Nestlé's Food is a perfect Infant's Food because it contains .all the elements necessary to nourish and strengthen. It is invalu- able as a preventive of Cholera 'Infantum and Summer Com- plaints, In order that every mother may prove its virtues for her- self, we will send a sample-- endugh for eight meals --free on request. J Lazsine, mies 8 00., Soir Adeare, | MONTREAL. SUMMER COTTAGES Mattings in pretty designs and colors from 12jc. a yard, Porch Rugs, Porch Pillows. {Frilled Muslins in dainty pat- tens at 18fc. yard. R. McFAU Carpet Warchouse. our Customers read this pace. on the alert to economize. 14 might Rive some attention to our i what we advertise is value Suite... Special $68 eboard n 45 of ather lines in sympathy with fr to - 1 §83 sf gf i f i w= : THE - MUSICAL CARNIVAL ROMANCES TO BE FINELY STAGED AT OPERA HOUSE. Those who are Taking Part in the Various Acts and Scenes-- An able Advisory Board. The carnival of musical romances and terpsichorean revels, which will Lie presented by the Metropolitan Car wival company, of New York, for the benoit of the Home for Friendless Women and Childees, will be given in the Grand Opern House, on iuesday evening, July 20th, Wedneslay even ing, July 3h, and Thursday mati nee, July 31st. Advisory eouncil is Honorary Preadent, E. J. ] Mesdames Walkem, Macoee, , Neal, Wade, McCammon, Me Gowan, J. B. Walkem, Wilson, Pense, Clements, Phelan, Bermingham, Cart wright, Miss Culcheth. The programme will be : Tuesday evening Coronation of Titunia, Queen's Lace Hamdkerchief, Last of the Vestals, Bextette A la Florodora, Lovers' Quarrel Gavotte, 'ihe Bohemians. Wedne slay esening- A Night in Ja pan, Queen s Handkerchief, La Car mencita, Lovers' Quarrel = Gavotte, Last of the Vestals, Military Tablean. Thurslay matinee --Coronation of Titania, A Night in Japan, La Car meneita, Last of the Vestals, Sextette A La Wlorodara, The Bohenrans. composed of B. Pensé, Programme, Overture, Opera, House orchestra, Miss Jean Paterson, pianiste, Act I--Corpnation of Titania, adapt el from "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Cast : Titania, Queen of the Fairies, Miss Marjorie Campbell; Oberon, King of the Fairies, Harry Wade, Flora, Queen of Flowers, Miss Marjorie Pense; Cupid, God of Love, lioby Dolan. Sewne 1, Bluebells-- Misses Georgie Conway, Sophia Conway, Ines Ab Lott, Mona Gorhman, Nora Macnee, Huzel Brown, Pearl Snyder, Anna Handlin, Helen Campbell, Mase Dwyer, Bessie Dolan, Annie Minnes, Scene 2, Pinks Misses Maggie Dow sloy, Ada Petrie, Alice MacLean, Auita Fenwick, Irene Swineherd, Mary Mal lon, Nellie Daintry, ' Eliza McSurly, Olive Fair, Alma McCullough, Sylvia Cochrane, May Doyle, Edna Wylie, Elsie Daintry. Scene 3, Poppies-- Misses Low, Ada Sears, Lena Burns, O'Connor, Mollie Donaghue, Marion Whalen, Dora Okdrive, Luoceille Roche, Mamie Irwin, Mabel Selby, Nellie ©'Connor, Scene 4, Butterflies Misses Cherie Irwin, Edna Fletcher, Katie Swift, Lil Hie Hackett, Mina Pollitt, Alice Moore, Madge Taylor, Gladys Craig, Alice Martin, Mamie Tierney, Ethel Lennox, Scene 5, Fairies-- Misses Reta Scan lan, Olive Funnel, Phyllis Welsh, Mary Larkin, Ethelwinde McGowan Act 2, Queen's Lace Handkerchief, Cast © Perpeichore, Queen of the Carnival, Miss Faomie Sullivan; lad jes in waiting, Misses Muckleston, Tauwdy, Hendry, Fenwick, Harty, Old vieve, Steers, Miles; royal attendants, Messrs, Strange, Craig, E. H. Peuse, betts, Lynwood, Tandy, Horsey, Mills, Act 3, The Last of the Vestals or "Fire Worshippers" of Ancient Rome, Argument. The Fire Worship- pers dance with garlands irefront of tie "Edes Vestane," or "Temple of Vesta." The adoration of the Vestal Virgins and their peculiar Delsarte worship. The High Priestess brings the staeved fire which is kept perpetually burning in the temple. The Arian Monks come