DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY. JULY 30. TRAVELLING. Kingston & Pembioks & Canlidian Pacific Railways. Trains Leave Kingston : 1240 p.m.~--Mail, lor Ottawa, Montreal, Que Bee, St Joba, NB. Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Heslrew, Bault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seat tle, Pordand end San Francisco, 5:30 p.m~Looal for Sharbot Lake, econ meeting with CPJ. east and west. 810 am~--Mizxed, for Renfrew and inter mediante points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12.40 pm arrive in Ottawa at 5:00 pam; Peterboro, $10 pm; Toronts, 7:50 pw: Boston, 7:30 am; St. John, NB, 11:35 am. P. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gon. Pass. Act. Gen, Bapt, THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Poin re lew City Hall ed y a on. J. "WILSON. CPR Telegraph OF QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED, fiver and Gulf of SI. Lawrence Summer Srulses in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw 88, "Comvmna." with cleirie lights, ie Tie a Past Yio MONTREAL ON MONDAYS at 2 pony 6th and 25th July, 1lith and 25th August, Sth and 220d Sevtember, lor wm, NS. calling at Quebec, Father Point, Pere Grand Rites, Summerside I. and Oharlgtietonn, ¥ " Snes trip of the a for health and somlo sTHyR ANERN, Soeretary, ms avnly to For tickets and statenoo J. P. HANL EY. or Jd Tata GIDE RSL PEVE. Agents, Kipeston, Ons. Ont. The On Bit Line to one every Friday, midnight, for , N.Y. Oloots Beach, N.Y. snd Buffalo, N¥.. vis. Bay of Quinte snd Murray Canal, and every Monday at 630 pm, for Montes! and Quebec, (direct without shange). Through 1,000 Islands and St. Lawrence River Ropids. EXCURSIONS ree: Ooms J Montreal & Return + DURING SEASUN OF $6 $6: Good going by R. & 0. Niviga- tion Company's Steamer on Bat- urday or Sunday; returning ALL RAIL until + Monday following date of sale. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. Lake Ootari & Bay of Quinte / " Sseamboat Co., Limited, ' Sirs. North King. &- Caspian Bay of Quinte & & Rochester Route Steamer leaves daily (excepts Monday) at s he for Rochewier, N.Y, calling at Bay Quinte "1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE L Besiner loaves daily (exept Mi at 0.17 am, lor tour of 1000 Me oudy "eal oy = Alusandria Bay, Rovkport snd Gane STEAMER ALETHA lontinys at 5 pis. for Plolon sod a Bay Ports gre full intarmation spply to P. HANLE J. ¥ CALE i, rv, § Ticket. Avene. James Swift & Co.. Freight Agente. DOMINION LINE. Bevis FRPOOL SERVICE Blopmery marked * do n ry passengers. ATES OF PASSAGE Baton, $66 and gingle according to steamer and sorvics, Second on $37.50 op Bards, single, according So sicamer and ser Third clave, $26. FROM BONTREAL. *Roman, . *Manxman..... FROM BOSTON. New Eogland. July 8th Commonwealth Aug. 18th NEW SERVICE gn, Cambromen, Aw. 16th--Vancouver, Reet 6th Midahip, Salon, Eleotrie' light, Bpactous promenade dec Fe Bee, J. P. Gilderslesve, GT. IL Station, 4a Claims sa. Gen, Agt Ast. D. TORRANCE & "i Montrgsd and Portland. DAILY LINE to, Shallots Thousand Islands, Av amd M LEAVE KINGSTON GOING EAST, duily at 6 pm CGUIRG WEST, daily, exept Monday, 8 pm -- ' Hamilton, Torents, Hay of Quinte and Mentreal Line, LEAVE KINOATON GOING EAST, Wednesdays and Fridays at L300 pa. GOING WEST, Tuesdays, Thursdays 4 Saterdays, 11:30 pam. li J. SWIFT & 00. ' Agent. Freight Agents All an Li ne Adverpestand ' 'Royal Mail Steamers. »n From Quebes. Sam Aug Avg. 9th Aug. 23rd at and unsurpassed. A. W. HEPBURN, Agents, Kioguton, Manager. Picton, EDUCATIONAL. "HILLCROFT" ACADERY, KINGSTON. A RESIDENT! Foy. d DAY SCHOOL 14eal Grounds of Twelve y Opens Sept. 9th, 1008. REV. T.J. GLOVER, B. A... Principal, A ---------------------- ALBERT "COLLEGE, Betfovitle, PHENOMENAL RECORD OF hows 302 students sorolied last veiw, 