sini mi omy TRAVELLING, THE DEAR BLUSHING CIRIS' LIST OF ARRIVALS Seas , Grand Hotel, Caledonia Springs, BLUSHING A DISEASE or THE | for Week Ending July 23rd. A. Summons, Ur. EB. Coben, NERVES NS. Bueklnnd, Mr, amd Mrs. George "Sunshine" Furnace will extract more heat from a shovelful of coal, No other good furnace is sold so cheap as the -- 2 . and keep your home at an eves temperature with "Sunshinéd. - Se > ¥ " . less work than any other heater. Sold by .all enterprising dealers. -- Its dome and rachators are extra large and so constructed that every inch is a direct radiating sm-- nc ------" surface, C os 9 "McClary s Special" grates dump all the drys <s ashes and retain all the inherent coal which is saved, -- Seas Write for catalogue. VAS C0 SSE SIBNGT : a London, Torente, Montreal, Winnipeg Vancouver sad St John N. B. deific: Rallways. < : y by it--In Men it Often Dey 3, "5 0d Mes J T. le Disease. i Dubressens, Judge M Mathie, Thomas | J.1 i; M be Ottawa, Montreal, inl = » Lheclgres . 1240 p.m.--Mail, for Ottaws, Que | an especial study of binshing, declar Mise Anne Lambe, Mrs. D. MeCor n Fanos 2 word the lictio those of | Duluth, St, Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Beat | lows from the affliction than th « Mix Fox Nerich Are. D. LB egree of authority netting with CV.R. east sod west speaks with some degree of author Mr. and Mrs. Lazer, Belleville, Om Some very interesting casos of blush . - W. E. Biggs, Mr. amd Mrs. J. Bigs . ced cd American girl unduly advanced an J. Gerahl. X. J. Gormany Mt and 4 ye 5 1 am: By John, NB, JL35 am. ness stared. Jor if she had not, they i yan, Dr. Pell, Ottawa. Mis jen, . eks of » avocation, or for . . : Poss. Agt. Gen, Supt heeks on small provocati ' E. A. Dyer ana wife, Sutton, Que. | 1here Are Kleven in the Posrage-Siz ws, extremely ansville, Que, J. O'Connor, Farnham ell and wife, L Origin Twenty-two Whe Have K.C.M.G.--Of Tweed, oslo and all lode) to her Lesutiful neck and arms, and Fitzgerald and wife, Crossan PB. Seott H. Spragge. J European Women Much Afflicted | Gillespie, Mr. end Mrs. A. J, bri sensi notes Sufferers From Heart Sueur. A. J. Brice, jr., Mes. T ¥ J N Lulenborg, the y Views July 2%~lr. Eulenburg. tel ciumnie' T74" Gauthier, H, ' boston; of 1} % a disease of 1 eres od : : bee, Bt, Joba, N.B.; Halilax, toll; "Torbsdo, | (hat il ix a disea i the rer and ek. Mis. MeMillen. Mise McMillan. Ya, Portland and Sun Fraseisso. Europe. Dr. Eulenbury recently return He rtin, Montreal Madame Darvean -- i 4 pric SOK 1 Ty i hr Nim, log -Mgnirew and jmerd ing 'umong Auwrican woe Ero! Miss McDonald, Mr, and Mrs, Ostrom, } 3 media nse, ane is « er esl i i! he says, are wont to call the Miss Ostrom, Pembroke. Mr. awl THE CAR IANS. arrive in Ottawa at 5:00 pm: Peterboro, | © 0p 0 Ty heervation shows | EM , . Dewar, Mrs, C. P, Dewar, | FULL LIST, INCLUDING THOSE RE- AL Arnoldi, FE. J. Cheekly, To p IOV io i. ' to pr wation at a P. M. Getterich, Miss Louise Sasa Canadians Ave Three Nae NEW SHORT LINE FUR to farswear society because the unfor- : Kifights Bachelor We Mave Fourteen & Pembroke & Cana worge Creal, James Williams. . : Pringle, R. A Pringle, 0. Han, . Trains Leave Kingston : be. Fulenbar. the noted Vienna scientists who bas made (qr, ty pou ln rad Tuck, | Chicago, Denver, Raufrew, Sault Ste.' Marie, | (hut the women of America suffer far Miss 0 Connor. Mr cond Mon. BD Ton 5:30 pim~Loeal 'for 'Sharbon Lake, cos | 4 from a, visit to America and hence und maid, Mrs. A. Doughty. Queber Prssenigers loaviog Kivwton ot 1240 pm: | L504 Mrs. W. B. Renand, Mr. and Mrs. S00 pm; forento, 7:30 pm; Boston, TOL TL Rl reat deal of sensitive CEIVING CORONATION HONORS. ¥. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. Blood would not rise so often to her rob Ls He tells of a certain Newport heir ! : HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY . pretty, who was driven vant, Richford, Vt. A. E. Ross, Cow titled to G.0.M.G., While There Are tunate affliction of blushing extended ~The List of Companions, Napanee, Desiton pointe. Train leaves City Hall Depot at 4 k ' k . By « Ri. R J. WILSON, CP.K Telewraph OF § thus prevented ber from appearing in| ne . H . ts Clasenos streat. full dress. She suffered not only out- Rai "4 . A. Hall, . Rt wargly, hut Yost all self control whan sainard, St. Albans, Vi. A A. Me Including the coronation honors is- Iluehing. Her thoughts became 'all Intosh, Cheboygan, Mich. Thowas | sued June 26, 1902, the following (VT RAAT | ica vps" wnd wha could not speak | Midon(, Quiaws. Mes Eo A. Hickok | comprised the lst of titied Canad- . 8 PERE ; ! Ee EASA conpectedly. She underwent treat Malone, N.Y. Mrs. R. H. Driscoll anil] {aus on that date: | Ty NASER) Eh . " ; » ment for nervolisness, but the doctors two chiloren, Miss Martin, Miss Pow Peerage. - ' a iB where. Ce ers, Calumet, Que. Mr. A. E. Herrick i , : Ba Eo. } could not help hes P : : a * Reginald D'Iberviile Charles Grant » a) : Another singular case was that of o Xam hater. NH, a X Suther | paron de Longueuil. : : we KX 5, LET leading actress, who consulted the A Wg ore, K. Powell Bao, Susan Agnes, Baroness Macdonald, y BN Froid y dL Me oo Ne Yowell, Balt | of Rarnsciie 5 doctor daring his trip te the United ! 5 : Vg es States, She bad ruined her compiex Dect ae Me, and Mrs, George 11 Sir George Stephen, Baron Mount ion, saws he, by excessive . use of § \avis. Barton, Vi. Miss N. (i. Fraser Stephen. Vankleck Hill, Mrs. 0. Y. Barons, William, Baron. de. Blaguiere. On white grease paint applied to cover oron 0 on 183 her blushes, which marred her per . : : formance, She blushed whenever any DURING SEASUN OF + NAVIGATION $6 Good going by R. & 0. Naviga- yion Company's Steamer on Sat- urday or Sunday; returning ALL RAIL until Monday following date of sale. j J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Sirs. North King & Caspian 8) of Quinte & Rochester Route leaves daily (except Monday) at La for 8 Noctussar, N.Y oulling at Bey 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE on daily (except Mondavi, at or 7 or] Japan arr of 1.000 Islands, call andria Bay, Hockport snd Gass . STEAMER ALETHA ives Mondays at £ pus, lor Pleton and ww Bay Pores a apply to oF AR am { Ticket Awente. swih & Co. ' Freight Agente. DOMINION LINE. 8 "inarked * do not carry passengers Sigua PASSAGE--Saloon, $66 and cording to steamer and sare siticle, vice. Third clase, $24. FROM MONTREAL. we a Aug. Sth hy Aug, 28nd FROM BOSTON. Newt England... . July 80th onwonl ih... Aug. 19h Go N SERVICE Besa inthe, man, Avg. 166h--Vancouver, Sept. 6th Ip, Binion, Electric ltght, Spacious J. RP, 'Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, Q. TL, Station, 42 Clarence Su IRRANCE. & Co, Gen. Agt » % : Montreal and Portland. Chae exville, Prescott ABAVE KINGSTON Golng Rast, dally' at 6 an tioing West, daily, except Monday, at 8 LL ---- Hamlites, T te, Bay of Qui and Mentreal Line, § LEAR EKINGEPON ive war Ee et Arsat. &® 00. t Agents QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY thing went wrong behing the scenes or on the stage, and had no control of her emotions. Dr. FEulenburg has discovered that those addicted to blushing suffer Jess in summer than in the cold months, and that summer is the hest time in which to be treated for the annoying disease. There are critical times, even in the warm months, for the blushet When a thunderstorm is ju. the air, and in the damp of the early morning and late at might, persons addicted to the habit blush most often and most violently, says the professor. Strong men do not blush except under extra- ordinary circumstances. Blushing men are seldom cured, for they are oiten sufferers from heart disease ---------- His Battles Are Over. Upon lord Methuen's arrival at Corsham court, his Wiltshire home, he was accorded a hearty welcome