upon the festivities, chanting the 'Pilgrims' Chorus," from "Tanhauser,"' and exhort the wor shippers to accept the true religion as symoolized by the Cross. Vesta, the (Goddess of Fire, renornces Paganism, ad sings the 'Ave Maria' to the air of the *"'Intermezao," from "La Rus- ticana." The Sacred Choir from the Temple appears, followed by Acolytes, who precede' the priest swinging per- fun: censers. The Choir Invisible sings "The Holy City." The priest converts the Pagan worshippers and they accapt christianity. The Cross of Fire that converted the Emperor Con- stantine, is meen in the sky, while "The Sylphs of Heaven," with harps ond trwmpets, announce the triumph of the Risen Christ. Cast, Vesta--The Goddess of Five, Miss May Walters; High priestess, Miss Grace Barber; Sun Dancer, Miss Reade; Temple Singer, Miss Beatrice Tandy; Priest, I. LL. Lynwood. | Scene 1, The Garland Girle-- Misses Etta Ward, Vera Mundell, Martin, Me. Mahon, Shaw, Swift, Dowsley, Drum- moml, Wilson, Donaghue, Campbell, Hanley, Abbott, Abbott, Franklin, Linton. Sherman, Hemming, Rees, Hu. don, Begg, Ballantyne, Paterson, El sie Penve, Ohlke, Brownfield. sme 2, The Vestal Virgins Misses Sharpe, Bawden, Peaupre, Dowsley, Norris, Craig, MoGlade, Avthars, Arm- strong, Norris, Whelan, Hanley, Pre. vost, Norris, Strachan, Caufield, Tagrith, M. Jones, Emma Pense. wie 3, The Nuns' Chorus-- Misses B. Norrie, E. Norris, Manhard, Hazel aussie, Hughes, Williams, Graham, Ethei Graham, Hoecke, Oldfin, Martin, Little, eball, Caufield, Phil: lips, Maund, Moxley, Flannigan, Car novsky, McHri Scone 4, The Arian Monks-T. P. Doyle, G. 8. Ross, George Begupre, D. Dowsley, D. N. Grey, G. Ire hi: W. I. Manhand, A. orine, E, H Pense. P. Pritchand, NX. 8. Dobbs, H. Taylor, Scene 8, The Temple Choir, 6 Cross of Fire, Marjorie May And, it be, If otill we sing And eel the shri, THRE DAILY WHIG, G. Hawley, A. Callaghan, M. Beaupre, M. Corke, ¥. Reid, NM. Campion, Harter, ¥. Mandell, K. Droommond, A Irwin; Messrs. J. OK. Ielana, E. H. Pense, H. Taylor, G. 5. Ross, G Mudie, A. Macworine, =. Cunning ham, W. Craig, ¥. E. Callaghan, FP. . lynwood, D. W. Gray, J. E Harding, B. Breeden, Act 7, A Night In Japan--Cast : Mikado, FEnmperor of Japan, Arthur Craig. Geisha Girls, Misses Vera Mundell, Bessie Dowsley, Tot Taylor, ina Bhaw, Nan Paterson, Leng Mc Mahon. Roval Courtiers, Clive tetts, P. L. Lynwood, Joe Harding. Beene 1, Koko's Garden~--Japanese : Masters Bags, M. Veale, W. Smith, Hartel, Snider; James Nicholson, E. Swift, Norman Hawley, Kelvey, Thompson, F. O'Connor, Freel Maun, Jdobn Welsh, R. Smith, R. Brown, F. Gorman, H. Ainslie, Fric Scanlon, J. Shaw, J. Hanley, CC. Funuell, G. Veale, W. Deogherty, E. Oldfin, Vv. Oldfin, W. Hacker, Leo Oldfin, T. Cun way, T. E. Milan, Hadon, Allen Hen dry, Herith Dowsley, George Sleeman, Btewart Burns Specialty, solo, "Wait," P. L. Lynwood. Ket 8, "La 'Carmencita," adapted from the opera, "Carmen." --Argu ment; Time, 1820: Don Jose, a brigadier of dragoons at Selville, with his battalion, awaits the arrival of bis sweetheart, Miscacla, who brings a letter and purse from his mother. The girls employed at a cigareite fae tory near by are going to luncheon, when they chance upon the soldiers, who entice them to 4 dance. Caimencita happens upon the scene just as the dance ends and flirts furi ously with Don Jose, who withstands her coquetries' This indifference an gers Carmencita, and she seeks to win Don Jose by singing "La Haban era." Failing, she hurls 4 rose from her corsage in the face of the briga- dier, Eseamillo, a Toreador, is heard singing in the distance, "Here's to You. Carmencita is fascinated by his singing and . general appearance, and forthwith takes his arm, joins him in the song, throwing defiant and mocking glances at Don Jose, Cast : Carmencita--A