7 89TH YEAR. NO. 175. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JULY 28, 1902, DAILY BRITISH LAST EDITION. N-- That Is What| I Say toot clothing for ts what | want. Joukine bes | PH ec 1 gid striped flannel sits at am sure will interest any wie Who would not rather Le cool The come in the cuslost and most perfect Siting a rr thes continent, wre the reach of afl from 26 to $2.50, Men's mocds mre stoded at S JENKINS 3 114 PRINCESS STREET, Is Happiest oY your own. Property right elevates a LT TT Ny 4 ary engi to own your home proceed 8 Jroperly We start you at the p you to build Yur pr y anh. You will have the rest home D. A. CAYS, 3406 King Street. -- (5 AEE 'YOU WILL FIND " CHOICE ASSORT- MENT OF lens TI en 4 (i 2! fa J RRR Princess and Bagot Streets. - STRAIGHT BUSINESS W. Murray, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Mer- ® chant, Market Square, be be ed Auction Sales. % Save Money by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, * 7 Auctioneers Fh rio LET, mm STHEET, 9 ROOMS. modern ) hI ementa. Apply Ww U, BOARD, Ti Roous AND HOARD, ALSO tlemen preferred, at MO ~ BRIGHT AIRY ROOMS AND FIRST CLASS ea ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE - | LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. The sin vis Tuesday at 446 am, and sets st 7:27 pm Dioner to returned South African veterans, Congress Hall, 5:30 p.m Thewe wre the days when the swmmer begins to get all pion and Sufly Lake Ontario Park, Boston Merrvomakers, Wigh class poriormance, 8:15 pm. Somebody figures that there are 1,437 re medien for rheumatism. But it gets there just the mame. The king's recovery will elicit a fresh ode from Laureate Austin, just as soon ss he can find a few good rhymes for "perityphli- tis." They tell ve that when we get wo that it takes big troubles to trouble us and thet litle things will make us hapnr, we are on the tight rosd J's a heavenly ideal, Bt too lofty for Kmgston. T= This day in the world's history: Commanders Prinsloo and Villiers with 1,000 Boers, sur- render, 1900; Sir Moses Mowtefiore died, 1888; battle of Atlanta, 1864; Cowley, poet, died, 1758; Ponce surrenders to General Myles, 1894. CROWN DERBY DECORATION WE OFFER YOU VERY HANDSOME DINNER SETS COMPLETE. Our regular price was $20, We have a few sets we are clearing at $12.50. ROBERTSON BROS. (LAKE X ONTARIO PARK ) ALL THIS WEFK BOSTON wird Matinees Hvery | W ednesday Bvening MERRY Friday At 8130, MAKERS {ac 3:30. Mammie Wilson, Emma Zeph, Blanche Rice. 3 BARTELLI BROS. 3 Singing, Dancing, - Comedy, Acrobats, BASEBALL Thursday, July 3ist, GOUVERNEUR vs. PONINS, (aRAND OPERA HOUSE J) CARNIVAL Of Musical Romances BENEFIT Ham for Felend) os Men JULY 29th-30th Thursday MATINEE Opera, Yaudovilie, Dance, Spectacular 400 IN CAST 400 PRICES --HvENINas dsc, sou. 0), Plan for the Carnival' of Musical will be open TO-MORROW MORNING o'clock at the OPERA HOUSE ALBERT COLLEGE, Sensis, PHENOMENAL RECORD OF GROWTH, 302 sodents enrolied last your, 1 young ladles and 130 young men, dew pipe organ, domes tic selmoe rooms, and art enllery recently Two matriculution scholarships won gywnasiom, large athletic I ball, one of the finest in Ontario. Building bea by steam and lighted by eleotricity. Will re-open September 9th. For illustrative circular address prin at 9 added. in 1904. LOST. ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FITHER IN TIE ,, or on NEN i TA CHILD'S RED BROABCLOTI CONT. Re ward for its meters to 140 Johnston SUMMER RESORTS. A FEW MORE BOARDERS CAN BE AC commodated at the Union Howse, Bristol, Que, an excellent hesith resort, oneball wile from the beautifal Chats Ap ply to M. Hvsion Bristol, Que. GENERAL LEE TALKS. Indianapolis, July 28.--General Fitzhugh Lee said: "I belicve that the origin. in Cuban affairs is now, ¥ ivi members of "A Co, pre ron he, ous t let. goo wn, » nae ly atvend an = in DECLARE 17 A FARE" Information Given Mayor Prior To Contest IT PROVED T0 BE TOO TRUE STATEMENT MADE BY A SPORTING WRITER. It Came to Him From the Jeffries Crowd -- Those Concerned De- clare that the Fight was Genuine. San Francisco, July 28.