. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. TRAVELLING. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadins Pacific Railways. CORONATION DAY August 9th tickets between all sta- tions, 2 going Angust 8th amd 9th," re- turping August lith, 1902, at ~ SINGLE FARE. FARM LABORERS' EXCGU RSION ugust « 20th. Full: particulars at °K. & Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F. A! FOLGER Gen. Pass. ie HE BAY OF QUINTE RATLWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto -and all, locel points. Train leaves City Hnll Depot at 4 p.m. R. J. WILSON, CP. R. Telegraph : Of fio, Clarence street. YS GR NDT i SYSTEM CORONATION DAY Excursion Return tickets will be SINGLE rimsx crass FARE Between all stations in Good Going August Sth a 9th Valid returning from destination on qr _be fore Monday, August 11th, 1902 FARM. LABORERS' EXCURSION To Manitoba and Assisiboia Going Date ; August 20th For fall frarticulars applv to P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. DON INION LINE. LIVERPOOL SERVICE *irishman L... Aug, 9th Californian Aug. 16th *Norseman |... «. «. . . 23rd Turccman 30th olenian Sept. 6th bf hmar Sop. 13th Steamers mrked * do not/carry passengérs. 3 SSAG loon, © $65 and o steamer and § $ 7.50 and up- single, according to Steamer and sor Third class, $26. PROM MONTREAL. *Roman, ..|.. *Manxman FROM BOSTON. Commonwealth. . g. 13th Merion ug, inh NEW SERVICE = Boston to the Mediterranean Cambroman, Aug. 16th Sipt. 6th Midship, Suldon, lectric Spactous promenade. decks J. P. Hanley, Agt. G.T. Jl. Station, hs & Cc Will issue return rd to Cana- dian Northw P.. and CP.R JR, Agt. issucd at wards, vice. Aug. 9th f Aug. 23nc Vancouver, licht, J. P. Gildersleeve, 42 St Gen. puts Montreal and Portland. Laka lao & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Strs. Morih King & Caspian Bay of Quinte & Rochester Route (except Monday) . at N.Y., calling at Bay Clarence D. Steanter leaves daily 5 %p.m,, for Rochester, of Quinte ports. 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE (except Monday), at 1.000 Lalas, call Rockport and Gana: Steamer lentes daily 10.17 a.m. for tour of ing at Alexeandria Bay, ""™ STEAMER ALETHA Leaves Monduva at 5 p.m. for Picton and Ports. ey mation apply to ! Ticket Aronia. Freight Acents. VE; Co.. - Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. nT Kingston and Toronto WEST, daily, lay, at except Monday, -at Hemiltom, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. LEAVE KINGSTON: GOING EAST, Welntsdays "and Fridays .4.30 p.m. GOING Satundave, nrsdavs Ti Only Direct Line i fee | Withodt Change STR. ALEXA Leaves Cr id's, whar! and every and Quebec, } 1.000 Island rer, BINDS R WINE Sisal, Db feet .to lc., sold OD weve Tor 12} Manilla, 600 feet, 12ic, elsewhere for 1I ? Strachan', » 'Hi ardw are. pound, the 4 i |1 | | { i | | GOOD | | 1 | i TRAVELLING. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal. From Quebec. Nussidien, Ang. 2, 5 a.m. Aug. 2, 3 pm. >arisinn, Aug' 9, 5 am. Aug. ° Mongolian, Aug. 16, 9 a.m. Aug. First cabin, $65 and upwards; bin, $37.50 to $42.50: London. $1.50 re Third lass, $25 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, B:liast, Glasgow, London. New Vurk to Siasgoy & Londonderry. July 30th vats Aug. al3th Montreal to Glasgow Direct. ; Sicilian, 6,284 tons, July 30th, Sept. 3rd, Oct, 8th. First cabin $50, class $25. Jd. P. Hanley, Agent, City Passenger vot, Johnston and Ontario streets, J. Gildersleeve, Clarence street. . Liverpool and Londonderry second cabin $35, third De- P. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Crulsesin Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron "SS. "" Campana," with ic lights, electric bells and all modern comfor SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON. MONDAYS 11th and 25th August; 8th and at 2 pm. 220d September -for Pictou, N.S.. calling at Peree, Grand tuebee, Father Point; --Gaspe; River, Stnerside, P.E1l., and Charlotte: town, Pb The Bret trip of the scason for health and comfort. ARTHUR AIIERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms apply to J.P. HANLEY, or P. GILDERSLEEVE, : icket Agents, Kinrston, Ont. Lovely Diamonds. When on a diamond buying trip to the cutters at Amsterdam, we never forget to supply ourselves well with four igpecial" sizes, Viz. : * Por our $as Diamond Ring. For our $so Diamond Ring. For our $75 Diamond Ring. For our $100 Diamond Risg. Every 'one of these diamonds must be of sucha quality that the most critical cannot find a fault, for a "Special" Diamond Ring from Ryrie's must be of * first quality" always. send for our Ring Catalogue. DIAMOND HALL, Established 1854. 'RYRIE BROS. Yonge and Adelaide Sts., TORONTO. STRAIGHT BUSINESS Ww. Murray, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Mer- , * chant, Market Square. BOARD. LARGE .FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE rooms, with malern convener een tral, not. far from City and Mace edonald pirks. Suitable for a party of from three to five; 195 Larl street. 'STAMPS AND MARKERS. RUBBER STAMU'S OF ALL KINDS, SELF inkers, Linon Markers, x, 3 Bank, Tick: i Wii prompt OKFORD, am mps, SOHN Whie Oflice, ROONS, WilH 101 Queen strest. FU RNISHI ED without board. ON «JUR GOOD FURNIS EG orale vid board, with all modern oonvenisnces, ai 191 University Avenue. HOUSES AND STORES. NOS. and 203° - Wellington street. Mrs. Allen, 297 Division street. 199, 201 auire of BRICK DWELLING, 193 EARL STREET, ten rooms; Hot Water Heating: Also other dwellings, stores and offices. J. S. R. McCann, 51 Brock St., ground floor, : THAT corner of the park hot water Apply to ee POSSESSION AT ONC sirable h on, the Gore wl els, near every way. Daisy in perfect order 1 ~ AIRY DE- Bagot and Modern in heating amd Felix Shaw, 15 E it street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. IN LARGE of I MONLY TO LOAN sums, pw. low rales and rm property. Joans- granted on city and county debent Apply to 8. C McGill man of Frontenae Loan and Investment Society. Office" op posite the Post Office. ° OR SMALL interest . on city WO HUNDRE D THOU DOLLARS IN ims from ona thoustad to ten thous . umd dollars for Yeiriiou/nry apply oN SCID WENS----INSERAN EMPORIUM, oor E-press Of M rk t Souare GLOBE FIRE LON box C AND WN a ANGE, ving ne SERAMGE "ARCHI TEC rowER & SON. Bank Building Jten streets. r Brock "oh one 12 and OFFICE corner ol ARTHUF R ELLIS ARCHIT site of New Drill Hall, near Queen; und Mourest Street HENRY --P--SMERH CRITECT A 3 t. Squat ARCINTECT OFFICH u NDER TAKERS . sold. Foire the Phones Wgrero Harrison, lungs HIS ELECTION. PROTESTED. PETITION FYLED AGAINST T. G. CARSCALLEN. » The Conservative Member in Len- nox JGCharged Witk Bribery-- The $1,000 Deposit Made--A Budget of News From Napa- nee. / Napanee, Aug. 7.--A petition was fyl-- éd on Saturday last with W. DP. De- roche, local registrar, at the court house, Napanee, against the return of Thomas George Cabscallen, the con- servative. member for Lennox in the Ontario legislature. The petitioners are Pred. A. Perry, William R. Miller, of North Fredericksburg, . and John GG. junn, of Richmond, farmers. "Fhe pe- tition was fyled. By T. B. German; ag- ent for Kerr. Davidson,,Paterson and Grant, Toranto, solicitors for the pe- titioners, and contains the usual charges of bribery by the candidate, on agent and supporters. The conser vatives say that a cross- petition' will be entered at ance against the liberal candidate, Marshall S. Madole, but the liberals believe that. this is, only a piece of bluff, The £1,000 deposit was paid into court on the 5th inst. Mrs. Robert McCoy is very low, with but slight hopes of recoverv. She lies at- the home of her daughter-in-law. Mrs. W. McCoy, Fast street, and has heea - confined to bey bed for the past four