Cigarette Girl, Mrs. Martin; Don Jose--Brigadier, Dr. 8. H, McCammon; Escamillo--A Tore ador, P. L. Lynwood. Cigarette Girls-- Misses Caufield, Me Glade, Drummond, Barber, Fenwick, L. Martin, Campion, Massie, Strachan, Armstrong. Royal Dragoons--L. P, Doyle, D. Pritchara, W, H. Smythe, J. Beaupre, J. BE. Harding,' W. 8. Manhard, D. W. Gray, Craig, P. L. Lynwood. Grand Military Tableau. A ---------------- PERSONAL MENTION. Movemexts of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs. A. R. Martin and daughter are summering at Picton, E. Mills and wife, Montreal, are rusticating in the city. W. H. Wormwith, wife and daughter are spending holidays at Picton and the Sand Banks. Mr. and Mrs. B, W. Robertson left on Saturday for a trip down the St Lawrence to the Gulf, Mrs. John Davy, Bergen, N.Y. the guest of her brother, W. S. don, city commissioner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sargent, Ord nance streot, left to-day to spend their holidays down the river: Miss Josie Phillips, visiting friends hore for some weeks, returned to-day to her home in Quebec, : Miss May Armstrong, private nurse, Kingston, has gone to visit friends in Sydenham for a few days. 'errence Devlin, John Seeton and Miss Lena Waggoner, Toronto, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Devlin. R. W. Allen is busily engaged in billing the surrounding country in be- halt of the coming big Kingston fair. James McCallum, of Wade's drug store, loft on Saturday night, to pond holidays at his home in Port ope. Lady Dundonald will join her hus band in Ottawa in September, to oc- eupy Crichton Lodge, near Govern ment house. William and Fred. Hall, Niagara Falls, N.Y., visiting their parents, Sixth street, for the last week left for the Falls to-day. C. H. Mann, of the Bank of Ottawa, at Ottawd, returned to the capital to-day, after spending his holidays with relatives here. Miss Mabel Aiken, Sydenham street, and Miss Esther Powell, Princess street, are in Deseronto, visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. Stover, John McDonald and wife, Carleton Place, have returned to Kingston tc nd a month with Mr. and Mrs. W. 5. Bassam, Alfred street. The Misses Carnovsky, daughters of Philip Carnovsky, Detroit, Mich., a former resident of Kingston, are in the city visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. E. Sturgiss, who has been vis. iting her daughter in Rochester, for the past ten weeks, returned home by the steamer North King, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Macnee and fa- mily will leave to-morrow for Metis, a favorite, summer resort below Rim- , where they will spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. McTaggart has erected a hand. some Swedish granite monument in the Roman Catholic cemetery, at Bath, to the memory of her late step- father, the late Daniel J. Campbell. Capt. Ge Kirkpatrick, son of the late Sir George, hax been appoint: ed military secretary to the new com- wander of the Canadian forces, Lord Dundonald, and will leave for Canada this week. In the published list of those sue- cessful in the recent Toronto Conser- vatory Music ex the name of Miss Annie Shibley, of Har rowsmith, was omitted. She was suc : in primary piano, receiving seventy four per cent. is Gor- MONDAY, JULY 28. : -- ---- PONIES" WINNISG STREAK . . ------ DEFEATED GANANOQUE IN A LIVELY MATCH. Ambrose Allowed but six Hits-- Hard Batting by the Ponies -- General Notes About the Pro- ceedings. When the paed is on the catcher, and Pitchers in his place, And the tater Keops his optics on Z tance to first base Ther: the tension is tremendous, as the fans in silence sit, Peuriul lest the batter should make a three ine brit, When the bays are filled by runners, and that hit would win the game, Aud (he robiers keps Lis yop