--Now that the Jefiries- Fitzsimmons contest for the world's championship is over the cry of "lake" has been raised, but without justification in the opinion of referee Graney, George Siler and the great majority of other sporting men. A communication sent to Mayor Schmitz, before the fight, to be open- ed after it was ended, said that the writer had been informed that Jefiries was to win in the eighth round, which he did. The mayor has announced that if the charge that the fight was a pre wranged affair cannot be disproved, he will be compelled to prohibit such exhibitions hereafter. The Examiner says: W. W. Naught- on, the sporting writer, said tha the fight was programmed for Fitz to gv out in the eighth round. The inform ation came from the Jeffries people. Mr. Naughton wrote out the pio- gramme signod it, sealed it, and jut it in the custody of Mayor Schmitz. The fight came off according to the programme. In the eighth round when there had been no severe fighting Fitz dropped his hands turned and spoke to Jeff. Jeff hit him and Fitz went to his hands and knees and stayed down until he was declared out, Then he gor up and walked around the ring, his eye clear, his voice strong, not a bruise on him. Every one present ask- ed. What was Fitz talking about ? Why did he quit fighting ? After the fight Mayor Schmitz proceeded to op- en Naughton's statement. There was every indication in the betting that a large coterie was io- formed of the arrangement, The letier written by Naughton is as follows : "July 24.--1 received to-day an in- timation that the fight between ./of fries and Fitzsimmons was to be thrown to Jefiries in the eighth round. One of the party who was with Jeff at Harbon Springs, had told mv ine formant to bet that Jeff would earn the decision in the round named." Fitzsimmons was, apparently, wuch distressed at the charge of fraud, THe declared that he had fought his best and could not stand Jeffricst bo lv blows. Jeffries also denies that the fight was fixed. He said that Fitzsim- mons gave ever had. ' The trainers on each side resent any charge of crookedness, but the fart re mains that information was given Mr. Naughton of The Examiner the dav before the fight that it would end in tho eighth round. ------ INJUNCTION AGAINST TRUST. ------ Irish Leaders Take Steps Against Owners. Dublin, July 28.--Another step in the frish land war has been taken in the fyling of an injunction suit brought by John Redmond, Willimu O'Brien, John Dillon and Michael Da vitt, representing the United Irish League, against the landlords consti- tating the new land trust, who are up- holding the De Freyne estate tenant troubles: this suit alleges conspiracy on the part of the land trust to pre vent the plaintifis from accomplishing by lawful means the reforms of parlia- ment respecting the Irish laws. The issue of the writ has created a sat sensation in Ireland. It is a reply to the landlords' action against the national organization, and the Freeman's Journ#l "promises it will be the biggest constitutional trial in Ire land since the great Parnell trial of 1882. It also shows that the fight of the tenants and their champions against the landlords is now about to become quite as bitter as ever it was in the days of the land league. FOUNDS HOMES FOR NEEDY. John Blocher, Buffalo, Gives Farm And $100,000. Buffalo, July 28.~Through the gene rosity of John Blocher, a prominent Methodist layman, of this city, a charitable enterprise of large propor- tions will be carried on under the di- rection of a board of incorporators representing the territory of the Gene we Methodist Episcopal annual con- ference. ® Mr. Blocher's gift includes a farm of 113 acres at Williamsville, near Buf- falo, known as the Mineral Springs farm. To this Mr. Blocher will add in his lifetime a cash gift of $100,000 and eventually by his will this sum will be increased to $200,000, «This site is to be used for a great group of charities, including an or Whanage, a hospital, a relormatory, a home aged people, and other in stitutions which time may show to he neediul adjuncts. The title of this in- stitution is to be the Blocher homes. him the hardest fight be PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over the World. All the coal mines of Virginia have resumed operations, There were thirty-eight deaths from cholera at Cairo, Egypt. Storms in England on Saturday night did great damage to the crops. Anpie and Rose Glaw, sisters, Cleve- land, Ohio, were drowned on Sunday Mackay's remains will not be brought to New York until Septem- ber. About seventy per cent. of the popu lation of the Klondyke is from the United States. The yacht Hully Gee upset Neweastle, Ont., on Sunday, and Griffith, Hamilton, was drowned. Nearly one hundred British warships will take part in the coronation re view of Spithead on August 1th, Sir C. A. Pelletier, ex-speaker of the Dominion senate, is mentioned for the lieutenant governorship of Quebec. George Baldwin struck Frank Carl- son in the stomach and killed him. They fought at Portland, Oregon, over a girl, The Manchurian railway administra- tion is constructing at Charbin a ho- tel which will cost about 2,000,000 roubles. At the meeting of the British Privy Council, held on the royal yacht, on Saturday, the king signed several pro clamations. Harvest excursions