months. Mrs. Jennie. Stevens left yostordoy for Peale; to see her brother, George Sicker, the hospital EE de ill. Misses Hypatid, Fox are visiting their B. Fox. at Hamilton, this week. Ms. W. J. McKim.and two child ren leave next week for Pasco, Wash., to join her husband, who is comfort ably established on the Northern Pa- cific at that point. Jas. A. Wilson leaves to-day for Ro- chester to take a situation there, and if he likes it will remove his fami- ly later. The bill poster Hattie and Rola brother Charles heen busy all day has putting up bills announcing the circus on the 12th August; every, tree and post has a bright =ion. m------------ Has Notable Articles. The August North American Review i= full of notable articles. Senator 0. H. Platt makes ar earnest appeal for the recognition of "*Cuba's C laim Uj on the United States" for economic conditions. Swiney Brooks contribu an interesting study of the char- acter and career of Be Marquis of Salisbury. John Charlton, one of the Canadian representatives on the Anelo-Ameriean Joint High Commis sion, exp dains Cant a's attitude to ward the proposal for British pre feren tial trade and imperial defence. Peince Alionso- de Bourbon gives the history of "The Efiort to Abolish the Duel" which was bugaun by him last year and which has prospects of ultimate success. Admiral G. W. Melville, en oincer-in-chief of the United States navy. tells of unsuspected sources of Hanger in the construction and man acement of a large proportion of pos «toamers. The Right Hon. |. M.P.. and the -Hon. Al P.. write of 'The Africa." tes ner H. Courfhey, fred Lyttelton, 1 (utlook in South fn pi err-------- Women And Jewels. candy, flowers, man--that 'is the order .of a woman's preferences. [ven "that greatest of all. jewels, he .alth®is often ruined in the strenuous oliorts to gave the money to purc 'hase them. Ta woman will risk_her health to get a coveted gem, then let her for- tify herself against the insiduons con- sequences of conghs, eolds and bron- chial afiections bv the régular use of Dr. Boschee"s German Syrvap. Tt will promptly arrest consumption in its early stages and heal the affected and bronchial tubes and drive the (read disease from thé system. Tt is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure for conghs, colds and all bron- chial» troubles. You can get this reli able remedy at Wade's drug store. Jewels, Band Concert To-Night. To-night at eight o'clock the band of the 11th regiment... P.W.0. Rifles, will render the second of the people's popular Macdonald park. Ihe eraifine will thus be made up: [wo Step; ** Blaze Away," Holtzman Medley of popular RSL 4. Smith Waltz, * The Hélmet of Nuvarr .. Hirtz * Harmony ~~ Mose, Characteristic March; . Korrv Mill womaster," Luder Character | Skit Character SKit . Ganne Start concerts in Se election 'from Little Kinkies: The Revellers; Waltz; Ete ruelle Tver Sufoction from Florodora:™ -- (Bv popular request) " The Dusky Minstrel" N and Empir Could N Not Tin The Suffering Of Itching, Bleeding Piles--A Dis- tressing Case That Was Cured Dr. Chase's Ointment. FF. Mann. machinist, with thé Cana dian Locomotive warks, and wap lives 21 Dufferin Street, Kinoston, Ont. : "Dr. Chase's Ointment is, | the effective treatment that is to be.obtained, I need it, and it cured me of bleed 2 piled of a most aggravated form. Cnly from piles can' Hd Land what 1 went through. The mis pry - cansid hy them was some thi we wfuk, don't heheve 1 n torture adain. fered dren "The Bur Burn the (on most sufferers could' and 1 t onesles (he ind peop! Ww rotihadk nnunity a ¢ heen « a Box, or will receipt of price Bates & Cg., Torgnto. SPORT IN GENERAL. Notes About the Various Sport- : ing Fields. Toronto lacrosse team is now. prac- tically out of the championship race This was the team that thumped Eng: land. Scotland and Ireland, rolled up vin a bunch. Francesco made a track