - oly see protests to France against the apphic- ation of the religious associations act, the goverment will decline to 2utertain the hat the question does not come with- in the scope of the concordat, A deputation of women attempted, yesterday, to interview Mie. Loubet, wife of the president, in order to so cure her influence in bringing about a revocation of the decree ordering the of religions orders, which have not complied with the law of assoc tations, They did not succeed in sewing Mme. Loubei, who, however, was represent ed hy Gen, Drihois, chief of the presi. dent's military household, The men bers of the deputution avered to him that they were ready to shed their blood if the measuies of the govern- ment against the congregations were proceeded 'with. Count Albert De Mun, the clerical leader in the chamber of deputies, ix stumping the country de: nouncing the action of the government and urging resistance. ema ans SOUTH AFRICAN MEMORIAL. ---- Eastern Portion of Cape Town Cathedral to be Used. Ottawa, July 2. ~During the re cent visit of his excelloncy to England hix attention was officially called to the movement which has many warm friends in England to constitute the vastern portion of the cathedral now in course' of erection at Cape Town, a¥ a memorial to those who fell in the war, and a thank offering for those who were sparél. It is Rely that an "hen will be made to the militia of Canada for support to this movement, lord Minto's desire being to see some steps taken in this Conn, try towards the proposed object, All Canada At Toronto. There will not be a province or a piece of territory in the dominion that will not be represented at the exhibi- tion in Toronto this year; from Mon day, Sept. Ist, to Saturday, Sept. 13th. The exec utive have increased the prize list until, with specials, upwards of $37,000 will be distributed. six. seyenths of which will find its, way to the agricultural community, As 830,000 is w be spent in attractions and special features, for the latest in- ventions as' well as the lastest novel ties in the amusement world, and in- cluding 87,000 for music, the people's enjoyment will not be neglected, Bo- lossi Kirafly, the greatest master of spectacle, has heen secured to produce in all its brilliancy his stupendous production "The Orient," which was the wonder of London, Eng. st Olvm- pin for a year. Then there are the new dairy building and the new: art gal lery, which will greatly increase the value of the exhibition us a factor in the education of the people. In the dairy building "not only will there be exhibits of daity products, utensils, and so on, but lectures and demon- strations will be given twice daily in a hall provided with seating accom modation for 600 people. : Reduced rates vill, of course, be available on all lines of travel, Trooper Sutherland Is Homa. Trooper Fred. Sutherland, C.M.R., reached the city this morning looking sturdy and vigorous alter his South African expevience. He was on the train which carried trooper Gregson, of Brandon, Man., who died of heart failure near Montreal, The sad incid- ont cast a gloom over the other pas sengers. Trooper Sutherland speaks in glowing terms of he services rendered the empire by Capt. Bruce Carruthers and Col. Duff. For both officers he has nothing but words of praise to offer. He regrets that the last contingent was not long enough in South Africa to see more campaigning. ------------ Armless She Does Embroidery. Indianapolis, July 26. The police have assisted a genvine freak to get out of town, Minnie Philips, a woman without arms or legs, was blocking the street near the Grand hotel, where she had vollected a crowd around her ®y her marselions achievements at « mbroidery. She invented, she said, a machine which she worked with the stumps of ber legs, and with it she made initials ont handkerchivle. She save she came from Seymour, Ind. -------------- Not An Equivalent. Ottawa, July 26. Reconily a tom- bolo was held in conmeetion with the Victoria yacht club, of Avimer, the first prize being 5 rip to England. R. { bonmbad, of this city, was the but he ip not go to prize winber, Fagland ano was lent the Sy of $25. ae Te to 4% nian} that it hy not - hes Pinon anced the matter in He a has Since aa i, i " protest on the ground | closing of schools under the direction | All Over The World, Graphite ia lnrge quantities has been found near: Canton, N.Y George do Whitlield fe on Friday at Morr Que., aged seventy five Years. Gold Fa been discovered near St. Regis Falls, Vi., in the Adirondack mountains. Lightning <. ca Friday destroyed the Murray works in Philadelphia. Damage, fa Large numbers of woutlin. ee assist ing exchiegf Devery to: fight hi his cam- paign in New ¥ York. 3 body of Pte. Espie, of the ©. MK. drowned on Wednesday, at Win: nipeg, was refovered last evening. As the result of a collison ¥o » Michael Benton was fatally wound: oc John