shut, and the douches seen insane. Those rival teams, Ponies and Gan anuques, who will ever quarrel over thoir relative merits from meal time to meal time, had a pre-arranged col liston on Saturday afternoon at t pars diamond. [Ponies won, according 10 the catechism and thirty-nine arti des of baseball, the statistics of the returning officer showing ten runs for 'us,"" and only seven for the visitors. The Gananoque damsels filed out of she grand stand, without saying one word (surely a feat of tongue holding) but fire flashing from their eves. Though Ponies won, that doesn't say they are better than Gananoque by the ratio of 10 to 7. They were on Saturday, easily, but every dog has his day. Ere the performance began, "Pat" Quigley and Mr. Brennan, who does business at Gananogue's first cushion, had a long argument over the condi tion of the crops, and the desirability oi establishing free lunch counters at every street corner during the sum- wer. As "Pat" turned off to go to the shortstop's pasture spot, he made a dignified pose, and with hand rais- ed, uttered this prescription : "No maythur what ooh wins, some day of hope t'see Oireland ruled be t'Origh |" (Cheers by Quigley and Brennan.) Well, the trouble With Gananoque was that they failed to land their clubs on Ambrose's curves. Although the visitors scored five runs in the eighth, they made only two hits; two cirors and a batter hit by the ball, filling the bases with none out, On Duguette's little grounder to left three runs were tallied. Ponies had powerlul spectacles, and their hitting was vicious, Quigley drove the ball for three bases in the first, and Hunt and Elliott sent out air-shooters beyond the fielders. Hunt's hit probably went the furthest on the fly. Daley, Easton, Islin, Am brose and Tilton also made beautiful drives. Mulholl was weak at the bat, striking out four times, and playing a 1agged ganmie at third, Tt was his day off, surely. In Gananogue's ninth, with"two on hases, and one out, trouble was fear ed, but Quigley caught Brennan's low punt, and Randolph struck out. A During a brief spell, "Jerry'" wiped the seawater from his dial, and re marked to "Uncle Sam" that it must be exasperating to a hot tempered wife to have a bald-headed husband. Tuirke and Brennan worked a double in the seventh. Tilton's 'work in right field was britliant. Rose alsé received warm appladse for the easy way he nabbed several hard ones, "Curly" was struck out twice by Ambrose, the philosophic pitcher. Easton has well regained his former good battihgy eye. If Ponies continue to play ball as they did on Saturday, they will sure ly get within speaking distance of the pennant. Capt. Carruthers was present to see his old friends, the Ponies. The attendance was the largest this season, outside that of July lst. Ponies--Easton, LI; Tilton, ri; Quigley, s.5.; Daley, c.f; Elliott, eo. Islin, 2b.; Hunt, lb.; Mulholl, 3b; Ambrose, p. Gananoque--Brennan, 1h.; Ross, ed; Cota, 3b.; PRurke, 2b.;:" Drohan, p.; Randolph, 11: MeCarthy, co; Da quotte, sa; Richardson, rf. Hits--Of Ambrose, 6 off Drohan, 12. Errors--Pomies, 3; Gananoque, 5. Bases on balls-- Ambrose, 1. Struck out--By Ambrose, 4; by Drohan, 6. Hit by pitcher--Ambrose, 3; Drohan, 3. Time of match--1.40. Umpire--J. T. Sutherland. Cabanogue... .. 