172 young ladies and 190 young men, sew pipe organ, domes FOO, art ~allery recently adel, Two matriculation scholarships won in 1901. Splendid gymnasiom, large athletic grounds, commercial ball, one' of the Suest in Ontario. DPuilding bested by steam and Hyhted by electric ity, Will re-open Septembwr eh. For illustrative Glrculars address prin: cipal Dyer Kingston Business College, KINGSTON. Dominion Business Collage TORONTO Largest and best equipment in Canada. Unequalled facilities for securing positions #21 Queen Street, Kingston. MEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Life Buildines, Toronto. TO LET. 4OOD FURNISHED ROOMS, without board, 101 Queen wif O» WUR D FURNISHED ROOMS, WITh I all modern conveniences, af i9 ty Avenus. of Vilagion 5 seek DWELLING, 193 EARL STREET, rooms; Hot Water Heating: prs dwellings, stores and offices, J yy MoCann, 81 Brock St., ground floor. ON ane Ist OF MAY, THAT 'VERY DE able house, 117 & street, corner of So near we airy all modern conveniences, large Ded water prnace. Apply Wo Feliz 111 Bagot Street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SNALL sume, at low rales of inferest on city and farm property, Loans granted on city and county debentures. to 8 C MeOiLL, mavager of Frodwnae Loan and Investment Society, Office opr posite the Post TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ithe from one tho wn hou dollars. For ouin: an SObWING INSUR. NCE ExbonTus over Express Office, Market Souare. Liverpool, London and Globe Fire Insurance Company. Available assets, $61,187,218. io whi the 7; a hive do wesurity ity unlimited tockhalders, a RM AND Er Spivey foeurid nt lowest old ing pew Dit 1 rates oF i MANGE & Le ARCHITECTS. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MERCH. ants' Bank Bu Brock and Wellington streets. "Phone 3 212, ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE gt of New bin Rat ane corner Sousks, 4 Be. whic x #7. WW) rooms, hot w. IN HENRY P. SMITH. ARCHITECT, ETC. ANCHOR BUILDING, Market Square, "Phone 845. UNDERTAKERS. 8. 8S. CORBETT. ct Ty Drennan. JAMES REID. SL EANING UNDERTAKER. mE 254-266 Street. Tolipbone 147A. Opes oo T. F. HARRISON CO., rE oT. he Calle--T. Harriwon. 81: No One S53 Disputes "That bur milk Is the best sold in the city. 'We take great pains to make it so. We study the busisiess, and do it fa addition I Ihe Tidings Fram Various Points Ia Eastern Ontario--What Peo- Pls Are Doing nd What They Are Baying. TT Farmer Dies Suddenly. Arden, July 29.--The last few fine days have been good for baying, ami farmers are busy getting in the crop. Toe patrons of the Arden cheese [ac tory were paid for June milk at the rate of cighty-three cents per LO lbs Last Widnewlay, James Kk. Wart, a farmer living pear Dead Creek, afte: working all day was taken seriously ill, after eating supper, cand died in a few minutes. He leaves a family of grown-up children His wife died a» few years ago. The funeral took place on Friday 10 the Dead Creek come tery. Several parties are campiog and fishing in Clear and Cross lakes am- oug them, J. B. Ostrom, Alexandria; N. M. Ostrom, Belleville; W, J. Hall, Trenton. New boardwalks have im proved the village. A New Grist Mill. Seeley's Hay, July © 29. Coleman is slowly improving. Mrs. William Gilbert is again on the sick list. 6G. BD. Gilbert has recoveved from illness. The members of L.O.L., No. 13 will attend divine service in St. Peter's church on August 10th, at 2 pm. The hay crop is nearly all se- cured in this section. A bramch of the Past Office savings bank was open- ed here on the 25th inst. J, P. Bower bas completed the erection of g con arete oH N. C. Shook has opened up an ice cream parlor. H. N. Eaton is visiting friends at Sun Prairie and other points in Wisconsin. . Jack son has the frame of his new grist mill erected and partly