avd presented with an address to which he replied with charadteristic modesty and a generous recognition of the bravery of the men whom he bad had the honor to commapd in South Africa. He said "I can only say that I have done my duty to the best of my ability in novel warfare, and 1 feel sure that every man who has served under me has endeavored to do and has done his duty in the same manner as an Englishman always does. 1 shall cou- viler it the honor of my life not only to Lave commanded Englishmen, but also to have had under my command a very large number of colonials from the many kind messages 1 have receiv ed from England have heen wualled by kind words that 1 have received froma comrades and from relations both in Australia and New Zealand, It has been ug war which, as 1 have said to you, has been waged in novel ways, and | do not intend now, nor do | intend during the rest of my life ever to fight my battles over again. All | ean say to you is that the eritivisms that you may have read have been perhaps many and strong, but you may depend upon it that this country has never been represented by an army which has had better and braver men." & Cherry Valley Visions. Cherry Valley, July 24.--Farmers are busy haying, the crop being ex- evllent. H. Scott has had picked about five tons of peas for Wright's factory, Miss Fannie Jox, Kingston, in the guest of Mrs. R. Spafiord. Rises Waline Clark and Minnie Roearke are visiting at H. Scott's. A number at- tended the picnic and concert at War on Friday night "whi poose last Tuesday. Proceeds t ing to 826. Mrs. R. Betts and (wo children, Rochester, N.Y., are guests 3 at BR. H. McKibbon's. Miss Nina Had Headache Nearly > v HA eht Time, In Extreme Case of Exhaustion and Nervous Headache -- Wonderful Restorative Influe.ce of Dr. Chase's Nei've Food There are scores of women in nearly every community in Canada sufferin, as Mrs. Miles did from Riu tacks of nervous headache. Lambert, Cherry Valley, is the guest of her gunt; Mrs. Stanley McKibben, Clover Dale. : A ---------- Have, you tried our cherry frappe ? You won't opr it. H. B. Taylor, snecessor to E. Mitchell. THE FAVORITE Fs fa James Craick, N Young Ladies Assisting. garden party hel Thursday evening. ¥ mers réport a goad A large number attended the garden party at Cataraqui on Tuesday night Young ladie® in ow neighborhood ave practising Manitohs style by working in the harvest field rout's Bay, and Fred Besnett, at Mis Laura Clement's Grasse at David Rankin's Clement and wife at rope on Clarke and family, daughter returned to Rerguton Ale aude r Woe 0 ek' ®; . ie, formerly of Kingston, at A. Woodeock's; , ronto, at Bert Clement's. King Edward's Critical Day. both Australia and New Zealand, and | London Chromidle. The Lancet discovers has been the most critical a in the his majesty wah born; baptized; }, be was married; 1. he was appointed Tuesday, Sovember 21st, ch finitely ascertained that he had con February 27th, 1872 public thanksgiving service for his re covery: he succeeded to the throne; royal standard was hoisted at Marl borough house for the first time, on Tuesday, June 24th, perityphlitis. Faglish lad, aged sixteen No twenty respectively, were arowned in the Wel Knights Grapd Cross and Sir Donald Alexander Smith, Baty on Strathcona and Mount Royal, C.M.G, Sir Arthur Lawrence Haliburton, Baron Haliburton of Windsor, in No- va Scotia, G.C.B. Lt.