1 Poniess. ou sd 01 02 4 2 0 x10 Duguette is captain of the Ganan- oque baseball team. Hats off to his royal highness, the "Duke" of Ganan- oque ! the the dis 0010600035 0-7 Rockwood Victorious. At Lake Ontario Park on Saturday afternoon, the battle of the giants took place, viz., the long-threatened baseball match between the employees of Rockwood Hospital, and those of the Penitentiary. The former came out of the game smiling and with an I- told-you-so sort of air. They had won by a score of ten to four. The follow- ing composed the teams. wood. Lawless, ss; Nichol son, ¢.; Fenwick, p.; Powell, 1b; Fra Tick, 2b.; Campbell, 3b.; Lagault, r.L; Coxworthy, Tf; McCammon, c.f. Penitentiary. Reid, s.5.; Stonness, oe; McGeen, p.; Shanshan, 1b; Mec Cauley, 2b; De vidéen, 3h; Monterief, r. f.; Payne, 11; Plats, of. W. J. Dick umpired the game, and gave splendid satisfaction. The return match will likely be played next Sat- urday noon, Saturday's mateh was for a barrel of flour, which will be given to a charitable institution. Here And There. jes' standing matches won and two lost. Next Saturday, Kingston and Gan- lacrosse teams play at Canton this alter on, at Antwerp to-morrow, is five his team lost becawse of rs. on the poorer of the river, "Nad Gan beat en" he amid; I having again.' The autumn meeting of the tario Jockev Club will cormmence Sattniay, September 2th, and contipie to include Satuwiay, te tober th. The club will make special Un to be decided on the closing day There will be no race of less value than $100, to which will Be added the entrance money, which will go to the winner. Active preparations are being made forgthe annul regatta of the CAA. 0., Wo be held in Brockville; in addi tion to the smasociation events the Brockville Rowing Club will supple ment the programme' with several aquatic events, principally canoe racing. An effort is being made to pull off on the morning of the sécond dey the proposed race between the Bohemians and the Y.'s, for the Maj Walsh challenge cup, won two succes sive years by the Y.'s, who will make a great efiort to take this year's event which means final possession of the trophy. Baseball On Saturday. Eastern league--At Toronto, 1; Jer sev City, 0. At Buffalo, 4; Provi- dence, 5. At Rochester, 2; Worcester, 7. At Montreal, 4; Newark, 2. At Rochester (second game), ); Worees ter, 20. National league--At Boston, 0; Philadelphia, 4. At Brooklyn, 5; New York, 1. At Chicago, 2; Cinéinnati, 3. At 8t. Louis, 1; Pittsburg, 5. American leagne--At Philadelphia, 3: St. Louis, 1. At Boston, 4; Detroit, 1. At Baltimore, 9; Cleveland, 5. At Washington, 9% Chicago. 10. Baseball On Sunday. National league. --8t. Louis, 7; Pitts burg, 6. At CHicago, I; Cincinnati, 6. Eastern league.--At Buffalo, 33: Pro- vidénce, 6. At Rochester, 8: Woree ter, 4. Baseball Record. Eastern league. --Bufialo, .662 per cent; Toronto, 630; Worcester, .580 ; Provider. 513; Jersey City, 506 ; Rochester, 411; Montreal, 407: New ark, 985, American league Chicago, cent.; Philadelphia, 568; Boston, 856; St. Louis, .532; Washington, A475; Cleveland, 444; Baltimore, .438 ; Detroit, 413. National league. --DPittsburg, .706 per cent.; Brooklyn, .565; Boston, .533; Chicago, 519; 8t. Lonis, 444; Cinéin nati, .443; Philadelphia, 422; New York, .321. : 579 per - Was Allowed To Leave. Saturday afternoon Police Constable Bateson arrested, on Barrie street, a young woman who was in an advanc od state of intoxication. She was a guest of a friend residing on Ontario street. The police magistrate allowed her to depart on the condition that she would leave city. In compliance with his intimation she purchased a ticket for her eastern home and was seer off on the train by a policeman Regretted The Strike. Isaac Cowen, Cleveland, Ohio, grand organizer for the Amalgamated As- sociation of Machinists, in the city on business for a couple of days, left for the west on Saturday. He expressed regret that there should be a strike among some of the machinists at the works, and thought that trouble, over such a smal matter as caused the strike, might be easily settled by both parties compromising a little Opening New Club Rooms. This evening a new Oddfellows' club room will be opened up. It is localed over A. Davis' wholesale office on Sy denham street, a couple of doors north