Fivigan, a Malone N. Y., school tangger, reported dead in the Philippines, has turned up safe and sound, (il has been discovered in large quantities in the island of Trinidad, and is boing worked under Canadian auspices, Firé in the Queen street station of the Montreal light, heat and power company, this morning did $5,000 damages. Capt. Dave Wagner, Alexandria Bay, N.Y, suflcred a stroke of paralysis while his boat was tied at the Brock ville wharf. Labon H. Ainsworth, Chicago, for merly recorder' of Watertown, NY. is dangutoiisly ill at Fine View, on the Lawrence. ie George Anderson, Mount Hope, i> under wmrrest in Toronto on a charge of -insanity. She has escaped irom several asylums. Nearly all the crops in East Oxford and vicinity were destroyed "by storm last night; hail fell "to. the depth of »ix inches in places. Sydney 8. Movill and Mrs. M. Carpenter, Fulton, N.Y; twins, yes terday eelebrated the sighty- seventh anniversary of their hirth. Major Glenn, who administered the "water cure" to the Filipinos, up holds his acdon, saying it hastenea the termination of hostilities. At Worcester, on August 10th, Argomant cight, of Toronto, will de- fend the American championship they won last year at Philadelphia. Mrs. John Eisenhower, Reading, Pa., whose child died recently, declares a witch Killed her baby, and that she sole soe the witch in the bedroom. A dummy revolver was found on the person of Clarence Robinson, a life prisoner in the Auburn, N.¥. prison. He intended to make an attempt to escape. The imperial privy council has refus: od leave to Toronto to appeal from the "serap iron" assessment decision of the Canadian courts. The sum in bolved is about $22.000 in taxes. Freight trafic through the canal last year amounted to 28 1403, 065 tons, which excends the tonnage of L900 by 2.759.992 tong 20.01 vessels passed through, against 19.458 in i900, | Hon. Mr. Parent gives a most em- phatic aemial to the rumors ciren lated respecting allegea dissentions in his government, and remarked that never were he and his colleagues on better frienaly terms. After one of the most nots marder trials ever held in Maine, the jnry in the case of Willima Treworgy, charged with having killed Sarah Ware at Bucksport four years ago, brought in a verdict of acquittal on Friday. Dozens of Italians have heen arrest ed in Brooklyn unaer the suspicion that they may be implicated in the murder of Joseph Catania, the Italian whose body was found in a sack on the shore of New York hay. Mrs. Charles Denig and young child were burned to death in a creamery building at Calicoon, N.Y. The hus band jumped from the second floor, leaving hi= wife and child, who were overcome hefore they could be saved. In the house of lords, lord Burgh clere asked the under secretary for the colonial office if it was so that 200. 000 Americans had bought up land in Canada. The reply was that so far this year but 24,100 had emigrated to Canada. An immense throng gathered in Mae donald park last evening to he epter tained hy the complimentary concert given by the 47th regimental band. The organization sustained its reputa- tion as a capable concert band. = The large audience was well pleased with the splendia. programme. James McCoy surrendered himself to the police at Ogdensburg, N.Y., con- fessing himself guilty of swind ng peo- ple residing near Toronto, his former home, by ofieving them employment. He received $18 from manv persons for kuitting machines which he Tailed to impply. The Toronto police advised his release, as he was not wanted there: * E. Soo The Feast Of St. Anne. This being the feast of St. Aune, {he mother "of the blessed Virgin Mary, hich mass was celebrated in St Mary's vathedral at 7:30 this morn ing, at which 5 very Jorge congrega- tion assisted | and Yocrivad holy com union, A magnificent shrine 'adorns the sanctuary, in the eentre of which is the relic of this wonderful servant of Almighty God. To-morrow being Sunday, shine' will he kept all day, Miss McMahon, of Toronto, & evlobrated alto soloist, will render 'Ave Maris," at mass, 2 and the 20 Salutaris." at The Feira in hone ol Si. ill from the pulpit immediately fag ter vespers, just before the Ca the | Now York Central near Palymia, N. the | [WAS A PATRETIC SIGHT. TWENTY CRAZY MEN WERE DINED IN CHICAGO. ---- They Were All Poor Fellows From the Philippines -- What the Country Owes to Those Who Follow the Chicago, HL, July 2%. Twenty in sane men, manacied and wild an were the beakfasi guests of alderman Henry L, Fick, of the Ninth ward. yesterday. The men filed into the al dermen's restaurant, fell into line at the command "attention," sat down by command and ate in the manner habitual to military men. men are soldiers from the Philippines, tall, stalwart and' lithe Limbed, but evervone is as mad as a March hare, Uhder command of a general officer, they are on the way to Washington, where they are to be fared for and, if