record. in the Saratoga handicap, on Monday. when he won in L139. The; best pre- vious figures, 1.39¢ were mgde by Don de Oro in 19, with 110 pounds. up. At Halifax, N.3., the. cricket match hetween Philadelphia and the United Services ended in a win for-Philade™ phia by an innings 'and 111 runs. The United Services made 80 in their se- cond innings. ' Joe Nuttall quarter of a mile open water swim- ming record at Leicester, England. going the distance in five minutes and Lity seconds. Nuttall held a record of "5.5.1 for this distance in open water. The directors of the #loronto Hunt club have decided not to accept the olier of the Ontario Jockey Club for the use of the Woodbine course for a three days' autumn 'meeting: The hunt club expects. to arrange a hunt and pola meeting on its own hew grounds during" the autumn. Toronto Telegram : Sullivan did not pitch bad ball particularly, but the patched up team behind him did not do him justice. The big Kingstoni- an has improved greatly since his joining Providence. His speed is = as good as ever and he has developed a noord slow ball that played havoc for a while with the locals. Foxhall I'. Keene, who was captain of the American polo team in the re- cent international match at Hurling- ham, England, has returned to New York on the Kaiser Wilheim 'der Grosse. He said the Americans were beaten because they were inferior play- The secret of the Englishmen's he said, was their combina- tion of play. Arthur F. amateur sprinter, of 9 3-35 Tor the probably = never lowered the world's Crs. SUCCESS, Dufiy, world's champion who holds the mark 100-vard dash, will race again. Rev. Jerome Daugherty, S.J., the rector of Georgetown: university, cabled asking him to give up the track, as he fear- el that if he continued he would per- manently injure his health. He called Dufiy's attention to the fact that the whole faculty joined with him in ask- jing him to give up the cinder path. At present Duffy is in England in a state of collapse on account of an in- Fiured knee. The Eastern league season appear to have habit of getting into all trouble. The last to™Fecoive from the president is Walter W. Burn- ham, secretary of the Newark club. It i= a rule in the Eastern League that Sunday games must be played when ever the opportunity is afforded. New- ark played in Rochester Saturday and was booked for' a Sundisy game at Charlotte. In place of remaining to meet Rochester. Sunday, Manager Burnham shipped his" players to their home city, where they met and play- od the Chicago nine of the National League. This action angered the Rochester magnates, and they report od the facts to President Powers, who «ent word to Buffalo that Manager Burnham had been suspended and-that he must ii6t he allowed inside the Bufialo baseball grounds, until his was laid before a meeting of the Iastern League. The umpire at Dui falo has also received instructions hot to allow the game to proceed if Burn ham enters until he is removed from the grounds. managers this formed the manner of censure Baseball On Wednesday. @» KXmerican Teague --At= Cleveland, =: Philadelphia, 4. At Detroit; 1 alti more, 2. At Chicago, 5: Washington, 2. At St. Louis, 6; Boston; 7. National leagne--At New York, Pittshure, 2, game called at end of {ifth innings on account of rain. Ilastern league--At Toronto, 4: Pro- vidence, I. ~At 'Rochester, Jersey City. 4, first game: Rochester, 3; Jer ev City, 0, second game. At Mon- treal, 1: Worcester, 1. At Buffalo, 7: Newark, S. A Wonderful Person. . The most wonderful old lady in this district is Mrs. Hartman, of Ernest town Station. who 101 vears and «ix months old, vet is in po sion of all her facult Her hearing and sicht are as. keen as ever, and <he does' not require the aid of spec tacles to enable her to. réad Her mind bright and she evinces a lively interest in current events, It is marvellous to listen her convegfe