enclosed. Mr. and Mrs, H. 8. Putnam, Kingston, visiting friends here the past few days, have returned home. William Desert Lake Doings. Desert Lake, July 28. Raspberries are plentiful. Farmers are endeavor ing, between the showers, to get their hay harvested. Alma Shook, il with pneumonia, is recovering WW. amp bell and W. IK. Wilson Re gone to Carp, Que., as mica prospectors the Klectric Light compan Swedman, Three Mile Bay, N.Y, ing her parents, Mr, I'age, has returned home. Suook, visiting friends here, has turned to Lalargeville, N.Y. Snook bas purchased a' yumber cows. Visitors : Mr. Foster at Snook's; Miss F. Snook and Smith, Sydenham, at ). Snook's; / McCanel and Mrs. Smith, Newark, N id, at CU. MeCanel's; Mr. and Mrs, Kemp, Maple Grove, and Miss I. Suovk at J. Wilson's; Mps, G. Trijon, Westport, at E. Snook's. A Government Grant. Kaladar, July 29.-Robert Brydon has all of his logs and shingle wood cut up and is now shipping the lum- ber. Mrs, Joseph Morten successfully underwent an operation at the King. ston hospital, and is on her way to recovery. Mrs. F. Cummings is visit ing her mother, Mrs. A. Aliport. Char He and Peter Morten made a trip to Kingston last Thursday, Péter Hughes has purchased a new luinber waggon, CU. Keller is doing a good business on his stage route. We are pleased to hear government money will be laid out on the Perry road hetween here and Northbrook. With the large grant which the township council has given 'otir road will be in first class shape. Mrs. John Benn, Kingston, has re- turned home after visiting her moth er, Mrd. Julia Keller, and other re latives. Off For The Yukon, Prestonvale, July 20.-M. B. Dovle, who has spent a year with Iriends here, teft last week for the Yukon Mrs. Roberts and children, Detroit, ave visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Rochester, are visiting Mrs, Moore's pavents, Mr. and Mre. Ri- chnrds . The many friends of Mrs Fitzpatrick, Renfrew, were grieved when the news reachod them of her sudden death. Mrs, Fitapatrick was formerly Miss McCaffrey of this place. The Misses Horning eatertained a number of friends to an enjoyable evening in honor of friends visiting from Kingston. Miss Ferguson, Otta- wa, is spending a few weeks with her sister and brother of this place. ' Mr. and Mrs. Stafiord, Torynto, are visit ing M. Staflord's brother bere. Sever. al from this locality took advantage of the western excursion last week, many going to the Pacific coast. Farm Labor Scarce. Holleford, July 29. Raspberries are quite plentiful. Farm help is scarce, amd larmers have a hard time harvest. Sore Feet Ohafed, Blistered, Buri g, Swollen Feet, Boo a a and Dr. Chase' s Ointment. ; You ay now of oo i pln all wil st Sot ¥p whi or It is } relate 'about none of you ir yy which are ususually 3 Oba has moved | his ay biek to the farm and x mak preparations for building a new Awelling. (mre school honse has been regeiving a new coat of paint. J Carslake has retarned from the states. The Worth Brow have begun work in the felspar wmive om 8S. Freeman's farm. GG. Fllerbuck had a runaway laxt week. Miss Sylvia Walker and Wilhie Medeof were successful in pass ing the entrance examination in Sy denham. Mrs. H.- Martin,. Kingston, isa spending 'her holidays at J. Wal ker's. Visitors : Master Edmund and Mis Grace McKnight, Godfrey, at D. Walker's, Jr.; CU. Walker, Desert Lake, ai J. Walkers; J. Donnel, Perth Road, at J. Redmond's; Terrence Clow, Hartington, at A. Collins', ey fo tg ® Married At Morton. Morton, July 27.~Taber Bros. are busy completing the stonework of the Athens Methodist church, D. H. Man- uel sold bis fine colt the other day to parties in Delta. 