east of Princess street. The new rooms have been elaborately furnished for the comfort of the triple-linkers, and they fill a long felt want. A good programme will be put on this even ing in honor of the event. Old Crossing Removed. A number of block pavement cross ings on Princess, Clergy aml. other streets are being torn up. They will be replaced by asphalt erossings. The old ones were very rough and uneven, and their removal has long been de sired, Died At Railton. Alice Marion Helen, the little daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. McAuley, Railton, died on Saturday, aged four years and five months. She was a very bright little girl, and much sympathy is felt. for the bereaved parents. The funeral 'took place on Monday mom ing. -------------- A Large Increase. The incressed demand for Clark's canned goods has obliged the firm to almost double their factory. OUR NATIONAL DISEASE. Caused By Coffee. Physicians know that drugs will not correct the evils caused HY coffee, a the only remedy is to stop drinking it. , JX. Allison, of. Heber, Ark, says © "1 have been a coffee drmker for filty years and have often thought that I could not live without it, but after muny years of suffering with our national malady, dyspepsia, | attriba. ted it to the drinking of coffer, and nee drink. 1 saw that Postum was made carefully with directions, and found it just suited soy taste. At first, . 1 weed is only for breakfast, but ¥ found myseli 'getting so much better, that I used it ab all seals. ahd 1 am pleased to that it hamentirely cor of agetion. 1 nine gd i ai bd ¥ to kuow we can, and we are Laing to try on features of races of two miles on the flat, and three miles across country, OF THE DAY. | PARAGRAPHS MIOEED UP BY | OUR BUSY REPORTERS, NHBENTS The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking i About--Nothing Escapes At- | tention. In washing woollens and flannels, Levers Dry Soap (a powder) will be found very . E Farmers aro arranging to store their { hay in their barns and to thresh their grain in the fields, {| Use Arnot's Amica Anodyve for chites of insects, Mcleod's drag store, {| #0¢. per bottle | The Kirkpatrick memorial fountain lis now complete, and water may be turned on at any time. ; W. Watson, on , charge of drunken wess, was fined $i and . costs at the police court this morning. Summer coats. See our alpaca coats, i black lustre and Russel cord, reliable lclothing. The H. D. Bibby Co A special meeting of the city coun oil has been called for tonight for transaction of general business. Cataraqui cemetery is a veritable picture garden. Flowers are blooming everywhere and the grass is deliciously green. ' The hotels of the city have done a splendid business the past week. Con- tinued warm weather will be welcomed by the landlords. Have you tried our pineapple frappe ? If not, you should. H. I Taylor, successor to E. C. Mitchell A citizen points out that one of the brass cannon in Victoria park is also dismounted. Hundreds of tourists pass the spot every day Have you tried our delicious straw berey frappe * H. B, Taylor, successor to KE. C. Mitchell. Quite a number of farmers have had to remove all the hay stored in their barns because of it heating. There was danger of spontaneous combustion, Abraham Shaw on Friday tendered the members of his bible class a pri vate picnic in Spratt's Grove, Wolfe Yo where a pleasant afternoon was spent Hunter & Harold have Leen awarded the contract for building a fine, new stable for William McBride, on Bar rack street, H. I'. Smith is the archi teet in charge "Dardanelles '* pure Egyptian cigs réttes. A marvel oi manipalation in the art of hlending Egyptian tobae co- Packed im silver, cork and plein tips. Sold everywhere, 15c. per pack age. Masons arc very scarce in the city at