to the west will commence on August 19th and last until sometime around the middle of September. Negotiations are now pending which may terminate the hostilities between the Colombian government and the re- volutionists, Emperor William has hestowea the Red Cross medal of the third class on August Salzman, chief of the fire de partment of Plainfield. The Duke of Connaught has express. ed thanks for the honor conferrea up on him of P.G.M. of the grand lodge oi Masons of Canada. One hundred arrests 'were made in Paris, on Saturday, in connection with disturbances arising out of the closing of religious schools. The Venezuelan revolutionary gener al Mendoza defeated President Cas tro's_ troops at Alto de La Palma, capturing their ammunition, Montreal yacht men since they have seen the Tecumseh, are inclined to think that the Reawanhaka cup will not leave Canada this year. The winner of the king's prize at the National Rifle Association meeting at Risley was Lieut. E. D. Johnson, of the London, Eng., rifle brigade. The Runians; Carson, McKee com pany, London, Ont. retall dry goods, have placed their business in the hands of receivers for the benefit of creditors. Auburn reports the worst storm of the season on Friday night. Several cattle were killed by lightning, and several small craft sunk on Owasco F. Klotz, Indianapolis, who was have eutered his new flying machine in the trials at the St. Louis exhibition, died of cancer on Sunday lass. Lightning struck one of the smal! powder houses at the Indian Head proving grounds, Washington, D.C., ano burned up 58,000 pounds of "smokeless." The Irish parliamentary party en tertained William Redmond and Jos eph Devlin, on Saturday might, in re cognition of the United Irish League in America. As the result of a storm the large hoist on the deck of the Michigan Cen tral car ferry at Detroit, was totally wrecked and the ferry damaged, on Sunday. Loss. $50,000, Mrs. John Creilly, Toronto, was killed on Saturday by lightning, which entered the house in which she was sitting. Mrs, Fitzsimmons, sit ting beside her, was not hurt. Dr. Eugene Grisson, once well known as an alienist and neurologist, com- mitted suicide at Washington, by send- ing a bullet through his brain. Dr. Grissom had become weakened from the use of strong narcotics. The rumored Anglo-Japanese alli: ance respecting Corea is creating un- easiness in Paris, where, it is fearea, a grave international situation will be created, France and Russia having al ready guaranteed that country's inde- pendence. . J. Ross Robertson, Toronto, in re cognition of the zeal which be has evinced for Masonry, and the import ant services he has rendered 'he rank, the dignity of Past Grand Junior Warden of England bas been conferred upon him. Forty people were poisoned at Marysville, Tenn., by drinking lemon ade carelessly surcharged with tar tarie acid. The lemonade was sold by J. Warren Carr, who drank freely of the mixture, and he and four others will probably die" near Ww. CHASED THE MAD MULLAH. British Force Had Brush With Tribesmen. Aden Arabia, July 2%.---The British expeditionary force, operating against the Mad Mullah, in Fast Africa, after seoating north-east of Damot, over an absolutely waterless country, learned the general direction of the Mallah's forces, with his prisoners, and sent off a mounted colamn, under Col. Cobbe, which, "after an eighty-mile chase across the desert, came in contact with the tribesmen, killed 130 of them and captured 1,000 camels and 12,000 shoop. The British had eight men kill el und four wounded. To Give A Clear Title. Halifax, 'July 28.~The property of | Gas Co. was sold by the THERE ARE RISGIVINGS That King's Strength May Not Be Adequate FOR CORONATION CEREMONY PAPER SAYS HE IS STILL AN INVALID. And he can only be Expected to go Threugh it Except as Such --Much now Depends on What the Doctors will Say. London, July 28. --Misgivings are expressed in many quarters concerning the king's strength being adequate for even the curtailed coronation ceremo- ny in Westminster Abbey on August 9th. The king has been for five weeks in a recumbent position, and the Standard is informed that he has not got on his feet yet, but is cotifined to a couch though he is able to move himself upon it. His wound is not healed yet. In short, according to the paper, he is stil an invalid, and though the prospects of his being able to safely go through othe coronation on Saturday week are much more as sured than they were he is only ex pected to do it as an invalid, It tran spires that though/the date of the coronation was set with the doctors' consent, they have not committed themselves . to any direct statement, The king aboard his yacht, however, has