on topics seventy-five vears old. Mrs. Hartman is still hale and hearty. Light Weight Coats And Vests: Prevost, of the New York clothing store, 'Brock street, has a splendid as- sgrtment of light-weight coats and vests; the proper garments for sum- mer wear, = His - summer coats at &l and 81.50 are special value, sizes 34 to 46. See his window, great variety to choose from. - : 8 she or. sew. is to Kingston And Ottawa. Rideau . Lakes Navigation = Ce's steamers leave Kingston every Mon day and Thursday, at 7 a.m., every Tuesday and Friday at 1 p.m. James Qwift & Co.: agents. hotel used a praise for mn Salisbury At ast vuitar that its sweet the banquet evening Frank elicited © mnch and weisht of tone. It i< much larg than the average gui tar. and is the result of Mr. Salis- bury's skill The workmanship * is above criticism. Ditectives are murderers of Mi wer, Ont. They ment by, man vd and robber Congress ness still looking for the Hyslop. of Ancas. hold a "signed state in the zane that kill Hyslop One of the cated bv the confessor i Kingston pheni term in cnite--We gobs, 1 our stock. stoel Take carry a heavy dv-toswear. The H look n. w Co Three applications of Peck's. Corn Salve will cure hard or soit cofns. In at big boxes, 15c., at Wade's drug store. : ACGUSES THE RUSSIANS. THEY ARE DISTRIBUTING FIREARMS IN MONGOLIA. An Imsurrection and How it Ter- ~minated--Russia Has no. In- tention of Quitting Manchuria. ! the caom- Pekin, Aug. 6.~The viceroy of Province of Kansu has made a plaint in regara' to the distribution of | firearms by the Russians in Mongolia. He has memorialized the foreign board to take action to prevent its contihu- ance. Victoria, B.C.., Ang. 7.--The 'Shimbun, a Japanese journal, pub- lishes "despate hes from "its Pekin cor- responaent to the efiect that the Rus: sians are deliberately fomenting 'trou: ble in Manchuria to furnish a protext for remaining there. An insurrection broke out in the Tung-Hwa district of Shinking, od it was reported that the Russians had sent 8,000 rounds of RTI, to the Chipe se to quell the rising, but it has since heen learn od that it was to rebels that the am- munition was sent. The rebels igno- minously aefeatéd 'the government troops, killed a number of them ana captured the greater part. of their arms--and ammunition. Cossacks are said to have heen acting in collusion with the rebel The gram 'that "communications: are. con- tinuaily passing between the Russian and Chinese governments relative. to the withdrawal from Manchuria, and that Russia has no intention of with- drawing. Many of the Japanese news- papers state that refusal to with- draw must mean war, and it is said that preparations gre being made by both nations. : Yomiri FAMOUS KIDNEY CURE FREE. Every Reader ¢f THE WHIG may Have a Bottle of Warner's Safe Cure, the World's Great- est Kidney and Liver Cure, Absolutely Free. Warner's Safe Cure is the only colute and permanent cure for all forms of kidney, liver, bladder, and blood diseases, urie acid poison, rheu- matic. gout, diabetes, pain in the back, scalding and painful passage of urine, frequent desire to urinate, and, if vou are a woman, painful Pg rods and so-called female weakies Watner's Safe Cure is purely vege table and free from harmful drugs. lt neither constipates nor ovékstimalates. It is an effective tonic, aids digestion, awakens the torpid liver and puts the patient in an all-over healthy state, while it goes right to the diseased kid- neys, allaying pain, soothing away irritation and inflammation, and cures while it. builds up the system. Lead- ing doctors prescribe it, ,and it has been in general hospital use for thirty It a sure cure for kidney, blood and bladder diseases. If reader of The Whig suffers from these diseases we suggest that a trial bottle of this positive cure be «wnt for. Write to the, Warner. Safe Cure Co., 44 Lombard Street, Toron- to. Our readers should mention that they saw this offer in The Whig. A booklet containing symptoms -of these dreaded "diseases and. convincing testi- monials may be had by every one who will write for it. ab- years. is liver, any any o Cole Lake Locals. Cole Lake, Aug. 4th.