-Col. Sir Udolphus Aylmer, Bart, Baron Aylmer Bureunets, Sir William George Johnssn, Sir Melville Parker, Sir Edward Andrew Stuart, Sir John Beverley Robinson, Sir William Rose, Sir Charles Tup- per, G.CM.G., C.B. Xo Sir Richard John Cartwright, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Oliver Mowat K.0. M6. Sir John George Bourinot, Sir Mackenzie Bowell, Sir John Alexan- der Boyd, Sir John Carling, Sir J PP. R. Adolphe Cuaron, Sir Malachi Bowes Daly, Sir Louis Henry Davies, Sir Sandford Fleming, Sir Percy B Girouard, Sir James Alexander Crant, Sir William Pearce Howland, C.B., Sir Louis A. Jette, Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lothinfere, Sir Hec- tor Louis Langevin, C.B., Sir Hugh Guion Maodonell, Sir Charles A. P Pelletier, Sir Joseph William Trutch, Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, Sir Wil- linm Cornelius Van Horne, (Honor- ary). Sif Daniel Hunter McMillan Sir Frederick William Borden, Sir William Mulock, K.C,, Knights Bachelor. Sir Louis BE. N. Cassault, Sir H. P P. Crease, Sir Robert Gillespie, Sir W. H. Hingston, Sir Alexander La- coste, Sir James M. le Moine, Si William C. Macdonald, Sir William Ralph Meredith, Sir Samuel Henry Strong, Sir Melbourne M., Tait, Sir Thomas Wardlaw Taylor, Sir Tho- mas Shaughmessy, Sir Henri Elzear Taschereau and Sir Robert Doak. Com paniénage. We give below a list 8 Canadians who aré at present companions of the Orders of the Knighthood--DBath and St. Michael and St. George -- of which the Kuights take precedence of the Knights Bachelors: Col. L. Buchan, C,' M. G., Major RR. Belcher, C.M.G., Major-General, D. BR. Canwron, COM, It-Col. R Cartwright, CM.G., J. G. Colmer, C. MG, J M Courtney, C. M. G,, Col. J. G. Partpell, C. M.GG., Major S. J. A. Denison, C.M.G., Senator C E. B. De Doucherville, C.M.G., Col. C. W. Drury, C.B., Major H. G Elliot, OM.G, Col. T. .D. BD. Evans Field Mdvshial the Kt. Hon. Lora Roberts of Kandahar, K.P, CG C1,, Q.CRIL, GCILE, V.C.,; the Right Hon. Sir Wilirid Laurier, G.C.M.G., the Hon. Sir. C. Tupper, Bart, G CMG, C.B, sketohes of the Honored. Sir William Mulock, M.P., K.C M. G., Postmaster-General, was born at Bond lead, York County, Jan. 19, 1848, and was educated at the New market Grammar school and at Tor onto University, where he took tha degree of B.A. He was called to the bar in 1868, aud practised in Tor- onto. In 1890 he was created a Q C. by the Ontario Government. For four years he was one of the exam inors in and lecturer on lquity and the Law Society of Upper Camada, and was first elected a Senator of Toronto University in 1873, and be- came vice-chancellor in 1881 He wus: elected to the House of Com- mons for North York in 1882, and has continued to represent that con stituency. He was appointed Post- | master-Geberal on the formation of | the Laurier Government In Janu- ary, 1898, he established g new 2- cent Canadian postage rate to all parts of the empire. Sir F. W. Borden, M.P., K.C.M.G., Minister of Militia, was hora at Cornwallis, NS, May 14, 1847, ed- | th ucated at Kings College, Windsor, and took his degree of M.D. at Mar- vard in 1868 lie sat in the HiBuse | of Commons in the Liberal interest from 1874 to 1882, was defeated at the general election in the latter year, and again returned in 1887, 1801, and 1806. On the formation of the Laurier Goverpent ia 1896 he was appointed Minister of Militia He presided over the organization and equipment of Canadians for ser- vice in South Africa Sir Daniel Hupter McMillan, K.C., M.C. is 'a son of the jate Jawes Me- Millan, and was bom at Whitby in 1846. Tle was educated there and at | Collingwood, and served with the volunteers on the Niagara frontier in 1864 and '66, and in the Red River rebellion, under Sir Garnet Wolseley, in 1870. He was electad to the Man- ftoba Legislature in 1879 and 1880, and entered the Greenway Liovern- 1889 He served as major in the 90th Battalion. Manitolby Grenadiers during the Northwest rebellion of 1885, and sudeecdsd tg the command of the battalion in 1887 He was C.B., Hector Fabre, CM.C AACol Enpointed Lieutenant-Governor of J. Fletcher, C.M.C;., Louis 11. ¥Frech- stte, C.M:G., Senator J. R. Gowan, . George M. Grent, C.M G., i land, CMG, Lt- Col 2. T. Irwin, OM Bal Ma- jor-Gen. i J. Jarvis, Major A. M. Jarvis, CM. Keefer, CMG, Col. FP. L. Lessard, On, J. Lor Maecdougall, C M.G., Rev. ©. Matthieu, C.M.G., Hon. W. MeDougall, C.B., (Civil), Lt-Col. A. McFachren, CM.G.. A. R. Milne, C. M.G, Col. W. D. Otter, C.B., Dr. OQ. R Parkin, C.M.G., De--W. Peterson, CMG. Joseph Pope, OC. M.G., Sur geon-General J. Reade. BC, CB, (Mi), Major-General C.W. Robinson, OB, (Mil) Collingwood Schreiber, CMG, A R OC Selwyn, CMG, Er Col. 8. B. Steele, - C.B,, Vice Admiral E. W Vansittart, C.M.G Li-Col. W. White, C.M.G., Lt.