made uniterrupted progress and the risks of complications had steadi- ly diminished. The only danger appre hended in the ordinary course is a chill to which convalescents are rather li- able " WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY, To be Made of Use in Private Re- sidences, London, July 28. ~The Westminstar Gazette announces that a company has been formed with a nominal capi tal of £175,000, which has been pri vately subscribed, for the purpose of operating the Armstrong-Orling sys tem of wireless telegraphy. The paper says it is informed that this company will begin operations on a large scale almost immediately. Two factories will be erdeted in Buckinghamshire, England, and in France, at places which have already been selected. Everything in connection with the new scheme, down to an illustrated catalogue and price list, is ready. The says : "A perusal of an ad proof of the catalogue sug the . possddbility that everyone wili be enabled within six months to buy, for a moderate price, a handy wircless telegraph and telephone ap paratus for private installation and use. It will be the simplest matter to connect all the rooms in a house or to connect a house with the city. Pa tents have been taken out by the Armstrong-Orling people, whose sys tem differs in many important re speets from that of Marconi." Gazette vance eels STEAMSHIP MATTERS. Asking That Purchase Money be Laid Down. London, July The Daily Ex press reiterates that the White Star line has definitely declined to be man aged by the Morgan syndicate in any shape until the purchase money for the line is paid. The syndicate has declined to deposit the money until the English lines relinquish their in aividual management The paper adds that the tremendous price demanded for the White Star line may have caused a halt. The Daily Graphic, commenting up- oii the proposal to establish a fast line of steamers between England and Canada, says: "It would be dis tinctly advantageous to Canadian in terests, but when it is proposed that Great Britain should give a heavy subsidy, it is well that we should pause to look at the question all around. H the advantages of a direct line Canadian service of fast steamers are as great as is alleged, it is sur prising that private capitalists have not long ago put their money into such a service instead of competing for the New York trafic." 28 Pickle Men To Complete Merger. New York, July 2% -- Representatives of the largest pickle and preserve companies in the country are gather ing here --inanticipation of to-mor- row's conference at which the final details are to be completed for the giant merger, which is to be organi- zed under the name of the Association of Manufacturers and Distributors of Food Products. Though the axaet fig ures have not been made public, it is expected that the combine will be capitalized at between £30,000,000 and £50,000,000. It will embrace well known firms of Boston, Philadephia, Rochester, Camden, Allegheny --={lity, Wheeling, New York, Cincinnati and Detroit. Canadian Pacific's Good Year. Ottawa, Oot., July 25.---Figures given out by the Canadian Pacific to- aay show that the traffic of the road for the year ended June th was far in excess of any previous year. Both in the passenger and freight departments the road hes done a phenomenal busi- ness. The outlook is equally encour azipg. To meet the demands the reat traffic to follow the abundant his year the freight rolling stock is being increased as idly aw possible, and by the harvest season the rom] expects to have shout 30,000 cars in commission. - KILLED GEN. LAWTON. The British Consul Thinks White Deserter Did It. " GEN. LAWTON Washington, D.C., July Capt. Henry Harford, British eonsul, at Ma nila, is here. He thinks a white de serter killed Gen. Lawton, He says a mild policy, especially in such parts as Samar, would be a mistake. "I'he natives must he subjugated. You must teach the little devils to respect you. I think your officers have conducted the war as humanely and gallantly as any people in the world could have done." LORD LISTER SANGUINE. 98 Expects His Majesty Will Be Able To Be Crowned. London, July The Times says that Lord Lister, in his speech last evening at the Athenaeum Club's ban quet to the members of the new Order of Merit, said that in his opinion no indiscretion was committed in fixing August 9th as the date for the coro nation of King Edward. Able To Be Moved. Cowes, July 28.