--Many from around here took in the excursion to Ste. Anne De Beaupre : last week! The death of Mrs. John Topping, De seronto, is deeply deplored. She. was a daughter of Thomas Hasking, Bed ord. The funeral took place to the Qacred Heart church. She leaves. a husband and three small children to mourn her loss. A fair number went on the excursion to the Thousand 1sl- ands. Mr. and Mrs, Campbell have returned. from Centrevillé, where they were visiting friends. A quiet wed- ding took place last week when Td ward Perkins and Miss Malenm were united ino matrimony. J.B. Campbell and G. Killins have purchased new hinaers. oJ. Coulter passed through here en route to Toronto market. Vis itors: G. Hamilton and father at J. Hamilton's; s. Badorg at Mrs. Coulter's s Lillie Killins at Doug las: Henry Lee at W.. Wilson's; D. Coulter at Mrs. Fitzgerald's. er Cut By The Scythe. Salem, Aug. d.--Farmers all through haying, and have commenced harry est ine. Ou Monday, while B. Ewing wa repairing scythe, his hand slipped, severing the cords. Fhe doctor dres etl it and he nQw progressing" a favorably as. can be expec ted, hut will pe Laid up for sometimes) Browa left on Monday for Portland, where he intends spending a couple of weeks. The party given, by Nellie Myers I: week was a Mr. M i went to Brockville. on Tuesday to his daunchters Mrs, Goulden, who ill in the hospital. Visitors: P. han and sister at J. Mulville's; Sanders, Nellie Myers, and W. Knapp wt Mrs. Bateman's: Mre and Mrs. Dea con at W. Croskery's: Lester Bateman al Edward Myers. W.s(. Taylor and I. IB. Ewing, Sunday? in Fermoy. a is SUGCeSS, The Fall Fairs. ; fair, Aug. 25-29. Ang. 22-30. Kingstov's: big Ottawa Central, Mornsburg, Aug. 27- Toronto Indusirial, Sept. Fronten, Harrowsmith, Iroquois, Sept. S100" Peterboro Central, Sept. London Western, Napanee Brockville Hamilton ntral, Prescott, Sept. Hinchinhreoke De'ts Merrie r, Sper ville - Lansdowne 1-13 Sept. opt. 16-18. County. Sept. 30, Oct. 79% Could Not Find The Man. t occasions policemen Wolie I<] ved Keily, Dee Sworn spulty It Js The e haul Of yv differen hed Garden and wan n warrant--has an all | alevent, C om' mercial Travellers' excursion, day, 9th August, abi Shithbun publishes u" tele 'Satur ® ® ® { \ :0 ~; \ The Zero Refrigerator Lemmon, @V8C® mmr ROOOS $8000 ecesseaoe evs UTS IT IN TWO. A REFRIGERATOR that saves the ice bill is a novelty Quick- ly melting ice is caused by im- perfect ventilation: Has the best ventilation ever devised. It 'daesn't leak, is of handy size and is roomy. €all and see them. A HE Claxton & Lawsenson, KING STREET. OOICOODOQOIOOOOLL OC) 00! ° SEIIASIS ESS SEEM EON 000 ® © ® TH rar oeeee 9 ©COOO® 'A LEAKY ROOF. CAN BE MADE : PERFECTLY WATERTIGHT $ BY PAINTING IT WITH ® @® MANUFACTURED BY ® E FEDERAL PAINT & OIL 0. 8 DETROIT, MICH. Guaranteed for 5 Years 2 iO A ® ©e0ee ©¢ ©e . STRACHAN, "reves patees. S 'Corner Princess and Montreal Streets, Kingston, sole Agents. 00000 ©9000 ROO We = BA AB Boots, Shoes -------- -- KEEP COOL Carry a Large Assortment of the Following Goods at Reasonable Prices. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Window Screens, Screen Doors. Coal Oil Stoves, 65c. to 0 39. Garden Hose, etc, 27 PRINCESS STREET. na LIOTT BROS, EV sb silly, ERY DAY AT ERNETHY'S. Trunks pn Valises. Fringed Regular Fancy ' Bagks, $6. JFancy j iT _EADING UNDE 2 JAMES REID, Her ARNG UN RRIAKIR Mid -summer ALE Velour. Couch, Heavily Everything Boduoed. all around, only $5.50. See our window display price $7.50. Tapestry, With Carved week. Parlor setts specialty: next only $4,50. Regular price will be our GAIN DAY § FEDERAL ROOFING PAINTS