8. Seamen broaght a small party up to the village from Delta lake last week. Mrs. A. Des panght, Delta, formed one of the par ty. A quiet wedding took place here on Wednesday, 16th inst., when Miss Aaa Edgers was voited in marriage to Richard Halliday, Gananoque. The ceremony was performed by Rev, J A. McConnell. The bride carries with bir to ber new home the best wishes of many friends here. Visitors : Miss Wright, Newbore, is spending , few weeks with her hrother, BE. right, Jr; Niss W. Scott, Gananoque, is viwiting friends here; Miss Mattie Pur cell, Ottawa, at Mrs. D. H. Manuel's; Miss Pennock, Watertown, at her grandmother's, Mrs. P. Jones. Latimer Locals. Latimer, July 29.--A number from here attended quarterly service at In verary on Sunday. The Misses Dun bar, Montreal, are spending a few days at Mrs. J. Bruce's. Sis Alice Taylor left on Saturday for a yixit in Watertown, Parlymea and other places. \ sitors: Mr. and Mrs. 1 Sherwood, Elgin; Master George Pix ley, Sydenham, at his unc e's, 'W. Ar- thur; T. Lowry, Inverary, at G. Leatherland's; Mr. Gordon, Napaney at Baker's; Mrs. R. Singleton, Kingston, at Mrs. J. Taylor's, L Burteh, Jones" Fails, at J, Taylor's; Miss Edna Lyon, home from 'iahan ogue, and now enter taming her ven sin, Miss Ethel! Richards, Syd:iiun; Mrs. (Dr.) Edwards and children, Ca taragqui, with friends hera: G. Smith and W. Sherwood home from Syden ham. The Teacher Resigns. Glenvale, July 29. Rev. Mr. Meore officiated in the Preshyterian church on Sunday morning. Miss Jessie Smith, teaching our school for the last six months, has resigned. Miss Watts entertained a namber of friends of Thurklay evening. J. Gordon lost his Waxiord colt recently; it was a very valoable animal. A number from here attended the Free Methodist tent meeting at Westbrook on Sunday. We extend congratulations to Dr. Harold Order on his success at the medical council board. Visitors Miss Nettie ht, Kingston, at Mr. Leonard's ofield, Kingston, at W. Pil Mre. Sackett, Bergen, N.Y. at « Glasford"s; Miss Celeste Shecbiao, Kingston, at John Clark's; Miss ©. Knapp, Kingston, Mrs. Stephen Knight and Miss Knight, Kepler, at James Gordon's; Mrs. Glover, Cam den East, at Mr. McCracken"s; Miss Florence Binningten returned from Sydenham. ---- The Choir On Strike. Harrowsmith, July 30. Last Friday Mis. PP. Myers was the victim of a very serious accident. While standing on the sidewalk in front of Gallagher's store, a very large be: owned by Mr. Gallagher, jumped up on her, canting her to fall heavily and striking her hip on the edge of the sidewalk. Upon examination by Dr. Lockhart it was found that her hip was severely fractured. Her daughiér, Mrs, (Dr) Funnell, arrived home on Monday to assist in taking care of her. Rev. Allan Moore preach ed in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath and will preach there next Sabbath, The damage tone to the Methodist church by lightning is be ing repaired. It is rumored that the trustees have engaged Mr. Fennel as teacher in the senior room of our public school, Miss Shibley, B.A. hay ing resigned. A. Hunter has moved to his farm at Star's Corners. Mrs Horswell, Towa, is visiting Her moth er, Mrs. Murton. The Misses Hiscock, Kingston, are spending a few days with Miss Perley. The choir and or ganist of St. Peter's church are on strike. ------------ Kipling's Faith. Church Record Bishop Brewster, of the Episcopal dipeese of Connecticut, in his talk to Yale students on ' Robust Religious Faith, referred to the case of og Kipling, when he was dangerous ill in New York. The bishop said : "I suppose you youn, Joa are more or less readers of re is no name in Eag ish literature that stands more truly. for masculini- 2 than Kipling. In fact he is said to not Jadylike emough to suit some of his eritics. The story that | am te Kipling, and I suppose have heard it, comes to me first hand, and shows the strong. vigorous faith which is at the back J of the man's writing. "A traiped nurse was watching at Kipling, during