-Col Frederick' White, C. M. G., It-Col Percy Sherwood, .C. M. G., Robert Harris, C.M.G., Major Iludon, C.M. The Variéus Orders. The Order of Baronets, the lowest hereditary rank, was instituted ip 1811. A Baronet is designated "Sir John Smith, Baronet" usually writ- ten Barti Taking precedents of Dar- onqts are members of the Most Hon orable Privy Council, who are ad- a 'Right Honorable." The Order of the Bath, instituted 1399, and revived in 1725, is divided rg three classes-- Knights srand Cross, G.C.B.. Knights Com tua K.C.B, and Companions, The Ordér of St. Michael and St. George, instituted in 1818, has also three classes--G.C. MG, K.CMG, and C.MLG. In all Orders of Knighthood, the Knights Cotimanders have the prefix "Sir," with the initials of their Manitoba by the Laurier adnunistra- tion Hon. Heuri Elzear Tascheregu, K. B., was born at Ste. Marie de Deauce Que. Oct, 7, 1836, educated at the Quebee Seminary, and calfed to the bar in 1857 tie was raised te the hench as Puisne Judge of the Su Pree Cour of Canada, (kt. 7, 1878. He sat for Deauee in the Cag- adian Assembly in the Conservative interest, 1861 and supported Sir John Macdonald and Sir G. KE. Car- tier in carrying the resolutions in favor of Confuderation He receive ed the degree of LL.D. from Laval in 1894 Hon TNohert Bock, K.D., was born in Leith, Scotland, Sept. 19, 1823, and came to Halifax in 183) te became gu member of the Iegistative Council of Nova Scotia in 1972, and President of that bod? in 1872. He was treasurer of Nova Scotia in 1877 SR Lieut <Col. Arthur Perey Sherwood CMG, was born iu Ottawa, March T8195, way gppointed deputy sher- if! of Carleton County in June 877, and Chief of Police of Ottawa © in APHLISTY. © In October, IaN2, he was appointed Sopdtintendant of Do minion Police. and in November, 1805, became Commissioner of bom inion Police. Robert Harris CMG, was born in the Vale of Conway, North Wales and cume with his parents to Prince Fdward Island in 1856. He was ap- pointed a member of the Hoyal Can- adian Academy of Arts in 18550, Iw ing nominated by the found.r, the Marquis of Lorne, and was elected President of that body in 1500, bat declined to sbrve. Light Weight (oats And Vests. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, has o splendid as- sortment of light-weight counts amd vests; the garments for sum- mer wear. His summer comts av $1 ial wis. wine Hi to 46. See his window, grest variet to choo ¢ from. SELLS HIS | INSECTS. of 18,747 Ontarie Gall-Fredusers. Dr. William Brodie, of Toronto, a | gentleman now well advanced in vears, is one of the most learned bivlogists gud entomologists in Can< ada For forty years he has been the authority to whom all younger naturalists send their puzzling bug and beetles for identification. During wany decades Dr. Drodie has been the patient collector of birds and in- sects In consequence he has gained an international reputation among scholars This. enviable reputation for scholarship is now enhanted by the fact that he has just been offered £1,000 for his collection of gall-pro- ducing insects. This collection is | made up entirely of insects found iu Ontario, and contains 18.747 speci- vicns, The collection has been pur- chased by the Entomological Society | of Washington, and is probably the most complete ever gathered by a patient and enthusiastic scholar. The rall-producing insect has bun Iw | Tirodiv's specialty He has hunted it for many years, ard is pow the re vognized authority on its habitat and habits The gall-producer is the tiny infect which