-The latest official The king's health con tinues excellent and the wound is healing rapidly, Hix majesty waa ahle to be moved from his couch to his wheeled chair for a few hours yes terday A WOMAN MURDERED, 28 bulletin says Several Men Held For The Awful Crime. July 28. ~The body of an woman, ahout thirty-two and fashionably garbed, was found in a wine reom of Henry (VHara's saloon early this morning The police soon after arrested James Grant and Fawara Goff, said to have heen drinking with the woman. On the left side of the head of the dead wo man was a wound from which the blood was streaming. The face was black and the neck scratched as if she had been strangled. Gofi's collar, neck tie and shirt were found to be blood stained. Chicago, unidentified voars old, FOREMAN SHOT. He Was Slain By a Party Of Strikers. Pa., July foreman at the Kohinoor was shot to by a erowd of he will recov Pottsville, 28. Daniel Landerman, colliery, Shenandoah, day near his home strikers. It is thought er. Albert Landerman was chased and shot and four other men, non-union ists, were badly beaten. CONFINED TO HOUSE. ------ The Lieutenant-Governor From: Rheumatism. Toronto, July 28.-8ir Oliver Mow at, the lientenant-governor of Ontario, has been confined to Government House through illness for several dave past, suffering from rheumatism Al though able to be about the house he has not sufficient strength to venture out. Suffers Scourge In Eastern Russia. London, July 28. The gorrespond ent in St, Petersburg of the Daily Mail reports that cholera has brokea out in the government of Astrahkan, European Ruseia, and that fifteen deaths were recorded last Friday, The government, the correspondent says, is keeping the fact of the epidemic cret. a Have Assigned. New York, July 28 Comming & Stackbridge, export amd import com mission merchants, at 1 Broadway, 'assigned today. The liabilities are Lataed as in excoms of £500 000, but the nswets will not be known until af ter ap examination of the hooks. Canadian Peaches. Will be ready in a few days; also the large blackberries. We would advise you to see Carnoveky to-morrow ab ont red, white and black evrrants also raspherried, if you bave not al ready done so. ------ Two freight trains on the Lake Bhore Rk. collided at Harrington Park, N.J., today. The firemen of one of the kowomotives wite killed and the firemen of the other engine had wr mnchinery from (iedgo. ev, Pr. We Roberts and som, Ade . A Re od the position of commissioner for the building of the Temiskaming res | | i WEATHER PROBARILITIES, n-- July 2th, (10 am p-Mak to north westerly we fue Toronto, Ont, wrote © Lo fresh westerly winds, fime and warm. warm LADIES JACKETS English Tailor-made. Three-quarter length, Made 0 Priestley's Cravenette Cloth Also latest styles English Waterproof Cloaks Made of same material. Inspection Invited, COSGROVE lg Loughboro, 192, Nella Comgrove, late James Cosgrove Funcrad from ber mugpder's residence, Toesday worning, st see o'dock, 0 Bt. Patrick's church Friends - sind sonuaintanoes am reaped duliy dovited 1g F uttosd VICK In Kingston, July 2b, (WR, Hannah Vick, in hor clghiy Shh your Funeral private from ler son's resins, BD, Vick, 408 Barrie strosh, om Tuoeminy oF as ab the house at § u'olosk, A UREAT SALE OF COOKED MEATS AT MYERS Market, 56 Brock Sweet, viz, cotied bam, tongue, corm beel, (our own wake) Pigs fret. (plan pickled and jollied), clapped deied tel, pork bologem, aml sumer ssosage. Also pork samsagos, tenderloin, leeos and hams "Phone 670 27th, of the on July dupe or Bory joe PORK FOR SALE. SITUATED NORTH WEST COR. Portamuuth, contains nine acres, near town sod ears. It has new upto date house, good cellar, two wells, young orchard, and good suitable for market gurdeper, Avply to ® N Woe iv. Bar PROPENTY ner of ON SPEAKING TERMS AGAIN, Broke Of With Switzerland Be cause of Anarchist Insult, Geneva, July 28.-The Journal de (Geneva annoutoes resumption of dip: lomatic relations between Switzerland and Italy, which were ruptured April tuth of the present year, owing to the ciusal of Switzerland to give satisfage: tion regarding an Anarchist gret'ele, jthlished in Geneva, inealting the mer mory of the murdered King haabert, Fhe was arranged through the mediation of Germany settlement p-------- To Be Kept On Ship. Halifax, N.3., July 27. The troop ship Cestrian is due to arrive' with the Sed, th, 5th and Gth regiments of the Canadian Mounted Rifles. Au of lord will be made to prevent the men fram landing until everything is ready to entrain them. The men will be paid off on hoard and no one will be permitted to ave the ship untik it re-hes Peeprwater, where a special military train will be in waiting N. Peters, of Fast Buflale, was killed "on Friday at Clarisss creer birduge, on the Lehigh Valley railroad, Rochester. He was standing on the top of 5 freight car, and was struck by the iron work of the bridge in padeing under it. Cleorge -.. iSourvenirs! Links, Stick Plas, Pec Kaives, etc.