when the author was yard Kipling. NEWS OF JRE DISTRI. SPICE OF THE ARTICLES ™ VICINITY NEWSPAFERS, Belleville's. tax rate is two tenths over twenty-three mills. The taxuile property of Ogdensburg is valued at $4 358 865, Picton's tax rate this vear i# seven teen and a half mills on the dollar Judge Reynolds, Brockville, bas re signed the town solicitorship. The po- sition has been offered J. A. Hutche wom, K.C, = A public reception will be held in Brockville, Thursday night, when the citizens will way farewell to Rov, Mr. Beamish. The death of an old anc highly es teemed residents of South Bay, South Maryshurgh, occurred on Monday, in the person of George Farrington, after a brief illness; aged seventy-five years A number of Brockville ladies who came to Ogdensburg on Monday's ex- cursion were searched by a female cus- toms officer upon their return and many valuable souvenirs and othe: articles were seizch. Truman Parish died at his home in Elizabethtown, on Monday, aged fifty- nine years. We is survived by his wi- dow and seven children. Deceased was born in the township of Yonge, nem Athens, and resided on his highly cul tivafed farm in that township until March last, when he removed to Elis zabethtown., Number. The Montreal "Gazette fluds Queen's College Quarterly, just issued, worthy of special note. Dr. C. K. Clarke con tributes a chapter of a work soon to appear, devoted to the study of na ture. This instalment, if a fair speci men, ought to guarantee its success The illustrations from photographs by Dr. Clarke show the nests of short-ear ed owl, galligule and pied-bill grebe A pleasant and instructive record- es- pecially to the river lover--is Dr. Ad am Shortt's account of his voyage "Down the St. Lawrence on a Timber Raft," with views from photos by D. D. Calvin and sketches by the writer. A story of events and sights that never happened or came within any ken on land or sea, is told by S. A. Mitchell, of Columbia Universi ty. To some older readers the tithe "Moon Hoax," will doubtless recall a mystification of the years that pre ceded the coming ofl Mark Twain. Younger readers will mostly find it new. Following up a suggestion of Dr. A. T. Drummond, Professor W._L, Goodwin approves of the scheme of es tahlishing a forestry college for On- | tario. The beet sugar industry is ad voeated by Professor John Waddell Profossor John Macnaughton writes of Johannine Theology as the needed complement of the divinity known as Pauline--the former representing our Hellenic, as the latter, our Hebrew heritage. John was "not a philoso: pher but a man of creative religions insight."' He dealt with facets, not ab- stractions, and for him the over whelming fact was the person of Jes us, and its power as mediating be tween man and+*God. The truest sym- bo! for that infinite worth of the Re deemer was the Greek Lagos. And thus, John presented his Saviour and Master as the Incarnate snd Eternal Word of God. Professor Watson con- tinues 'hig oxplanation of the system | of Thomas Aquinas--the keynote of which is that 'both degma and prac tice harmonize with ressor, even when they transcend its unaided powers." 4 men nome -- Paying For Premature Criticism. Loudon Globe. The proprietors of the Lady's Realm are to be congratulated on having got | off with an apology and the payment of £100, which is to go to King Ed ward's hospital fund, for the extraor dinary criticism by "A Peer's Daugh ter" of the gala performance of the opery which did not take place. Most people, considering the nature of the criticism, will think that the Grand Opera syndicate have bebaved very | well in pot exacting more onerous | terme. Blacksmith' An Inte pawinging SAYY hom sor aor mers, fre- OOO quent stoop- 30) 1) ingovershoe- jng horses, 'getting o wrench once in awhile from a refrde- tory horse, fe bending at all d pe hat he average bificknmith doos--auiy wou- der that in the strongest man to flud his back give out and | he a double hi. l progress nw science has produdéd nothing that is a greater boon to the ER ! oon, . becoming more {| companied him THN fc HEAD Eda. Parlor The best and mest economicalon the market. For sale by atl the principal dealers. Use Eddy's Toilet Papers. | ondon Fall of JOHN LABATTS Porter the Virtus of Mall nd' Hobs. Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Delicate Palate. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, msn, AiING STREET, » KINGSTON. MID-SUMMER SALE. Fancy Velour Couth, Heavily Fringed all around, omly ¥5.50. Regular price $7.50, Fancy Tapestry, With Carved Backs, only $4.50. Regular price $6. JAMES REID, Evorythicg Reduced. See our window display next week. Parlor setts will be our specialty. THE LEADING UNDERTAKE R KINGSTON, r= aa TOURISTS ARE PLENTIFUL. At Battersea~Good Fishing ~ Personal Notes. Battersea, July 29.Our pretty lit tle burg swarming with tourists is ! this summer, mostly United Statesers Over one hundred have sojourned at the Granite already and some of them have remained for two weeks. The majority of them have been regular annual visitors here for some years However, this year many new faces ave showing that the exeelleney of lovely lake as a fishing resort is widely kmown, Ex anglers among them claim that the black bass, so numerous in this lake, are the gamiest fish they have ever taken, and that's the sort of our perienced ; of sport they are after. Rev. Joseph Follick, Kingston, paid ns a short visit last week. He was pastor of the Methodist church here over twenty vears 'ago. By invitation of Rev. Mr. Wood, he fillal the pulpit on Sunday and discomrsed very a ceptably.. His son, Thomas H., head master of St. Mary's high school, ac Their many old time tiriends here wore delighted to meet | them, affer so long an absence. Visitors : W. H. Anglin and wife, Kingston, at W. J. Anglin's; Miss An nie Clark, Kiugston, at Isaac Lake's Mrs. Ferguson and sister, Mies Bessie Eby, Kingston, at Mee. Kirkpatrick's Misses Norma Knapp and Nellie 8me aton, city, and Miss Lillie, Athens, at W. E. Lillie's; Dr, and Mrs, Hubbert: Fulton, N.Y., and Miss Woods, Pits thurg, Pa.. at Dr. Lake's; Mise Annie Kilmer, Kingston, at N H Williams'; Vern. Gilbert, Sceley"s Bay. at Abernethy's; Mrs. (Rev.) Ebersole, Toronto, at J. L. Sears'; Mise Fan nie Anglin, Kingston, and Russel Wil som, Ottawa, among friends. Mrs. W. Merviman and son Harold have returned from a visit with friends at Poland, N.Y. Mrs. (Rev) Wood is visiting ber mother at Apple Mre. C. B. Van Luven in visiting friends at Smith's Falls. The Man Who Is Wanted. Who with pleasant face and words, cheers the hows he is at howe. Who, toves his wife well enough to help ber, if necessary, without grombling. Who is not seliish and enjoys shar his pleasures with others. 0 Sree not quarrel, even if things are not always satisfactory. Who has "a place for everything, 4 and everything in its place," not leaving shoes, cont, bat or ouler wearing apparel for his wife 10 put away Who in, Coes not make a practice of re obscene stories. Who is ss kind and courteons to his own wife as he is to other men» wives. Who gels angry sometimes, but nev- "Hies into a temper," or 'goes in rd a passion," or the pouts." Who does not stay uptown until 10 Tor 12 o'clock mo wight, Jewving his Who will arprecale his wife's of forts to make home tidy and bappy hima Wha always has 'company manners' even when nobody but hiv wife and the 4 _-- EVERYB0DY KNOWS That our stock is new and ap-to-date, but everybody doesn't know that this week we will run off all banvas Bools Ata Discount of 20 PER CENT. ARMSTRONG, *™ "se, SHOES ! No persdasion is neces- sary when they are seen You are always sure of the