possible, restored to ult The chains that were clasped about the soldiers' wrists allowed the men sufficient play to permit of habl®¥ing their food. After the men' had finished they waited quietly until the order came to march back to the car. Not one crea ted any disturbance. "I never saw a sadder sight," said Ald. Fick. "The soldiers were splen- did looking men, but all crazy. It was pathgtic. At first I could scares Iv realize that the men were insane, but I edged too close to one soldier, a giant of a man, He turned upon me and snarled like an animal, 'Get out of here!' 1 never before realized what a debt this country owes to the men who follow the flag." ------------ Business College Notes. Minnie Boyd, shorthand graduate, who has a position in Toronto, is home on her holidays. Miss Katie Brennan, a shorthand graduate, has a position as Ar with the G.NW. telegraph company. T. Porter, graduate, spending his holidays in the city, has returnitd to the United States, where he has a splendid posi- tion as stenographer. Miss Maud Leonara, graduate, has secured a po- sition as stenographer in Toronto, George H, Booth, student, writes from Chicago, that he has a good po sition as bookkeeper with Messrs. Bat rett & Barrett, manufacturers, of that city, Harry Mann, a shorthand gra doate, who bas a position as steno grapher in Ottawa, is spending his holidays in the city. The following students bave finished a thorough course in the shorthand department and will be awarded diplomas of gra Suntion ; Sarah Heaney, Joyceville: Miss M. F. Anglin, Kingston Mills, ---------------- He Comes Of Fighting Stock. The relatives. of young trooper Jamieson, who has just returned from South Alvics, declare that Ke did not «hip on the out-going passage 55 a stowaway. He went to Halifax on his own iuitiative, 'and desired 10 enhist. Surgeon Lieut.-Col, Duff admired the boy's pluck und so took him along as a valet. The land's parents have tele grams from Col. Duff, when at Hali- fux, showing. this to be the case. These telegrams were to-day shown the Whig. Young Jamieson comes naturally hy bis fighting qualities. His grand futher, Joseph Jamieson, served at Cornwall during the Feninh raid, while the Jad's father, William Jamie son, was a member of No, 6 com puny, ith regiment, for tem or twelve years, serving under Capt. Bruce Carruthers, -- Why It Was Absant. Lieut, -Col, Skinner accounts for the abSence of the th P. W, 0. rifles and its band at the reception on Fri dav by saying that on Thursday the regiment and band met at the Ar mouries in good strength, but through no fault of theirs they were not need ed. As many of the men had given up a half day' # time to be present the eclonel did not think he would be justified in asking them to lose an other hall day and consequently the local force did not turn out. The men and bandsmer had shown their will ingness to attend by the prompt re sponse to the call on Thursday Fell Of The Merry-Go-Round. Mrs. Lawless, Alfred street, met with an aseeident at Lake Ontario park vesterday. She fell off the mer ry-go-round with her little grandehila in her arms. She was carefully as tended, and hy the time a hack ar rived whe was able to walk from a sofa 4 to the carriage. She received, however, a bad shaking up." The lit tle child luckily escaped injury. -------------- Kingston Gets Contract. Among the additions to the Inter colonial railway rolling stock will he twenty consolidated locomotives for special freight service, five passenger locomotives and two. for switch work. The contract for these has been given to the Canadian locomotive company, of Kingston. The Rathbun company, Deseronto, will build 150 platform cars. --e---- Will Sail At Charlotte. Sandford Calvin, T. J. Rigaw and Arthur Macnes left yesterday for Charlotte, in Mr. Calvin's yacht Cock in, + to attend . under the auspices of the Lake yacht racing asvoviation. The Cock Kolin will sail in "the race for the thiry- faut class on Tiseday. only Kmgsion boat SHIRTS We have just received a special lot of MEN'S FINE WHITE UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS below their value and we will give you this to- night. These shirts are all made by Tooke, of Montreal, Canada's best shirt maker, and each shirt bears his well-known brand. 243" Men's White Unlaundried Shirts. P ne 'roinforeed Extra good cotton used, Regular y this make of shitt is good value at 50e, each. | Men's 39c. each. ] Men's White Unlayndried Shirts. + Extras fine make, Full reinforced. LINEN BOSOMS, Regular value 750. each. | 4 $ | 3 each. (reat Attractions Attractions AT THE 0DDS - AND 'ENDS SALE es AT er THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE Tremendous cut in Ladies' Patent Leather Boots. "educed Prices in Ladies' Oxford 8hoes. Special attractions in Children's 8hoes. Gents' Fine Tan Boots. Regular 83 50 at half price. a ; Bargain Tables all loaded with tempta- tions.