is responsible for "hlack knobs und protuberances on plan, cherry and other trees, and on other shrubs, Some years ago br. Brodie offered 0 give the collection which the | Entomological Society of Washington hus been so eager to acquire, ta To ronto University or to the Provineigl Government if either institulicn would provide suitable cases for the insects Neither the Universit) nor the Government was generous enough to go to such a slight ex- pense, and as a consequence Canada loses one of the wost valuable col- lections of insects ever made in this country ~ Faith in the Colonies. A suggestive fact disclosed by the | literature of the day is the faith of English writers in the future of Canada and Australia This is strongly brought out fn an import- 4 | ant book by Benfmin Kid . ment as Provineial I'rensurer in | - idd on "The Principles of Western Civilization * It lays stress upon the paramount | importance of the western common | wealths in determining the trend of future progress Another Englishman, who is equal- English-speaking race outside Eng land, is Archibald R, Cokpitions. whose 'Mastery of the Pacific" will be published by Heinemann in Lon- don soon The proof sheets reveal a deliberate attempt to prove that the Pacific has become as important as the Mediterrancan was in ancient times, or as the Atlantic hecame after the voyages of Columbus and the wars between England and France for the control of the New | World The book has chapters on the marvellous possibilities of Can- ada, Japanese progress, the Dutch empire in the Far East, and the de velopment of German enterprise in China and the South Seas. University Jdeals In his lecture at Toronto Univer | sity a recent Saturday afternoon, Prof. Halliday Douglas, of Knox College, speaking on 'University Ideals," dealt with the three as pects of a university, first as the field of memtal training, second the | atmosphere and fellowship in which the student rounded down his corn- ers, and third, its national signifi- cafice. Graphic pictures were given of the Scottish University life as well as of English universities, and the wmiversity life of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Professor Douglas argued that what Casad, | needs is 4 combination of the in | spiration of Scottish universities, with the thoroughness. and residen- tial features of the English institu- tion, as well as a liberal supply of money. The university, he thought, should provide brilliant men Lakes Navigation Co's steamers leave Kingston every Mon day and Thursday, at 7 am. every Tuesday and Friday at | pn. James Swift & Co.. agents. Now The Time. For summer pace, Ruse! chats, Co. AS Dr. Brodie Gets $1,900 for His Collection | Joan" re FURNISHED PUUR GOOD FURNISHED by" Wi modern 191 University Avenue. HOUSES AND DIouRa. NC sd Ss. BRICK DWELLING, 198 EARL STREET. other Settings, Sores and offi rock St, io Boer, Int OF MAY, THAT YERY MONEY AND BUSINESS. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE low rafos of interest and farm property Loss avd Hbattment Hosiety, y HU NDRE: » JHot SAND DOLLARS " # over Express Offion, Mackot Souare. Fire Insurance Company. to which the policy hole dors ha ave for wourity the unlimited lability of all tw stockholders, PROP ERTY josured ot lowe ut Powsiby le rates. or giviog new y Staite " rates : Soom ARCHITECTS ogy ---------- Hullding. corner Fan "Phone 212 Queen and Montreal Strests HENRY P. SMITH. EDVCATIONAL. "HILLCROFT" ACADEMY, KINGSTON, A RESIDENTIAL and DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Ideal Grounds of Twelve Acres, Opens Sept, 9th, 1902 REV, T.J. v . As . ly impressed with the energy of the | we GLOVER, B, A, Principal Kingston Business Collage, KINGSTON. Dominion Business Collage, TORONTO Uneguallod (acllitics for scouring positions. NERD FOR CATALOGUE Conlodesntion Liles ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signatere of