present, and contractors have to hustle to get enough mechanics to en avle them to earry out their con. tracts. In a number of cases wages have been increased, In order to get their crops in, many farmers took advantage of the fine weather Sunday to cut and haul in their hay and other ripening crops All through the country farmers could be seen in their fields toiling. William Amey, a conductor ou the depot branch of the street railway ser vice, intends taking proceedings against a young resident of Lower tagot street, who assaulted him Sa turday night. The old Lacey and Smith mica mine at Sydenham is said, from rocent din coveries, to be the finest mine of this class in the world. A new hed of great value has been turned up, and pivces seven feet long have been taken off the blocks. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels At M. 'T. company elevator. --Tug Bronson with six light barges from Montreal. Cleared with two grain lad en. . The steamer America will cleared to night for Alexandria Bay to bring up the regular excursion to Kingston to MOrrow, hn The steamer Brockville ¢ame up Sa turday to bave some repairs made to her machinery. She returned to-day to Broekville Ar Craig & Co's. wharf Steamers Niagara from Thousand Island Park: Ovean and Melbourne from Montreal; Persia from Hamilton. At Swit & Co's wharf, Sunday Q{eamers Kingston and North King down ana up; steamer Corsican from Hamilton. The esteamyachts Dortha and Edith were in port to-day, The steamer Rideau Queen cleared this morning for Ottawa. The steamer Cuba, Montreal to Cleveland, with a general cargo, ran ashore about three hundred yards west, of the pier at Port Dalhousie, early Satnuday morning, while trying to make port in g dense fog. She was released by tugs, after lighteriag a portion of her eargo, and was tak en to dry dock at Port Dalhousie, where it was found three blades of her propelior had been broken Long Trip In Short Time. Capt. Thomas Donnelly returned Sa turday from & 2.200 mile trip of in spection, which he accomplished with in 5 week. He loft Kingston on San day, going to Chicago, where he in # od two boats. Thenee he went to jiwavkes, where 'he inwpected two more; thence to Detroit, where one was finished up; next to Cleveland, where he went over two; then one at ¥rié and two at Buffalo. Leaving Buf falo at five o'clock Saturday, he reaches Kingston at noon. It was a long jaunt to accomplish in a week, especially as he had so much work laid out for him to perform within » given time. A Month's Vacation. Rev. John Philp, pastor of Syden- ham street Methodist church, left to day for Grimsby Park, where he will to joined by his wife and faiglly, who have been visiting in Western ario. Dr. Philp will be sheent ome month, during which time his pulpit will he A ---------------- A-- agged clothes quickly-- that's what common soaps with "premiums™ cost; but OAP REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Getagen Rar CHATELAINE - ¥ BAGS w We have "some special values, having bought a large number direct from the manufacturers It would pay you to inspect our stock. "Lr -------- H. B. TAYLOR, 'Phone 59, 124 Princess Strept. Successor to B.C. Mitchell a Nag Swift's a » Our Coal in as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushzd. BACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF. GO woh solid fire Mio 00 Foot of Quest St.--"Phone 9. A COSY BRIGHT () FIRE Ie an stiraction for every one. Tha cheery clow and inion heat of our Coal will make itlell folt with pleasure during the cold weather. It's just the kind to book with, too. Jet ue All your bio with BOOTH'S COAL, "Phooe 183, Foot of West Bteset. OTICE « Is hereby given the public that I purpose making it warm for all persons using my eoal next win. ter. Your order is solitited,